Sunday, October 25, 2009

Three Rocks Stars, A Birdchick, A Director, Some Bird Banders, Maddy and Me...

Such a fine couple days! This was the scene when I got into work, earlier than I was ready for today. It looked like a birder Garage Sale, with the Banders, and Birdchick already up and going.

I know there are a lot of questions about last night, with Jonathon, Paul, Storm, Birdchick and Bill.

Yes, whiskey was drunk, Maddy, Birdchick and I were not however, a part of that. Yes, a podcast was done from the Sauna, but no, the Bourbon was not IN the Sauna, they had moved on to water by that point.

Yes, my Twitter account was hijacked briefly, while I was in watching Twilight with Maddy, who was feeling poorly, but NOT by Jonathon, Paul, Storm and Bill, as I thought at first. They didn't stop it mind you, (who could stop the Birdchick?) but it wasn't them.

And yes, the Birdchick did leave her computer still logged into Tweetdeck, and yes, Maddy and I got her back good, while she was busy hobnobbing in the Sauna.

Yes, Storm attempted Grilled Cheese at 10:00pm, having missed my Mexican Food earlier, but I have NO idea how he managed to not only spill my leftover hot chocolate all over himself, the walls, and carpet, but break the cup into a million pieces.

And in conclusion I would have to say that tho whiskey was drunk, at no point did anyone act drunk, get out of control, toss a TV set or otherwise create chaos. Some Rock Stars they were.

I would, and hope to, have them back at any time, as I am pretty sure I haven't laughed that much in ages. A fine time was had by all. I love those guys. Wish the Boss had been there. (see what he is missing being in China?)

You can hear the Podcast HERE.

And oh, there was much trampolining done, and then a visit to the Bees, with Woodsman Hans along (all pre-whiskey) We had to give them all new feeder buckets, and who would bother with Bee Suits for such a small thing?

Heh. No one got stung, but we had some Bee Moments. A little, perhaps, bold on our parts.

One of the coolest things about having the Banders out is that they will happily talk some Birds and share the experience for as long as you will hang with them. They also let me hold and release a bird, in this case a Lady Goldfinch.

I got the holding thing down, but where the Banders, and Jonathon, released their Birds, and watched them fly indignantly away, my Bird simply stayed put in my hand. They said it was because I was nice and warm, but I think we had bonded, and she was my New Friend, and she Did Not want to leave me.

I explained what would happen tho, if she came home with me to the Spooky House, and we agreed it might be better if she flew on off. One of the Banders gave her a nudge, and she did fly on off, but we have agreed to Tweet from time to time (oh, I slay myself)

A very fine weekend. I am sure Merry Housekeeper will no doubt faint when she comes into work tomorrow, for all I tried to keep things picked up, (Sorry Merry! Does Hot Chocolate come out of carpets? And yes, I think I did use every pan in the house)

I am really looking forward to the Concert at the Guthrie tomorrow night. If they bring half the hilarity to the stage that they did to our house, it will be well worth the trip. If you are in town and have not yet got tickets, go, you, now and get them! If they come to your town, go and see them.

If you are very lucky, they will come to your house too.

Love and Fun,


At 16:35 Blogger Marjorie said...

WooT!! What a great night!

I'm going to their show in Bristol, but I don't suppose I shall be able to get them to come to my house. (I cannot offer a sauna, trampoline, Fabulous Assistant or Bees, you see....)

At 16:41 Blogger Marjorie said...

BTW, love the picture of you & the bird.

At 16:45 Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

UGH!! LOl, Ill eat my wheaties tomorrow:)

At 16:50 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Oh, my, sounds like a true Rock Star invasion!!

At 16:54 Blogger Unknown said...

Holding birds in ones hands is a marvelous thing. I used to volunteer in the avian nursery at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Roseville, MN. Teaching baby robins how to eat worms and hanging baby chimney swifts on the front of my overalls. Amazing stuff...

At 16:57 Blogger EmilyLady said...

This is a lovely post. I miss you, Lorraine.

At 17:00 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh my, that little bird is gorgeous, aad the fact that it didn't want to leave proves you're Mistress of the Birds as well.
what a fantastic weekend. Hope Maddy is feeling better.

At 17:08 Blogger Phiala said...

What fun! My life needs to be more interesting. Bees, rock stars, hot tubs... :)

At 17:08 Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, and I've been meaning to ask: Erin, how are you doing? Anything we can do to help?

At 17:11 Blogger Ticia said...

What a wonderful blog. You have put a smile a yard long on my face. Thank you for sharing and I'm glad fun was had by all.

At 17:14 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I love that last picture. A new fiend is born...

At 17:38 Blogger Siri said...

Sheesh, and here's me without a sauna.


At 17:48 Blogger Aisha said...

Everything is all fun and games until your pets start attempting to eat each other... or hot cocoa ends up everywhere... or your Twitter gets hijacked.

Sounded like an exciting weekend on Twitter, nice to get the full explanation!

At 17:49 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I sooo wish I could go to the show! Hopefully next time Jonathan is on this coast I can interview him for FoodPorn. Much food hilarity will ensue :)

You have such a way with all animals Q, it's amazing.

Must shop for dinner, our cousins are coming with our new dining room chairs! Have to make an epic meal to break them in!

At 18:05 Blogger Cecily said...

How absolutely wonderful. I once found a young robin in my courtyard, she let me hold her for quite sometime before she decided it was time to fly away. We still tweet too. ;-)

At 18:30 Blogger Uisge said...

loved following the hijacked tweets.

At 19:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Aww thanks Emily! I miss you too!

It was pretty fun, I must admit, even if not a lot of sleep happpened.

This next week will be fun too, ramping up to the Most Wonderful Day of the Year!

At 19:06 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a delight. Thank you!

At 19:21 Blogger anna j said...

What a fun post! Sounds like Quite The Weekend. I love that the lady finch didn't want to leave your hand.

At 19:34 Blogger Dan Guy said...

I don't drink, but I do love grilled cheese. I feel like such a boring house guest now. ^_^

At 20:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, Danguy, maybe you can create some sort of Mad Evil Genius type thing and redeem yourself?

(Drinking is not required here you know...)

At 20:15 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee hee! All those birdies in the little bags do make it look like some kind of a crazy garage sale. I love getting to let the birds go after banding.

Sounds like you had a fabulous time even with all the troublemakers in the house. :)

At 20:19 Blogger HellZiggy said...

Hey, it didn't give me the ticky box option when I signed in w/OpenID instead of Google. *hmph*

~other Sharon, the one who doesn't podcast from saunas.

At 20:24 Blogger AletaMay said...

What fun! Good to think of all of all that laughter being let out into the world!

Love the holding the bird shots. I want to hold a bird.

I am looking forward to hearing/seeing these wacky rock stars tomorrow. I am going with Tommy B and Sherri M who is married to him. We are planning to have Indian food before the show which I am also looking forward to.

Before then though I have school work to do. Must do. Must.

At 20:31 Blogger HellZiggy said...

Hey Aleta,
Stop at the merch table & introduce your fiendish self to me. :) I'll be the one that's not a really tall bald man.

~Hellziggy, aka other Sharon, aka JoCo/Paul & Storm Minneapolis Merch Minion

At 20:39 Blogger Phiala said...

Jess, we're considering going to see JoCo too. It's at least a weekend, which makes it much more doable.

At 21:51 Blogger ariandalen said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

The Seattle zoo has a room full of budgies and a few other small birds that visitors can enter and feed the birds. The zoo provides the first few sticks of food, then you can buy more. It's fun. :)

At 22:31 Blogger Na said...

bird post! learn about the birds and bees here! er... mebbe not.

i don't think JoCo or P&S come up this way much. however, tomorrow night this time the guy and i will be rockin' out to Flogging Molly. w00t! we've got monstersitters even!!!! (i'm happy, can you tell?!?!) the days are getting so so short, i am really looking to this for a cheer-me-up.

At 22:37 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Woohoo! I just got an email saying JoCo is coming to San Francisco in January! Yay!

At 23:53 Anonymous Lysandwr said... that we have the new TWO STORY (weeee!) house...hey, that is gigantic to us :)....anyway, if they are traipsing through New Mexico, give them my info. Indoor/outdoor fireplaces and a LOT of birds....

But our trampoline is small (one person) :)

At 01:38 Blogger spacedlaw said...

What a mad evening. Just what you needed to ease a little of Hermione's passing sadness.

At 01:47 Blogger Na said...

LOL - went and read the tweetage.

At 01:49 Blogger Na said...

Lys!!! Congrats and best wishes with the new abode!

At 03:15 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Q--oh, we also have Sandhill Cranes (coming in soon), good whiskey, and both full dairy and Vegan hot chocolate. So the service isn't too bad ...... :)

Na--much thanks for your kind wishes! Meant to say, also, ....FLOGGING MOLLY!! wOOt w/extra WOOOOOOO.... :)

Chantrelle--left over from earlier...saw the cousins' site: gorgeous work. Very inspiring.

At 06:24 Blogger Kate said...

Paul&Storm were playing in my husband's hometown while we visited the in-laws back in April. I wish we could've dropped everything to go see them, but t'was a family visit and I couldn't quite explain who P&S were- "er, Rockstars from teh Internets!"

The birding pictures are awesome. I've been to a couple bandings- mostly chickadees, though, nothing so interesting as what you guys got.

At 06:31 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Halloween, too. It's the biggest national holiday in the Afterlife. Nonstop fireworks from morning 'til dusk.

At 09:15 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Lysandwr - Congratulations on the new home!

Alas, I have nothing to attract Rock Stars. They don't even appear to be coming to Chicago any time soon. *sniff*

Spent all yesterday afternoon cooking so I'd have good, healthy food all week. Then forgot to pack my lunch this morning.

At 09:39 Blogger ariandalen said...

I forgot to mention that the Broommobile rides again!

At 10:01 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No milk for tea. Had to go OUT for chai. Defrosting the fridge which will take the next year.

Bleak morning.

Must set up chai delivery schedule with Merry Housekeepr and Woodsman Hans.

At 10:03 Blogger Phiala said...

You obviously require a PA to keep you equipped with milk and chai.

At 10:09 Blogger HellZiggy said...

One Sock Short: the Rock Stars were just in Chicago a couple weeks ago.

Lorraine: You should have used your wiley PA powers to get the Rock Stars to fetch you chai. You could have made them think it was their idea. :)

~other Sharon, psyched to see the Rock Stars tonight!

At 10:14 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Well shoot.

I am clueless about how to keep up with music events here. But then, I'm pretty clueless about music, so I just wait for friends (better yet, fiends) make recommendations. Which usually means I find out too late.

-OSS, the socially unsavvy

At 11:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It's the darn fridge, which is off and melting all over the floor.

I will get Merry Housekeeper to bring me a glass of milk for tea every morning.

The fridge sort of had a reverse of freezer meltdown. It made itself into a block of ice. Now I have to leave it off until it melts, which could take years.

At 11:24 Blogger Shantra said...

Okay, so I had no clue who JoCo was, except that lots of people here seemed to know him well and going to see him. So off I went to Wiki and I made a discovery. I am way too old to know who he is and if not too old then hopelessly out of touch because I didn't know any of it. But I do feel somewhat privileged to know the lady who makes him grilled cheese sandwiches.. if that is any help?

And btw the hijacked tweets were hilarious. I wondered why I was puzzled by the reference to apple pie and underwear, didn't sound very Lorrainish to me.

At 11:27 Blogger Shantra said...

And oh goodness Lorraine, you are having one HELL of a week! I will hope for better ahead. My fridge was awash in water under the crisper drawers this morning.. like this a year ago and got repaired.. time for a new fridge I think. The next progression is frozen eggs and I am not too good at thawing them.

At 11:48 Blogger Na said...

The Spooky House seems to be experiencing extremes of temperature.

Lys - w00t yeah! TONIGHT!!! I get to go to a concert!!!! First since we left Austin!!! Hmmm. Better save a little of this energy for this evening.

And learned yesterday that Dropkick Murphies will be here also, in mid-November. *ponders finances*

At 13:15 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

oh man, that sounds like a party to end all parties!
and hen-o-the-woods was found?! found dead.
am i wrong in being hopeful that the shattered cup in question was NOT the SLeeping Beauty mug that I love oh so much? ok, let's do hope not.

At 13:45 Blogger Marjorie said...

No milk? not good.
OSS, don't know about music events generally (do you hvae 'Eventful' over there?) but JoCo has a mailing list you can sign up for, and so do Jason Webley & AFP, so if you know who you want to see you can proably sign up to the appropraite lists...

At 14:59 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Say, that does look like a handy tool, Marjorie. I'll give it a try. Thanks!

At 15:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Shantra, you are never too old for new music. Ever.

No Kitty, Your Sleeping Beauty Mug is just fine, not to worry!

Must Bengal and get some REAL CLOTHES together for tonight. Going OUT, and not for my gig!

At 15:25 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Enjoy the concert!

At 15:32 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Little William is like way sick. Can hardly breathe and just threw up all over the car (with me and Mom as Godesses of Puke). He's a riot, though. When he was all done he looked at Mom and was like, "I'm sorry I threw up in the car."

And she said, "Don't worry about it; it's not your fault!"

"Oh, I know. But it's a bad mess to clean up. Well ..." To which he shrugged, "That's what humans do."

At 15:55 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Bought myself some nifty new sweaters t wear out tonight. But OF COURSE it's one of the shirts I bought the other day to wear to the barn that is the coolest.

I think there is a lesson here....

At 16:33 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

There. Cleaned up. LOTS of purple and jewals. (When in doubt, add more I say)

I twit pic'd a photo but don't know how to link to it, if someone who isn't going out tonight can help out, you can see me in CLOTHES!

At 16:40 Blogger Marjorie said...

Here you go Lorraine dressed up with somewhere to go

At 16:53 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh! Yay! I got to see Lorraine all dressed up with somewhere to go! It's funny, before Marjorie posted the photo, I had thought about saying to Quiche, "Oh, I want to see you with CLOTHES!" but knew it would sound very very odd.

At 19:02 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Wow - you look stunning Quiche. Hope you're enjoying your night.
And Emily -hope William is better quickly.

At 19:20 Blogger Shantra said...

Hope you have a GREAT time Lorraine.. the kind that make you forget milk. Quickie announcement too.. Mars aka Mischa is now officially Apollo, because, he looks like an Apollo. It was the name of the hugest horse I ever rode, a 17 hh dapple grey.

At 19:42 Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, I love that photo. Rock on Purple Goddess!

I want rock stars and birders in my house...all I have are accountant and lawyer germs that I tracked home from the office. Not the same, and they give me strange nightmares about paperwork. Pfllt.

At 19:42 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Cool, Shantra!

Thanks, Sally. Will is feeling a lot better. I think he just took too much medicine. He was so much better after he threw up - before then he was so ill, I had to piggyback him into the doctor's office because he could hardly walk. But after puking, his coloring was better, his voice was stronger, his eyes were brighter, his attitude was chipper. And then he was hungry enough for supper. And had cookies. And didn't puke. My little guy.

At 19:45 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Eeek, Emily! That sounds scary. Anything a body is that determined to get rid of fast is worrisome. Glad he's better now.

At 19:55 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Well, he took some respiratory medicine he had never taken - and it sped up his heart and everything. But he's such a good little boy, so well-behaved about being sick. Just before we got into the car and he threw up, he said, coming from the doctor's office, "I like doctors." How often do you hear THAT from and eight year old?

At 20:12 Blogger ariandalen said...

You look awesome, Ms. Fabulous!

Rock out!

At 21:41 Blogger EmilyLady said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 01:20 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Looking hot, Lorraine! And ready to rock.

At 01:26 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I did rock out and had a fine time! The show was great, and I got to see a LOT of people that I knew, and kind of knew.

Those guys are the best, it's like having three older brothers, in the best possible way. We have lots of fine stories that have no need to grow in the telling, and I really hope they come back again soon.

Merry Housekeeper did not QUITE faint when she came in this morning, but it was close. The place was pretty trashed.

AH well, the music made me happy, and the laughing did me good. And I got to clean up and dress nice for a change.

At 02:38 Blogger Marjorie said...

So glad you had fun!

AndPoor Merry. Did she & spooky daughter come out to the concert, too?

At 07:30 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Sounds really lovely.

William is alive today. Barely, but alive. And I don't think I'll have to be a puke goddess. He ate cookies last night and was fine. Whee.

At 08:12 Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

sadly, we didn't make the concert. spooky daughter is a swimmer and had practice.

At 08:49 Blogger Jane said...

Calvin is at the vet for the third chemo treatment The second one had no effect :-(

There are two more drugs to try & the vet thinks remission still maybe 80% possible, so we continue.

I could tell he was not feeling any better at all, so was not surprised to get the news.

Picking him up later today...

At 08:52 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Poor Calvin. My best hopes for all of you.

At 09:06 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Sorry to hear about Calvin ... I hope things turn out okay ... What sort of effects does chemotherapy have on cats, if it's okay to ask?

At 09:20 Blogger Jane said...

He seems to feel kind of like he has the flu, maybe? Low grade nausea, doesn't want to eat, kind of wobbles around, though he can move fairly quickly if he's thinks we're going to do something to him (like give him meds).

We inject him with Anzemet for the nausea, so that's under control, but for the rest, can't do much.

What we don't know is how much of what he's feeling is due to the cancer and how much to the chemo. Could be all from the cancer, according to his vet. Evidently some cats breeze right through the chemo. I think that the approach to animal chemo is not quite like human. you can't explain to an animal that he has to feel like crap for 6 mos, but then MIGHT be OK. They don't know...

Trying not to be sad and succeeding, mostly.

At 09:35 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hugs. Too all of you.

At 09:56 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all! Sun seems to be out. Weird.

Merry Housekeeper dropped off milk early for me, on the porch. Kind of like having a milkman. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, this milk, waiting for me to bring it in, and make the Tea Goodness with it.

Oh my yes.

At 10:10 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I am sorry, Jane.

So. Problem: William won't take his medicine; no ifs, ands, but, howevers, on the other hands, maybes, etc.

Solution: ...

At 10:29 Blogger Jane said...

Poor William. and you, too.

At 10:32 Blogger Chantrelle said...

So sorry about kitty-kitty Jane :(

Emily, I wish I had a solution but ben loves medicine (i'm hoping this isn't a problem later in life!). He asked me over the summer when he'd get sick again so he could take medicine!

Q - Glad you had a great night! And why did milkmen ever go away anyway?!?! What a great idea that was! I remember a SNL skit that had "amenities of the future" and one was these space-age-silver dressed people leaving bottles of milk on the porch.

It is errand/household day. I'm not the carpool today so i have until 4pm to accomplish kid-free things.

At 10:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am going to work on the Haunted House today, my room is all set, and I have plenty of Things for it. All very exciting.

You might have THOUGHT I had done this before, worked in a Halloween Haunted House, but actually, no, I haven't. I am going to scare people, and give them eyeballs!

Emily, he's a smart kid, talk to him, tell him this flu is a Not Mess Around thing, and if he died you would be Very Sad All Day...Always worked for Mads.

Jane, very sorry for your kitty, brave thing to do for him, not sure I could. I suppose it would have to be something you would have to decide based on what was best for Kitty. I do know, hard call.

At 10:53 Blogger Shantra said...

Hmm Milk in tea.. uncommon in America, what kind of tea? Good English tea - which is actually Indian - I hope!

At 10:55 Blogger Shantra said...

And Jane.. my heart goes out to you and I hope the Chemo works. We lost Tyson last month, wrote about it on my blog.

At 11:04 Blogger Jane said...

Shantra - I read your blog with tears...I totally agree with your decision not to let him go on until he was miserable every minute.

I'm hoping we're not doing that to Calvin, but if the chemo this week doesn't work, and next week's also doesn't work, we will be finished.

So hard to think about but necessary.

At 12:13 Blogger Jane said...

Emily - how about Pill Pockets?

Oh dear, for cats, too.

But maybe the concept would work for William, too?

At 14:48 Blogger Jane said...

Oh, that would work for me!

At 14:55 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My eyeball pictures just came!!!

New blog tonight, for now, back to working on the haunted house....


At 14:59 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh, Jess, I was picturing that. William looking up at me like, "What the? ... My sister's gone nuts!"

We'll see. Thanks for all the suggestions. We have thought about pills; we think we're going to try the kind that melt in one's mouth. He is totally unwilling to swallow the fluid and we really don't want to hold him down because ... well, for one, he puked yesterday afternoon and for another, last time we held him down was four years ago, and once we got it in, he did get his revenge by puking then too.

At 15:44 Blogger Marjorie said...

Emily, have you tried capsules or tablets? My brother used not to take(liquid) medecins when he was little - but had no problems at all with capsules or tablets

At 16:27 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh FODS. Mom just said, "Okay, William! Time for everybody to hold you down!" And then I heard, "NO, William, that's Emily' lifeline - pick it up!"


At 17:12 Blogger Jane said...

Oh dear, what did that mean?

At 18:43 Blogger Beez said...

Okay, will read more in a bit.

Emily, try the pills or caps- if the alternative is the liquid he may go for it.

Spawn (bless 'im) refused the liquids the same way pretty much-so very much hated the taste that he would need to be pinned. Once he got a bit older I learned that if HE had some control over the process it was better, so he got to handle his own dose of the stuff and hold his nose (and breath) and I stood by with a Sprite or something else to wash it down with.
Still hates the stuff but uses it...of course he'll be 18 Thursday :P

At 19:03 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Jane - I hope this treatment works for Calvin. Poor mite. Scritches for him, and hugs for you.

Emily...would ice cream work?

At 19:21 Blogger Chantrelle said...

If there are pills as an alternative I'd try that, definitely. I learned to swallow pills at a really young age because i hated the liquid so much!

At 19:38 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cd's, Honey and finally!!!


Yes,, new post is UP!

At 19:40 Blogger dabbler said...

Wow...Lorraine, you looked fab indeed last night. Glad you've been having fun!

Anybody else hear AFP's interview on NPR this weekend, on a show about the music biz? She was the only optimistic person they interviewed...

Emiy, the only thought I have about William is to wonder what the medicine is, and if there is an alternative sort. Both my kids ALWAYS threw up if given anything with Tylenol in the formulation, but would do fine with things with ibuprofen instead. FWIW, that. And I concur with trying a different format (pill, caps, dissolving dingus)

At 20:32 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh Fods, that was sooooooooooooo not fun. But we at least got him to TRY the medicine (which does not, as far as we know, have any alternative - I think it's particular and important). What went on was a wild mess. Horrid. But at least he's okay now, and we'll keep trying. I think he needed a catastrophic fight to get him to cooperate. He's an interesting kid, I'll tell you; most strategic in his defenses: "Okay, well, if you want to hold me down, I'll have to fight you with this light saber. Also, you can't get me all the way up here on this toy box, so ..." Most kids would panic but he's very level-headed. Oh, and the Emily's-life-line thing? I think he just dropped a diabetes meter and Mom was just frustrated, and exaggerated a bit.

At 22:13 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh, and we did try ice cream, by the way, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.

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