Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Just Want To Type On The Floor....

So I had an idea. About my sunroom. It has two couches in it, a big one and a smaller one. Very nice things as far as couches go, but I like floors, and since we have an extra futon hanging about, since Cabal can climb stairs, I took this futon to the Spooky House, and I want to put it in the sunroom, so I can type on the floor.

Are you with me? And have my computer on a wee wooden Ottoman.

But there isn't exactly room, so easy, thinks me, I put the small couch in the dinning room, making it cozy. And find 47 (yes, I counted) mousies where the small couch was. I shudder to think about how many are under the big couch.

But the small couch clearly doesn't GO in the dinning room. Might go in the kitchen. But where then, does the big comfy chair in the kitchen go? I've always wanted a couch in the kitchen. It would be nice. Cozy when cooking (which I don't do much here)

The big couch in the sunroom can go where the little couch was, once I have picked up the mousies, making room for the futon where the big couch was, NOT exactly a design upgrade, can't believe it will improve the LOOK of the room, but I will have Floor to lounge and type on, which will no doubt improve my writing.

The coffee table and the end table are much too tall for the floor. I move the bookshelf in the sunroom then. Somewhere. Perhaps outdoors. I then have two small wooden Ottomans. Except one has a Xmas tree on it and the other a Gargoyle.

OK. Xmas tree to Magic's room (Hey, can't HURT) and Gargoyle to top of fireplace. Spring is bound to come soon, I won't NEED the fireplace.

What if we move the couch to the kitchen and it doesn't GO? And how do I get it IN there, thru the Butlers Pantry? The Butlers Pantry isn't very large. (the bookshelf that was going outside could go there tho, but then where does the cd rack acting as a curio thing go?)

I need Merry Housekeeper.

I just want to type on the floor.

Riding was ok today. 6th day in a row. I was so tired, I didn't fall OFF my horse, I fell off trying to get ON. Spectacularly. The step thingie FLIPS. Harshly. Ouch. Poor hip and shoulder, but hurrah for horsies who simply stare at one asking, as one lays under them looking up, "Uh, what exactly are you doing? This is certainly strange"

Planes seem to be early tomorrow for a Boss and his Guest. Very early. I will take what is left of my brain and get them to the airport. Then I will come back to this Spooky House and ponder.

Did I mention...

I just want to type on the floor?

Love and Furniture,


At 21:19 Blogger Phiala said...

Houses. Rearrangements. Repairs. Bah.

Is that kind of like falling up the stairs? I hope you aren't too sore!

G'night everyone!

At 21:20 Blogger Siri said...

I wish I had room for a comfy chair in the kitchen. It would make cooking far more fun.

At 21:23 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I want to think of something funny to say.

I am too tired to think of anything at all to say.

Good luck with, um, housekeeping. And things.

And good luck with shoulder. And whatever else was hurt, I forget.

I think I am half-dead.


At 21:28 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

isn't it always the way... we just want one simple thing to blossom from an idea and before we know it; the wreck of the hesparais in every room of the house! ONE thing IS certain however, once done you will be pleased, and you'll be happy to type on said floor because after all that furniture moving you'll need to rest properly and the Bengals will thank you for being so close their inquisitive little nosey noses!

Good luck; much glucosamine & anti inflammatories too.

At 21:35 Blogger Na said...

Really, it sounds like fun to me, the rearranging. :) Can the big couch go out and around somehow, if snow is cleared? And mousies?!?! 47?! Kinda sad and eww all at once.

Had a thought earlier, that if there's going to be badges, there'd have to be one for Skullduggery.

I have dug through many feet of snow today, from the walks I'd just cleared yesterday. Not much fresh snow, mostly the wind blowing fiercely all last night, taking all the snow off the trees and rooftops into the walks and roads. Pretty, and there are fascinating shapes in the drifts. But some of it deeper than my four-year-old is tall! And the kind of day where people greeted each other frequently with "Lovely weather, isn't it?" and laugh. 'Cause what else can you do?

At 21:39 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, not exactly UP the stairs, it's sort of a three step deal to make mounting the horsie easier, and I was on the top step with one leg over kind of and then the step flipped and down I went. I thought it was a BIT more solid....

It IS like that with houses...One idea begets and necessitates another and all of a sudden it's all over the place.

It will be nice, I shall take pictures for you tomorrow when it is done.


I don't know what it is about floors these days, I want to take my bedframes out and sleep on the floor too, tho I suppose I can sleep in Magics room on the floor, or this sunroom...

The Bengals will like it. Or not. Hard to tell.

At 21:40 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It's the small couch that is moving, I am no fool for work, hee-hee. But, Na, good idea, it can go out the stair door and in the deck kitchen door....

At 21:42 Blogger Ticia said...

I am a floor girl too. In fact, I am laying on the floor, eating my dinner, typing on the iPhone, in front of the TV and fireplace, with kitty and puppy, right now. Heaven.

And Siri, Keep up the awesome haiku! I'm reading them, even if I don't comment. :-)

Na- Your snow reminds me of sand dunes, ever shifting and magical

At 21:49 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ticia, thats exactly it, what I want. Floor for dinner! Floor for TV! Floor to write uopn!!!!!

And possibly One Ring to.....

Wait. I digress.

Sleep soon....


At 21:52 Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

No worries you fabulous, pony riding, wonder assistant, lorraine you. spooky daughter and I will come assist you in your desperate endevour for floor! I may even bring the mad mouse hunter to find a few thousand more mice under your big couch. you will have peace soon, dream of floor typing, and poetry on ponies..:)

At 21:54 Anonymous Anonymous said...

OUCH. Was it one of those hollow molded plastic mounting blocks? I've fallen off of them several times.

All those mousies..LOL

Sometimes I'm very glad to have a small apartment. It's frustrating when the simple act of moving one thing turns your whole house into a scrambled up rubik's cube. I understand the wanting to type on the floor thing though. I'm a big advocate of Big Fluffy Floor Pillows myself.

At 21:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That was beautiful!

I love Merry Housekeeper (and Her Spooky Daughter and Mini-man the Mad Mouse Hunter....)

At 21:57 Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

We love you too! And your spooky house & furry friends.

At 21:58 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yup, Kali, sure was a one of those, you got it in one. Glad it isn't just me..

Say, I have a HUGE love sac in the romance room...What if the big couch went there, and the lov sac came and lived with the futon??????????

The big couch where the small sette is, lov sac to sunroom, small sette to dinning room, small couch to kitchen and big comfy chair where lov sac was......

Check mate.

At 22:01 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wait till tomorrow, may not be feeling the love so much....

Just heard the sound of breaking glass. DO I want to know??? Less to move.

Also, I got my new French Underworld poster and hung it up, but not in the right place. Where do I put more Vampires????

At 22:14 Blogger Na said...

I like the floors, too. We have no bedframes now, except for two futons that came with. And I know there exist Very Low Couches. I have this idea of a home with all the furniture being very low to the ground, dining and library tables being exceptions. Oooh, maybe not...

Ticia, yes, the drifts are very dune like! One near our garage has a long ridge/crest, so it looks like a wave frozen in place.

I can be a fool for work - I like to rearrange. I can't seem to help it, really, a few times a year. And it always starts with the same thoughts: I'd really like to be able to... or Everything would work better if... And then there's the cascading chain of events and smaller adjustments. I'm grateful my guy has learned to bear with it, sans Commenting. The upside, of course, is then you know your beloved floors are cleaner after.

At 22:29 Blogger ariandalen said...

I would say the sunroom, but somehow that just doesn't sound right. It does sound as though you have the furniture rearranging figured out. At least, for now. ;)

Lexocat has the pronunciations correct; the eating type of pasty is with a short "a" and the wearing type of pasty is with a long "a." Just be glad mermaids don't have the Power Pasties.

Siri, I know you've gone to bed, but I'm with you on the challenging of Dr. Wicked. He does seem to be ignoring my challenge haikus on the Fiend Wall though. :P He also appears to have gotten his hair cut, which is a sad thing. :(

At 22:32 Blogger ariandalen said...

Ms. Fabulous, I'm assuming said 47 mousies were no longer among the living?

At 23:12 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just fluttering by...

*I* actually read 47 mouses and presumed they were, uh, of the dust variety.

Cause elsewise....wouldn't the smell have tipped you off?

But maybe that's just me....

Back to using up Kleenex at an alarming rate for a tree hugger like me....

At 23:19 Blogger ariandalen said...

You have a point, Lys, though I was thinking the alternative might be live, and very in babies.

The alternative to using boxes of paper tissues is washing handkerchiefs all day. I think it kind of balances out, particularly given the scarcity of water in the desert. Don't worry about it, okay? :)

At 23:23 Blogger vampi said...

*waves* had 2-3 people put every day this week and it's getting busy. oh, and reviews are do, i have 12 to do.

i'm hoping those weren't real mices. i think i would just move rather than deal. i know i would rather move than deal.

and my neighbor sounds like a goat being skinned when the karaoke...*sigh*

At 23:31 Blogger Lexocat said...

I found myself pondering the multiple mousie question, too. Eventually, like Lys, I concluded they were either dust...or toys (or dusty toys) for reasons olfactory. Now I'm back to pondering.

Ariandalen, thanks for the confirmation! But, um, what's a power pasty?

Re falling: ow, ow, ow!

Re rearranging: wow, wow, wow!

Q, here's hoping your salvaged brains serve you well in the morning. Early planes. Blech.

At 23:48 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ohhh, I love rearranging furniture. As Pete and past housemates will attest.

Does the futon have a bit you can rest against?

Send me photos of all the furniture and rooms and I'll come up with a solution for you....

okay, reading comments sounds like you have lots of ideas.

And um, were they blood & bone mousies, dust mousies or cat toy mousies?

At 23:53 Blogger ariandalen said...

Lexo, Power Pasties are from the movie "Flesh Gordon." No, that is not a typo. Yes, I have seen it, though it was a chopped up version on a drive-in screen when I was in college.

Surely I am not the only Fiend who knows of said movie. ::raising eyebrow::

Anyway, I'll have to wait until tomorrow as I'm to bed.

At 23:53 Blogger Na said...

Aaaaah, dust mice. That would be so much better. I've usually just heard tell of dust bunnies, and have joked about having dust rhinos.

At 23:56 Blogger Na said...

Whoa. Computer just posted my comment, without me pressing the button. Hmmm.

Well, just wanted to add, good night/morning, fiends, Q!

At 23:58 Blogger Unknown said...

But, you can't take the gargoyle away from Venus-it helps her think up plots!

At 00:21 Blogger Ticia said...

How funny Ariandalen, I was just talking about "Flesh Gordon" to my commute husband today. He'd never heard of it. :-)

At 01:07 Blogger Lexocat said...

Flesh Gordon. OK. Have heard of but never seen it. But look! Here's the trailer.

At 02:11 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel tired after moving all that furniture!!!

Dust rhino's....thanks Na. I'll no doubt be using that one. It's more descriptive :)

Unfortunately, I remember Flesh Gordon Ariandalen.. I don't know why!

At 02:46 Blogger Marjorie said...

Ow - falling not good, even if you know how to do it, but good that the horse was cool with it. Horsies are uite a long way up. Even small horsies.

I was thinking dust mousies, becasue I didn't think the blood & bone kind would stand still long enough to be counted...

furntiure moving. What joy. I am trying to get organised - need to move stuff which is currently cluttering up the spare room (like old bank statements which my accountant says I sholdn't shred yet) up in to the loft, and move blanket box and book case around, and maybe get a coffeee table to make it easier to juggle laptop and food when I am downstairs, but I am not getting on very fast. (Partly because the whole getting into to the loft is awkward becasue (a) I'm irrationally nervy about ladders and (b) dodgy shoulder makes lifting stuff to get it into loft tricky, especially since Helpful Neighbour moved away.)

I too would love to have space for a comfy chair in the kitchen. Or any chair at all.

At 02:46 Blogger Marjorie said...

Meant to say - Hello Nadine (waves)

At 03:00 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Why didn't I see that paragraph about your fall before?

Ouch. Very glad horsie was kind and didn't step on you

At 06:20 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all!

The sad thing here is I woke pre-alarm, well rested and ready to go. What's UP with that?????

The Mousies are not real, nor were they ever. They are blue, orange pink and green furry things the cats play with when they can't get T's.

Hi nadine! The Gargoyle isn't going anywhere, he will go to the top of the fireplace, which is one of Venus's fav spots, not to worry.

FOund the broken glass this AM, a salt and pepper eyeball shaker set and a skull hand holding a candle holder, not bad for one go!

At 06:29 Blogger Phiala said...

G'morning Q! You are up early for your airporting.

I've just been hassling people via email who didn't do what they were supposed to: bad people! Now I suppose I must finish getting ready for work.

I used to like sitting on floors, but now I live with a slob and a large dog, and the floors are rarely clean and uncluttered enough for that to be appealing.

At 06:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning you Jess and Mistress! Yes, early, but I feel great. Weird. I am not a morning person. Or wasn't.

I kind of do those e-mails too....

Right, must fly, these guys aren't going to wake on their own.

At 07:00 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The dog is the only one glad to see me. No one else will wake up.

At 07:08 Blogger Phiala said...

You aren't SURPRISED by this, are you?

At 07:19 Blogger Marjorie said...

I thought there were cats at Boss's house too - weren't they pleased to see you!

Jess, my attic fear is mostly ladder fear. I always assume that I am going to fall dramitically off the ladder and end up starving and/or bleeding to death on the landing because No-one Will Know.

Despite the fact that I know perfectly well that people wpuld notice an look for me and that in any case I would be able to bang on the walls until the neighbours came (if only to tell me to shut up...)

Quiche - hope all Guests safely delivered to airport on time. I suggest that you get Boss to declare the aipotr an Elf-Free area, just to avoid any difficulties.

At 07:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No self respecting cat would wake at this hour over here....

I am trying. Still no alert.

At 07:49 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Quiche needs one of those injectors that uses compressed air to pass drugs through your skin into your bloodstream without needles. Then she can load it up with caffeine and just walk through the house shooting sleeping people (or zombies).

At 07:53 Blogger Marjorie said...

I thought Quiche got people to wake up using a mixture of tea and sarcasm..

At 08:08 Blogger Phiala said...

Well, at least Boss is sort of awake... enough to grumble publicly at least.

At 08:29 Blogger Ani said...

I just keep seeing a slider puzzle with Quiche's furniture sliding in inexplicable ways through the rooms, Bengals riding atop couches and chairs, mousie toys trailing behind.

At 08:45 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Goedemorgen, Fiends!

Rhode Island is getting springtimeish. Early forties this morning! Should be lovely later. I think I will take the first walk I have taken in days. After storytime at library this morning ...

Hoping Fiends are well and happy and warm.

At 10:16 Blogger DataGoddess said...

I've always felt moving furniture is like Tetris.

Ouch on the fall, Q! Don't do that again!

As far as me, I was invited up for dinner last night an am still here, working and waiting for him to get back from training, then he has a few hours before he flies home. *ahem* I am disgustingly bouncy.

At 10:58 Blogger spacedlaw said...

No wonder email had gone more quiet... New post.

At 11:00 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I trust the mousies were TOY mousies?

At 12:02 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Back from the airport...

Early morning energy starting to wane...Wan? Ebb?

New blog up re: WOndercon from our Kitty!

Off to read comments.

At 12:21 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Owie fall! Do you keep arnica on hand? It's great for the bumps, bruises and sore muscles. Which reminds me, i should put some on my elbow, i whacked it on the car door yesterday and it still hurts!

I've been on a furniture rearranging/purchasing/moving rampage lately. Well, at least in my head. We're going to IKEA on Saturday to get three new Billy bookcases (Billy the bookcase says hello) to replace a mishmash of bookcases and shelves in our dining room. Our soup nights gett very crowded trying to get around shelves to the table.

I've got a no soliciting sign on my door. So when my doorbell rings I assume it's going to be someone I know. Instead it's someone I don't know who starts their sentence with, "I saw your no soliciting sign but..." it's always one of two groups: Jehovah's Witnesses and Kirby salesman. I'm thinking of adding a line under "no soliciting" that says "this includes Jesus and vacuums"

I see the boss made it to the airport. Hooray for tea and loud whispers!

At 15:03 Blogger Adri said...

Ok, I could have sworn that last night I made a comment adn ticked the ticky box. Apparently not. >.<

I assume the mousies were the toy mice with fur of many colors. My boys love them, too.

DG-- bouncy is good! I'm envious. :D

I woke up way late today and it's thrown my whole schedule off. Have real work to do before going to see Watchmen tonight, and a headache.

At 15:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Must. Stay. Awake.

At 15:12 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Q, if you figure out a way to stay awake, could you please share? I didn't realize until I got home exactly how exhausted I am.

At 15:15 Blogger Marjorie said...

But Q, haveing got up so early and successfully airported Boss & Guest, is a nap not now in order? I've heard naps are very good for one.

At 15:26 Blogger ariandalen said...

Well, it sounds like people slept better than I did, which is very good.

No cold caffeine in my house. :(
Too warm for hot caffeine.


At 15:39 Blogger Adri said...

ariandalen -- ice your tea or coffee?

At 15:58 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No Naps. Rat Bastard Airlines are winning today.

I am REALLY good at booking travel, but this next trip is baffling even me.

At 16:04 Blogger Phiala said...

I shudder to think what could defeat your Airline Powers of Fabulousness!

At 16:19 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Shudder. It's bleak. May have an idea tho.

At 16:24 Blogger Phiala said...

Oh look: "That could be because using the internet and social networking sites actually appears to reduce loneliness and improve well-being, [...]"

At 16:36 Blogger Marjorie said...

Smite the rat-bastard airlines, they must not win!

Sorry to hear that they are making life difficult for you. I hope your idea works.

I find it hard to imagine an airline which could defeat Ms Fabulous for long.

At 16:45 Blogger ariandalen said...

Adri, I have no Tetley with caffeine for iced tea, and my Iced Java syrup really doesn't have that much caffeine in it. I absolutely refuse to drink instant tea. ::SHUDDER::

Had to meet DD1 at the bus stop. Now I'm debating going to the Family Dollar for carbonated caffeine.

At 16:47 Blogger ariandalen said...

Oh, Queen Empress! I know that thou shalt bend the lines of air to thy will!

"So let it be written!
So let it be done!"

At 16:51 Blogger ariandalen said...

In the new Fiendocracy airlines shall be less obstructive to all.

At 17:08 Blogger Adri said...

In the new Fiendocracy, teleportation should be a reality.

At 17:22 Blogger ariandalen said...

We need transmat technology online, like, yesterday.

DD2 just used children's scissors to cut her hair. ::head desk::

Today is not my day. ::sigh::

At 17:51 Blogger Lexocat said...


If it makes you feel better (or at least less alone in the struggle) My son cut his hair about a month ago. With children's scissors.


At 17:55 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I gave myself a trim when I was five. I don't think children who pick up the scissors are well in the minority.

At 18:11 Blogger Siri said...

To Whom It May Concern:

I got my copy of 'On Beauty and Being Just' today. I will read it quickly. Who else was in on this book club?


At 18:27 Blogger Chantrelle said...

My sister lives near tahoe and had a little visitor to her back yard this morning.

eek! She said it was cute (since there was a door between her and it). It was eating old apples off the tree.

At 18:43 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'd think it was cute on the right side of very thick glass too :) Bear. Wow.

At 18:46 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Okay - Pete wants to know what particular type of bear the cute thing is...

At 18:46 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Brown bear

At 19:07 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Stupid, stupid rat (bastard airline) creatures!

At 19:27 Blogger Siri said...

Everyone must be at The Watchmen

At 19:28 Blogger AletaMay said...

Glad to hear the mousies were not real.

Morning riding turns Q into a morning person.

Very cute bear. Also scary when in the back yard.

At 19:47 Blogger Adri said...

I'm on my way to see The Watchmen at a dinner cinema. Yay beer and food and movies! Though the Watchmen isn't exactly a snacky movie. (And you just can't eat popcorn to that! /Izzard)

At 19:48 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Chantrelle, Can you check your e-mail, I need to speak to you kind of urgently.

(Other fiends, no worries)

At 20:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I don't see anything in my email :(

At 20:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

never mind! found it!

At 20:36 Blogger Ticia said...

Happy Friday!

I hope to see The Watchmen tomorrow.

How did furniture moving and Airline butt-kicking go Lorraine?

At 20:40 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Lori and I are going to see Watchmen tomorrow as well. Currently I'm sitting here watching Dollhouse.

At 21:28 Blogger Lexocat said...

ok, this is utterly random and a non sequitur but just out of curiosity, do we have a Mandarin-speaking Fiend?

At 21:50 Blogger ariandalen said...

I'm at home, have watched "Dollhouse" and currently watching Tekzilla on TiVo while recording BSG. I don't know that I'll see "Watchmen" this weekend. Granted, the really good news is that "Coraline" is back on a 3D screen in Waco! Now DH can go see it in 3D. :)

I've never had any Mandarin. The languages I've had smatterings of are Spanish and French. I had two years of German in high school and the second semester of German in college, and two semesters of Latin in college. Sorry I can't be of any help. :(

At 22:01 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hah....I said brown bear, just because it was brown, not because of any ursine knowledge.

At 22:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New. Tired. Post. Up.

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