Sunday, June 21, 2009

I Will Write About Something...

I did promise you a new post tonight, come what may, didn't I? Now, for something to write about that will excite, intrigue and interest you....

Nope. Not coming.

Still not coming.

Ok, we wing it.

It was a Day Off today, which is always exciting. Boss and I have been working on the Plan that I go home at night at a reasonable hour, and take weekends off, where it is possible. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I've been doing house things all day, on and off, but mostly watching cats. Fascinating creatures they are.

The Boss brought me a book a while back from Scotland called "Wildcat Haven" by Mike Tomkies, which was one of the best and most helpful books I have ever read, in terms of dealing with Magic. The Scottish Wildcat is it's own breed, they look much like cats, or Bengals, but they are wild, and unlike the Asian Leopard Cat, cannot be domesticated.

Read HERE for his story. It is a REALLY cool story, and I've read the book many times over. I'd like to do an entire essay on it, but it's really hot here and I don't much have the brain to do it tonight, so go and read up on them and we will talk more on this.

Lazy way out. I know.

Last night gig was a good one, and always, after such, I am a bit wiped out. I can only imagine what next weekend is going to do to me. I have a feeling the gigs are going to be really hot ones, and by that I mean both the music and weather. No need to worry about packing the place, and they will be stacking extra chairs.

For those of you who missed it, many of the Fiends who hang out here are converging on Stillwater next weekend for a meet up and some shows by your truly. Anyone is welcome, and please, if you are around , come down and say hi. Both shows will be webcast, Friday and Saturday, from 7:30 to 11:30pm , USA Central time zone. I believe that happens here, on this site, but Dr Wicked will have all the info on that shortly.

And that, my dears, is all I have for you. More or less. Someone tell Beez that MORE plants came in the mail, and she, Mad Gardener, should come out and plant them, whatever they are.

Me and the Bengals need to watch Ghostbusters now. They love that movie.

Love and Hot,


At 20:41 Blogger Ticia said...

Great kitty shots.

At 20:45 Blogger Beez said...

Okaaaayyyy alright. I will.

Hmm....purple Stella daylilies. I'll come out but the poor things- it's going to be so stinking hot.

.....maybe I need to sneak out and plant 'em at night!

At 20:47 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Are Mim's paws really big, or is that just the angle? Anyway, too cute. Glad she's given up on the fire scheme. Phoebe has abandoned my lap for her cardboard box. It has to be pretty darn hot for her to do that.

Selfishly hoping The Plan works out next weekend so we get to see you a bit outside of gigs...

At 20:50 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Aw, cute kitty!

I'm still trying to decide what to pack - I have no shorts that fit, so I might resort to skirts in the hope of some air circulating.

*bounce* just a few more days to see everyone, where I will become my usual tongue-tied shy introverted geek self. With short hair.

And I will answer to Toni, DG, or DataGoddess, I don't care. Husbeast is Dan :-)

At 20:51 Blogger DataGoddess said...

*forgot the ticky box*

At 20:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Beez, you can come out at night, I sure don't care...

Mim's paws are big, Bengals grow for more years than cats, she will get bigger, it can take 4 years for them to achieve their full growth.

Sunday looks good for me next weekend. I have Dog Care, and so could be gone all day. Not sure about Saturday, hard to rock, then go out all day, then rock again. I could come in early, but would be into sitting around the park or something, rather than DOING something.

At 20:57 Blogger Dragonsally said...

That book looks fascinating.

Yah for a day off work and at home for you Lo,I bet the Bengals enjoyed having you there all day

At 21:01 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Oh, yes indeed, there needs to be plenty of just sitting around.

At 21:06 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Of course there has to be sitting around, OSS, when else will we be able to knit? The park, the lobby of the Stillwater, wherever is comfortable and cool.

Besides, I can't walk far or much, anyway, even with the cane. And there is a pool at the hotel we're staying at, if anyone wants to join us swimming or lounging.

Uncle Hugo's and Dreamhaven are a must, of course. We can help transport people to the bookstores, since we'll be driving up and have the car.

At 21:14 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I hope everyone has an awesome time next weekend! I'd think about heading up, but right now I'm trying to concentrate on paying the bills.

I used to live up in those there parts, and I hope you all think it's as beautiful as I did before I had to come back to Florida.

At 21:26 Blogger Aline Martins said...

please have fun for me next weekend. I will try to watch it live! :D

the book seems to be really interesting...and there are so many good things out there, it´s impossible to know it all!

I am going to bed, a bit worried, boyfriend is having an operation tomorrow(tympanoplasty) which worries us, since he is a professional musician :S + I am in Brazil and he is in, not much I can do...but wish, hope and pray...
If I go wierd, silent or nuts, it's just me...being...worried me.

At 21:31 Blogger Fluffy said...

Jess - you make me laugh!

And I have to say, sitting around is what I do best. Not to be overly competitive, or anything. We are gonna be at the Holiday Inn in Stillwater, so we should have a pool, methinks.

And Scottish wild cats reminds me of "Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging," which is one of the funnier books ever. Angus is supposedly part Scottish wild cat and is quite mad.

GTG - bedtime if I am to beat the heat tomorrow...

At 21:31 Blogger Fluffy said...

Aline - good thoughts for the boyfriend!

At 21:33 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Aline - Best to you and boyfriend, then. May all go well, with a quick recovery.

At 21:36 Blogger AletaMay said...

Sending good thoughts to your guy, Aline.

Weekends off are good.

For those attending this coming weekend I added some stuff to the map, check it out.

I'll send another email to my list as soon as I have more info for you all.

For those not attending I hope you will keep the online fiendom alive and well over the weekend.

I am very floaty this evening.

At 21:40 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Keep us posted Aline and hugs to you.

If that Kitty was part Scottish Wildcat, it would make Bengals seem mild.

At 21:46 Blogger Amy said...

I've recently been trying to keep decent work hours too. It's been nice to have big chunks of time back!

At 21:49 Blogger Ticia said...

((hugs)) Aline. Good thoughts sent out.

Alright, I'm signing offline again for the night. Chat with you loverly fiends tomorrow! Nighty night!

At 22:04 Anonymous CJ :) aka the crazy cocker lady said...

Y'all have a great time next weekend. I'm gonna try to catch it online.

A Sunday night/Monday morning giggle for all:

Son the Youngest had some friends over on Friday night and one of them left his bag on the side table. Miss Kaydee the Cocker Spaniel got bored and, being unsupervised because I was in bed and all the kids went out to stargaze or something (I don't ask), dumped it. She then proceeded to bite a paint pen that fell out at her feet hard enough to puncture the paint reservoir, then decided it was yucky and left it on the floor to leak. Having nothing better to do, turning around and walking through the paint puddle and sauntering through the great room leaving little Kaydee paw prints all over my floor seemed to be good spaniel logic.

At about 3:00am on Saturday I awoke to scrubbing sounds outside my bedroom door. I walked out of the room to see a bunch of 18 year old kids on their hands and knees scrubbing my great room floor.

Now, since I foster cockers I have sheet vinyl through the house, but unfortunately the place where the paint leaked is still orange. Miss Kaydee's paws make her look like she just came out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the paint ain't coming out until 1) she gets groomed and 2) it wears off her pads.

She also chewed up three Nintendo DS games.

Son the Younger is being very, very nice to me.

At 22:10 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Aline, thinking of your boyfriend and sending him get better quickly thoughts.

CJ, my old dog did something very similar. Chewed on a ball point pen, and I came home to paw prints leading up to the bedroom, and a dog with a blue tongue and lips. She looked so gorgeous I couldn't be angry.

At 22:22 Blogger Siri said...

Thanks for the post, Lo - sorry I missed being first (not even close). I didn't work. I wrote checks. I watched Mystery (a Hercule Poriot). I'm off to bed - 2.5 days, and I'm done with that for many days. I am giddy!

At 22:28 Blogger Siri said...

Aline - this is the very place to be when you are worried, or nuts. These people are the kindest, most supportive group going. No matter what we say in our comments, know that if any of us needs support, it's here in spades.

Hugs to you and your boy.

At 23:09 Blogger vampi said...

sending good thoughts your way aline.

3 days of work, then a long weekend of fun:)

Random fact about me:
love tomatoes, love marinara, HATE tomato soup. i also have a dislike of ketchup, but i won't run screaming away from it.

At 23:40 Blogger ariandalen said...

Sending good thoughts to your boyfriend, Aline. Here's to everything coming out for the best. C\_/

I think I'm going to go mimic Triple Mim, and go to bed.

Dreet sweams, Fiends!

At 23:53 Blogger Na said...

More healing thoughts to your guy and you, Aline.

Ticia you so rock. All kinds of good thinking there about helping folks participate online while in MN. I admit to not being comfortable in front of cameras (hence the wings).

I don't have much, either, in terms of mobile internet stuff, so won't be able to do anything during events, but will happily take pics and tweet and blog later.

Very much looking forward lots of sitting or birding or whathaveyou and just plain visiting with folks. Ooooh and bookstores! Yes, please.

AletaMay, where is this map of which you speak? I musta missed something...

At 00:40 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Haha! Good thing I checked if there was a new post. You sneaky thing...

Speaking of kitties, I should drop by the pet store and see if they have toys for your kitties. But don't let them raise their hopes too much: Italian cats are way less pampered than their American cousins. (Heck, less than their Dutch cousins even.)

Found the old dollars yesterday evening so I shall have money for the kitten welfare kitty.

Now all I need to find is my brain.
I think my pillow is a zombie...

At 01:11 Blogger Marjorie said...

{{Aline}} Hope all goes smoothly for your BF. Lots of people here and on twitter if you need us.

And yes, lots of sitting and chatting sounds perfect. .

Did I mention recently that you have beautiful cats? And fun to learn new stuff - I didn't know about Bengals growing more slowly than other cats.

Is there any news on the Bees? They didn't come when I wasn't looking, did they?

At 06:17 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And I say tomaaato and you say tomato...

At 06:55 Blogger Marjorie said...

In the Great Soup Wars I shall be on Vampi's side, as I'm not keen on soup at all (except maybe the chicken & sweetcorn soup that you get in Chinese restaurants...)

At 06:55 Blogger Marjorie said...

Oh, and Happy Guttering, Jess.

At 07:42 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Woohoo, lucky pampered girl (that's for Jess). Happy Firbday (once more).

At 07:43 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Happy guttering sounds a tad gruesome...

At 07:47 Blogger Beez said...

Sending good thoughts to you and your fella Aline.

Okay, of to work- outside. Hot, VERY humid and expected to be 93 F. today. Gah!

At 08:10 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Hello from mountainous Colorado! The kids are loving this place, thank goodness. They haven't adjusted to the timezone switch where it comes to getting up in the morning, but they have where it comes to staying up late; funny, that.

At 08:34 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Q, your blog is like cat love heaven. :-)

I'm so glad you're getting some time off and are working toward a normalish schedule. That's very good mews!

Aline, I have my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

Jess, I heart bookstores too! Amazon is killing me. I just read this blog about Kindle yesterday and I think it's scared me away from Kindle for good.

Fiends! I hope you all have a fabulous fiend-together next weekend. I wish I could come. Heck, I can barely find time to check out Q's blog lately. Work is killing me.

At 09:36 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Had to get up WAY too early this morning, and see the Boss off for an appointment. Now back at my house to clean little boxes and feed starving hordes. Then back to work.

Next weekend is going to be REALLY hot, hot all week. Over 90% humidity and in the upper 80's low 90''s

Just saying.

At 09:42 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good. Then I won't suffer too much from weather change (although the humidity might kill me).

At 09:47 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Heading back to the inlaws. I twittered that kindle link. I love my kindle and don't have an iphone so i hadn't tried to re-download, i had no idea!

I will have my G1 and can twitter pictures from that this weekend too. We will spread the love!

At 09:53 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Hey guys,

I need some advice. My mom just went on a cruise on Saturday, and her cat's a mess. She's neurotic and sad. She has me and one of my mom's neighbors checking in on her, so she has some companionship for at least a few hours every day. What can I do to make it easier on her?

Some examples of her behavior: she rubs me to be petted, then hisses when I do pet her. She grabs my pant lags with her kitty paw when I walk by. She cries when I start getting ready to leave.

At 10:01 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Wendy - Any chance of someone staying overnight with her? That is one very lonely cat. If that's impossible, leaving a radio on might help. My cat seems a bit more calm when I leave mine on. Preferably something with a lot of talk, like NPR.

At 10:11 Anonymous Jen T-Werefrog said...

OMG speaking of ghostbusters....I am in rome italy and just ate at THIS restaurant last night...its name is ghostbusters in italian!!! I can totally reccommend it to anyone who is near enough to go, absolutely fabulous menu, including a whole section of "delicate morsels"

At 10:12 Blogger Fluffy said...

Poor kitty! The first thing that comes to mind is: can you take some of your time-consuming chores (like laundry) over to mom's so the kitty can just relax with someone else around? I don't know what you have going on in your home - kids, spouse, etc., but I think I'd take a book over there and do my laundry, and maybe catch up on reading or watching some DVDs I hadn't got to.

It might be a good excuse for you to chill out and neglect some of the other things in your life.

Sounds like kitty is just plain stressed and lonely. She doesn't know your mom is coming back.

At 10:19 Blogger Fluffy said...

And I like tomatoes. Marinara tomatoes, ketchup tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, sundried pesto tomatoes, "Just Tomatoes" tomatoes, soup tomatoes (can't eat soup much, tho - too much salt) and roasted tomatoes.

Never had fried green ones, though. I'm also an omnivore, but like most of my countrypeeps I don't eat any meat that used to think or filter.

Potatoes are good, too. Fried potatoes, baked potatoes, mash!@#...

At 10:35 Blogger Wendy Withers said...

Fluffy and OSS:

I took my laundry over yesterday to spend time with her. Unfortunately, because of work and my own cats, I can't sleep over. My mom's house is a 45 minute drive without rush hour traffic.

I have a city council meeting I'm covering for the paper, so I'll be in the area tonight and spend a couple hours with her.

At 10:51 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I can't believe the Fiendfest is so soon.

At 10:58 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I know! Both too soon and too far away. Will have to bring some homework, but am determined that reports to write will not be part of it. Determined, but not getting very far with them either. For some reason, I am easily distracted from them ;-)

At 11:01 Blogger Hellie said...

Fluffy, I'm with you - if tomatoes are involved anything goes! Yum! I do have a friend who actually will run away screaming from ketchup. Especially if it is in one of those little sachets. Weirdest phobia I've ever encountoured.

Hugs for Aline, hope you're not worrying too much and that your boyfriend makes a swift recovery. And hugs for Wendy and the lonely cat, hope you find her a little calmer.

At 11:10 Blogger Marjorie said...

Wendy, I'd second the suggestion about a radio if you can't stay longer yourself - also this stuff - Feliway is supposed to be very good - works by sending out soothing pheromones, I believe, so can reduce stress.

The lady who looks after Tybalt when I'm away says that with some cats, she hides trests for them just before they leave, and/or plays with them with a ball - both givs them something to do while waiting for next person to arrive!

Just from my own sugegstin - do you know what time your mum normally feeds her or would be sitting petting her - it may help to aim for the same time so kitty has some routine.

At 12:13 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Oh, right, Feliway is definitely good. I've used the plug-ins before and after moves to help Phoebe.

At 12:24 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


My mom spoils and overfeeds everything, especially her cat. She's usually at home all day watching TV and doting on her cat and husband, so I think it's safe to say her cat eats all day and gets petted all day.

I will try playing with her and leaving the TV on, though. Maybe she wants to watch the Real Housewives of NJ.

At 13:42 Blogger Fluffy said...

Sheesh, Wendy - no wonder the kitty is stressing. It's like the servants have gone - no butler, masseuse or chef!

Will your mom overfeed me if I visit? :-)

At 14:28 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


Probably. She tends to overfeed, because she equates food with love. Her husband's gained at least 50 pounds since he met her.

Her cat realized what was going on as soon as they took their luggage out, and has been acting out in everything from attacking the groomer to voicing her disdain for the situation. Now she looks so lost I would pick her up for a cuddle if I knew she wouldn't tear me to ribbons. I already have scratches from trying to console her yesterday.

At 14:31 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Poor cat: Straight from spoiled brat into street urchin...
No wonder she's upset. Her minions had no right to abandon her so.

At 14:39 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Poor kitty. And poor you. Well, even if she doesn't show it, she probably is glad that you visit. Or at least a bit less miserable. When she's so used to constant company, a person around helps, even if it isn't her person. At least, that's how it is with mine. Good luck with the remainder of time.

At 15:03 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

spacedlaw and OSS:

When I leave (usually for a day at most) I like to think my cats are talking and cuddling and maybe performing skits, instead of the fighting and throwing up on my pillow I know they're really up to. I think my cat secretly sings that Natalie Portman rap from SNL, too.

That was somewhat random.

At 15:12 Blogger Marjorie said...

I'm pretty sure that that kind of random is the mark of a true Fiend, Wendy...

At 15:21 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Yup. We like randomness and kitties.

At 15:47 Blogger Arwenn said...

and zombies.

At 16:25 Blogger Beez said...

and pirates. Yahr!

Wendy, my old vet- very holistic he was- used to recommend catnip for the catkids whenever there was an unusual amount of stress such as traveling.

He pretty much equated it with good weed I think, but it seemed to help.

Two of mine got so mellowed out they were laying on the floor batting at each other, but they couldn't quite reach each other (by about 2 inches) and certainly couldn't be bothered to get up.

I laughed myself into hiccups.

At 16:47 Blogger AletaMay said...

Fiends on LJ may be interested to know that Kyle
Cassidy is running for LJ Advisory Board

It is hot. I finally got the AC in the window and I hope when I get home it has sufficiently done its job.

At 16:54 Anonymous CJ :) aka the crazy cocker lady said...

Hey Wendy! Beez beat me to it but I was also going to suggest catnip.

Aline, how did everything go?

FL, I know it's hot - I feel you. We have broken 100. Low humidity today, but that will change tomorrow when the mercury soars. Of course, if I really had a problem with it I'd probably leave Dallas...

Well, it's been a Monday. The badge readers at work stopped working and 10 people got trapped in the breakroom. All the people who were outside couldn't get back in. Security guards had to stand at every door and check badges for about an hour, which brought all the hot air in.

At 17:03 Blogger Beez said...

Aleta- hope the AC is doing the job. Mo' hottah tomorrow and this humidity is errrggggh. I feel like I could grab a couple of fistsful of air and wring them out.

We got the AC unit up in son+'s room, but mostly for the chinchilla- she really cannot tolerate the heat.

Jess, I wasn't planting today. My summer gig at the University is the outdoor grill on Northrop Mall, so I had the joyful task of standing over a 5 foot propane grill cooking. I did have to step away at one point and pour a bottle of water over my own head.

We'll see about tomorrow. If it's going over 95 F we aren't supposed to go out and grill. Thank Fod.

At 17:17 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I am not envying anyone in that humidity. Yuk.

I wish I had some more suggestions for you Wendy, but all of my thoughts have been covered.

If it helps at all, think how much more stressed your mum's cat would be at a cattery.

At 17:29 Blogger Aline Martins said...

Hi fiends!

thanks for the support.
I still have no news from BF. and that kills me.
I just arrived home from work. And not it´s almost midnight in England. I wont ring them now. Will wait for news till tomorrow....
time...distance...argh... help!

At 17:32 Blogger Lexocat said...

Wishing I could get a moment to read the comments instead of noting how many there are and shrugging.

If I don't get the chance to say it later I want everyone to have a Fabulous Fiendom Come. So sorry not to be with you!

At 17:32 Blogger AletaMay said...

Note to fiends attending gathering:

I just sent a new email mostly concerned with birding and containing another link to the mysterious map.

If you are attending the gathering and did not get this email please contact me at aletamay01 at yahoo dot com.

Note to Fiends and others not attending the gathering:

Love you all!

Hope the cat warms up to you Wendy. My cat is very sweet with me and kinda mean to most other people. She is fine left for a night or two but is always very pleased when I come home.

At 17:36 Blogger Uisge said...

Beez-What do you do for the University that involves grilling? Sounds intriguing (except for the heat part).

At 17:44 Blogger Beez said...

Uisge- I work for University Dining. During the school year I run a Dunn Brothers coffee shop in the Ed. Science building and help catering. In the summer we have to bid on other jobs (fewer available) and I took the grill/brat-n-burger stand. It's on Northrop Mall over the lunch hour- there are free concerts every day- and starting in July we move a block over on Wednesdays and are part of the very nice farmer's market that the U. has.

At 17:45 Blogger Uisge said...

Hurray for a probably not pregnant Hope! That's very good news indeed.

At 17:46 Blogger Uisge said...

Thanks Beez. Sounds like fun (except for heat and daily grind stuff), especially being near the concerts.

I work at the Science Museum in StP

At 17:51 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh, Wendy - something else I have done in the past when the cat has had to be left home alone for a few days is set up clock radios in different parts of the house, and have them go off at different times. A bit of variety for a lonely cat.
Aleta - love you too.

At 19:16 Blogger Phiala said...

My most favorite piece of public art is in this town, and I figured out where it is, so now I must go photograph it. :)

And check the ticky box, since apparently I failed to do so when I originally read this post.

At 19:24 Blogger Jane said...

Phiala - can't wait to see it.

At 20:24 Blogger TO Browncoats said...

Aline, Good thoughts your way. I know how hard it is to wait for news.
And I'll echo the Hurray for a non pregnant Hope.
(What an odd sentence that is!)

At 21:36 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Gayle is coming for Hope tomorrow and Hope will be going to her new home for two weeks, and then coming back for her spay. She needs to be away from the kittens for 2 weeks before she can have it done.

LONG day. And a hot one. More tomorrow, but longer and hotter, apparently.

Resisting my central air. Hate paying for it. I learned in an improv class years ago all about working in heat, and how to do it, so it's not so bad.

Shows are going to be HOT, I say again. You can't be naked, but get close to it.

At 21:42 Blogger Na said...

*goes to unpack the polyester pantsuit*

At 21:48 Blogger Dragonsally said...

So Na, without the polyester body suit you won't be dressed in 70's retro?

Great news about Hope, L. Have fun being kitty mom

At 22:17 Blogger Phiala said...

I have now officially stayed up too late playing with photos, seeing as how I have a 7:30am meeting tomorrow. But, some of them aren't too bad.

At 22:24 Blogger Wendy Withers said...


Bunny (my mom's cat) has catnip all over the place. Although, I got this too late to add fresh to her toys.

I put the TV on for her and scattered some treats around. She tried covering the treats up.

At 22:25 Blogger Beez said...

I like them lots. Where was the one with the flooded walkway taken?

At 22:28 Blogger Beez said...

(sorry, that one was for Phiala)

Hmm....wonder what the covering up means?

Too late for now, but mom needs another cat so no more "spoiled only child to orphan" freakouts. Yup.


At 22:29 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Phiala: In Tampa, we have a piece of public art called the exploding chicken.

That's how we roll.

Oh, and if people even notice, I'm not trying to promote a bunch of different links. I just forget to put in my LiveJournal (which is my personal journal) sometimes, and it automatically goes to different links on different computers. Especially disregard the links where I have pink haired pictures next to them, unless you really like feminism, because I haven't updated that blog in a very, very long time.

At 22:33 Blogger Wendy Withers said...


My mom hates cats. She only likes her cat. Her cat thinks she's a person. She sits up like a person some of the time, watches TV, and has a chair reserved for her at the dinner table so she can sneak food off of my mother's plate.

If my mom got another pet, it would be a puppy. The, the fur would really fly!

And, I equate a cat covering up food or pretty much anything as it saying "This smells like poop. It's gross. I'm going to cover it up so I never have to experience this grossness again."

At 22:55 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Bez, I gots cats for yr Mom.

OK. Admitted defeat. Turned on central air, it's 85 inside. 10 minutes later BIGASS the Wolf Spider comes out. Bengals chase. All concerned have a fine time. Mostly. Hard to tell with BIGASS SPIDER.

BIGASS the Wolf Spider is now outside, presumably to it's relief. Venus and Mim will spend the night searching for it.


At 23:06 Blogger Beez said...

Yes. Of course. BIGASS was the lone rider of wolf spiders.

No worries.

At 23:15 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I don't mind spiders exactly, but I am of the very firm belief that they DO NOT belong in the house.

Especially if they go by the name BIGASS.

At 23:30 Blogger Beez said...

You're such a mom. Venus and Mim are disappointed that you made their friend go home for dinner.

...or at least somewhere else for dinner.

(why am I still up again? anyone?)

At 23:33 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I am such a fool. This talk of spiders made me go to youtube and creep myself out watching vids of people and their pet tarantulas. *shudder*

At 23:41 Blogger AletaMay said...

Here is hoping BIGASS the spider has found a proper bed for the night.

I must now sleep in my air conditioned space. I am hopeful that good sleep will happen!

At 23:44 Blogger Na said...

Sally, :) no, i don't think i can convincingly pull off any kind of retro anyway.

and as for tarantulas, kid you not, was utterly fascinated to watch one assume a threatening posture at me and a friend once. we were in a VW bug at the time.

At 23:47 Blogger Na said...

'night, Aleta! cool dreams!

should also be sleeping. hitting the road to MN soon. (btw 4-yo dragonette can pronounce "Minneapolis"! dunno why, but this impresses me. she still calls a motel a mo-towel)

At 23:52 Blogger Dragonsally said...

amused Na? I would have been shaking in terror

At 23:52 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Too funny! Ben calls Hotels Ho-towels! He knows it's a hotel but we all call them ho-towels now, it's more fun :)

i miss the words from when he was about 2. My favorites were helicopters were ca-bo-bos, milk was gug-gug, blueberries were boobies!

At 23:53 Blogger Dragonsally said...

my niece used to say bwekwast, and I haven't stopped saying that since. Mind you, she's 16 now.

At 00:24 Blogger ariandalen said...

Yay! for Hope not being pregnant. :)

Hang in there, Aline! Still sending good thoughts to your BF.

The new Fiendocracy begins in T minus three days.

Be prepared.


At 00:30 Blogger Na said...

too cute, Chantrelle! i thought it was a left-over pronunciation for K from Texas days. ho-towels and mo-towels. hangeburs.

Sally, there was a whole car between us and it, but it really was facing off the car! For whatever reason, spiders (except black widows) and snakes do not bother me in the slightest, and I think tarantulas are really cool. Roaches and potato bugs on the other hand... *shudder*

Argh. Long days ahead. Really ought to get rested. Night fiendy fiends, waking and sleeping, far and near.

At 01:23 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Hope you hear good news soon Aline!

Wendy, cat scratching around food means they are saving it for later - not covering it up coz it's gross.

Ewww for the BIGASS the spider. Ack and Eww.

I wanna see more kitten pics if pos? Any news on homes for them yet?
Glad Hope isn't pregnant, what a relief.

Big Hellos all around, we're off for a couple of days to Yosemite.

You all enjoy your preparations for the fiendish gathering if you are going or just enjoy if you are not.

At 04:30 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Aleta, thanks for the reminder about Kyle Cassidy.

I just cast my LJ vote. Good luck to Kyle! Vote for Kyle

At 05:26 Anonymous Anonymous said...

There we go!
i'm a twitter lurker....
mostly because i will not chase the inter-web....
read stuff on twitter about spiders....
now, i'm the girl who freaked when she found a bee on her pants...
spiders are my friends!
One has been living on my bedroom celing for two weeks.
i can see him now.
hes my new pet.
i call him Paul.
Oh, how we have our idiocrasies!

At 05:32 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here i am in the northwest....
all is usually mild here.
i love 90 degree weather...
Y'all seem to have HEAVY weather swings there eh?
Once asked a fiend what fireflies were like.
kinda a mythical creature here...
What have YOU heard of but not seen?

At 07:57 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


Huh... I always thought it was like when they cover up their poop.

What about when the cat looks at you with her mouth open after sniffing? Kitty does that a lot, and I call it her pee face.

And, to the general little kid prononciation discussion-

When I was a little kid, I called my Uncle Terry Uncle Turd. I think some members of my family called him that until the day he died.

At 08:29 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Jess - I am with the manwife 110% on that phobia thing. Mine includes any critter with more than four legs.

My less cute kid story is the time one of my nephews thought it would be hilarious to throw a cricket in phobic auntie's bed (with me in it). I guess I would have thought my shrieks were pretty funny at that age too.

For that matter, I wasn't phobic at that age. Played with cicadas back then. No idea where the phobia came from.

At 08:44 Blogger Jane said...

Centipides are the worst!

Spiders OK, BIGASS would have definitely gone out - I think we have one of those in the basement and the only time we see her is out of the corner of an eye when she is rushing from one undercover to another.
is the cat mouth open sniffing action.

At 08:54 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


Thanks for the link! That's definitely what my cat does. At least now I know when she does it to me it's not because I stink (or at least not in the way I thought).

At 09:38 Blogger Phiala said...

Beez, the whole batch was taken in Grand Rapids, Michigan: location of the current Phiala Spatial Reference. :)

The river is even higher this morning.

At 10:16 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I have, in my hot little hands, an annotated copy of P&P&Z from Kate. Alas, I did not get the chance to meet her in this passing on of the book. Now, could someone remind me who I was supposed to give it to at FiendFest? I still have my brain, but it is mush.

At 10:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

BIGASS the Spider has left his jay, and one hopes, living a nice spider life under my porch.

BIGGASS Bumblebee in my bedroom this morning. Venus and Mim have a new friend.

Er, had, BIGASS Bumblebee was let out the window.

At 10:27 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I would rather have BIGASS the spider.

You are a lot, lot braver than I am.

At 10:27 Blogger vampi said...

quiche, i am most concerned with you obsession with insect ass.

just sayin...

i'm now struggling with the after effects of a coworker's perfume. she wore patchouli oil yesterday, and i've felt like crap ever since. the headache never quite got to full debilitating migraine level, but was bad enough to affect me with dizzy spells and nausea.

At 10:33 Blogger spacedlaw said...

OSS, if you read zombie stories it is normal not to be left with any brain...

At 10:47 Blogger Marjorie said...

Jess, that's fantastic! I know a wonderful cafe which also sells such cakes, but I don't think they list them on the menu or the bill as such.

Right. have got to the stage of printing off holiday notes for my locum, and generally starting to turn stuff of ready to leave work. Keep yourfingers crossed for traisn running on time this evening, won't you please?

At 10:47 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Only Jess would find the one restaurant that serves BIGASS (birthday) CAKE!

Vampi, yuck! That sounds awful. I have the same reaction to powerful perfume smells. :-(

Q - I don't mind the BIGASS BEES nearly as much as the BIGASS SPIDERS.

I used to work in a pet store and we sold Tarantulas. We had this nasty red furred jumping spider for sale. Some big bruiser guy came in and wanted to hold it. He was playing macho in front of his girl...until SPIDEY jumped on his face. I kid you not, it cover his nose and eyes. The guys screamed and left as soon as my coworker pulled it off his face.

Needless to say, we lost that sale.

At 10:47 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Alas, I cannot blame my mushy brain on reading zombie stories. It's like that all on its own. I must, in fact, resist the urge to reread P&P&Z with annotations before passing it on to whomever I'm supposed to pass it on to. Well, I can maybe skim it for annotations on the plane come Friday.

At 10:48 Blogger vampi said...

jess, i'm surprised you couldn't smell her.

all i know is it's still in my system, i've showered, i've tried to sleep, but i still feel awful.

so i need to add patchouli to vanilla, and "clean scent" as things that really set me off.

At 10:56 Anonymous Wendy Wither said...


I'm sorry you feel so yucky. I just bought the Febreeze house air freshener, and for the first two days of spraying it I kept wandering around my house trying to figure out where my cats peed. Then, I realized that it's something in the spray. I don't know if it's because of my allergies or if it's just some weird brain thing I have.

At 10:56 Blogger spacedlaw said...

After BigAss bees, let me introduce you to BigAss hornet... (I think it was a hornet but by the size of it it could have been a flying crawfish. Except for the wrong colour scheme.)
When it flew off the plant, I fled.

At 11:10 Blogger Na said...

Sock, ME! mE! meeeeeee!

Fiends, I've five hours 'til planned departure. Getting a little panicky, as often do before a big excursion, but excited too & will be fine once on the road, I'm sure. *deep breaths* *pack pack pack* (most important items: passports, and items with which to keep monsters entertained)

At 11:11 Blogger Na said...

and, preference of things BIGASS 1) CAKE! 2) bees, 3) spiders. hornets not on the list no no no noooooo...

At 11:33 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Yes. It is more or less the shriek I let out...

At 11:57 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And so was it and was mighty upset that I had distrubed it JUST because I wanted to have a closer look (and a picture). So it flew in my face. Then went "Eeeew" and fled too.

At 12:11 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


Was it yellow and black? I can't tell from the picture. It might have been a yellow jacket. Yellow jackets bite if they think you look tasty and will eat the lunch meat out of a sandwich that's left in their vicinity. They're creepy. :P

I have yellow jacket paranoia.

At 12:23 Blogger Phiala said...

No bugs here, bigass or otherwise. Just interminable meetings. Fortunately they are accompanied by large urns of coffee. Even more fortunately, nobody has complained about me knitting. Keeps me from falling asleep and actually cuts down on daydreaming and increases attentiveness. Judging from the snores last session, more people should be doing it.

At 13:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

This is not a wasp but a hornet. It is too big to be a wasp. At first I thought it might be a bumble bee or a carpenter bee (a little larger than normal) but this thing wasn't hairy the way a bumble bee is.

At 14:17 Blogger Phiala said...

Playing hooky: I am skipping the business meeting. I have two whole hours, almost.



Write article due on the 30th?

Read some more of "The City & the City"?

Write something else?

It may take me the entire two hours to decide...

At 14:27 Blogger spacedlaw said...

How's the Mieville?

At 14:32 Blogger Phiala said...

I'm not a huge Mieville fan. The concept is fascinating, but I'm not as enthralled by the story itself. I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly why, I'm afraid.

I obviously haven't decided yet from the list, and am instead still messing around online. If I do that long enough, the decision will no longer be relevant.

At 15:51 Anonymous Anonymous said...

More BIGASS news....
BIGASS black and white bee with body and thorax.
What IS this?

At 15:59 Blogger EmilyLady said...



I'm leaving the day after tomorrow.

At 16:13 Blogger Jane said...

Hornets also known as gentle giants, but it's the giant part that gets me, especially when they came into the kitchen out of a hole in the back of a cabinet (long story, don't even ask). Big!

OSS - wish I could blame reading about zombies for my lack of brain - wouldn't *that* be a great (and believable!) excuse.

Phiala - I learn and listen better when doing something with my hands - usually doodling, knitting is at least productive.

At 16:57 Blogger One Sock Short said...

For fiends not on twitter, 'cause I just love this story, and must share it with other book lovers...

The man who writes the Newberry Book Fair blog tells some wonderful stories. Here is one of the best:

At 17:08 Blogger Marjorie said...

I am not going to follow ny links to bugs. I will take everyone's word for it thst they are big and scary!

I am ON MY WAY! currently in a pod hotel ( at Heathrow airport. The trains were on the whole OK, and if I have forgotten anything important it is now Too Late. I do have a passport, which is probably the main thing. now need food and sleep, ideally in that order.

At 18:08 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I am actually enjoying this BIGASS insect string. I am an arachnophobe, but equally as fascintated by spiders and all insects.

Nathalie - the gecko in your flickr stream is just gorgeous.

At 19:57 Blogger Siri said...

Hangaburg was our word for Hamburger. I was with Ma once, and we stopped at McDonalds, and she said, I'll have a hangaburg. I went in, got up to the counter and said, "I'd like a McDouble, and a hangaburg." The girl looked at me. I said "You know what I want." I was mortified.

Danged family words.

At 20:25 Anonymous CJ :) aka the crazy cocker lady said...

I don't have any BIGASS insects, but there is a bird's nest outside the back door at work and it has two babies in it! Squeeeeeee!

At 20:42 Blogger ariandalen said...

OSS, that is a beautiful story. Thank you for the link! :)

My father called all restaurants, regardless of style or price, "slop shops." It didn't really occur to me what a disgusting designation this was until after he died. Granted, he was also known to eat vegetables straight out of the can while standing over the sink.

At 20:45 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Sure is quiet in the Fiendom tonight.

I can't think of any family words. We did call horses cows and cows horses when I was little, but I don't remember any story behind that.

Avoiding looking at any BIGASS pictures.

Ummm, guess I don't have much to say either.

At 20:52 Blogger Siri said...

Ooo - sesquicentennial comment

I believe there is much packing going on in the fiendom.

At 20:53 Blogger Phiala said...

Hotel, lovely sunset over the Grand River.

Tomorrow, the long drive home. Friday, Fiends. Thursday, I suppose laundry is in order.

At 21:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Did I mention the BIGASS Bear in the yard today? Can't recall....

Working on a new post!

At 21:11 Blogger AletaMay said...

It has been a hot, hot day but not as bad as I expected.

Very glad I got the AC in the window... but somehow it seems to be making my ears pop?

I am going to try to get some Stuff Done tonight. We'll see how that goes!

At 21:12 Blogger AletaMay said...

It is the week of Big Ass I guess!

At 21:17 Blogger Siri said...

No, there was no mention of a bear, nor his ass.

Brutal day here - high 90s, bad storms temps dropped 20 degrees in a few hours.

Bed soon - traveling tomorrow.


At 21:17 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Awesome new photo, Aleta.

(Accidentally wrote Alerta there. That would make for a pretty cool name.)

I am so excited. I don't think I've been this excited up until today.

At 21:18 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Siri, uck ...

At 22:07 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And the new post is up....

At 02:16 Blogger spacedlaw said...

OSS, that Newberry story is ever so sweet.

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