Friday, March 27, 2009

Still Alive, Mostly...

Nasty cold. No fun at all. Crept into work for a couple hours, and Boss made me tea and juice and then I crept back home. Slept and now I have crept to my floor.

Lots of creeping going on. And coughing.

I like reading the chatter tho, makes me feel loved...

Love and Sniffles


At 15:49 Blogger Fluffy said...

Hope you feel better soon. Virtual soup is on the way - wish I could bring the real thing. Poor baby!

At 15:53 Blogger ariandalen said...

I'm glad you feel loved, because you are loved. :)

At 15:58 Blogger DataGoddess said...

*gives you soup, tea, and a warm blankie*

At 16:15 Blogger vampi said...

aww poor quiche. i wish you could be here, it's so lovely out, no possible way to feel sick.

new strapy shoes giving me blisters! aquarius mine are called aquarius vintage and not listed onthe site. same basic design, excpt the toe and heel bits are old leathery feeling material.

At 17:43 Blogger Fluffy said...

Okay, here are some romance and romantic fiction for Erin - I agree about Georgette Heyer, Kim Harrison and Karen Chance, and would add CE Murphy's "Heart of Stone" and Jennifer Crusie's "Welcome To Temptation." Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse books are definitely romantic fiction and she's good. Even though I hate what HBO has done to her books I'm glad she's getting very rich from them. Good on her.
Oooh, and Robin McKinley's "Sunshine." There are also a lot of anthologies in both genres so you can get a feel for the quality of lots of different writing.

And Donielle, I thought I would say to the "suck it" girl, "Why sure; whip it out!"

At 17:47 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Not fun Quiche. Sending you warmth, sunshine and lots of vitamin C.

At 17:51 Blogger Fluffy said...

Not Donielle - sorry! Arr?

At 18:11 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Sorry you're still blechy.

Much soup and tea has been sent, I'll send kleenex and warm cuddlies.

At 18:26 Blogger Siri said...

Q - anyone sending hot baths, or showers, your choice? I find I always feel better after being emersed in water.

At 18:27 Blogger Siri said...

And, Dan is never lame (none of us are) and no one gets thrown out on their keisters.

We like keisters around here.

At 18:38 Blogger Erin Underwood said...


At 18:49 Blogger DataGoddess said...

*waggles keister at Siri*

I'm still working. Since it's all OT I can't complain too much, but still...

At 18:55 Blogger Siri said...

/me Poke Toni!

I'm considering bed, even though it's still light out, because I'll be doing OT tomorrow.

Danged legislative season.

At 19:10 Blogger louisa said...

Chantrelle, I read that as "Sorry you're still belchy"! Time for this girl to go to bed m'thinks. Quiche, hope you feel better soon, vanquish those evil germs!

At 19:11 Blogger Siri said...

Louisa!!! Haven't seen you in days - must be that whole time difference thing!

Good night and good morrow to you!

At 19:11 Blogger Chantrelle said...

well, belchy is actually more of a word than blechy so it makes sense ;-)

At 19:21 Blogger Dan Guy said...

I wish I was going to sleep and lay about all weekend as though sick, but I don't think it's in the cards.

At 19:23 Blogger louisa said...

The time difference certainly doesn't help but I have also been unplugged working and reading a lot this week. Just finished Carson McCuller's The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter this evening, got that post-amazing-book feeling.

"Belchy" is indeed a valid word but not one often associated with "Get Well Soon" sentiments. That would be an interesting Hallmark competition: come up with a greeting card using including the word "belchy"

At 19:35 Blogger Beez said...

Awwww, get better. Nasty bug should just leave you be.

I'm with Siri, so I'm sending a virtual hot bath (clawfoot tub, you can sink in up to your ears if you choose) and something soothing from Lush to put in it.

At 19:37 Blogger Siri said...

This is indeed the end of a long week - I can't come up with a Hallmark Card idea to win a contest, let alone include a belchy sentiment in it.

Inventive muse has exited, stage left!

At 20:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks all, I have not been this sick in yonks. Planning on creeping to work tomorrow and trying to play catch up for Boss, who has been sick too and assistantless, which is no good.

At 20:11 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I think both you and Boss need a good holiday in the sun. Your bodies are saying so. Shame the rest of the world doesn't agree.

At 20:27 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I could do with that combination right now. (Bloody noisy machinery is back)

At 21:08 Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

You *are* loved, Q. I'm so sorry you're sick.

(Reminds me of the fabulous Ted Hawkins song -- "Good morning, darling, I'm telling you this/To let you know I'm sorry you're sick/ These tears of sorrow won't do you no good/I'd be the doctor if only I could..." Sad but really sweet.)

At 21:25 Blogger EmilyLady said...

'Tis funny how so many seem to be getting ill these early spring days ... including my own boss (okay, the lady whose daughter I take care of three or four times a week), who is also a writer, and can't say a single word right now due to a burning sore throat. I guess it's a good thing writers don't always need to, you know, talk to express themselves.

At 22:00 Blogger LOST_kitty_k said...

Hope you feel better soon!

At 22:36 Blogger Lexocat said...

Feel better, Q. I think you'd probably have a lifetime supply of soup and other good stuff if the fiendish sentiments were to step out of the virtual and into the real world. :)

At 23:16 Blogger ariandalen said...

You and Boss both need a breather, Ms. Fabulous. All the stress, from fortunate and not so fortunate events, have worn you both down. Relax when at all possible, and I submit that it is possible more often than you think. ;) You might also increase your intake of vitamin C. We know you're getting plenty of cations. ;) Get lots of rest, not just sleep. Then, schedule time to do something that you don't have to work at, like see a movie.

At 23:28 Blogger gaypet said...

Good luck my dear! Just think, by the time you are better there will be warm air and sun outside. No, there will. I have put in an order!!

I am exploring the St Paul public transit system with M this weekend. It is actually quite fun when doing it with someone who thinks the bus is GREAT! :) M likes it too.

At 23:38 Blogger Jane said...

Get well, everyone. Being sick is not much fun. What's the point of lying about in bed when you feel too sick to read and too sick even to watch TV? I'm sending healthy thoughts to everyone.

And I love Charlaine Harris' other books, too, in addition to the sookie stackhouse books.

At 23:41 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

aw Q! I love the rum & palm trees remedy. I also love that I read Sal's comment as Bloody Mary's. Those are too yummy (san's celery which is blechy) Hope you are on the mend soon m'dear!

At 23:55 Blogger AletaMay said...

Quick wave and ticky box.

So glad you are mostly alive Q! Hope tomorrow is better. It will run its course and you will be twirling in the sunshine soon, I know it.

I am doing a homemade writing retreat this weekend with some friends (mostly with one friend) so I will not be on line much. I am about to go to bed because we are planning to get started early (for me, not for most people) in the morning.

Love and well wishes to Q. 'Night Fiends to everyone!

At 00:30 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Poor little coughing crawling you.
Sending huge amounts of virtual tea and sunshine.

At 00:42 Blogger Ticia said...

I'm sorry you're still feeling poorly, Quiche. This is a nasty bugger. Take it easy. Be kind to yourself.

My thoughts are with Annie tonight. "Lord willing, the creek don't rise".

Aleta- Enjoy your weekend. It sounds fabulous.

At 00:51 Anonymous Scott Gordon said...

Two words...


At 00:59 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I just checked the Fargo Flood page - 40.82 feet! That's a heck of a lot of water. No wonder Annie has been so busy sand-bagging.

At 01:08 Anonymous kali_licious said...

I think you and Boss both need some sunshine and warmth (well, and some chicken soup, 'cause that cures everything;)
And I agree with Siri, a hot bath always makes me feel better.
Hope you both feel better soon.

Dan, don't berate yourself for that Victorians as zombies post..most definitely NOT lame. I got some MUCH needed laughter from that.

Hard for me to hang much here lately because my work situation has gotten really evil. As in I now have a rash on my neck from stress.:/

At 01:48 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Quiche must get better...Quiche must rise!! :)

hugs and warm thoughts, my dear.

Chantrelle--I sent you an email re your auction question in previous post comments. Look at the subject line to see that it is moi! And have you talked to Amacker? She's pretty amazing at this sort of thing, too.

At 01:53 Blogger Ticia said...

Ticky box.

At 03:06 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I really love this, one of the things posted in Boss's 100k comp

At 05:44 Blogger vampi said...

fluffster, i am donielle :) and that would have been a good comeback.

i'm laughing at all the zombie twit followers i gained this morning.

At 08:24 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Vampi, who are you on Twitter? Would you mind if I Followed you?

At 10:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am up, WEIRD night tho, I dreamed in Twitter, and then that I was a waitress getting slammed, and then sweated forever.

Was glad to get up tho I am pretty fuzzy, not coughing as bad. Going to go in and make juice and saunna, and see if I can't be of some use.

At 10:46 Blogger vampi said...

hold onto your hats, because i am so creative with my log in names everywhere.. i am vampiress.

lol of course i don't mind if you follow. :)

hope everyone is having a smashing day

At 13:48 Blogger Siri said...

Jess, when we meet in June I shall teach you the appropriate gestures to go with "Hey you kids, get off my lawn". I call them rotten kids. I have been using the gestures a lot at work, where most of my co-workers are 20 - 30 years younger than I. I am quite good at it now. And now, there is nothing obscene in the movements.

Oh, and you have to get your face set right.

Lunch is ready - back later.

At 13:53 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Damn kids! When ben was an infant, our nanny was walking him back from the park in his stroller and this old crazy lady on a bicycle rode up next to them, looked at ben in the buggy and said in a crazy-old-lady-witchy-like voice: "Little fu*&er" (without the wingding edits) ;-)

We've adopted that quote whenever he does something sinister (when he can't hear it of course). Maybe you can channel that old lady to get the kids out of your lawn!

Getting ready for the wedding this afternoon and hubby's bday dinner/hotel night w/out the boy. My folks just left with ben :)

I won't be online tonight, ahem.

At 13:59 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I know I will get burned at the stake for this but I am sick, so humor me...

Kids like rocks, rocks are beautiful, especially if one can sit and search for agates. Or crystals. Magic.

I would be the good fairy and let them, get another bag of mixed rocks and make them happy.

Yup, I do. Every spring and the little guy next door thinks it's the BEST thing ever to hunt them, pile them, play with them.

Just saying.

At 14:03 Blogger Chantrelle said...

If you're going to go the fairy route, hide something cool in them! :)

At 14:08 Blogger Fluffy said...

I'm going to cut and paste all the Victorian/zombie bits (haha - zombie bits!!) and save them.

Today is our 28th anniversary and my incredible spouse has made my Fiendom Come room reservation - 4 nights! - and is now working on plane tickets for the daughter and me. Then a rental car. Hurrah! He had so many Holiday Inn points (from 15 years ago!!) that we're just paying for one night at the Express in Stillwater. Good thing, because it looks like the Maul of America is in the cards one of the days.

And I agree - the Aurora Teagarden books are good, as are the Grave Sight ones.

At 14:12 Blogger Fluffy said...

Get better soon,
I'm sorry you're belchy
But at least the burps
are no longer squelchy

Think Hallmark might like that one?

At 14:22 Blogger louisa said...

That's hilarious Fluffy, I love it!!! And also eewwwwwww, squelchy! :)

Chantrelle, laughed out loud at your old lady comment too.

Rocks rock, Q, no doubt about it, sounds like one very happy next door kid.

At 16:49 Blogger Fluffy said...

Jess Is Plotting. I like that.

Kids that age - ergh - got one, and I'm afraid to let her out unsupervised just because Terry Pratchett's Mob IQ Formula* prevails. In a group they do the most amazingly brainless stuff.

*The IQ of a mob is the IQ of the dumbest member divided by the number of mobsters.

At 17:08 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah, that's a little different...I can see your point.

At 17:20 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Its so nice to see you up Lorraine.

I love rocks and pebbles of any size - I collect them and put them places. I just love to hold and feel them - very tactile. They make me happy.

At 18:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Did a new post, with a neat picture...

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