This is some TIERD!
You know, I'm not sure what gives here. I got up at 6 this morning and had tons of energy, did a couple hours house chores and morning e-mail, nipped out to the stable for a ride, then went into work, and now here I am home again only 13 hours later, and I feel like I may not get off this couch tonight. I'm REALLY beat.
I am going to sit here tonight, with a little L&OSVU and sift thru a LOT of San Fransisco hotel recommendations. For at least another hour before I go to bed.
It's raining here which Mim thinks is great, worries Venus to no end and as far as I can tell doesn't even register with Magic-the-ever-hungry. Also, as far as I can tell, does not register with not one, but two of the houses on the block, who are out in their yards gardening. I am so not in this league.
I'm going to see if I can keep this early morning wakefullness up. It's weird, but I think will be worth it, and in time, perhaps I won't get so tired. The payoff for these early morning rides is huge, and being stronger can only help with both FIT and stress. It's just getting there that is difficult.
May not look at hotels. May just sit here and ponder why for the life of me, I can't tell the difference between the Philippines and New Zealand.
Love and weary,
New Zealand is to the right of Australia, and the Phillipines aren't.
All you need to know.
I am weary too, and waiting for the sun to go down so I can go to bed.
Of course, have to get the mail and put out the garbage 1st, but still.
Rest well, Lorraine!
(don't tell I forgot to tick the box....)
New Zealand vs. Phillipines for what? Deciding which one to invade with your mad skillz?
We all deserve some resting time...
just don´t be afraid to let those times happen (and I have to confess Boyfriend saud this same thing to me this morning when I said I am going back to work without doctor allowing, so my boss is happy - don´t think is your case though).
Just have to agree with Boyfriend...we need this resting time :D
Have a good blessed night dear...
PS: its freezing here, and houses have not heating, would you mind sending some hot weather? (it was snowing in the South of Brazil!)
New Zealand has lots of wool. And Ashford spinning wheels. What more could anyone need to know? Oh, and Ngaio Marsh.
Sounds like a night of semi-downtime is a good plan. One I might try to emulate.
I've been thinking of checking out that morning thing. It has been calling to me but I have been rolling over and going back to sleep.
Stress is an odd thing. Has a life and mind of its own.
I am thinking of buying one of them and retiring there. They're islands, right?
Down time tonight no bad plan.
Aline, sorry about the freezing! I didn't even know Brazil GOT cold....
You can get a LOT done getting up at six. Kills the evening, but sure does rock the AM.
With the morning, everything seems possible - you have such a long stretch of time ahead of you. After a while getting up at 8;00 seems like getting up at noon with half the day gone. But yes, bedtime calls early.
Too true Toronto Can't Stop The Serenity, and welcome!
I think I speak for everyone when I say, How Exactly did your name come about? We need to know these things!
I heard once that getting up in the morning "shocks" one's system into being more fully awake. Not sure if this is true, but it sounds like it could make sense. And then the Later comes and knocks one over.
Ha! Joss Whedon did a movie - Serenity. On or around his birthday (June 23rd) cities across the world show the movie to raise funds for his favourite charity, Equality Now who do wonderful, much needed things for women everywhere. I happened to be logged onto the blog promoting our screening, so this is the name that came with the post!
Snow in Brazil? Wow. Its freezing over here in Australia too Aline. I'm sitting at the computer under a blanket, and wearing fingerless gloves and a scarf - as well as normal wintery clothes.
Have a restful night Lorraine, after a long and busy day.
How cool is that, Serenity? Way cool I say. You sound like you might fit in real well here. It's a fun bunch, and their hearts are good.
(OK, so an odd bunch, but that's not a BAD thing)
I am back to "up in the early morning" (ahhhh work) but I haven't yet convinced my naturally night-hawkish body that earlier to sleep is a Good Idea.
Your body will adjust and you may find a second wind later in the afternoon.
....or possibly not. Maybe you just plain need more rest there Ms Q.
p.s. Gardening in the rain is good. Weeds come out easier and plants don't shock out. mmmmmm....wet and muddy goodness :P
Beez, been e-mailing with someone tonight who wonders if you are the Beez from MST-something-thousand, who was the prop mistress ten years ago?
See how famous you are, mud loving mad garden fiend!
Thank you kindly, Lorraine.
And personally, I find a short midafternoon nap helps me with the energy level and awakedness later in the day.
Oh yes, lots of Whedon fans here. But this is the first I'd heard about the charity showings. Must find out if there's one in Chicago.
One Shock Short, it is Aug. 29th in Chicago. All cities listed at And now I'll stop taking over this discussion.
That's not taking over. That's providing Very Important Information.
I think mornings are overrated, but that's just me. I've always been a night owl, which helps when I want to stay awake to talk to people on the left coast.
I also like naps.
I'm still totally enjoying the new haircut!
I'm with OSS, Serenity, that's not taking over, and anyway, even if it was, we LIKE that sort of thing. Talk goes everywhere here, and Joss Wheadon and a Cool Thing together are never un-welcome.
Wow- was not prop mistress but worked with the whole MST bunch when I was house-managing comedy club that I won't name right now. Slightly *koff*more*koff* than 10 years ago.
>>>also a Mad Wheadon Fan<<<<
I'm sorry you're weary, Quiche. I hope you rest well tonight
Okay, I was just here for ticky box!
And, if I don't make it back from this cruise, suspect foul play! I forced reluctant teens to hike up a huge hill to view a monument and they are threatening dire retribution. You are my witnesses. If I'm not back on Sunday....
Beez, did you work with Joel? We knew each other in college. (if it was only 10 years ago I'd guess he was already out of the picture)
I swear so many of us have lived like one degree of separation from each other in the geographical world for decades and end up actually meeting each other here.
Some kinda powerful force created by FabLo.
its does snow in the south and mountain areas.
Brazil is a very big country. We get summer in the North and Snow in the South in the same day...
I am under my duvet, having some tee and considering sleeping right now.(since I´ve just finished my writing pieces for today... am very pleased...)
and Fiends... You suddenly became very important to me! and I am amazed, pleased and VERY, VERY HAPPY with it :D thank you all!
Aline, we are glad you are here. It's a special group, whole lot of love and support going on, no matter what's going on. Serenity , you too. And any other new people who want to be here.
Plenty of room.
I am going to be under my duvet too very soon, but it's so nice down here listening to the rain. And Magics yowls.
I am also very weary today. I somehow got through two jobs and two hours worth of driving. Very sleep.
And, Serenity, I've been a Browncoat since Firefly was on Fox and I wanted to figure out who the girl in the box was. Very cool.
Aleta, I -did- work with Joel. First got to know him the year he won the College Comedy Competition, so pre-MSTanything. Also Trace and Frank- pretty much the whole lot of them.
Joel is such an original- soooo funny, such -smart- comedy too. I got real tired of the scatalogical/sex boys-club humor.
So basically you got to know him at the same time I knew him. Wild.
Gosh, Lorraine, after 13 hours of constant go-age, you were tired? Pfft.
Now me, I had to take le offspring to WalMart so we could get our nails done in the massage-y chairs after we exercised. Oh, deary, deary me! I know I MUST have done something else, cause dinner and dishes got done...
Bedtime now if I want to get up early enough to beat the heat.
And I have NOT yet lost that 20 lbs. WTH?
And on a serious note, declawing is basically removing the first joint of each finger. I did it once to a cat when I was even more ignorant than I am now, and it makes me ill to think of it.
I also have not found a way to keep cats from clawing (especially if they are smart enough to only do it when you're gone.) Couldn't figure out how to keep the sticky stuff on the furniture without damaging it...
Okay, bedtime.
About the double-sided sticky tape-
My mom has a cat scratcher and uses the tape on her couch and chairs. It has never kept her cat from scratching the furniture.
My mother's cat is also a spoiled brat who eats dinner sitting on the table and has been known to pull food off people's plates when they're not looking (or even when they are). Actually, it provides a little insight into how I got to be such a spoiled brat.
Well New Zealand has the best rugby player team by far...
And it has Hera.
Going to SF?
The Philippines do have the world's largest eagle. Turly!
May not look at hotels. May just sit here and ponder why for the life of me, I can't tell the difference between the Philippines and New Zealand.
Oh, honey! That is some tired, all right - since you managed to send The Boss all the way to my bit country twice, smooth as silk (or pineapple cloth, as the case may be; and he would look deadly in a black barong tagalog, though I digress...just saying, though).
I hope by the time you seethis comment, you will have got all the rest you need. Always a pleasure to hear from you.
p/s - the Philippines has 7,107 islands; the exact number fluctuates depending on the tide. *grin* I'm sure that if you wanted an island of your own someday, arrangements could be made.
Rest, Ms. Fabulous, it keeps us all healthy.
New Zealand has the Maori. The Philippines have Imelda Marcos' shoes.
IIRC, there are Fiends in both places. :) At least, according to the skull map. I think Starshadow is in the Philippines, but I'm not sure the New Zealand Fiend(s) has delurked yet. Now that I've opened my mouth, I'm sure we'll find out. ;)
I should have known that Aline, Brazil is bigger than Australia and has as much variety. That was as silly of me as when people thing Australia is just red desert ::headdesk::
Hera! Hera is in NZ.
Tysie claws the furniture, the carpet, her scratching posts, us, the dogs...she also does that hilarious upside down crawl pulling herself along the underside of couches.
See? ::looking up::
New Fiends!
Hi, Kari Wolfe, Miss Patch, and Toronto Can't Stop The Serenity! Welcome to Fiendom! Look around and find yourself a nice white jacket with loads of buckles. You'll also find supplies for personalizing your jacket. ;)
Lots of Browncoats among the Fiends, TCStS. Dr. Paul is a Browncoat, and has even been known to sing the "Firefly" them song. :)
Nice interview, Kari! Many answers can be found in the posts and comments here, particularly in the past year. Give me a day, or so, and I'll point you at the first use of Fiend.
The new Fiendocracy begins in T minus 8 days!
Are you prepared? CX
I find getting up at 6 means I get to be properly awake by the time I actually have to start work. I should like to be a ble to swimming first thing but sadly the pool doesn't open early enough to let me do that.
Loks like the Phillipines have more islands, so paerhpa syu can have one of those, and then you can go visit Hera in NZ when you fancy a change...
I have to go to court for the Case that Never Ends, today. I think I am fast approaching the point where my file weighs more than I do...
On the plus side, I did have strawberries for breakfast today :-)
Good luck with the case, Marjorie!
I'm to bed.
Dreet Sweams, Fiends!
tick box. sleep. dream.
busy quiche and busy fiends. my friend from the netherlands is visiting. i am showing him and his friends around lala-land. exhausting. we walked around santa monica and the griffith observatory. lots of driving. i did manage to score some tickets to see dodger game tomorrow. not sure what we are going to do in the afternoon.
i got a gorey book. my first. i'm no longer a gorey virgin. it's called the gilded bat and is about a ballerina. it's lovely.
and my final best thing every about today, i got my coraline cat's don't need names shirt from kitty. it's an awesome shirt. i just washed it so i can wear it tomorrow!
next week *squee*
almost finished American Gods. I'm really pleased now because it turned out much better than I was expecting (hope that doesn't sound harsh but I am not really into ghoulish fiendish things - unless they are on FabLo's blog tee hee). Really liking it now.
As for getting up early - I find it's a mixed blessing. I convince myself there is plenty of time to do everything - and then end up doing nothing useful at all.
Good luck at the court Marjorie, hope it turns into A Case That Ends Well For You Soon.
Like the sleeping cats on the blog Lorraine, so sweet how they have a tier each. I should get one of those too, but they are so expensive.
Oh, about clawing underside of couches - I don't mind so much - saves me dusting. Actually, my cats are quite well behaved, they have loads of little scratchy posts all over the place plus the poor trees in the garden, but they will still sometimes try to stretch up the arm of the armchair or a sofa they'd just been sleeping on. I think they forget themselves. But we just say 'oi' and they slink off. Of course, who knows what they get up to when we are not around..
I'm taking the kids to Colorado next week, and last week I stayed up too late every night, so this week I'm trying to go to bed early and then sleep in so that I don't get too run down and get sick. Ugh. It's just *barely* working. I can feel my body's defenses wavering, and the sickness at the gates clamoring for entrance.
Hi Everybody! Off in the wilds of northern Michigan, with erratic internet access. But going to a sheep farm/yarn mill/wool store later today, so all is well.
Back next week for proper. In and out for now.
PS May never catch up on back comments, and not even going to TOUCH twitter. Email me if you need anything...
Not tired anymore, but late. ABout to go and get covered in mud while riding. Oddly enough, this makes me happy.
Mud is good for the skin.
Happy muddy riding! That sounds like a lot of fun although hardly fair that the horses are the ones who get to splash through the puddles.
Movies can help keep New Zealand and the Philippines straight: Lord of the Rings and Whale Rider were made in New Zealand, Apocalypse Now was shot in the Philippines.
This morning I meant to get up at 9 but really ended up waking up at 9:45, because one of my cats needed some extra cuddling. I think it was worth it.
Although, I do have to say that if I had awesome morning activities in the works, like riding, I would also probably get up early to enjoy them. Maybe I should find a beach yoga class and go to that...
Hey dear, watch out for job burnout. Get you some rest time, like 5~10min each 90 minutes.
It always get me extra breath.
About 10 years ago I could happily get out of bed at I can barely open my eyes before 7.30! I think it has a lot to do with being active, 10 years ago I was helping teach 5 year olds, now I'm immobile behind a desk all day - get brain tired but my body never really gets going!
Anyway feeling qu bouncy after a week relaxing in Devon, lots of lovely walks around coast and games of cricket in the garden. And I got my fingers sucked by a baby cow, weirdest feeling in the world!
well kids, here's hoping 3 hours of sleep will be enough:(
i sent Kitty a thank you for getting my cat shirt so quickly and
"am now in TX with Jonas-- today I have to set a dressing room for Larry King. ---??! I hope all is well, send Qs blog my love!! xo"
New reader from the @neilhimself tweets.
Just wanted to be encouraging: to a large extant FIT is a mindset and your mindset is fab!
Sounds like you are doing fantastically well, jus' thought I'd say ;-)
l xx
ariandalen... that CX. I've wondered what 't'was... is it skull and crossbones?
Hey fiends! I've been moving and now have a lovely house with small game trails through the towers of boxes, yikes!
I separate countries by their fuds, as I love the fud very much. Filipino adobo, lumpia, and I believe bistek (not sure on that, as am not a beef eater) are the 'national' dishes. New Zealand has lamb, of course, and pavlova and ANZAC biscuits.
Wow, I'd be a horrible travel agent. :)
I suspect the Bee-Bengal Alliance has been working in my favor; someone was stealing my mail (which included the free neuter certificate for my new rescue kitty), and my neighbor caught him literally with his arm in my mailbox. He yelled, the mail thief took off, cops got him a few blocks away, and my neighbor identified him in a line-up by what looked like bee stings on his face.
Poor tired Lorraine!
Hi-de-ho, all! And a special 'hi' to new fiends.
I've moved into early-rising-ness. It is a great time of day to have to yourself and get things done. Even if those Things are only coffee & some reading before the day really begins.
It was a great day. Got a haircut and visited Villa Medicis (loads of very cute guys, alas made of stone).
Aren't most men , Nathilie? Best thing for them, really...
Still have the early morning energy, but it could run out at any point...
Jess! very funny.
Hope, what a great story!
All very good here. I sent off an invoice for one assignment yesterday, and received a contract in the mail for a new one today. Hurray! So now can devote lots of attention to housework and gardening, plus packing for trip to MN, between work projects. Yep. Getting riiiight on that.
I was sure it was 85 F this morning here, but apparently it's only 75. I assume this is what is meant by a-cluh-may-shun.
Jess - Thanks for solving an emoticon mystery for me. I recognized the skull and crossbones, but had been wondering what \o/ meant. Context helped recognize the person with "yay" arms (or "help" arms, as the case may be.
Hope - \o/ on being in new home. And for thieves getting caught red-handed, and welty-faced.
Lorraine, will a healthy (fruit maybe?) snack help?
Or maybe he's been forced to walk the plank by CX, thinks it's dolphins and is celebrating his rescue by pinipeds prematurely.
You guys are nuts! Jess, I'm going to send the emoticon to the offspring. Very hilarious. Not just mildly - VERY. And I like Na's very fiendish take.
NZed has the Haka, many of my Pratchett friends, Flight of the Conchords and huge numbers of rainbows. And Pineapple Lumps, which taste much better than they look! The Philippines has another Pratchett friend Doddie's family and they are all about the FOOD. I like the Imelda Marcos's shoes tourist attraction! Is there a museum? There should be. It would fit perfectly in Las Vegas.
I can only get up early in the summer (don't have to get the offspring ready for school) by remembering how damn hot it's going to be if I wait until 10 am to walk. It's a real motivator.
I dislike the health club that much. Rather get up early and still sweat my head off than exercise there. It's too... well, I think you all know what I mean.
Dan, our little family will be in Vail from the 29th to the 6th. Just giving you some warning. 91-year-old Jewish grandmas are involved. And Nobody wants that on their vacation... The Third Degree was invented by Jewish grandmas ("So you're my son's sister-in-law. Why don't you marry that boy you live with?").
Hope, glad you've moved successfully, and that your mail-thief was caught. Sounds like you have good neighbour(s)!
doh, FTR, dolphins aren't pinnipeds. nor are they porpoises/Phoecinidae, which is where my mind was going. so, um, little mental editing required there. (my paleontologist/mammologist guy will laugh at the lapse. and he'll probably be delighted to tell anyone about the report I did on hippos for our paleo/mammals class.)
Hippos? Wow...if that gets told at Fiendom Come somebody PLEASE write it down :)
BTW, for non-twittering fiends there are some pics here of the awesome art which goes with the stamps & Boss's story (Don't click if you ordered some and want to be surprised...)
Hippos. Got it. I'll bring a pad of paper.
So, would this
be people doing the Mexican wave?
Ok, I'm just saying - I was AT WORK, AT MY DESK, at 6:00AM this morning.
At least I think it was this morning - I believe I'm too tired to tell.
In 1 week, I'll be chatting face to face with Marjorie.
Night, Fiendom
(why is it no one ever says Night, Siri back, and what's happened to ariandalen's Mwahahahahahahs?)
Night, Siri.
One week, two days.
'night Siri! Sweet dreams!
Night sweet Siri
Thank you three, and good night, really now.
That was shorter than I intended. Demanding cat moment.
At work at 6:00 just makes my head spin. I am neither a morning person or a night person. Mostly I'm a person who seems to need more sleep than any person has time for. I'm part cat maybe?
Still a lot to do before this one week and two days are over. But oh, how it will be worth it. Both nervous and excited about meeting all of you.
We have Hope! New post up!
(Night Siri)
IIRC, we have Dread Val to thank for the skull and crossbones keystrokes. CX
Hope you had a fun ride this morning, Ms. Fabulous!
Hi, King_Mob and elle! New Fiends are always welcome to sit at the feet of our Queen Empress to hear her words of wisdom. Here, take your white buckled jacket and these supplies for personalizing said jacket. They are all the rage among Fiends. :)
Sally. . .::GROAN::
philippines = 7,000 plus islands
new zealand = um, five?
New Zealand has pink sheep, I bet the Phillipines don't. ;)
Let me know if you need San Francisco restaurant recs too; I know the best breakfast place with amazing focaccia across the street (because who doesn't want rosemary focaccia at 9am).
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