Saturday, November 21, 2009

Starring, for the first time: MAGIC!!!!!!

First EVER Video of Magic. For those who are here for the first time, Magic is an F1 Bengal, which means his Daddy was an Asian Leopard Cat. He was bounced from home to home for BEING an early generation Bengal, and finally ended up with us in rescue.

He now has a home with me, and for the first time, is coming out when another person is in the room, for some play. (He hid in his cave for months after I got him) He has gone from a hostile being who trusted to no one and nothing, to a Kitty who knows how to love. And Play.

Here's another...

Early Generation Bengals take a lot of special care. They are closer to the ALC (Asian Leopard Cat) If you decide to adopt a Bengal thru Great Lakes Bengal Rescue or another rescue, you will not be getting an early generation Kitty. You will be getting an F4 (considered a domestic cat) or higher.

They have all the spots, energy, and intelligence and beauty of their earlier Gen cousins, but without the problems sometimes associated with the Early Gen guys. EG Kitties need to be with people who know what they are getting, AND what they are doing once they have them.

If you understand Bengals (And I am happy to help, point you at websites, talk, anything) pretty much any cat lover will do just fine with a Bengal.

They have a way of getting into your heart.

And one more...

It was our own Cat Mihos (Kitty, @neverwear, @furrytigerkitty) Boss's other Assistant and my dear friend who took these, first ever Magic vids.

They make me nearly cry, thinking how far Magic has come. No one wanted him. He loved no one, and no one loved him. He ended up at a shelter who would not take him, because he was not adoptable. He had no chance they said.

Guess they were wrong.

Love ad Magic,


At 13:14 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Oh my god, Lorraine!!! Those are amazing! You are so incredible to have saved this amazing boy.

At 13:19 Blogger Unknown said...


I love love love Magic and I love what you've done for him!

It makes me so happy to see these vids, I can't even tell you. Thank you Q and Thank you Kitty!

At 13:24 Blogger DataGoddess said...

He's such a gorgeous boy! And so curious, and looked like he was having FUN!!

You are amazing!

At 13:26 Blogger Precision Grace said...

oops, forgot a ticky box.

Also, Magic so reminds me of my Tonks with that white underchin and bewildered expression at all times.
Soooo sweeeet.

At 13:32 Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's so beautiful. Thank you for sharing these videos xx

At 13:36 Blogger larissa said...


At 13:37 Blogger Tziedel said...

Amazingly beautiful cat.

At 13:43 Blogger Frounette said...

So lovely - and he looked like he was concentrating very hard on that feather!
You do amazing work with these cats.

At 13:55 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

wait til you see the ones of the Royals!
too bad Quiche is being the Queen of the Kitchen at this time, we got her her own YouTube site so she can post all the Bengal vids together...
just got back from AMAZING firewoks stand with NonBirding Bill and Woodsman Hansy, i got my own fireworks license....i will video tonight...kaBOOM!!!!

At 13:58 Blogger Lioness said...

Gorgeous gorgeous. That was wonderful to see. You have done such good work with that boy.Magic indeed!

At 14:03 Blogger Siri said...

Damn, you are good.

It's the levels on which you are good that are truly amazing...

At 14:09 Anonymous Rhonda said...

That's made of awesome.

You're kinda cool too :-p

At 14:30 Blogger Karen B. said...

It's so cool, Lorraine, that you got Magic to the point where he's okay with ANYone else. Even cooler that he feels whatever enough with Kitty to play with her in the room. Brava!

Happy cats are happy-making.

At 14:31 Blogger Jane said...

Amazing and beautiful, not only the cat, but what you have done with and for him.

At 14:32 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Magic! Playing! What a joy to see.

At 14:47 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Yay Magic! Get that feather!

At 15:06 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks you all! It does make me happy. He was so alone, not sure I ever saw a being so alone. And now he has me.

And Mim kind of. She likes to go on his porch. She bullies him horribly. He likes it.

I am putting a Scream door on his bedroom, so he can look into the Romance room a at us, since it will be too cold soon for his porch.

At 15:12 Blogger Dragonsally said...

My heart hurts with happiness.

Lorraine, you are truly awesome and full of win. To see Magic out and playing and being filmed, really, I am breathless.

Kitty - kaboom?

At 15:13 Blogger AletaMay said...

So very cool. What a beautiful comfortable boy Magic has become!

At 15:34 Anonymous Kate said...

And this was the cat in full hiss and fur fluff mode high on a shelf telling everyone to back up and out or be sorry.
Magic indeed.
Many happy hearts here today (mine included).

At 15:50 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I cannot watch Magic here in the library but once I get home I will! Just finished up work. You know, I never get to spend time with cats of any kind ... unless I happen to be with a friend who has cats, but my mother is so allergic and just does not like cats.

At 16:32 Blogger vampi said...

this warms my heart. this is so full of awesome.

At 16:55 Blogger Uisge said...

So wonderful to see Magic playing. Happy boy.

At 19:29 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I just watched the videos. Magic looks like he's having so much fun.

Just had my first proper conversation in Chinese. I have never actually had a proper conversation - I've had times where I've frozen up, sputtered, "What? What?" in Chinese, and had to revert to English (since the conversation partner was usually bilingual), but not today.

At 20:01 Anonymous Anonymous said...

He moves just like an Ocelot! Love! I suppose that means that if I didn't have two domestic shorthairs and two domestic children, I'd be in the market for either a Bengal or an Ocecat....

At 20:27 Blogger Dragonsally said...

could this be the next trick for Venus to learn?

At 21:12 Blogger Siri said...

Oh, Sally...I have tears in my eyes from laughing.

I have been that cat.


At 21:20 Blogger Jane said...

Steve and I both have tears in our eyes and thank you Sally they are not sad tears :-)

At 21:38 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Jack says: "I'll do it tomorrow, I promise!"

O the wonderful logic of twelve-year-old boys.

At 21:40 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Stop, stop, I can't breathe! Oh Sally, that is hilarious!

At 22:00 Blogger Dragonsally said...

oh noes...BREATH please OSS.

At 22:01 Blogger Dragonsally said...

of course I mean breathe. who stole the e?(by which I mean the letter e*sigh*)

At 22:24 Blogger Cecily said...

They are all ever so wonderful! And you two are so wonderful together! No being is hopeless, as you have proven with your beautiful Magic.

At 04:27 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Such a cutie, he is.
It does my heart good to see him playing like a kitten.

Greetings from France.

At 06:48 Blogger Marjorie said...

That's so wonderful to see!thank you both so much for sharing. And I hope the party was great, too.

At 11:15 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Great party!

Seems to be still going. Very fun!

At 11:25 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Yay for fun times with good friends! It sure sounds like a wonderful night.

Today I take Mum to see Richard III. I enjoyed this production of it so much when I went with a friend a couple of months ago, I offered it to Mum as an alternative to an opera this season. She chose the play. She was practically bouncing last night in anticipation.

At 11:43 Blogger Jane said...

Calvin is home, looking thin but seeming better. Oddly enough, craving attention after his 2 days away.

OSS, your mom sounds cool :-)

I love fireworks - will there be photos of the party? I saw the preparty shots.

At 12:22 Blogger Na said...

Looks like Magic what a little shy of the camera? But a whole new being now, he is. I had a similar thought as Cecily - shows that so many beings must have a future no one thinks likely for them, if someone will simply give them the space and time to become. Look what you've done for both Magic and Luka! Helped them find their names. Helped them live.

At 12:23 Blogger Na said...

(meant WAS [not what] a little shy...)

(ah well -- ticky tick while I'm here)

(want more weekend!)

At 14:21 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Magic has come so far from that scared little guy he was! Look at him go!:)

Sally - LOL!!

Good to hear Calvin is home. *scritches* for the kitty.

I really like the new pix Boss put up on the blog, though the tea one is screaming for a caption.;)

At 14:42 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Happy birthday to Mr. Jess.

At 15:19 Blogger Dragonsally said...

ohhh, happy birthday Mr Jess.

If all the clocks in the house are showing a different time, which one do you believe?

At 15:38 Blogger Jane said...

Happy Birthday Mr Jess - you are the one with the lovely long hair, right?

Sally, believe the one that is right, of course.

At 16:49 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Happy, happy firbday Mr. Jess!

Sally, you could just average the various readings. But maybe that's a bit geeky ;-)

At 17:23 Blogger Fluffy said...

Sally, I'd go with the one that tells you it's cocktail time.

At 17:58 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Ahhh, the memories.... ^_^

At 19:47 Blogger Fiend-in-law said...

Many many thanks for the firbday wishes!

I spent the day not having to drive in Pittsburgh which is a real treat for me.

Yes, that's me with the hair.

At 20:06 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Quite the weekend. Want to go home and sleep now. Until at least, er, morning.


At 20:25 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I remember the hair, the really lovely long hair and SCIENCE shirt.

At 20:57 Blogger Kate said...

I never noticed, in all Magic's pictures, that white tip of his tail. Gorgeous kitty. Hardly believe he could ever have been so afraid.

Great video, Sally. I did that to a printer just last week. I didn't fall out of the chair, but it's only a matter of time due to positioning of the printer facing the wall as it won't go any other way.

I know cats are the main rescue focus here, but I was just reading about a greyhound track in WI that's looking to find homes for a lot of their dogs. It's not a euthanasia situation, but here's the link:

At 21:29 Blogger ariandalen said...

Wow. Magic not only coming out when a stranger is in his room, but playing! ::happy sigh::

Jane, so glad that Calvin is feeling better and back at home. :)

And a Happy (belated?) Firbday to Mr. Jess/Fiend-in-Law! You know, you're as much a Fiend as the rest of us. :)

At 22:29 Blogger AletaMay said...

Hey Fiends. I had a lovely afternoon at the semi-fiend-formerly-known-as-Laser-Lady's lovely local jewelry artist party, which featured Feind Ellyn and two women who do some interesting metal work. Good stuff!

Glad to hear that Calvin is feeling better.

At 00:57 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I thought you were all being very quiet but...
Not only my Mom's keyboard was French but her computer did not offer me the ticky box option either.
Those French computers!

(well either them or the fact that I am a zombie)

At 02:12 Blogger Na said...

Oh dear, Natalaw, have you begun to shamble?!

Long weekend. I worked a lot, after weeks of the same. Listening to Norah Jones while finishing up an assignment tonight (and popping in here, hee) and there's a new picture on my desktop of some dear friends from Austin who gathered Friday for fun (without meeeee), and now I am feeling sooooo homesick for Austin, and the States - how can it be Thanksgiving when I have no chance of hearing that awesome Waitresses song on the radio?

Right. Must be time for sleep.

Hugs to you all, whatever easy or difficult things you're rolling with this week.

At 04:58 Blogger Marjorie said...

Poor, Zombie Nathalie. Hope you find a good supply of spicy brains and and are able to regain your humanity soon...

At 06:45 Blogger spacedlaw said...

No chance of that, Marjorie. I shall be on the road again tomorrow (just for one day, in principle), again to Paris.
I hope this shall be the last time this year. Do I feel lucky? Let me make more tea before I attempt to answer that...

At 07:10 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I also have no brain spices, but only when I go to work. I shake them all out then let them regenerate, which is always somewhat harried on every other Monday, when they have about an hour to regenerate after work before I get to a city council meeting to cover it for the local paper.

In other news, I was super stressed this weekend due to my potential move, but my mom and her husband (mainly her husband) are really supporting me and helping me get my New Orleans dream apartment, so today I am about 50 percent less stress than I was at this time yesterday.

At 07:29 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well this is feeling darned early in the morning.

Kitty leaves today, sadly. Some nonsense about seeing her Love before he goes off on tour. Hmmph. When she could be watching SUV with ME????

(Actually, I adore Drew, and kind of understand it.)

At 07:51 Blogger Marjorie said...

Good Morning Q, Good Morning Kitty, and save travels.

At 07:53 Blogger Marjorie said...

*ahem* that should be safe travels.

And I don't even have the excuse of it being early in the morning, becasue it isn't, here.

Good Morning to all the other fiends, too. (except Louisa & Nat-Law, to whom Good Afternoon)

At 08:35 Blogger Jill said...

Lorraine, you said that these videos nearly made you cry. Well, I accomplished the crying on your behalf, sitting here with tears streaming down my cheeks, watching this scared little guy find his wings.

I have a ridiculously soft spot in my heart for misfits. I can't watch "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" without sobbing.

Thank you for loving Magic enough to help him find joy. May you be blessed tenfold in this life and whatever life may follow.

At 08:58 Blogger Phiala said...

I survived, and nobody was hungry. Details later.

And also I will watch the videos later, I just wanted to get a ticky box in.

At 09:46 Blogger vampi said...

oooh oooh me me me !!! I want to exchange cards. i have a whole bunch i am going to send out already. :)

At 10:00 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Jess, i want a magic illegible card!

yes, i go away today, am sitting across table from a giggling Quiche who reads Boss' not-so-funny story, wondering what she giggles at...but i daren't ask her.
not while she is reading..

it is super sunny here, all this talk of rain and snow is merely that, talk.
I do need to go and see Boyfriend before he goes out with all those foxy dancers and girl rockstars...
he may be gone til august!!

to wrap up, it was another lovely visit to the midlands-- (and QUiche and I still have the afternoon)

At 10:06 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Oh, and yes, I must have cards!!!!!!!!!

Note to self: Somehow construct horrifying Hannukwanzmas cards.

At 10:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No cards. Steak.

At 10:39 Blogger Phiala said...

I am truly abysmal at sending out cards. No really. About every 3 years I get excited by the idea, but the other years nothing is ever mailed. Purchased, sometimes, but never sent.

But, given the rarity of responses, if anyone really still wants to send me something, my address is Sarah Goslee, PO Box 10908, State College PA 16805.

And yes, I did just intend to post that publicly, if anyone is concerned. :)

I'm having a break: more coffee, and leftover coffeecake from yesterday's breakfast. Yum!

I've been at work long enough to discover that my hands still smell of garlic, to get through all of my email and assorted correspondence, and to realize that the big project I was working on last week still is not going correctly.

At 10:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No. Need meat. Xmas meat. Holiday meat.

No art.

Leopards do not eat art.

They smite it.

At 10:57 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I'm going to be here for another month, so I'll post my address in case anyone wants to mail me random things, like shennanigans. Although, any mangoes will be forwarded to FabLo.

Wendy Withers
4015 East Hanlon Street
Tampa, FL 33617

If any of you internet lurkers were planning on murdering me and wearing my skin as clothes, you'd better hurry, because my new apartment includes security, seven flights of stairs, and 600 miles between me and the previous address.

At 12:45 Blogger vampi said...

if all goes as planned, cards will be sent out this week.

quiche, i wouldn't go any where near calling my cards art...they are hand made with love, but not art. i wouldn't want to insult any creative peoples out there. i had fun making them, and i hope some of them make people laugh. Hallmark doesn't need to worry about me getting in on their game...

At 13:41 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No Mango. Meat.

At 13:46 Blogger anna j said...

Care + Respect + Love = Magic(al) Progress. Wonderful how well he's doing now that he's not so alone.

I think I managed to get cards out ONE year out of the last... lifetime. Will perhaps send steak instead. But only to FabLo. Unless someone else wants steak? *eyes group of fiends*

Tonight I leave for the Grand Thanksgiving Visit To Ohio. There will be food and people and dancing.

At 13:50 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


You may have bacon tho.

At 13:52 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

My cats are very adament about not liking steak. Although, Serious Black does love canned mushrooms...

At 13:52 Blogger AletaMay said...

I strongly suspect that Freaky Venus has hijacked Q's computer.

At 13:53 Blogger One Sock Short said...

From piano keyboard mastery to computer keyboard mastery in just a few days! We should all be very afraid.

At 13:59 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mushrooms are fine. You may keep those.

At 14:01 Blogger Marjorie said...

Maybe it isn't Venus. Maybe it's Luka, now he has his name, he is branching out...

At 14:10 Blogger Lioness said...

So, "Quiche" how do you,I mean the cats, like their steak?

At 14:19 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I don't eat it myself, but they like it rare. Or well done. Or medium. Someitmes, medium rare, or medium well. Often raw too, a little tartar as it were.

At 14:21 Blogger Lioness said...

If of course, it truly is you speaking...

At 14:22 Blogger ariandalen said...

December will be a better month than November. Right?

So. I guess I need to write some emails if I want to exchange holiday cards. I'll try to do that in the next couple of days.

Seren is home with bronchitis. I guess it's a good thing that she and Ariane only have two days of school this week due to Thanksgiving.

I'm working on stuff to send to you, Ms. Fabulous; however, I wasn't planning on sending steak, nor anything else for your pride of Bengals. You do so much for them, I want to do something for you, even if it's not a big deal. I just need to finish what I started. :)

At 14:22 Blogger ariandalen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 14:26 Blogger ariandalen said...

"Patience is a virtue."

Obviously, I have very little today as I hit the "publish comment" button twice.

::head desk::


At 14:51 Blogger Marjorie said...

I wanna card, Jess - I've been trying to think of a use for that ceremonial bronze vessel for years

Happy to swap with anyone else, too, although mine won't be artistic homemade ones...

At 17:01 Blogger vampi said...

i'll send you one Marjorie:) email me address: vampiress at gmail dot com or facebook, when it decided to have less fail.

I like mail :) and i'm happy to card swap with any fiend.

At 18:11 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Sadly can't do cards..too busy. Only here on 10 minute break from Evil Paper Writing.

I sent you a LOLBoss Q, did you get it?

At 18:13 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Oh! I love it. Thanks so much for sharing the kittyvids.

At 19:48 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Did get it Kali! Just very behind on answering e-mails.

Apparently I posted a lot about steak today tho. Funny, don't recall that...

Back to work...

At 20:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

NO PIGS!!!!!! I HATE PIGS!!!!!!

I hate everything about them.

At 20:32 Blogger vampi said...

Quiche doesn't dig on swine.

(<3 jess and weebl)

At 20:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I don't hat peeps, I just feel an obligation to rid the world of their evil. It's like, my job , ya know?

At 21:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Pigs or Peeps?

At 22:01 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Thinly sliced salty pig is good. Pig parts made into sausages are good.

Peeps aren't good no matter what.

At 22:03 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I finally started making holiday season cars on a bit of a shock when I realized its December next week....eek. what happened to my good intentions to get them out early?

At 22:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ya'll EAT pigs? Weird.

Sally, tell us more about the Holiday Season Cars in Australia...You decorate them???

(I slay myself, and SO need to go to sleep...)

At 22:22 Blogger ariandalen said...

When whole pork loins are $1.00/lb at the grocery store, and you're not vegetarian or vegan, you eat pig. Pork is often cheaper than beef, even in Texas.

At 22:26 Blogger Dragonsally said...

you better believe it Quiche!!!!

At 22:27 Blogger ariandalen said...

I should also add that you eat pork if you have no religious restraints, as well as not being vegetarian or vegan.

At 23:02 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Ah, thought so Lorraine. Just wondered iffn you saw it whilst sifting through the great backlog. No worries!;)

MMMmmm pig is tasty.

I agree about peeps though, they are the Evil that should not spread. And they taste bad. But when they dry out enough and you throw them, they explode on contact, which is very satisfying.

At 23:16 Blogger Ms T said...

Wildly off the pigs/pork related topic, but anyhoo...I just realised I hadn't commented on the wondrous new hair. And Lorraine's fabulous work with Magic. All very, very beautiful.

And...I've just spent an afternoon typing up other people's speeches, so now I've run out of words myself. Must be time to go home then!

At 23:26 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I wondered why I seemed to have missed some comments...damned inbox!

Jess, damn, you missed out on my twitter collection of addresses earlier this month.

I shall email you now.

Have I missed anyone else? you can email me at the address in my profile! Even if you think I know it, because things get lost. Especially addresses.

At 07:14 Blogger dabbler said...

Lovely, lovely Magic. i have him to thank for being here, you know. (Well, Q's pictures of him, really)

I will happily receive cards, but do not send them, having done some in-side-my-head cleaning out of guilt triggers years ago, and finding that the whole process (buying cards, collecting addresses, and then failing to send anything) was a major cause of hating myself. Gave that up!

So, if generous fiends don't mind no return card, I am Katie Hynes, 853 Hollow Rd, Phoenixville, PA 19460.

And, Venus, get yer paws off that computer RIGHT NOW.

At 08:15 Anonymous kali_licious said...

I should have said what Dabbler said about it being ok to send me cards if any generous folks should so be inclined, but brain was too full of Art History paper to function properly.:P Thankfully it is ALL DONE and I'm turning it in soon.

Anywho, the addy.

Heather Coffey
1244 N Illinois St Apt 211
Indianapolis, IN 46202

At 08:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all!

Have a nice blog rolling around in my head, but e-mail ate my morning after I got the Mads to school, and get this, I am meeting FRIENDS for breakfast before going riding with them!

I'll write it later this afternoon, and post some more Bengal Vids.

Dabbler, did the same thing in my head with the entire Xmas season years ago, what you said set me off, writing wise.

I will teach you all How To Have A Great Holiday, and perhaps give you Wisdom and Insight, changing your lives forever.

Or maybe just entertain you, which works too.

At 08:38 Blogger Marjorie said...


We shall sit at your feet to await the pearls of wisdom dropping from your mouth/pen/keyboard, O Mistress.

Enjoy your breakfast & ride with Friends.

At 10:18 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I try to send cards. I really do...and I try not to stress over it as well. We do the family photo card now--ever since ben came into this world. But we don't do Sears portrait studio! Our cousin comes down and takes pics. We just did them sunday, the backdrops are stunning, we went down to the cliffs at the ocean by these cool, gnarly trees.

Having said that, I pretty much only get cards out to the folks who expect them and the rest are bonus if they even happen.

We leave tomorrow to go mushroom hunting in Mendocino. It takes so much packing! Rain gear, food, knives, etc etc etc. We have to not only be prepared to crawl through the woods and find the little shroomies, we have to be prepared to cook and eat them...and also have backup food just in case we find nuthin'.

I'm procrastinating by writing this novel.

At 10:38 Blogger Arwenn said...

I WANT to be one of those people who sends cards.....I really do. I probably have five or six sad, unopened boxes of cards from various years. I'll be too late for Christmas so I tell myself they will be New Year cards. By the time they'd be Groundhog Day cards I've usually given up.

Dabbler is right....I need to break this cycle!

At 13:50 Blogger AletaMay said...

I love holiday cards. I love sending them and receiving them. Sadly the past few years sending has just not been an option. As a result I get less. But this is okay. Someday I will again have time and money this time of year. Maybe this year I'll come up with some sort of email holiday greeting.

I figured out that part of why I felt sooooo tired yesterday was that we were under an air quality warning. Today too but there is less haze in the air today.

Yay for breakfast with friends then riding with friends. This horse thing is life changing I think!

At 15:06 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Why I hate Xmas and how to survive it blog is going to have to wait.

Just bought myself a horse.

No, no punch line. Bought a horse.

At 15:07 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Wow. Do you ever know how to celebrate a day (or half-day) off! Illicit Affair is lucky to get you.

At 15:08 Blogger Phiala said...

Hm. Well then. Horse blog it is.

At 15:15 Blogger AletaMay said...

Wow. Your own horse! that is yours! That is so cool!

At 15:17 Blogger Chantrelle said...

That's amazing!!!!!

At 15:24 Blogger Jane said...

Lucky horse, to have you!

At 15:29 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Looking at the picture you tweeted, it's true love :-)

Now, which room is he going in to, and does he get a screamed porch, too?

At 15:31 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I suppose that would be Illicit Affair, your horsey Romeo?

At 15:33 Blogger Arwenn said...

Are you going to train him to eat steak like the rest of your critters?

At 15:40 Blogger spacedlaw said...

It could get awkward when he gets on top of the counter with the rest of them to fight over tuna...

At 15:53 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Riiight. Off to bed with me.
Good night from Paris.

At 15:53 Blogger Chantrelle said...

For those not on twitter


At 15:55 Blogger Jane said...

Nathalie - a good laugh thinking of the fighting for food scene.

At 16:50 Blogger Marjorie said...

Wonderful news about Illicit Affair!! I love the idea of him on the kitchen counters with the Bengals.

A very happy Thanksgiving ;-)

At 17:00 Blogger Dragonsally said...

oh, fantabulous news Quiche.


At 17:00 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh, and we are about to head off to the specialist with Shiraz for x ray and stuff....eeeeeee

At 17:20 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New new horse blog is UP!!!

And I am over the moon!

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