Monday, April 13, 2009

Bits of Things...

A good day today, if a busy one....Magic not only licked me this morning, he did it three times, and then, well, then he bit me, but that's to be expected. I didn't act like prey, and was still, so he got confused, hissed and went back to breakfast. I love this guy.

I made my ride, but it was a short one, need to leave a little earlier for this early morning ride thing to work for me. Failed to get Tess to see the Joy of Cantering, but when I try, she gets really excited and does this prancing trot thing like she is off to the races, which is nearly as fun, if not what I was going for. Think I need a little help with this, Trainer Mel....They did invite me to two events, this group at my stable, a Regency Dance on Friday, and a Spring Cleanup Party on Saturday.

Oddly enough, I am so there at the Cleanup Party. Dance? Not so sure...I am pretty sure I can dress correctly for the Cleanup Party.

For those of you waiting for your 100K prizes, I mailed off a goodly Box to Miss Kitty today, so you should have them soon.

I did try and get the rest of the honey off the frames outside, I had left some frames I wasn't SURE of, turns out they are just fine, but I left it too late in the day, and they were once again Covered In Bees. So tomorrow, this will be the first task.

Speaking of honey, we spoke on Honey today, and the possibility of auctioning some for charity. You will have four chances at a jar, each several weeks apart. It will come with its very own Special Label. We have chosen the charities, each of us Beekeepers and will let you know soon. (Big guess what mine is, eh?) Sadly, we can't do more, so I can't take requests for more, I wish we could, but it is not possible, so we decided to each pick one.

Stay tuned, here, and with Boss, and Birdchick, and NBB for details. AND stay tuned to Maddy, who may well be doing something extra special!!!!!!! As she does so well!

Tonight is all about me and the Bengals, and some serious Feathersticking.


Love and Bits of Things,


At 19:56 Blogger Siri said...

I might be first....even after reading the post. Don't have any comments; just excited to maybe be first.

At 19:58 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job at getting closer to cantering! Don't stress about Dance attire, you will be Fab as always. Have a great time with the Bengals and looking forward to the auction! Yippee honey!

At 19:58 Blogger Siri said...

Whoopdedo, I made it!! It's been a really long time since I was here at the right time.

Rubius - Happy Happy Day. You and Ticia are probably having a good time now.

I want to come to MN on the 24th now - both Chantrelle and Marjorie will be there then, and I won't. Sigh. I'll be fine, really.

At 20:03 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Those cardboard robots are adorable. Why didn't I think of that? Give each one a tiny, fully operation laser and I could rule the world.

At 20:07 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Aww, I wanted to see you all dressed up for the dance!! :-D

At 20:10 Blogger Ticia said...

Siri, I have PLENTY of room in my suite. COME!! (this goes for any fiends needing a place to crash!) And I'm going to Leonard Cohen with Chantrelle, not Rubius. Although seeing Leonard Cohen on your Birthday WOULD be magical!

Q - Go to the Regency Dance!!!!

Dan - back away from the robots.....

At 20:15 Blogger Phiala said...

Bengals and horses and bees, oh my!

You're right, I've got nothing...

At 20:15 Blogger Siri said...

I can't get away from work - I had to lay on the charm thick and heavy to get away on Thursday, so Wednesday is probably out.....

Hmmm. But I could leave at 3:30 - and get there before or nearly dark....hmmm - something to consider.....

At 20:18 Blogger Siri said...

pssst - Dan - I think you are right - with the right kind of laser, you can control the world with those go...

At 20:19 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I don't know about this Dance. I am going to a Beekeeping Lecture at the U of M tomorrow, and there IS that Cleanup Party on Saturday....

(You lot just THINK my life is exciting..)

I have cantered, Wicked, both on Tess, and Annamontana, but I think I am still afraid. How to get over this? But all reports, I do it well. And I want to be a good rider, wanted it all my life. And now I have a chance at it, but there is this fear thing. I think I pull back and don't give a clear cue, because I am nervous about it.

We will have to think of something fun for these early Fiends, oh, my yesssssssss......

Must go see paper robots, but Dan, I thought you were close to ruling the world anyway...????

At 20:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mistress, add in "honey" only four jars available, and none will be sold....

At 20:29 Blogger Ticia said...

I should add that I am a late fiend. Sat-Tues. reservation. (I couldn't get off work either)

At 20:32 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Stay tuned, here, and with Boss, and Birdchick, and NBB for details."

love, maddy

At 20:34 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Those little robots are gorgeous. Did you notice the dog REALLY wanted a closer look.

At 20:39 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

OH NO! I am sorry! I know, Miss Maddy, how you shun the spotlight, and don't want the press on you, I was trying to shield you from the 1000's of rabid fans who might come to your door if they knew that you were on this too!

I am sorry, I should have known!

Yes, Fiends, it IS all about Maddy, and she is the genius behind this, and we could not have done it without her!!!!!! SHE is the Bee Whisperer, and the honey would not be as sweet without her, I do believe the bees consult with her before visiting the flowers even....

At 20:42 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Blog has been edited to reflect the coolness and awesomeness that is Maddy!

At 20:42 Anonymous Kate said...

Delightful news about Bengals and Bees and Honey.

My yoga teacher (yes, there is a connection) talks about fear all of the time: Fear of Balancing on One Foot, Fear of Upside Down, Fear of Going Over Backwards, and my personal favorite, Fear of Looking Like an Idiot. Finding and facing small fears in a safe space allows us to get to the big ones. So, you're past Fear of Bees. Fear of Cantering will come and you will get past it as well. Trainer Mel would be a good place to start.

Hai, Sensei. Magic can show you about approaching fear.

Go to the dance!! Please let us live our Mr. Darcy vicarious thrills through you. It would be most diverting and amiable.

At 20:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mim just brought me a REAL dead mouse, with no head, dried up. My life is special.

At 20:58 Anonymous Kate said...

Lovely gift. Mim's been saving that mouse for just the right occasion.

At 21:02 Blogger Dragonsally said...

At least all dried up there should be no smell...

All hail Miss Maddy

At 21:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I hated to toss her gift, but one cannot have dead real mice all over the place. Come to think of it tho, there ARE various OTHER dead things here. Perhaps she just wanted to help decorate. Poor thing. Mim. Not the mouse.

(ok, poor mouse, coming to a house with FIVE Leopards??? Bad idea)

Maddy has agreed to do some interviews for the Honey Auctions!!!!!! NOW this will be a success!!!!!

At 21:35 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh... The woman behind the curtain is revealed! Well done Miss Maddy.
Dan - how will the Robots work with the B&B alliance? Won't they upset the balance of power? Raises questions about AI, do the robots get an equal share of world domination, etc.
Q - Yes, the fear is the issue but you can overcome. The horse knows that you don't r-e-a-l-l-y want to canter and they will always do what you really want. You have to convince yourself before you can convince them. They are a great equalizer that way, you can't lie to them :) Once people realize how fragile we are, they tend to be a bit timid at first. You want to be good at this and so you shall. I am sure that you are doing much better than you think you are. You can do it! Just keep it up and it will get easier and easier!
Keep us posted!

At 21:35 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

SO here I am. Me and my blog. All alone. Yup. Fiends are hiding.

New people, NEVER post when I am around. LOL. I might talk to you. Respond. Have something to say. You can see, the FIends know, if I am here, they flee...They only chat when I am working, or riding, or sleeping.

(Sleeping is prime time..)


At 21:35 Blogger Beez said...

Ah, I -love- Maddy interviews.

Quichie, since you're going to be on campus tomorrow (during the day?), if you can stop on by the Ed. Sciences building.

I'll buy you a mango smoothie...actually, I'll make it for you too.

At 21:37 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pshh, stop pouting. You are NEVER alone muahahahaha

At 21:38 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alone? You? Never! What with the Twitter fairies and fiends and such?

At 21:42 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee you guys rock.

Mango smoothie??? Love it, but I will be hard pressed to find the location of this lecture, despite the fact I was enrolled at the U at one point.

Someone is going to speak on Russian Bees tho, and I do want to know about them, so the Birdchick and I are both going.

At 21:46 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a little Bee United Nations going on over there. Interesting to note that bees have nationalities

At 21:50 Blogger Beez said...

I take it the lecture is on the St. Paul campus since that's all the ag stuff.

At 21:52 Blogger Beez said...

What Jess said about the Russian bees- also will they need a supply of vodka and how will this tranlate in the honey?

At 21:57 Blogger Beez said...

Will the French bees have an innate fashion sense?

I would hate to think the would turn up their probiscuses (probiscii?) at the decor of the hives.

At 22:00 Blogger ariandalen said...

Just in case you were wondering, Ms. Fabulous, that was not my evil anonymous laugh. ;)

Honey + Magical Maddy interviews = \0/ Win for Charities!!!!!

At 22:16 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We will have Russian and Italian bees. What a combination. I don't know exactly anything about bees from Russia, but I certainly will report back, count on it.

Hard to say, but the mind boggles...

At 22:45 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charity auction, very cool.

Ah, dead mice love gifts. My boss from my last job had 5 or 6 cats, 4 of them siblings adopted when they turned up as kittens on a construction site he was associated with. One of them, I don't recall which one, took to leaving a dead mouse outside the bedroom door on a fairly regular basis. George would note it when he got up, pick it up and dispose of it in the toilet so his wife didn't step on it when *she* got up.

The cat observed this and took note.

One day he got up as usual, and there was no mouse in the hallway. Nope. It was floating in the toilet.

A very observant and considerate cat.

Oh, and woohoo!!! for Magic kisses.

At 22:54 Blogger AletaMay said...

Great and fun energy here in fiendland tonight! Yay!

Honey auction will be lovely. Interviews by Miss Maddy will be lovely too.

Seems there will be a fiendish presence here in the Twin Cities Area for at least a week. wOOt!

Finding your way around the U of MN -- a friend of my brothers enrolled in the U many many years ago and dropped out after a couple of weeks. When asked why he dropped out after two weeks he said "I would have left sooner if I could have found my way out."

I think I need to search you out Beez. I want a mango smoothie!

Mim is doing her job. Hope you don't find the head in some inconvenient place at some inconvenient time. As someone said better dried up than juicy and stinky!

Good Night/Morning Fiends!

At 23:20 Blogger Chantrelle said...

at leonard cohen w/ ticia. intermission now, what an incredible show so far!!!

At 23:20 Blogger Adri said...

Cantering is like flying. Also, the key is, and it's hard to do, to relax, especially through your hips and back.

At 23:31 Blogger AletaMay said...

Chantrelle and Ticia I am very jealous but also love that you guys are having a great time!

Okay now I am really off to sleep. Really.

At 01:29 Blogger Na said...

Will the Italian bees come with fabulous teeny leather shoes?

Lorraine, I feel prompted to share something. I used to be a modern dancer. The last bit of advice my teacher offered me before I moved on, was that I let myself be off-balance more often. I think she meant, I needed to trust my instincts more, think less about control, let myself go off-balance and something new and wonderful would result as I caught myself after. She was primarily talking about my artistic endeavors, but I suspect it was general advice, too. And I wonder if it could apply to conquering one's fear of cantering. Um, not that you want to be off-balance on a horse, per se. But moving through fear, by trusting oneself -- I think that's where that idea was going... (Now I've attempted to express this, I hope the voices are satisfied...)

At 01:33 Blogger vampi said...

oh tomorrow i am hosting a training session and then driving the visitors around. i'm going to be so tired.

i am much confused about the biting, but if you say it's good, huzzah!

oooh a sweet auction lol! maDDy interviews, AwEs0me11!!11

in soviet russia bees pollinate you!

At 02:26 Blogger Ticia said...

Leonard Cohen was awesome. Chantrelle was awesome. Smashed window in car. Stereo, Bluetooth, GPS gone.... Not so cool. I'm pissed, but I'll get over it. It wasn't me or someone I love, it was just stuff... And a fricken smashed window.

Reminder to everyone: Do not leave anything you're attached to in your car. Do not leave your Amanda Palmer CD in your stereo. And always make sure YOU'RE safe, because you're more important than anything else.

At 02:26 Blogger Ticia said...

Leonard Cohen was awesome. Chantrelle was awesome. Smashed window in car. Stereo, Bluetooth, GPS gone.... Not so cool. I'm pissed, but I'll get over it. It wasn't me or someone I love, it was just stuff... And a fricken smashed window.

Reminder to everyone: Do not leave anything you're attached to in your car. Do not leave your Amanda Palmer CD in your stereo. And always make sure YOU'RE safe, because you're more important than anything else.

At 02:37 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Ticia NOOOO

What an awful end to a wonderful night out. I'm really sorry to hear that.

At 02:45 Blogger Marjorie said...

Siri - I don't arrive at MSP until 7.45 on Wednesday, which I think will feel like Midnight to me - not sure how much of a scintillating companion I will be at that point!

Ticia, I am a late fiend as well as an early fiend (what can I say, I make it a personal rule never to cross the Atlantic more than once in any week) So sorry to hear about your car - I think t is better than havinf someone break into your house - doesn't feel quite so unsafe, but horrible all the same.

And can I say, YAY for honey auction and Inteviews with Ms Maddy 'Awesome' Gaiman!

I am sure the Italian bees will appreciate that beautiful artworks painted on the hives.

Dead things... my gransparents used, many years ago, to have a cat who was a Mighty Hunter. When he brought dead mouses, he was praised, but when he bought dead birds these were not received with thanks. As winter came, he stopped bringing birds. Theywere very happy, as they thought he had learned not to hunt them.

Spring came, and my Granddad went to take his boat out for the first time......(little sailing dinghy spending the winter upturned, on the lawn)

Your can see where this is fgoing, can't you?

Lots and lots of dead birds, in various states of decay, piled up neatly under the boat....

Fortunately for me Tybalt spent his formative years living in the middle of the city where there was no wildlife but feral squirrels and rats, and he has never been much in the habit of catching things, except sometimes moths, so I don't have much trouble that way.

Right. Back to work.

At 02:46 Blogger Marjorie said...

PS - Na, so glad your landlord did show up with the deposit cheque - good luck with finding a new place.

At 03:03 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I take it the Italian bees will also have sunglasses at all time of the day and night.
Hurray for some Maddy madness.

How's Mim, by the way?

At 03:04 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Lots of catching up to do..Hope you all had a great Easter. I was at work:/

I thought of you today Lorraine. I was at Trader Joes and noticed that they now have Mango Sorbet.:)

Phiala Susan Boyle SO made me cry! Wonderful.

Lorraine, wasn't Falada from The Goose Girl? One of my favorites. (My bike was named Shetan after the Black;)
Kisses from Magic..awww!
Sounds like maybe Tess is maybe sensing your nervousness. (And I don't blame you, cantering in an English saddle is pretty daunting.)
Fierce little Mim the huntress "Here Mom, look what I brought you!" lol

Jess, I love those robots:)

Oh no Ticia! How awful! What a horrible surprise at the end of a great evening.

At 03:05 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Marjorie -that was one smart cat!

At 03:41 Blogger Marjorie said...

sally - he certainly was, although I'm not sure my granddad appreciated it very much while clearing 6 months worth of dead birds out from under the boat!

I'm impressed by the a putting mice into the toilet, too. They really are smart!

Tybalt & I were visiting my paretns this weekend - the cat next door (who sees their garden as part of his territory) saw Tyablt and even when h was indoors, it kept coming up to look through all the windows to try to find him - apparently he doesn't normally show any interest in the hosue at all, so he must have ntoiced Tybalt and then been looking for him.

(When they were both out of doors they just stared at each other, with a little shouting, but no violence on either side)

At 06:35 Blogger Dan Guy said...

I was <- this -> close to ruling the world and installing Mim and Mab and Regent and Queen, but then I got sick and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz took the lead with his combustinator ray.

At 06:45 Blogger Marjorie said...

I've only just looked at the little robots - they are fantastic, and so nice that people helped!

DanGuy, maybe you need to produce your own - they could have little flags saying "Help ME - My overlord is on a mission to rule the world. Please help by surrendinging immediately and welcoming our feline and apian overlords"..

It could work...

At 07:35 Blogger ivenotime said...

good morning all! again ticia, how awful, hope you got some rest. tho i am glad the concert was good! i will never be able to read the back log of comments over the last couple of weeks, so i hope all are doing well and are having a good week. honey and interviews sounds like fun! and a dead mousie dried is better than a squishy fresh one :) sweet little mim. we have adopted a golden retriever who has been homeless since february. he is gigantic, 92.2 pounds and a furball to boot. i am ridiculous for adding another dog, but couldn't bear to think of him being put down. ah well. he is sweet and playful and seems to feel we are his humans already. tank is a bit mad, but he will always be first in my heart. hey beez, mango smoothie? mmmmm, i wish....lorraine, have fun at the lecture, and glad the riding is going well, and magic too! have a good tuesday all, i'm off to drive hub to the airport.

At 08:34 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Good luck with the honey. Yay, Maddy is always so much fun.

At 09:15 Blogger Jane said...

Ticia, sorry to hear about the car break in. Bad way to end what sounded like a fun evening.

At 09:16 Blogger Jane said...

Ticia, sorry to hear about the car break in. Bad way to end what sounded like a fun evening.

At 09:30 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Rats Ticia! People are morons.

Sue, congrads on yr new friend, what's the name???

No more mice this morning, but Mim woke me by doin a death pounce, and then LICKING and biting. No snooze alarm on a Bengal. I overslept anyway, sadly for my ride.

At 09:34 Blogger Jane said...

Ticia, sorry to hear about the car break in. Bad way to end what sounded like a fun evening.

At 09:35 Blogger Jane said...

sorry about the multiple postings....

At 09:56 Blogger louisa said...

Maddy-approved honey, birds under boats, mice in toilets, robots taking over the world, just another day here in FabLo Land.

Ticia, boo to nasty people (someone carefully removed my side mirror this week so with you on the anger/sadness though in lesser quantities)

Sue, yay for new rescued pup (they're always puppies/kittens to me, whatever age)

I want a mango smoothie! Or a mango lassi.

Not quite seasonal, but I leave with two, er, unusual ideas for Halloween decorations (those of a male persuasion may not want to click).

At 10:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Very funny, especially given what Venus has been fishing out of my purse for purposes of playing Fetch this morning....

Never a dull moment....

At 10:21 Blogger louisa said...

Headless mice and tampons, your kitties know how to have a good time Q!

At 10:28 Blogger Dan Guy said...

A Bengal with a snooze alarm, hmm..... Well, it's a specialized niche, but if I could unlock the secret, surely people would pay dearly!

At 11:02 Blogger Chantrelle said...

OMG Ticia, Why didn't you call me or flag me back down??!??! I had no idea!! I got home at 1am and collapsed, I didn't check twitter or here. I was beat.That totally sucks. I'm glad you were OK though! Which window was it?

Have to read other comments now...or later actually, ben is beckoning.

At 11:13 Blogger Na said...

ticky box, but while I'm here,

I had a great mountain bike I named Strider.

Louisa, LOL - wonder if they sell stuff at holiday arts-n-crafts fairs?

Dan, are you next going to extort the world for one million dollars?

At 11:24 Anonymous Kate said...

Have you seen this old Reading Rainbow episode about bees and honey? before Geordie!

At 11:24 Blogger AsISeeIt said...

Hey all, glad to be back after a bout of food poisoning ick. Pretty much missed the past 2 days on all fronts.

Ticia so sorry about the car. That is no fun anytime, but glad you are ok.

Charitable honey is always the best honey.

Two Posts back: Coffee and Tea seems to be drunk equally around my house, but not usually in the same weeks they take turns. PG Tips Special Blend seems to win for a standard cuppa, coffee any random medium roast.

One Post back: I faithfully read all the Terry Goodkind's and have to agree that they fell off considerably after the 4th novel and the last two were kind of like finishing off some kind of slimy vegetable that you only eat because it is the last thing on your plate. I was both excited and a little skeptical when the announced the series and sadly, in my opinion, it was a waste of film and actors. Too bad.

At 11:40 Blogger Jane said...

Dan, I would pay dearly for an Abyssinian snooze alarm :-)

At 11:54 Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh Ticia! So sorry! So glad you are alright. Argggg!

At 12:12 Blogger Ticia said...

Thank you everybody for the virtual love. I've cycled through pissed, sad, tired, and now am done. The glass will be repaired tomorrow and I'll have a new stereo in a few days. They left all of my CD's (except AFP which was in the stereo), that's all I care about. No one was hurt or injured in this life incident, so all is good in my world.

Chantrelle - I didn't call you because I knew there was nothing to be done. I stamped my foot like Rumplestilton (sp?), cursed, got in my car, and drove home. Oakland is a rough town and I know it. It's not the first time I've been burgled there. I had nothing exposed in the car... it just happens.

I love that you fiends are around for me to vent to at 2am though!

At 12:12 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

I saw this article and thought you all might enjoy it.

Horses with hair extensions....... hehe! I'm thinking purple streaks would be cool.

Gads! Ticia, I hope you're doing ok.

At 13:03 Blogger Ticia said...

Jess- ROFL Thank you! I didn't even realize I'd spelled it that way. Must be hungry. :-D

At 13:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ticia, if you e-mail me your address, I am pretty sure we can replace that AFP cd for you....

At 13:30 Blogger AsISeeIt said...

Erin. Talk about My Pretty Ponies!

At 14:45 Blogger ariandalen said...

Ticia, what an awful ending to an otherwise wonderful evening. :(
Glad you are okay, and the thieves long gone by the time you got to your car.

I'm happy to announce that we still have both pomegranate and peach blossoms! Now we just wait and see. :)

At 14:50 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Hmm. Got tay love them tampon bats.

At 15:06 Blogger louisa said...

Brought the kitties for their annual shots this evening and the vet, unable to get over the size of Verbal, weighed him - 8kg/17.5lbs, and he's lost a good bit of his "winter weight". Velcro is smaller but fatter, I got my work out carrying their cat cages between home and car and vet, who needs free weights?

A book released today (in the US) for those interested in horses and/or autism and/or healing - The Horse Boy looks fascinating and has been recommended by Temple Gradin. There's slightly overly-sentimentalised YouTube video of father, son and horse here. My cousin's little girl has severe cerebral palsy and is transformed every Thursday morning when she does her therapeutic horse riding. I was lucky enough to be there once with her and get teary just remembering what an amazing experience it was to bear witness. I recommend it to anyone in central PA (or anywhere there are similar stables) wanting incredibly rewarding volunteer work.

At 15:12 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Thanks so much, Louisa.

My brother and his band had a gig today at a special-needs school - and I almost cried watching the children dance and clap and smile and laugh and shriek as they played their music. Jack and his band gave them something that ... I can't even think of the words. It was just something really marvelous and really special. And a couple of the kids - one about six, the other thirteen - danced with me. We have a wonderful time. I would love to volunteer there.

At 15:17 Blogger louisa said...

*Wonderful* to hear that Emily, thanks for sharing! There really is nothing comparable to the unrepressed joy of kids dancing when it doesn't matter an iota to them who's watching other than to wonder if they'll join in the fun.

At 16:15 Blogger EmilyLady said...

They had some of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen - none of them had even a drop of hate in their blood; each child was the epitome of love and joy.

At 16:48 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

the car-breakers-in are going to pay three times for this one trangression.
i have willed it to be so.
so sorry.
and i'd have thought the sheer Leonard-Cohenness of the night would cover you in protective magic.
he is a deity to me.
sending love.
xo Kit

At 16:48 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

the car-breakers-in are going to pay three times for this one trangression.
i have willed it to be so.
so sorry.
and i'd have thought the sheer Leonard-Cohenness of the night would cover you in protective magic.
he is a deity to me.
sending love.
xo Kit

At 16:55 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Off to my Bee Lecture at the U of M. May wind up wandering the campus in search of Mango Smoothies, keep your fingers crossed!

If I get one more crazy letter today I will be sure the world is upside down, is it something in the air this week?

New post when I get home...Will Tweet you!

At 16:59 Blogger AletaMay said...

Sorry about the letters Q! You should have an email from me when you get home from your lecture that I hope will not be in the crazy category. Not the bad crazy category anyway!

Have fun on the St. Paul campus! You'll be sorta in my neighborhood so I'll think of you and wave when I drive past.

At 18:16 Blogger Ticia said...

Yay! Work is through for the day. Now that I am on my own time and feeling more my normal self, I have to tell you how much I agree with Kitty.

Leonard Cohen is a phenomenal show to see. I have never seen a performer so appreciative of his fellow musicians on stage. Whenever one of them took the spotlight, his entire focus was on them. He gave them reverent attention. He looked like a child stating into the face of god. It was beautiful.And they deserved it. There was not one bored face or weak link on that stage. They were as excited to perform for us as we were to see them. Hallelujah!

At 19:45 Blogger Ticia said...

And thanks Kitty for putting the magic out there. :-) Having that Leonard Cohen bubble burst days before it should have been was the worst part.

Thanks for all the love and support everybody! And thank you too Lorraine. There is so much that would never be possible without you. It all begins and ends with you.

The wind is howling in the Springtime air. I think of it as Mother Nature cleaning out the cobwebs from a long, hard winter. Airing the cupboards as it were. Enjoy.

At 20:34 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Just had to pop in and tell you about this wild rescue phone call I had tonight. An older gentleman called asking if this was the cat rescue and I said yes, for bengals cats. He apologized and said yes, he wanted the bengal cat rescue. He then went on to tell me he had traded a COW for 2 bengal queens and was looking for a stud cat to breed them. Hiding my shock I explained since we were a rescue all bengals going to new homes are spayed and neutered before adoption. He then said if I knew of any coming in that weren't. I nicely explained he would have to contact a breeder to either pay for stud service or he would have to buy a stud. He said he hadn't had much luck with that. A COW!, WOW!

At 20:35 Blogger Dragonsally said...


At 20:40 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Goodness gracious, Bengalgirl.


At 20:40 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Do you think he was for real Janet? I mean, that sounds really, um, odd.
If it is,what a shame you can't get the cats from him.

At 20:45 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Unfortunately it was read, I've had others call for the same thing minus the cow, lol. That is how we get back-yard-breeders. He will probably find a male bengal somewhere and put out lots of kittens. I am not at all against breeding, without it no bengals but I do wish that the breeders that sell their cats as breeders screened potential breeding homes for their cats a bit better. If I'd have been a bit faster in thinking I'd have asked him some more questions as to location, etc., but I was pretty much in shock.

At 23:15 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

A COW???? Ok, that's weird. I wish people would not DO that, we don't need more kittens from people who don't know what thy are doing...

Back from the beekeeper meeting. Learned a LOT, maybe a bit more than I needed to know. Would like to do a new post, but it might have to wait till morning. Magic is really mewing and I think I should go and be with him some more.

At 23:41 Blogger Lexocat said...

Could have sworn I'd left a comment on this post yesterday but it seems I'm wrong. And losing my mind. Sigh.

Ticia, I admire how well you put your experience in perspective but I'm still very sorry this had to happen to you. Years ago, when Husband and I were dating, he used to fly out of Oakland to visit me. He came back to his car after one such trip to find the window smashed and all his tools needed for work were gone. No fun.

Q, here's hoping you and Magic had quite the bonding session tonight and can't wait to hear about the new bee info later.

At 00:03 Blogger Ticia said...

I'm no saint. If I had all of my work tools stolen, I would be inconsolable. I'd theow a fit and scream and yell. Then I'd buy new tools and move on. But everyone's different. Your reactions, different than mine, to be sure, are just as valid.

I lived in Oakland for 10 years. I know what the crime rate is there and I usually don't leave anything in my car that I value. And I definitely don't leave anything in plain sight.

I'm just thankful that I wasn't mugged, raped, didn't surprise the thief, that my car was still there, and that it wasn't my daughter.

I don't know... we all have bad things happen to us. They are necessary and unavoidable to make us appreciate what we have and what's really important. If I let the fear and disappointments of life rule me, I might miss out on some incredible thing that's happening at the same time, right in front of my nose.

Life's too short. I want to focus on the magic not the misery.

But thank you all for your love and support. It's that love and support, that intangible magic, that's important to me.

Alright, I'm rambling. Nighty-night you glorious fiends.

At 00:09 Blogger Dragonsally said...

You have a fantastic outlook Ticia, and everything you said is true.

At 00:15 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ben didn't figure out how to destroy the universe with The Dangerous Alphabet (or he hasn't acted on it yet at least) so since we're all here, i'm going to bed.

night fiends!

At 00:16 Blogger Ticia said...

Ahh.... Thanks Sally. ((hugs))

At 00:17 Blogger Chantrelle said...

And since you guys aren't all on twitter or facebook, this is in ben's voice since i put it on his blog today:
"Mom came into my room today and saw that I had out The Dangerous Alphabet by Neil Gaiman. She asked me if I was reading it and I said "No, I'm just using it to destroy the universe. That and my list." My list is the alphabet list from Young Mad Scientist's First Alphabet Blocks. They have all I need to destroy the universe like Monsters and stuff. "

I love my kid.

At 00:19 Blogger Ticia said...

Nighty-night Chantrelle. And Sally. And Lexa. And anyone else that's still up.

Alright, I'm off for real. ((hugs))

At 00:38 Blogger Na said...

Chantrelle, that's hilarious! I covet those blocks, so I do.

My kids fiendish kick currently consists of lying somewhere in the house where they know I'm soon to walk, glassy-eyed and still on the floor. K (the four-year-old) tells me, they're pretending the aliens killed them. They're getting good-- it's starting to bother me, the stillness, and I can't pass on until I poke them into some response.

At 01:45 Blogger vampi said...

omg ticia, *hugs* love your out look, it is inspiring. i is a pity those crooks had to put a mark on our concert joy.

At 02:48 Blogger Marjorie said...

Chantrelle, I love that!

At 06:18 Blogger ivenotime said...

ticia, echoing what everyone else said - what a great way to put life experiences in perspective (including the screaming and gnashing of teeth:) Chantrelle, your son is soon to be aligned with danth? that was great. Our new big canine is being called Buster, and we found out he has heartworm :(. The vet says he needs to lose 20 pounds and be in better physical shape before even attempting the treatment for it, which can cause death even in dogs in good health. We think this is why he was abandoned. So we will try to get him in shape, and hopefully later in the summer or fall we can try the heartworm treatment, and hope that the disease hasn't gone too far by that time. really sad that his previous owners were so lax, heartworm is so easy to prevent. fingers crossed he makes it! Lorraine, hope you had some magic with magic last night! how cool that he is responding to you! I am off to get ready for work, hope all lovely fiends have a great wednesday!

At 06:27 Blogger Dan Guy said...

"1 cow, 2 bengals". Soon to be a viral video hit. *shudder*

At 08:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning. TRYING to wake enough to go and ride before work. Up, dressed, Bengals tended. Fist cup of tea ready.

Don't like early.

Sue, oh, people are horrid. Good luck with Buster, and no matter what happens, he has love now. Which is the important thing.

At 08:47 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kids are the best!!!!

Stil trying to wake up. Have decided that I shall go now and ride, waked up be dammed. I have Lady Gaga in the car and if she can't wake a girl up, nothing can.

Grove slam, work it back, filter that, baby bump that track.

Oh yes.

At 09:55 Blogger Adri said...

Good morning, Fiends.

((hugs)) Ticia!

Chantrelle, Ben sounds like an incredible kid!

re: heartworms: when I was a kid we picked up a stray (purebred standard poodle) with heartworms. He lived a long and happy life after treatment, and was such a good dog, my parents haven't had another breed since. Good luck to Buster!

At 10:36 Blogger Na said...

World is still here, yay!

Rubius, if you're reading this, Air Canada has some GREAT rates right now, for a certain June weekend even ('though it may mean traveling at some ucky hours).

Re-reading about the cow-for-bengals trade. Wonder if he's tried trading his family for some goats as well?

Sue, kudos to you and your family for giving Buster some quality of life! Here's wishing him a full return to health. No matter what happens, he's got love and care now, and that's wonderful in and of itself.

At 11:07 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sue, good to know Buster has a good home now ;-) and being a dog, he can live in the now without worry about what the future may hold.
Heartworms don't sound nice at all (I just googled) I hope he is OK.

Q- hope you enjoy (ed) your ride and were awake for it.

I have been busy injuncting today. This is good. People do not get to beat up my clients with impunity. But it is very time consuming.

At 12:48 Blogger Ani said...

Jess--the robots are great! I want to have them roaming my town, next!

At 12:58 Blogger Ani said...

Ticia--"Rumpelstilton" is the cheese. :)

At 13:26 Blogger Ticia said...

Well, aren't I the clever one (not). I'm now stealing my typo and "throwing a Rumplestilton" whenever I want to make a big stink about something. *grin*

At 16:38 Blogger Beez said...

Aw Sue- I'm sending Buster my absolute best vibes for a healthy and full future.

He looks like such a love.

Q, Magic is blossoming more all the time...see what you do?

Well my fiends, we ran an inspector through the house-to-be and it is no longer a house-to-be. We would have to sink so much money into it just to make it livable that it would eat us alive in no time. Life is just too short for that.

At 16:44 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh Beez, no fun! You WILL find one tho.

This is a crazy busy day, my Fiends. I want nothing more than to go home and open all my windows and be with some Bengals and write me a Bee Blog.

Couple more hours, I am thinking.

Cantered a LOT today. Oh my poor HIPS!

At 16:56 Blogger Beez said...

Ow on the hips, but just think how much you are tightening those muscles!

Hey, it's all good about the house. Clearly something else was meant to happen.

At 17:20 Blogger Siri said...

Ummm...tap tap tap.....I feel like a brat doing this, because people here have real problems, but I need a little feindish love right now.

Work continues to be icky (and yes, I feel guilty crabbing about work when others don't have any) and some stuff around the neighborhood is gnawing at me (and yes, I took on this roll, fully knowing this stuff would come up) but I just don't feel very competent right now.

It's funny how you can go through a day and deal with it all and then all of a whoop, sit down and bawl. I hate feeling like this, because I know I can handle whatever comes my way, but
.....whimper....moan.....and sob.

And then there's Susan Boyle who went out and made her dream happen, and today, I don't even know what my dream is.

I know, though, that some of you will hug me, and some will send earworms, and other eyeworms, and the sun will set and it will rise tomorrow. After all, it already has in Tomorrowland (Hey, Sal!)

I do have a bee post to look forward to, if Q gets to leave her job that is ever so much more challenging than mine, and yeah, I feel guilty about that, too.

Who delivered the extra large tub 'o guilt to my address today?

Oh, and did I mention that I finally have both Poppets, and a digital camera?

But, I don't know how to use it. More me fail.

Someone send over the worms, and I'll start supper.

At 17:27 Blogger louisa said...

No worms yet as I'm just in the door but lots of hugs Siri. Oh actually just thought of one, talk amongst yourselves, back in a mo

goes UToobing......

At 17:29 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh Siri, one of those days??? I know 'em well, oh, yes.

I will do you a lovely blog, as soon as I get home. Just need to make Boss and Son some dinner.

(Large salad w/ Roasted Beets and goat cheese, with a roast chicken breast with lemon and garlic. I am making Wheat Thins for my self later on, hee-hee)

At 17:31 Blogger Adri said...

((hugs)) Siri. Things will be better, I promise.

In the mean time, here are 753 free songs from to suit a range of tastes!

At 17:37 Blogger Ticia said...

Awww Siri, I wish I had a good earworm for you. I'm always amazed at how well they work at lifting the spirits.

Just know that everyone goes through these days and as horrible as they are and as horrible as they make you feel they are just feelings and they will pass. Because you are a wonderful strong woman with brains and compassion. That doesn't mean life can't get you down.

Sometimes being a superwoman can be overwhelming.

Ignore all of your responsiblilities and do something for your inner child. Throw a tantrum (flailing legs and arms required) on the floor. Play with bubbles. Scream into a pillow. Beat the stuffing out of your bed. And know that we love you and send you virtual hugs and chocolate.

Write a list of all the things you are beating yourself up about and burn it. Get a good nights sleep. Watch a movie that makes you laugh. Watch a movie that makes you cry. ((hugs))

Beez- I know your house is out there waiting for you. It just needed this time to get ready.

Q- You are a riding fool and I am going to get on my wii-fit tonight because of you. Thanks for the inspiration.

At 17:41 Blogger louisa said...

Hhmmmm can't find the exact version I want but you can't beat the hairdo's in this one. This goes out to all you lovely wonderful Fiends with a special shout out to Beez and Siri.

At 17:54 Blogger Siri said...

I love you all

Susan Boyle is going to be on the CBS evening news Right Now.

Watch it if you can - I'll report.

At 18:12 Blogger Phiala said...

Siri, we all know that one! Everyone else has already added lovely suggestions.

Tonight's therapy in my world: pictures of poppets and dyeing silk (no photos yet, as it's white and wet and not that interesting).

Long day at work (despite being late) and while I worked pretty hard, I didn't get anything done on the overdue Project of Doom. Yes, the one I've been whining about for months. There's probably 6 hours of concentrated effort, that's all, but I can't seem to do it.

At 18:15 Blogger Beez said...

*tacklehugs Siri*

Psh, whinge away. Sometimes you just have to feel the ick for it to actually clear out...otherwise it can sneak up on you.

At 18:40 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Here you go Siri, huge hugs from Tomorrowland and the perfect song for when you're feeling low Melanie

At 19:02 Blogger Phiala said...

Glad you like the daffydil, Siri! I'd invite you over for fiber therapy as well, but I recognize that for some reason not everyone finds dyeing silk that much fun.

And besides, this silk is most emphatically possessed by a multitude of demons. I didn't know silk came that way, but it does...

At 19:03 Blogger Siri said...

Is it messy? Is it mindless? Can I run my fingers through the silk?

I'm on it!

At 19:05 Blogger Phiala said...

Messy, check. Mindless, sure.

Run your fingers through the silk... not the demon-possessed stuff, but I have plenty more of nice well-behaved silk, including a couple of veils, and those are way fun to dye.

At 19:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My blog tonight will have an idea for something to run your fingers thru, if you are very brave...

At 19:12 Blogger Siri said...

Well, things are still a bit weepy here, but I did deal with the neighborhood thing. It was interesting - the secretary of the homeowner's association (I'm the prez) called a while ago and said "Are you OK? I was worried about you." I was pretty sure she wasn't a fiend, so I asked why she thought I wasn't OK. Turns out she saw on the news that the director of my agency didn't get confirmed by the Iowa Senate today, and she thought that would bother me - that thing certainly wasn't on my list of concerns! But, it was nice that she was worried. Anyway, we talked about the neighborhood thing, and came to a decision, and she's calling and sending emails, and I don't have to.

So, I'm sitting here, weepy, because everyone is so nice.

Maybe I'll go open my new camera, and see what trouble I can get into there.....

At 19:12 Blogger Phiala said...


At 19:13 Blogger Siri said...

Urrmmm... I thought the blog was about I'm just scared!

At 19:27 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Tis about Bees...Mmmwwwhahahaha!

At 19:28 Blogger Siri said...

I'm not running my hands through bees.

Honey, maybe. Beezwaz, probably.

But not bees.....

At 19:39 Blogger Siri said...

OK, so I'm listening to the radio, and there's an ad about making your workplace safe - locking up your purse, having visitors sign in and being escorted throughout the building, and my favorite...
"If you see a co-worker acting erratically, report it to management." In my place, it's management who is acting erratically!!! "Do this now." "Who told you to do that? Do this now." "Do that other thing."


At 19:40 Blogger Siri said...

Bring on them beezzzzz

At 19:54 Blogger dabbler said...

Hugs to Siri! Sounds like low blood sugar might be a possibility, as well as too much stress?

And ack, ptui Somebody (be glad I don't remember who) mentioned being lost in the archives of Questionable Content a couple of days ago. Ah, says I, I haven't read that in aeons. Three days later, I can barely see, from staring at six years worth of strips. My brain was stolen!

At 20:05 Blogger AsISeeIt said...

Siri. We all have those days, but I am glad to hear it is getting better. Beez - my best friend just spent months frustrated over not finding a house only to have the perfect one fall into her hands. You will get there.

In other news, both my cats are rescues and they are just the most delightful creatures ever. Cat breeding in most cases, especially from someone who would barter a cow for cats, seems to move beyond unnecessary and into reckless. Someone needs to toss a squid on his head.

At 20:07 Blogger Siri said...

Oh yeah - the cow guy..... do you think there were some magic beans in the trade, too?

Katie - you are perceptive - my BS was low when I got home (darned exercise). That's all taken care of.....

At 20:15 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

AsIseeit, that is SO going in the Fiend lexicon . "Toss a Squid on him" Love it!!!!!!

Yup. Petting Bees. Blog is up.....

At 23:16 Blogger Adri said...

dabbler-- my bad. I'm still stalled somewhere around strip 300. Have been busy with work this week!

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