Once Upon A Time....
This is the sort of story that could well start out Once Upon a Time....The best stories do you know. Well, Once upon a time three travelers were traveling and they came upon a House deep in the woods, they were hungry and thirsty, and so they begged food and a nights lodging...

The Very Kind People in the House gave them food and a nights shelter, and warned them to Beware of Certain Doors and then left them to their own devices. In the course of exploring the House, one traveler came across many wondrous objects, and told the world that He could obtain anything, for there seemed to be no guards anywhere. (never, ever, covet the riches in a fairy tale)
The other two found a Certain Door, and ignoring the advice from the Nice People of the House (as they do in fairy tales) went Thru the door.
This is the beginning of our story. And perhaps the end.

For you see, none of the travelers were ever Quite the same again. It was no longer possible to see them without a Charm, merely trying would relegate one to the limbo which is No Back Stage Access, without the Charm.

Only one Nice Women ever managed it. She, however, used her powers only for good.

As a band, the travelers were never quite the same either. They played their Spooky Songs, but somehow, they were never quite Spooky enough anymore, and they had to go to great lengths to achieve even greater levels of spookiness...

But it was never enough.
The Nice People felt sorry for the Travelers. And said to them gently...
Come now. Let's go and visit the Bees.
Love and Happily Ever After,
The Very Kind People in the House gave them food and a nights shelter, and warned them to Beware of Certain Doors and then left them to their own devices. In the course of exploring the House, one traveler came across many wondrous objects, and told the world that He could obtain anything, for there seemed to be no guards anywhere. (never, ever, covet the riches in a fairy tale)
The other two found a Certain Door, and ignoring the advice from the Nice People of the House (as they do in fairy tales) went Thru the door.
This is the beginning of our story. And perhaps the end.
For you see, none of the travelers were ever Quite the same again. It was no longer possible to see them without a Charm, merely trying would relegate one to the limbo which is No Back Stage Access, without the Charm.
Only one Nice Women ever managed it. She, however, used her powers only for good.
As a band, the travelers were never quite the same either. They played their Spooky Songs, but somehow, they were never quite Spooky enough anymore, and they had to go to great lengths to achieve even greater levels of spookiness...
But it was never enough.
The Nice People felt sorry for the Travelers. And said to them gently...
Come now. Let's go and visit the Bees.
Love and Happily Ever After,
What fun!! I wish I were close enough to attend!
Great Pics, and I love the story, too.
I think they should have a new tag-line for any show where Boss plays the tambourine " Now with addedd Spookiness" ....
on top of which the post was a great read! Looks like fun (and spookieness) was had all around!
Best fairy tale ever! Again again!
Love the story!
You would think they'd never read any of the Boss's work if they thought they could just go through any door, or steal any riches.
Good thing you have the laminated charm ;-)
Such a perfect tale. And such a good reminder that one must follow the rules when in such a tale.
Looks like a wonderful day and night!
Love the laminate.
Jess, (Shakes head) All Access is higher than VIP, VIP means the band wants you there and you are a Guest and not some sort of meet an greet rabble or whatever, but All Access means you are a PART of the Thing
Yay! Love the Other Paul and Other Storm photo!
Also, this reminds me, I must email Jonathan so I can be sure to get in to the Austin show. (I had to go to a different show than Chantrelle in SF because I, silly me, attempted to buy tickets. Apparently this is not what friends, however minor, do?)
Fiends, I am going to a bridal shower today, a thing that I have thusfar managed to avoid in life. Um, what do I wear?
What a wonderful fairy story! I love the pictures too, and that you only use your powers for good. (We all know that, of course.) But, am I the only person who doesn't find your nice Boss to be spooky? He just seems too nice, most of the time, to be truly really spooky. Or maybe I'm just not paying attention...
Grace, only spooky when in conjunction with P&S&JoCo (or on the buttons trailer, right at the end...
Spooky is in the eye of the beholder.
Adri, no Fodding idea what you wear, never been to one. You could wear your new corset, if I had sent it to you.
I am off for a ride now, my half chaps came! Between them and my hair in braids I am feeling pretty hot and dressed perfectly for the occasion. May wear exactly this to the gig tonight.
Or not.
Love your cautionary fairy tale! It looks like fun was had by all.
Are you going to take pictures of the half chaps today? (I must admit that living in the SF area, my initial mental picture has NOTHING to do with calves.) :-)
If you wrote a book, I would read it. Just sayin'...
lol. my thoughts exactly ticia ...where is the mind cleaner, mine is a bit dirty.
fo those not twttering the pics of doghimself are adorable
Nice story n pix L.
Hope it is a blast.
Grace, I agree that Himself never seems spooky. Doesn't mean he can't 'do' spooky - he just isn't spooky. I think it's because I know what his library looks like, and no one with that many books will ever be spooky to me. Just adored, and and little bit envied.
{{Shameless Self Promotion, aka, Bragging.}}
As you know, I had my annual physical Thursday. I was worried about what my A1C would show. A1C is a number diabetics worry about - it has to do with how much sugar is clinging to my blood cells over time, 3 to 4 months to be specific. My daily numbers had been running higher than I wanted, and I was afraid I was trending towards insulin, which I don't have to do now. One group says your A1C should be below 7%. Another group says it should be below 6.5%. In October, mine was 6%, which is good.
As I said, I'd been worried that I was starting to move up. I got my lab results today. My A1C was .....
wait for it....
My A1C was 5.9%.
WHOOPWHOOPWHOOP!!!!! I am healthier than I thought. It's true, fiends, some movement is better than none, and wiser food choices do help. Believe you me, that doesn't mean that I am depriving myself of any food I like; I just don't do it all the time, every day.
I can't tell you how relieved I am. I'd go for a walk outside, but it's only 27, and there's still snow and I'm done with my errands for the day.
Happy Dance!!!
Ticia - my sister has lived in the SF area since 1974 - I know right where your mind went with the chaps!
Ticia, my brain when there with the chaps, too. I think it's the company I keep in other places ;-)
And as Husbeast always says, a dirty mind is its own reward (and for those of you on Twitter, that was his Twitter name I linked to on that tweet)
Siri, yay on your A1C number!! Rock on!!
Moste excellent tale, well tolde, hear, hear!
Siri, that's wonderful! Now, if I can just get DH in for his second A1C; the first was borderline three years ago now. You would think he would be more careful since both of his parents are Type 2 diabetics, but noooo, he doesn't want it on his medical record. :P
Gee, can you tell it's a sore spot for me?
Love the story, Ms. Fabulous!
The house I mostly grew up in had more windows on the outside than on the inside. We could also tell where a door originally was from my bedroom into the living room that was walled over, probably when the central a/c was installed. The house was built in the early 1920s with a coal furnace, but no a/c. It still stands with different owners in Waco.
Siri-- great news about your checkup!
My great news: I have a present, an outfit picked out, and know exactly where the party is, all a whole day in advance!
Hi, Lyndyn! I'm sure you can find a lovely, buckled jacket to wear. ;)
::sniff, sniff::
Oh, Yeah! Spicy!
BTW, there are lots of us on LJ, too.
Siri, loud and prolonged cheers! Yay for good health news.
Meanwhile, this is just down the road from me - I was going to go today (it was on local news yesterday) but have discovered that it is only unlocked between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mon-Fri, so am unable to go and rescue any of those poor books..
YAY Siri! Wonderful news.
Q, I have motorcycle chaps, full set, overlap on the buttons down the side, warmest things in the world. Except for the seat, which isn't one. :-) So between Ticia and others thinking mildly naughty things and me pining for my old Vulcan 500, none of us know what your half-chaps look like. So you MUST post pictures to help us, your bad, naughty, clueless fiends. (big grin)
Hurray for Siri!
Hurray for sunny day!
Hurray for riding and chaps and dirty minds!
A marvelous tale!
It's funny, before I met Boss I thought he would be really creepy. And I walked away feeling like I had been pretty much dead wrong about that.
Go ahead and let your imaginations runs wild, half chaps are leather and they zip.
And I feel sexy as hell wearing them.
New horse! Her name, sadly, is Anna Montana, but she is lovely, I really like her. You will have to wait until tomorrow for pics, as I am not leaving my delightful fairy tale just yet, and besides, Fods, I so need a nap if I am going to do a show tonight...And rock at it, at any rate.
And hey, I can Twitter from the show! How cool is that?
Rupert the Bear!! I LOVE Rupert the Bear....I wonder where those books are. Probably in a box in the basement.*
*If any of my family were reading this, they'd laugh out loud at that. It's an old family joke. We are such a witty group.
For any who think I've lost my mind, my Rupert comment is responding to Marjorie's link to the book warehouse. I'm almost ready to book a flight to England just to be a part of it.
Off to Goodreads to record the books that came in the mail yesterday. I'm giddy.
Nap well Q. I'm tempted, since I got up at 6 bloody 50 in the AM today. Saturday, and I'm up before 7, for no good reason. Sheesh.
Yay! For Siri!
Yay! For sunny days.
Yay! For walks in woods with white dogs! (In this case it was my white dog, but it appears that many white dogs were in woods today!)
Yay! For dirty minds.
Yay! For Bengals aptly named Magic!
Yay! For horseback riding.
Yay! For gigs!
Yay! For FIENDS!!!!!!
ariandalen, i am loving the concept of a house with more windows on the outside than inside.
I second the Yay For Fiends.
Video of Neil playing the Tambourine
Last night was amazing. I am furtively commenting from work so I'll have more details later but for now enjoy the video.
Quiche, just read Boss's new blog and the big pic of your laminate - I hadn't realised beofre that it has his name on teeny letters under theirs, or that his pic. was 'sellotaped' on. Who drew thepictures, or are they lifted for somewhere else? Love it.
sounds like a fun time, nice pics, and no one deserves A Laminated All Access Pass like you do - have a fun filled evening!
I second all of Ticia's YAYs!!! It's possible I've been in the pub. Had a total drunken geek-out moment at the mention of Banlieue 13/District 13 - anyone? Anyone? There's gonna be a sequel! Normally the idea of a sequel makes me Suspicious - capital S - but but but... DAVID BELLE!!!! ::girlie sigh:: k. bed now. nighty night all.
Wow, that was some sleep. Instantly and totally until the alarm went off. Needed that. Feel great now and ready to rock.
Marjorie, ask Paul from Paul and Storm, or I will for you, it's a friend of his who does really cool art, he was the one who did the laminate.
I'll find out.
Can't think of anything else to sat. Maybe after a bit more tea?
Wish we could be there tonight, Q. Look - only 17 days until St.Pats!
I did something really smart just now, I figured there might be a new post and came straight here before email or twitter.
Go ME.
Great story Quiche, I love it. Really love it.
ticky box
Go you indeed Sally!
Oh Fods, right St Pats. I fear it. The schedule seems to be changing a bit, you will hear it here first when it is written in stone. Or Jello. Hard to say.
It will go live, hopefully early enough for the UK and Europe to see some show at a decent. Wait, no hopefully about it, it will.
Right, I am off to the gig, chatter me nice things to come home to my dears, and I will send some tweets your way to.
Have a happy happy gig.
Aw, don't be afraid of St. Pat's day, Husbeast and I will be there cheering you on!!
Have a great show tonight!
I have been various kinds of useful today. Most fun: turning a small box of papers into a large bag of shreds.
None of the things actually on my to-do list were accomplished, though... this may be a problem later.
Now, I have 4 and a half pounds of yarn to wind. I'm thinking an episode or two of Buffy and some Fiend chatter will see me through. Right? Fiends?
Waiting for dinner to finish cooking, so I'll be here for a while - then, later, I'll be watching the local PBS station's Festival evening. Some BritCom and then Dr Who The Runaway Bride. I've never seen it, and am giddy with anticipation. VCR all ready to go.
No, I don't have Tivo either.
I'm not twittering. I'm not.
What a brilliant new fairytale. What a fun time. What a great laminate. I love days like that.
Siri, if you can't brag to us who can you brag to? I'm so glad to hear how your health is improving. A lot of people just accept some things as inevitable and don't even try to change them. So Yay for you.
Sorry to hear about your DH Ariandalen. I think not getting things checked is a bloke thing as well.
I'm sad my visuals were spoiled. I was looking forward to seeing chaps attached to your legs, Q ;)
Phiala, I hope that box of papers didn't contain anything with writing on them?
Oh Fods, how did it get to be past midnight? What happened to the day?
Q, I will mail Paul and ask...
Time files when you're having fiends?
I'm guessing this is night, Marjorie. Hope tomorrow is less stabby.
Jacqui, no fear, it was all things like 2001 bank statements and other unnecessary crap. No actual writing.
Phiala, having read your Unicorn story I breathe a big sigh of relief :)
Hope gig is worthy of you Quiche.
Jacqui- *smile* That's the first fiction (other than flash fiction) that I've let anyone read in years. It thrills me that anyone actually liked it!
And Fiends are the best - I gave the story to Nick at the same time, and he still hasn't read it.
Home from Con, haven't read anything yet. Must make dinnner for boy and I.
Fairly typical of boys Phiala :)
I hate coming home from somewhere and having to cook :(
ticky box.
Miss Kitty and I :)
At the show presently, tis lovely. Wish you all were here.
Great photo Chantrelle.
I gather Quiche & co are rockin' the house down?
Wishing I were there as well. And since I was pining for my old Vulcan 500, I shall pine for being there on the 17th as well. (seriously, it's in my spring break, and it's less than $200 to fly from my town to Q's big city, I could pretend to be a roadie and maybe carry something, and . . . and . . . mommy, give me the moon!!)
So much Buffy today... my guy spontaneously decided we should all watch some today, as well.
Figure you're in the midst of music, Q and Paul - hope it's a fun evening, full of magic seen and unseen.
Ah, Jacqui said it better. Hope the gig be worthy of you.
Phiala, if you'd like, I'd be tickled to read your unicorn story, too, now I have a little more time.
Thanks Na :)
Hope you haven't been Buffied too much :)
Foolish travelers! You must always heed the warnings of the Nice People where they concern Doors.
Oh, Vampi, it gets even better. One day after Mom died and before Dad sold the house, Dad discovered that potential thieves had tried to get in one of the windows that didn't go to the inside anymore. We had a good laugh over that one. :)
Hope the gig is going well, Ms. Fabulous!
And don't worry, Siri, you're not alone. I'm still not on Twitter, either. :)
Oh, no, Jacqui. Hard for there ever to be too much Buffy. Or Angel. Says I. *shhiiiiinggggg*
Going to put monsters to bed. Hope all are enjoying the weekend, and making mischief as the opportunity arises.
May be heading to bed myself soon. As a restless, prowling insomniac, it usually takes a bit to make it to the bed. But tonight, I am tired, so I should at least lie down and see what happens. Maybe I will fall asleep! Anything's possible.
I am hoping for good dreams, though. I am sometimes a problem-solver in my dreams, which can be interesting. Sometimes, I dream books and poems, literally -- once, I dreamed all of Wordsworth's "Michael", which was amazing. Anyhoo. I have had three of the saddest dreams of my life in the last couple of weeks: one of them was merely the dream logic retelling of something very sad that really happened a while back, one of them about my old house which I do really miss, and one that a dear, still beloved, dead friend wasn't really dead and had come back and I was really happy. So actually that was a happy dream, but I was sad about it in the day...
I know! I will dream that I am at Fablo's gig, rocking the free world winter wonderland with her and Paul and fiends good and plenty! That's the ticket...
Jess, have your friend wear jeans, blue, and a yoked Western shirt. Do you have a TSC (Tractor Supply Company) store near you? You could find a shirt there. Pointed toed boots would be appropriate, if she has a pair, but I wouldn't worry about a hat. You could even buy a chambray work shirt then add a yoke using fabric glue and rope trim, or soutache (sp?). Don't sweat it.
I think I'm to bed, and at least one chapter in "The Outlaw Demon Wails."
Dreet sweams, Fiends!
Maybe that should be "great screams" Ariandalen :)
Time for bed. Hope the show was kick ass.
Were there laminates? ;-)
'night Chantrelle :)
OK it's a trick anagram...
Best laminate pass ever. Perhaps some day I shall also manage it, and on that day, I will also only use my powers for good.
Aspirashunz, I haz dem.
Well, Jess, I don't know if you were here then but this blog started when I was down in Texas for a week playing C&W music dressed as a cowgirl. (Hey, I named my own price and they took it)
I did have a pink hat, and all sorts of other clothes, not pretty, but profitable.
Not sure my gig was the sort of thing dreams are made on, Dr Wicked was there which is always lovely, but I think it was all a bit much today and I needed to feed on a crowd for it to work and I starved...
Not bad, but not a lot of magic. Some fun, a lot of work, it goes.
Weirdly, the heat went off during 2nd set break, not good here now. I played 3rd set (which was , uh, 4 songs) in my coat, shivering. Oddly enough, most rock of the night.
Hey Bridget, long time!
It was an inspiration, the laminate. I told them at lunch before the gig I wasn't going if I didn't have one, no more sticky passes!
They indulged me nicely. I adore those guys.
Silly travelers, don't they know the faerie tale rules? The Nice people are wise in the ways of the house, and give good advice.
Not only is your charm magnificent, but it appears to match your hair.:)
So..how were the bees?
I hope there was Rock, and it was good:)
Ariandalen I love the idea of that house. (And Outlaw Demon Wails is good too.:)
I'm too tired to make any sense. I just wanted to say goodnight precious fiends.
I have been absent from the interwebs most of the day - really stuffed my body yesterday cutting branches off a tree - all overhead work. Pain has been enough to make me turn the computer off and that is saying something.
It did however give me the chance to watch lots of Buffy.
Please point me to anything important I might have missed on Twitter....don't think I have the energy or arms to go through 24 hours of tweets.
Happy Firbday Dan Guy!
omg YES....Happy Firbay Dan.
Its been your birthday all day here and I forgot. I'll blame the painkillers.
Happy Firbday, Dan!
Sally, hope you're feeling better today, and that Buffy was soothing.
Chantrelle & Kitty - love the pic - esp. button necklace..
happy happy firday Dan! Siri, great news, congrats! Chantrelle, great pic of you and kitty! have a great sunday all!
Hi, Ariandalen:
How funny - I discovered a couple of weeks ago that one of the main characters in my book is named Rowan...
I guess I've de-lurked!
Lorraine: I LOVE that you are riding! I haven't been on a horse in, no lie, 20(!)* years but I'm going to take lessons this summer.
*god i'm old...and yet still so immature...ah, well...
Lyndyn, we have to grow older, but nobody said anything about growing up!!
And happy firbday, Dan!
At this point, I'm just trying not to grow out! =o)
BTW: It took me a long while to realize that laminate wasn't referring to flooring! I am zee dork.
Surfacing to say I'm not dead yet...in fact, after three days of two-three hour naps interspersed with 20 minutes of coughing, I actually slept all night and woke fever free.
Discovered I have no stamina whatsoever...a shower completely exhausted me, but DD and DH who are three days ahead on the recovery curve assure me this, too, shall pass.
Love the fairy tale, and happy snow dog and all you fiends.
And, of course, I got this at just the point where the costuming crunch came home to roost. Wonderful wonderful other people flew in to help. What a relief to know I am not indispensable!
Happy Firbday Dan'
Buffy was in the air yesterday.
Sally, I was wondering where you were! You were in tremendous pain to not even turn the computer on. Poor baby! Hope you're recovered enough today to join the electronic world.
Dabbler- I DO NOT WANT whatever hellish germ cocktail you and your family are passing around! ::shudder:: I hope your recovery is quick and complete. And that your energy comes back too.
Lorraine, I'm sorry the patrons weren't feeding you last night. I bet you still rocked the house, it's just more fun if it's give and take. And I'm sorry the heat failed.
Chantrelle-- GREAT pic of you and Kitty! How fun!
Na-- what season of Buffy are you watching? I just finished disc 4 of season 3 and it is delightful!
So, today is, for real this time, the wedding shower. Luckily I have the gift and my outfit all picked out in advance. ^^;
Happy Birthday Danguy!!!!!!!! And Many Happy Returns of the Day!!!!!!!!!
And Welcome Lyndyn! Glad you de-lurked, and I, uh, hope you will be very happy here. Don't mind Adriandalan. Much anyway.
Adri, good luck at this bridal shower. I am curious tho, what did you decide to wear?
Hurrah for Buffy! I need to do a Buffy Post soon and lure Mr Millar out.Which gives me a really neat idea.
And on my first cup of tea after a gig night.
Hurrahs for Ticia for brought fudge to the CBLDF at Wondercon!!!!!!
Apparently, buzz says, she is a hero!!!!!!
omg fudge. i am so craving now :)
sounds like fun was had. i'm jealous.
happy birthday dan!!!!!!
Ooh! Happy birthday Dan!
I called my mom and asked what to wear. She suggested 'Sunday clothes' so I am going with a dark green tweed skirt, a purple stretchy blouse, pearls (for that pretty, innocent look), and black heeled mary janes. I'll get a picture!
Hi Lyndyn. We likes de-lurkers, we doesssss
It seems to be pretty standard tea, Jess. Which is pretty special some mornings.
Of course, Adri just made me snort it.
What?! I am wearing tweed and pearls and Mary Janes... surely that's unassuming enough? ;)
Assume nothing corset girl.....
Alright, here is The Outfit.
See? Sweet and unassuming and innocent, right? Proper girl-like? >:D
Adri -You made me snort too. Would those be the SF Mary Janes or one of your new Birthday pairs?
And the fudge went to WonderCon without me. I sent it with a co-worker. I didn't mention it here because we were talking about diets and food choices at the time.
I will bring sourdough bread and home-made fudge to the bake sale, no worries.
I'm glad the volunteers liked it. Anything to boost morale over a long busy weekend!
Adri - you look stunning but i dont think you could ever be unassuming or innocent ;-) Gorgeous, YES! Demure, not so much!
Yay, Bees!
Show was wonderful and I met the darkly mysterious Dr Wicked. (Next time, go to Grand Ave in St Paul. Most things open till at least 10pm, bars go until 2. Just a public service announcement).
MST3K men were there, too (one was sitting next to me and surprised himself by wanting to eat brains early).
OH my yes, that outfit works!
I am going with HOT , Adri. Like totally hot. Wow. And you have Bengals too. You may be the perfect women.
Usige, it was really fun too see you there, I might have mentioned to everyone that we got to chat, DUH!!!! I noticed you were sitting by them, WAY better than the balcony. I wish I could have hung out a bit after, and we are SO going for coffee in ST Paul.
You must share your secrets with us. Poor Dr Wicked and I , driving endlessly around St Paul, looking for an open coffee shop. He did buy me some during the break, which was good.
(And when I say good I mean GOOD! I don't drink coffee, so it acts a lot like cocaine on me..)
Just downloaded pics form yesterday, tonights post is going to be some fun!
Thanks, y'all! <3 And now I'm off to face the white satin paper-wrapped music. I hear there are games involving the tulle bows that are no doubt on every gift.
I am so glad I didn't do this when I got married. :)
Adri- I'm seeing more "saucy little trendsetter" than "demure miss". You are rocking it! Perfect outfit for a shower.
Adri, you look great, and I covet your skirt. Although I'm not too sure about games involving satin bows. we don't really do bridal showers the same over here - there are hen parties,
but they are mostly about drinking, and thankfully none of my friends have gone down that route - they have tended to go for much more civilised meal-out-with-the-girls nights.
As a matter of interest, is is usual to give a substantive gift at the shower as well as a wedding gift?
Thanks, Ticia, I wouldn't give this one to my worst enemy... I may feel human again by tomorrow. I hope
And Happy Firbday wishes to
Dan, and belatedly to Siri, plus a WooT for the great numbers!!
Great bridal shower outfit, Adri. You must like the bride, right? Or you wouldn't be going, so find some kind of way to enjoy. I have to decide f I will drive three hours for the shower of the daughter of a dear friend. Leaning toward no, unless I can find something else to do in Bunker Hill West Virginia.
Not till April, though...
It was wonderful fun finding you at the Concert the other night. Rock on! -Russ Rogers
Happy Firbday, Dan!
(Am I late, now?)
Adri, looking lovely. Hope you weren't asked to play any of the truly stupid shower games.
We were rewatching some of Buffy Season/Saison 7, it's the only one we have on DVD. 3 is brilliant, though, like the show really hit its stride there, I feel. Enjoy!
I am a slug today. Blamed my guy for the plague at first, but he's now come down with it. Monsters are sniffly, too. Oops.
Going to crawl back under a blanket - but the computer was on when I passed the office, so thought I'd pop in to say Bon jour.
None of my friends have ever done The Wedding thing, where you have to have such and such all the way down the line. They have done more fun things.
I see WEDDINGS at the Inn where my Pub is a lot, and I am all for dropping some money on a party, don't get me wrong, it just seems a bit extreme.
And funny, the groomsman always either pass out or get into a fight, the bridesmaids invariably look pretty silly, as the bride invariably picks a dress that suits none of them, the Brides mothers party all get REALLY drunk the night before (Which is often most excellent entertainment in the pub) and the guests ditch the horrible band/dj as soon as possible and come down our pub, where they pay absolutely no attention to us.
Seems if one had $30,000 to spend on a party with 200 of your closest friends, that it could be done better.
I'd take my ten closest to Bora Bora or something.
Ooops. posted this on the wrong post by mistake. Not sure quite how I managed that...
Quiche, I agree, if you're spending that money it seems an odd way to do it - I also think (from observation) that the people who who spend lots of money and plan everything 18 months - 2 years in advance are almost bound to be disappointed, as there is almost inevitably going to be something that doesn't go quite as planned. Many of the best (most enjoyable) weddings I have been to have been done on a budget,without too much micromanaging. never been a bride myself but I'm told the day has a tendency to pass in a blur anyway
Oh, check out the Oysterband's Blood Wedding for a fun wedding story..
I am off for a ride with Anna Montana, dressed in my leather half chaps and feeling pretty cute. Me and my noodle legs will be back in a couple hours, and I will do a proper horsie post. (Sorry UK! But you get something nice to wake to anyway!)
Marjorie, quite right, bound to be dissapointed. And they generally are, mostly they end up screaming and crying that their wedding has been ruined.
Right, leaving now!
Enjoy your ride. And I will look forward to reading about it and seeing the pictures and reading the post tomorrow.
Who named that poor horse?
well at least the horse isn't named onas brothers.
enjoy your ride. i enjoy the fairy tale aspect of nice weddings, but i don't have money for that. selfishly i'd rather take that money and go on a trip to europe with my significant other or even some small bit of family and friends.
Ah, late to the party again. I think I fell asleep at the keyboard last night and am not quite sure how I stumbled over to the bed. Maybe the house fairies carried me. :P
My first thought on chaps wandered over to the Village People area, so there's where my brain is.
Love the laminate!
Adri - definitely rockin' it. I think you've just created the "Saucy Sunday Best" look. Bridal showers are usually only trumped by baby showers for scary factor. Fortunately a good friend who was having one had a punk rock baby shower, which was *much* better.
OK... 3rd time trying to post... What IS up with blogger?
Sorry the gig last night wasn't fun, Ms. Fabulous. :(
Happy Firbday, Dan!
*waves crazily to everyone*
will be mostly reading not typing today again
Oh, on radio just heard...if it never rains again we have enough water for a year and a half in Melbourne.
Hi Sally, just off to bed, but hope things start to improve for you soon. {{Sally}}
I survived! It wasn't so bad; I hid behind my camera a lot, and it helped that there were only 8 or so people there. I do like the bride, though I'm more of a friend of the groom.
Majorie-- we have 'bachelorette' parties here which are like your hen parties. Bridal showers are more about gift giving / and a nice afternoon event for the mothers of the bride and groom.
re: weddings. I feel the same way. Peter and I were married legally with just our family as witnesses (so we could buy a house) and then had a very nice social event with the dress and all a few months later. I handed some money to my mother in law (who does weddings) and told her I wanted a really nice cocktail party for about 100 people. It was lovely and very low stress.
as a part-time minister, the wedding thing can be nuts. And, without exceptions, the most fun, most touching weddings involve fewer than 20 people.
Friends of my parents offered their kids either $40k for their wedding or as a house downpayment...the morons chose it for the wedding!!!
We had immediate family and closest friends (18 guests total) for our ceremony. Then a HUGE party for 100+ people at our house with homebrew and BBQ. Wayy more fun than formal stressful receptions.
Chantrelle-- wow. They chose the wedding? Just... wow. My parents offered us basically the same deal (not as much money, hello california prices). They wrote a check and said we could do whatever we wanted with it. We had the party and bought a house (yay Texas prices).
The ride was great, I'll do a post soon.
Magic, tho, has gone on an Adventure. I was playing with Venus and Mim and him in the doorway to his room, which was fine, but when I came back with his food, he bolted! OF COURSE straight to the basement, which is full of crawl spaces I cannot go to.
Hi Russ! It was great seeing you again too! It has been way too long, hope to see you in Stillwater sometime, either your show or mine...
Oh Quiche - Magic on Walkabout - I hope he comes back for food or toys soon.
Very frustrating, I'm sure.
Ohhhh... a Magic adventure. Hope he comes out soon!
I fell asleep this afternoon. While it may have had something to do with the shots of tequila we had at brunch. (It is tradition for three of my best friends and I to do this for each other's birthdays) But the tequila and the breakfast were great and so was the nap. Kind of a perfect Sunday I think.
Sally I hope your pain is better soon! Hate that.
Happy Firbday Dan!
Darn cats. He's Hiding right now.
Downloading photos for a new post, as I cannot do anything about Magic.
Thanks Aleta, pains a bit better today - got to make sure I don't forget and do things to aggravate it again.
Hope Magic comes out soon Quiche. I hate it when Tysie decides she is going to hide. Amazing how they can get in the smallest places and stay there sniggering at you.
Well...c'mon...any self respecting cat named Magic has to disappear once in a while! I'm sure its in the fine print on his contract if you check...
Good luck with Magic in the basement. You know there is another dimension where cats go to hide. We non-cats can't even see it.
(Late I know but) Siri congrats on your healthy numbers.
wedding vs house or travel? Are people crazy? We "planned" our wedding in 2 weeks and had a great time and it was cheap!
I have been to some great weddings, and also some not so great ones. Some of each even resulted in great marriages!
Lyndyn, you do have a point. I named him right.
Yes, Jane, that would explain it as well. Sigh. I only hope he comes out and tells me all about it.
Oh, new post is up...
Quiche - unless i'm not operating this blog correctly, there's no new post.....
Oh no! I hope Magic comes out soon!
Wonderful story and a wonderful night. I got to talk to Neil briefly outside after the show and congratulate him on the Newberry.
Here is a video of his complete scary doll performance (you can see me in the last photo taking it)
Thanks Mark!!!! It was a fine evening wasn't it?
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