Dead. Like Me.
At some point, I am certain, I am going to get used to rising early, riding, nipping into work for a full (and then some some days) day, coming home, tending to the Spooky House and my Bengal Horde.
I will not only be used to it, I will no doubt add in an evening workout, a bit of novel writing, clean out those darn cupboards, and send off some purely social e-mails, written WITH a brain.
My body will not be too tired to move. My brain will function.
Some day. But not tonight.
I shall stay awake for another episode of Dead Like Me, which I am watching with houseguest Woodsman Hans (especially since I just talked him into getting me Ice-Scream) and then to bed, to sleep, perchance to dream....
WHICH is a bit of a problem these days, all this dreaming. What is UP with this Simon Cowell thing. Twice in one week is a bit much. And odd. So far he's done my makeup and made me pancakes.
Tonight? Well, here's hoping he does my laundry..
Love and Dead, Like Me,
I will not only be used to it, I will no doubt add in an evening workout, a bit of novel writing, clean out those darn cupboards, and send off some purely social e-mails, written WITH a brain.
My body will not be too tired to move. My brain will function.
Some day. But not tonight.
I shall stay awake for another episode of Dead Like Me, which I am watching with houseguest Woodsman Hans (especially since I just talked him into getting me Ice-Scream) and then to bed, to sleep, perchance to dream....
WHICH is a bit of a problem these days, all this dreaming. What is UP with this Simon Cowell thing. Twice in one week is a bit much. And odd. So far he's done my makeup and made me pancakes.
Tonight? Well, here's hoping he does my laundry..
Love and Dead, Like Me,
So, he is taking on the role of servant? Cool. Could this be your poor tired brain telling you that you need a break?
And, if you wake up in the morning and your laundry is done, could you please dream that he cleaned my house from top to bottom?
That is a rough schedule.
But hey, pancakes. :)
I've got nothing.
When you do I will get you and invisible jet and a Lariat of Truth to go with the tiaras. might not like the outfit though.
(Son+ got me started on Dead Like Me. It's great).
"Dead Like Me" is such a great show!
You will eventually get used to it, or you will figure out a better schedule for you. I was really good at pretending to be a morning person back when I started work at 7:30.
I love Dead Like Me!
Today I was offered the chance to move the family to Japan for two years, then return even more employable. We are very tempted.
Wow, Dan. That would be quite an adventure!
I love Dead Like Me! That reminds me that I need to watch the new (to me) DLM movie...hmmm...wonder if it is available streaming on netflix...
So...only one bengal foster home in Ohio, eh...hmmm...(as I typed this a black cat fell onto my head from above. life is like that...)
If he does laundry, can you send him in t he direction of my dreams?
Dan-- sounds like a GREAT opportunity!
Dan--make sure you get *everything* and I do mean EVERYTHING in the contract, including size of housing provided ... what type of washer/dryer set up.... whether you *and* your family will have to leave (and for how long)for the Visa renewals....although my friends always enjoyed their six week jaunts in Thailand.
If you've already had experience w/living and working in Asia, esp Japan or Korea, ignore. You already know.
But oh, the adventure for your kids!! Make sure they retain any linguistic advances!
Lorraine--Dead Like Me so totally rocks. Sadness when it was cancelled. Rumours abound of a season only released on DVD, but I can never find it.
Pancakes! Shiny :)
We love Dead Like Me, too. Movie was fun, not great but if you;re a fan of the show, definitely worth seeing.
Dear much to do, I feel tired reading your words. Hang in there..
Some day.
But today is not that day.
Rest well, Q.
Dan - wow. Just wow.
Sal - how's keep up the good nursing.
You'll either get used to your schedule, or you'll change it. Either way, it will change you. This may be a good thing, or a bad thing; a lot will depend on how you look at it.
Ani, glad things are looking up and you are well. {{{Ani}}}
mornings are evil. whoever invented them should be drawn and quartered.
enjoy your eye scream and show.
You're obviously working through something in your dreams Quiche.
Dan -That sounds extraordinary!
Sleep well sweet fiends. May your dreams be filled with wonder. May your day be filled with joy.
And, Happy Firbday Na!! (tomorrow will be here soon enough)
I very much like Dead Like Me.
I'd like to figure out mornings. They are not working for me right now. Or... I am not working well with them right now. Or something.
Night/Morning and all that.
Also Dan! That sounds tempting indeed!
You have the power to turn Simon C into a Brownie. w00t! Here's hoping for the laundry wish. And maybe he'd do the litter box scooping too, that'd be right handy! Hang in there Q. It is a lot to balance.
Dan, that's sounds so great, all around. And two years, it will go by quickly.
Thanks, Ticia!
Haven't seen Dead Like Me, but have heard many times how good it is. I'll put it on our Things to Watch this Winter list.
ok What exactly is going on>!am condused, been away too long, too many screaming kids in my ears, and too many early monrings for my brain. I like the title, Q, Dead. Like Me. i agree.
Hansy is staying with you?
and SImon Cowell is giving you dream visits...?? oy!
i miss you i miss you i miss you.
en route to Vegas. i will put a chip down on black for you sister.
and to everyone wishing me happy Eisner for Comic Book Tattoo, thanks so SO much. me very pleased.
GO to JAPAN. I trust you will probably take over.
think of the kids.
they will be the most educated kids in the universe when they get back!
and yes, i will not be able to call you for emergency help, but i think this opportunity is magic.
please excuse spelling errors, i am on a tour bus barreling down the highway...
Dead like Me is for the win. Show makes me bawl like a tiny child and laugh at the exact same time. Gotta love it.
You should ask Simon if he does windows.
Hmmmm trying to think of what Simon might mean to the subconscious...
a judge?
a critic?
a pompous ass?
in any case, having him in your service sounds like a good thing!
I will picture your time flowing gracefully and easily, all needs met, with rest and activity balanced harmoniously!!
ah I just need to figure out how to do the same for myself hehe
Poor you.
How come Hans is getting cuddly with Venus?
Dan, that is great news. If they are willing to take care of the details of your moving and relocation GO.
The Tattoo Comic Book got an Eisner?
How did I miss that? Congratulations, Kitty!
Hm. Why is Google signing me out alla time?
Anyway, I think Quiche definitely needs an assistant. We can probably do it if each of us does a small part of her job. Then she can get 8 hours of sleep every night. Except gig nights.
Ah. I'm brain-dead too - it's too late to be up. Back tomorrow, when I should hear from the camp nurse whether R has mono. wtvr
P.S. Was that a Q. in the jello fight pics on the boss's blog?
Dan, how exciting. Be tempted - it'd be fascinating, and 2 years is not forever..
Can't think of anything witty or exciting to say about Q's schedule. In my defence, it is too early in the morning, here, and I slept badly last night. Maybe later when I have had more coffee. For now, ticky box..
all I can think to say right now is I definitely have to make my own pancakes soon.
Today is Thrusday, yes? Na? Today is The Day in the Firbday week? Many happies! Again!
Dead Like Fiends!
Lysandwr :: I have no experience working overseas -- well, not legally, anyway -- and no experience working in Asia at all. What is this Visa renewals of which you speak? Right now we're just at the initial stages of discussion. They're offering relocation both ways, housing allowance, they'll pay all Visa / passport / international drivers license / notary fees, etc. I need to crunch the numbers and see how it works out. Depending on whether the housing market is going to bounce back, I don't know if we'd want to sell our house and buy again in two years, or rent it out until we get back.
And we could always opt to stay longer than two years.
Haven't seen the show, but it's definitely something I can relate to. Also quite looking forward to your novel.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Happy Firbday, NA....
Dragging here, too. Not as much excuse as Q, just weary. having big party on Sat. What is it with having energy to plan big party weeks ahead. As it approaches I get tireder and tireder, til it feels like a chore. Need Simon to come and clean my house. Or anyone.
Na - Happy Birthday, redux!
Dan, Japan, how way cool!
Kitty! We miss you! You would love Dead Like Me, watch it when you come home!
Hans is staying with me for a few days while he moves domiciles. He has t stay on the couch downstaires with Venus and Mim, as the spare room is up, and Lear won't stand men, and I don't want him to start peeing everywhere.
Lear. Not Hans.
Simon Cowell did not appear last night. Must be busy elsewhere.
I am getting plenty of sleep, no worries, just at different hours.
Now I am up, morning e-mail done, more or less, Bengals tended, house in order.
Ride, then work, then the last episodes of Dead Like me.
Good day.
Happy birthday, Na! Hooray!
Um, nothing. Work to do, papers to write.
Coffee to drink, donut to eat.
Off to it.
Dan! That's a stunning offer. O_O Just stunning. I think I'm particularly awed at the two-way moving expenses deal. No matter what you decide, I imagine it feels great simply to have this opportunity before you.
And *snort* Dead Like Fiends.
Thanks redux/reapplied for the firbday wishes! And Happy Firbday to all. Fiendz rule, yo.
Morning. Sounds like a good day ahead, Q. :)
Dan! Wow! That is a great opportunity and a difficult choice. Good luck.
Happy b-day Na!! :D
How much coffee is there in this house? I need it all.
wow dan. just wow. that is so an awesome opportunity.
i don't envy you in ming that decision, itis very difficult to do. another thing to keep in mind is trips back home, how much they cost for when you get a little home sick and want to visit family. that is such an amazing opportunity for you and your family.
Beatnik squirrel and nut
haiku is definitely
the one you should do!
If we move to Japan, none of our parents had better get sick, because we're not coming back before the two years is up!
I'm reading up on the area and forming a list of questions...
Does one cue exploding pies with an exploding knife?
*snap snap snap snap*
You guys are nuts. Lurve you all!
I was awake from 4 - 5:30 as the weather alert went on about tornadoes, thunderstorms and floods. Was ready to camp in the closet when we got the all-clear on the twisters.
Happy Firbday, Na!
Going off to exercise, and hopefully hear from the camp nurse.
Fluffy - I hope she doesn't have's much better to get it during the school year when it will get her out of gym class!
Now all you need is a fridge!!
Happy Firbday for real Na!
What about pretend-Na? Doesn't she get Frbday wishes?
What would Freud have to say about this? He figured all dreams were WISH-FULFILLMENTS, some wish-fulfillments in disguise. So it would seem you either want pancakes or Simon Cowell.
And for non-twitters, happy story about a cat who has learned to catch a bus
Huh. That whole wish-fulfillment thing never made sense to me. I wish to go back to high school and forget where my locker is? I wish to endlessly pack junk and never catch up? I have lot of wishes, but they never show up in my dreams.
Sorry, I guess that was pretty crabby. It wasn't directed at you, sweet Emily. Just life in general.
Oh please. That wasn't crabbiness, that was skepticism. Perfectly reasonable. Besides, I have three brothers and know crabbiness in a way that other people never shall. You, my friend, are not in the league of crabby.
Sock, I get that. I had to read Interp. of Dreams in college, and got so mad when I read that. Later reasoned out that sometimes dreams are our brains' way of creating a justification that we need or want, for feelings we're having in waking times, feelings that don't seem to have an explicit connection to waking experiences at the time.
Still think a lot of dreams don't really mean anything, that Freud was a nutjob, and anyway I'm only pretend. ;)
My dreams usually make some kind of sense if I work backwards - almost always I'll find something that happened the previous day. If I dream of a car chase it's almost certain that I watched cop show, etc.
Where is everybody? I thought for sure I'd be able to reward getting two things on the must-do list done by catching up with some Fiendish news. Helloooooooo?
Okay, one of the things is only mostly done. But an hour or less in the morning will take care of it.
Hope all the others who are struggling right now are feeling better and more on top of things.
YOUR"RE BEAUTIFUL WHEN YOUR DEAD!!! LOL, You so rock fablo, riding makes you shine! Boss makes you beam, you put your whole self into everything you do and you love it, wish we could all be a little more like you. Dream on!
Happiest of Na-tal Days
Oh Wearer of Fiendish scarf!
Your cake shall the Answer blaze
And your smile shall light the dark!
Hi, Monique! Welcome to Fiendom! Choose one of the widely available white buckled jackets around here, and any supplies you might need to personalize your jacket. :)
Oh, Fluffy! Mono is no fun. I had mono in college, sophomore year. I sincerely hope Revelle does NOT have mono. ::sigh::
"Dead Like Me" was/is a wonderful show. I watched it during its first run on Showtime.
Let us all remember that Freud, after a few years, refused to tell Jung what his dreams contained, even though Jung had continued sharing the contents of his dreams with Freud.
Not that Jung had all the answers either.
Well, of course nobody has all the answers. Except me. And there's only one answer.
LOL adriandalen, fab poem.
Cake has been eaten. Some presents given (including BSG 4.5. *squeee*). Many messages from fiends, family, and more friends. My inner curmudgeon waylaid for a day. V good.
Good morning, dear fiends.
I am at work too early
as is usual.
Me too! At work too early. No bad thing, so much is the rest of the world, it's kind of cool being up early and getting a jump on things as it were.
Simon Cowell has abandoned me. Figures. Well, it was interesting while it lasted.
Another thing that's good about these strange hours, is I get to ride before it is so hot out.Liking that.
Finished Dead Like me last night. LOVE that series!
The problem I have with Freud is that he will go to the ends of the earth to prove his logic. He still hasn't shut up by the time things start sounding ridiculous.
Oh, Na, the answer is 42, right? (You won't get it if you haven't read Douglas Adams's books ...)
Speaking of having the answers...I really love this quote from Gertrude Stein...
"There ain't no answer. There ain't gonna be any answer. There never has been an answer. That's the answer."
Interesting ...
And, having taken all morning to write five paragraphs and an abstract, I'm off camping for a few days.
Back Tuesday, will miss you all.
I was up too late working. Getting up too early would be better. Er, but not immediately after staying up too late.
Emily, 42 'tis true. And yay for "Hitchhiker's", or this would be a very dull number indeed.
I am old enough to be shocked to realize I read those books decades ago. ::hits wall::
Have fun, Phiala!
Like the Gertrude Stein quote, too.
Well. On with the day. Wishing you all a fine Friday and start to the weekend!
Well, R doesn't have mono, but she had to go through a bit to find out. Long journey to find a place that could do a test, a car accident (nurse's car bumper the only casualty,) and one of those blood techs who won't listen when you tell them where the veins are, but prefers the trial and error approach. Poor kid. She is glad to be away from needles!
Not much happening here - good stuff: spouse is back home, hurrah! and Amazon has already shipped my Billy Bones books. Woo! And I got out to exercise early. Now I want a nice nana nap. More caffeine is in order, or I'll be up all night. We might go see the Harry Potter movie tonight. Hope everyone's week is winding down nicely. Let's see what fiendish fun we can have this weekend!
Fluffy - Good news for R. Yay! Sorry she had such an ordeal of it though. I've got tricky veins myself, so I can imagine the scenario all too well. Even the Red Cross gave up on me, but darn those regular thyroid med tests.
Ready or not, I'll be off to RBS tomorrow. Class doesn't start till Monday, so I can chill a bit when I get there. Metaphorically, at least. Not much actual chilling in Virginia in an un-airconditioned room. But I'm now back to looking forward to it all.
Time and internet connection willing, I'll be sending updates and maybe even photos.
"There ain't no answer. And that is the answer." If only I'd learnt that decades ago :)
Dan--I'm not saying "don't go!", I *do* think it is a great opportunity. Very important to do research first, and I'm glad to hear you're doing that. Rather than take up too many paragraphs here on the subject, tho, feel free to email me
greylemur at
And we can talk about, for example, whether they are offering relocation as "shipping six thousand pounds household goods" (not that you will probably have that much)or a set amount of money (easily affected by fuel costs, changing exchange rates, et cetera.)
Plus is your housing allowance tied to rates in an area....
And preparing your family for some of the truly serious differences.
Have to say that I consider myself terribly lucky to have spent a number of formative years growing up overseas....and wouldn't trade my adult years over there for anything,either.
Just would like to share some gems of experience, my own and those of friends. (Like that Visa thingie...)
Anyway, drop me a line (I *thought* I had your email around somewhere, but evidently not....)
Have a Fiendish great weekend, all!
Fluffy, glad R is Ok but it sounds as though she had a rough time finding out. I can sympathise with the tricky veins part - mine aren't the easiest, I've learned, and having a nurse/tech who knows their stuff makes all the difference.
I've been feeling irritated as I went to give blood this evening (in repsonse to them ringing me up to say 'as a regular doner, can you come in as our stocks are low?') I told them I'd just got back from the US and they made me an appointment, then when I showed up they told me I can't give blood for 28 days after returning from the USA. Grr. Will have to try again next week..
Saw that on Twitter :) Esp annoying when they call you and *ask* for your blood, isn't it?!
When I was younger and they wanted my blood, it turned out I had a problem w/anemia (that little blue test tube? My blood drops *bounced*--very funny to see)
Then it was the vaccinations (funny, they don't want anyone whose had a live virus vaccination within the last three months) Then "you've been to Korea?"
For the last several years, of course, it has been "12 months in Iraq!! Oh, dear, we can't possibly use you."
"But you called ME...for the third time this year. You should have some notation there by now sigh."
And I actually have no idea when they will consider my blood okay again...
Oh, poor Revelle. I'm sorry to hear about that.
Have a wonderful wonderful time, Phiala. We'll miss you too.
i consider your blood ok ;)
i am actually terrified of needs and have never given blood except when it was necessary. it's not that i don't want to, but i'm scared.
Vampi, I feel validated! I'm not keen on the needles etc - I started donating when my Gran was ill & needed a lot of blood - I'm OK as long as I take care not to watch while they take it. Although platelet donation was fascinating - you can actually see the individual white blood cells, in the bag. And the machine that goes beep had interesting pictures on it, showing how much they've borrowed...
Have always chickened out wrt donating blood, too, 'cause o' those needles. We hates, them, precioussss.
Got an interesting call this morning. Won't name the organization, don't care to give them free advertising. But it was about "modern departure from traditional family values" with respect to "the increasing violence in tv and movies and all the horrible apathy and endangering of children that those reckless whore-mongerers in Hollywood are up to". Very leading yes-no questions, etc. She might have had some good points, but the rhetoric turned me off. I finally said, "I don't think I agree with you." She seemed surprised but rung off politely enough. Seems to me they're missing a lot.
Fluffy, so glad R doesn't have mono! I completely understand about having blood drawn and techs not listening. My veins have been described as tough, deep, and narrow; in short, they roll like a ball. Techs and nurses never believe me, and heaven forbid if they should listen when I say "don't dig; I'd rather be stuck again." ::sigh::
Hmm, I don't mind needles, seeing as I used to have to take six per day. Now that I have an insulin pump, all I have to do is get a prick in the stomach once every three days and then several finger-pokes each day.
I gave blood every 6 weeks from the time I was 16 'til the time I got my first tattoo. Now they wont' take my blood because I'm 'gay adjacent*,' which is a 'risky behavior.' My sister needed LOTS of blood when she was born, so now my whole family donates as possible so other people will have access to the same thing that saved her life.
Also, either blogger ate a comment about the horror meetings I'm in (client hasn't done homework for 12 hours of meetings) or it's posted randomly on some other blogger blog I happened to have up. OOOPS
* I've had sex with a man who's had sex with a man. Blood banks are very male homosexual-activity phobic
Adri - aren't there tests they could do to determine if your blood is fine? I'm ignorant about this. And that term is a new one for my vocab.
adri, who hasn't, isn't that called college?
Adri: WHAT?!
For the most part, they just weed you out in pre-screening if you engage in any "risky" behavior. They do test all of the blood before it goes into the supply, but I think the logic is that it's more of a drain on resources to take blood and throw it out from 'risky' propositions than to turn them away and risk turning away good blood.
Non-straight sex is still considered a high risk proposition. HIV-hysteria! (all those straight people who are poz are only getting it from contaminated blood transfusions, of course. There's an amazing scene in the film Philadelphia about this.)
Morning all.
I'm upright, but not necessarily awake. Dog watch shift change has taken place, and I'm wondering how I might have a shower. Don't think Shiraz would like to be in the bathroom with me while I do that. *sigh*
Oh - Fluffy, very glad R doesn't have mono.
Aaaaaannnnd good evening from Rhode Island, Sally!
Hi gorgeous gal!
I'm clean now -managed to have a shower and it felt wonderful. My life is so exciting ;)
Tired, but happy.
Hope you have a nice relaxing night after a busy week Quiche
Warning: mild rant:
DS was driving his Dad's beat up 1991 Saab convertible when steam began to billow out from under hood. Being sensible, he pulled off the highway onto the verge, popped the hood, diagnosed the problem as a leaking radiator hose which was dripping onto the engine, and sat waiting for the car to cool off before driving the 2+ miles further to home.
Enter the local constabulary: Two cop cars pull up. "Having a problem, son?" DS explains the situation, hands over his license, etc. And then the fun starts... " "Do you have any illegal substances in the car? " "No" "Have you ever been arrested before?" "No" "Are you still smoking?" "An occasional cigarette" "Please turn out your pockets." "Okay."
The only interesting thing is his pockets was a clementine. After a bit more, they drove away, he got in the car, which had cooled off and drove home.
Cause? He's 23, he's got hair nearly to his waist, and a jawline beard. And a beat up car.
Fortunately, he also has enough smarts to allow his civil rights to be infringed without belligerence.
I'm proud of his good sense, and incensed that it was necessary. I can sympathize with the impossible job that the police have, but this was nonsense, an attempt, it seems to enliven an otherwise dull afternoon by baiting a young adult who probably looked as though he might provide some entertainment.
Peaceful night Quiche! Hope your weather is cool and delightful, and all your feline friends are healthy.
Off to bed. Made three salads, and DD made two blueberry pies and brownies with peppermint patty icing for tomorrow's party. Good times shall be had by all. Who cares if my house is unclean. We have food!
Dabbler - That was worth ranting about. Sounds like a cool kid, in both meanings of the word. Two blueberry pies AND brownies with peppermint icing? Nobody could reasonably expect a pristine house on top of that.
Well, I'm all packed and mostly ready to go. I hope I can keep in touch, but if not I should have stories to tell and pictures to show when I get back.
Oh. Another brief hijacking of the blog ('scuse please Lorraine). If you just now got an e-mail from me, I have you down as possibly interested in helping me see in my fourth decade in September, in Chicago. Things are starting to lean towards the weekend of Sept 19-20. If anyone else wants to be added to the possibly interested list, please let me know at linda dot ballinger at gmail dot com. After I get back from Rare Book School, I'll see what Fiends have had to say about those dates, and any ideas for planning this here shindig. Thanks! Now back to your regularly scheduled blog comments.
Saw The Half-Blood Prince and really liked it - they stayed closer to the book in this one than in recent installments. And Alan Rickman cleaned up quite nicely. And he still has The Voice. rawr.
Morning! We have sun, we have tea, the weekend has started well. Wishing you all a good Saturday.....
I really liked Half Blood Prince myself, Fluffy. Did not like ORder of the Phoenix AT ALL, so I was only tentatively looking forward to Half Blood Prince ... I was amazed by how much I enjoyed it. This one was full of humor, whereas Order of the Phoenix didn't have even one truly funny moment. I think Harry Potter needs humor to make it Harry Potter. I'm glad the old screenwriter's returned.
Hot morning in Rhode Island ... debating getting out of my flip-flops to wear sneakers for a walk ... need exercise ... hmmmmmm ...
And a new early morning post is UP!!!! Big plans today, with the PAUSE button pushed!
A pause button on life would be heaven, especially right now when I have more to do than time and more ideas to implement than the means. sigh.
The lender then splits the bucks generated by those extra percentage points while using dealer in
a amount of we're the stupid ones, murphy explained that it was an oversight which he previously no idea he wasn't creating any payments until
he received legal papers.
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