Spring, uh, Ditched Us........
Yesterday Spring came. It was kind of fleeting this year, as you can see. It was the kind of snowstorm, well, I have lived here most of my life, and I have never seen one like this. Think The Fellowship of the Ring, going up Khaza-dum (WAY to lazy to go and look that up spelling wise, but you know what I am talking about.) or Laura Ingalls Wilder in the Long Winter.
I was in town doing errands (Doesn't that sound like LIW?) and knew it was going to snow, and it just sort of got darker and darker, and I saw the first flakes, and within half an hour, we had inches of snow and white out. This was before it got heavy. These first three photos are the first 20 minutes of the storm.
We decided if I was going to take the dog for his second mile walk, I had better get out there and do it before I couldn't , but I wanted a few photos first. Lovely photos in the heavy snow.
I went for the walk, and by the time I got to the end of the drive, couldn't see anything. No road, no nothing. Every so often a car would go by, and moments later, the tracks would be full, when I got to the half mile mark and turned around, no steps in the snow. Surreal is what it was. Way freaky weird. I know now how people got lost on the prairies.
Cabel, of course, when I asked how he was doing looked at me and said (In dog thought) "Snowing? Why yes, now that you mention it, it is snowing, hadn't noticed. I am going to mark my territory now. Where ever we are."
A white out blizzard didn't bother him, but when we were nearly back, at the place of whirling whiteness that was the road in between two fields, all of a sudden lightning and then Thunder.
I am not even going to tell you how many times I fell on my, fortunately, as Boss says, "Well padded" BUTT. (Started doing that this morning, in fact, on the way to the car, way pre snow, as the road was sheer ice from yesterday's meltdown. Torn my brand new Wal Mart Strechy pants, and scraped the heck out of leg and hand. But no worries, I grew up in an ice rink and as a former figure skater, I know how to fall on ice, I'm fine. Part of the fun.)
When I finally got back, I could have been an extra (heck could have STARRED) in Star Wars on the planet Hoth, and I asked Boss to take an after photo, as the snow was Really heavy at this point.
I will be staying in tonight. For the record.
Love and A Whole Lot Of Snow,
OK, now I'll go read :-D
Wow, that came down really fast! I'm glad you were still able to tell where the road was (and where Cabel was, for that matter) during the walk. Is that why he has his orange collar on?
Love the look of the snow on your dreds, too :-)
I'm glad you got home safely.
Happy Firbday Siri!
Humph. Some of us READ the post before commenting.
Purple hair in the snow - fabulous!
And I love the last photo.
I have the house to myself, and am curled up on the couch with the cat and a trashy novel (Eloisa James, if you have the slightest inclination towards period romance novels. I don't, really, and love these anyway.)
Okay -that is serious snow.
I got lost skiing in a whiteout like that as a kid, couldn't tell which way was up, or what direction I was heading in or anything. Scared as hell. At least you had a doggy nose to lead you home -with help from Thor.
Love the glimpse of snow covered Prius in the background, and wry grins of humans matched by ecstatic grin of Dog
OK I'm going to be all lofty and say the post was far too good to worry about being first :) (As they always are, but sometimes I tend to focus on the wrong things)
It's amazing that it looks sooooo cold, but it isn't. Is it really quiet there when it snows?
Beware of yellow snow!!
I used to adore trashy period romances when I was about 12, graduated to bodice rippers, but I still love the period romances.
I'm off to work now, have a good afternoon/evening everybody
Eloisa James can actually write. Plus, she's got snob appeal: she's a tenured English prof at Fordham. Apparently she admitted to her pseudonymous second career the day AFTER she got tenure.
This comment has been removed by the author.
] and the curious hail 'Hullo, Lorraine'!
] in case u guys need a moccha, I can always attach it to an email, just lemme know.
] or maybe fax it...
] oh, btw, get ready: here comes the mob!
Purple hair in the snow is pretty cool, it was white tho when I got home and for the record they are NOT dreads, even snow dreads...
(Just so's you know, I am not anti dread, they just aren't me.)
I LOVE trashy books Mistress, and there are certainly a times when they are the perfect thing.
I liked the one with Prius too, you should have seen it when we dug it out tho, BURIED! Cabel did love it all tho, and laughed so...
He had his orange collar on for hunting season, but we left it on so we could see him in the snow...
Mistress, I am all for snobs, must find these books....
Welcome Sean! Nice to meet you, and we can always use Mocha!
What cracks me up is how "winter dressed" you are and boss is not. And I love the purple hair decorating the jacket.
It bears repeating that Cabal is a glorious specimen of dog.
ticky box... D'oh!
Great photos! That last one is wonderful.
It really was one of the fastest accumulating snows I have seen.
I refused to go outside in this weather but after seeing your photos I wish I had!
Has it stopped snowing yet MN people, or are we going to get reports from you that you are snowed UNDER?
Well, I was going on a mile long walk out in the open of it, and he was only out for a moment to take pics.
It wasn't cold, really, upper 20's I would say. It's a heavy wet snow.
Believe in the Thundersnow, Jess, today isn't the first time I have heard it, tho it is the first time I have been that IN it.
It came FAST, Aleta speaks true!
Lost Kitty K! Welcome! It's the sort of thing where if you CHOOSE going out in it, it ends up being a fun adventure, if you HAVE to go out in it, it's the other kind of adventure...
It ought to be tapering off here in a few hours, not sure what the Cities are doing....
I believe it is still snowing here in the cities but only lightly now. Yes. Heavy wet snow. Good for snowballs bad for digging out.
I think a snow tornado would be hard to get -- not enough hot air around. But we will have strong winds tonight so if one were to go out for a walk it might feel and look a lot like a snow tornado!
No snow tornado , but id you had a lot of dry snow, sometime you get little things like dust devils, they whirl around a moment and vanish, nothing that could hurt a flea. Well maybe a flea, but nothing bigger.
Tornados need lots of hot air. They can get scary, she nods.
Jess, Husbeast says it's possible to have a snownado, but highly, highly unlikely. The air is usually a lot more stable in the winter, so not a lot of rotation in winter storms. Hot air is part of the equation, but there's a lot more to it.
Sorry for confusing pretty purple extensions with dreads *me blushes*
Neat hat
Thundersnow! Wasn't it grand?
Just came in from moving cars off of the snow emergency route and it is bucketing down again. The fella is from Pennsylvania, and this Snow Emergency plowing stuff is baffling him a wee bit.
One of the cars was stuck and I was pushing when all of a sudden a fellow that was walking by joined in to help. Turns out it was my old roommate from 20 years ago!
Noooooooooooooooo, no no no no no. I don't want this to be coming our way! We're supposed to get snow later this week but not a whole lot! No no no no no no
I mean, er, stay safe - stay warm - cuddle up with some tea ....
All right, so what I really meant was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I hope I'm not next.
Thanks to all for the firbday wishes. I'm looking forward to it being over, so I can go to bed.
I know. I'm a wild woman. Hold me back.
Snow in the woods is quiet. Snow in town can be quiet, until the snowplows go through. I don't want another snow like that this year, thank you kindly.
No worries, Data...
Hi Dragan and welcome! I am loving all these new Fiends, someone warn them about Adriendalen....
That hat, by the way, Dragan, has been around a long time, Maddy used to wear it as a little girl, even tho it was WAY too big for her, she loved it.
Way to have some fun with things Beez, and cool. I do love the way people pitch in out here during snow, noone gets left stuck if someone is around.
Amazing weather - the snowstorm. Here in NC it was 62F today.
Things happen v quickly around this site - I blinked and missed the whole Armageddon thing, but it did make me think of Good Omens :-)
This is hello and good night all in one post.
Holy buckets of snow.
And... there was a car in there somewhere?
Am enjoying a fresh cup of chai as I type. Talk of tea inspired me.
Ooh - I was thirty-third! I am fond of number 33.
/trivial comment
*ticks box*
*sips tea*
'Night Jane..And Armageddon was Boss on Twitter, not us, nope WE had nothing to do with it!
I am hoping I have a car out there now, but it sure doesn't look like it...Digging tomorrow I am sure.
Tea mug empty.
Went back to look at the pics again - found the snowy car. First time, I'd noticed just that Cabal seemed to be sniffing a tree trunk, which I associated immediately with the "marking territory" line.
Are you covered in Bengals, Q?
oh my dear fod, what a storm (pls don't come here, pls don't) we are in the rain/hail phase right now. That last photo is amazing, i have never seen snow that heavy - it's a wonder that you can see dog in any of them, he blends in so. Your hair looks so cool - what a great contrast. O fods, news is on - thunder/ lightening/snow is coming. fast. hope it leaves fast as two of my kids are coming home tomorrow. off to bed, really tired tonight- have a good evening all!
I don't believe in snow. I don't I don't. EESH! That's some scary stuff. I can't believe you went WALKING in it! My poor sub-tropical heart is going 'WHAT IF YOU HAD FROZEN TO DEATH AND NOT BEEN FOUND TIL THAW?'
Cabal does look very happy, though.
I a covered in Bengals, Na, and we have a lovely fire, tho I am not sure how long I will stay up tonight, I may move covered in Bengals to bed soon.
Yup, Sue, it's coming at you fast, , uh, enjoy..It's quick anyway.
Hee-hee Adri, no worries, I didn't go on the paths in the woods, I went on the road, and while you couldn't really exactly SEE, you knew if you went off, as things got remarkably less road like.
Tho I can see it being kind of weird for non-snow types.
Bengals and fire sounds lovely.
I believe someone has passed their cold on to me. Meh. Getting all sniffly, maybe the tea helped, um, get m' nose unstuffed.
I think I will turn in, try to ward off a cold, with Collins' "The Moonstone" to lull me to sleep.
'Night-morning all!
I fell asleep already and I'm hours behind you fiends! 2 hour nap when I got home. I was writing a little story while lying down and zzzzz.
I'm with Adri on the snow situation. I get lost in The Mall, so me in heavy snowfall is not a good idea. I would love to see the aurora borealis (sp?) and thundersnow at least once in my life.
Weird things I am curious about: Do you keep the heat on all the time and at what temperature? Does the cold affect your violin? Do you plug your car in like Na? Do Bengals hate snow? Is it really really cold inside the car when it's buried in snow or is it insulated?
I love those pictures because they are so foreign and surreal to me. I showed them to my stepdad's sister and niece who are flying back home to minneapolis on saturday and they were not looking forward to heading home! We've had some rain and gloom here but that doesn't stick around or freeze your face!
I have to say though, you, boss and Cabal look ultra-cute out there in the whiteness!
You know. Snow is a pain in the ass when one is a grown up. It makes it hard to get out and do all the things that need to be done.
There really is something magical about it. This morning I walked out of the house and there were patches of brown lawn showing up and down the street. Now everything is white and clean. The world is covered in icing from a gingerbread house.
Night/Morning Fiends!
Siri, you crack me up :)
We actually have to drive a few hours to get to any snow here. So I just think snow is for playing in, until I try to imagine what it would be like going about your business and digging yourself/others out of it.
I'd never be on time for anything.
Nighty night fiends!
never be on time? i'd just curl up and die...either that or just never ever leave my house!
Wow, Jess really called it on the thundersnow. Poor Cabal probably thought the world was ending. He looks SO happy in the pictures though.
I'm currently VERY grateful that it's 56 degrees and rainy here.
Glad you're draped in Bengals in front of a fire, that's the best place to be when it snows like this.
I'm with you Chantrelle.
I can't understand it when they say "it wasn't cold". 20's fahrenheit is actually minus 1-7 here.
I don't ever remember saying that "wasn't cold". They make 'em hardy up there in Mn!!
Kali, I don't ever remember saying I was grateful for that temperature either :)
I guess it's all relative.
I'm so glad that you're okay after that fall. Stay warm.
So I am wishing to know more about this lovely purple hair!! Is there a pic where more of it is visible?
there is just something cute about people who live i a place it snows with regularity, reveling in a snowfall and taking pictures.
as for relative coldness, i think it's totally dependent on the amount of water in the air and wind. i remember several times walking outside in the snow to take care of the dogs and not thinking it was all that cold. i have also gone to a football game and won just a wool sweater and was fine. once the game was over i was cold, but during the game i was actually hot. on the other hand, it was windy and about 60 in las vegas and i was freezing my rear end off. i guess it's something you have to actually experience to understand.
i saw coraline again tonight. some of the guys who work at dreamworks now did some work on coraline. as i understand it, the animtion world is very incestuous and at some point all the animators end up workin for all of the companies. anyway, one guy was the guy who worked on erasing the lines fromthe faces if the models, one worked on some background stuff, and hte other did some character and costume design work. the movie was even better the second time i found myself staring at the edges of the screen. there really was so much amazing detail. i was also struck by how well done the 3d was.
Just to make all of you in the snowy places feel a little warmer...its 30C/86F inside right now and waiting for the cool change to come in a few hours.
Personally, I'd like to be in front of a fire with snow outside right now *gazes dreamily into the distance*
Ad-ri-an-a-len, come-get-your-spi-cy-brai-ns.
Or Have you run out of jackets?
Erm, hi Jenny & Jen.
Quiche is hopefuly having sweet dreams right now, probably as are you.
Quiche first showed us her flowing purple locks here Oct26blog
As are other photo's of gorgeous fiends.
Sal, you forgot the hot chocolate :)
Good Morning - that's some very impressive snow you have going on there - but good to see Cabal havinbg fun. Did you take the pics of Boss + Cabal in the snow that he twittered.
I've never seen Thundersnow either. Or any snow that wild. Glad you got home safely and to warm bengal-covered goodness.
Hello and welcome Dragan, Lost Kity, Jen, Jenny & Sean. Araindalen will be alog to sniff your brains and offer a selection of jackets soon, I'm sure.
Vampi - quite envious of yuou seeing Coraline again, esp. with people who know how it was all done. When I saw it, I would have happily sat down to watch it straight through a second time becasue there are so many things I'd like to look at more closely.
Will have to wit until May. Sally, did you see it's going to be renamed for Australia?
OK, this was going to be a drive by ticky box comment. Got out of hand.
Will now go and read Twitter.
ahem. I mean, will now start a productive days work.
Q - just went back to read the comments on the last post and see you did take the pics of Boss & Cabal. They are gorgeous. You take good pictures, lady :-)
Morning Marjorie - yes, I did see about the renaming. Makes no sense but as long as Jacqui and I get to see the film together in 3D I'll stay quiet!
Oh, and welcome new Fiends.
I didn't just forget the hot chocolate Jacqui, I forgot the marshmallows too
Morning Sal! I woner who makes these decisions (about naming films?) And books, too - always wonderd why 'Northern Lights' wasn't good enough title for USA, and had to be changed. . .
I wondered the same thing, Northern Lights is a much more apt title.
Well, Sal, I didn't want to compile a list :)
And yes, we will see it in 3D. Maybe many times!!
The renaming was probably a marketing thing.
Someone would have thought up an Awfully-Good-Idea to impress their boss (or themselves), then they would have had round table chats and focus groups and probably discovered that if you mention the word "secret" everybody wants in.
If it translates to spreading the word so more people will discover the magic, then I think it's a good thing.
(And obviously a brilliant marketing ploy if you happen to be the marketeer and you're reading this)
This time I am not envious of the snow. That looks intense!
Blogger ate my comment!!!!!!!!!!!
What the heck????????Must remember to cut them before I go to post. Hmmph.
Well, I said good morning, and that I used Boss's camera which is an ohh-lala one to take the pics, hard to do a bad one with that beast, tho I said it better.
Hmmph. Tea. COmments. POST you.
Not that it matters, everyone will flee now that I am up, hee-hee.
Morning Q!
Hey! A Fiend! Morning Marjorie!
My car is snow covered and plowed in. Hmm. Thinking at LEAST another cup of tea.
I am going to a concert tonight, getting out! Can you believe it???? I even covered my gig, which doesn't happen often.
No fleeing. This is my week of passengering while I commute. Woot!
Did you sleep well? And how is your leg?
is it still snowing? I'm having one of those irritating days when you feel as though you are working hard but nothing seems to be getting done. I hope yours goes more smoothly...
Still, at least it is Friday, & Armageddon ddn't happen, so I suppose I should look on the bright side.
BTW, did you know you now have 96 Twitter followers? . . .
Ticia, did you just make that word up? (Passengering) It's a good word.
More tea for everyone.
Morning Marjorie! I hate those days. But, as you say, it IS Friday.
Lorraine, I've scraped some money together to donate to the Bengals. Where should I send it?
I'm glad it's only windy and rainy here, but great photos! That's the way I love snow: vicariously.
DG - chicken grease + knee... so it didn't look like you thought, but did it smell like a KFC? Does it give you the urge to crow early in the morning? :-D
Sally - that heat sounds wonderful, I wish we could swap.
Hooray for LJ feed! Now I'll get a nudge when there's a new post.
I may have made it up Marjorie. I have quite a habit of making up words that should be in the dictionary...
It did stop snowing and it is lovely! Sunnny and about 10 degrees.
And I did sleep! That was in the comment blogger ate, went to bed before 11, slept till nealy 8 with only one waking and I didn't worry, I just read fiend comments on my phone and went back to sleep!
I think there is something to this oving (OF falling hee-hee) my BUTT!!!!!!
My leg is fine, just a mess of scratches, had worse when Venus and Mim were Kittens. Still sore from the ramping up, but it's the good sore.
All the best people make words up - think of Shakespeare...
OH! Please send to : donate@greatlakesbengalrescue.com via paypal, and drop me a note with your address and tell me what cd's you want.
I have Flash Girls "Wild Queen" FolkunderGround and LaM and LaM T-shirts. Take yr pick!
Oh, that would have been nice, it's Jonathon Coultron, Paul and Storm. I know I am spelling that wrong, ought ot be some fun tho, never heard them live before.
Rats! Just got to work. I'll comment later!
I'm up and sucking down tea. Mmmmm, tea.
I never got a chance to smell the stuff, it was in the needles when she came in to give me the injections. Not crowing with this sore throat, but if I start flapping my wings I'll let you all know ;-)
I'm envious, Q! I want to see Jonathan Coulton and Paul & Storm!! Have fun!!
Your snow is headed for us, but it's supposed to be snow and rain. Boo-hiss!
I want an oh-la-la camera! I have techlust for the Canon 5D Mark II, though film is truly my first love.
Hmmm...reading comments on the phone. Any Fiends using iPhones with a Blogger app? I found one for Facebook and MySpace.
I just ate what I swear was the juiciest, messiest orange ever! I felt like I needed a bib.
3 more followers needed for Fabulous Tweets!! Newly de-lurked Fiends? twitter.com/fabulouslorrain
I don't know a lot of their music, I listen to a lot less than you would think. It was funny , reading AFP's blog on the subject, I thought it was just me, that I could only listen to these three cd's, (Sparrow Quartet, Bourne and McCleods 2nd cd and selected Melissa) and the Oysterband.
But that's pretty much it, except for once in a while. Weird but true.
And I can't listen to anything after a gig. Might explain why I watch so much tv.
And oh, I can have classical on too, but not in the car.
Wow. Thanks Louisa. It's like a dream come true. Soon I will get to Twitter.
You're welcome! Any time :)
I hadn't thought of it that way,Jess, with writing and Books, but it makes sense, Boss is like that when writing.
Doomed. Nope. Ain't over till the fat lady sings. I have hope that there can't possibly be 2 more people in this world who could possible want to hear what I have to say on Twitter.
Right, back ot digging out car and then to work.
The little poodle outside the shop door sounds like a person doing a bad impression of a dog barking
The photos are wonderful, really capturing the whiteout-ness of it all. I kept boggling over how deep it was when I headed home at 6pm. Stopped to get milk for me and kitten food for the boys. When I got home, they played in my snow drippings. Silly boys.
Firstly, I am very tired and cranky, so forgive me. I really prefer your old blog. I have to change the sizing of my machine for this new one, Every Time. grrr.
Please don't Twitter. I don't have the time to follow it. I wuv you tho.
I just slept about nine hours then showered. Feeling refreshed, despite definitely having got a cold, on top of being ladylike. :P
My guy has a day off, as do the monsters from school, so we get an impromptu three-day weekend! w00t. Which means we can do all our Saturday errands today, and possibly avoid the peeps purportedly coming to view the house, although I'm still really uncomfortable with the idea of strangers coming into our home when we're not here, even knowing they'd have a lot to lose if, say, something went missing. *frets a bit*
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Alright. I'm #99 following on Twitter. But only because it's the Friday after snowmageddon. ;-)
Guerrilla Girl, MAN!!!!!!! Well, uh, thank you! I think.
SFMarty, I am sorry about that, can anyone help out here and figure out why this is happening? I should NOT be, I will tell you that....
I will not have anyone unhappy here!
Uisge, Mim WALLOWS in my boots when I get home, sticks her whole head in and , uh, sniffs the aroma of my feet, rools with the boots, drippings or no, and goes into supreme happiness. Not interested in ME, just my boots.
NA, don't worry, the chances would be slim, too easy to pinpoint, and people housebuying aren't generally after shoplifiting form said house.
I think my digout this morning may count as a workout!
Na, if you're not there, won't they have the Landlord or Estate Agent there?
I agre with Q, that viewing - to - shoplift is unliekly, although I can relate to the uncomfortable feeling - I guess a variation on people invading your personal space...
Came to tell you you've now got 99 followers, but see that another culprit - I mean, follower, has admitted to her cri - I mean, following.
Thanks for the reassurance, Q. I know this on some level. And we've decided the most relaxing way to go about the day is do our own thing regardless of whether we're here or not when people come through. That, and go out for breakfast. There are pancakes with my name on them...
Oh hey Marjorie! Yes, potential buyers can't get in without a realtor, if we're not here, and we wouldn't let anyone in otherwise, if we were here. You're right - it's the personal space thing as much as anything else, I realize. We don't own the property, but this is our home.
Did have another realization yesterday, when cleaning, that if the people buying are potential investors, that is they're not buying to live in it themselves, but to keep renting out, potentially to us, that's incentive for the place to look taken-care-of.
Awww, look - 99 comments, same as your number of Twitter followers, Q! ;)
Couldn't resist.
Na, in that cae,i will keep my finders crossed for buy-to-let viewers...
BTW just made the mistake of visiting Scalzi's blog. He has posted pictures of cake, and I now have cake-cravings. Be Warned.
Let's see...I caught up on comments this morning first thing, then couldn't keep my eyes open. Now I've caught up on comments, again.
Happy Belated Firbday, Siri! I hope you slept better than I did: last night.
::sigh:: I must have been busy visiting Fiends.
::sniff, sniff::
::sniff, Ssssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiifffffffffff::
Oo! Lots of new Fiends! Hi,Sean, Dragan and Jen Tucker! Hi, again (I think), Jenny and Guerilla Girl!
Mmmmmmmmm, so nice and spicy!
Don't worry, there is no shortage of jackets. All with nice, shiny buckles.
So, Ms. Fabulous, have you made it to work yet? Did you like the blooming photos?
I'm going to be at the same show tonight. If I see you, is there a secret fiend wave that I should use to say hi?
Bright shiny day here!
Q I was this close to getting tickets to that show last week. Enjoy!
Morning fiends...having a cuppa earl grey in all of our honours :)
have to get boy to school. bbl
OK, i wrote that earlier and it didn't post, now i'm back.
Thanks to Ticia's presale email, I just got two Leonard Cohen tickets... yay! They're halfway back in the orchestra which is fine because I couldn't afford to be closer, the ticket prices are ridiculous!
how's the weather today? Or has that already been addressed?
Twitter account has reached 100!!!!!!!!!!!!
The world is saved!!!!
The JoCo show is going to be so much fun! I had a blast last month. I was actually a bit horse from screaming and singing along! Not as bad as i was w/ Jason Webley but still noticable.
(ALL WE WANT TO DO IS EAT YOUR BRAINS!!!) It's a great thing to scream.
Will you people talk more so i have more of an excuse to ignore the dishes?! Geez, i have to catch up on 100 comments when i wake up but now that i'm here.....
dammit, i have to do the dishes???
Sure, Usige, or anyone else, would love to say Hi.
Not sure about the secret sign, how about you come up and HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chatter chatter chatter
JoCo sounds great - I've only seen him & Paul & Storm at their mini-gig supporting Boss's reading in Manchester, but I'd love to see a full show.
If the fiends manage to meet there there should be pictures, if possble. (and if you invent a secret sign, there should be video, to demonstrate...)
100? I'm not listening......
y'see eveyone has disappeared to read twitter instead, now.
I can multitask - Twitter, email, Facebook, Ravelry, Plurk, LJ, Bloglines...
Oh, and work, of course!
you always were a rebel
DG now you're just showing off ;-)
I am sticking here. Yes I am! No Twitter for me. And since I know none of YOU are any of my stinking 101 followers, we are safe, here together by ourselves.
No nasty twittering from me. Even at the show tonight. Nope.
So if Quiche gets her evil Twitterclone to twitter, eeryone will be happy.
(Q, DG said she was in both places :-)
Yes! Twitter from the twitterclone. The evil Quiche twin. The anti-fiend.
I see you are entertaining houseguests at Boss's :) See, twitter is good for something.
Feel free to remind JoCo we have a lunch date when he's back in the area ;-)
I'd love to see another one of their shows, it was so fun! But there's no way in hell i'd brave your snow for it.
It is not snowing today Chantrelle! Bright and sunny!
Really? Must have been one of the houseguests. I really must follow them, who do I look for?
Now that you mention it I did jut make lunch for Boss and three gentlemen....
We have been over all the pleasantries and have gotten down to business, ie I get a bloody laminate tonight.
(I am no longer going to shows where I get one of those silly paper sticky passes. I always seem to end up in the cold...With some brute of a bouncer saying "Only laminates....")
It does not matter that these guys HAVE no laminates, for anyone including themsleves. We are making me one.
A girl has to have standards.
Well, you are a rockstar and you deserve a laminate. It's simple really.
I love the idea of the unique laminate! (And since Boss claims to be being 'a bad host'), it's good that you are there to keep them happliy occupied!
oh, and look for @paulandstorm and @jonathancoulton, on twitter...
Oh dear, Q: you had better follow jonathancoulton on twitter RIGHT AWAY!
Aleta-Did you say sunshine and no snow? How can that be?
Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled, just confused
Not 'no snow', just not snowing. And beautiful sunshine glaring off the white, white mounds of snow.
Well there is snow on the ground. Lots of it. But the sun is shining and the plows have done their work.
That said... I have not actually gone outside yet AND I peeked out the window a little while ago to see if the landlady/neighbor/friend had cleared out the driveway yet and she has not. So. I am being a bit flip. But today there would be what is called around here "good winter driving conditions"
Maureen, if you find a good app. for blogger, please let me know. I am almost exclusively communicating by iPhone and following/ commenting on Lorraines blog takes forever. Maybe LJ would solve my problems...
Man. Someone went thru a Door. I told them about Doors. Now I got to go in after them. Sigh. Houseguests.
Yeah, Q, I have that problem all the time.
Heh. Did you warn them not to agree to any suggestions about new ...um ..visual aids or attachments?
Take a cat with you if you go..
Hello, I have all five Bengals over here. Mr Coulton seems to think security is a little lax.
In that case, you should bait him and enjoy the bengal bash that ensues. Photos, please!
Uisge I like the way you think!
Well I'm jealous of the snow. We just got rain - bleck. Too far south.LLM
Oh, photos tonight, not to worry, we already have some great ones, not to mention one of the funniest stories ever.......
Hooray for photos and funny stories. How late do I need to stay in bed in the morning in order to wake up to a new post?
Have lots of fun at the gig tonight.
Phew, caught up with comments. Looks like I'd better add JoCo on Twitter or miss out on part of the action
*off to Twitter*
I meant to post this morning and then got carried away with my day!
Q-- you will LOVE Paul & Storm and Jonathan. SUCH great live performers, all of them. Definitely stick around and hang with them after the show, too. They're all super cool guys.
In much better spirits today. Have a client call with Hollywood Client in the next hour, and also bought Buffy season 3 (damn you, Hulu.com and your free seasons 1 & 2! It's like CRACK). So tonight will either be filled with friends and games and beer or Buffy. Either way, a win!
Plus, two (female) store employees at Best Buy complimented my hair. One of them actually went *squee*.
Ha! See from twitter you've already gotten to hang out with the guys.
That sounds like a good day. And congratulations on getting a squee!
There has been shoveling and car moving. It really is lovely outside with the fresh snow and sunshine.
There has also been choking -- choking on soggy shredded wheat -- how weird is that.
bloggrrr ate my comment.
Well - Happy Friday/Weekend, all!
Adri, have you seen all of Buffy before? Season 3 is sooooo good.
I was out and about this afternoon, and rented Bottle Shock, and whilst perusing the rental shelves amused myself with the thought, "There ought to be complete seasons of Monkey Shines here." Which makes for another spooky moment, reading about The Houseguests just now.
Should be more sunshine on the miles of bright white snow for all y'all further south and east of here, if our weather's any indication.
I'm just up to disc 3 in Season 3 again myself.
We could have synchronised BTVS viewings.
Weren't we going to have synchronized Black Books viewing?
My Tivo has recently been grabbing Chef! episodes which reminds me it's time to go back and watch those again too.
This is my first time watching Buffy! I haven't started watching s3 yet because I'm waiting on a client to call.
Wow- turn my back for a few days and I completely lose track of the conversations.
Snowmageddon was a little scary, but beautiful when it ended. Going to see if I can talk Wife into some skiing this weekend- she's been reluctant since she broke her leg a couple years ago in Utah.
Why do computers always crash at 4:30 on Friday? And why to they always need restores from the machine they mistakenly had me stop backing up last month?
Oh, TommyB, that does not sound like a fun way to end the work week.
I was thinking of Black Books, too, Chantrelle - cleaning house turned up the season one set I got waaaay back in December! Beez, you still on for that, too?
Ticia - no one has mentioned one yet, but I'll be checking the Apple app site and will post if/when I find one
Jess - nice remodel skills! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it? :-D
Lorraine - you need the all-purpose all-shows all-access laminate pass, one that grants you access to wherever you want to go at any show on earth.
Oh, wow I love the pictures! Happy weekend all! Miss you.
Gayle! *waves*
Maureen -Lorraine needs Dr. Who's psychic paper!!!!
Rats, now I have to stalk Q in two places. How fair is that?
I just don't "get" twitter. How is it different than IM, or this blog.
I just don't get it.
Sorry fiends-too tired to wait for conversations. Off to bed, so I can wake to more snow. It's still February in the Midwest!
Siri, are you having snow now?
Night Siri! Too tired to play too much with blogger on my phone. I'll have more brain cells tomorrow, I promise!
Weekend is looking up. Got the data off the zombie server (dead, but only Mostly Dead), have the homebrew beer to keep me happy, and my wife made her stunningly good curried deviled eggs with homemade mayo.
I like weekends.
Siri & Jess; I just watched a TED video of the creator & CEO of twitter. It was fascinating. I like the idea that if I need to send short bite out; it immediately contacts everyone. My family & extended friends too. Elimination the need for long, drawn out blog posts that get way cluttered up and veer wildly off topic at times. I like it better I think than email & blog for that reason. Focus.
Of course, NOTHING beats the feinds & coming here to hang out but I will admit that at the end of a long day, before the night shift starts; trying to read 100+ comments can be terribly daunting to 'catch up' on. There have been times where I've had to just skim read or skip entire posts which I don't like to do; it kills me to miss all the feindish action!
I'm curious how long these TED talks have been around. I saw them referenced in an xfcd strip, then watched Elizabeth Gilbert's. Seems like they're referenced all over suddenly, but I have a feeling I've just been missing a beat. ;)
I am getting a little overloaded with blogs + Twitter + fb. Post-Twitter entry I am on fb and reading other blogs less.
However, Fiends and FabLo, this is my first stop on the Web most of the time. Looked up the following word, trying to work around it for a fourth-grade text. I thought of this here online community:
in-ter-act |ˌintərˈakt|
verb [intrans.]
act in such a way as to have an effect on another; act reciprocally : all the stages in the process interact | the user interacts directly with the library.
Btw; Nathalie?
Off to bed. Won't let cold grab hold of me...i will *not* be sick for wondercon tomorrow, i won't!!!
Nighty night.
'night Chantrelle
Hi all, just home. New post will have to wait for tomorrow. Lots of great pics, but they are all on other cameras, and I am so tired I drank coffee tonight.
(Dr Wicked found me some during the break, my hero!)
All very fun today, but I need to wake early and make breakfast for some Gentlemen before the nip off to Chicago.
It will be worth the wait tho...The post, not breakfast. Tho I am hoping that turns out as well.
Fods, I think I am sleep typing....
'night Quiche. I'm glad you had a good time. Sweet Dreams.
jacquib thx so much for aiming me at more hair pics!!
What a delightful group of fiends!
good morning all.Quiche, gald it was a good gig, and here's hoping that breakfast is equally sucessful.
Chantrelle & Kitty - enjoy the Con.
I have just had a phone message from the shop which is framing my 'saucers' print - to say that the mount I orded is out of stock so they've used a different one. No explanation of why they didn't tell me this 3 weeks ago when i dropped it off. Am not impressed and will have to go down and see what they'e done after breakfast. Grrr.
Shadow Unit season 2 starts tomorrow. That doesn't leave much time to catch up on Season 1 if you don't already follow it, but if you start NOW you will be ready.
I highly highly recommend it. Go take a look! And donate some money to the exceptionally cool authors.
Hi Jen, we'll have to do more hair pics, I have been sort of waiting fo rKitty to come ut again, as she takes such cool shots of me.
Speaking of ahots, I have lots from Boss and Dr Wicked in my inbox this morning, s a new post is a matter of time and brain today.
Feels early. Oh look! IS early. Can't fool me. Nope.
It was -5 when I got home last night. I am really hoping this has improved...
Morning, Q! You are up early for as tired as you were. I hope you feel well-rested.
Morning Q! I hope it warms up for you and that you have a nice, gentle day that's not too tiring.
Looking forward to the post & pics - I'd love to see a close up of your magical omni-laminate. .
-15 here this morning, but we did escape the snow, but not the thunderstorm, so quite icy out. your snowstorm in minnie hit national news- what a powerhouse it was! today it is also sunny, a good thing and wonderful to see, now if we could just get the temps up to even 40,,ahh that would be heaven. Have fun at Wondercon Chantrelle and Kitty, would love to be there myself! hope your bkfast turns out great lorraine, I would LOVE someone to cook for me :). have a great saturday all!
Morning Fiends from all over. I'm waiting for time to pass, and places to open so I can go deposit a check and pick up a package from the post office that I must sign for - what is it??? I don't know and am giddy with excitement.
Aleta - it did snow here last night, but not till after 11, and in this area is only about 1/2 an inch - so, I'm ignoring it. SW of here got much more - finally, we were on the edge of the storm, rather than dang-blast in the middle.
40s by Monday - 60s by Thursday - late February snows never last long. Happy March to those already in tomorrow!
Morning Siri, Sue!
Have been haveing a really annoying morning. However, having got home, and wathced Boss's 'Blueberry Gorl' post, and eaten some chocolate, am now feeling less stabby. Maybe a long hot bath and a book will remove the last stabbiness...
Pats Marjorie....Stabby Mornings on the weekend are illegal, aren't they?
The TV station went from news to Strawberry Shortcake. I must turn it off, before I become stabby, too...
Good morning world!
We were lucky here too. No snow. Haha!
Phiala - I've never heard of that series. I'll check it out.
Glad you and Dr. Wicked had a good time Q. I can hardly wait for the new post.
Will you be riding this weekend?
Shadow Unit - Credits:
Executive Producer:
Emma Bull
Co-Executive Producer:
Elizabeth Bear
Sarah Monette
Will Shetterly
Art Director:
Amanda Downum
Technical Director:
Stephen Shipman
It's going to get up to around 19 today, so much better. Nice thing about this time of year is that the deep freeze doesn't hang around for long.
Oh and- I got the complete hardbound Calvin and Hobbes anthology!! *glee*
Doing new post now, fingers crossed....
EVeryone else is out walking, they may come back now, and I am riding soon, so we shall see how far it gets...
I may have to read the new post post-con...we have a trek to get to SF. Ta!
Once upon a time...
There was a new post...
quiche, I agree, if you're spending that money it seems an odd way to do it - I also think (from observation) that the people who who spend lots of money and plan everything 18 months - 2 years in advance are almost bound to be disappointed, as there is almost inevitably going to be something that doesn't go quite as planned. Many of the best (most enjoyable) weddings I have been to have been done on a budget,without too much micromanaging. never been a bride myself but I'm told the day has a tendency to pass in a blur anyway!
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