Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Bees Are Coming!!!!!!!!!!!

The first four Boxes of Bees are coming this week! We don't know which day, only that about 6:30am I will get a call from the Post Office saying "Won't you PLEASE come pick up these Boxes of Bees????!!!"

6:35am I call the Birdchick, and she leaps into her car and comes out here. Well, that's my personal idea of the day, but it might not work exactly quite like that. Boss is out of town, so it is all about she and I, tho Woodsman Hans seems interested too.

I want to explore this Bee working with no bee suit. No gloves. Just me and them. I met a women a couple weeks ago who does, and the look on her face was wonderful, rapt even, when she talked about it. Of course, fine line, yes I know, between brave and crazy, but I will never know if I don't try.

And it seems to me, there is nothing worse that wanting to do something, and backing out because of fear, you are kind of left with an empty feeling and a sense of "If only I had tried..."

The Nice Bee Lady wrote me a letter the other day, which contained some of the best advice for living I have ever heard, let along Beekeeping. Here's a part of it:

But the biggest thing to keep in mind, and this is very important, is that it has to be all about the bees. You have to get lost in the bees. You have to let go of yourself, lose yourself. You have to be so attuned to the bees that you sort of drip away. Self-consciousness will lead to awkward clumsy fumbling. Self-awareness will be punished as self-indulgent narcissism. Fear must be set aside; admiration must be set aside; love, even, must be set aside. What then comes to you when you are with the bees, among them, is the serenity of just being.

Pretty darn cool, eh? I want that. It's like music is. Exactly like music.

Week One of the Get FIT project is done. Too early to tell about any weight loss, but I rode six days, walked on four of them, played two gigs and ate right for five. Did NOT eat right this weekend. Slipped there, but I am young yet, and not grown to my full power of FIT. We will have to work harder to make sure that doesn't happen often. The biggest benefit so far is being able to SLEEP at night. I sleep immediately and all the way till morning! Thank you horse!!!!!!!!

Speaking of Horse, my first show is May 16th! Ack! I didn't know that. Trainer Mel told someone else, when they asked if I would be showing this summer, she answered for me. Very cool. I will not be missing any riding time. Oh no.

Tomorrow I will learn some French Beekeeping phrases. (Tho they are Italian Bees. Hmmm. Chaio, I shall say to them.) (And I still haven't posted my French Vampire poem, which lacks a lot in the artistic department, but rocks my French world.) Will do so.

And this week the Bees will come, and I am thinking, I will learn a lot of things about myself that I do not now know. May be magic. Might get stung to shards. Either way, you learn something.

Love and Bees,


At 21:56 Blogger Dragonsally said...

New bees. Lost of new bees.

I love what the Beelady wrote, but I shiver at the thought of handling bees without protection.

Do you know what you will be doing at your first horse show?

At 21:57 Anonymous Vidalia said...

what is it about bees? i've been having dreams about them my whole life. when i was a kid, the entire wall in our bathroom was filled with a huge hive. the bees kept coming into the bathroom through a hole behind the mirror. i tried to swat them out the window but they kept attacking while i tried to bathe. finally, i sprayed raid into the hole and they swarmed into the bathroom, which i bombed and ran out locking the door. i kept having bad dreams where someone would whisper "bee killer!" in my ear before i woke up terrified.

At 21:59 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I will be rereading this one frequently, I can tell. "Empty feeling and a sense of 'If only I had tried..." -- oh yes, I know it well. Thank you so much for this post, and all the others. I don't know why I actually made contact here, but I'm glad I did.

I'll be joining you in the pursuit of FIT starting tomorrow. Will walk home from work at least once, maybe twice. Will.

At 22:05 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Okay, any advice for wasp whispering? We have several setting up a new nest just outside our back door.

I can be severely hurt by wasps, so am reluctant at welcoming them.


Bees, on the other hand, seem to be entities one can communicate with......if you are able to follow Birdchick's guidelines...

At 22:06 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

DS--very silly email!! I read them aloud to my mother...we giggled.

Q--horse show!! SWEEETTT!! I am SO proud of you.

At 22:11 Blogger Siri said...

We are having rain, and some localized flooding, but this is nothing compared to North Dakota, or North Australia or 1993. It's just enough with the rain already.

However, April Showers bring May Flowers.

Eyedoctor tomorrow, complete with dialation. I'll not be reading much for a while.

Night Fiendom...

At 22:12 Blogger vampi said...

i'm also starting some fit. the kids at work all started weight wachers, i just don't dig weight watchers, but i can and will eat better. my goal is to start walking around the block at work, exploring korea town. may 9th i'm walking a 5k raising money for cancer research.

At 22:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sally, I believe walking and trotting.

Vidalia, hello! I don't think those were the right sort of bees, to quote Mr Milne. They simply cannot live in the Bath! Would have done the same.

OSS yr most welcome. And you found us because you belong here. Easy. Good luck on the FIT! Start small, it's weird how small can make such a difference.

At 22:12 Blogger Adri said...

Hooray for your first show! I know it will be awesome

At 22:13 Blogger Tracy said...

The best part of BeeLady's note is: the serenity of just being. She didn't even try to be make a pun. I wish you the best with bees without bee wear. Hope you're not allergic.

At 22:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wasps and I have an arrangement, they stay outside away from the house, fine. They come near the house or in it, they die. I feel no love there. Raid is your friend.

Go Vampi! I don't like Plans either. Eat less. Move more. Not rocket science.

At 22:15 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Adri! Have you shown? I can't remember...

Hi Tracy! It really WAS a cool letter, made me feel really good. And she is so right too. I'm not allergic, not to worry.

At 22:18 Blogger Adri said...

I did show when I was much younger. Some flat work, but mostly beginner/intermediate hunter over fences (~2.5 foot high jumps). Only in local, schooling shows, though. I never did any serious competition, that's not really my style.

At 22:21 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

I, too, am inspired to the FIT. The Army gets cranky, anyway, if one doesn't fit certain parameters. Since it is, essentially, my 401k plan.....and also has been an set of experiences I will not easily give up, even the bad ones.....I am after being FIT for me and meeting measurements for them (Army)

Anyway, no money for Wii Fit yet (although it is a high priority, having heard SO much about that system in this blog) but they have opened up a Curves here in Socorro. If anyone is unfamiliar, Curves is a gym club that is based around resistance training on a circuit. It is also basically ALL WOMEN, ALL the TIME!! So much less pressure to be "gym rat perfect."

Now that I am employed (and because the monthly fees are low) this is something I can do. There aren't a LOT of options out here in the desert!! So....while all of you begin your Wii and Horse related FIT adventures, I will be biking and Curving.

Move Forward Together!! (Which someone told me is the literal translation of Gung Ho, hehehehe!)

At 22:27 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Oh, wasps. I hear you regarding Raid, but am honestly not even willing to get out there and spray that corner of the roof end.

Guess I will have to find a professional. Elsewise, there seems a certainty that if we go spraying anything there will be a nasty wasp uprising and much pain. I'm unwilling to give up access to the back yard!!

At 22:30 Anonymous catnmouse77 said...

Good luck with the show! I never did much myself but I like to go along and help out. Remember to breathe.

And about the bee thing..more power to ya, I say. I don't believe I would ever want to do anything with bees. I equate bees with drowning.

At 22:41 Blogger ravyn said...

Yay for horse shows! And yay for bees! Photos of both please!

At 22:42 Blogger Ticia said...

I love the bee letter.

I was just going to ticky box because I am very sad tonight and I don't like to expose my less positive emotions, but that's just a cop out to living my life fully.

It's nothing life threatening. It's just growing pains. But that's why I thought it was important to acknowledge my feelings.

We always talk about growing and facing fear, but we never talk about how our growth affects the other people in our lives.

In a perfect world, people would support and applaud our growth... but they have fears too...

Anyhow, like you said about the bees, it's all a learning experience.

At 22:44 Anonymous Kate said...

Congratulations on your shows past and present - rock and horses!
Exciting news that the bees are coming this week. The tao of it all. Be the bee...
I had a yoga epiphany (if that isn't just a completely inappropriate mix of ideas) so I keep thinking that walking and fitness are a good idea. But I get to school at 7:30 am and *poof* it's 4:00 pm and I missed lunch and (am I whining? Yes, I believe I am. I'll stop now).
I need to make plans for a sub for tomorrow - going to a conference. Hmmm...

At 22:56 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

TICIA!!!! E mail me or Facebook message me if you like.... I'll try to check both...

Remember, there are Peach Gummies waiting to cheer you up whenever you just say the word, my dear.

hugs, my dear

At 23:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

This is a schooling show too Adri....

Fods I am tired, and am now going home. Wasn't exactly done with work there, but NOW I am done with work.

I am.

Why won't you believe me??????

Lys, one thing with Curves, it is a great way to get started, but you will outgrow the workout really quickly, don't let them lock you in long term..And go for it!!!!

At 23:39 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Q--Quite right...frankly, I am already way beyond their workouts.....but when I go there, I sweat....and it is a place where the more you put in, the more you get out.

When compared to NO workout location at all, it is definitely something. Plus they don't kick me off the circuit after 30 minutes; if I want, I can do 45 or more. But elsewise, again, you are so right. They are a beginning more than an ends to the means, er, destination.

Remember, I am hoping to follow you on the Wii Fit journey eventually! :)

Now go home, and be done with work. If they show a rerun of the Unit, watch it only to see Mortal Kombat guy play a slightly corrupt Chinese cop. hehehehe

At 23:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No, Lys, YOU are so right, any workout is better than none, and you can go around twice. Adn there are so no guys there...

I am so tired. Played with all the Beasties and now playing BED.

At 00:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hoping you won't get stung.
I suppose I should work on that vocabulary for tonight...

Yickes about the show, but I suppose it is a GREAT incentive for you to keep at it (good for fit).

At 01:10 Blogger Marjorie said...

Bees, Bees! I love the BeeLady's letter, and it sounds like advice which wuld exend into other areas of life, too.

The Show sounds exciting, too, especially if you are able to go into it as a new, learning experience not with a feeling that you *must* achieve a specific result.

Ticia, I am sorry that you're feeling bad - you're right, growing pains (physical or ant other kinds) affect more than just the person doing the growning. ((Hugs))

At 01:14 Anonymous kali_licious said...

The Bee Lady sounds very wise. Reminds me of the Tao of Pooh.:)

You're going to show? Cool!

Lys, wasps are EVIL. They freak me out pretty badly. I got stung when I was 3 years old, minding my own business, climbing out of a kiddie pool, when a wasp flew into me and stung me behind my ear! So I deal with them strictly from a distance.;)

Ticia: **hugs**

and Jess, you have been missed:)

At 02:43 Anonymous kali_licious said...

and the thread

fell dead

with a thump

Off to bed now.

At 02:52 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sweet Dreams, Kali

At 04:06 Anonymous Anonymous said...

i believe in you.
Yet....still be careful.
Perhaps start slow?
See what new russian bees like?
follow them then?
Suit with no gloves first?
Yes, L I V E-----
but be s-m-r-t.
I believe in you.
.....but they are not cats!
no really....LOVE!

At 04:11 Blogger Marjorie said...

Didn't Q say she would be petting the Italian bes, not the Russian ones?

I do hope that the bee disembarkment and petting zoo can be filmed for posterity. Hve you decided which bees (Italian or Russian) will get the Bat-Bee-Box?

I'm rambling, aren't I?

I'm going to hunt down some tea. Maybe that will help.

At 04:53 Blogger Lexocat said...

Bees! Part of me wants to be a suburban bee keeper just so I can have a box of bees waiting for me at my post office.

Good luck!

At 05:28 Blogger louisa said...

Big hugs Ticia, keep breathing. the serenity of just being encompasses the ying and the yang of our emotions, we're here for you through both.

At 06:24 Blogger Phiala said...

Wasps, ick. I noticed this weekend that wasp season has begun. They seem to be moving into the grill. Um, no. But also not a good place to spray, so we may just have to light it. We have really horrible problems with wasps in the courtyard every year. Inside the legs of the patio table, in a crack next to the door... and other equally fun places.

It is to be another pretty but HOT day here. Perhaps I will get baby pea plants to join the microlettuce.

At 07:46 Anonymous Laura J/Rhyolight/whoever said...

Ticia, if they're scared of your growth, practice compassion. If you're scared, put out, made miserable, sad, revolted by theirs, practice compassion

(it is possible to be revolted by something objectively good: Ask Me How I Know!!,or not is fine, too).

And remember that compassion for yourself being unhappy is terribly important. Don't forget Ticia, she has rights and needs too.

Lorraine, I might in your place start out with no suit,but still veils and gloves, until I had persuaded my body not to be afraid and pour out hormones like adrenaline that the bees can smell and get reflexively upset by too. Cut your autonomous body systems some slack until they can catch up with your great soul.

Love to the kitties. I had some chicken scraps yesterday, kitties were outside so I put them on a plate outside (the scraps, not the kitties). At night Marten said at the window he wanted to come in, so I went to the door and there was ALREADY a kitty there eating the chicken, a nice BLACK and WHITE kitty with a PLUMY TAIL.The not- really-a-kitty kind of skunk-kitty. Who, fortunately, was not too bothered and left. Marten ignored him.

At 08:03 Blogger dabbler said...

Ticia, hugs to you all, and a bit of wisdom I've discovered along the way, which is, 'this too shall pass' and with growing pains, you'll be looking back at it soon with a whole new perspective.

Yup...I like no longer being young. Mostly. Except the stiffness.

And letting us know you're sad deepens our no need for apology.

At 08:03 Blogger dabbler said...

Hey, speaking of missing folks, where's Dread Val?

At 08:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning All!

Marjorie, I have no expectations of MUST achieve in this show.The idea! Other than the BLUE RIBBON. I mean, duh.

The Russian Bee are way more aggressive, we do hear. Even my Bee Lady said she would not go sans gloves, without knowing them first.

Ticia, sorry missed that last night. Hugs to you.

Remember one thing, when you grow and change and move on, some people are not going to come with you.

I quit drinking a few years ago. Bad path that was going worse places. LEarned real quick who my friends were, but the weirdest thing, were the ones who felt THREATENED by this. Hadn't seen that coming. Same with getting FIT.

A wise friend of mine once said "I am going HERE, and when I get there, I will look around, and see who is with me"

More wisdom, Fod never closes a door, but that somewhere opens a window,

And "Don't overload the lifeboat, if you do, evenyone drowns."

Or my fav "Keep up, or get culled from the pack"

If you have to be sad for a bit, be sad. But don't stop with your new game.

There, that is all the wisdom I have with my one cup of tea.

At 08:34 Blogger Phiala said...

Q, that's quite wise enough.

And yes, something I struggle with too.

At 08:48 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Q, I'll trade you your lovely honey bees for the giant black bumble bees that have decided to make my house their home. Sigh, they're in the walls - again!

I was out gardening this weekend and got dive bombed by two bees who were locked in a life and death struggle as they plummetted toward the earth, making this awful zzzzzzzzzz sound. I dropped my leaf bag and ran inside like a silly school girl.

At 08:54 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Phiala, wasps are "ick!" I totally agree.

Even their shape conveys menace with that long sharp abdomen. Then there is that sound they make with their wings. I'm just not made to tolerate them well.

Raid is my freind.

At 08:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Mistress!

Erin, those guys are cool, don't worry, they dont sting, or if they do it's pretty mild. One dive bombed me yesterday (Yeah, I ran too) The "LIfe and Death Struggle falling to the earth" was probably, uh, Bee Sex.I think it is the time for it. They'll settle down soon. I think.

See if a swarm patrol might help you move them.

Evil Wasps are different. I don't care WHAT good they do. They come to the house, they die.

At 09:01 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Venus just typed that. Her own brand of wisdom....

At 09:03 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Erin - giant black bumble bees with kind of shiny bustles, maybe? If so, they sound like borer bees. Harmless and not particularly aggressive. Though get enough of them buzzing around one's porch and the mail carrier stops delivering the mail ;-)

Still processing this post. Thinking about fear, and backing out too often, and the fine line between brave and crazy.

At 09:06 Blogger Marjorie said...

morning Q - that's a whole lotta wisdom for one cup of tea. I take it that you didn't get a 6.30a.m. Bee Wake Up call from the post office?

It is wierd that people feel threatened by you (generic you/us/one, not just you Q) gettingfit, or not drinking - I suppose it is a little like undermining a 'friend' to make yourself look/feel better than they are - but definately a good indication of which people are your friends and which are not.

You talking about the horse show made me think about a programme I saw reently - it's called 'Horse People' and involved a womans called Alexandra Tolstoy staying with different groups of people whose lives revolve around horses,(She is very horsy herelf- runs treks in Russia, I think) and trying to learn about it - the forst one was with some Russian nomads, the second with bullfighters in Spain and the third with some American cowboys/ranchers - She ended up riding in a show (Barrel race?) which clearly scared her as the Western style felt so alein to her - but she did it anyway, and got a huge round of applause! (She was WAY slower than anyone else, but they had announced thst she was from the BBC and had only been trying for a week, so got a huge round of applause. It's been really interesting seeing the different styles of riding and ways of viewing the horses...

I have no bees of any sort at present. Although I did have to coax a couple of honeybees out of the house at the weekend - they came in through the back door, but had trouble finding their way out again...

I love Bumble Bees - they never seem at all hostile - I have got them to walk onto my hand to take them outside when they have stryed in, before - never been stung. (she says, tempting fate)

At 09:12 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Venus is wise. trrrrrrr sounds like a form of cat meditation. :-)

Bee sex! OMG! That puts a whole different spin on the experience, but I still would have run - just for ther reasons. *blush*

One Sock, they're bushy bees with the classic yellow mark and they're about the size of a large marble. They seem more inquisitive than anything, but they do like to claim the garden and deck as their kingdom.

I think I will look for someone to help me move them. Apparently they like yellow houses. The only other yellow house on my street also has bees.

At 09:14 Blogger Phiala said...

Honey bees and bumblebees in the flowerbed - very nice. I love the hot summer days when the mint is blooming. Mint-scented warm breezes and the relaxing hum of happy bees.

Carpenter bees - harmless. To people. Fat, lazy slow. The sound of them disassembling my door, not so relaxing. Neat piles of sawdust below perfectly round holes.

Wasps settling in inconvenient places - neither harmless nor relaxing. I wish they'd go live in the proper outdoors rather than my courtyard. When it gets hot and dry in the summer, they become grouchy and aggressive.

I would really like another cup of coffee, but I'm trying to cut back.

At 09:15 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I like bumblebees too, they are like buzzing fuzzy miniature teddy-bears.
And wasps are cool looking if not so readily likable. I don't want them to nest in my house but outside they don't bother me at all (although they seems to be fond of visiting plates when we eat out at work).

At 09:16 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

One thought Erin,

You can buy Bumble Bee Houses, see if you can set up something more attractive for them, those are the good kind, once the mating is done, they will be less arrgessive.. Not sure how to move them, but someone will know.

At 09:19 Blogger Phiala said...

Wasps even eat meat, at least yellow jackets. I had a long debate with one once (cautiously) over the sausage in a slice of pizza I was trying to lunch on.

At 09:23 Blogger spacedlaw said...

In summer we often have prosciutto and melon for lunch and they LOVE the ham (which I thought was strange, you'd think they would go for the sweet melon instead...)

At 09:25 Blogger One Sock Short said...

The history of Lapland : wherein are shewed the original, manners, habits, marriages, conjurations, &c. of that people. 1674.

I love my job. Too bad I don't actually have time to read the things that hit my desk.

Sorry about the non sequitur, just had to say that out loud.

At 09:29 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Q, you're a genius. I'm going to make a bumble bee house this weekend. I just found a few websites with directions.

My backyard looks kind of like Narnia, so a little bumble bee house is just the thing to add! Yeah!

At 09:37 Blogger Na said...

The bees are coming! The BEES are coming!!! Everybody... pet?

At 09:47 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The Bees are coming. Tomorrow is the soonest possible day, but I am thinking Wednesday or Thursday, maybe Friday....

Tess has been sold! Just found out. I am glad, as she was getting older, and now she will have ONE friend who cares for her, and she won't be teaching people to ride, and she will have a good last ten years or so, so it is good for her, but I will miss her!

Now I shall ride Ana all the time, which is good, as she makes me WORK a lot harder. Tess was pretty laid back, and good for learning, but I do need to bump this up a bit.

I am off for a ride now, then to work.

At 09:58 Blogger Na said...

{{{{{{Ticia}}}}}} Hope a good night's sleep helped some. Can't add to the wisdom poured forth here, it's all such good food for thought.

I cherish bees and ants (outdoors). The wasps... I just try to avoid. Once at an apartment we were living in in Austin, they sprayed a wasp nest off our second-story window. For a week, each evening the wasps came back to that spot and huddled on the glass, their nest gone, and each morning there were fewer of them. Some of the wasps looked like young, and I was newly a mother. It saddened me much. But the nest was on my son's window--threat! Conflicting emotions.

At 10:02 Blogger Jane said...

Love the bee lady's letter to you. She sounds so wise.

One of the ways I want to live my life is that if I'm not doing something because I'm worried about what people might think, or that I'll look stupid or that I'll get it wrong - as soon as I have one of those thoughts - well, no question, I have to do it, because if *that* is the only thing keeping me from doing something, then there is no reason not to do it.

Did that make sense? Living out of fear is no fun, but a hard habit to break.

We have hornets who like to nest in our house - outside I mean. Gentle giants, but a bit scary to hear and watch...

At 10:19 Blogger vampi said...

stinging scares me. i do tend to take quite a few bee pictures, but if the get too close i wig out and run. eeeeeeee
waiting for my touch to sync so i can go to work

At 10:55 Blogger Jess said...

Big hugs, Ticia. I hope today finds you feeling better than before.

Hello peeps! Happy spring! \o/ It's hot here today, too. I'm very excited-- my exochorda has gone bonkers this year and it's dripping with blossoms. This is the first year it's been really fabulous. I'll take a picture later so you all can go ooh and ah with me.

I too witnessed Divebombing Bee Sex this weekend! (Only at the time hubby and I thought they were trying to determine which bee was Best.) It looks exhausting.

Q - What you said about personal changes being threatening to others reminds me of something Val linked to on Salon not long ago-- I think it was a Cary Tennis column. Very similar thing: someone writing in to complain that a friend had become "less interesting and artistic" since she'd quit drinking. It seemed in that case at least that the person writing in just didn't want things to be different. I think that's true in a lot of cases. People feel threatened by their friends making those kinds of changes when they don't want to change anything themselves-- and don't always understand that one person's resolve to make the change isn't a demand that everyone around them do the same. If that makes sense.

At 10:56 Blogger Jess said...

Box of ticks

At 11:01 Blogger Phiala said...

"Box of ticks"


At 11:07 Blogger Uisge said...

Woke up yesterday, knew it was going to be a bad day. Not sure where they come from but sometimes I get a roaring in my head and silly things (like cooking or going outside) cause panic. I spent the day searching for the small keys that unlock the bad day's claws.

The end result, tho, is Just Being. Let all thoughts, feelings, sensations drift away and just be. That was the final key.

And then I cooked spring pea and artichoke lasagna.

At 11:12 Blogger Jess said...

Phiala, you're the first person to realise just what I've been suggesting all this time! :D

Spring pea and artichoke! Yummers.

At 11:25 Blogger Phiala said...

Jess, now is the first time it's warm enough to matter much. (Yet another downside of global warming: year-round ticks in formerly safe areas!)

At 11:30 Blogger Arwenn said...

A tick-in-the-box
Shiny new bloodsucking toy
Available now!

At 11:41 Blogger Fluffy said...

Tess, some of us have just been sticking our fingers in our brains and going, "lalalala" about the tick thing. Erg.

Ticia, hugs for you. Hope things get a lot less sad very soon.

I like bees. I haven't had the urge to pet one, mind, partly because I don't think it would give the bee much of a thrill. Wasps, not liking as much, but if I find one in the house that's not too active, I'll try to carry it outside on a towel. Towels are all-purpose critter catchers. Or a small bucket for the rodents.

WTH? I can't remember what I was doing, besides following my daughter in reading Questionable Content through from the beginning. I'm up to #471. Definitely a Short Attention Span Day.

At 11:47 Anonymous beegirl said...

What a busy hive of chatter on your blog, Lorraine! I'm excited that the bees are coming this week and look forward to hearing how it goes. I'll hope for good, but not great weather, as bees tend not to pour, but rather scatter, when it is too warm.

At 11:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Beegirl! And welcome!

(I am SO outing her, she is the Nice Bee Lady who wrote me the letter and works such magic with bees!)

At 12:06 Blogger Siri said...

Go and look, if you care.

At 12:18 Blogger Ticia said...

You fiends are awesome. I'm just at a weird place in my marriage. I've been married 21 years and my growth and independence (over the last 3 years)is really frightening my husband.

While I agree with Laura that I need to respect his feelings, I also can't let his fears hold me back. I have enough trouble just coping with my own fears of the unknown. (we can talk later, if you'd like Laura: )

Anyhoo... We make make a seperate feast for wasps when we picnic or eat outside. A piece of meat placed away from us on a plate. They seem to appreciate it. They must be related to the faerie folk.

At 12:23 Blogger spacedlaw said...

You could be on to something there, Ticia (both on the wasps being faerie folk and your husband being scared).

At 12:24 Blogger Jess said...

Hi, Beegirl!

That's a hard place to be, Ticia. You're right: his fears are not yours. If you can reassure him that the changes don't necessarily mean there's anything to fear, all the better. Hang in there.

Fluffy, I'm Jess. Spelt with the tenth letter of the alphabet as opposed to the twentieth. Tess is the horse. I am a biped. :D

Now: do I recall correctly, Q, that someone once accused this blog's comment threads to be mainly about flowers and kitties? Let's not disappoint them. Look! Look at my exochorda (and several other flowers newly opened)! Ooooooh. Aaaaaaahhh.

At 12:26 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I'll raise you a couple of bees.

At 12:28 Blogger Jess said...

I call Fauxbees! ;D

At 12:30 Blogger spacedlaw said...

They are real enough. Just stuffed.

At 12:30 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That was my bandmate Paul...

At 12:37 Blogger Ticia said...

On a happier marriage note.. wOOt wOOt for Iowa. Thanks for the story, Siri.. Passed it on to my co-workers.

At 12:49 Blogger Adri said...

((hugs)) Ticia

((hugs)) everyone else, too. I'm taking the advice to heart as well.

Times are tough

At 12:52 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Hi Beegirl! You and Lorraine have given us much to think about. Thanks!


Next long meeting I have to go to, I swear I'm taking my knitting. With sock in hands, I can out-wait anyone who wants to be stubborn. If that fails, I'll have pointy sticks.

Break's over, alas.

At 12:56 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I thought my inbox was quiet...ticky box!!!

At 13:27 Blogger Marjorie said...

Oooh pretty flowers. Thank you Jess. (And Thank you also for labelling so anyone whose exochorda-identification skills are a little rusty can tell which particular pretty flower we were talking about.)

Ticia - yes, you can only face and conquer your own fears - Is H able to discuss it - is he scared of how you are growing, or the thought that you might grow away from him, do you know?

Beegirl - hello, and nice to see you.

Right. Supper. If the pizza has spinach on it it's healthy eating, right?

At 13:37 Blogger Phiala said...

Ticia, that's tough. (I say from current experience.)

Changing the subject completely, the car dealership just accepted my offer on a used Forester - enough room for dog AND camping equipment! Yay! I offered something I thought was ridiculously low, but apparently in this market, it wasn't so ridiculous.

My current car is a 1990 Geo Prizm - love it, but it is time for an upgrade.

At 13:52 Blogger Ticia said...

Marjorie - He's just too scared to talk or listen. :-(

Phiala -((hugs)) and congratulations!! (because I know they can exist together)

Can I say how much I love you all again? Just talking about it is making me feel better.

Alright, off to walk during lunch. Hope you're all enjoying a beautiful (by whatever definition you define it) day.

At 14:00 Blogger Siri said...

I LOVED my Geo Prism, made by Geo, not Cheverolet

Geo Prisms and Adam Ant - it's scary how we fiends have been on the same path all along.

Had my eyes dialated this morning. Have all the blinds closed this afternoon, and am going to bed for a while for the dark.

At 14:06 Blogger Siri said...

And I can to spell Geo Prizm. It was my eyes that typed wrong. Twice.

At 14:06 Blogger Adri said...

My father in law has a Geo Prizm that he /refuses/ to give up even though it barely runs. Apparently you Geo owners are a loyal bunch!

At 14:06 Blogger Phiala said...

Siri, I love mine. But it's getting on in years, and it makes me nervous to drive something so old it doesn't have airbags.

Picture this: two humans, two cats, 100-lb Grendel dog. Moving across country in a Geo Prizm. Yes, the big things went in a truck, but still... not something I hope to ever repeat.

At 14:08 Blogger Phiala said...

Adri, mine runs just fine, at least for a 19-year-old car. I'm afraid it will suddenly stop doing so any minute, though... :)

Really, it's the size and the lack of safety features.

At 14:08 Blogger Siri said...

I finally got rid of mine for the same reason - too small and a little scary on the road as it got old. And, Geo wasn't making it any more, or I would have bought another.

Now - dark room. Really.

At 14:13 Blogger Adri said...

My mother in law is a florist and runs her business out of her home. Usually they rent a van for deliveries, or use their Jeep, but she had an emergency funeral arrangement to do, and their teenage daughter had the Jeep, so she and my FiL (who is not a small man) packed this 5' tall funeral spray into the Prizm (they had to angle it sideways from the back seat to between the front seats.

They drove around to the back of the funeral home to do the delivery, and the delivery attendant is looking at them like 'I think you have the wrong door.' Then he turned around to do something else for a minute, and when he looked again, his jaw dropped, because they were carrying in this massive arrangement.

My in-laws get a kick out of it every time they tell the story, so hopefully you other Geo owners will enjoy it as well.

At 14:20 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Adri - That reminds me of when we had to fit my double bass in the back of the Datsun. That had to have looked pretty weird.

At 14:33 Blogger Clementina said...

The Nice Bee Lady sounds a little like Granny Weatherwax when she talks about bees - although not otherwise. :) Maybe read some Pterry to get you in the unshielded bee mood. lol

At 14:36 Blogger Uisge said...

Ticia - Good luck and well wishes during your travails.

Yay bees! I picture them pouring like honey into the hive and Q sticking a finger in to taste them.

At 14:38 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Bees bees everywhere, even in the mail! I was walking through a field of weeds at my mom's yesterday, everything was blooming and i was wearing sandals. I was so afraid I was going to get a bee in my toe! It's happened before!

Wasps don't make honey, they sting and are mean. I have no love for them either.

I'm starting to get interview requests out there again for foodporn. I most probably have one set up w/ a band in July. I've sent out 2 other requests so far.

Neil was the first to not think I was a nutjob and accept the interview (he was amazing of course) and then I had that huge "got pregnant/had a baby" break that I'm past now. Must get the site back on the map!

Ticia - call me if you need to talk :(

1 hr until preschool pickup. Must get house orderly, it's a disaster.

At 14:41 Blogger Uisge said...

I slipped under my desk to move some plugs around.

The thought ran through my head, "Why, yes, it would be lovely (and probably very productive) to work down here."

Not sure if it's good or bad, but was definitely an influence.

At 14:56 Blogger Ani said...

I had to put a bee out of a friend's house this weekend. One of those ones that looks big enough to bite off your head, though they are probably only like 2" long. My friend saw it, turned white & said, "can you handle bees?" And since she was scared, I couldn't be scared, if you know what I mean. So I just got it gently onto a dustpan and carried it out of the house. Only when I headed back in and shut the door did I think to myself, "Oh yeah, Lorraine does this all the time. I guess it's not so bad."

At 14:59 Blogger Phiala said...

Bee removal tip: place a glass or cup over the bee, against the wall/window or whatever she's on. Slide a piece of paper or cardstock between the wall and the glass. That will keep the bee captive until you can release it outside.

Not too hard on the bee, and no risk of you being stung.

At 15:17 Blogger Keith said...

If Granny Weatherwax can do it, so can you.

At 15:43 Blogger vampi said...

phalia, that sounds respectable, i usually just yell "bee! bee! omg a bee!" until boy shoos it outside.

*hugs* to ticia and other fiends in need.

At 17:05 Blogger ariandalen said...

Hello Ms. Fabulous and fellow Fiends!

So, it's taken me all afternoon to catch up on here. :) Sorry Friday night sucked, Ms. Fabulous, but glad that Saturday made up for it and then some. :) Yay for bees arriving this week!

Sally, LOVE the lolcat! Even made DD2 LOL. :)

To other spinners on the list, I have yet to use a wheel. I have lots of handspindles! I even have a couple made from old CDs. A friend of mine makes designs on the CD with the window paints, puts them on a dowel and sells them as Moonspinners. The last spindles I bought spin wonderfully; one has a holly whorl and the other has an ebony whorl. :)

At 17:09 Blogger vampi said...


what a great word.


At 17:14 Blogger Phiala said...

Ariandalen, I own a wheel, and love sitting out in the courtyard with it on summer evenings. I get more control with a spindle, though, and spend a lot more time with them than with the wheel. So portable! And pretty! And fun!

I was doing a demo for a then-local arts festival with a Renaissance theme, and walking around the area spinning. (Gotta be careful not to bump the spindle into the long skirts!) Small child: "Look! Mom! A medieval yo-yo!"

At 17:21 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh, so many things to say this morning, but first..Ticia, the hugest of hugs to you. Email me if you want to talk more...unsettling time indeed.

Beegirl -look at all the wise words you've got flowing here.

Siri -I hope your eyes feel better soon. Hate those drops.

Ack, forgotten the rest. Need tea.

At 17:34 Anonymous Noopnoop said...

Have you read Sue Hubbell's A Book of Bees? I suggested it to your boss who, according to his blog, read it on a plane and loved the book (so it may be in your library).

Sue reminds me of your Bee Lady. Her book taught us to be gentle beekeepers. She is all about what the Bees want. And I am fairly sure there was a nearly naked beekeeping event in the book. If all goes well without suit/gloves, you might want to go further ;)

Anne, Seattle BeeKeeper on extended maternity leave from beekeeping

At 17:38 Blogger vampi said...

shove it where the bee's don't buzzz....

lol co-ed naked beekeeping.

oh god, the horror...i have a dirty mind, does someone have soap?

At 17:38 Blogger ariandalen said...

I spy with my fiendish eye...a new Fiend! Hi, Vidalia! I'm sure you you can find a nice white jacket with lots of buckles to personalize. :)




At 17:41 Blogger Ticia said...

Vampi: I need soap too.

At 17:42 Blogger ariandalen said...

Vampi, soap only works on the body. . .


Hi, Noopnoop! Glad you could join us!

::sniff sniff::


hee hee hee

At 17:50 Blogger Siri said...

Thanks, Sally - I'm all better now! And, well rested, too, which is a shocker on a Monday.

Ready for whatever, tonight.

At 18:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Noop, sure have read it, and love her! Welcome! I am sure there will be a LOT of bee talk this week, lol...

Hi Any, welcome to you too! I did the same thing with the Birdchick when we first got our hives, I couldn't be scared as SHE would freak, and she had to keep it together or I would.

Not sure if there will be a new post tonight, trying to catch up on work, tho I am home now early, since Poor Cabal is spending the night with the vet.

Poop. Or lack of it. And pain. I shall, as they say, draw a veil over exactly what is going on tonight, but no one is gong to like it.

I'll keep you posted.

At 18:51 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Darn. I'm a little late. One hundred tenth comment, but oh well ...

That letter is great! It sounds so true, too. I can imagine that that kind of mindset would be really suitable in beekeeping. I was playing tennis today and my game was way off, thanks to all the bees on my end of the court. I like bees, truly I do, and I will most gladly stay out of their way so that they can get their business done without stinging me. But it's HARD not to annoy them when you have to swing a racquet around, no?

At 18:56 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Very hard I'd imagine Emily...did you get extra points for not hurting any bees?

At 19:42 Blogger Jane said...

We had the poop (or lack of it) and pain problem with Calvin the cat on Friday night - emergency vets here are wonderful! No overnight stay but he was sedated and as Q says, I will draw a veil over the indignity.

At 19:59 Blogger Malena said...

If anyone can be a bee charmer, It's you Dev. You charm all the animals, even my crazy boston terriers. (Yes fiends, they DO what SHE says) No one else in the house has that ability, not even Miles. Tell Sharon to take pictures of you and the bees. It sounds so exciting. Great french post btw. You have a photographic memory with reading and language. I thought of you as I sang this weekend and wished you were with me.
Love you all!

At 20:03 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Yes indeed, spinning has lots of great words -- whorl, niddy-noddy, mother-of-all. Just talking about spinning is cheerful-making. I need to get good with the drop spindle before I invest in a wheel. Right now I'm just in the park-and-draft stage. I can't wait to be able to stand and move about while spinning. And have my spindle called a medieval yo-yo!

Best wishes to everyone doing some healing, Cabal included.

At 20:12 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Gee Sally, that sure would have been nice ...

Hey, Malena! Wonderful to see you here! I wore my Lorraine a' Malena shirt for tennis today!

At 20:33 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Here is my Zen method for removing wasps that get IN: Take a newspaper and wack them.

Now you know.

Malena, hey there! You just need a lesson in being the Pack Leader, then your dogs would listen. I just hope the bees listen to me as I softly dump their little flying stinging bodies into their new condo.

Fods, I am beat. LONG weekend with work and gigs, early night I am thinking...

At 20:39 Blogger Beez said...

*hugs* Ticia

Growing pains are hard on everyone. The only thing I can say is keep moving forward, but if you love them occasionally slow down and hold out a hand to help them keep up.

Like LauraJ said- compassion for yourself and them. Lead from the heart.

At 20:40 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Beez! You are very wise, my dear...

At 20:50 Blogger Ticia said...

Beez is wise indeed. As is everyone who's been brave enough to offer me any helpful suggestions.

I'm feeling more balanced and I'll keep trudging forward.

In fact, I'm writing a short story that was inspired by the hunt for the outdoor zombie hand right now. (You'd never know if I hadn't told you that though.)

Perhaps it's time for me to grow more and let people read it when its done.

At 20:53 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

and Lysandwr remembers fondly the first throes of spinning w/her drop spindle....the day she figured out that going to the top floor window would allow you to spin for that much longer....but then you might need a friend down below :) for she was never good enough at the "medieval yo yo" aspect!But nice even yarn? That I could do by the meter....never learnt the wheel, I didn't...

TICIA!! The zombie hand is holding:

PEACH GUMMIES!!! (you KNEW that was coming..... :))

At 20:55 Blogger Ticia said...

Lys, Did you get any of my emails? I think your email account hates visitors. It's like that butler that's too snooty to answer the door.

At 20:58 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Sigh. It does seem to take a while to warm up to some people. PLEASE don't take it personally! I just looked, and there you are.

Perhaps I could be better about answering right away, although I'm pretty sure it is eating some of my answers as well.

This has been going on since arguing with the Hotmail server which was convinced I didn't have an inbox at all.


At 20:59 Blogger Ticia said...

I just think it's funny that your email has a 'tude.

At 21:12 Anonymous Anonymous said...

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away when my universe was Mac and a Microsoft-free zone....

Hotmail was the best. In fact, for years it was kind of the only. But everything changes, and perhaps it is time to consider letting go.

But I've had that email address for, like, thirteen years!!

Could be worse. Could be wasps :)

BTW--Speaking of 'tude, I realize that technically yellow jackets are wasps. And they go through a meat-eating cycle after their very brief sugar cycle, when they have really bad 'tudes.

But, even though they *can* and have hurt me, they don't feel me with the abject fear of these guys. They just need to go.....

At 21:13 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Ahem. That was me. And now my laptop is developing 'tude. Mayhap it was my "Microsoft-free zone" comment......

At 21:17 Blogger vampi said...

back in my day hotmail was microsoft free...*shakes cane*

i finally stopped checking my hotmail this year as it just became too unkosher (full of spam) i still use it as my msn chat, i just don't check the email portion at all.

<3 gmail

At 21:18 Blogger Dragonsally said...

That's a great site Lys...I'm getting lost looking through it all right now. We had those wasps on the farm...always left them well alone.

At 21:20 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

DS--I'd be happy to, but they are setting up shop about four feet away from our back door, the only way into the back yard without climbing a wall.

I can just see what will happen when Angus notices them......AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHKKKKK!!!!!!

At 22:23 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Was the thread wasp-stung?

I'll never post that link again, promise!!

At 22:58 Blogger Na said...

Spring. Right. I believe in it, sure I do, how can I not with all the pics of flowers and bees? But in this part of the world, apparently spring means freezing rain alternating with snow and occasional spots of sunlight. Not a flower in sight, though some trees are starting to bud, and this past week the blue jays and robins returned.

But if all I have to complain about today is the weather, then things are good, I know.

GOL at OSS's "pointy sticks" thought. And smiling at Beez's comment, to hold out that hand. Thanks beegirl and Q for the lovely jumping-off point here.

At 23:20 Blogger AletaMay said...

Ticky box.

All my smart words have left me right at the moment when I need them most!

So have my chatty fiendish words.

Hugs for the dear white dog.

At 23:49 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Its 10.4 degrees Celsius here right now, and 29 degrees in Townsville, where I am going on Thursday for my niece's wedding.
Wish I was there in the warmth already.

At 00:26 Blogger spacedlaw said...

What so nasty about those wasps, Lys? They're pretty.

Poor Cabal. First his master abandons him and then... (you know, these things can be psychological.)

At 00:53 Blogger Jess said...

Poor Mister Dog. :(

This thread's starting to make for some strange insomniac reading. If I ever get to sleep, I'll be dreaming giant killer wasps. And probably naked beekeepers.

And The Powerpuff Girls, because Sally said Townsville and we just finished a giant Powerpuff marathon. Got the whole thing on DVD. 29 hours' worth. That's a lot of Puffs.

This calls for a bedtime story.

At 01:26 Blogger Marjorie said...

Poor Cabal. Hope the Great White Fluff feels better soon.

I, too am falling out of love with many sign-in problems recently. I've had that address for 17 years, but perhaps it's time to consider moving on...

At 02:33 Blogger Dragonsally said...

For all those thinking of leaving Hotmail - go Gmail. Its great. One of the things I really love is the threaded messages - so instead of getting an email for each comment here, for instance, I get them threaded. So much easier to keep on top of everything.

At 03:11 Blogger Unknown said...

I may give that a try, Slly, see how it works out...

At 06:55 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Good morning, fiends!

I am dead tired, but I had a wonderful time last night seeing Mr. G at Washington College. They moved it outside, onto the lawn, which was perfect (except for some mosquitoes). It was a nice, respectable, intimate crowd.

I was sitting next to the Poet In Residence was Neil read the bit from The Graveyard Book in which Bod goes to Nehemiah for advice. LOL He seemed to warm to it slowly, but then was laughing heartily.

And I got the Coraline Dunks that Lori won autographed for Molly! She is thrilled, and can't wait to wear them in a decade. ^_^

At 07:59 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all!

I missed the wasps last night, just as well. Sleep is a good thing. I will get my ride today!!!!!!!!

Found a nice young man, which is both less and way more exciting than it ssounds. He is coming, I think, today, to DO my yard for me, all the raking, all the garden beds, all the spring clean up!!!!!!!! What joy!!!!!

I'd do it myself, but I don't see when it would happen this month. It will get done tho. (I live in a town where students have the option of fast food, wal mart or odd jobs for the Neighborhood , my guy is getting a rep on this block, and word of mouth has him going from house to house..)

Dan, glad you got to the event,and all worked out, and really glad they moved it outside.

No word on Cabal yet....

Hotmail? Didn't know it was still around..Get yrselves to Gmail Fiends!!!!!!!! I don't like the threaded comments, for me they don't work so well, but for net mail, wouldn't go any other way.

At 08:13 Blogger One Sock Short said...


Thinking good Cabal thoughts in Chicago.

If the rain clears this afternoon. I will walk home from work. But I'll walk along the bus route, just in case...

At 08:24 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Oh, ummm... I'm not promising anything yet (or threatening anything, depending on how you all feel about it), but does anyone need a roomie for the June get-together?

(crazy, crazy, crazy...ok, breathe)

At 08:26 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I hope Cabal will be discharged soon from the vet with an "all clear" bill...

At 08:26 Blogger Phiala said...

OSS, I have a 2-room suite at the Inn for the June thingie, and would be happy to share it with someone who needed space.

At 08:55 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not crazy OSS, it will be fun. How could it not be? Minnesota in June? Paul and I playing? Fiends????????

Oh lovely day here! If Cabal is ok, it will be perfect.

At 08:58 Blogger Phiala said...

My pooch is at the vet too, though for a pre-arranged adventure. He's getting his teeth cleaned and a gum problem checked out, and getting his hips x-rayed. Poor old boy is developing arthritis, and the best way to treat it depends on exactly what it is.

I'm sure Cabal will be fine, but he's definitely having a rough year!

At 09:16 Blogger Ani said...

oooh, Susskins! how could I have forgotten about Granny's bees?!

At 09:37 Blogger Ticia said...

I would also like to extend an invitation to any fiends needing a bed . I'll be there Sat. - Wed. And, like Phiala, I have a suite.

It's just me, so there's plenty of room.... Come one, come all. The more the merrier.

::fingers crossed:: for Cabal. Any update?

At 09:57 Blogger Fluffy said...

"Fluffy, I'm Jess. Spelt with the tenth letter of the alphabet as opposed to the twentieth. Tess is the horse. I am a biped. :D"

All I can say to that, Jess, is, "Opps!" (and, sorry!)

I guess I can welcome Cabal into the ranks of the "Society of the Great White Fluff." Although I'm not as great as I was last year. Still Fluffy, tho (but I'm working on it!)

Guys are here powerwashing the house, and we're hoping the weather cooperates enough to get the trim painted. The kitties are freaked by all the major hissing noises outside. I think they might need some treats. What the heck - treats all around! Here's a (insert type of treat here) for each and every one of you.

At 10:07 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I could do with some hot waffles.

At 10:12 Blogger Marjorie said...

with the troubles Cabal has been having I suppose the bright spot is that he has a Boss (and Fabulous Assistant Pack Leader) who care enough to make sure he gets properly looked after. I can't help but think if he hadn't found Boss he would be lucky to still be around at all.

OSS - hope you can make it in June - There is no such thing as too many Fiends :-)

At 10:13 Blogger Marjorie said...

And now I want waffles.

At 11:18 Blogger hope said...

Good Morning, Fiends!

You know, all my life I've been calling my loved ones fiends, and now I find a whole community of them, yay!

So sorry the Noble Cabel is having eliminatory issues, I hope he is better now.

Philia, I have a Forester and love it madly; dogs, cats, tall men, roadkill furniture, many bags of groceries; all fit in well, and the all-wheel drive is grip-tastic on ice and snow.

Ticia, many empathetic hugs to you! I went through the same thing with my husband when I lost a boat-load of weight quickly and shed a lot of holding-me-back behaviors at the same time. Like Joe Pike, I just keep moving forward.

I'm still waiting on the loan approval for my house and trying to think positively. It really helps to read comments from so many wise, forward-looking fiends!


At 11:37 Blogger Lyndyn said...

E gad! Look at all theses notes to read...I'll try to catch up tonight!

Have a fiendishly delightful day!

At 12:37 Blogger El said...

Fiends. It is so beautiful outside I can hardly take it. I'm going out to the balcony in point two seconds.

In other news, it's weirdly exhausting watching someone else buy a new car. My dear roommate has gotten herself a new shiny (one she's been waiting and waiting for) and I'm always amazed at the intricacies involved.

Getting more and more excited for June. I'll be happy to do museums and theaters with people, should they want to go!

I hope everyone's well, I've been trying to catch up. All I can say right now is that I've got hugs for Sally and pets for Cabal and love for anyone else who needs it!

Also, when you find the waffles, clue me in, will you?

PS- Q, I sent you an email, but you can get me on Facebook too, if you need.

PPS- Hello new fiends! No turning back now!

At 12:46 Blogger Adri said...

I'm interested in a roommate for FiendMeet! I haven't reserved a room yet because I am lazy, but will be happy to split hotel costs. Email me!

Also, no good news on the getting paid front, which is really disturbing. I really hate my clients right now, which is unfortunate.

At 12:54 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I'm in too! I've enjoyed being here too much not to. So, Phiala, what dates were you planning on being there (a spinning roomie, yay!)? I'd be glad to hear about carpooling/ride-bumming plans as well, before getting tickets. My e-mail is:
linda dot ballinger at gmail dot com

(There goes my secret identity.)


At 13:15 Blogger Phiala said...

OSS, my secret identity has now emailed your secret identity.

And I will make sure to bring spinning along!

At 13:22 Blogger Jess said...

Good evening and welcome to Fablo's,
Featuring Webgoblin Dan.
Come on, Ringo, let's hear it for Dan:

Good evening,
We know Sock's name.
We know Sock's name (that's right),
Look up the number.
We, we know, we know Sock's name;
We, we know, we know Sock's name;
We know Sock's name.
Bah bah bah bah bah bah etc.

At 13:24 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh My Fod! Not THE Linda Ballinger?????????

Well. Cool.

(ok, so no clue, but it's that sort of day.)


Skype looks bleak unless Nathilie can stay up to 3 AM, but I may get in a late ride.

Depends on Cabal...

At 13:26 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Thanks, fiends! Though laughing one's head off in a room full of cubicles tends to attract a fair bit of attention ;-)

Ok, I *really* need to catalog some books now...

At 13:28 Blogger Phiala said...

No more pooch news?

I heard back on mine. See, he's got a gum infection, so the vet wanted to clean his teeth and take a look at it. So he went in this morning to be anesthetized and have that and some x-rays done. But the bloodwork showed that he had a high white blood cell count, so they wouldn't do it. Um, hello? He's got a gum infection, that's the whole point, right? And infections cause high WBC counts. So he's on antibiotics, which is what they should have done in the first place, and must go back later for the x-rays.

At 13:29 Blogger Marjorie said...

OSS I don't have a proper secret identity but I have mailed you too!

El, love the sound of museams and theatres - maybe a possibility for after the weekend as well, if you're about!

new cars - even other people's new cars are always exciting.

Still no sign of waffles.

At 13:33 Blogger Jess said...

Boo to a day without French! Hope you get the ride in, at least, and that Pup does okay.

I have achieved Laundry and Second Coat of Plaster Around Door Frame in Guest Room. It looks crap. I need my own Spackling Boy.

At 13:44 Blogger Ticia said...

Marjorie and El - I'm up for that too.

At 13:46 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Alas, wafles did not materialize, although homemade yoghurt did (far more healthy).

What, no skyping? You mean I am condemned to reading my book (or else write my own) tonight?

At 13:56 Blogger Hellie said...

FiendFest is sounding rather wonderful, I wish I could join you! Sadly I don't have enough time off -or savings!!- to make it this time. But can't be greedy, already been to Hong Kong & nice boyfriend promised to take me away for birthday, we are thinking Egypt. Anyone been?

Ooh homemade yogurt, how does one go about making that? I just exploded pomegranate juiciness all over the kitchen counter. Oops.

At 13:58 Blogger vampi said...

oh noes! i just realized my friend from the netherlands is coming to town the week befor fiendmeet. that's a long time for me to be away from work. also trying to convince boy if he wants to go or not. i'll push him for details, so i will know if i am available to share a room or not.

question, does birding involve miles and miles of walking? i'm good for shrot hikes, but too long and my knees/ankles rebel.

At 14:04 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Time is of the essence:
Heat up a litre of fresh milk and a vase of plain yoghurt to 40C , mix put in container(s) and cook them in the oven at 40C for two hours if you are using small containers (like glasses) or four if you are using a large dish. Let the thing stand in the oven for at least 6 hours and then refrigerate for at least 4. with a bit of luck, you will end up with a litre+ of plain yoghurt.
Feeling lucky?

At 14:11 Blogger Hellie said...

I might feel lucky enough at the weekend to try it...always fun to try new cooking ventures when you have a long bank holiday! Thanks!

At 15:50 Blogger Marjorie said...

It's gone very quiet. Good luck with the yogurt, Hellie.

Egypt sounds great, although I hear you get lots of hassle from hawkers and such... definitely on my list of places to see before I die!

At 16:36 Blogger Beez said...

Phiala, I'll join in with Hope on the Forester praises. I just got one in January, and it's been wonderful- all that she said, terrific on ice and snow and the 6'5" sweetie fits comfortably too.

There's a bit more road noise than my Volvo had, but the old girl was a much heavier car.

At 16:38 Blogger Ticia said...

Oh! I can't believe I didn't post this earlier:

Hope: ((hugs))

At 17:03 Blogger Siri said...

Vampi, Birding involves just as much walking as you want it too. Sometimes the best birds are seen from a car by the side of the road. Sometimes you, well, crazy birders, walk for miles and miles. BirdChick knows all the good car spots in the area, and there's a river nearby, I've heard (the miss-something), so there will be plenty of places to sit.

At 17:11 Blogger Siri said...

Did I break YouTube? I can't get Jess' bedtime story to play, and I can't get a Dread Val link to play from Facebook.

And I killed the thread by joining. Sigh.

At 17:32 Blogger El said...

Nah, Siri, you didn't kill me anyway. I'm still here, just thinking about a curry for dinner. Mmmmm.

At 17:38 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Morning all. I want waffles for breakfast. I'll have to make do with toast instead (pouts)
Thanks for the hug El. For those not on Twitter or LJ, extra-special close friends dog collapsed last week, seemed to be getting better then died suddenly on Monday. Its been very sad, he was an adorable goofy ten and a half year old GS cross.
Any news on Cabal yet? He's going to be very happy to get home.

At 18:12 Blogger vampi said...

ah good. i do like a walk, and i am about to walk a 5k in a week. it's hte trails with uneven ground that kill me.

what is wrong with doghimself?

this made me laugh

At 18:17 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I make killer waffles...but none for me for another week until i'm done with this no-wheat test. blah.

Hope cabal is, um, passing.

At 18:17 Blogger Phiala said...


Waaay overworked, came home after full day of work with more work to do. To find: boy sound asleep, laundry strewn around living room, as it has been for the last 3 days, big pile of sports equipment also in living room.

So nice.

(And no, he is not asleep because he worked hard all day and beat me home. He's just asleep.)

So. I'm making out-of-season hot cross buns instead of finishing this grant proposal. Anyone want some?

At 18:25 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Raises hand in air

I'll have some Phiala

At 18:40 Blogger Lyndyn said...

Phiala - I used to have a dog named Grendel. True story: one night about 11:30 I heard something moving around in the back yard clanking a chain. I opened the back door and out of the darkness appeared a huge (is there any other kind?) black great dane dragging what was left of a rusty old zip line behind him.

He wagged his tail, walked right by me, walked right up the stairs into my bedroom, flopped down on the big round dog bed and went to sleep.

I never found out where he had come from. He was a true gentleman and had obviously been loved and cared for - but - nobody ever came forward looking for him. Weird.

I had him for about two months and ended up adopting him out to a couple who had lost their great dane. They adopted another great dane from a rescue group so he wouldn't be lonesome. :)

Not sure HOW he knew his way around my house...

At 18:54 Blogger Lyndyn said...

Here's my favorite wasp story: outside my library is a bike rack. This bike rack is made of hollow metal tubing with evenly spaced holes which makes it perfect for yellow jacket nests. About once a year, it gets infested and I have to cordon it off until we can zap the grumpy things.

A couple of years ago, the thing was full of the nasty biting things, so I put a huge sign on it that said:


A little while later I heard the unmistakeable sound of metal hitting metal. I ran outside and, sure enough, there was a kid whacking away at the bike rack with an aluminum baseball bat.

What the He77 are you doing, I screeched to which the lad replied...Oh...I just wanted to see if there were still wasps in there.


At 19:02 Blogger Phiala said...

Jess! Look! Another Morgan clone!

At 19:47 Blogger Siri said...

No, really, what did I do to YouTube? Can anyone else make things play?

At 20:34 Blogger Jess said...

YouTube's being flakey tonight. Might be better later on-- I'd just wait a while, maybe.

Totally Morgan! He's everywhere.

At 20:36 Blogger Siri said...

Oh thank fod. I hate it when I break the interwebs....

At 20:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New Post up!!!!! The Bees are getting closer!!!!!

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