Monday, March 23, 2009

Might be getting sick.....

I suspected something was up with all this early morning motivation this morning. Hmmph. Seemed to have been developing some sort of Plague , you know the one, chest hurts, throat scratchy, ache all over, very sad. Kept thinking it wasn't all day, but I am giving in to Boss's suggestion that I go home to my Bengals and get into bed and beat this thing early.

(he had made a remark that made me feel like crying. I believe it was something like "That soup you made yesterday was really good, can I have some for lunch?" OOPS!)

Yup. Need to be in bed with tea. Which I have lots of. Venus is CUDDLING me and Mim is doing Gargoyle duty.

Sleep now. Feel better soon.

Love and sniffles,


At 15:39 Blogger Fluffy said...

Why "Ooops?"

Soup all gone?

At 15:41 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Nooo! Get well soon.

At 15:42 Blogger dabbler said...

Sending much better fast thoughts!

And, I'm #3

At 15:45 Blogger ariandalen said...

Sleep, more importantly rest, and feel better soon!

At 15:53 Blogger Fluffy said...

I'll make you some nice matzoh ball soup. Forgot if you eat chicken. If not, veg broth.

At 15:58 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Feel better! Sounds like you have bengals on duty to help you, too. Maybe they'll figure out the kettle and keep the tea coming.

I wonder if someone had something Tuesday night that they shared - Dan has bronchitis now, too.

At 16:00 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Madam! Yes take to your bed to ward off further bouts of illness! Feel better soon :)

At 16:03 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I second Fluffy's question: does this mean the soup is gone? I have had many a time where I felt ripped up inside because someone maybe thought something was there and it really wasn't ...

At 16:03 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Also, get well. Fiend love is the best medicine, as they say. Or is that laughter? Whatever, both are pretty good.

At 16:08 Blogger Phiala said...

Oh dear! Get well quickly!

I expect to come down with something - overbusy, short on sleep, around lots of sick people. If it waits until AFTER the Buffalo trip I can handle it.

Lots of vitamin C for everyone!

At 16:41 Blogger Rubius said...

Oh, feel better soon, quiche.

Cuddle them kitties. They are like furry balls of sunshine, simply joyful.

At 16:49 Blogger vampi said...

sending happy feel better vibe your way :)

At 17:08 Blogger AletaMay said...

I think you are exhausted. That is my diagnosis. Sleep. Rest. Tea. Sleep. Everyone is home and safe and you can relax deeply in your clean house with nothing hanging over your head to worry on.

:hugs and virtual tuck in:

At 17:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, it caught me. Ack, nice nap tho, and I have everything I need, Bengals, tea...

I love it that we not only have a Fiend named Fluffy here, but both a Dr Wicked and a Wicked who calls me Madam. Very nice.

It was only oops as I felt like crying over a remark that should not have inspired tears, was smart enough to think Ah, not well, go sleep...

Plenty of soup, really did want to make Indian for everyone tho..

Thanks all, you make me feel so loved.

At 17:41 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Rest well and feel better really quickly Lorraine.
I'm up now, being in Tomorrowland, so you can have some of my sleepy time for the next 12 hours.

At 17:45 Blogger Ani said...

Poor quiche! Sleep and feel better soon! Sending a virtual cup of soothing tea...

At 18:17 Blogger Na said...

Oh noes! Wishes for a quick return to feeling better.


At 18:23 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

so sorry, sicky,sicky quichey.
boil water with some fresh garlic pieces and ginger slices cut up, and drink it. many times.
you will feel so so much better, natural anti-biotics...

At 18:45 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What KittyCat said...

Plus boiled lemons with cilantro. No, really. Parsley ALSO very good that way....

We can make you the most Interestin' teas EVAH!!

But mostly we just want you to rest and get well. Your body is cashing in those energy checks you wrote.

hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs

At 18:55 Blogger Beez said...


You bettah get mo' bettah soon!

*retires back to her bed with her bottle of Kaopectate*

Indian food...mmmmm...


At 19:00 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Feel better soon, dah-link.

I wonder if there's a soup subscription service online like there is for black socks?

At 19:08 Blogger Lyndyn said...

A soup of the month club would be pretty cool...

Hope you feel better, L!

At 19:09 Blogger Bridget said...

Yeah, I can tell something is wrong when I start crying at the strangest things. I once started crying while driving because of a Saab commercial. It was just so... beautiful... *sniff!* I had to pull over and have a good bawl.

I was not feeling well, and also a little stressed.

Get well, cuddle a Venus, and we send virtual veggie barley soup healing thoughts.

At 19:45 Blogger Beez said...

Ah Jess *cracks up laughing*

At 20:14 Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

Oh noes! I hope you are resting right now. Comfy rest, nummy tea, and sweet dreams, Ms. Fablo. (And maybe you've worked yourself too hard lately? We wonders, aye, we wonders...)

At 20:15 Blogger Ticia said...

Poor Quiche!

((hugs)) and warm Bengals. Cozy bed and healing meds.

And rest, rest, rest.

At 21:00 Blogger dabbler said...

Don't drown in all the soup and tea, Quiche, just float on your back comfortably, no worries!

Goodnight, to bed meself...

At 21:03 Blogger Siri said...

I'm glad to know that Q is smart enough to give into the illness early, so she's more use to herself later. I believe in giving in when there's time and energy to do so.

Sometimes it's easier to just keep going.

Myself, going to bed - seems a smart place to be.

At 21:04 Blogger Siri said...

I do miss long late night chats with far-flung fiends, though.

sigh. Once I win that lottery.

At 21:04 Blogger ivenotime said...

i'm crawling off to bed myself. hope you feel better quick lorraine, and your schedule lets you rest! this will be a long week--i will scrape up every bit of motivation i find, beware...

At 21:34 Blogger vampi said...

i hope you will bee feeling better soon.

(same bee more angles on my flickr) for someone scared of bees i really have been taking a lot of bee pictures recently.

At 22:33 Blogger AletaMay said...

By the way I want to say that I believe that crying is good for you. I mean chemically biologically good for you. So cry away I say!

At 00:09 Blogger gaypet said...

Getting of the well soon! Soup all around! And tea. Good advice and recipe Kitty!

Night/Morning all.

I think I fell asleep for a second there. Best go to bed.

At 01:39 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Cute video (I have something for big nosed creatures)

At 01:43 Blogger Dragonsally said...

would you look at the claws on him...and yet such a gentle hold on the hand!

At 01:50 Blogger vampi said...

but, um why is an anteater inside drinking wine?
it was strangely compelling and ute though.

side note, gmail allows you to watch youtube with in the email which was well neato.

At 01:51 Blogger spacedlaw said...

It is not wine but apple/cranberry juice apparently. Better this way.

At 01:59 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm a bit relieved to know that Nathalie. The bubbles made me think it was pink champagne.

At 04:54 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And because we all LOVE Stephen Fry
(and if you don't YET, you'll do in a moment)...
Isn't he a most marvelous fellow?. Of course he is. And moist, and fluffy and ...

At 05:56 Blogger spacedlaw said...

That is frightening, that is.

Good moaning.

At 06:32 Blogger Hellie said...

Hope the tea and bengal cuddles are working their magic and you're feeling much better!

Oh yes I do love Stephen Fry too, in a pink, slightly special way of course! Sunday night telly still not the same without Jeeves & Wooster.

At 08:34 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Tip-toeing through the Fiend-dom so as not to wake the most-likely-and-certainly-hopefully-sleeping Quiche ...

At 08:34 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Waaaayyyy too many hyphens sucked all the sense out of that sentence.

At 09:01 Blogger Dan Guy said...


At 09:14 Blogger ariandalen said...'s way too early in the morning for that particular clip. ;)

Don't worry too much about the hyphens, Emily. I understood you. :)

At 09:15 Blogger ariandalen said...



At 09:35 Blogger gaypet said...

I love days like this when, although I have a million things to do, there is no need for makeup or clothes that match or even clean hair. My inner slob gets her day too!

Happy Tuesday Fiends.

Dan, you may be the only person I have ever met who can make me laugh in the morning. I hate mornings.

At 10:55 Blogger Lexocat said...

I might need to make a point of beginning every morning, or at least every Tuesday morning, watching Stephen Fry videos.

Hope you're feeling better, Quiche. This Plague is no fun at all. Especially the sad. Bed and Bengals sounds like a good approach to healing body and spirit. (It's the Fiendish twist on B&B.) I'm *finally* on the mend from my own never-ending sinus infection. Such a relief!

At 12:13 Blogger EmilyLady said...

It is lovely outside. I want to go outside. If my juvenile diabetes weren't keeping me from going outside, I would go outside. What a world, what a world.

(I actually can go outside, but I'm not allowed to take the walk I want. Grrrrrrrr.)

At 14:13 Blogger Ani said...

Hey thanks! Stephen Fry--I didn't know, & now I have something else to be happy about!

At 15:19 Blogger louisa said...

oooo Stephen Fry! As we're sharing, here's one of my favourites, some tricky linguistics.

At 15:30 Blogger spacedlaw said...

It is of course, it is of course, it is of course...

At 15:34 Blogger louisa said...

Can you now say "probable" out loud without giggling?

At 15:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...


At 15:41 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And meanwhile I wonder how our Lorriane is faring...

At 15:51 Blogger louisa said...

Oops yes, that video was "capable", the other one was "probable".

Not like our courageous Q to be so very quiet, hope it's a sign she's sleeping off Evil Germs.

At 17:44 Blogger Siri said...

Louisa - if you are still around - Tales arrived today, safe and sound.

Go raibh míle maith agat!!

Now, off to read the comments I missed last night and today.

At 17:50 Blogger Siri said...

Jess - Just sent you an email.

At 17:52 Blogger Siri said...

Caught up - here alone again, as others eat, sleep, drive, par-tay and what-have-you.

(I love hyphens - - - - - )

At 17:58 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm here Siri - in between tea, toast and other stuff...

I just love the Laurie and Fry clips. It was such a good show. Fun memories.

Q, I hope your body is healing.

At 18:01 Blogger Siri said...

Top 'o the Morning, to you, Sal.

Mmmmm - toast. Maybe that's supper tonight. I'm feeling not into dinner food.

At 20:35 Blogger Siri said...

We are mute w/out our leader.....Night, Fiendom.

At 20:58 Blogger Na said...

We finally ran our landlord to ground. I've been feeling shaky and freaked out for days trying to deal with this. My guy's gone to the mat and put the screws to him.

My brain is fritzy. I have so much work to do. Family to take care of. Ack ack ack!!!!!!!!!!

Whew. Thanks for "listening".

Best news is, things are looking up for my getting to the gathering, though it may be a cross-country drive with dragons along!!!

At 21:01 Blogger Siri said...

Dragons should come - what is a fiend fest without dragons?

Hugs for you, and large whips for use on the landlord.

Deep breaths.....

At 21:08 Blogger Na said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 21:10 Blogger Na said...

[oops, had to edit this, repost]

Siri, thanks. And I know other fiendlings and dragons shall be around, so good, and probably my guy will meet us there and whisk them away to a cousin's home in the area, so I can also have some fun sans kiddos. We'll see. It's not in stone, but it's better.

And phew - my guy just got off the phone with the eejit. We are currently, insanely, planning to move in 5 weeks' time. It's nuts. But at least we KNOW now.

Still thinking vacation in one of ariandalen's jackets, in a room full of padding (or stuffed animals), sounds nice, so long's it's warm...

At 00:19 Blogger Ticia said...

Ack! Quiche, you must be sick indeed. Sleep well and get well soon. We miss you. Like Siri said, "We're mute without you".

Na, I'm glad you cornered that landlord. Good luck on the house hunt. And yay to June. Dragons or no dragons.

I hope everyone is feeling better (motivation and illness) tomorrow/today.

At 03:58 Blogger Marjorie said...

Poor Quiche. Hope you feel better soon. I think you must have come down with that common compliant "there's a lot of it going around".

I seem to be fightingsomething off, too - I had to court to court yesttday AM, felt so crappy when we finished (around 11.300 that I went home instead of back to work - was in bed asleep by 8.30! Sadly it doesn't seem to have worked - have a thumping headaches sdespite having taken paracetamol and I have lienats in all day so cant go home and go back to bed, which I'm sure would be a better idea.

And no internet means even if could get the client's all moved to this mornign , I ocouldn't then go home and work from there for the afternoon.

Grumble Grumble Grumble Grumble

Can't be the same something, though, can it? I know I came to the St Pats party but only virtually...unless...Dr Wicked, did you forget to disable the germ-transmitter when you set the live streaming?

BTW, do you think it is too much to ask of a company's comliants department that they actually,y'know, read the complaint before replying?

At 08:41 Blogger dabbler said...

Hooray, Blogger has decided to work again...

Just wanted to comment, for Quiche and anyone else who may be struggling with the entirely evil plague I had (the nine days one)....Please note that the horrid depression is part of the illness. Your life is really NOT totally wasted, you haven't made all the wrong decisions, and you are not really a worthless piece of mud.

All of those seemed quite true and clear to me in the worst of it. So be reassured that the fever is messing with your brain...and it WILL be better...

At 09:19 Blogger spacedlaw said...

That was a great moment. Thanks for that.
Found a >cute animation at lunch time, if you are still feeling poorly.

At 09:32 Blogger louisa said...

Thanks Nat & Jess, perfect timing for my lunch.

Tá fáilte romhat Siri! Delighted the book arrived, will email momentarily.

Nearly had a Bengal-Bee Limerick last night rhyming hyphen, siphon and iPhone but my brain mushed before it was complete.

It's cold here today bbrrrrrrr....

At 09:42 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Got a poppet in the mail!
Nothing quite like those cute little critters showing up at the office.

At 10:02 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Nope. But I am working on it.

At 10:03 Blogger Marjorie said...

New Poppets are always fun ;-)

At 11:53 Blogger Na said...

Good day/evening, Fiends! (And by Fiends I include Q in my mind.)

I am awaiting a new poppet, too. But it is my increasingly strong conviction that the Canadian post is painfully slow. Cannot ever, ever complain about the USPS again.

Tentatively resolved things with the landlord. Slept some. Brain is clearing some. Packing cleaning work await. Dragonette is watching "Beverly Hills Chihuahua." Yes, I rented it on purpose. Going to go see how much I can accomplish before it ends...

Hope all who are ill, are mending!

At 12:07 Blogger Na said...

I really love the steampunk poppets, too, especially The Impeccable Dr. Brown. *sigh* Wasn't there once a bee poppet? Thought I spied one in some fiendish picture somewhere...

At 12:10 Blogger Ticia said...

Good morning fiends. I hope everyone is on the mend. I agree with Dabbler on the depression with that nasty cold. I was feeling VERY low for the 2 weeks I was sick.

I just ordered my first poppets 2 days ago. Like Jess, I covet the steampunk ones... We'll see.

Nat- The cartoon animation you linked to was brilliant!

And why I loved the Laurie skit is a mystery... Thanks for the laugh.

Na- Tell me if the movie is good or not.. I have a friend who has a chihuahua and she (and her dog) loved the musical trailer that came out last year. I may send it to her as a gift.

At 12:18 Blogger spacedlaw said...

There is a bee poppet (probably a couple of them too). One of them is sitting in an empty honey jar, somewhere in my house.

At 12:36 Blogger Marjorie said...

Ticia, 'Afternoon! Which Poppets are you getting? And Na. I love the steampunk ones but can't afford the one of kind sort (maybe one day when my boat comes in..) But Dr Brown is very very nice in the mean time!

At 13:38 Blogger Ticia said...

Hi Marjorie! I got the original red ones. One for me and two as gifts... I will be looking for more over the next week though.

At 13:50 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hello my dear Fiends...I'm here, coughing and snifffling away, gads this is a no no fun cold...Reading you chatter from my phone, keep it coming for me, please

At 13:52 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Welcome back! We've missed you!

At 15:18 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Quiche. It must be pretty bad if Venus has gone all cuddly. And so unfair to be ill when the snowdrops are appearing.

Hope the application of Bengals and tea is helping!

At 15:29 Blogger AletaMay said...

Good to know you are alive and reading Q! Hope you start feeling better soon. In the meantime rest and liquids and cuddly Bengals for you.

I have much to get done in the next few days and I am so good at not doing what needs to be done. Wish I could get paid for not doing what needs to get done. I'd be rich. :sigh:

At 15:38 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Cute music video alert!

At 16:36 Blogger Ticia said...

Quiche! So glad you popped in to tell us you're alive.

Just ignore the awesome Dio de Las Muertos song Nat linked to... I'm sure she wasn't insinuating that you were dead... *grin*

Although it's not as lively around here with you laid up.

I hope the Bengals are keeping you company. Get well soon.

(I still have the skeleton tune bouncing around in my head. Thanks for the creative links today Nat. I love seeing art in motion.)

At 16:52 Blogger Phiala said...

Hooray, a Q sighting! It lives! :) Speedy recoveries!

Fiends who read the unicorns will be entertained: I found myself tromping thru an agricultural field in my meeting clothes today. I didn't find any unicorns, though, live or dead.

At 17:58 Blogger ariandalen said...

Spring rains, gray skies fall.
Shades of green explode outside.
BOOM! Drought now over?

At 17:59 Blogger ariandalen said...

Okay. So I'm writing this just to be #100. ;)

Hope you're feeling better, Queen Empress.

At 18:24 Blogger Rubius said...

Dear Quiche

Sending happy healthy wishes
and virtual yummy dishes
(some may even be nutritious)
hopin' to high hell
you ain't swimmin with the fishes!!

and no, I wasn't trying to make that rhyme with Quiches... but I kinda wanted to. That's one way to break the language.

At 18:28 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Lorraine, I saw some Quiche Lorraine for the first time EVER in the grocery shop today and couldn't stop laughing. I just couldn't.

At 19:02 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Gentle back rubs for Q

Jess and Nathalie -great clips.

Viggo Mortensen is about to be on my radio. Ssssshhhhh Must listen to one of my crushes.

At 21:42 Blogger AletaMay said...

Very quiet in fiendland. Peaceful even. Ahhhhh.

At 22:43 Blogger El said...

It's the middle of the night, what better time to visit the fiends?

Okay, so it's actually 10:30 pm but it feels a lot later thanks to this death plague I've gotten caught up in it feels much later. Q, how you've managed to infect people virtually I'll never know, but I am in awe.

On the other hand, I've been catching up on on many, many episodes of Mystery Sciene Theater 3000. It's awesome sickbed watching.

So I've not been around much. How is everyone?

I'm getting around to adding fiends on twitter. Let me know if you want to be added and I haven't gotten to you on the list yet. :)

At 23:08 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wondered why you'd dropped out of the Twitter-sphere. Ick at being sick. But yay for sympathetic employers and tea! Feel better!

At 00:09 Blogger vampi said...

so...boy and i veture up to the griffith observatory (best view of los angeles hands down, especially at night) to chill out and walk around. it is really beautiful and it was fairly lear looking out, looking up was cloudy, but ls angles was twinkling very nicely.

a few years ago, they did a major renovation on the griffith. they have a short movie about it narrated by Leonard Nimoy, Leonard Nimy event horizon theatre. I happen to like hte cheesy little film and spock.

all of that pre-story to get to the real story...
there were these loud kids talking through the whole show. at one point i turned around and said "shut up" after the movie the girl looks at me and says "suck my cock." i, having no brain and creativity said "yeah, cause you got one."

i am so lame i need to lean some comebacks. *sigh*

At 00:44 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Sorry you're sick Q :(

Just found out today that good friends just built a bee hive! The alliance has expanded (she's also a bit of a crazy cat lady :)
I need to dig up old Boss and Birdchick posts to send her. But that will be tomorrow, off to bed now.

Hope you feel better!!

At 03:44 Blogger Marjorie said...

Morning all. Good tosee you Quiche, to reassure us all that you're still alive. I hope that you feel better soon.

We had spring yesterday - clear blue skies, and all the ornamental cherry trees seem to have blossomed over night. This morning, however it is grey and pouring with rain. (But there are still cherry trees, so it's not all bad)

Just found out that Terry Pratchett (withhis fabulous assistant, Rob, is on Twitter

I feel there should be a haiku in there somewhere but inspiration fails to strike me.

At 03:46 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Didn't I tell the Fiends Pterry and Rob were on Twitter? Bad me...

Who else should we know about on there peeps?

wittymom - you're there too?

At 03:52 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sal, you might have done - I don't remember seeing it but that may be me not paying attention!

At 03:55 Blogger Dragonsally said...

any good news on your internet yet Marjorie?

At 04:01 Blogger Marjorie said...

Well, I definately won't have a connection at home until 6th April - seems that while they can disconnect you within seconds, re-cinnecting takes a minimum of 10 days (Yes, I'm sceptical too) On the plus side, I have now got to the "High Level Complaints Team" which means you get a real person to talk to. They seem to be admitting that it's all their fault, and that no, it really isn't on to try to bill me to the end of March. Working on getting them to cough up a bit of cash (mostly just because they pissed me off so much!)
Being disconnected over the weekend may be the incentive I need to tidy up the garden and finish packing up boxes to go into the loft, though.

At 09:23 Blogger dabbler said...

Morning, Quiche...

Thinking of you in your misery and hoping it begins to at least lighten. A miracle cure would be okay, too!

off to funny links here, though DD has introduced me to Kate Beaton's 'Hark, a vagrant' webcomic, so perhaps I lie!

At 11:05 Blogger ariandalen said...

Sending feel better thoughts your way, Ms. Fabulous!

We have fog this morning, still. It is supposed to lift and then get up to near 80 F/26.7 C. My new phone has a converter on it, so now I can give you the temperature in two scales. :)

At 12:13 Blogger Marjorie said...

Blogger ate my comment. *sob* But it wasn't a very exciting comment. And there were no funny links.

I hope you're feeling a bit better today, Quiche - more virtual soup & lemon & honey heading your way.

I have a horrible feeling that I have no food in the house. Grocery delivary tomorrow, so should I buy something healthy on my way home, or just cheat and order a takeaway? I think with what's in the hoseu I could manage a naked baked potato and a very elderly apple, and that lacks appeal, somehow.

At 12:55 Blogger Ani said...

Just dropping by to say "hello" and I hope you're feeling better today Quiche!

At 12:56 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Vampi! I love your comeback. seriously.
i am the Queen of movie-shhhhing. I will slice the offenders to ribbons with a glance. and really, it was the right thing to do.

Quey- how you doing, lady?

At 14:12 Blogger Hellie said...

Ooh it's the people that talk during gigs that get to me most. Why don't they just stay home & listen to a record!!

Hope you are well on the road to recovery, Quiche. I can empathise, I've got shingles - thought I had been bitten by some nasty insect until the aches started and then more rashiness appeared - yuk! Am bit miserable but counting lucky stars that I'm nowehere near as bad as I've heard it can be, & I'm determined to be better for my trip to Hong Kong in a week!

At 16:44 Blogger gaypet said...

Dear Ms Fab, I do hope you are starting to feel better!

I actually turned in one of the 6 things I have yet to finish by the end of April! Hooray! Go me. :)

Off to class. I hope everyone is having a good evening.

At 16:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hello all, just waving...Darn nasty virus I have here, but I am reading you from my bed, nice to feel the love,,,,,Keep going with out me...

At 18:17 Blogger Dragonsally said...

sending virtual chicken soup for our bedridden leader. Hope the Bengals are being good carers.

Hellie! Shingles! OUCH and yuk.

Gayle, woohoo - attagal

At 19:01 Blogger Na said...


I've long thought white cake with chocolate frosting was IT. Some here have said otherwise.

This week was my son's birthday. For cupcakes for school (yes, they allow that here! maybe even encourage), he requested some be white cake with chocolate frosting, and some chocolate with white frosting. (I called them the yin-yang cupcakes.)

So, half were our "usual", half were devil's food with whipped vanilla frosting. I am swayed. At least for now...

At 19:13 Blogger Siri said...

Proud of you Gayle! It shall soon all be over.

My dread tasks won't be over until the end of June - FiendFest is my reward!

At 19:17 Blogger Siri said...

Oh, and


At 19:54 Blogger Ticia said...

Hi Quiche! I'm sending the Kleenex Army over to kick that plagues butt.

And a virtual care package is being air-lifted to you as we speak. It includes a never-ending cup of warm tea, magical feather-sticks that propel themselves around the house, causing the Bengals to chase them, fresh lemon, honey, ginger, and garlic.

Hope you feel better soon. Know we love you and miss you.

Na- Yay! (cupcakes)

Must leave my commute car and drive home now! Have a great night everyfiend!

At 19:55 Blogger Ticia said...

And Siri, I think FiendFest is a reward that all of us look forward to. *grin*

At 20:19 Blogger AletaMay said...

Virus bad, Bed good. Glad you are resting Q!

Got some school stuff done so now I feel good about really giving my all to my weekend writing retreat. I will write fiction and be happy as a clam with only a little guilt about the other academic stuff that Must Be Done Soon.

At 20:37 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Talking of writing, is anyone going to do the nano script/play writing challenge?
Formula One Grand Prix is on in Melbourne. Watching cars go vroom vroom very fast in practise rounds.

At 22:48 Blogger El said...

Congrats, Aleta! Enjoy your weekend of fun, you have definitely earned it. And I think we've all earned cake.

In more sobering news, I think we have some Fargo-Fiends. Is everyone doing all right up there?

I'm getting messages from my friends right now, looks bad and getting worse. If fiends could send a little good juju that way I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

At 03:30 Blogger Dragonsally said...

remember the old warning to put your drink down?

At 03:36 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hellie - Ouch! glad to har your shingles in not (are not?) too severe - can be truly awful, I know. Is Hong Kong trip work or leisure?

I think Annie Extrodinaire is down in/near the risky areas with flooding. Lots of good , supportive thoughts heading that way.

And Yay to Gayle for finishing one preject, I always think the first one is the owrst - after that at least you know it *can* be done!

Quiche, did Boss catch your lurgy too? he was tweeting sneezes yesterday, I recall. Hugs and honey to all who need it.

At 03:39 Blogger Marjorie said...

::snorfle:: Thanks for the warning, Sally. That is indeed a tea-snorter!

At 04:26 Blogger ivenotime said...

good morning all! lorraine, hope you are starting to feel better, no fun having colds! hope everyone else stays healthy too, have a good friday all, it is waaaayyy to early for me - now 5;30 am, and its time to leave.

At 04:27 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Have a good day - and yes, far too early

At 04:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am having an annoying sort of day. I should have staid in bed. This way I would not have known about the urgent actions not moving and my phone might not have attempted suicide by drowning (I don't think both issues are anywhere related).

At 08:00 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

I've been out with a dead computer. :-( The hard drive went belly up and I hadn't backed up in a month. I know! I'm such an idiot.

Luckily, I was able to restore much of what I lost because I email stuff to myself all of the time.

But, man! I almost lost my screenplay that I just finished and a month's worth of revisions on my novel.

Is there a pill to cure me of my stupidity? How could I not back up more regularly? What is wrong with me?

So, enough about me......

Jess, what's up with that poem? You're freakin' me out. I'm not letting you go to the bathroom alone anymore. ;-)

Nathalie, suicidal phones are the worst. They have to be watched constantly. I hope things are better.

Lorraine, I'm hope you're feeling better soon.

... and CAKE .... did I arrive too late for cake?

At 08:19 Blogger spacedlaw said...

The phone isn't speaking to me any more (nor to anyone else, I suspect). I just hope the memory chip can be saved.
(then again, the antisocial me is delighted at the thought of not being contactable any more)

At 08:28 Blogger louisa said...

Cake? Who said Cake? I want Cake! Or maybe Death...

At 08:33 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Nathalie has gone off grid! Only contactable through the Fiend Network.

Gotta Love It!

At 08:51 Blogger Dan Guy said...

I've been feeling mentally sick lately. I want to post, but every time I type something I stop and look and it and decide it's lame.

At 08:53 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Sounds like a bad case of the blahs, Dan. Maybe it is about time spring started in earnest and batter you about with massive doses of sunshine.

At 08:58 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Dan, have you read ANY of my posts? Talk about lame! Sheesh!

I'm surprised that I haven't been tossed out on my ... butt. Can we say ass on the blog? I'm I going to get deleted? I could say kiester, but I don't know how to spell it. I feel like James Joyce right now, just typing my random lame thoughts.

See, Dan. I totally beat to you the lame.

At 08:59 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Jess is double-posting again. Everyone watch out!

At 09:16 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Don't get me wrong Jess. I love me some James Joyce. After I finished reading Ulysses, I couldn't write fiction for awhile. Heck, I could barely write my term paper. My subconscious kept trying to make me type in stream of consciousness. Clearly, my mind is too impressionable.

Perhaps we'll both be kicked out on our keisters.

By the way, I'm looking for some suggestions on Romance novels, not romantic fiction. I want to write a Science Fiction romance, but I don't read romance.

So, if you know of any amazing romance novels, I'd love to hear the title and author.

At 09:29 Blogger dabbler said...

Shades of Reagan...Anybody but me amazed at how his rep has improved now he's dead?

And, Dan, if your posts are lame, mine are wheelchair bound...I enjoy your slant on things a lot!

At 09:38 Blogger vampi said...

dan i got lame covered.

yeah, cause you got one.

At 09:50 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Speaking of shirts, I got my Erin Go Argh! shirt. It's sooooo cool.

Love it!

At 10:12 Blogger Dan Guy said...

You all think that, but you haven't seen the posts I've deleted.

There was one about taking "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" and flipping the concept on its head, instead taking a zombie movie and replacing the zombies with Victorians, e.g. "Night of the Living Victorians".

Harry Cooper: Did you hear me when I told you they worked over our car?

Ben: Oh, hell! Any good five men could do that!

Harry Cooper: That's my point! There's not going to be five, or even ten! There's going to be twenty, thirty, maybe a hundred of those Victorians, men threatening fisticuffs, dandies dabbing at the corners of their mouths with handkerchiefs, women with parasols getting cases of the vapours, and as soon as they find out we're here, this place'll be crawling with them!

Ben: Well, if there's that much, they'll probably get us wherever we are.

Or maybe, taking it back the other way a step, "Night of the Victorian Zombies": "I say, Reginald, do be a dear and hold still while I sup on your brains. ... Reginald, really, of all the nerve, you're going to get your appalling humours all over my just-pressed shirt. That screaming is quite unbecoming. Take it like a man, stiff upper lip and all that. Why don't you just lie back and think of Britain?"

At 10:12 Blogger Na said...

Shush, fiends! No self-deprecation. We value each other in all our modes of expression, yes? YES!

Has everyone seen the Lego versions of Eddie Izzard bits? Here's the Lego cake or death.

And did anyone else see his Tweet t'other day, that there's substance to rumors of a post-series "The Riches" movie?

At 10:17 Blogger Na said...

Night of the Living Victorians could be quite scary. Just consider the obsession with insects. And corsets that go so far as to rearrange a woman's internal organs. Eeeeeeeeeeeee!

At 10:18 Blogger dabbler said...

Umm...Reagan comment related to keister, not Romance, if anyone wondered.

Erin, Regency romances by Georgette Heyer; some of Lois McMaster Bujold's Chalion series (fantasy world, but really romances, I think) come to mind. I'll think on it more. Lots of contemporary vampire/werewolf stuff goes in that direction, but a lot of it is, shall we say, less sophisticated writing... :-)

At 10:21 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Dan, you gotta read World War Z! You'll love it. I promise.

At 10:21 Blogger dabbler said...

I have to share that with my steampunk loving daughter and her friends, if you don't mind!


At 10:29 Blogger Phiala said...

I'm not entirely sure if the romance novel question was about modern romance novels, or Romantic-period writers, but hey...

I second the Georgette Heyer recommendation, and also Mary Stewart (wrote the Crystal Cave Arthurian, and also some nice romances).

My favorite, though, is Eloisa James, who in "real life" is a tenured English prof at Fordham. The day after she got tenure, she went on NPR and admitted to her pseudonym. :) The plots are fairly normal for the genre, but she actually _has_ plots, and can write. As you might expect.

At 10:31 Blogger Phiala said...

Black Sheep. Everyone must see Black Sheep.

Killer zombie sheep, what's not to love???

At 10:35 Blogger vampi said...

"do be a dear and hold still while I sup on your brains" has got to be the next fiend slogan. lol!

love it.

friday! woot. i've worked all of 2 days this week and i am still so excited about friday.

At 11:30 Blogger ariandalen said...

Hope you're feeling better, Ms. Fabulous. Does look like Boss is sick, too.

Hope Annie is safe, and anybody else in the vicinity of the Red River in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Erin, Anne McCaffrey's Crystal Singer trilogy is basically romance wrapped in a science fiction wrapper. You might even say the same thing for "The Ship Who Sang" and others in that series, though they don't have all the same characters.

Dan, zombies and Victorians aren't that lame. Sounds pretty funny to me. ;) Novels have been printed, bought and sold that are a LOT lamer.

At 11:40 Blogger Marjorie said...

'Night of the Voctorian Zombies' is fabulous!

"Well, yes, now you mention, dashed zombie did chew m'leg off last night, but apart form that it's been a siimply splendid party"

At 12:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

That song the crocodile is playing at the beginning of the russian cartoon is the russian song jason webley plays! Is that a weird coincidence???

At 13:00 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Youtube is still processing it but i'm uploadign a video i took of him singing that song at the show Ticia and I went to. I took russian in college so i recorded that one :)

Off to buy a shirt to wear for the wedding i have tomorrow. I have a million skirts but only a handful of shirts!

At 13:08 Anonymous Anonymous said...


OMF!! That was/is hilarious! What a great set of memes you loosed (see what I did there?) upon the Fiends.

Thank you for that. :)

At 13:30 Blogger TommyB said...

Danguy- Now I'm trying to rework Re:Your Brains into a Victorian theme in my head.

Last working day before vacation and I'm the only one here in my department. This may be the only "productive" thing I get done.

At 13:52 Blogger Ani said...

I got a recommendation on some werewolf/vampire genre to some (perfectly fine if a little plot-low) "romance" novels a while back. Feeling bizarre at best, I found myself wandering those aisles trying to look like I must be just picking up a book for a sick friend.

Cheerfully found in the SF section of my fave library, I am tossing in for the werewolf/vampire genre: Patricia Briggs & Kim Harrison.

Hope our Fearless Leader is feeling better soon--surely all these fiendish good wishes must be helping?

Good weekend, all!

At 13:58 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

"yeah, cause you got one"
that is the new Neverwear slogan.
LOVE IT, Vampi.

Quichey, what up? you? yet?

At 14:15 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Silent is the Quiche

Perhaps she's become a Victorian Zombie in one of Dan's Mad Hatter stories. :-)

At 14:41 Blogger Arwenn said...

Silent is the Quiche
Perhaps she is a zombie
So Victorian

At 14:46 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Extreme Sheep Herding - You have got to see this.

At 14:48 Blogger ariandalen said...

So Victorian,
Spring vapors, bedridden, tea;
Queen Empress arise!

At 14:48 Blogger dabbler said...

I've also wandered those aisles with a look of "Of course I'm not buying for me"

And I like Patricia Briggs a lot. Kim Harrison at intervals, and Karen Chance a long every once in a while.

And now I'm wondering, Erin, did you mean romance or the Romantic period?

Dan, DD thought your Victorian zombies excellent.

At 14:52 Blogger TommyB said...

My boss brought his 9-yr old daughter in the other day. And she asks the unanswerable question: Why do you all work in little boxes?

I have no answer for that. And I find that disturbing.

At 14:53 Blogger Arwenn said...

A haiku summons
but will the Empress comply?
Only bengals know.

At 15:13 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Well, I was thinking of Romance as in the modern day category. I don't read it and need to find a few good titles for research.

However, I love literature from the Romantic Era. So, I'm ALWAYS open to suggestions there!

Thanks so much!!

At 15:14 Blogger ariandalen said...

Only bengals know
No zombie fills their bowls/plates.
Just fab fiends worry.

At 15:16 Blogger Chantrelle said...

OK, back from shopping and youtube has caught up:
Jason Webley singing Russian song that jess linked to the cartoon of earlier. Strange, small world.

Found a few shirts that are options for the wedding tomorrow, yay!

Hope Q is getting better!

At 15:22 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I posted a while back about my good friend who has Hodgkins lymphoma.

She is a dear friend and was ben's nanny for 2 years. She was a
doula and a lactation consultant, has a 2 1/2 yr old sweet boy. They
have no money or insurance so are doing what they can to get by (and
racking up an insane amount of hospital bills). They are organizing a
fundraiser/music/auction in May.

If anyone has anything they'd like to donate to an auction, please email me. I'm going to put in a free wedding ceremony (that's just about all i have to offer!!) but there's an awful lot of creativity in this group so if there's anything you want to rid yourself of that you think someone may want to buy, please let me know.

Sorry to hijack the thread with this but I'm trying to do all I can to help her and her family.

Thanks!!! :)

At 15:38 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Chantrelle, I have an idea, but I don't know your email addy. Can you drop me a line at erin_underwood at hotmail?

At 15:40 Blogger Chantrelle said...

OH, chantrelle at foodporn dot com

I'll email you Erin, thanks!

At 15:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi, I'm here....Did a new little post.....

At 17:51 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Dan, how could your posts EVER be lame? Look what you started.So many fabulous comments and links to get up to on a sunny and noisy Saturday (big machinery at house 2 doors down, started at 7am the b%%%%s)
I love Eddie Izzard in Leggo.

Off to distract myself from the noise with more Youtube

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