Spring? Yup. I Can Tell....
The Spooky House is slowly getting its "Spring Clean" Tho the Spring part is of yet, still debatable. Apparently the woodwork need re-staining. Or staining. I am not exactly clear on which. At any rate it DOES look better now.
Here's Venus trying to figure out how to make the leap from the settee to the newly stained window. She made it. Several times. Then she and Mim were banished upstairs. For helping too much, I guess. Merry Housekeeper suggested I go up and see about switching mattress things around. I suspect we were all helping too much.
Driving home after the show last night was a whole lot of No Fun. Full on Snow Storm. Made it, stayed awake, which I suppose was the point, but it wasn't easy. Here's the Spooky House this morning. Snow. Not to beleaguer a point. But it did snow. Lots. It would be pretty if it weren't, you know. Snow. In April.
Let's talk about the garden now that it is Spring. Everyone is gearing up, starting seeds, tilling, planting, getting ready for summer!!!! Here is mine. Ok. Right. Any day now. Yup. Sigh.
WoodsmanHans found this lovely Tombstone last week, and put it out by the Garden, knowing how I love such things. I think it adds to the overall effect.
(NOTE: The tombstone was NOT in use when he found it. It is my belief that it was abandoned by previous owners when the person in question either did not die as planned or made other arrangements. At least that is what I am going to believe)
Last nights show with Jason Webley was beyond wonderful fun. One of my favorite shows ever, I believe. The man is amazing on stage, both with the accordion (And how often does one say THAT???) and as a storyteller. If you have seen him, you are with me on this, if you haven't, you are in for a wonderful evening the next time he comes to your town.
And he is a great guy. (the harder they rock, the nicer they are, kid you not) I am right glad for a chance to know him, and spend some time. Boss took him for a walk with Cabal, and I took him to the grocery store. (Do we know how to show people a good time or what??)
Not sure who had the most fun, but Jason seems happy with everything.
Love, Snow and Rock,
I love the tombstone! And so jealous that you got to go to the show last night! Glad you made it home safe and had a great time!
Sorry about the snow :(
And holy cow, First! First I win one of Miss Kitty's fantastic magnets this afternoon via Twitter and now this! I am enroute to get lottery tickets :D
The Spooky House looks so peaceful in the snow, you'd never know it was inhabited by wild things!
The tombstone is way cool.
A walk with Cabal and a trip to the grocery store are a good time, aren't they??
Oh m'gosh! I went to the grocery store today too! Amazing how things turn out that way.
Snow in springtime makes me sick to me stomach. Snow in March, at the very very EDGE of springtime, is one thing - April snow is something different.
Wicked! You are SO on a roll...And yes, I have never had a Garden Tombstone before. It makes me happy.
The LA people and Southern folks and those in Rome shall no doubt scratch their heads in wonder over this snow....
So sorry about the snow, but I so love the pictures. Cleaning. Sigh. Sounds like an interesting concept. :-) Okay, so I did clean a little on Saturday morning. But it's a never ending battle with the cat and dog hair, you know??
A couple of years ago, we had a cold snap in mid-April, down to 21 (F). This is the serious south, people. All the plants which had started putting out leaves and flowers and such shriveled and DIED. I finally saw what a blighted spring truly was (had heard the phrase, but never knew...). Sad.
Okay, I have something attacking my sinuses and throat and ears and making me feel that life is nothing but sadness and badness. Sigh.
And on that note, I formally quit my tutoring gig at the local univ. It was only 6 hours a week, but I think it was pushing me over the edge. I feel kinda bad, because there's only 2.5 more weeks to the semester, but still, the drain was too much. I keep trying to tell myself that I do not suck, that I am not a wimp for quitting this one thing, that I'm okay. Struggling to believe it right now.
Oh, and one last weird, funny thing. I dreamt last night that I had killed someone (!!) and had hidden the body in a landfill (what was I, the mafia??) and was denying all knowledge of the crime to the police, and I was very very upset with myself, so much so that I woke myself up saying, "Don't worry. You would never do that, and if you did, you would tell the police and own up to your own actions. You aren't like this dream, so quit stressing and go back to sleep." And I did. :-)
SNowy lovely snow. I read on Miss Cho's feed that she was frantically wishing the MSP planes to fly during snow storm, wonder if they did??
Sorry to miss J.Webley, he is fetching, you know.
so Boss went to hide without signing prizes? mweh.
to win the magnet, our Wicked guessed correctly that for breakfast i was eating the heavenly Bran d' Raisin. Was pretty funny, but i guess you can't see the threads, people guessed EVERY kind of cereal and she was the first one to get it.
Quiche, you of course can make your own avocado toast, you silly billy.
and am Loving the tombstone..
Loving the tombstone and loving that picture of Venus.
Too hot here today for me. 90 degrees in my side yard. Too hot!
Spooky House is so pretty.
Tysie would be supervising everything happening too. Did she get stain on her paws?
The headstone is all sorts of awesome, but where did Hans find it?
Grace - I know EXACTLY what you mean. Half an hour after vacuuming the carpet is covered in white dog hair again.
I meant did Venus get stain on her paws, not Tysie :)
I will ask Hans to Tweet where he found the tombstone....I have NO idea personally, I just kind of roll with things...
It's funny, I do not like yellow and we figured we could re-paint, hello? Vinal siding? Live and learn...
Yes, Kitty I COULD make my own Avocado Toast, but it would not be the same. LA airfares are really cheap right now...FLy cross country for toast?? SIgn me up!
Well, no, Sally, They didnt get stained, but not for lack of trying...
I know, snow. But your house does look lovely enrobed.
Thank goodness for that, because I imagine following stain paw prints and trying to get them out of carpet and soft furnishings wouldn't be much fun. I've had to do that before when my old dog chewed on a biro. Not only did she have a blue tongue, but we had blue paw prints from the bed and down the hallway.
Thanks Uisge, it does look lovely doesn['t it? It feels good inside too, which makes me happy..
Sally, it could have been MUCH worse..
My house has yellow vinyl siding - it's not THAT bad!
I am accomplished. All the bookkeeping is done, by which I mean the entire year and a half of business records is completely (re)organized, in a way that might not even make an accountant retch. And the federal, state and local income taxes are done, and filed.
This left no time for writing, or weaving, or much else. I did wander outside and take photos of poppets and daffodils. The daffys aren't much yet, but my little wind anemones are GREAT this year.
And now, at long last, food.
Huh, other gardeners have garden elf, dwarves, fairies.....-our- Gardener In Chief has a garden tombstone.
....that sounds about right.
Spooky house does look lovely, so now we've looked, acknowledged the enrobed beauty of it andnow the snow can just get the @!%* away from us! Right?!
sorry, got carried away there.
Right there with you Beez!!!!
Mistress, it's not the vinal that's bad, I like it, it's the colour, I wanted four shades of purple and green and burgundy.....
Ticky box.
The house looks great!
My sister is in town and I'm working on a Sunday night.
Yah. My lovely gardener Vernon worked out how to get the pilot light clicky clicky thing (more techincally know as the igniting gadget) working and we now have heat in the house. This makes me very happy and warm, and will dry out the wet carpet in the bedroom, a legacy of Friday's downpours.
lol you wanted you house to look like your hair :)
oooh magnets, sehr jealous
V. warm today here too. Tried new sunblock, not so good at the blocking part so won't be using that one again...or i'll use more of it next time.
The house is beautiful! And the pics of jason w/ boss made me very jealous that i can't teleport out there for shows :(
Hubby brewed an oatmeal stout. I, hmm, not sure where my day went. My boys are now playing Mario Kart on the wii. Ben's getting quite good!
Very full from yummy chinese food.
I have not been on line much today. Not feeling so well, I blame the snow. It really was magical to look at this morning, and it was sunny and snow free by this evening. Still.
Next time Mr. Webley is in town I will be there for sure. Just was not meant to be this time 'round.
Your Spooky House does look lovely all trimmed with snow. I do admit that yellow is my least favorite color. I know. Weird. At any rate I do sympathize with your frustration at not being able to change it. Maybe someday you can replace it.
Hugs to kali and lys and grace and others with job probs. We seem to live in uncertain times.
just read about the earthquake in italy, i hope nathalie is ok!!!
Are Addams Family Houses a dime a dozen up there, or are you and Boss just lucky? Short time lurker, but house moved me to comment.
I saw a very cool article of someone who pulled up their stone sidewalk and, upon turning the stones over, discovered it was all cast off tombstones. The people in the article thought it was weird and creepy and called the authorities- I would've just turned 'em over and re-set the sidewalk, I think.
The tombstone and Katie's story just reminded me...I often wonder when I'm watching Time Team - is there any inch of the earth where someone or some animal hasn't been buried/interned at some point in the earth's history. There is only so much earth to go around.
Oh, and I've been really remiss in saying a big welcome to all the newcomers.
Just so you don't feel alone in your weather woes, Ms. Fabulous, we're supposed to have a light freeze tomorrow night. :( I would really like peaches and pomegranates this year, both of which are in bloom. Granted, the high winds we've been having aren't helping, either. :P
You could try paining the vinyl. You would probably have to buy special paint, and you might have to reapply it more frequently, but it can probably be done. Might not be worth it, though.
Hi, Katie! We're big on jackets with lots of buckles. I'm sure you can find one around here somewhere. You know...white is the new black. ;)
Oh, yeah!
I thought you could tell it was spring because there was _less_ snow this time.
If you just get used to remembering that spring begins around Groundhog day, then these _late_ spring snow storms are just part of the process of easing old winter out the door. Up there. Down here it would more like hell freezing over (which, considering the proximity of D.C., is a little too close to the truth for comfort...)
The tombstone is a nice touch. Our friend Kate will be envious. Which is somewhat odd, since she is the easiest person on the planet to shop for. It isn't that she is so accepting of things, it is just that it is almost impossible to go shopping and not see something that screams "Kate would love me." If we actually gave in and bought everything that thought it belonged to her she would have to relocate to the US in order to have room for all of it. But a tombstone in the garden? That is very Kate.
Oops, run on post. Sorry.
Chantrelle - we've also had an evening of Chinese food (all cooked from scratch by my amazing-cook SIL) and Mario Kart enWii, which is continuing as I type.
Enjoying the So Cal sunshine. And have now seen all of BSG--wahooooooo! Tomorrow I'll occupy a chunk of time taking monsters to see Monsters vs Aliens I think, and is it wrong that Dragonball: Evolution looks interesting? :\
House does look lovely in the snow, though I agree that your preferred purple-and-green color scheme would be Most Awesome.:) And the tombstone in the garden is just cool.:)
Such "helpfully" nosy kitties you have..that picture of Venus is especially cute. She looks like she's trying to be SO sneaky. LOL
g'night fiendy ones.
Good night Chantrelle. Good night all other fiends.
Minnesnowta, or is it Wisconsnow lol
so boy really wants to go, so maybe i can squeak my way into going for the gathering.
so i went to a place that had mango sticky rice, but i was scared. i have issues with rice as desert, but more so with squidy soft textures. i don't like the rice desert at indian resturants, is mango sticky rice like that? cn i be forgiven for not liking soft quishy foods?
Thinking, that looks like a rather large garden plot, Ms. Q. The gravestone is cool.
Prince anyone? Sometimes it snows in April...
LOL Na, I was trying so hard NOT to mention that one;)
I'm listening to BBC and wondering how our Nathalie is doing..scary earthquake news from Italy.:(
Nathalie is in France
Great pictures. Now I shall have to reqd the post...
I am in France for a while and I wanted to let everybody know that everything should be fine, as the earthquake center is more than an hour away from home.
So relieved to hear that Nathalie.
Mother Earth seems to be enjoying throwing all sorts of things at Fiends in the last few months!
Glad to hear you're OK Nat
glad to hear you are Ok, Nathalie - I was worried, seeing the news.
Hello to new people!
Snow !?! very strange.
I have internet access again (Yay!) but the wireless part isn't working yet and the cable is very short.
Am going to read all the weekend's e-mail and comments then start over and see whether I can get the wireless bit to work. *sigh*
So relieved to hear from you Nat!
Glad you're attached to us again Marjorie. Even if it is a short leash.
Welcome new Fiends.
I slept well and am actually looking forward to the day. Yikes! I hate Mindays.
Morning all, and late welcomes to all the new fiends...
Scary looking earthquake, Nathalie, so glad you're okay.
Fiends in the Colorado area of the world, one of my favorite singing groups, Libana will be in your neck of the woods later this month. Wonderful mostly a capella songs and chants, sacred and otherwise from all over the world...a really magical experience.
Check their website for details. Libana.com
And, Q, your house makes me so nostalgic for our first house, a five bedroom Victorian twin. I love my stone Cape Cod, and especially the land, but boy do I miss those high ceilings, and woodwork and all...
Being from CA quake-land, I tend not to react too strongly to news of quakes but HOLY CRAP, 30 seconds?!?! That's twice as long as the '89 quake here! Crazy!
So glad you're OK Nathalie!
Not totally awake yet, just reading a bit before breakfast.
Your house is SO CUTE! -er- SPOOKY!
Vampi, Mango Sticky Rice is different than in Indian Places. It's sticky, not squishy,I guess.....
Adams Family houses ARE all over the place out here, if you know where to look.
I like y tombstone too.
Can you tell I am just awake? Need tea. Earthquake, missed that..
Good morning, Fiends.
Today, I cast myself in a sports movie. This is the part where everything sucks, just before the team pulls together and rises above it triumphantly.
I need a montage and a catchy, up-beat song. STAT
All upbeat songs just left my head in a flurry of quickness. At least you have a corset. Or ought to by now...All the best sports people are wearing corsets these days.
Trying to think of something fun for Jason today. I mean, we already did the grocery store....
what about cleaning litter boxes? Doing dishes?
Always entertaining for a guest.
Good to know you are OK, Nathalie!
Merryhousekeeper will have done all that long before we woke, Chantrelle....
I do still have some honey to extract.....Nothing says fun like buckets and cheesecloth!
Well, sounds like you've got an activity set for Jason; show him the honey-processing routine. :)
Kali, guess I decided not to resist any longer. That song was soooo stuck in my head with the topic at hand...
Buckets & cheesecloth??? Luxury!!! In my day we had nowt but a rusty tin and a piece o' string!
Wonder if you will ever see this ---far down on the list.
many sites are claiming Bengals to be the "PURRRFECT PET" (About.com etc)
This makes me angry.
thanks for getting the truth out there.
Hmmmm...I don't know, Ms. Fabulous. Mr. Webley already missed out on the planting of seeds in peat pots and labeling them. I don't know what could be more exciting than the grocery store. . . maybe antiquing? ;) Oh! I know, the post office!
I forgot to mention last night that Boss sure looks like Chico Marx in that hat. ;)
Na, have fun at "Monsters vs Aliens." DH and I loved comparing notes on old movie references in it. :) The girls loved it, too.
And DH just brought home "Mars Attacks!" last night.
::sigh:: Hope that everyone's employment, or lack of employment, woes go away sooner rather than later.
Have fun in France, Nathalie!
Hi, "Bobina!" Jackets with long sleeves and buckles up the back are de rigueur around here. ;)
::sniff sniff::
Aaaahhhhhh. Definitely spicy!
darn you for getting the airwolf song in my head. omg, it's like instant pain. lol
if merry housekeeper ever wants to visit la, they are welcome to drop by my place :D
i'm glad ya'll liked Monsters, I thought it was great, and jon was so proud to have worked on it. it did really well in the first 2 weeks, even is fast and furious crushed everyone this week. i don't get the whole fast and furious thing myself, that's not my type of movie.
can't you contact about.com and help them correct their entry on bengals? i thought thyey were one of those sites that were open to that.
neighbor-boy's freakout crying fits today when he doesn't get exactly what he wants are driving me bazonkers. He's a good kid, he and ben have been best friends since birth, i love him to death, but the whining has got to stop.
Had to get that out.
Ideas for entertainment around here are falling off the couch into a pile of cushions. Flipping the hammock over so you fall on the ground. Riding the tricycle into the chainlink gate. Now we're finally on to coloring rocks with chalk which i'm sure will deteriorate into running into or falling off of something on purpose.
Feel free to use any of these ideas with jason.
A tombstone--so cool!
And just to say--I don't get on much to post (or when I do it's HOURS later) but I love to hear from everyone. It's my fiend-break!
extracting honey would be a fun thing to do. And I bet Mr Webley's never extracted honey with a Newbery Medal winner and a Fabulous Assistant before ;-)
Kali - just read the previous comments - so sorry. If you do go back to school, what do you want to study?
squee, just bought my first poppet...a classic red one. totally on a whim, as poppet purchases should be.
Yay for impulse buying of poppets!
A tombstone. How cool is thqt. Is THAT (bloody French keyboard).
The images of the earthquake zone were shown on TV tonight and they are scary. Cesare slept blissfully all through it. The kitties might have felt something and complained but he would have missed their wailing completely.
Have you tried to make Jason play "stick" with Cabal?
I am teaching Jason the fine art of honey extraction. When last seen he was covered in honey, including his hair, and was shedding dead bees as he went up the stairs....
How much fun is this????
LOTS of Bee Pics later on. We have a LOT of homey. I am taking all the honey from the Kitty hive that failed earlier this winter and from the Kelli Hive, which recently failed.
Guys, no lamenting. Hives fail. It happens int he bee world.
When I was in an earthquake in Greece the animals all got very quiet and hid under the bed.
Earthquakes scare me. We have tornadoes, but you get a bit of warning on them, or at least you know they are possible in a storm and can prepare. Earthquakes just COME.
I have an iMac coming! Hoooray!
I hope. :)
And I have a new employee at work - she started today, and I quite like her. She does stuff with string, as well as being quite competent professionally.
Somebody asked here about how hard it was to use Linux. Short answer: really not so bad. The new versions all have menus and icons and all the graphic stuff you've come to expect, although it's all a bit different. You can download a LiveCD from ubuntu.com and try it out. You need to download the CD and burn it (or you can buy one very cheaply). It's bootable, so you can try linux out without needing to make any permanent changes to your computer. Very slick.
And... I have been at work for rather a long time, and I think it's time to depart.
How is the snow?
Kali and Gayle - hugs.
Grace - good on you for taking care of you.
Lys - have I missed the day yet? FB was unclear....
I've been gone, but I'm back. Did anyone notice? (she typed, fishing for love....)
Yes Siri...where were you?
I hope I do this right. The Coraline Musical should be on the web opening night. Read this:
Okay -That was from Ticia
Ticia? What haven't you told us?
Thanks, Sal- I was in Northern Michigan (in the snow) seeing the greatnephew and new greatneice for 3 days. Austin is 3; Lily is 9 months. I found baby spit on my coat today - wonder when that happened? Lots and lots of loving. Sand in my shoes from the shores of Lake Michigan. Coolish. Tired Fiend tonight, but listening to my Cubs beat the Astros. I missed y'all.
Oh, and no comments from anyone on Iowa? 1 of the Big Three?
Siri- There are lots of things I haven't told you. One of them is my husbands name. It's Bruce. :-D
It sounds like you had a magical time. Welcome back.
I hadn't noticed you mentioning surgery in the recent past, so I thought I'd ask.....
Making Indian Food with Jason. We totally made cheese, kid you not, who knew????
And curry, and a spinach thing WITH the cheese, and Naan.
The Naan, maybe is not so Naan, sadly.
And making your own Ghee is an overrated experience.
We have pictures of all of this.
ROFL!! The good news is, I know the fiends would still accept me... Especially if I wear a corset! (now I'm thinking of Rocky Horror Picture Show!)
Lorraine, That sounds fabulous. And you made your own cheese?
Cubs win Cubs win.
OK, I promise I won't do that every time, but it is opening day, and well, Cubs win.
OK. I'm going to bed now. You'll miss me.....
Welcome back Siri! Glad you had a good time with family!
Your activities with JW sound like great fun Q!
Glad you and yours are Okay SpaceNat. So sad to see the devastation.
Night Fiends.
We have a tombstone in the yard, too. Sort of. It's a granite marker with a bronze plaque that reads "In Memory of Mrs. E. R. Eudaly, Founder of the Colleyville Garden Club," with her birth and death dates. It's waiting for a new public garden since the club removed it from the old one. Looks like one of the headstones in a modern cemetery. It's freaked out a number of visitors who asked who we had buried in the yard. We tell then "Grandma."
And I love the Spooky House. It looks like birthday cake. Mmmmm.
Extracting honey reminds me of little Wentworth (aka "Monster Bait") from The Wee Free Men. Always sticky, no matter what he was doing.
I want a Tombstone too. Fluffy, great response.
Mmm! Dinner sounds lovely! Paneer, yes? I would love to learn to make it some time. Maybe this summer.
I had a crap day and am going to try to sleep. Thanks, FB fiends for all the wonderful support! Fiends of the best quality, you are. XOXO
New post up! Dinner with Jason.....
I emant to say, with all the tombstoney comments - my aunt and uncle used to have a whole garden full of tombstones at tehir old home - their house was built on an old church yeard - all the srtones had been move to the edges and used to make a wall... I think the left over bodies had been moved to another cemetary before the house was built...we never found any interesting bones, anyhow.
WOW. Did you get the spooks going there? I would have been petrified as a child, no matter how often I was told the bones were gone.
they were old - I never found graveyards/tombstones very scary - I think because I spent a lot of time as a child hanging aroud in churchyards!
Also I was I wierdly logical child and always thought that spooks were more likely to haunt where they died - how many people die in churchyards?
But then we were always a bit wierd. We had George the skeleton living in our house in the school holidays - he made a very good coat rack. (although we used to funny looks when we moved him - possibly becasue the easiest way to move a skelton is strapped into the passenger seat of the car...)
ah, see, not many churches in this young country have churchyards/graveyards. In my country town we just had the one big cemetery that I didn't go in until I was a teenager (on a Guides Outing) and I nearly fell in a crumbling grave. Terror for an overactive imagination.
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