A Really Fine Weekend...
This past weekend was really, really wonderful. I loved meeting all of the Fiends, and can't believe so many of you came so far. It made me so happy. I also did one of THE best shows ever, in my entire life, hands down, Saturday ROCKED.
I got my Famous Exploding Knife back too! It says so now, right on the Knife "Famous Exploding Knife" and no longer has a power cord shaped chunk out of it. And it is sharp.
I missed all of you who couldn't make it. A lot. And you were there in spirit.
And as far as those who did come, I thought they behaved themselves very well. Mostly. I mean, they ARE Fiends. THINGS are bound to happen when they Gather.
Both Friday and Saturday's shows were way fun to play. Time ran strangely, and it didn't seem like we played all night. I could do shows like that every night for a long time, so much love. And even more ROCK.
SO, clearly, I have many stories to tell, lots of photos, updates on Hope the Kitty, how I managed against all odds to get out for a ride today, more pleas for SOMEONE to adopt my kittens (Two, grey striped, one boy one girl, 7 weeks all shots, eh-hem) and so, there is NO WAY I am simply going to download my favorite photos that Nathilie took this weekend of my Bengals, and jot down a line or two between them because tho it is only 10:30 I am so tired that I can hardly see.....
Nope. No way I would do that.
Love and Sleep,
Nope. No way.
*covers Quichie with a blanket, tip-toes away*
I am so glad you had fun, that your gigs rocked, and that Nathalie took some awesome kitty pics.
*sleep well and deep*
Tired? Quiche? But why?
I **finally** got my martinis tonight. Had a chocolate one before dinner with my sister-in-law, then we all went out for Chinese and I had a ginger martini. THAT was interesting! I don't think I could drink more than one in an evening, but it had a fresh ginger bite and it went great with the food.
I downloaded all my pics and spent an hour or so cropping and removing red-eyes. So maybe tomorrow I'll get some posted. I can't say they are anything special - my camera is great in daylight but has a wussy little flash.
I got some good shots of the lasers squiggling across Lorraine and Paul, but they sort of emphasized Paul's crotchal area, so I don't think I'll post them. I have another of just the stage and equipment that looks cool, tho. And some really neat ones of the bridge lights wiggling around.
Sentence fragment. Brain fragment. Bedtime!
I'm sure people will adopt the babies if they see more of these kinds of pics of them. Who could resist such sweet faces?
And, I never realized how much Magic does not look like a house cat until JUST NOW. To me, he looks much more like a fairy cat from the wild.
Fluffy: I had some sort of fruity martini concoction my stepfather made on Sunday. Since I drink about three times a year, I asked him to put a thimble full of the actual martini stuff in there, but I guess he ignored my instructions. I was quite drunk at my mom's house for most of the day, and then I was quite sick. From one drink.
Never drinking at that establishment again.
Yah, you have to watch those amateur bartenders like a hawk. No telling what they might do!
Hi fiends! I'm still here in Stillwater. Trying to contain the fiend magic for one more day until even my energy will be gone from here. What a wonderful time this has been.
Thanks for the rock beyond rock we all experienced Saturday night, Quiche. You and Paul are truly rockstars.
The pictures of the kittens and Magic are really extraordinary.
Sleep well and deep. May your dreams be filled with wonder and peace. May your day tomorrow show you something unexpected and magical.
Good night fiends!
Happily sorted through pictures today.
Back to real life though. Spent the afternoon assembling a compost ball thingy. Well...1/2 assembling. Must finish tomorrow. Lots of garden pruning to do after 10 days gone in peak growing season!!
The pics are wonderful. Magic looks so imposing in these!
And I'm enjoying any and all Fiendom Come pics that Fiends are posting. Very much. More, please.
Has anyone started planning the next one?
Must haz pics!
The return of the Famous Exploding Knife! So sorry to have missed all of the fun.
Great picture of Him, Jess! And I love the frog one too.
Sorted out some horse riding pictures today (and cats, always more cats). Difficult exercise, I must say...
Riiight. Venus is telling me that she would care for a spot of breakfast, so I think I'll oblige.
spacedlaw, those are amazing pictures.
Hi! Fiends! Miss you all already, even the Internet-only ones and I still have you as much as ever.
Sad, I know.
Work took an unexpectedly annoying turn this morning - I will explain later so you can all be amazed and angered on my behalf. Right now, can't explain without an excessive number of 4-letter words, and we can't have that.
Apparently my poor technician forgot I was going to be gone again and is a bit irate, too. I must go promise him to be in the office for the entire month of July!
I have obviously been gone too long; I can't even properly check the little box!
Right, Fluffy could finally get her martinis now that she's not in charge of me.
This was certainly, by far, the best weekend of my life. And I was honestly thinking of those Fiends that could not make it.
Just reread that comment and figured it sounded like it was the best weekend of my life BECAUSE some Fiends could not make it.
This is not what I meant.
Amazing pictures, and from what I heard... amazing weekend!
I am very happy you had so much fun!
I was snowed under 70 tests of 10 pages it to check, mark and write comments...bur i survided (although I think my left hand is not working well LOL)
From today on I have my 20 days off... (teachers need it to keep sane)
i had amazing amounts of fun. aside from me yelling at the church guy, was there any other moments of misbehavior? oh and ticia forcing me to have irish car bombs, she is such a bad influence...
i had fun birding, bookstoring, meeting people, being social, learning to knit, meeting and petting cabal (could have done more of that tbh), menacing fiends with burnt nachos, riding on a windy boat, rocking out to paul and lorraine, and walking around minnihaha falls, being comfortable and myself with people. i honestly didn't have that really awkward feeling in social situations at all. fiends are amazing.
a super duper thank you to fiends with cars.
I could get used to having Nathilie around. Someone willing to wake at 5 and feed my Bengals? Hello!!!!!!!
We are going to take pics of the Royals tomorrow, we do hope.
We have LOTS of pics. (I use that word we loosely) of everything.
Do not beieve the lies Vampi is perpetuating here. She wanted the Irish Car Bombs. As a responsible friend (yes, friend), I agreed to drink one with her. I'm just that nice.
Her revisionist view of history is just one example of how the American school system is failing our youth.
Hive inspecting with the Birdchick today!
Well, I'll agree that revisionist history is being perpetuated. But maybe that extra car bomb affected someone's brain?
Flying ticks.
Had such a wonderful time meeting all of you. Will have to catch up on comments, photos, links, and tweets tonight. My phone was uncooperative most of the time I was there, so I am waaaaay behind.
Thanks to all the fiends (whether I met you this weekend or not) for being fiends!
illegal ticky box. Don't tell
I'm talking about Saturday night, Phiala. The night that started us down the slippery Irish Car Bomb slope. And, that was COMPLETELY Vampi's fault.
And no amount of batting her eyes and looking all Bambi innocent is going to change the truth. :-D
while i suggested the FIRST car bomb, someone a bit perkier than me suggested the second...
The man who types up my stories is still clucking about how much fun he had.
Vampi, LOL! I'm sure Church Guy had it coming. ;-)
Sounds like you guys were inventing drinks or I'm very behind the times on alcoholic beverages, which is probably the case.
Q, ah! The Royal WE! Have fun taking photos. Will you also take some of the hives? Did the beekeeper ever come through?
Yeah, but Vampi, you and Ticia both encouraged me with the tequila, so I lay no claim to anything I did after that, you two corrupted little innocent me!!
Okay, okay... I think we need some ground rules.
Let us posit that none of the Fiends are particularly innocent, except possibly Emily, and all I can say for sure is that she was drinking neither Car Bombs nor tequila. :)
Let us also posit that we are ALL Fiendish influences on one another, and that is a good thing. Even if that influence does now and then lead to Car Bombs for those so inclined.
well i thought the church guy deserved to be yelled at. he was purposefully shaking the gang plank from the boat dock up to the landing, and the bragging about it to his friends. while i was not pleased at all someone did that on purpose, it was too much to bear when i saw him bragging about it to his friends. i went over and gave him a talking too about how uncool that was and some people did not enjoy it and were actually terrified. i think i said more but i can't remember i was shaking and angry.
did i mention this was an older guy, it wasn't some young frat boy smuck, it was someone who very well should have known better.
it is very nice to have voices to put with posts, knowing the humor and smiles behind the words. posting up the last of my pictures from monday to flickr.
Would someone like to explain the "church guy" to me?
Yeah, Jess, yummy Guiness.
lol. he was only church guy because he was wearing the name tag of that church group that also rode the boat. church really had nothing to do with it other than he wasn't acting very respectful of others.
Vampi, that guy totally had it coming. That's so mean of him. I'm glad you gave him a talking to....
Box of Tick.
More later!
Pssh, no need to worry about me. As Dr. Wicked observed, "Emily sure can hold her liquor."
Emily, you are so much cooler than I was at 16!
I talked to a good friend of mine last night who is getting married in October and he asked me to perform the ceremony. I'm so excited! I haven't performed a ceremony for friends and ages (of course that was the whole reason I got ordained to begin with). I'm so happy for him. And I love his fiancée, we hit it off immediately when she came to visit--she's a big Neil fan :D
Right, it's really time to do dishes!! really! I'm going now!!
The gigs truly did ROCK!
I hope you get time for a nap today. I didn't get out of bed till 11 this morning, and feel so much better for it..
So... professional rant here (with identifying details omitted, at least until I hear back from the editor-in-chief, not that any of you are likely to care).
The peer-review process is just that: the scientist submits a manuscript to a journal, the editor sends it out to reviewers. The manuscript and reviewer comments are returned to the scientist, who makes the requested changes. Sometimes it takes one round of changes, but two rounds are usual in my area of science. (Also common for a paper to be rejected either before review or after the first review; rarely if ever after revisions and re-review.)
So. I submitted an article in May 2008, and got the reviews back promptly in July 2008. Did revisions, sent it back in August 2008. Now, nearly a year later, I get this email:
I trust you are doing well.
As you will notice, there are no reviewers assigned to your paper as of this date. We tried our best to speed up the review process by sending reminders and follow-up emails to referees. Regrettably, most of them are too busy to handle your paper at this time.
In light of this, we would like to advise you to withdraw your paper. However, we also leave you to re-submit if you wish to do so.
We would appreciate if you could let us know your decision within 14 days.
Thank you very much for your prompt response on this matter.
With kind regards,
Journals Editorial Office
Um. No. Don't think so. It is the responsibility of the editor to find reviewers (blackmail works), or to review the paper herself if nobody else will do it. It is COMPLETELY unprofessional to reject a paper just because the editor can't be bothered to get more reviews.
I wrote a polite email to the editor inquiring. If no satisfactory answer, I *will* be publicizing the name of the journal and publisher. Rejected for cause? Fine. This? Not so much.
Supposed to wait till tonight to catch up, but...
That is all kinds of wrong. Messing with people's professional lives (or even livelihoods if they're tenure-track) just because they can't hold up their ends?! If they don't fix it, they will deserve a public shaming.
That is ridiculous!! Especially considering that the journal exists so that other scientists can read your paper and benefit from your research and ideas....I really hope that editor gets his/her act together. And offering to let you re-submit it and start the WHOLE process over again? Argh!
It sounds like much good fun was had by everyone. So sad I couldn't be there, specially as I watched some Lorraine and Paul live and it was so great.
Can someone tell me about this tick box thingy ya'll keep talking about? It's got me very confused.
Me? I'm back at home in England which does not feel like home so much anymore. But it is so blissful to see my kittykats again!
Phiala - that's just terrible. I really feel for you, the journal submissions are such a pain.
Phiala, that is staggerinly unprofessional. I do hope that they get their act together now.
Hive mind time!
This is a dummy account because I’m talking about someone without his permission. I totally trust the Fiends, but hope you understand my caution.
A family member recently had a life-threatening medical episode. It was caught in time and he will make a full recovery and should be fine long-term with no more problems.
I am having trouble knowing what to say to him…I spoke with him on the phone the next day, expressed that I love him and how important he is, but going forward I’m not sure how to behave. He almost died which scares the hell out of me, not to mention him I’m sure. This is a close family member and I live several hundred miles away.
Has anyone been through this, either themselves or a loved one? I could really use some advice and I’m not finding anything useful on the internet. Feel free to contact me using damselfly1973 @ yahoo.com I’ll be happy to give more information via email if this is all too cryptic.
Hey, look what I found on the intarwebs: this story by someone named Aleta who lives in St Paul.
Thanks for the link, Phiala! I definitely read it when I am, perhaps, slightly less dead.
Oooo! Something to look forward to tonight.
Grace, the ticky box is the box you can click on in Blogger to have comments on a thread go to your e-mail. It's under the "Choose an identity" section. Very convenient for keeping up with this chatty bunch ;-)
Comments on a post, I meant. Dang I'm tired. I can't even blame it on Irish Car Bombs...
You could attribute it to your introduction to Irish whiskey, though...
Oh, and my research collaborator just came wandering into my office. "Was that a REAL letter from the journal?"
Jess, I too hear new voices in my head now. The voices of many fiends. Oh yes.
Phiala - that's just wrong. Smite smite smite (professionally of course).
Not in Kansas any more. Finally we're where the stars at night are big and bright (if you're not in the middle of a major city). Going to look for BBQ...
Na - Happy Canada Day -- deep in the heart of Texas!
I'll have fiends know that was two sips of Irish whiskey. Phiala is determined to make me into a wild woman. What a great roomie!
Good Grief! Exactly what shape *is* that kitteh?! I thought my fleabag looked like a skittle when she does proper sitting-up, but Magic (I think it's Magic)looks as if he's unexpectedly swallowed a bowling ball, like a cartoon puddy. (Not that I'd tell him that to his face, *obviously*).
Thanks for linking to my story Phiala! [/shameless self promotion] I am pretty excited. Wee.
Secret Squirrel -- my experience is that people just like to know that they are loved and thought of at times like this. Saying whatever is in your heart is usually good. Telling them that you are not sure what to say is okay too.
Phiala. I was once secretary for an editor for a scientific journal and sometimes I got behind on reminders to referees and such. But if anything had been out for a year the editor would surely have reviewed it himself. That letter is just wrong. Wrong.
Aleta, I wasn't positive you'd do your own promotion, and I'd just gotten the announcement. Very exciting!
I'm an assistant editor for a different. I would NEVER do something like that. I'd recruit my friends, acquaintances, the guy down the hall, or review it myself. ESPECIALLY after first-round revisions.
And in other news, Nick just called. He's going out somewhere and won't be back until after 7:30. Dog, cat, beer, laptop for me, I guess. Except it's my BIRTHDAY, and I've been home for 1 day out the past 18. Gee, you think it might have been an appropriate evening to go out to dinner? Spend time together?
Boys. Bah.
Hi - I've been blogging and uploading photos - here and will be on facebook very shortly.
can't do flickr until I can remeber my password...
Happy Happy Firbday Phiala!
Ok, that link isn't right. It's at www.margomusing.blogspot.com
And Happy Firbday, Phiala..
Happy Birthday Phiala!!! Virtual hugs (and I'd love to take you out to dinner too but I'm thinking virtual doesn't cut it in this case) I hope your boy is planning a surprise party and that's the reason he is going to be late!
Thanks for the tip One Sock Short (I don't know your real name - was considering Socky, but that seemed a bit too much) I may have to start using the ticky box myself..
Sorry can't suggest anything useful Secret Squirrel, I'm usually quite useless when it comes to 'serious' stuff and just try to ignore it and get back to normal as soon as pos. Tho maybe that's the way to go - he doesn't probably want to think/worry about it any more than necessary?
Will save to read Aleta's story tomorrow. Yay
Gah! I am so mentally challenged today! You only told me yesterday; how could I forget so soon? Happy Birthday Phiala!
Grace, lots of fiends use OSS for short here. Or just Sock. I've grown quite used to answering to both.
Okay, back to adoring the cat before I can come back to play. I have much to make up for.
Phiala - have a wonderful Firbday, despite Nick being out. Nice bubble bath with champagne perhaps?
Aleta, I love love love the story. I may never look at my home the same way again.
Happy birthday Phiala!
(Hello everyone, by the way. I thought I'd better say hello as I've now met some of you for real!)
Hi Mr. Jess! Thank you for the birthday wishes - thank all of you!
Nick did *not* bring home chocolate. But he was home before 7:30 at least. We went out for sushi, and then acquired some ice cream.
Now: raining pleasantly, and I'm full and very tired. You'd think I'd been out gallivanting or something.
Well that's not a bad birthday outing, actually. Is he redeemed? :)
I love you, Fiend-in-law. Even though I'm on the computer and you're not, and have no idea what's been said.
I'm sure, given the circumstances, everyone will behave themselves. :D
Jess has BOY GERMS
*fiends run in frantic circles to avoid boy germs*
Fiend-in-law. Hee hee. I like that.
I had a lovely day with Ticia. Dragging her around with the family. She was a great sport and very good company.
It was great to meet people this weekend and if my ear had been more cooperative I would have drunk all-ya-all under the table. ;) Another time.
Off to cat, dog, kid, and elder care. Night all. XOXO
that sounds like a challenge i will be happy to take you up on gaypet ;)
glad your birthday had a happy ending phiala.
*waves*hi mr. jess.
Is it possible that the person who sent you the letter is a n00b when it comes to the whole process? I've had some similar problems in the World of Journalism. Usually revolve around new people who are overwhelmed and out of their league.
Heh! Boy Germs!!! You fiends crack me up!
Happy Firbday, Phiala!!! I meant to tell you I love your haircut. It curls just right and looks great pulled back.
And Dennis said he often was asked to review for journals at the last minute as a favor to his former advisers. He concurs with your assessment.
Well, the in-laws kept us busy today. They don't understand the concept of resting on vacation. Revelle got some clothes for school this fall - there's no place like a ski resort in summer for boots and jackets on sale.
I got a black floppy hat. Not as cool as Ticia's, but it's black, at least. And a purple t-shirt. AND a cool knit hat with a bobble top and side braids that has speakers in the ear flaps. Oooooh. Perfect for walking in winter. Listening to audiobooks!
I'm going to bed earlier tonight because these people are crazy and want me to get up by 8 am. WTF?
You all are funny, and I say this with my southern accent :-)
Phiala, glad you got to go out after all. Some birthdays are better than others, sad to say, they should all be great. And hate that you got that letter. Not much of a fun homecoming....
Love looking at all the fiend trip pix!
First things first:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...you have no idea how sad I am that blogger won't allow big or font size tags. I wanted to make the birthday wishes three stories tall.
Everything that happened Monday night was Ticia and Vampi's fault. Don't let them pass the blame around, oh no. We know who makes mischief around here.
I miss fiends!
I was up crazy early this morning because my nephew put beads in his ears(yes both of them) last night and had to go emergency this morning to get them out. He's fine, so fine in fact that he kept asking "can I go back to the doctor?"
Lol, but now I am tired. Goodnight, fiends!
i was innocent, then i went to fiendom come.
*falls out of chair*
Vampi, I'm not buying it. And what happened Monday night??
i feel like my innocence has been besmirched.
monday, as i recall, despite several drinks, i untangled at least 0 necklaces. clearly not the work of a bawdy hellraiser.
lurvely kitteh photos, Q and Nat. these ones are heartstealers. must be someone special they're waiting for.
happy (belated) firbday wishes, phiala!
'lo Mr. Jess.
'lo peeps. yep -- Canada Day spent in Tejas. and in other ironic moments, we will spend part of the Fourth at a neighborhood parade and party, for the neighborhood in which we formerly lived, a parade and party we missed each of the six years we lived there because we were always somewhere else for the Fourth.
hey, i untangled 0 necklaces, too! ;)
Me too, what a coincidence!
Happy happy Firbday Phiala- sorry I'm so late with wishes for you.
Work work work....no Fiends. Not nearly as much fun. I miss y'all.
Outdoor gig was good.
Home now.
E-mail done.
Nathilie sleeping.
Me too.
Got no more for you tonight, did hear some rare tales from Marjorie tho, on some things I missed this past weekend....
aaand just saw Kitty's tweet that she is in Edmonton.
I think I DID untangle some necklaces. Hm.
I just posted 51 pictures on FB, mostly from Friday and Saturday. If I labeled anyone wrong, I will do a pre-emptive whine right now; "My brain hurts." Please tag them for me! I uploaded smaller files so if you like one let me know and I'll send you the full-sized one.
Going to bed. Yet again. This is getting to be a habit.
Happy Birthday Phiala!! Glad boy came through in the end.
i am somewhat concerned about these tales marjorie is telling...
all i'm saying is i remembered to polish the halo, but the horns were a bit rumpled.
I would love to adopt the kitties, but somehow I don't think they would appreciate being shipped half way around the world to then live in the world's smallest flat. Sorry!
Happy Firbday Phiala:)
Good thing Nick came through in the end.
Y'all are killing me with all this talk of cooties. Still giggling. Don't think I'm ever gonna grow up.;-P
I've been enjoying all the wonderful Fiend photos on Facebook.
(Jess, your captions crack me up..with SCIENCE!!)
Hi fiends! A lament from me:
I think my camera is broken. Some of the pictures I took yesterday got corrupted and were lost (beeing, Zoe and car show) and could not be uploaded onto Lorraine's computer. I changed the memory card and now when I turn the camera on, it just flashes "busy" instead of letting me take pictures...
I'll better upload onto Flickr ALL the pictures I want to keep now, for I might never recover the data on my memory cards.
If I wasn't so tired, I might cry.
Ah... Yes, alas. I am afraid so.
And :( indeed because I was supposed to take pictures of the Royals this morning and my camera refuses to function.
But good morning to you nevertheless and a happy belated firbday to Phiala.
Oh and boo hiss on the sloppy editing job.
Nat, I'm so sorry to hear that. You take the most poetic pictures. May your camera mysteriously fix itself, or at least be repairable.
oh woo hoo!! so happy it went off without a hitch.
but wee sad that i missed it and several other things---
you can check neverwear.net and click news to see where i been hanging out.
can't wait to see you Q!
Oh no! I will resist the urge to blame myself (see how I'm resisting). I hope it turns out to be something fixable. You do take such wonderful pics, it's a shame for you to be cameraless.
I'm still wporking on my pics. It took the entire evening to upload them to flickr. Tonight I'll sort them out and make the good ones public.
Must skedaddle to work now.
Oh! Missed the bulk of the comments on the gigs, so here's. Late one. Lorraine, you are an incredible musician! As is Paul. I knew from some clips I had seen online that you were good. But wowza!
I hope it will be repairable (although, if it isn't, that would be the perfect excuse to buy a more recent model with self cleaning CCDs). And that if it is repaired I can access to all pictures on my memory cards (I used 2 just this week, 2GB+1). But it annoys me not being able to take pictures of the royals. I guess I'll have to try with Lorraine's camera...
We've missed you, Kitty.
I am pleased to report that I managed to solve the camera problem. By taking out the battery and reinserting it. Where is the rationality in that, I am not sure but then again electronic components aren't exactly rational things either as far as behaviour is concerned (sorry if I am offending any robot that might be lurking about).
Just to reassure you, my camera does the same thing to me on a regular basis, especially when I'm trying to download photos! Given me a few panicky moments, but take out the battery, reinsert and hey presto all fine again!
Reminds me of another bit of electronic logic Eddie Izzard talks about, when the tv remte control breaks - you put your hand against the batteries and roll them up and down...lol!
Great pics btw, looks like it was a fab wkend! love the bee pics especially.
nat, might be worth going to best buy or some other electronics store and try getting a cheap little card reader. get all the pics of and reformat the 2 cards. if someone's camera uses the same type of cards, you can swap the card int another camera and get the pics off.
i so hope your camera isn't totally broke. it takes lovely pictures. it was a canon, right? the canon repair center is in Illinois somewhere, so if you call them and want to send it off or get a local authorized repair center. that would be cheaper to do while stateside. i've had to send mine off to them twice and they were great.
i'm off to go scout out all these facebook pics i keep being marked in.
Apparently it's the kind of day where I can't even remember to make coffee until 10:30.
I also forgot that I have tomorrow off. Apparently this is a good thing.
Oh, and *thank you* for all the birthday wishes! I ended up with sushi and chocolate ice cream, just far later in the evening than I'd anticipated.
for those not on twitter weebl on twitter
warning contains animated egg body functions
I hope you have a good flight back, Nathalie! It was great to meet you. :)
When it comes to panhandlers, you've just got to reward creativity sometimes.
Today a man came up to me and said he was walking for AIDS and would I sponsor him at $5 a mile. He had a sign-up sheet that consisted of a blank sheet of paper with some names on it. That alone was pretty creative. But one of the names caught my eye. Apparently Neil Gaiman is sponsoring his walk.
I shook his hand, gave him the last of my cash ($4), and signed up. As Tanith Lee.
That's awesome OSS
Hm. Who would I be? The Great and Powerful Fluffy, of course. Why change a winning formula?
Went retailing with the in-laws today - that's what they do. I think that's where my little Revelle gets her love for all brands expensive. She doesn't like to shop at Wal-Mart with her mom. Coach store, yes.
We are going out to dinner tonight. Cover me! I'm going out.
Fluffy, I got your six!
OSS I love that!
Vampi, *you* need not be concerned about the tales I am telling . . .
OSS! Fan. Tastic.
Not looking at Weebl just now. Monsters're sleeping. But was reminded of a certain link when someone brought delicious, wonderful, splendid, oh-fods-how-I've-missed-good-Mexican-food tamales to a potluck tonight.
Drive by comment - shop got flooded after serious thunder storms, could have been *much* worse but still a lot of papier-mache to dispose of. Gonna be mostly off line while I clean up the mess. Life is never dull.
Louisa! Oh, no! I hope damage was minimal, and covered by insurance. Good luck with the clean-up.
OSS, that's possibly the most entertaining panhandler story I've heard.
G'morning all. I have the day off!! Yay! But I think I should really finish this overdue article, don't you?
Good morning everyone!!!!!!!
(I think it might be the coffee talking.)
But, Good morning!!!!!!!!
Finally stopping by as all the relatives are out somewhere and I can commandeer a computer. I miss you guys--in person and online!
Oh Louisa, so sorry to hear that. I do hope that nothing irreplaceable was damaged or destroted, and that insurance will cover what was lost.
Oh Louisa, how lousy. I'm sorry.
Happy birthday to Jack. I am trying to sing Paul and Lorraine's Happy Birthday song to him but he will not have it. I don't think he's ever heard it before, though.
I have poison ivy on my BUTT. Only on one side of my BUTT tho. Which is funny, as Nathilie kept asking "Is that poison ivy" (While looking at PLANTS, not my BUTT!)and I kept telling her I would show her some, as I do know what it looks like.
And, uh, no, I will not be posting pics of my Poison Ivy Rash.
sorry to hear you have poison ivy butt. Has no one told Cabal that flowers and chocolates (or Mangoes_)are the gift of choice he should be bringing you?
I'm sorry you have a rash Lorraine. I'm wondering if it is somehow Fiend related. Seems awfully coincidental that this happened now. (grin)
is this what hot cross buns are?
(aveeno makes a good calamine lotion. i use it becaus i can't use benedryl.)
Morning/evening all. I am sadder than sad about missing all the fun, but love hearing about it.
And, Natlaw, SUCH great pictures. Is Magic letting anyone besides Fablo pet him? He's clearly curious about you, with those gorgeous great eyes...
Fablo...best remedy for horrible itchiness... immerse rash into the hottest water you can stand (obviously not scalding any parts..) It will itch like billybe**sus, briefly, and then won't itch again for hours. Uses up all the histamine in the cells, or so I'm told. Works great!
hello fiends!
I am back home trying to clear space on my computer for the roughly 3GB of photos I took...
Sorry about the rash, Lorraine BUT what I really want to know is how you managed to get it. On your butt.
Sorry about the flood Louisa. Is that at home or at work? Or both?
And Magic is curious (and he loves Mim so rubbed nose with her. She must like him because she did not slap him in return).
Quick new post is up...
I feel like the Magic-Mim relationship is sort of a fur bidden love (Okay, I swear I didn't write that, that's how my voice software wrote forbidden!!! how did it know?)
we're pretending today is Sunday since we'll be gone the whole weekend at MotoGP. so I'm making for Todd and having a mocha. Hubby is off work today for the holiday, he and Ben are playing wii.
Q (and everyone else) I still owe you the frittata recipe and will write it up and put it on foodporn.com for all to see soon.
Sorry to hear about your itchy booty :( what a horrible place to have a rash!!!
Oh Louisa- sorry to hear about flooding.
Dabbler, I've been doing the hot water trick on bad mosquito bites since I was a kid, but it's nice to finally know why it works.
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