Peanut Lime Dragon Dressing...

In keeping with this new Blog More format (heh, good job I'm doing, eh?) I thought I would get a new post up today. The only thing that is coming to mind is the recipe I spoke of on FB for the Peanut-Lime Dragon Dressing that many people seem to REALLY want. It is pretty tasty, if I do say so myself.
I thought about waiting, because who builds an entire blog post on a salad dressing with no photos except one wild looking lady, but then I recalled it's BOUT WEEK and we, (Chippewa Valley Roller Girls) Bout on Saturday, which means I don't really have any time, and anyway, I'll be too tired Sunday.
Speaking of Bouts, did I ever share this picture with you? I don't think it ever got posted anywhere. Here, for you, a bonus as it were, for reading a blog about Salad Dressing. Things like this happen all the time at Bouts, which is WHY you ought to go to one, if not mine, someone else's. (But if you live near me, hey, come see me Saturday. Bring salad.)

Where were we? Right. Peanut Lime Dragon Dressing. Sort of more or less based on a recipe from THIS cookbook, one of my favorite vegan cookbooks. I never exactly follow recipes so you'll have to either buy the book if you want it exactly, or get creative on your own.
Take a handful pf peanuts and pop 'em in a blender (or food processor, if you are so inclined) and then some shallots. I didn't have any shallots and am a little vague on what they are anyway, so I used spring onions.
Add some lime juice. I did about a lime and a half, which might have been a little over-lime-ing. And some water. Good question. The recipe says "1/2 cup" but since I haven't told you any other measurements, does it really matter?
Next comes "Agave nectar". Right. Like who has THAT in the pantry?? It's not real good for you anyway. I used honey on the theory "nectar" is sweet. Add some.
Soy sauce. Need that one.
And Siracha. This is a hot red sauce. Very tasty, but be kind of careful, I think this is he "Dragon" part of the dressing. TOO much might not be a GOOD thing.
Blend the heck out of it. Then add some more peanuts and "Pulse" it a little. I believe this makes little "crunchies" in the dressing.
Taste it. If it doesn't taste wonderful, well, you've done SOMETHING wrong. Keep adding more of one thing or another until it is wonderful.
For the salad, if you're still curious (or hungry) I did romaine lettuce, cold rice noodles, pea pod things, water chestnuts, shredded carrot and bean sprouts.
Very nice indeed.
Love and Dragons,
Quiche MeDeadly
Hey! I'm first! And I think I'll try that with almonds, so it doesn't give DD a headache!
Too many !!
Salad. I want some.
*sigh* No salad here.
Guess I'll have to content myself with homemade oatmeal honey bread and homemade apple butter.
Such hardship.
I want an entire Quiche-authored cook-book.
No measuring!
No worries about finding you're missing half the ingredients.
Right now the onbly components of that dressing I have are the shallots, soy sauce and honey. I suspect that's probably not quite enough.
ooops. forgot the box o'ticks
I agree with Marjorie! We need a Quiche cookbook! I have a peanut dressing with is good but different from this. I'll have to give it a try. Looks good.
see i'm one of thsoe that needs a recipe, and that is good enough for a recipe, i can work with that. my salsa recipe is similar, a bif of this, some of that. it is never the same twice, which adds to the awesomeness.
Marjorie, i suspect you can use some red pepper flakes for the bit of hot instead of the siracha, or fresh hot pepper if you have it. maybe adjust for some salt.
citrus would still be a bit of a problem, although i suspect lemon or orange would do nicely.
Agave nectar is better for you than honey. You metabolize it more evenly over time than you do honey, or sucrose. Why, yes, I do have some in my pantry, though I haven't used it yet. I bought it to make my own version of Nutella.
That's my kind of recipe! Who needs measurements!
We're having a hell of a time in Grand Cayman. Snorkeling and great food today and the Cayman Cookout starts tomorrow. Already saw Tony Bourdain, Eric Ripert, Richard Blaise and Jose Andres around today. Famous-chef-overload!
Maybe I should start cooking.
Sounds very nice indeed. I might need to add this blog to my collection of food bloggers...
Oh and remind me to give you that shallot 101 tutorial next time I am around.
Also i have been looking for an excuse to get some siracha for ages. That might be it... (on the other hand I have Guyana Dragon sauce that needs using. Ah well)
Sounds yummy. I generally need a recipe, too.
Spent a couple of hours in the ER last night, around midnight, of course. Started a new antibiotic for lung crud yesterday (first one seemed to be a bad GI irritant) and had a very sudden hives itchy flushed face and chest reaction. Never had one, didn't know WTF it was, called nurse line on insurance and she said take antihistamine and call 911. Whoa! Steve drove me instead. They gave me more antihistamine and steroid and watched to SSS if it got worse. It didn't, so I went home. Bed at 2ish.
Perhaps I won't take that antibiotic again!
And tick
Yikes Jane...glad you are (sorta) okay (I assume the lung crud is laughing at this point.) It might be wise to ask your Doc what other antibiotics are in the same family as the one you reacted to and avoid those as well...
Healing thoughts.....
It's BOUT DAY tomorrow!!!!!
Today is one long multitasking between work and Bout Prod, and trust me, it's not going to stop.
Until gym, mind you. Refuse to check messages during a workout. Mostly. Ok, I try. Well, I go in with the best intentions....
Been doing double workouts, 2 hours, to build endurance, one of my biggest problems in Derby. I jammed in a scrimmage the other night for the first time, mucked the heck out of it, but LOVED it. Really want to do that, but really need the fast fast feet and endurance to DO it.
Jamming is so cool, it's like everyone is after YOU and you just need to bullet on thru there and go FAST.
Gods, I go on sometimes, but it makes me happy you're all here to listen...
I saw wish I could come and watch you girls!
Me too!
Jane- yikes! Feel better soon.
Oh Jane - hope you feel better soon. It's horrible when the stuff that's supposed to make you feel better makes you worse intead.
Love the recipe, Fablo. Especially the happy substitution of ingredients. A cook after my own heart. :)
Just home from Beirut (the band, not the place). Got to love a band with a tuba player!
It's Bout Day!!!!!!
Early practice, come home and get pretty (and answering the 500 texts that tend to come in) and back to the venue by 2:30.
It's a marathon, and I couldn't be happier. WIsh you all were here, Beetches ;)
Feeling better. Off all antibiotics at the moment. Cough creeping back but seems like lesser of 2 evils.
Aunt died - funeral Monday. Not unexpected and actually a relief. Still. Not a happy time.
*snugs for jane*
ooh bout day! do your derby girls have a ustream or something of these bouts? ( i know you don't own them, one does not own a derby girl, but, meh you know what i mean)
Mrs T i have managed to miss beruit every time they come to la for various reasons which make me unhappy. i'm sure that was an awesome concert.
Vampi it was an awesome concert, and you too will get to see them one day.
And I have the Dresden Dolls to look forward to next fortnight! Yay! (It's our summer so everyone's* touring.)
*Ahem. Everyone who can be arsed making the long-haul flight over here.
In case anyone's interested, I've begun committing random acts of bloggage on the situation here:
OSS i read your blog with tears in my eyes.
thank you for sharing. a lot of what you have put into words i struggled with last year with my grandfather.
oooo - sounds great! and i always fiddle with recipes anyway. aaand i have some local honey from a friend's hives.
i've missed coming by here in recent months. i just way, way overcommitted myself with work projects, a couple of volunteer things, etc., in recent months. finally have a schedule this week that does not make me want to throw up at the thought of it. *whew*
my heart goes out to everyone dealing with Things.
I held Tysie as she crossed the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon.
Hardest decision I've ever had to make but the right one for her I may not be online for a while. .The grief is growing as I type.
She has given me 18 years of unconditional love and support, and 12 years to Pete. We are devastated but she isn't in pain anymore.
Run free my angel. We love you so much.
My love to you and your family.
Sally, I remember when you first emailed me about her kidney disease a year ago. At least she got to be with you another year.
Letting your beloved pet go with grace and dignity is the last thing you can do for them and it is the hardest.
They count on us not to let them down and you didn't.
I'm so sorry...
and pass along hugs to Pete, Mulder, and Shiraz.
That is truly the greatest thing we can do for our pets, and the hardest. Kudos for having the strength and courage to do that for her, Sally, I've done it and it IS the hardest....But it's what we owe them for all the years of love, that ending of suffering...
Sending Love and Hugs, Quiche
Awww. Sally...
What Lorraine said. So sorry to hear this, Sally. Much love and many hugs for you and Pete.
-15 windchill? -5 degrees???? (For those of you in Europe, that is REALLY FREAKING COLD!)
Really don't want to go out to work. Want my BED...
that is temperature i just can't comprehend anymore.
i'm cold just reading it
Sally - Big hugs :( It's the hardest but in the end, the right decision.
I miss you guys!
Oh Sally. Big hugs to you and your whanau. It's never easy, but it is for the best.
New Bengal Blog is UP!!!
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