Monday, May 25, 2009

More Photos!!!!!!!!!! Again, By Mr. Kyle Cassidy....

And here we have yet more photos for you, from the wonderful Mr Kyle Cassidy, of course! I have to say that besides out own Miss Kitty, I have never been so comfortable shooting with anyone. The two of them have the Secret of making me feel comfortable, and cool, and downright lovely. I think it might be that they both Get It, that I am not comfortable in front of the camera, and I don't much know what I am doing. He left this morning, and I have to say, I miss him already.

OK. I am in awe. I was not around for this particular shoot. Here is the Boss, sans suit, AND in black, leather to boot, checking out the feeder buckets in one of the hives. Here I am trying to work up enough nerve to ditch the suit, and thinking without gloves is a pretty big deal, and he has way taken it further! Hats OFF. Too cool. Not even a Bee Hat!

I think this might be one of my favorite photos of me ever. That's all I can say. Kyle and I were in the house yesterday, while another photgrapher shot the Boss, and he looked outside and said "The light is PERFECT! Come ON!" Got it in seconds. he did. Makes me happy. Very happy.

And here we have, for the very first time anywhere, after 17 years of working together, a picture of me and my Boss. Heck, I will go all out here. Here's me and Neil. I love this shot.

Since the cat seems to be to be out of the bag, what with AFP posting a photo of Herself on Twitter riding on Saturday, I will tell you I do have lots of photos of us on the horses. I will tell you too that was a wonderful day. I just need to ask her if I can post some, and then I surely will.

I can tell you this as well, that she is every bit as cool as you think she is.

Love and Photos,


At 18:47 Blogger Phiala said...

Yep, best photos of you ever. Kitty has some work to do to catch up!

At 18:48 Blogger Siri said...

He is magnificent (Kyle, that is).

You, on the other hand, are the Fabulous Lorraine, and always will be, whether you think you photograph well or not.

I have discovered, through working today, that I have the boringest job on the face of this or any other planet.

It does, however, pay the bills and allow me to buy things like interwebs access and books.

At 18:50 Blogger EmilyLady said...

These are such lovely pictures - you look really awesome. I think it does take a lot to make someone who is normally nervous in front of the camera actually comfortable in the presence of the camera. I don't know what it would take to make me comfortable. Oh, right. I just remembered. I was totally comfortable meeting Boss and having my picture taken with him. Not to mention those are the only good pictures of me I think I have. But they're old. Wee innocent Emily ...

At 18:56 Anonymous Anonymous said...!

At 18:58 Blogger HellZiggy said...

That is a gorgeous picture of you! Mr. Kyle is indeed awesome. I got to meet him this afternoon!

~the Other Sharon

At 19:03 Blogger Phiala said...

Oooh. Just submitted a proposal for a conference on archaeological textiles to be held in the Netherlands in September. Now to figure out how to pay for it...

At 19:05 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madam, one word... Wonderful! You look fantastic! I am with Siri, nicely said! I hope that we get to see the pics of you and AFP riding. And Emily, I am right there with you. My favorite picture of myself is with the Boss of the Fabulous One.

At 19:06 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks! Aww...

Sharon, did you meet him for lunch today? I know he was going down to see people. He's the best, isn't he??? GREAT eye!!!!!!! And a fine person as well.

At 19:08 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mistress, the Netherlands?? How very cool! Good luck!

Thanks, WIcked, I hope I can post them too. We had so much fun, and there's a lot of good ones of her on Glorious. She gave me the shirt I wore that day....

At 19:26 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

that is a beautiful photo of you, Q.
if AFP doesn't give you permission, i'll eat my hat (if it is mae out of donuts)

At 19:31 Blogger Beez said...

Those really capture the spectacular you.

Nice work Mr. Cassidy

Also, nice to see photographic proof that you and Boss do not actually operate in different dimensions.



At 19:52 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Regarding the photo of the Boss and I there MIGHT have been some trick photography involved...

And I am sure AFP will be cool about posting, almost anyway, we shall see, it was so fun, and she rides lovely, and looks better doing it.

At 19:59 Blogger Cecily said...

That photo of you is SO FABULOUS! Just like you. :-)

Looks like it was a wonderful time.

At 20:01 Blogger vampi said...

that's not proof silly beez. they just cohabitated in one dimension for the pic.

oh wow, kyle, afp, neil, me that reminds me, it's almost book time, squee!

see i miss pictures on twitter because i was watching land of the lost and the incredible hulk.

just searched the pic on twitter, it's amazing. is it kosher to link here?

At 20:08 Blogger Ticia said...

Airplane layover, ticky box.

Love to all Fiends,
Zombie Ticia

At 20:09 Blogger AletaMay said...

Wow. Such Great Photos and Such Good Times.

Sharon, I am so so sad to have missed out on that lunch. :sigh: (I'm hhbarmaid just in case you missed that.) I am sure it was wonderful.

I am home now. So tired. My family stuff really turned out to be mostly a good time. And of course seeing Siri was lovely.

I am guessing I'll be asleep before 10 tonight.

Missed hanging out with the fiends these past couple of days. Much.

At 20:14 Blogger Siri said...

Thanks for that Aleta, but I'm still no replacement for Kyle Freakin Cassidy.

Did you know it's hard to type standing up?

(I watched land of the lost, too. What was I thinking)

At 20:21 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Volume on computer has died. Rest in peace.

At 20:24 Blogger vampi said...

nd of the los is like this bad trainwreck i can't look away from, yet is awesome at the same time. i finally had to turn the channel when the little dopey was in a tar pit. something about that episode made me upset. they saved dopey, but living so near the tar pits, i can't help but think what a horrible death that was for the animals.

now i'm watching incredible hulk on demand. mmm ed norton is HOT. he's everything that eric bana is not. he can actually have emotions show on his face for one.

At 20:34 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The Lady Zarathustra, AKA AFP has said I can post photos at will, so look for some stellar horse shots tomorrow.....

At 20:47 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lorraine, you look absolutely beautiful in that shot. Mind you, I thought yesterday's shots were beautiful too.

Eeek, Boss at beehives without any protection. Brave man.

Now I am looking forward to seeing tomorrow's pics.

At 21:00 Blogger Lexocat said...

So. Gorgeous.

Further comment will have to wait until after everyone in my house is asleep, judging from the steady stream of demands on my time and attention today. Sheesh.

At 21:13 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Oh, but Siri, do you have the boringest occupational stereotype to go with that boringest job, and are you the walking stereotype, in living (drab) color? Don't worry. I've got that role covered.

Those are some very fine photos. You, Lorraine, are fabulous indeed.

At 21:20 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Gorgeous picture of you. He caught YOU! Actually all the pix are great but that one is wonderful.

At 21:22 Blogger Beez said...

There must be some weird phase of the moon or disturbance in the Force-
Darling Man has offered either Land/Lost or The Day The Earth Stood Still (remake) for watching tonight.

He is so odd sometimes.

I opted for Daily Show and Fiends.

At 21:32 Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

You are SO lovely, Ms. Fablo. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful photographic experience, and such a cool week! :-)

At 22:06 Blogger Kate T said...

Wow! I'm away from computers for just a few days and amazing things happen. You are indeed continue to be Fabulous in these photos -

I drove across the bottom of Minnesota today trekking back from eastern South Dakota. Lovely day, terrible traffic, much road kill (stopped counting - ew) and I did send happy thoughts northward.

I have to go construct star bellies for some sneetches and a dress rehearsal tomorrow. Happy Monday!

At 22:13 Anonymous kali_licious said...

I think that portrait is my favorite picture of you, Lorraine. Perfect.

I'm mightily impressed with Boss, being hard core enough to check the bees sans bee suit or hat. Brave, brave soul..

So did AFP get to test drive the organ too? Can't wait for the pix:)

At 22:31 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lorraine, you've been LOL'ed

At 22:39 Blogger Na said...

holy buckets, what beautiful photos! i'm kinda getting Sally's response to great pics.

everyone should have at least one great photo of themselves, i find myself thinking. :) how lovely, Lorraine!

At 23:46 Blogger ariandalen said...

Great photos! :)

The thing that the photo of Boss without suit in black at the hive keeps making me think, "Fear is the mind killer. . ."

What can I say about your portrait that hasn't already been said? Well, I'll say this anyway, you are beautiful as well as fabulous. :)

And I do love how you're keeping Cabal in the shot in the picture with you and Boss.

At 23:50 Blogger ariandalen said...

::bouncing:: New Fiends!

Hi, Tamlyn Leigh and HellZiggy! Grab a nice white jacket and personalization materials. Everyone has one. ;)

heh heh heh


At 00:04 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Great picture of you indeed. and the group picture of you guys with Cabal is brilliant too.

At 01:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Wow Q, you look stunningly, amazingly, fabulously! GORGEOUS!!


I'm just home from Flight of the Conchords. Hilarious, great, fun show. I'm beat. Ben's sleeping over next door but i have to get up early to get him before they have to leave for work.

'Night you gorgeous things.

At 02:10 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear fiends,
This is the day that i got 12 tatoos.
Granted its on two thumbs....
and they are just dots....
but i've wanted them for a while....
but how cool!
0-12 ing 1/2 hour.....
HAD to tell someone!

At 02:34 Blogger spacedlaw said...

We will need pictures...

At 02:35 Blogger vampi said...

so.. i'll bite. are ther pics of these 12x tatoos? i'm intrigued by dots on thumbs and the pattern of them :)

and ms fab, i really can't sto marveling at your pic it really is a confluence of perfect.

At 02:55 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I third the request for a photo of the dots!

At 06:05 Blogger dabbler said...

Perfectly magical pictures, especially that outside one.

At 08:34 Anonymous Marla said...

Awesome photos of you!!!

At 10:01 Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was there too without a bee suit! takin' the foto you know....

At 10:08 Blogger ariandalen said...

Morning, Ms. Fabulous and Fiends!

One month to Fiendom Come!


At 10:09 Blogger Lexocat said...

Gee, just when you thought it couldn't get more awesome... un-beesuited photographer? Amazing.

Truly Mr. C., your photos are astounding!

At 10:11 Blogger ariandalen said...

Yay! Kyle FC photos bees and Boss without a suit!

At 10:14 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because it had to be done.

At 10:19 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning. Slept too late and woke up kind of sleepy. How does that happen????

Mr Cassidy, how very remiss of me! Of course you were there sans bee suit as well!!!!!

Must get to work...

At 10:25 Blogger vampi said...

awesome kyle:) i'm ok with tking a picture of one bee, but whole hive would have me a little concerned.

At 10:28 Blogger Ticia said...

OMF! I have NO brainwave activity today. Have I mentioned that my work REQUIRES "Big Brain" functionality? Yikes! It was worth it though...

I love Kyle Cassidy's work.

Maybe if I just shuffle papers around on my desk all day...

At 10:42 Blogger hope said...

What wonderful photos, thanks for posting and to kyle for taking them! You are beautiful, Lorraine, outside and in.

And is Cabel gaining a little weight? He looks like a happy guy these days.

Bobina, need to see thumb tats!

At 11:45 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And a glorious pcture of Cabal too!

At 12:42 Blogger Uisge said...

Lovely photos of FabLo.

Adding to thumb tat photo request.

Also - Any Fiends going to 4th Street Fantasy Convention. I'm registered but going alone and would love to say hello. Maybe grab a drink?

At 13:36 Blogger Malena said...

wonderful photos Deva. Really! I love how he was able to shoot YOU and see YOU like we see YOU. That is rare! Yeah for you. Sending tranquility your way.

At 14:08 Blogger Ani said...

Oh, Q! How wonderful that Kyle's photo captures your beauty to share with us all!

Off to read comments--I feel like I've been on holiday from Fiends more than holiday from work this past weekend. NOT as much fun!

At 14:34 Blogger Marjorie said...

These pictures are wonderful, especially the portrait of you, Quiche - you are beautiful.

Boss beeing suitless (even more ompressive knowing Kyle-Freaking-Cassidy was photographing suit-less too) would be impressive for that reason alone, before even *looking* at the artistic merit!

And I love that in the shot of you & Boss you are demonstrably doing your Fabulous Assistanting by making sure Cabal is where he should be, looking the right way and everything!

At 15:03 Blogger Marjorie said...

Good to hear, Jess.

I've been having lots of fun this afternoon, hoping to blog about it later. Back tpo work tomorrow, but at least it will be only a three day week!

At 15:20 Blogger vampi said...

jess, what does a working brain feel like? i think mine has been on the fritz for a while. *

*for reference my parents call me dingbat.

At 15:40 Blogger AsISeeIt said...

I am back after a crazy stint as a bridesmaid for a friend who seemed to be cursed as far as the wedding planning went, but now she is wed, curse has lifted, and I am once again in possession of internet time...that all said, the picture of you is classic!! Be sure to have that one framed.

At 17:09 Blogger mistressmousey said...

Ah, the difference feeling comfortable with your photographer can make. Really some beautiful pics there. I love the shot of the three of you. And maybe it's just the purple accenting in your hair, but yeah - THAT shot is beyond fabulous. Wow.

Mr. C - keep up the amazing photography (even if it is making me frustrated at never having time to just go out and shoot any more... sigh).

At 18:33 Blogger Rubius said...

Just stunning.

Beautiful shots.

Nice LolGaiman.

At 18:58 Blogger Siri said...

What happened to my picture?

At 18:59 Blogger Beez said...

I ate it. I'm sorry, I was hungry.



At 19:10 Blogger Siri said...


That confirms for all of you that I am stark raving around the bend.

It's back.

This day at work did nothing to disuade me from my opinion that I have the boringest job in the world.

My horoscope for today:
For a project to hold your attention, its end reward must include more than money. It must engage your talent and your imagination. Focus only on projects that attract you on many different levels.

This is not that project. This is not that day.


At 19:13 Blogger vampi said...

fiends, tomorrow i am getting my hair cut. i just made thr appointment. fingers crossed.

At 19:15 Blogger vampi said...

oh siri, my fortune cookie had no fortune.
i did like the last lines "this is not that project. this is not that day." i laughed. that is so me.

my job is not boring, managing 11 people makes it not boring. also this being a regional huub, there is intrigues about. i'm not too smart to be on the right side of intrigues unfortunetly. this is why i am not an ambadassor. i prefer to get things done right the first time, feeling be damned.

At 20:41 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

HOME! And working on a new post! AFP on her pony pics come shortly....

At 20:57 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And the new post is UP!

At 21:09 Blogger thelittlefluffycat said...

It is a truly wonderful picture of you -- and I am so glad you have a picture with Mr G, finally! :)

At 21:13 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Fluffycat! And welcome. I am happy to have a pic of us too. About time!

At 00:33 Blogger HellZiggy said...

Lorraine: Yup, I was one of the folks who showed up for lunch. :) I also got to meet Pamela Dean, David (dd-b), Felicia, and I'm crap at names and don't remember the other gal's name, and also Clint who I'd met once before at a photo meetup. All very nice people. Kyle was just as awesome in person as his Livejournal made him seem. :)

ariandalen: Yup, I finally stopped just lurking and started commenting. :)

AletaMay: I'm sorry you couldn't make it. :(

~The Other Sharon

At 07:49 Blogger Dan Guy said...

I can't believe the Boss went sans-suit! I am in awe.

At 10:16 Blogger Teresa said...

That picture of you in the green shirt is HOT! :) Love it. Also, I'll take this opportunity to say I've been loving your hair for the longest time. You rock purple extensions like nobody's business.

Also, yeah, it's kind of badass that The Boss braved the bees sans suit. As someone who's skeeved by bees, I'm very impressed. Bees and I agree to disagree and stay out of each other's way...

At 02:37 Blogger Karen B. said...

What a good portrait of you! It shows off your hair, sure, but everything points to your face. Very cool.

17 years? (I'd try for a witty remark, but I've got nothin'.)

At 04:22 Blogger Karen B. said...

That is, 17 years w/o photographic documentation...

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