Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bengal Rescue Update...

I got this from Janet Saltzman, President of Great Lakes Bengal Rescue tonight, about the 14 Bengals we are saving. She also told me the cost was $4000 total, not $3000, but I am REALLY happy to say, mostly thanks to YOU we have raised $1000 of that.


I have heard from one of the adopters now, which makes my heart happy, and we will find homes for these others. They do need some special care, as they have had it rough, but I do know, with the right homes, they are going to be fine.

It means a lot to do this, and it does make a difference.....

Again, I thank you all for caring so...

Love and caring,

Hubby and I left this morning at 6 am (yuk) for our trip to Flint, MI to pull the 14 bengals. We had the car loaded with 14 carriers and the shelter told me they wold be able to help transport the cats to the Vet Clinic that was going to board and spay them.

We got to Flint at 10 am when the shelter opened and brought in carriers and put them all together. Filled out the forms, traded money for cats and found out that even though the shelter vaccinated them with FVRCP they did not FELV/FIV test the cats, so we will have that done too. Also found out that the shelter was short-handed and wouldn't be able to help transport so we had to make 2 trips to the clinic which was 40+ miles away. We ended up putting 530 miles on the car today and spent 13 1/2 hours doing it.

But the cats are now safe the the clinic is great and the girls' room is wonderful. Each cat has a non-wire cage with 2 levels and each has a cubby for a litterbox that they go through a hole to get to. They also have windows to look out to keep them entertained.

They are doing ok but could be in a lot better condition. Their coats are a bit dull and thin, not luxurious like I'm use to. They are also very scared and a few didn't want to get out of the litterbox where they felt safe. One girl however is a head-butting, purring, kneading, paw grabbing, fool, lol.

There are 2 marbles and the rest spotted, one spotted girl is a blue and she is very pretty. I have pictures but they aren't great as they are a bit to scared to pose but the pictures are necessary for us to identify which is which. Since I don't know names right now their cages are numbered and they have a matching number on their collar. They will be evaluated after the holiday and spayed. I have approved applications on 5 of the cats but there will still be 7 available. Their adoption fee is $150 which is considerably less than the approximately $270 each will cost.

We have received almost $1,000 in donations - THANK YOU. The Vet is a cat lover and when I told him we would need FELV/FIV tests he said he would test at 50% off their normal rate.



At 01:40 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Janet is a saint, for all that she does for these poor cats. Wonderful that nearly half have homes to go to soon, and fingers crossed that the rest will find homes promptly.

At 01:51 Blogger Marjorie said...

It's good to know that the bengals are now in safe hands, and that they have Janet to look out for them!

It would be great to see some of the pictures if you have time to add them any time!

At 03:33 Blogger vampi said...

apparently i haven't replied yet, curious. damn you blogger.

i am in awe of the dedication to animals. so much respect right now.

warm fuzzy thoughts going out to all beasties and janet for going the extra 530 miles to help these kitties.

At 03:52 Blogger Ticia said...

Box of ticks...

At 03:59 Blogger Rubius said...

thanks for the update

At 04:05 Blogger Hellie said...

What everyone else says! Really good to hear these kitties are in caring hands now.

Marjorie, I just emailed you the password for Tori presale, hope it works again!

At 06:31 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Ticky, ticky.

Off to farmer's market.

Would like to be on Odd list if enough copies can be found.


At 07:03 Blogger Hellie said...

Just discovered that Thea Gilmore has a new live album out, called 'Recorded Delivery'. It has some new songs on it too! Today is a good day :o)

Have a happy weekend everyone.

At 07:13 Blogger Phiala said...

Hooray for Bengal progress, and for thsoe who donate their time, money, good will, homes, to make their lives better.

At 08:40 Blogger Chris said...

Delurking to say that this just made my day happy . . . I wish I were somewhere nearby so that I could help and maybe adopt a couple, but alas, I am not. BUT! I have told everyone I know who is remotely in the area to visit your site and hopefully help with the homes end of it.

At 08:48 Blogger Phiala said...

Argh! There is an estate auction on my block, and the street is full of cars parked illegally on both sides. I went out this morning to buy milk from the local dairy, and couldn't even get out in one direction because the remaining gap was too narrow. The other way was *just* passable, but there is no room for oncoming traffic. It's legal to park on one side of the street, but this residential road is too narrow for cars on both sides.

When I pointed out the no-parking sign that she'd just parked beneath, one woman even asked if she could park in my driveway.

Um, NO.

The auction has started, and I can hear it clearly inside my house. Definitely no writing outside today.

Worst part of the whole thing: it's a &#$*& THREE-DAY AUCTION. (Monday is a holiday here.) I hope nobody on my block was planning a cookout or any sort of social activity.

At 08:49 Blogger EmilyLady said...


At 09:13 Blogger Ticia said...

I have O&tFG for Ariandalen, Jess, Bobbee, OSS, and me.

At 09:15 Blogger dabbler said...

Wow! So many happy things to say yay bengals, money raised, Erin's thesis sent, Phiala writing, hot tubs, screened porches, Odd,gardening, john Barrowman, and some I'm sure I have forgotten!

DD's comment when I shared the Barrowman sighting was "SURE the shoes are for his mother, riiight."

Happy 3 day weekend to all fiends.

At 09:16 Blogger dabbler said...

Phiala, and Jess, and other writing fiends, can I ask what writing workshops you are aware of? Or where to find them? DD is looking for workshop possibilities over the next year. She missed the deadline for one in Pittsburgh this summer by finding out about it two days after said deadline.

Thought the Fiends might have some leads.

At 09:52 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Dabbler, three-day weekend. I forgot. Thanks for the reminder. True, it'll be a busy one for me, but hey, a three-day weekend is a three-day weekend!

At 10:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Chris, and welcome and THANK YOU! SOmetimes just knowing people care means so much.

Thea has a new cd? And we don't have it??? Very strange that is....Phone calls must be made!

Not sure what a three day weekend is, I don't think it means OFF in this part of the world, but I don't much mind, this week has been such fun. Riding today with houseguests, and I think Kyle is doing some shooting of Lady Z and I riding which ought to be some fun.

At 10:55 Blogger AletaMay said...

ticky box from the road.

At 11:00 Blogger Na said...

I knew someone once who was very active in local kitty rescue, and live-trapping and neutering ferals, and had taken in three rescue kitties--the max no. he was allowed in his apartment. He once told me, he was motivated to this volunteer work because it was a way to relieve suffering in our community.

Hooray for 14 kitty souls being so taken care of!

At 11:13 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It makes a difference to ones we save, and that's what is important.

11AM and I still trying to wake up enough to go into work. Ought to shower, but one just gets dirty again, doesn't one?

(Going down a bad path here, you all may not WANT to be near near come June...)

Thoughts to Aleta drying to Iowa to Do Family...

At 11:36 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm so glad there looks to be a happy ending for the bengals!

I fell asleep at 9:45 last night. I don't remember the last time i went to bed that early. Feel much more human today which is good since I have a wedding to officiate! Don't want your minister yawning :P

Have Ben playing Wii so must shower now!

At 11:45 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Yay for progress on the Bengal front. Erin, congrats, and do please tell us about your thesis.

Ticia, thanks so much!

Good day at farmer's market - rhubarb, asparagus, greens, honey, and a couple of mint plants. Now to decide what I want to do with them.

Sounds like I need to explore some of this music that keeps coming up. My collection is probably a bit too narrow.

At 11:51 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Fiends. Wake me up. Things must be done and I am not getting them done with eyes that keep sagging and a brain that is not even half-functioning and a body that won't quit being ill (but not so unwell that I should not be able to get through the busy weekend). Tug me. Slap me. Anything. Just go wash your hands afterwards. Keep me ALIIIIVE!

Chantrelle, I want to be you! ...

At 11:54 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

this is a beautiful story, i am so proud of you all for helping shed light on this darling beings. The head buttin' fool gave me hope and also brought the tears.
i think about Kylie & Batters being too scared to leave their litter box. almost unthinkable...
thanks Quiche and rescuers all.

At 11:57 Blogger AletaMay said...

Thanks for the thoughts Q! Not a bad drive as we are listening to the graveyard book.

At 12:20 Blogger spacedlaw said...

That's good news and Janet is doing such a great job of this.
Poor kitties.

At 12:40 Blogger vampi said...

oss, send me an email vampiress at gmail or a facebook if there is some music that interests you, i can bring some to fiend meet.

At 12:42 Blogger Siri said...

And, if I'm lucky, Aleta gets to see Me in Iowa.

Fingers crossed, AM!!

At 14:13 Blogger dabbler said...

Jess, sent you email, and DD described her interest and gave you her email, as I don't really need to be in the midst.


At 14:15 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

new Neverwear blog up:

At 14:23 Blogger gaypet said...

I hope you have a safe and fun trip Aleta! :)

At 14:26 Blogger Siri said...

Aleta Made It, and I'm going to see her.

Later....not now. Later.

At 14:53 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

new blog up and me done blogging for the now, but it does have new tour dates up....
so Q get ready! you are bringing the Madds.

At 15:57 Blogger Lexocat said...

ticky box drive-by (surf-by?)

At 16:22 Blogger louisa said...

Evenin all. While I munch on my surprisingly delicious dinner - what's-in-the-fridge-that-can-go-on-pasta - and catch up with comments, y'all have seen this photo of Boss & Dog, right? Mr Cassidy has quite the eye.

At 16:35 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty is a blogging fool today!!!

And yup, that's the Boss and His dog by Kyle Cassidy, just you all wait to see the shots he took this afternoon while we were riding!!!!! Man does have a good eye.

He's going t do proper shots of me and the Bengals tomorrow too.

This is so cool.

At 16:42 Blogger louisa said...

It will be a veritable photo fest!! Hope there will be pics of the garden too? Curious to see what Beez and Gayle got up to!

At 16:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I imagine he might take a few outside. He says he likes pansies and I just planted (well, Beez just planted) a pot of them...

At 17:12 Blogger louisa said...

Forehead slapping moment - that's where I know Kyle Cassidy from - his book Armed America is incredible, never made the connection before.

At 20:07 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Kyle CAssidy is one helluva photoguy.
post em up here, girl!

At 20:37 Blogger Siri said...

I'm off to meet with Aleta! Woo Woo!

At 21:34 Blogger AletaMay said...

I want to add my admiration for Janet. Well done!

Kyle is my hero. Follow his LJ and you will find inspiration in almost every post. Seriously.

Siri and I are sitting in the lobby of the Econolodge PLOTTING things for Fiendom Come. Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!

At 21:55 Blogger Fluffy said...

Ticia, thanks so much! And, Marjorie, thanks for the offer! Fiends are the best.

It was so good to hear about the rescue - what an undertaking! Those two deserve a nice tea and cake with the vicar.

Busy day here - spouse is off to NYC to take his mom to the cemetery to visit his dad's grave, and I have an extra teenager here for the weekend. It's been a good day; mostly sunny and around 90F, with an evening downpour that gave us about .75 inch of rain. I'm happy about that, since everything is really starting to bloom.

I'm hearing lots of screaming from the family room (from the TV) as the girls are watching Jurassic Park 3.1412 or something like that.

Speaking of which, our houseguest brought a pie for us! Mmmm. Apple.

On that sweet note, I will toddle off - I want an early bedtime.

Good night, sweet fiends!

At 21:56 Blogger ariandalen said...

c\_/ Here's to the other seven Bengals being adopted sooner rather than later!

I'm having such an exciting Saturday night. Robin Williams is on "The Graham Norton Show" (BBC America).

At 22:13 Blogger ariandalen said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ticia!

OO, oo, oo!
New Fiend!
Hi, Chris! Grab a lovely white jacket with buckles up the back; we each have one. If you look around, you'll also find things with which to personalize your jacket. :)

Mmmmmmm. SPICY!


At 23:28 Blogger Siri said...

I'm home. Aleta and I did indeed plot. All will be revealed in due time. There will be skulls.

At 23:33 Blogger Na said...

Yay for plotting! Aleta, I just sent you an email, too.

Just gotta report on the weather... over 20 C, but it felt like 30 C. The tulips seem already spent, but dandelions are popping up. I noticed, because today I went for a long, fast-paced walk, along a former railroad bed, and saw LOTS of dandelions, and bright green showing on all the deciduous trees.

So, yesterday I ate less/better, and today I moved more. Now, just gotta put it all together and do it more often.

Happy Saturday night/Sunday day, all.

At 23:37 Blogger Na said...

Skulls. Good, good.

Tonight my son asked whether I'd ever wondered what people would look like without their skin. We mused it over for a few moments. And he fell asleep before I thought to ask him what had led to that thought.

At 23:42 Blogger dabbler said...

Up way past my bedtime after a Brazilian steakhouse dinner (Picture men with yard long skewers full of roasted meat, carving off slices table side, plus a buffet of yummy non meat items.) More rum than necessary....worth the trip to the far northeast of Philly, especially for the price. So sleepy now, though.

night all you lovely fiends...and morning to the other side of the world ones.

At 00:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Saw a Knight's Tale tonight, wonderfully funny! I laughed so much...

Kitty posted three times today on my blog!! Cool. The schedule for her tour tho seems to be for the Jonas Bros. I was excited. I thought it was Lady Gaga....

I will post pics tomorrow, I don't have them yet....

I so need to sleep...

At 00:35 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good night sweetie

At 03:29 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sleep Well, Quiche! Good Morning, Nathalie & Louisa (Waves at Sally, being uable, pre coffee, to work out what time it is for you)

Siri & Aleta plotting? sounds....intriguing...

Na - has he perhaps heard something about the Body Worlds exhibitions..? Or just thinking deeplu all by himself..

At 03:32 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Morning Marjorie

we've just had our dinner...your time hint for the day!

At 03:42 Blogger Marjorie said...

Heh - I've had most of my first cup of coffee, too, now. Good Evening!

At 03:43 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I hope you have a lovely Sunday to follow your coffee!

At 03:49 Blogger spacedlaw said...

No coffee for me but several installments of nice Nepalese tea.
Also made chocolate mousse for lunch and am now fiddling with gull pictures.

At 03:50 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Talking of tea...does anyone grow their own plants? I wa just reading an article about it, and now the idea is growing in my head.

At 03:52 Blogger spacedlaw said...

If you have room for spare shrubs, why not?

At 03:55 Blogger Marjorie said...

I've never thought of growing my own tea! Although now you mention it I have a feeling that they grow it in at least one place in Cornwall, so it's not such a stretch.
I think you should go for it! (Although I don't know how it will do with the lack of rain?)

It's a lovely sunny morning here, so I'm thinking shower and then maybe breakfast in the garden..

see you later

At 03:59 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Yes, the lack of rain might be a problem, they do like water. Maybe when (?) the drought breaks.

I really like the idea of strolling out to the backyard and picking nice fresh leaves though.

At 04:16 Blogger louisa said...

Morning Marj & Nat, evening Sal, hope you're sleeping soundly everyone else. SUNNY DAY!!!! This makes me very happy, off to play in the garden.......

At 04:19 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Morning Louisa. I played in our garden today - some overdue pruning!

At 04:20 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Yay for adopted kitties, may there be more and soon.:)

Also hurrah for : Erin (belatedly) on the thesis, flowers planted, gorgeous photo of Boss and Dog, new Kitty blogs, riding with guests, and Aleta and Siri plotting. I so wish I could be there..I'm going to be in SF on my re-scheduled vacation.

Growing your own tea sounds good..I used to grow peppermint for tea, but SHEESH does it grow like gangbusters.

At 04:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

morning Kali...yup, I always grow my mint in a pot. Made the mistake once of planting mint in the was a triffid

At 04:36 Anonymous kali_licious said...

And good morning to you Sally:)

A triffid! LOL So true..I had it in this big pot and it STILL got root-bound. I am sorely tempted to get another though, since I'm currently plantless. Maybe a spearmint this time though.

At 05:11 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Must try to sleep.

'Night Fiends:)

(definitely time to go to bed when my brain pops up "Good Night John Boy" after typing the previous..;)

At 07:26 Blogger Phiala said...

Eh, getting rid of mint is easy. All you have to do is sell the house.

My house came with mint and English ivy. The mint is taking over the lawn, which does not bother me at all, but the ivy is trying to remove the gutters and siding.

Sally, telling me you just had dinner is not especially helpful. "Dinner" varies geographically: in some places it's the noon meal, and in others it's eaten in the evening (depending on the presence of other meals like lunch and supper). And that's just in the US - who KNOWS what other countries do??

I, on the other hand, have just eaten breakfast in the courtyard. The robins are singing and it's still cool. Clearly middling early morning in Phialaland.

Except that the auction-hordes are converging, it is a lovely morning.

At 09:32 Blogger Na said...

Well hello fiends. I just slept for 8 hours. Bliss.

Marjorie, I think this was his own deep, random thought, but the Body Worlds exhibit was here last summer. We thought it might be too much for the kids, though. And possibly me, too. So didn't go. There is however an internationally traveling to-do on DaVinci coming to the same science museum. We are so going to that.

Phiala, LOL at your prescriprion for getting rid of mint.

At 09:38 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mint has NOTHING on horseradish. Trust me.

More photos today!!! Kyle is coming to shoot me and the Bengals! And have a picnic in the Spooky House. You will have PICS tonight! Horses, me, Bengals all of it!!!!!!!

I am really excited about this.


At 09:50 Blogger Siri said...

We too are excited. I think many of us go all fangirl over Kyle Cassidy photos.

So glad there is no work tomorrow. Woke up thinking "Crud - we haven't developed notices to send to customers when we change their order. We need something like "You will be required to..."

Then the rational part of my brain remembered that we have spend a gazillion hours working with attorneys to develop said language, and it's done and it's all good.

No on is stressing here.

Morning, Fiends.

At 10:08 Blogger AletaMay said...

Enjoy your time with Kyle! Still sad to have missed him. On the road from IA to NE.

At 10:09 Blogger vampi said...

nathalie, we have no shrubbery here

At 10:15 Blogger Na said...

With horseradish, do you have to sell the neighbor's house, too?

Now, do try to have fun with the photo session, dahlink. ;)

At 10:35 Blogger Marjorie said...

Photos of Quiche and horsies and Leopards and screamed porches and flowers by Kyle Cassidy - Awesome ;-)
Have fun.

It's a lovely, sunny day here - have been mostly sitting in the garden, enjoying the fact tht it isn't raining..

Anyone here read 'The Name of the Wind'? looks like I shall be seeing Mr Rothfuss on Tuesday.

At 10:44 Blogger Phiala said...

"Name of the Wind" was yummy. His blog is rather entertaining as well. Marjorie, I hope he's also entertaining in person.

At 10:58 Blogger Marjorie said...

Yes, I actually read the blog first (I think either Boss or Scalzi linked to it) - currently half way through the book - hoping to finish by Tuesday...

At 11:06 Blogger Jane said...

I read Name of the Wind; really looking forward to the next book. i know the writer is not my bitch, but still, I want it :-)

DH refers to the book (because of the cover art, I think) as the wind in his hair, so often that the actual title is hard for me to remember.

Have fun meeting him.

At 13:31 Blogger Lexocat said...


I've also read NOTW and saw Rothfuss in Jan. when he was in town for a reading. He was very entertaining and brought a lot of different things to read from (bits of the next book, old newspaper columns he'd written, etc.)

The funniest part of the whole reading/signing was watching HIM go all sqeeeeeeing fanboy (though he did try to contain it) over Felicia Day who showed up to get her book signed.

He's definitely not jaded.

At 16:38 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh my, I do have some pics....

At 16:40 Blogger Siri said...

Hmmmm....I don't see any of the aforementioned pics. Are my eyes tricking me? Hmmmmm???

At 16:47 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They ain't UP yet....

Working on it...

At 16:58 Blogger One Sock Short said...

It's a sci fi movie fest this afternoon. Star Trek down, X-Men to go. ST was most enjoyable. Emily, I see your point :)

At 17:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Up now. New Post. With pics!!!!!!!

At 18:53 Blogger Dragonsally said...

We need a Fiend protocol for telling each other what time of the day it is! Ideas anyone?

At 18:58 Blogger vampi said...

it's fiend o'clock somewhere...

At 19:02 Blogger Phiala said...

I use Phiala Standard Time for whatever it is wherever I am. Sometimes that's whatever it feels like, rather than whatever the clock says. Right now, Phiala Standard Time is equivalent to Eastern Daylight Time, but with more gin.

I don't think gin is part of the official time zone standards, but if it were the world might well be a better place.

At 19:08 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Gin time! The only alcohol I have ever blacked out on (mind you, I was 16 at the time) was gin. Odd, but I've never been tempted to drink it since.(FWIW, I was at a party, and the friend I was with kept giving me her drinks. Sheesh)

At 19:25 Blogger Phiala said...

Sally, that sort of thing does tend to disincline you to certain alcoholic beverages. Or all of them, depending.

I think in my case a distinct lack of dinner is a contributing factor. But our (belated) dinner guest is pulling in as I type, so that should change shortly. I hope.

At 13:38 Blogger vampi said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 20:22 Blogger Dan Guy said...

This post has been redacted by the author.

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