Monday, May 18, 2009

Some Bee Time, and The Sreening Starts....

The Birdchick came today, as promised to check on the Bees, always fun. (She was remarkably un-jet lagged for some one just back from Kaz-ek-stan. I was impressed) There isnt a lot to do this early in the game. Just make sure they have feeder buckets, and that the Queens are doing the Queen thing, and if they are filling up their brood box, to add another one.

The Birdchick will no doubt have pictures in great detail of the bees themselves, as she has that sort of camera, so check her blog out later tonight or tomorrow. In short, two of the hives were ready for a new box. Two are taking things a little easier. In fact, the yellow hive is kind of a slacker hive so far. Always one stoner in the bunch.

I wasn't quite brave enough to go bee-suit-less but I did ditch the gloves. They really do feel like velvet. I had a couple of Bee Moments, and had to stop and breathe, but mostly I concentrated on not being aware, no fear, nothing but what I was doing. Worked just fine. Of course, the bees are pretty mellow at this stage of the game, and aren't really interested in much except building the hive up. We did get bonked a few times (Bee talk for "Get the heck away from us or we will sting you") but we had the smoker and they calmed down.

Boss even got into the non-gloved approach. We tried to get them to drink honey from our fingers, but they weren't playing today.

Cabal the Bee Dog has Beekeeping down to an art form. Here he is inside the enclosure. Notice the distinct lack of bee hives near where he has decided to lounge. Smart dog.

Here's the start of the screened porch. That's Magic's window on the right. He will go in and out thru that. It isn't a huge porch, but I will make it fun for him.

And here is Venus and Mim's porch. A bit bigger and they will have a door to go in and out. The palm tree will have to move. (Ah, the trouble I go thru.) I had been hoping Hans would get it all done today, but apparently, it takes more than one day for one man to screen a porch. I don't know much about such things, but I do know...

It's going to rock.

Love, Bees and Bengal Proof Screens,


At 18:44 Blogger Phiala said...

Bees, porches, such fun!

I'm browsing recipes, getting ready to finally cook the rhubarb.

At 18:49 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I bet the bees do feel amazing! I don't have the guts to touch a bee! Glad I can live through you.

I want to be one of your cats!! They have the life man.

Got tickets to see David Sedaris in our teeny bookshop here in June...whee! So exicted! 250 tix being sold. I love that man, he makes me laugh until I cry.

Anytime I do (or have done that is) a household project, I realize things do take longer than they do in my head!

At 18:51 Blogger Phiala said...

It's not just hat... EVERYTHING takes longer than it does in my head. Unless of course I want it to be fast.

At 18:58 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Part of me can imagine what gloveless beeing must feel like. Then the rest of me starts saying "bug! Bug! BUG!" in a generally hysterical way. So I am mightily impressed, Lorraine! Also quite envious of those porches.

At 19:05 Blogger Fluffy said...

I think one of the coolest things is that you have enough porches!

At 19:09 Blogger vampi said...

i am envious of your porches. they are beautiful. i'm so happy for all of the fiends aquiring abodes of their own recently. i don't think i've specifically congratulated anyone. HUZZAH! porches on houses are awesome, and screened porches are even better, no bugs!

i'm with OSS, i would freak out at the "eww it's crawling on me" and shreik like a pansy.

At 19:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

If you knew what a Bee Phobia I had before I started this project, you would be amazed. A little trial by fire never hurt anyone, I always say........

Not quite enough porches. Can't do much for the Royals. The roof is no safe place for kitties....

At 19:28 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Oh, the bengals are going to have outdoor fun!!

Just back from the doctor, I'm being referred to an ortho for my left knee, which apparently has little to no cartilage left. No clue what my options are yet. Funny that they forgot to tell me that detail when they called with the results of the MRI on that knee.

At 19:29 Blogger vampi said...

maybe the royals can share time on one of the porches when others aren't using it.

At 19:31 Blogger dabbler said...

Friend of mine who did cost estimating for years described the time issue this way. "I figure out how long it would take me to do the job. Then, for most companies, I multiply that by a factor of five. Unless it's a government contract...then I multiply it by 12."

In my imagination, petting a buzzing bee feels like petting a purring kitten. soft and rumbly. In my reality, I remember I've never really tested all those allergy shots I got. Though it was always the wasp-waisted ones that gave me trouble, not sweet bees.

I am sadder and sadder that I will not make it to Fiendom come.

At 19:50 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on going bare handed. When you go bare headed, don't forget to tie your hair back. And enjoy.

(Nice fountain too. Happy kitties.)

At 19:51 Blogger Siri said...

Toni - I've had knee replacements on both knees, and am still blessing the day I decided to do that. I was cartilage-less and now I walk without pain. In fact, tonight it was 2 miles on the treadmill in 43 minutes. I didn't do them both at once - 2 years apart. I can't kneel now, but how often does one REALLY need to do that....Other than to clean closets, and cupboards in the kitchen, and get things that roll under stuff.

Dabbler, I'm sorry you aren't coming to Fiendfest/Fiendom Come or whatever it is. I made the decision to come and that is the reward for getting through this stuff at work. I am counting the days (but I can't remember what it is.) (Less than 2 months, more than 1.)

At 19:53 Blogger Siri said...

(Ha!! Blogger tried to eat my comment, but I saved it before it bit. Neener neener neener.)

Q, I love the directions to your house. Not many can give lakes and graveyards as landmarks. An, Big Yellow House, too.

Dratted Cats. I want a screened in porch. grrrrr

At 19:56 Blogger vampi said...

vnend, I read that as barebacked, and that was a whole new set of visuals i was't prepared for.

At 19:59 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I want to pat a bee too - but like Dabbler I don't want to put my desensitization shots to the test. Hang on, I have. Stood on a bee. Hurt like hell, but the swelling wasn't as bad as before.

I love the photos of everyone peering at the bees, and oh your porches...I live in envy.

Dabbler, we will have to virtually console each other while Fiendfest is on.

At 19:59 Blogger AletaMay said...

Lovely glove-less being beeing.

While I was sitting on my porch admiring our lilacs you were tasting them. Cool.

At 20:34 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You can tell which house is mine cause all the flowers are purple. It's really the only rule.

We did have fun with the bees today. Easier taking pics too with no gloves.

Just walked Venus and Mim. Adventure walk I call it. Venus was way ready to come in, Mim, never.

You know, the way the house has so many doors, I could let the Royals come down the stairs and out that door, while closing off the downstairs to Venus and Mim. It would work.

Of course, I REALLY want a HOME for the Royals. They really need some one to love them.

At 20:42 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I think Hope has kittens in the woods. She comes out a couple times a day to eat and drink, then off she goes back. I have a box set up out there, in case she brings them when I am not around.

I haven't seen where she goes tho. If she comes I will try and get her to take me there.

At 20:58 Blogger Phiala said...

Only purple flowers, Q? I think you need some night-blooming flowers, and those are all white. But wouldn't it be appropriate to have flowers that only come out at night?

Hm. Now to look up night bloomers suitable for MN.

At 21:24 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

A point, Mistress. Moonflowers it is. I like that, night blooming flowers.

At 22:00 Blogger Beez said...

Night flowers? Are we going to do a moon garden?

White nicotiana as well as the moonflowers.

So, less yard, more garden....only purple flowers (although bees and butterflies tend to be attracted to brighter colors) so I think liatris would be good as well.

I -likes- a challenge.

DG, I haven almost no cartilage on one knee and it hurt like hell but I was really lucky- physical therapy and maybe 3 cortisone shots- a years worth- and the pain hasn't come back. They got me taking glucosamine and chodroitin supplements to help. There seems to be growing evidence that they help with rebuilding cartilage.

At 22:02 Blogger Na said...

Oh noes! dabbler, sorry you can't make the get-together; for some reason I misremembered and thought you'd be there. Knew it wasn't reasonable for Sally. :(

Hurray for gloveless beeing! And for hives doing well, and porches getting screened. Palm tree is great.

It was a three-day weekend here, being Victoria Day. Which, er, I'm not sure what it means. Bad resident. We mostly lazed around, but did get out to a science museum today, which was very cool, loads of great interactive things that give you concrete ways to understand obscure concepts, like peristalsis, probability, the position of stars in space, waves, etc. Plus, a section where kids can play in water, make music, or (fortunately not my monsters) throw blocks at their siblings heads .

At 22:03 Blogger Na said...

Oh yeah, and it's been spitting snow most of the day. Hrumph.

At 22:47 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always wanted to be a pirate. Now I see it's the beeing life for me.

At 23:01 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ben was playing pirates tonight:
Ben:"argh! Ha ha!! The treasure isn't on the island, it's in space!"

Me:"how did the pirates get the treasure into space?"

Ben:"With jet packs."

Like, duh, mom.

I know, i twittered that conversation but not everyone's there :)

At 23:06 Blogger gaypet said...

Hello Ms Fab. I sent you an email.

Have a great night all!

At 23:15 Blogger gaypet said...

Jet packs! Go jet packs!

At 00:11 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Well done on the bare hands beeing!
You rock. And it must indeed make things easier to manipulate than with those big clumsy gloves.

I remember Magic's porch but can't - at all - remember Venus and Mim one. (it's huge!) Clearly I'll have to come back when things aren't deeply covered in snow.

Good to know that Hope is going back and forth. It must mean that she has indeed wee kitties to take care of. She might (or not) bring them to you at a later stage.

At 00:23 Blogger Ticia said...

Hello Darling Fiends!

I love your porches Quiche!

And the Night Garden personified sounds magical.

Vampi - I was wolfing my dinner down when I read your comment. I almost sprayed salad all over my monitor! ROFL

Hans - you rock. You don't comment here much, but I hope you read this.

It was spitting rain here today.. WTF? It was like 95F here yesterday. Mother Nature has her own agenda.

I'm so happy you did the gloveless beeing... I couldn't do it...

This looks so scattered (and it is). My brain is going 500 miles an hour. Must sleep..

Good night sweet fiends.

At 00:32 Blogger Lexocat said...

Coming up for air and to tick the box. Back again...eventually.

At 02:30 Blogger Marjorie said...

Ooh, gloveless beeing! Awesome.
I love the idea ofbee-petting but not sure whether or not I'd have the courage in person.

And the porches are great - you seem to have lots of space - I'd been imagining something smaller!

It souns as thoughHope does have her kittens tucked away somewhere, if she is going back and forth - hopefully she wil feel confident enough to bring them so they can be looked after, soon.

At 02:35 Blogger louisa said...

Morning! Hurrah for gloveless beeing (and gloveless bees, gloves make it tricky to collect pollen)

Chantrelle, your kid comes out with the best lines, you can't beat a vibrant imagination, not with a big stick! So jealous of you seeing Mr Sedaris - I got to hear him read last Fall, wonderful!

Big yes to night flowers. I have night-scented stock, which my niece when she was little called night-scented stockings.

Right. More coffee.

At 06:56 Blogger Unknown said...

Hurrah for purple flowers! I accidentally planted my front yard in nearly all purple flowers. The plan was for pastels but I kept picking up purple for accents, and now the only things not purple or white are the roses and the daffodils in early spring. The daffs are pink, if they came in purple I'd probably need to cut up my credit card.

At 07:19 Blogger Dan Guy said...

This screening business is all well and good, say the bengals, but where is the water slide? Eh?

At 07:37 Blogger Hellie said...

I didn't know daffs came in pink?! I can't wait to have a garden of my own, hopefully we'll be able to afford to buy a house sometime soon.... and have enough space to construct our own porch!!

V impressed by the bare-handed beeing! Mind you, bees do look very strokable - especially the huge purple ones I saw in the South of France (Carpenter Bees) doesn't it look velvety? They have a lovely deep bzzzz too, we were walking along a deserted lane and heard one coming and actually moved onto the verge because we thought a motorbike was approaching!!

At 08:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning All! Loving this early morning thing still. New day and all that. Hope didn't bring her kittens this morning, but she brought her boy friend. Hmmph. HE is not so adoptable, been feeding him on and off for a year.

Oddly enough, he has vague Bengal like markings, he's not, just odd. Her kittens may have them.

Nathilie, clearly you need to come back here. Please. Soon. Now works for me. Skyping doesn't work. I need the French immersion method.

Hans doesn't post here much, but he is a Twitter demon. @WoodsmanHans if you want to follow him. He is sleeping late today. Hmmph. But he does promise screening will get done.

At 08:13 Blogger spacedlaw said...

But the people here, they don't want to let me go! Even going back home is difficult...
Sometimes I feel like this little robot.

At 08:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Awww. Poor little guy. Well, tell them you are going out for honey. It might take them some time to figure it out, eh?

At 08:23 Blogger Phiala said...

Purple bees! I wouldn't mind the carpenter bees slowly disassembling my house nearly so much if they were purple.

At 08:27 Blogger spacedlaw said...

It might fox them a little.

At 08:32 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It could work, Nathilie, trust me.

Purple bees WOULD be cool.

I am riding this morning before work. Remember, half of all Irish songs start out "As I ride out on a May Morning..."

ANYTHING can happen to these people. Lots of maidens washing their long hair in the river, lots of meeting up. You never can tell....

At 08:35 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Careful now. Don't go following any white animals, especially if they have red ears. We want to see you again (or meet you, as the case may be) in this lifetime.

At 09:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I shall write an epic song of this ride. It will live on thru the years. The tale will be told many times over. My deeds sung around fires, passed on from generation to generation!

At 09:13 Blogger Phiala said...

NOT the same philosophy I have about raising large animals, but what a beautiful cat. Those eyes...

At 09:16 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

For the back porch, when you screen it, do you have to also add some kind of roof?

By the way, you're house is really cute. I'm loving it!

At 09:19 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Cute kitty.

At 09:21 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Siri, that's awesome. I'm so glad the knee replacements worked well for you.

DataGoddess, my dad had both knees done, one hip, and both shoulders (no, his name isn't Steve Austin, but it could be). The surgeries really did wonders for his quality of life.

Q, hope you guys have a fabulous time! The blasted economy has kept me away. :-(

At 09:26 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

For the record, that is WAY more Kitty than I want. Just so you know.

Erin, look at the second picture, see how it has a roof on half of it? That's what is getting the screens, not the whole thing.

I wish, but that would run to a little more $$ than I am willing to spend on the project right now. Remember I still need a secret passage....

At 10:21 Blogger Hellie said...

No Jess, you would make a cool interior designer!! Personally I'd like one of those revolving fireplaces with a secret room behind!

Tori is playing Manchester in September. Whoop! Just had to share my joy :oD

At 10:23 Blogger Arwenn said...

THE wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
And the highwayman came riding—
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.

That doesn't sound so bad...

At 10:27 Blogger Hellie said...

Bah, who needs walls?!

At 10:27 Blogger hope said...

Hurray for gloveless bees, and porches! Are roofs bad for screening in? My soon-to-be house has a roof over the back porch that I thought would be good to screen in and leave the upstairs window open for the kitties to experience Outside safely, but maybe not?

I am sending big thought waves to Hope-the-cat; "Spooky House is safer for your babies, SRSLY."

Chantrelle, hurray for David Sedaris! He makes me laugh just thinking about him. Every so often I'm looking at a completely incomprehensible bit of computer documentation and think, "Is them the thoughts of cows?" and snicker.

datagoddess, so sorry for your knee! I have a bad knee, but I brace it when I dance and take a lot of glucosamine, so not as bad as no cartilage, yikes.

vampi--barebacked, tea on keyboard snort. :)

louisa, 'night-scented stockings' sounds like the title of an erotic poem.

Hellie, purple beeeees!! so beautiful!

Still waiting on house-buying, but Eubie the new kitty boy is doing well.

At 10:46 Blogger Marjorie said...

Helli - Tori in Manchester, SRSLY? Do you have a link for tickets?

Perhaps Lorraine could be the Highway(wo)man - it's an equal opportunities profession these days, I hear.

At 10:58 Blogger Marjorie said...

Arwenn - I love that poem, but seem to recall it ended rather badly for the Highwayman and his girl..

Jess, perhaps your interior design business should involve a aprtnership with a structural engineer - you could degisn the awesome interiors and s/he could make suret he house didn't fall down as a result.

BTW, I so want a secret passage and fountain, now...

At 11:05 Blogger Arwenn said...

I'd like a cave which somehow leads up to a tower. If we're putting in orders...

Marjorie - you're quite right about the highwayman....maybe the one from Blackadder, probably safer that way.

At 11:09 Blogger Hellie said...

I had an email with these dates earlier (all September):
Sun 6th Manchester Apollo, Mon 7th Birmingham Symphony Hall, Tue 8th Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Thu 10th London HMV Apollo
I don't know when tickets officially go on sale but I pre-ordered the album from itunes so I'll get a password for a presale that starts on Saturday! I will pass it on to you if it will work more than once, or if you want Mcr tickets I can buy up to 4 and will only be buying 1 or 2 myself!

At 11:25 Blogger Arwenn said...

Jess - Hmmm....there can definitely be dripping water. Perhaps an oceanside cave under a cliff like in Over Sea Under Stone...then no need for a moat :)

At 12:06 Blogger Fluffy said...

Just running in to say 'hi' before I get all dressed and stuff. Because I'm still in exercise clothes.

Hurrah for Susan Cooper's books!

And highwaymen were very bad people! So were pirates. Computer geeks are much cooler (they do tech support at home!) And PAs, moms and bank examiners, of course... Feel free to add to the list.

At 12:37 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Jess, I've never known you to be stopped by a load-bearing wall. Go forth and design~!

At 12:38 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Wah! Did anyone else see the email from Great Lakes Bengal Rescue?

Those poor kitties! How will they possibly find that many fosters at once?

At 12:41 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Hi-jacking the blog again, I'm sorry. I wanted to give you all an update on the Bengal Rescue situation in MI. Of the 55 bengals seized under 20 now remain and the shelter has asked for GLBR help with 14 females. I'm trying to find a place to board them and spay them at this time. The shelter will release them for $35 each which is reasonable as they have tested, given an FVRCP, and rabies. So keep your fingers crossed that a place can be found. We only have a few open fosters in MI and IN but none can take 14 cats. These cats will be up for adoption as soon as they are spayed. I have no pictures but most are browns and a couple silvers.

At 13:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Right. I'll mention this tonight in my post, but we gots Bengals that need help.

And if you have ever wanted a bengal but thought the $$ were too huge, now is your chance.

And Janet, this blog is all ABOUT getting hijacked for Bengal Love, no worries.

Oh, guess what happened when I rode out this May Morning?


But I had a really great time. Heck of a ride, loved every minute. Rode for an hour, which is long for me.

At 14:01 Blogger Arwenn said...

She was riding a
horse one day. In the merry,
merry month of May.

At 14:01 Blogger vampi said...

oh i wish i could have a cat. :( my heart goes out. best wished for happy bengal relocations.

At 14:03 Blogger vampi said...

wishes. also sent a bit to the bengal rescue group. every little bit counts, right?

At 14:06 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Of course. There will spaying costs and vaccines.

At 14:12 Blogger bengalgirl said...

You fiends are wonderful, I've already had some of your donations BUT I did want to update you on the situation, not ask for money. You have all done so much in the past, your good wishes are very important to me. Plus networking is wonderful to get our name out and the fact we have great cats for adoption. I am waiting on call backs from 3 Vet Clinics that came recommended. I want to board the cats and spay them so they get out of the shelter fast, then will find fosters/adopters.

At 14:14 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I want some happy kitties. Mine are grumpy right now.

At 14:22 Blogger vampi said...

Ohi know you weren't asking for donations. i just try to remind myself that int he face of such hardships, even little bits help. i can't take a kitty and i am far away. i wish i could do more.

I posted this on my facebook yestrday after looking for some quotes about peace. (yesterday was not a peaceful day at work)

“The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step. So we must never neglect any work of peace within our reach, however small.” adlai e stevenson

I'll also post your email on my blogs, if you don't mind.

At 15:39 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Touching the bees sounds neat ...

At 17:57 Blogger vampi said...

minor earthquake. even smaller than the one this weekend. no worries, socal is still onthe map :)

At 18:02 Blogger Siri said...

Nathilie, that made me incredibly sad.


At 18:04 Blogger Phiala said...

Well, $900 later the dog has clean teeth and a diagnosis of hip dysplasia. And lots of drugs.

At 18:14 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I'm sorry to hear it, Phiala! How lousy ...

At 18:18 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Phiala - owie, give him a smooch from us.

Glad SOcal is still on the map!

At 18:21 Blogger gaypet said...

Oh Phiala! I am so sorry to hear that. I am glad there are good drugs. But still, hip dyslplasia? Bluck! Good luck.

At 18:26 Blogger Phiala said...

Grendel is 9, an old pooch. We thought he was developing arthritis, but turns out not. It is not so bad, and with drugs he should be happy and painfree for the rest of his life.

The hardest part right now is that he isn't allowed to play hard or go for walks for the next _two weeks_! Poor pooch!

At 18:50 Blogger gaypet said...

Poor dude! On the other hand, "and with drugs he should be happy and painfree for the rest of his life" sounds good to me.

At 18:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

HOME!!!!!!!! I am loving this week of short hours. I hardly know what to do with myself.

Well, that's not true, but still , it is lovely.

Glad SoCal is still there and sorry about the puppy's hip, no fun!

Nathilie wants pictures of happy cats to wake to, so I am going to take camera and go Bengaling, and see if I can't get something fun for tonight's post...

At 18:55 Blogger Siri said...

A Bengaling we go,
A Bengaling we go,
Hi Ho the dairyo,
A Bengaling we go.

At 19:04 Blogger Phiala said...

Poor pooch... all whiny, and his tummy is upset. Not that he's eaten anything since yesterday. I'm guessing his teeth hurt too.

At 19:05 Blogger Phiala said...

(If anyone here is actually a non-pet-owner, teeth cleanings and x-rays require anesthesia.)

At 19:18 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Poor Grendel. I hope he feels better soon.

Glad SoCal still attached. I think I'll stick to tornado country myself.

Thanks for the earworm, Siri ;-) "Hi Ho the dairyo, A Bengaling we go!"

Took rather too much of a break when I got home from work. Now I really must get some house- and paperwork done.

At 19:43 Blogger gaypet said...

OSS, I have now lived in both tornado country and earthquake country. I prefer an earthquake every ten years to the tornado sirens going off 4 or 5 times a year!!!

Of course it is usually easier to deal with what one grew up with. I don't like earthquakes. But a GREEN sky with screaming sirens is still even more disconcerting to me. :)

Hooray for short days, Q. Of course your short days are probably just a wee bit longer than most peoples long days. I hope you have a lovely night!

At 19:48 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hmmm a point Gayle. It was a fair amount of work for a short day. But STILL , I didn't even go IN until 1:00, and home by 7???? And some of that was taking Mads shopping, so, short day.

I did say NO a lot this morning. But I felt bad about it.

Got my pics. New post soon, for Nathilie. Who is sleeping.

At 20:48 Blogger vampi said...

i would volunteer for a job involving taking mads shopping. just saying...

At 20:56 Blogger Dragonsally said...

yup, going shopping with Mads sounds like fun. Just had one of those weird grocery shopping experiences...went to get meat for tea, and all the meat I looked at made my stomach turn so I came home without any. Does that ever happen to any Fiends?

At 21:03 Blogger Siri said...

There's rarely a time I don't want meat, Sally. There are some I won't eat (organs, tongue) but....

There's rarely a time I don't want some food or another.


At 21:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

That definitely happens to me Sally. I didn't eat meat for years, not because of any ethical dilemma (although i only buy free range organic now) but because it wasn't appetizing at all.

Phiala - sad about the pupster but at least it's a very treatable problem i guess huh?

Q - yay for mellower, shorter days.

Ben had a great drum lesson. Hired the guy to come once a week and we'll take it a week at a time. He worked really well w/ ben so we'll see.

Munchkin's in the bath now. He had a busy day. Dentist, library, lunch, swimming, drum lesson...phew!

At 21:09 Blogger Dragonsally said...

seeing that almost everyone here is owned by one or more cats cat yodeling (If I tried this with Tysie I would be shredded)

At 21:14 Blogger gaypet said...

Sally, my favorite food in the world is meat. I choose not to eat it. Some days it makes my stomach turn to deal with it (cooking it for work or some such) and other times it is not really a problem to handle it. MANY people I know who are vegetarians are so because they don't really like to eat meat. I would eat nothing but all kinds of meat (including organ, etc) if it just grew on trees. ;)

At 21:19 Blogger vampi said...

happens to me all the time sally. i do like meat, but tend to shy way from red meat now. i just try to reduce my red meat intake, as it is a good weight loss measure. i go for weeks with out eating meat sometimes. people get confused at work when i do order meat thinking i am a vegetarian.

At 21:22 Blogger gaypet said...

I am kind of a mess tonight. I just keep telling myself everything is going to be fine. But I don't seem to be listening. M and I have a roof over our heads and the dogs and cats are with us. But I still am feeling displaced. Thanks to Fiendom for being here.

This blog is better than Xanax. Well. Almost. ;)

At 21:23 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Yep. I'm in the vegetarian because I've never really liked meat camp. Mom tells me she even had a hard time getting me to eat it as a baby. I have to admit I sometimes see a fish recipe that looks kinda good, but not enough for me to break 19 years of habit.

At 21:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks everyone - now I know I'm not weird, or alone in my weirdness or something.

Gayle, I'd be feeling like that in your shoes too.

At 21:27 Blogger vampi said...

*snugs* to gayle. moving is disconcerting even when it is by choice. i hope you find solace knowing you are in our thoughts :)

At 21:30 Blogger One Sock Short said...


At 21:39 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh Gayle, it's all good, and we are here.

I really am doing a new post, took a break for some guests who came over. That NEVER happens, that people come see me in my Spooky House, but Boss and his houseguest came. (call her the Lady Zarathustra) She played my organ and did NOT make hideous noises.

At 21:40 Blogger gaypet said...

Thank you good fiends. You all rock! It is amazing how much solace I take from your

OSS, that is interesting. I certainly would have given up meat sooner if it was not my favorite food. It has been about 15 years for me. Many of those years I was Vegan. I have not done a good job of keeping up with things. Will you be in MN in June?

Right now I just want my child to go to sleep!!! ARGH!

At 21:45 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Gayle - Yes indeedy, I'll be there in June. I'm so looking forward to meeting you and all the fiends who can make it there. Good luck with bedtime. A bit of classical music maybe?

At 21:45 Blogger Siri said...

Sally, thank you. Cat yodeling rocks.

Gayle - you are an exceedingly strong woman on so very many fronts. You take care of M, and you listen to you, and you give good things to the rest of us. I admire your courage, and will miss you when you move to CA.

At 21:47 Blogger Siri said...

OK, so you'll still be here, but I consider you one of me, because you are a mere 3 - 4 hrs away, which in this part of the world ain't no big thing.

Waiting patiently for the new post....

At 22:12 Blogger AletaMay said...

I eat meat, but sometimes I don't.

Gayle -- you have been picked up and spun around by life lately. It makes sense that it would be a bit unsettling. :hugs:

I love that "the Lady Zarathustra" played you organ. The picture in my mind is, I am sure, nothing like the reality of it but I love the picture in my head, so I'll keep it!

At 22:34 Blogger vampi said...

gayle, you are moving to ca? near los angeles perhaps?

At 22:34 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Maybee very like Aleta, you never know...

New post is UP!!!!!!!!

At 02:42 Blogger Marjorie said...

((Gayle)) I'm not surprised you feel in a mess - you've had an awful lot going on and although you've clearly coped really well (sorted yourself out, got somewhere to live, got M and the pets with you etc) it must be v. stressful. Hope things start to feel more settled soon.

(ps Never lived in either tornado or earthquake country - I can't say either appeals very much...)

At 04:58 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hellie - thanks for that - I am going to try to come for the MAncester date - I think I'd want either 2 or 3 tickets, (waiting to hear whether friends b/f wants to come) -

If you could pass on the password after you've used it that would be great - or depending on how many tickets you want and whether my friend's b/ wants to come could ask you to order tix on my behalf - I should know by tomorrow...

(It looks as though you get to buy tickets this saturday and hoi polloi can then buy from 29th...

maybe we can try to meet for a drink (always happy to see other fiends in the flesh...)

At 14:19 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I wanted to do the book club but i won't have time to read the book!

Gettign ready to take hubby to the airport. single-mom-time. blah.

At 16:17 Blogger Cecily said...

Screening the porches for the cats is so awesome!

And yeah for going gloveless!

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