Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Re-arrangeing It All.....

Last week I put up a Birdfeeder for the Bengals. I mean, for the Birds. But I thought Venus and Mim might enjoy some Bird Watching too.Seems like they are, Mim hasn't left since she discovered them. Birds don't seem to mind.Venus was there for a while, but now seems to think that Destroying my manuscript I am reading is FAR cooler. (no respect for great literature, Bengals.)

Here's the new Sunroom, after my day long Must Change Everything last weekend. Floor is gone. I liked floor, but never felt like it really worked. The couches BELONG in there. I can sit on the real floor and type.

I also felt like the Romance Room lost it's magic, with the couches in it. Note to anyone considering re-arranging their entire first floor: Get some help. As in moving help. Doing it yourself will result in serious soreness.

The futon is under the LovSac, making a handy place for guests to sleep, since they can't use the Guestroom anymore due to the fact that there are the Royals up there now to consider. They Do Not Approve of anyone other than me. You will be glad to know tho, that we are getting on fine. Even Lear hops up on the bed and LOOKS at me. Just in case, one suspects, that I have secretly brought up meat. (which I have been doing, do I know how to win a guy over or what?)

I still feel like I made the right, and only, choice.

It's been a long week, and it's been so lovely to check in here and read all the chatter. (HOW you lot got onto Freud I will never know, but liked it anyway) Some weeks Assistanting can get intense, even with a Boss as cool as mine is, just from the sheer volume of things happening. You roll with it, deal with it, and make it all go right. Sleep when you can, and if you are lucky, have Fiends around when you come up for air.

As I do.

Tomorrow is a Massage, Judging at the Fair for the Honey and a Tori show.

All good in my world.

Love and Everything,


At 17:16 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Love the return of romance in the romance room! Now you just need organ lessons from AFP.

I WISH I could come to Tori with you :( 3 shows just wasn't enough for me. But i'll be busy with my FIVE yr old tomorrow! I can't believe 5 yrs ago today I was in labor!! Just about now i'd finished some Mango ice cream and was heading home to walk and get contractions *really* going.

Must be something in the air w/ rearranging. I've been doing stuff like that all week!

At 17:17 Blogger Chantrelle said...

BTW, after telling boss you won't send me a picture of him hooping, he said to remind him to give you a raise...you may want to remember that ;-)

At 17:17 Blogger DataGoddess said...

You installed Bengal TV just for them! Have either of them tested the strength of the screening?

At 17:23 Blogger louisa said...

Good luck with the honey judging! Sharon said it tasted like mint? Amazing. Maybe on vanilla ice-cream or greek yoghurt. Or just with a spoon. Yum!

Sounds you have a suitably fabulous day planned tomorrow, much needed after all that intense assistanting. And house re-arranging. And riding and birds-for-bengalsing and beeing and, somewhere in there, being. Enjoy massage and fair and Tori.

Happy birth-day Ben/Chantrelle!

What's that noise? Oh, that would be my bed calling, night all.

At 17:28 Blogger ariandalen said...

Now to see if I can type without my glasses or contacts on...so far so good.

Massage and Tori: sounds like a wonderfully relaxing day, Ms. Fabulous. Will you find out tomorrow about the honey, or do you have to wait until the next day?

At 17:38 Blogger mistressmousey said...

Ooh, I could do with a massage too. Love the romance room! :)

5 years old already? Where does the time go?

At 17:42 Blogger ivenotime said...

sounds wonderful and well deserved Lorraine! enjoy! i am still in the midst of studio construction/flooded crawlspace restoration/college studio maintenance. sigh. back to work, wave HI to everyone, miss you all!

At 17:44 Blogger AletaMay said...

Just a ticky box for now. Love this post. Hope for internet at home tonight!

At 17:44 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Romance room looks beautiful. Bengal tv - exactly what Mim and Venus appear to be doing.
Have a wonderful full day Lorraine, sounds good.

At 17:56 Anonymous kali_licious said...

The girls look utterly fascinated by their new entertainment.:)

Looks like you've returned the magic to the Romance Room to me. It's lovely. (And the Sunroom as well.)

Looks like tomorrow will be a Grand Day Indeed. :)

At 18:00 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We find out tomorrow about the honey, I will know after my massage. Will post, of course! It does taste like mint!

The Bengals, Mim anyway, climb the screams. They hold.

It will be a fine day tomorrow, long, as there is lots of work too, but fun things happening.

I like the Romance Room better too, Chantrelle, it works better like that, it took on sort of a living room aspect with the couches there. No magic. And the sunroom was sort of college dorm. Now all is right.

And Merryhousekeeper cleaned my icky basement floor today! Beyond me that was. Now it is perfect.

At 18:01 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, and Hi Sue!

And thanks Kali, who slipped in while I was typing. The magic is back!

At 18:09 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Not getting away with sneaky messages Sally, I'm spilling the beans...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (today for you, tomorrow for us) What a wonderful day to be born!

At 18:20 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oops, Freud was my fault. I brought him up. (clears throat) Sorry.

Happy birthday, Ben! I'm glad you brought him to Fiendfest. He was truly adorable.

At 18:22 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Dang, I should have sworn you to secrecy;) Thanks Chantrelle

At 18:27 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Happy birthday, Sally!

At 18:27 Blogger EmilyLady said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 19:00 Blogger Cecily said...

I spent the weekend doing some rearranging myself. We moved our middle daughter into her own room! I love the pic of the pretty kitties staring at the birdies. Too cute!

At 19:01 Blogger Phiala said...

Happy birthday, Sally!

I'm out in the courtyard with the fluffy Morgancat, enjoying a dinner of all local ingredients (except one) - even the beer is local. I love this time of year, when the food is all fresh. That's harder in PA than it is in, say, California.

At 19:03 Blogger Na said...

Ooooh, Happy Firbday Sally!

Hurray for bringing magic back to spooky rooms, and for help with the deep cleaning and the rearranging, and the promise of a fun day ahead.

At 19:07 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Yay for moving daughters into their own rooms!

At 19:13 Blogger Cecily said...

Happy Birthday Sally!

Thank Emily. I am so excited about it. I lost my den, but the house feels more complete to me now.

At 19:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, yes, that is a dress from Stardust. Quite like it.

Haven't put up the switchplate yet, need to figure out WHERE....

Sunrooms AND porches is the way to go.

Mim has decided she hates Magic. Huh? Didn't someone need to send me a memo on this?

At 19:24 Blogger Adri said...

Massage and honey sounds amazing.

Things have been crazy in my world. Brother in law visiting (good), meetings (decent), housewarming (awesome in spite of the conspicuous lack of fiends due to my poor scheduling), and my dear aunt in the emergency room and ICU (really worrisome and bad), and a potential sweetheart changing his mind (cranky-making) all in the last four days.

Currently on the way to spend the evening with friends in Mt View (about an hour from where I live). My mother in law arrives tomorrow.

When did my life go from boring to too busy to breathe? Can we go back to creating a pause button?

Are any fiends getting the new BPAL LE Sunbird?

At 19:25 Blogger Adri said...

Oh! Happy birthday, Sally!

At 19:31 Blogger Phiala said...

Hey, Jess is drinking goat wine! Not that I'm complaining - I like goat wine too. And it really does taste nothing like goats. :)

The cicadas are loud tonight, aren't they? I'm enjoying them, but think I might move inside for some brain-rotting television of some sort. Except that deciding might be too much effort.

At 19:34 Blogger Phiala said...

Adri, I'm considering Sunbird. It sounds similar to another scent I truly adore.

Are we ever going to be able to acquire Spicy Brains?

Hey, it's raining! That's unexpected, and unwanted.

At 19:41 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Fangs everybody ♥

The excitement for the day will be Shiraz going to the physiotherapist. No better present for a (fur) mum than recovery after op!

At 19:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I should find out about Spicy Brains, shouldn't I? No reason why it can't be had...

Reading tonight, which is good. Bengals, relaxing in the Spooky House. May hot tub with fireflies if the spirits move me.

At 19:56 Blogger Dan Guy said...

I hear that the current Tori tour is the best in ten years, which is very exciting.

In the last hour, Nathan has attempted to pet a cactus and Max ran smack into a door and busted his eyebrow. We spent half an hour plucking cactus tines from Nathan's hands, then another twenty minutes applying pressure to Max's head, cleaning it, and bandaging it. Then we put them to bed. Wheee.

At 20:01 Blogger ariandalen said...

And a Very Happy Firbday to the Dragon Sally! Hopefully all will go well with Shiraz and the physiotherapist. :)

Adri, life tends to work like that. Hope your aunt has the best of outcomes. {{{Adri}}}

At 20:03 Blogger ariandalen said...

"Warehouse 13" is on SyFy, for those not watching. ;)

At 20:13 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Dan, you heard right. I think the show I saw in Phoenix was the best show i've seen her do with the band. Mindblowing evening. San Jose and Oakland were great but Phoenix blew me completely away.

Man, I want to go to Mpls!!!

At 20:25 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Danguy, you sure know how to have an interesting evening!

I so so so want my massage!

At 20:40 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Spicy Brains was sooooo cool.

And I liked it. The scent. It was refreshing and weird - refreshingly weird ... in a very Fiendish way.


Jess, your comment was hilarious. "Freud should be sorry."

At 20:43 Blogger Fluffy said...

I'm going to write Bengal TV program screamplays.

I'm also probably going to see Our Ariandalen tomorrow when we go to pick up The Girl. Lunch in Waco! I'll bring a camera! And one of the Fiends can now meet the Spouse. He's definitely not shy.

Hm. Massage. I have a certificate for one. Should schedule.

And I cannot imagine mint-flavored honey. Maybe I'll - nah.

At 20:48 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Too bad there are no Fiends whatsoever in my area. That would be cool.

At 21:06 Blogger Fluffy said...

Emily, it would definitely be cooler than Waco. Not looking forward to walking the camp to get her. But I did buy some Godiva chocolate to entice her back to the car in case any of her fwends are still there. Just need to keep it in a cooler.

At 21:10 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Shambling through to tick box.

Two posts behind! Hope to catch up later. Miss you all!

At 21:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I really AM an idiot. While Pete and Shiraz are at the physio I vacuumed, then decided to prune my roses and then cut back branches above my head...like way over my head. Last time I did that my arms,neck and back seized up. Did I learn? Noooo - I'm already having trouble typing but at least when we take Shiraz out in the night we won't be in danger of losing an eye.

At 21:26 Blogger ariandalen said...

In a cooler with ice is a definite must, Fluffy. We were under a heat advisory today, and will be tomorrow, and Thursday, too, I think.
At least there's not a lot of concrete and asphalt out here.

At 21:41 Blogger Ticia said...

Everything looks loverly Quiche, just loverly.

I'm in Tahoe, but I have wifi, so I should be able to keep
up with the fiends. :)

Sally, Happy Happy Birthday!!!

At 21:57 Blogger ivenotime said...

Lorraine, I want your massage!! I am finally done w/work for the day, and ready to tumble to bed. Happy Birthday Ben, and Chantrelle, the time flies, flies, flies(wistfully remembering those days as mine are 22,22,19) And Happy Birthday Sally!!! Enjoy! and Ticia! - Tahoe? vacation and fun i hope??? and now to sleep, perchance to dream...hugs to all.

At 22:31 Blogger Beez said...

Happy Birthday Ben and Sally. I am :( over missing this Tori tour, but $$ must be spent on Happy Home.

And your happy Spooky House looks great Quichie. Nice rearrangement.
Not-as-nice-rearrangement....maybe it's just a lover's spat with Mim and Magic or she's reasserting her spot as his Boss.

Tonight a cool and lovely 55 degrees. I wish I could ship off some of this perfect weather to them as is sweltering.

Off to bed now. 'tis early because tomorrow is Farmers Market day which = busybusybusy.

At 22:34 Blogger AletaMay said...

Still no Internet. Commenting from the phone.

I somehow missed smelling the Spicy Brains. I'd buy some anyway. Just to be able to say that was what I was wearing.

Happy birthday Sally and Ben!

Fingers crossed for blue ribbon honey. Spooky House looks great and so does the birds and bengels amusment park.

Fods I need to be able to use my computer. Argg.

At 23:36 Blogger ariandalen said...

I'm sorry, Aleta. :(
I was wearing Spicy Brains, and had the sample with me, on Saturday night. ::sigh:: I know Beez didn't get to smell it because I didn't have it with me Sunday.

Even Ariane and Seren get a kick out of saying, "Mom's wearing Spicy Brains!"

At 00:38 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Awww... Poor Magic. So unloved while he thinks Mim is a cutie...

Hey, hey, hey... What's it with the Firbday confusion? I have TWO systems telling me Sally's birthday is on the 6th and you guys are only now crawling into the 5th. Stop confusing a poor girl who could do with another bucket of zzzzzs, will ya?

Tori and massage. I am jealous.
*Slouches back to grumble in her tea pot*

At 00:44 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Sorry for the confusaltion Nathalie...I've corrected stuff to show my REAL birthday (today), not the erroneous day on my birth certificate (tomorrow)

At 00:57 Blogger vampi said...

<3 tori. have fun. i was so happy to have seen here here in lala-land. it had been way too long since i saw her.

i've never had a real massage. i'm so intrigued, but never been brave enough to let someone i don't know touch me.

happy birfday Sally and Ben.

i'm excited about spicy brainz. i've never worn a scent like that, warm, like something bubbling on the stove.

At 00:59 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good thing your LJ birthday card was ready then...
And there's me thinking I had entered another time warp.
Happy Firbday.

At 01:19 Blogger Marjorie said...

Happy Firbday Sally. And Ben, too!

Re-arrangements sound great.

I am not getting the Sunbird scent as BPAL don't ship overseas.

I am, however, going to see Tori in September (and hopefully meeting Hellie, too!)

It is nice to get up to a new post, but it does mean I'm trying to make interesting contributions to the conversation before I am properly caffienated - not good :-(

At 01:21 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Happy Birthday Sally:) (I was just as confused as Nathalie there for minute;) Hope your back un-seizes quickly.

Dan that was some serious kid-drama in such a short time! Poor little dudes.

Hot tub with fireflies sounds wonderful Lorraine.

At 01:50 Blogger Dragonsally said...

DAN I missed that about the kids...yetch, not the sort of drama you want.

At 01:55 Blogger vampi said...

are there silly laws about shipping scented oils to the uk? if not, then i'd be happy to forward on some bpals for you

At 05:03 Blogger Hellie said...

Yay Marjorie! I kept meaning to ask you if you got tickets in the end!! Excited about Tori & meeting up - we could have all sat together if it hadn't been for boyfriends, grumble!

Happy birthday Sally & Ben - jelly & icecream all round!

I really most get in 'work mode', I have a meeting I'm dreading this afternoon :o(

At 05:07 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks Hellie -hope the meeting is better than you expect!

At 07:40 Blogger ariandalen said...

Good morning, everybody!

Happy Firbday, Ben!

Lunch with Fluffy and family!

Oooo! Let's see if all my sentences end with exclamation points!

At 08:19 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Happy Birthdays all around, and esp. to those who have a birthday roundabout now.

Dan, your kids accident prone-ness is becoming legendary. There should be a blog about this. Is there? (with photos)

Am confused about references to a floor that has been removed. Fake floor? How did that work?

Love seeing pics of Bengals always. Confused that Mim and Magic had a tiff (maybe they can have a jpg next time).

ticky box

At 08:28 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Lots of library work today. This be a good thing, my friends.

At 08:36 Blogger Dan Guy said...

I've never had a broken bone or stitches in my life, but somehow Xander gets stitches in his forehead at 4, Molly breaks her arm at 6, Max busted his eyebrow last night, a week before his 4th birthday, and Nathan got stitches in his lip at two.

On the other hand, given the things I allow them to do, like bouldering, that's probably not really so bad a record. It's just childish rough-housing around the house that is responsible for most of that -- I need to crack down on that.

I am busy attempting to refinance our mortgage so that I can afford to rent the house out while we're in Japan. If we have to sell it now, it will almost certainly be at quite a loss, despite having gotten a great deal on the house.

At 09:30 Blogger Ani said...

So glad you're feeling good about the decision to keep the Royals. All of you sound happy, as you should be. :-)

At 09:38 Blogger Ani said...

Spicy Brains *did* smell nice. But is there any way of getting it? I thought the recipe was lost in the mists of time...

At 10:20 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I'll write to Beth at BPAL about the Spicy Brains scent...

Morning all. Still in the tea drinking/e-mail portion of the day.

Honey news at 2:30!!!!!! Go Bees!

At 10:21 Blogger vampi said...

ooh dan, you decided on japan? how exciting :)

your kids seem ok to me. i was an only child and had stitches by the time i was three, mom was giving me a bath in the tub, and i struggled slipped and hit my chin onthe side of the tub. i have memories of the bright light above me and the nurses holding me down and eventually putting me in restrains to put the stitches in. this explains my needle phobia.
fell off a couch when i was 6 and have stitches in the back of my skull.

broke thumbs and pinkies in high school gym classes.

and slipped in my bedroom and caught the corner of my desk with my eye brown in high school.

your kids will be fine...

At 10:22 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Hooray for bees!

At 11:08 Blogger dabbler said...

Happy Firbday Sally! If you can come upon some arnica cream or gel it will work wonders on your seized up back. Even the little under the tongues pillules work...look in the homeopathic section at your chemist's. (Wonder if I got the proper Australian terms...sorry if not.)

And Happy 5th firbday to the always interesting Ben!

At 12:04 Blogger Na said...

Happy Firbday to Ben (and mama Chantrelle), too!

Best wishes for successful refinancing, Dan.


*retreats back to mound of work*

At 12:12 Blogger Ticia said...

Happy Birthday, Ben!

I've been sleeping so well, first in Las Vegas, now here in Tahoe. I feel like I never talk to anyone!

Olivia (small fluffy white dog) is a mess. The pine trees up here drop sap encrusted needles which stick to the bottoms of her furry feet like glue. It looked like she was wearing little wooden shoes after her one (and only) exploration of the backyard. I had to cut chunks of furry, sappy wood chips from between her toes. She was not happy....

But she's so hapy to be on vacation with us. She doesn't care about the indignities. She's smiling so big her tongue can't stay in her mouth.

Fod, I love that dog...

At 12:14 Blogger Ticia said...

And Dan, I'm so excited that you and your family decided to go to Japan.

Good luck on the refinance.

At 12:30 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Olivia needs some mini wellies...

At 13:07 Blogger dabbler said...

Dan, you're going? Fantastic. Despite the undoubted challenges, what a great opportunity. And I'm sure Japan has excellent emergency rooms...and that you are unlikely to need them.

At 13:14 Blogger dabbler said...

Finally got a mini vacation at the beach yesterday. Went to Cape May, NJ (about 2.5 hrs away) for the day, and to see SIL and her husband, whose family has a house for a week. Great ocean, good company... and we ran into two separate sets of friends. Too funny, and fun. Getting home at midnight, not so much!

One more day of relative quiet before the Folk Festival hordes begin to arrive. I really should, having worked til 2, spend the rest of it cleaning up lingering party debris, and making space for the horde. (I think we are up to eight, but it might be more.)

I so need Merry Housekeeper.
Anyone know a patient, unflappable, nonjudgmental person in the Philly area who likes to clean?

At 13:34 Blogger Uisge said...

Yay for cat TV. As for Mim's new attitude - she's a lady (and a cat). She can change her mind whenever she wishes.

The rooms look wonderful. Very inspiring. I'm envious of your fireflies. Don't seem to get them in my st paul neighborhood.

And I can't wait to hear about the honey!

Oh - and Adri, I ordered the Sunbird. Couldn't resist - sounds like it was designed for me.

Could you oil Olivia's paws before she goes out? keep things from sticking?

Dabbler - I've got a Philly friend who is patient, unflappable and non-judgemental and likes to clean (she's a maniac for bathrooms).

At 13:46 Blogger Ticia said...

I love the idea of the little wellies!

Unfortunately, I can't oil the pads of her feet because the hair grows between them. She really is a fluffball everywhere.

She's a walking piece of Velcro in the best of circumstances... Right now she's like Velcro stuck in honey!

Oh, honey!!! Shouldn't we know by now???

At 13:47 Blogger Phiala said...

Ticia, you can get dog boots! Something to think about for next time.

At 14:45 Blogger dabbler said...

Uisge, seriously? Could t be that she's close enough to me to be interested? I'm out at the end of the expressway, not far from Valley Forge.

I am so ready, finally, for some help with this, and willing to pay. My goal is to get the house to be full of great stuff and books, but still usable. As of now, it is full of great stuff and books, and less than useable in many ways and places. And dirtier than I like, for sure. Doesn't have to be immediately either...

Perhaps you could ask her to email me if she's got any interest? katie at wildbeard dot net.

And, thanks!

At 14:53 Blogger dabbler said...

And probably, she should put something in the subject to let me know it's not spam, as I get a bumpercrop of that...

At 15:31 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Aw, it's Ben's birthday too..Happy Birthday!:)

Poor Olivia's little toes..she needs some of these.

No news of honey yet?

At 15:44 Blogger Marjorie said...

Honey Win!! (Quiche tweeted it) Two blue ribbons. I bet there's lots of smug bees out in the woods right now. (either that, or they are plotting to steal it back from the humanzzz)

At 15:45 Blogger vampi said...

i think at this point, i don't need a merry house keeper, i need a flame thrower

At 15:49 Blogger vampi said...


lol. hooray bees

At 16:09 Blogger dabbler said...

Fantastic! Hurray for mint honey...and perceptive judges!

At 16:51 Blogger Ticia said...

Thanks Phiala and Kali!

Those are brilliant. I'll get her some.

Phiala - you always know about the cool foot things. You're the one that told me about those clip-ons for shoes in icy weather. :-D

At 16:58 Blogger Phiala said...

Ticia, I know all kinds of random oddments. Occasionally they're even useful.

At 17:00 Blogger Beez said...


At 17:00 Blogger Ticia said...

While they may only seem occasionally useful, they are always entertaining and interesting. Keep up the good work information junkie!

At 17:10 Blogger louisa said...

Is it still Sally's birthday? It's not yet midnight here so I'm going to assume, YES! Many happies to you DS, may the year ahead bring you much delicious honey. Unless honey is on your list of can't-eats in which case may your year be entirely honey-free.

Score FabulousBirdHimself with the two Blue Ribbons! Well done bees, those Italians knows the good stuff, they do.

Lots of thoughts reading the comments through this busy day but all that my brain has held onto is blow torch and dog shoes. I think some sleep might be in order. Nighty night.

At 17:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yup! TWO blue ribbons for our honey!!!!! Extracted and comb!

Go bees!!!!!!

Go US!!!!!

Minty Honey takes the First Prize!!!


Party begins!

At 17:39 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Happy Birthday to Ben.

WooHoo to bees, and (stealing Louisa's idea) FabulousBirdHimself. Will the bees get special prezzies for winning?
Dan - wow. You will have to keep us well posted on the time in Japan. Good luck with renting out your home.
Right. Time for more tea.

At 18:11 Blogger Fluffy said...

Back home with a very tan Revelle. She's very happy to be here.

Had lunch with our fiendish family from Central Texas and probably caused a lot of the surrounding diners in the Waco Fuddrucker's to stick to their diets due to our discussion of blood-drawing disasters, etc. Very fiendish, now that I think of it. The girls (remember our dancers?) LOVED my purse, Revelle's dress, her shoes, my necklace, her necklace, my earrings, oh, we could go on. They are so cute and excited about everything. The younger told me she's starting school this year. Ah, kindergarten. So much fun!

Which reminds me, I hope Ben had a fabulous 5th birthday!

And congrats to the beekeepers on their pwnage of the honey competition! Quail brief mortals! The fabulous bees are fabulous!

Got a thunderstorm just about on us right now. I'm trying to encourage it to continue down past Waco. So Katie, if you get rain, it's a little present from us!

At 18:22 Blogger Dragonsally said...

wheee, welcome home Revelle - a thunderstorm celebrates your return!

At 18:31 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Just read Sharon's post on you're award winning BEES!!!! YOU ROCK! So much of your hard work has paid off! GREAT job AGAIN!!!! DEFENDING CHAMPIONS! WHOOOT!!!!

At 18:51 Blogger Ani said...

Yay for the beeeeeeees!

And thanks for looking into the Spicy Brains, Quiche!

At 18:59 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Congratulations, Lorraine! They are Champion Bees.

I wouldn't say that we've decided to go to Japan, so much as we remain convinced that we'd like to go to Japan, despite slowly figuring out just how hard it will be to get there, and so are pursuing it. Whether we are ultimately able to get there, which depends on us renting out or selling the house and the job actually still being available by the time I qualify for it, among other things, is another matter.

At 19:00 Blogger Chantrelle said...


At 19:32 Blogger Adri said...

Hooray blue ribbon bees!

At 22:24 Blogger ariandalen said...

TWO Blue Ribbons!
Congratulations to FabulousBirdHimself! :)

Lunch with the Fluffy family was fun. Hopefully it's cooler 100 miles north. Unfortunately, we didn't get any rain, just some high thin clouds that blew off the tops of their thunderstorms. No chance of rain here until probably Monday, and that's not a big chance. ::shrug:: It's August in Central Texas.

And Seren (DD2) has her first loose tooth. It should come out before school starts. The tooth next to it is loose, too, but it will take longer. She's decorated a box for the tooth fairy, so she's all ready.

At 23:18 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

I just love that sentence "lunch with the Fluffy family was fun." And not surprised, either! ;)

Sally and Ben-probably belated by now joyous natal day wishes to both entities...

Congrats to minty-fresh bees. *That's* the way to do it!

Back offline for another 24 hours.
Training is fun.

Oh, btw ..... yes, I am in process of becoming a David Brin title character. (It is the present back-up plan whilst the school thing shakes itself out. And something I always kinda wanted to do...)

And driving a right-hand side vehicle.....on our streets....is veddy veddy interesting.

Think good thoughts that I pass my *first* test tomorrow!

hugs all around......

At 23:34 Blogger Dragonsally said...

oh goody - Lys, you'll be ready to drive when you visit me, and Marjorie!

At 23:35 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm watching Australia - didn't get to see it in the cinema. Frankly, I thought it would be crap, you know, full of old stereotypes and so on but I'm really enjoying it.

At 02:39 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Yay for TWO blue ribbons!

Mint+wildflowers sounds like the ultimate honey for tea.

Ariandalen I love the idea that your daughter has already crafted in anticipation of the tooth fairy. Is this a box for depositing of teeth and retrieval of $ then? (Way better idea than the under the pillow thing.)

At 05:35 Blogger Dan Guy said...

If you were really enjoying it, DS, then you must have only been up to hour two or so. (hehehehehe)

I kid, I kid! I love Baz.

At 08:07 Blogger EmilyLady said...

That's interesting, Sally. I haven't seen that movie.

Had a dream that Benjamin died and I was forced to marry Ron Weasley. Oh, and I had blueberries the size of golf balls in my pocket. What would Freud have to say about all THAT?

At 08:16 Blogger spacedlaw said...

A rather sticky way to have the blues?

At 09:44 Blogger Arwenn said...

Monkey on your head?
While you were sleeping in bed?
Freud’s face would be red!

At 09:50 Blogger louisa said...

Dr Freud, Dr Freud, I've been dreaming about sex

Ah dis obviously means dat you have huge blueberries in your pocket and a monkey on your head

You're a bit odd, aren't you Dr Freud?

I don't know vut you mean. Now excuse me please, I must go marry a fictional red-headed boy

At 11:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Go lys!

Morning all! Off and running today.

I think. Might be running in circles, but plan to get a lot done.

Need some pics of this blue ribbon honey!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 11:19 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Louisa that was brilliant! *still laughing*

At 11:24 Blogger spacedlaw said...

How were massage and Tori?

At 11:25 Blogger ariandalen said...

::snort:: The only possible thing to add to Louisa's brilliant comment is:

"Sometimes, Anna, huge blueberries in your pocket are just a huge blueberries in your pocket."
"Und leave the monkey alone."

At 11:28 Blogger ariandalen said...

Kali, the tooth fairy box is for the exchange of teeth for money. Ariane has one, and now so does Seren. MUCH better than making the tooth fairy hunt underneath a sleeping head for a tiny tooth. :) It also makes finding the gold coin much easier.

At 11:29 Blogger Arwenn said...

Is it wrong that I'm hoping the honey is once again decorated-vegetable-adjacent on the winners table? I loved the photos of that penguin thingie last year!!

At 12:52 Blogger Marjorie said...

Arwenn, I had only just managed to repress that memory....

At 13:35 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh, Louisa, that was simply delicious.

At 17:48 Blogger Dragonsally said...

More, Louisa, more!

Poor old Freud. he would shudder at how much hilarity he gives us.

At 18:25 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Yeah but the hilarity might have a SEXUAL undertone ... mmmmmmmmmmm?

At 18:50 Blogger vampi said...

surely no fiend would sully our conversations with innuendo...

At 18:51 Blogger Dragonsally said...

*shakes head somberly*
of course we wouldn't.

Hey, has anyone heard definitively what happened to Facebook/Twitter/LiveJournal overnight. I just heard it was a concerted spam/high traffic attack.

At 19:21 Blogger Siri said...

Sally - from our local media:
Twitter said it suffered a denial-of-service attack, in which hackers command scores of computers to a single site at the same time, preventing legitimate traffic from getting through.

Facebook, whose users encountered intermittent problems Thursday morning, was also the subject of a denial-of-service attack, though it was not known whether the same hackers were involved. Unlike Twitter, Facebook never became completely inaccessible. Facebook said no user information was at risk.

LiveJournal, a 10-year-old online diary and blogging site that has waned in popularity in recent years, was also the subject of a denial-of-service attack that lasted about an hour Thursday morning, the company said.

That's what happened.

At 19:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks Siri -that confirms what I'd heard. I'm glad it happened in the middle of my night. I would have been beside myself if I couldn't talk to anyone.

At 19:24 Blogger Aline Martins said...

Hi there!
no, I didn't vanish.
just, I am single, and still recovering... no more long distance relationships to me.

Trying to find a new house (long story, but I not welcome here anymore).

And boring days at work due to the swine flu thing (I am a teacher with no students)

hope you are fine!
Lots of love...

At 19:24 Blogger Siri said...

I didn't even know it happened until I heard it on the noon news. Remember me - I'm the Luddite of the group....

At 19:55 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oops, hope no one was offended ... sorry ...

At 19:57 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I don't think anyone here would be offended Emily.

At 20:11 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Just poking fun at Freud in all his Freudiness.

At 20:19 Blogger vampi said...

[set emilylady to sarcasm on]

there, that should work.

At 00:14 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Inlaws still staying in my house. I love them dearly. My mother-in-law talks non-stop. My linen closet is now organized and neatly folded though. And my kitchen is cleaned! Can't complain ;-)

She makes cookies w/ ben tomorrow (Because i don't bake!) and sunday is the big 5th bday party.

Life should be returning to it's normal level of chaos next week.

Hugs to all the fiends! I'm off to bed!

At 00:40 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Sorry about that, Aline.
These relationships are hard to keep (especially when distance is that great).

At 00:51 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Thanks, oh blue ribboned Fabulous One!

First test done....I'd be more impressed by 49 out of 50 questions right in eight minutes (we had an hour to complete the test, but it seemed seriously superfluous) if it wasn't multiple choice on a computer. C'mon people. Either you know it, ore you don't....

Driving RHD vehicle test tomorrow. Then case (sort) training. Bet y'all never knew how much goes into just hauling mail to your houses!!

So....back online after another 24 hour break, and Twitter doesn't love me anymore. Was going to ReTweet my sadness and loss at Reading Rainbow going off the air. (When I win the lottery, et cetera...)

And add a blurb about how my legs were turning towards the roll up doors (away from the ten thousand pound cranes) even whilst I was having a conversation w/a coworker, back in 1989. "Is that a couple of really big trucks outside?" "Um, no. Think it's an earthquake." Funny to have your body moving independently at the waist down! :)

Finally, was just going to comment about taking my bottle of Zinfandel, "Middlesex" novel (interesting little thing by the man who wrote The Virgin Suicides) and kitty .... and heading off for bed. Since Twitter won't let me express this...
I'll just post it here!

Which I prolly would have anyway.

Wonder what Freud would make of all the bottles of Wine? hehehehe....

off to see the lizard...

At 01:54 Blogger Marjorie said...

Aline, sorry to hear that ((Hugs))

I hadn't realised LJ & FB were down as well as twitter. The twitter thing was bad. I had nothing todistrcat me and was forced to do my actual job, instead...

This morning I found my alarm clock is broken. It won't snooze. This is very bad.

At 01:55 Blogger Marjorie said...

What I meant to say was 'Good Morning Everyone'....

At 01:58 Blogger Dragonsally said...


At 02:16 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good morning, evening, morneve, whatever. A good one of whatever you are having.

I need more tea.
I swear there is more gravity in the air today. What have our mad astronomers been up to?

At 07:28 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I didn't notice your post, Aline, and hope you're doing okay today ...

IT feels like autumn here this morning. Odd ... yesterday the air was as thick as cream ...

At 07:49 Blogger dabbler said...

Lys, I think Freud would have made the bottles of wine....empty. Jung would then see the empty bottle as a vessel of possibility, and David Burns (cognitive therapist) would recycle it.

At 07:55 Blogger dabbler said...

In the ocean swell of this summer, floating up to peaceful days, and plunging into invigorating (?)chaos, today is the peaceful one, then a swoop into the Philly Folk Fest, a gigantic (8,000 people Sat. night) three day folk music extravaganza that we have been working at for way too many years. Still fun, though so much more commercial and civilized than when I started 37 years ago. DH has just stepped back to assistant chair of the Lighting and Elec. committee after 35 years of being chair. The woman who took over is the daughter a volunteer on the crew who has 45 years in. This weekend we finish the field work (temporary power to all the tents and trailers, etc) and start hanging stage lights. Fest starts next Thursday, and a week from Monday we take it all down.

Fun, exhaustion, accomplishment, great music. Also politics, personal drama, minor crises and noise. Some years I'm more into it than others. we'll see about this one. I've avoided it thus far, though the crew has worked for about five weekend days already.

Looks like a great mix of music... www.pfs.org

Okay...time to go change laundry.

At 07:57 Blogger dabbler said...

Hmm. 8000 people really isn't gigantic if I think in terms of stadium shows. But on a hillside that makes hay the rest of the summer, it sure feels like a lot. especially if you add the 3000 volunteers...

Babbles off

At 08:59 Blogger ariandalen said...


Hope everyone is having a good morning/afternoon/evening. Looks like yesterday was a good day not to be Twitterpated. ;)

Two weeks until we meet the girls' teachers!

At 09:01 Blogger Fluffy said...

Nathalie, thank you for explaining why my scale says I weigh more. Phew. I thought it was something I had done.

Trying to get lots of completely unrelated projects finished. Why do they always seem like such a good idea until you have to do them?

heh, heh. Big-ass blueberries!

At 09:14 Blogger Ani said...


At 11:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


New post is UP!

How on the go of me!

At 12:37 Blogger Uisge said...

Dabbler - Just talked to Susan and she's possibly interested. She'll drop you an email (I told her to reference Fiends and cleaning).

Love that you work the Folk Fest. Always wanted to go when I lived out there.

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