Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nexus of Coolness...

Haven't blogged in a bit, been busy with many Sekrit Projects but now that they are no longer secret, I have a whole lot of Derby to talk about tonight! The Chippewa Valley Roller Girls final Bout of the season, we're up against The Mid State Sisters of Skate, is happening on April 28th and we are pulling out all the stops on this one.

(one thing I will tell you, insider tip here, this Bout IS going to sell out, tickets are going fast. Get your tickets NOW in advance HERE)

The official title of the Bout is "The Legacy Bout" but it might as well be called "Nexus of Cool" there's so much happening. Let me back up a bit. At our first Bout of the season we brought in photographer Kyle Cassidy, who promptly fell in love with Derby and has since been traveling around the country, doing portraits of Roller Girls everywhere, for a book project. He's coming back to shoot CVRG, (and the MN Roller Girls!) because, after all, this was where it started.

A few months after that first Bout, Kyle and I, due to the wonder that is Derby and the internet, met Moxie McMurder, editor of UK's Lead Jammer Magazine and I'm not sure who first had the idea, but we had the thought that wouldn't it be cool to bring Moxie on over to the USA and have her do a story on some US Derby, with photos by Kyle. Many emails later the Plan went from Cool Idea to, Let's DO This Thang.

We launched a Kickstarter Project to pay for plane tickets and the response was overwhelming. THANK YOU! It was fully funded in less than 24 hours.

Here's Moxie:

She'll be at the Bout on the 28th, along with Kyle. The more this started rolling, the more cool kids started thinking, REALLY don't want to miss this one. Joan of Dark from Naptown Roller Girls will be there. Naptown announcer Dill Hero with be joining CVRG announcers Matt Black and Mr Wannadie in the booth. 18ft Allie Gator from Madison, along with some of her teammates are coming up, to name only a few.

And yes. We do have the coolest T-shirt cannon ever. And we sure will be shooting the heck out of things at halftime.

My question to you is this: Will you be there too? If you're reading this, you ARE one of the cool kids, and this is going to be THE best party of the year. I think it's time we all got together again.

Stompy, hello? Bring your posse, let's have some MN Roller Girls there. Jeremy, come on, announcers all over the place. MVM, you guys make the BEST signs. Betsy, you've been SAYING y'all want to come up, last chance of the season. Minneapolis, it's not that far, and I MISS YOU. Madison, you'll be here any way.

how many times have I road tripped to see you skate, and in fact, it IS all your fault I am in this Derby now. Way to inspire a girl!

Local friends, there is NOT anything cooler going on this night, I promise you.

Live far away? Look, it's summer, you need a holiday. Take one. Here.

Team USA
, you out there? Sure, the White House is cool, but THIS will be a Bout! Come on over, we'll scrimmage with you, about time you went up against a team that can give you a run for your money ;) (Hey no shame here, I can get Suzy Hotrod and Donna Matrix up, I'll take those hits)

CVRG have come so far in only two seasons. I'm so proud to be a part of this league. And I love it more than anything ever in my life. I want you to meet them. I want you to be a part of this, because, more than anything, Derby is all about bringing people together, all over the world.

Join us for the last Bout of the season, and I'll tell you about what is happening for next year.

You're going to love this.

Love and Derby,
Quiche MeDeadly


  1. birthday is April 29th...if I was going to splurge on a trip for me, this would be well timed...

  2. Oh, QMD you are the Mistress of Making ALL the things happen. Slugs and kisses and can hardly wait!

  3. Really really this is going to be some awesome wonderful!

  4. I would love to be there, but there will still be a month of school for DD1 and DD2 at that point, and there are problems there, especially for DD1. When I can talk about it online, I will, but right now I can't.

    Anyway, HAVE FUN! :)

  5. oh, i wish i could be there!

    i can't wait to see the pictures! it's going to be epic

  6. Will be there as planned, with camera.

  7. tick! tick! Yay! I can tick!

  8. Bounce Bounce - TICKY BOX.

    Will there be a place I can watch courtesy of the wonders of the interwebz Quiche?

    That poster/leaflet is WAY cool.

  9. I do need a holiday, but I cannot make it in time for this bout..

    When does the next season start?

    Still, at least I kickstarted so I get shiny things!

  10. Wow. I'd totally missed the fact that there was anew blog.
    We have the tick button once more! YEAH!

    Unfortunately can't make it for this bout. Looking forward to some kick-ass roller pictures by Kyle!

  11. I can't wait for this! Derby, photography AND T-shirt cannons - oh my!
    This trip is going to be EPIC ;)

  12. If you fired the t shirt cannon in my direction, would a shirt make it this far? Cos that sort of cannon would be awesome1

  13. Sister Tracy07:52

    Your canon is almost as cool as mine, maybe better. I haven't figured out how to keep the tshirts from starting on fire...

  14. Oh my, do I ever need a holiday. Alas, I cannot have one. Cruddy life stuff has stolen all my leave time (and then some). I will have to enjoy it all vicariously.

    Hooray for ticky boxen!!!

  15. I think the best I can do is go to our local derby - Gate City Roller Girls - it sounds like a marvelous party!

  16. Would that I could...but, alas, I too will have to be there in thought, not body.

    Hugs to Adri...not-talkable-about-school=not fun at all!

  17. Anonymous10:13

    i'll photograph any derby grrls who come out too, just track me down at the bout. bring your skates!

  18. A post! And that sounds like tremendous fun.

  19. Babe- How many people am I feeding?

  20. *laughing* Sorry, first thing that came to mind. This is going to be EPIC.

  21. Oh, I so with we could be there!! But with Dan now looking for a job, our time is a bit fluid, and plans are not safe to make.

  22. You're feeding, um, er, well, all of them, lol! GO for the same as last time, we'll talk!

  23. Wish I could be out there for this! I don't see many extracurricular trips happening (aside from what's already booked) as we're starting our kitchen remodel in June! Woot!

    So, no long-distance derby trips for me but I'll be there in spirit!

    I am going out to see Over the Rhine myself...but that's good I think. I've been writing today and need a musical hug. Yes, writing. New sekrit (possible) project. May go nowhere but I want to do it.

  24. Best of luck at your bout!!


    Donna Matrix
    Gotham Girls Roller Derby
    Team USA

  25. You know, I have this thing where it's hard for me to tell some people (city creeps in particular) to just back the heck off, leave me alone, etc. And my mom rolls her eyes and goes, "You have to fight, girl!" And now I think I should just close my eyes and picture Derby culture ... yeah. FTW.

  26. Grey day here and I'm feeling low.
    Just started taking an anti depressant drug (though I am using it for anti anxiety) first one ever. Wondering how it's going to work, if it's going to work and wishing I didn't feel the need for it. But glad it's there.
    Not feeling like putting this on either Twitter or FB but feel like putting it somewhere...
    Thanks for listening :)

  27. (((Hugs Sweet Jane)))

    I have been there before. It's so hard to start down that path, but you have done the hardest part of it, getting the medication. I recommend making a list of any side effects you might have (if you have any) so that you and your doc can find the perfect one for you. And most importantly, if it makes you feel more depressed STOP TAKING THEM AND CALL YOUR DOC IMMEDIATELY.

    LOVE TO YOU!!!

  28. You'll have to laugh, after 2 days on this pill, I don't like the side effects and have decided to approach the anxiety from a physical (more exercise!) and mental (calling therapist today - thanks Katie!) direction and hold the pills in reserve.

    Maybe I just needed to have them available?

    Thanks also Linda for your much appreciated phone call - it took me right out of my hamster wheel head and put me into a better place :)

  29. I have Xanax on hand for anxiety and barely ever have to take them anymore. Just knowing they are there is enough for me...most of the time. They're my safety net.

    Glad you're figuring out what works for you!

  30. I also have Xanax on hand, rarely use it but think I will start - it is great for that quick relief of anxiety but I never seem to think of it...

    Figuring it out is exactly right - I've been ignoring it for a while, time to stop that.

  31. (((Jane))) Sorry you're having a tough time, Jane. Much love and sympathy here. xx

  32. Hey Jane, it really might make a difference! Just be patient.

  33. I wish you guys would come skate in Boston! I would sooooo be there!

  34. Jane, I'm so sorry. That sounds awful. I hope things get better soon.

  35. If I didn't have to take my kid up to skate in a bout in Duluth, I'd venture out there. That's the only bad thing with so many leagues- a lot of conflicting bout nights.

    Good luck though!

  36. So I sent an inquiry email to one of the local teams as to when their next fresh meat night is...I feel both liberated and terrified by this thought...

  37. ::waves:: The Dublin Rollergirls ::retreats to The Kingdom of Lurk::

  38. I only found out this past week that the CenTex Rollergirls are based in Temple. There home bouts are just 20-25 minutes south of my house off I-35! I missed last night's bout, but the next one is May 26th. May have to make it. :)

  39. We just got home from derby. Our girls kicked ass 148-70!! Woo!

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