SOS Bengal Rescue a SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOS Bengal Rescue a SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have found a foster, who thinks she would like to adopt in Cleveland! The home seems perfect and she is very excited to take the Bengal Sisters, who will have a lovely life after their narrow escape.
You made this possible, and I thank you!
If anyone was moved by this to consider fostering, I urge you to please visit Great Lakes Bengal Rescue and sign on for a foster home, so that next time, we have a home ready and in place. We are very much in need of foster homes, and you can help so much.
If you don't live in our area, consider your own area Bengal, or animal rescue. EVERY one we save makes a difference.
Thank you, on behalf of myself, Janet from GLBR and the Bengal Sisters, who had no one else to speak for them.
Love and Rescue,
We have found a foster, who thinks she would like to adopt in Cleveland! The home seems perfect and she is very excited to take the Bengal Sisters, who will have a lovely life after their narrow escape.
You made this possible, and I thank you!
If anyone was moved by this to consider fostering, I urge you to please visit Great Lakes Bengal Rescue and sign on for a foster home, so that next time, we have a home ready and in place. We are very much in need of foster homes, and you can help so much.
If you don't live in our area, consider your own area Bengal, or animal rescue. EVERY one we save makes a difference.
Thank you, on behalf of myself, Janet from GLBR and the Bengal Sisters, who had no one else to speak for them.
Love and Rescue,
I had just posted about this on the Boss' journal.
Hooray! The power of the Internet is phenomenal.
Oh Frabjous Day, Hooray!!
I am delighted you didn't need me. But please keep me in mind if you ever do - I tend to travel, so I can't do long term, but I am available for transport, or short term fostering.
HOORAY!! I had just emailed a friend near Cleveland who knows other rescuers too!!
We're going to talk to our landlord and if there's no problem there we're going to foster/adopt. We've been talking about it all morning, and Dan's getting into the idea :-)
I'm also slap-happy because it's 11:15am and I've been working for 9 hours already today.
Ten years ago this month, I was the right person just in the nick of time for Miss Phoebe. I could not have wished for a sweeter cat. I'm so glad these two girls have found their right person.
What Marjorie said, caloo calay
Sock - how's your neck?
Much better, thanks! Not quite full range of motion yet, but only a little pain most of the time.
Excellent! I'm so glad for these two bengal girls.
How wonderful! This is a relief! Thanks, Quiche, for letting us know about the Bengal sisters. And also Bengals in general. How many of us do you think would have taken any interest in Bengals if it hadn't been for you?
you so cool!
wish me luck, i am off for my first day working on the Michael Jackson movie...Sony Studios! yipes....
Glad the Bengal Sisters have been saved. :) I hope that everyone involved has a future each deserves.
Welcome to V.September, Miranda, lisana, Katherine Lacy-Barber, E, and ACE! Now you are Fiends, so please keep commenting. :) Here are your nice white, buckled jackets; we each have one. Look around and I'm sure you'll find the supplies you need to personalize your jacket. The jackets come in so handy.
::sniff, sniff::
Does anybody else smell spice?
lovely news to start the day with.
Thanks everyone for helping make yesterday a good day!
Unfortunately it never ends. Two different Chicago shelters called me each with a bengal. Found two foster homes in Milwaukee but now need someone to pick the cats up at the shelters, both downtown, and head to Milwaukee. One cat is a spayed female four paw declaw, 8 years old and the other a 2 year old neutered male four paw declaw.
Another bengal in at the first shelter, just got off the phone with them, that is 3 bengals in Chicago shelters and these are not no-kill shelters. Now I am not sure what to do.
bengalgirl - I'm in Chicago. Let me talk to some people, then I will contact you for more information.
Thank you OSS!
I don't want to start another mass twitter the day after we had yesterday, saving those two, can we handle this one within the Fiends?
Janet is a Fiend who needs help, and more importantly, 3 Bengals in a kill shelter.
As I understand it, one of the needs is transport from Chicago to Millwaukee?
How can we work this? Anyone besides OSS in Chicago?
The Moon and Fod says we save these guys this week.
THEN I will do my Eyeball blog.
Janet anyone down around who isn't a Fiend who can help drive?
Janet, can we have a complete update too?
I'm in the process of finding out if I can offer temporary shelter, if naught else.
I do not have a car, so can't help with transport.
Fiend Power Activate!
I think that is the greatest need, get them out of the kill shelter, and somewhere safe until we can find them a place.
Thank you Fiends for coming with us this week. It's never been quite this bad before, with the two yesterday and now three today. I think the universe said "Ok, look what they did" and is going for just a little bit more...
I'm waiting to hear back from a volunteer who helps Specialty Purebred Rescue with transports. One of the shelters is in a pretty bad part of town and she is the only one that will go there. If she will help we can get the 3 cats out of the shelters and on their way to Milwaukee where I have a space for two of them now, have emails out for the 3rd one. Thanks all, I hate two crisis back to back.
Tanks Janet! That's what Fiends are for , you know.....
what a rollercoaster ride!
So happy for the sisters, and fingers crossed for the others -heck fingers crossed for all who need homes.
OSS, I'm relieved that your neck is improving.
Toni - wtf? you need a job with better hours.
Oh Fods, I am laughing so hard. I am doing an interview for someone who is taking a "Careers and Life Planning Class" and considering being a PA.
It will be of no use to her, you can't PLAN for this, but it is REALLY fun to do.
PA meets the real career world.
I asked her if I could post it, but am not going to wait for an answer, it will go up as soon as I am done here. We need a laugh.
What a crazy week for poor kitty kits!
Yay for saving the first two...NEXT! geez.
Today for me: dentist, wedding meeting, Halloween costume shopping, farmers market. Busy but good. Ben gets home in about 40 minutes and I think we'll head to the library.
Very good news!
Good news on the OH cats. Had a sad conversation with the owner who through tears still wanted to make sure we did right by her cats. The new foster Cheryl and family is so excited about getting them. The transfer will take place probably Monday night. I explained to the owner just what went into finding a foster for her girls, blogs, tweets, re-tweets, postings on facebook, yahoo lists, and Craigslist. She was amazed and tearfully wanted me to thank each and everyone who made it possible for her cats to go to a good home.
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Oh, that's so very sad, and yet happy too. I hope this poor woman's life improves soon, after all she's been through.
Janet, will you be talking to her again? I'd love her to know that she is very much in my thoughts.
Yes, I'm sure I will talk with her again. I will let her know that it wasn't only her cats in our thoughts.
It is always so sad when owner's that do not want to part with their cat but have to. I remember one really big guy breaking down in tears with me in tears telling him it would be ok.
It's a truly horrible thing to have to give up a loved pet, and I am happy that she knows they are happy and safe, and how many people worked so very hard to see that they were ok.
She has been thru so very much, and has to be a strong women to have gotten herself out, it makes me so sad she can't have her kitties, but again, I am glad she has the comfort to know how many people rallied around her, to help her.
We did good, Fiends.
I think the universe said "Ok, look what they did" and is going for just a little bit more...
Sorry, can't help but think: with great power comes great responsibility...
we did, and its down to two strong women I know - Lorraine and Janet! You girls rock.
Good luck, Kitty!
I spoke to Janet earlier and got an update, solved before I could even get involved! What does it take to be a fiend?
You are here Shantra, therefore you are a Fiend.
Some sad news just through on Facebook, for those not on there or who haven't checked recently. Fellow Fiend Erin Underwood lost her brother to H1N1 today. She's pleading with everyone to get vaccinated, and I totally agree with her there. I know we'll all be thinking of Erin and her family
Oh how horrible.
Did she say what her brother's name is?
My deepest sympathy to Erin and her family.
No, she didn't OSS. I just feel shattered for her. I know how worried I was when two of my nieces had it, but this - well, shite.
Oh, how awful. My sympathies to Erin, family and friends.
Erin, there are no words... I am so sorry!
Erin I am so sorry.
And I thought my night was rough. I'll send Erin a note from us, that is very, very sad...
Nothing much here, my gas fireplace exploded, with a ball of fire and bang and gas was everywhere, but if you call 911 and tell them this the fire department, with ALL of their trucks and ambulance things will come really, really fast.
I hope you and all the kitties are okay!!!
My deepest heartfelt sympathy to Erin. How truly tragic.
M. Fablo -- gas fireplace explosions?!?! Oh my goodness. Thankful to read that the 911 call got a big, fast response.
Kudos to all of you involved in the Bengal rescues! Y'all are amazing.
Erin - losing a sibling is hard - you have my sympathy, too.
Heck Lorraine, I'm glad you and the cats are okay. Scary.
Gas fireplace explosion? OY! Everyone OK?
We're ok,and I have a really healthy respect now for the strongess of them, it all happened INSIDE the fireplace, didn't blow the thing apart, I got over there and got it OFF at least before I got out...
Livened up the night quite a but, I must say, not so tired anymore....
Yepee! What great news to wake up to!
Erin, so very sorry for your loss.
Quiche, I woke up & saw Woodsman Hans' tweet, and find you've been exploding your house while I was sleeping. Are exploding knives not enough for you?
So glad that you & the cats are all unharmed - you do still have heat without using the fire, don't you? And good to know that Fire Service responded so fast. Did it make a lot of mess?
Never a dull moment in Q-land, is there?
You are the best Fiends ever! No only are you saving lovely little cats, but you're sending me love all over the internet. I really really appreciate it. I'm so lucky to have Fiends like you. Thank you. (((Hugs)))
Erin, I just read this now. Kind thoughts to your whole family. I can't even imagine.
Heard a mewling while waiting for the bus this morning. Could have been a bird or a faulty car, but I had a feeling it was a kitten. I found him hiding between trash cans behind a tall locked gate. Going to see if he's still there tonight and get him some food. Kitty saving is in the air.
Oh, Erin! That is too horrible. I'm so sorry for you and your family.
And gas explosions. Aaargh. What next? Maybe peace and quiet? Linda, hope your pain sitch keeps improving.
I'm hoping to clean and organize today without anything exploding. The key to happiness, I think, is low expectations.
Heh! 'the key to happiness is low expectations' Fluffy, that's great. I may have to steal it.
Much sympathy, Erin to you and your family. Do I recall your Mom is already dealing with health issues? Know that I'm thinking of you, and wish I could do more.
Lorraine, I know life is calmer, with Boss away, but blowing things up is no way to relieve boredom! Isn't cat rescuing enough of an adrenaline rush, fer Pete's sakes....
So glad every one is safe and sound.
Bother. Box of ticks. Hope to sneak in reading a comment or two between appointments..we'll see.
Oh Erin, more {{{hugs}}} back to you.
Morning, all. I hope everyone has a peaceful, explosion free day today.
OMG, Q! Gas. Fire. Explosion. Those three words should never go together. However, I'm glad you got the gas off and that the fire trucks came quickly; that's always a relief.
Hopefully, today is a little less exciting.
{{{Erin}}} My heart and thoughts are with you and yours.
My guy less than an hour ago asked me, Do you think we should get H1N1 vaccinations? We weren't sure. Now I am.
I hope the job is going well, Kitty.
Hugs to you, Erin.
Jeez, Ms. Fabulous. Helping to rescue Bengals in need wasn't enough, you had to try to blow up Spooky House?
At least you and the Bengals are all okay. :)
Going to be an interesting time here today I am thinking.
But I don't think anything else will Literally explode.
Also don't think I am going to have a fire going tonight.
Oh Erin! Much love and hugs and sympathy to you and your family. I can't even imagine.
Must work on halloween costumes. i'm going to be Ventress from the Clone Wars which I haven't even seen but she seems like a wicked evil bitch of a villain so we'll watch it this weekend. Hubby will be Darth Maul even though we hate Ep.s 1-2-3 because he's got the contact lenses for it and will look awesome. Ben will be Obi Wan (w/ white beard) because, well, He's BEN!
Erin, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. My sympathy to you and your family.
Dear Erin,
sending you the most heartfelt sorry for your brother.
i don't know the details, but this is terrible news.
hope your family is close by.
much love.
We're here to help you, Erin. How are you doing?
Eyeball! Eyeball! Where is the Eyeball post? :)
Happy for saved kitties!
Re: exploding fireplace - Did you try to turn it on with your knife? Will the fireplace need to be labeled now as the Famous Exploding Fireplace?
Oh Erin. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Just got an email that Lady Gaga tix are going on sale for the SF show...thought you might want to check into your local show Lorraine!
Ben (mine) was lucky enough to see Lady Gaga speak at the Washington rally for gay rights. Thought of Quiche right away.
Today was interesting. I plunged (twice) into a pit and got a mouthful of dirt and whole lot of scrapes. Also got chased by a mad dog. And discovered a dead construction crane.
Erin....oh, my dear. Such a huge hug for you and your family. We lost my brother October 19, 1994....not sure I would have made it through w/out some very special people in Minneapolis (including the magnificently fabulous Q)...
If you get to a point where you want to email me, it is greylemur at hotmail
Take care of yourself.....
I'd say that goes just a bit beyond "interesting." :)
PS to Rest:
Just catching up...
Erin, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother.
Thanks Chantrelle, I did know about this tour, and am set for tickets. SO happy it's Lady Gaga solo!
Not sure yet where we are going to see her, she isn't coming here, and it depends on a couple things, but I am pretty darn happy!
The X-Ray Vision Eye Shop has not yet sent my Eyeball Pictures. They will be reminded tomorrow.
Emily - Nice teaser, that. Now spill! ;-)
No eyeballs, but here is something for you greedy Fiends, you have been so very helpful rescueing Bengals this week...
New Post UP!
Oh, OSS, it was a bike ride with Ben, into what I call Never-neverland ... a big desert-like wasteland in the middle of our little Rhode Island neighborhood. I've explored it but Ben hasn't ... and he was interested (and not scared this time because he was on a bike. People tend to feel a bit safer on bikes). There was a ditch ... and somehow Benjamin got the smooth side of the ditch. I somehow got the wildly lumpy side and twice flew off the bike face-first. And then after that we discovered a deserted moss-covered crane hiding in the skimpy woods around Never-neverland. The front window had been shattered. It was creepy! And then after that we spotted a dog wandering around with a child, and without a leash. So we sort of tried to avoid it because, you know, you aren't supposed to hang around weird dogs ... but we somehow ended up face to face with it and it chased us down the path to the main road, a big wild thing.
Blogger ate my reply. A shame really. I praised your storytelling skill and everything, Emily. Both in short and long form.
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