Sunday, November 8, 2009

When a Lear is Not a Lear....

We haven't checked in with the Royals for a while, and we do have some news. Lear has Made it very clear his name is NOT, as thought, King Lear the Huge, but rather, "Luka". Kid you not. He never answered to Lear, and ignored it completely, but the other night I accidentally called him Luka, and he sat straight up, mewed and came running. I've kept addressing him as Luka, and he has kept answering to it.

Luka. Who knew? It's pretty clear. They tell us, but it ought to be known I sure didn't pick it.

See? TELL me he ever did THIS when his name was Lear! Now, as Luka, he feels like himself, and feels free to express his innermost feelings.

This is Luka feeling like Salvador Dali.

Here is Luka on his Settee, looking for Steak. Luka likes steak. Luka likes most things that can be eaten, in fact. Steak tho, rules. We play Steak Toss every night before bed. I lie in bed and frantically throw bits of steak across the room, where he chases them down, kills them, and comes looking for more. Dangerous game for both me and the steak.

Little Queen Mab doesn't much like her name either. She is a little more reserved tho, and it is hard to tell exactly. I've been calling her "Mabinohnya" or Mabdolina" both of which make her happier than Mab, but we will have to see what develops.

Here is Luka blissing out eating steak from my hand. He is LEARNING about claws when he does this.

I think what is amazing about Luka, who s an early generation, F2, Bengal, is how very far he has come. Many of the early gen kitties cannot re-bond, and he had a bit of a bad time in the wrong homes on the way to me. He can purr now, and act silly. His 6:00am morning routine slays me every day. (They really DO dig to China in their litter boxes.) I've moved the big fountain up to the new Bathroom (which is almost done now,) and when he jumps in bed for the morning Head Butt, all his feet are wet.

Which is so much nicer than it sounds.

I am glad he is with me. And I love it that we know his name now. Or at least what he would like to be called.

Because we never do know their REAL names, now do we?

Love and Luka,


At 18:14 Blogger DataGoddess said...

He is such a gorgeous boy, and it's wonderful that you discovered his name. Now if Mab can just use her mental powers to communicate what her name is...

At 18:21 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Those of the Bee-Bengal Alliance know all their true names ...

At 18:29 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Aren't the cats weird that way? My Mario (wherever he may be now) never really cared about his name although he did know it was him. He was a rescue and we knew that they called him Disney there and he always answered to that when I called him but I just hated that name and couldn't bring myself to use it. And as Disney he was playful and as Mario he was all drama and issues. We ended up calling him Mr Mario and he liked that better.

Luka is a wonderful name. So glad he managed to let you know that somehow.

Wonder what Mabs's real name is? I always think "Sally" but then I'm not known for getting these things right.

Yay for Royal's progress (are we still allowed to refer to them collectively as Royals?)
It's been amazing watching them unfurl and blossom.

At 18:44 Blogger Aline Martins said...

Luka is a great name... \o/
I did just the same with both my cats, and when they decided, they found a way to let me know.
now I have a Trinity and a Dana...

can we still call them Royals?

At 18:45 Blogger EmilyLady said...

One of the benefits of being a Bengal ... you have control over your own personal name destiny. I don't like Emily much myself, but I can always revert to my middle name or Chinese name. Lorraine happens to be one of my favorite names, but it's never used nowadays. It's not even in the top thousand. That strikes me as odd when I consider that Elaine and Eileen are in fact still being used for newborns.

At 18:46 Blogger Bridget said...

That? Is wonderful.

What's in a name? More than we ever knew.

Our kitty Tiger, well... he was three when he came to us, and we we had a strange thought at first that we could change his name to something more befitting... us. Yes, it's true. We were a little squeamish about having a cat with the simple and (to our minds) unsuitably childish name, "Tiger". He was named by children, after all. What did they know for cat names? And he didn't really look like a "Tiger", did he?

Silly adults we were. He would have none of it. He likes his name. He comes to his name. It is a good, simple name, and he is a good, sweet, simple boy, and the children knew best. And so, he is our Tiger. Then, now and always.

I'm sure Mab will let you know.

At 18:49 Blogger Adri said...

Oh, Lorraine, this is lovely.

(I have been absent due to new job, old work stress, madness, but I have not forgotten the lovely fiends! Hi all!)

At 19:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Of course they are still the Royals! That won't change...

Emily, we can call you whatever you might like, let us know. I really like Lorraine, but I have a lot of names myself.

At 19:13 Blogger Unknown said...

Oh and PS I REALLY miss Magic. He can come live with me any time ;)

At 19:16 Blogger Jane said...

So glad you found his name. And love the photos.

Calvin knows his name - we gave it to him when we got him and his brother Hobbes when they were 3 mos. old.

At 19:28 Blogger AletaMay said...

Wonderful tale and great great photos.

Names are powerful magic to be sure. Luka is a great name and it is so cool that he let you know that it is his.

At 19:34 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Thanks, Lorraine. I've noticed, you DO have a lot of names!

I would love if you all called me by different names once in a while. My Chinese name is Li Hua ("pear blossom") ... and do what you will with Emily Olive.

At 19:35 Blogger Unknown said...

I love it when they choose their names. Smeagol was called Linus when we adopted him at the age of 3 1/2. He never responded to being called Linus, but when we jokingly started calling him Smeagol because of some very striking similarities in both personality and looks, he decided that was definitely his name, so it stuck. You just can't argue when an otherwise unresponsive to anything but food cat decides you've found his name.
I'm glad Luka let you know what you should call him.

At 19:36 Blogger Jeremy Conner said...

Hello Lorroraine,

How would one get a Bengal? I think they are beautiful! Price, locations close to Crossville, Tennessee (2 hours east of Nashville, and other such info would be much appreciated.


PS, I love your blog.

At 19:36 Blogger Jeremy Conner said...

Hello Lorroraine,

How would one get a Bengal? I think they are beautiful! Price, locations close to Crossville, Tennessee (2 hours east of Nashville, and other such info would be much appreciated.


PS, I love your blog.

At 19:39 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Jeremy, Check out and see if we have any near you, drop Janet on the site a note, and check out available kitties. I know we have Il, IN, and Ohio, Michigan, all with kitties in need of homes.

Janet may be able to tell you if there are any rescue groups in TN, or if she has heard of any Bengals down there.

They are lovely, and I adore them, make sure tho, they are the kind of kitty you really want first, and consider adopting a pair, they do better with a friend.

At 19:41 Blogger vampi said...

i know someone already made this joke but "My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before"

this makes me happy as i love suzanne vega.

i'm making holiday cards. it's fun, until i get everything all stuck down, and i dd it upside down, DOH!

At 19:54 Blogger Maure said...

I LOVE that he wanted a name-change. As someone who started going by her middle name just over ten years ago, I can totally relate. It feels so much better when your name fits.

At 20:06 Blogger Lioness said...

In Suzanne Vega's song, Luka has had a hard life, so maybe your Luka relates.But oh, how happy he looks now!
I guess, as you throw steak around, there is no danger of a piece being missed and showing up later and rather greenish?

At 20:11 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I'd forgot about the Suzanne Vega song..Must listen to that one again.

Maure, I can't imagine your name anything BUT Maure! I mean, it's YOU...

Lioness, you don't know Bengals if you wonder that lol, they miss NO bits of steak. They lick the carpet where the steak LANDS....

At 20:17 Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dog, whom I bought from a breeder after she had already had one litter of puppies for her, never answered to the name the breeder had given her (I think there were just so many dogs there that she never understood that it was her name) so I didn't feel guilty renaming her, and I think she is much happier with her new name too, even if she didn't tell me it the way Luka told you.

At 20:19 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wow, I hadn't heard that song, that I recall anyway. Kind of eerie how well Luka fits him, poor guy, going thru homes, living for a year behind a couch, afraid to come out, talking to nooone...

Now he lives on the second floor. Weird.

At 20:47 Blogger Na said...

perhaps Mab's name is Vega - cool star name, too.

Hi Adri!

At 20:59 Blogger Jen said...

And sometimes you really want to change their names, but the ones they have are the right one. My first horse came to a barn on consignment, with no name or papers. He was the only black horse at the barn, so everyone called him Black Horse. By the time I bought him and his papers caught up to him, he was The Black Horse. Not Edgemoore (his registered name) or any of the many names I tried for him over the years. He was still my beloved BH when he passed away this spring at the age of 31.

My second horse came as Sparky. Come on, Sparky? That's a dog, not a horse. Guess what? He's Sparky through and through. He's slowed down a bit (age 28), but a straw wrapper can still be a dire threat!

At 20:59 Blogger Jen said...


At 21:05 Blogger Unknown said...

Can't sleep. So good to come here and read comments.
Also, don't like my given name, never felt it fitted me.

At 21:19 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jen, as someone with a horse named Anna Montana, I can identify with that..I like Black Horse tho...

This is not going to be a late night I am thinking..Sleeping with Venus and Mim again, at least for the first part of the night. Re-did the Romance Room so now it is all cozy for sleeping.

Kind of like getting a new bedroom.

(If my life gets any more exciting, this blog will be unable to contain it)

At 21:29 Blogger Dragonsally said...

ticky thingy

At 21:52 Blogger vampi said...

yeah the song does fit with the hard life and second floor. i'm glad this luka is having a happier time now.

taking a break from holiday card making. will you tel s the ringsongs? i'm so curious now :D

At 22:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Maybe. I kind of forget. Might have to wait till people call me...

At 22:31 Blogger Unknown said...

Oh oh, is the Boss ringtone one that goes WooHoo?

At 22:50 Blogger Ms T said...

Oh dear. Lorraine, you might have your own "Who could it be now" moment when your phone goes. :)

Your Lear/Luka experience has now got me thinking of my mad cat and that perhaps he isn't "Miro" after all. He usually only answers when I whistle. (Picture me manically whistling around the neighbourhood when he went missing a few years ago. Hmmm.

And for some reason I think "Maeve" for Queen Mab. *shrugs* Eh, but what do I know?

At 23:20 Blogger ariandalen said...

Glad Luka likes his name. :) Maybe Mab just wants a longer name. Ask her.

What's in a name? Quite a bit. I know what my name means, as well as any name in my family. I know what lots of my friends names mean.

She's Lost Angeles and Jeremy Conner! Welcome to Fiendom! Grab your very own white jacket and personalize it any way you want!

At 00:25 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I wonder if Luka might be the first name he was given as a kitten.
Such a great thing that he is now so playful and confident. That is an incredible change for the past three months.

At 01:40 Blogger Marjorie said...

It's lovely to hear that Luka is more relaxed and playful then Lear was., and that Mab follows suit. My brain is a little mushy right now, I'll pop back when/if I can think of anything interesting to see.

Busy day today - meetings all morning and Court all afternoon. And it's cold, today...

At 02:42 Blogger Unknown said...

Is it wrong that I saw
this and thought: Ooh Quishe Spooky House?

At 06:17 Blogger Phiala said...

G'morning all, or whatever it might be in your own local time zone when you read this.

Yesterday was ridiculously warm and sunny, so I spent much of it outside. Then I chopped a ridiculously large quantity of kale and threw it in the freezer. Soup for a hundred needs a lot of ingredients!

At 06:48 Blogger Kate T said...

You are so right FabLo - we never do know their real names -

The Naming of Cats by T.S. Eliot

At 07:24 Blogger Ehme said...

I have a Mab too, and I think she likes her name, but she really comes running when I call her Mabalicious.

At 07:41 Blogger dabbler said...

True names are generally not to be spoken, lest the powerful invisible ones hear. And, I suspect, for cats, they have many silent facets...smells, tail angles, whisker tilts....

But finding the right USE name clearly makes a difference. Makes me wonder if we ever did get it right with our little short-lived in-bred Siamese
boy. We named him Entropy....and he only lived to age four.

Perhaps Mab is Welsh? Mabinogion? But I have no clue how to pronounce that, having mainly read the word.

At 08:38 Blogger One Sock Short said...

The pictures certainly do show how much happier he is now that you know his name.

I meant to call Phoebe by that name before she came to live with me. Presumptuous of me, I know. Fortunately, she seems to like it. Most of her other names are simply variations: Miss Phoebe, Phoebecat, Pheebs. The only name she does not like is Poopybutt, since she knows what follows being called that name...

At 08:52 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That's what "Mabinohnia" is a play on , Dabbler, the Welsh stories everyone loves and no one can pronounce.

Well see, and at least Luka is happy.

Venus and Mim are happy too with me sleeping with them again, Venus doesn't MOVE all night, lies as close to my heart as she can get.

Luka and Mab care about the steak toss and bath, those are their big things, they are not kitties who want to sleep with one.

Is my pre tea talk moving too quickly here? Mn...

I am late for a girl who is going riding before work...

At 09:00 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Something similar happened with kitty. Her name is Kapuki, but she would never answer to it. She would, however, answer to Kitty. Serious Black answers to just about anything you call him, because it means you're paying attention to him. He comes to Kitty, Serious, Serious Black, and other people's names, if I have visitors.

At 09:21 Blogger Siri said...


At 11:10 Blogger louisa said...

::waves at Adri:: Hope the new job is working out?

My kitties named themselves - Verbal talks. A lot. And Velcro, especially when she was a kitten, would stick to us, preferable hanging around my roommates neck.

At 12:16 Blogger Chantrelle said...

My cat (who is no longer with us) was named Lestat. Got him in my goth days. He was sleeping next to my roommates and I (or so we thought) when we were discussing his name and how maybe he's not a Lestat. At that moment he woke up and bit my housemate. He kept his name.

Finishing up my French Laundry review and interview with Mark Van Name today. Then doing housework and getting the disgusting rotten pumpkin off our porch!

At 13:23 Blogger Adri said...

Names are curious things. My two cats are Baracuda (misspelled, he insists) who mostly goes by 'Cuda' and Zanzibar, who is called 'The Monster' (guess which one is the bengal)

The new job is going well! I randomly break into glee at least once a day because I work for *PlayStation*.

I'm sort of dragging today, though, due to late night gas-leak excitement at my apartment. (everything is fine)

At 13:24 Blogger ariandalen said...

Mah bih NOH gee, with a hard "G", is how Mabinogi is pronounced. It means "boy's stories." The -on was added by the first translator/publisher, making the proper name for the collection of tales The Mabinogi. "Mab" is the Welsh cognate of "mac" and "mc". Queen Mab is from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer's Night Dream," but he may have gotten the name from the Irish Queen Maebh, often spelled Maeve. She plays a major role in "The Cattle Raids of Cooley." Sorry, I don't know the correct spelling of "Cooley" so I've given the Anglicized version.

At 13:33 Blogger Tziedel said...

Sometimes animals who come to us from a bad situation will associate their old names or the names we give them shortly after adoption with the bad times.

The shelter here encourages people to give the animal a little time and then try out sounds to find one the animal responds to in a positive manner and then try out names that contain the sound.

At 13:35 Blogger ariandalen said...

Hi, Ehme! You are now a Fiend, so grab a white buckled jacket. Personalize away, you don't need to leave it white if you don't like white. :)

At 15:29 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

OMG. Luka just melted my heart. How cute is that kitty!

Q, you have the best katz evah!

At 15:36 Blogger Na said...

ariandalen, you are a walking encyclopedia! :D

I'm at work, the job I now have to apply for but don't have time to apply for because I am so busy doing the work!

But about to leave, pick up monsters, and go home for the afternoon/evening. Cheers all. Hope all is well in Fiendom.

At 16:02 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I put up the writeup/interview that Miss Ticia set me up with. Mark Van Name was so fun to hang out with and the dinner was amazing. Check it out--sorry if it makes you hungry!

How is it 2pm already?!?!

At 16:41 Blogger vampi said...

chantrelle, i had to go out and get lunch after that, a campbells soup was not going to cut it. ( i had thai)

Na, i thought the job situation was going to be temporary. Do you want to keep it? I want to cheer, but i'm not sure if that's appropriate.

At 18:02 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Good evening from Rhode Island, Fiends ... tomorrow brings the audition ... first time doing a monologue ... any Fiends who know "The Cherry Tree"? It's my very favorite play. Really sad and beautiful and amazingly disturbing in its way (I think. I mean, this is just the way it affects me). And I'm singing a song from "Pippin"! So, no Good Lucks, please. Unless Marjorie wants to say so. She is allowed.

At 18:36 Blogger vampi said...

well then insert "merry appropriate broken appendages and appropriate encouraging remarks" here

is it time to go home yet? ugh no. fingers crossed the aussies invite me down to "consult" on the new department like mine they are setting up.

At 18:51 Blogger Uisge said...

Break a leg, Emily.

Love the name discussion.

At 19:43 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It occurred to me that maybe the Bengals like the "k" sound. Try it on Mab. Kab, Kit, whatever.

At 20:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Ah. Done. Thinking about hot tub. Or bed. Or bath. Hard call. Ah, the possibilities...

At 20:31 Blogger dabbler said...

Welcome home Q. May your evening be peaceful and relaxed, with happy cats, and restful sleep.

At 20:39 Blogger AletaMay said...

I vote for all of the above for Q's evening!

At 20:40 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I vote bath and then bed ...

At 20:53 Blogger Dan Guy said...

I have no brain and I must ticky.

At 20:56 Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, look - it's Dan Guy Ellison!

At 21:03 Blogger ariandalen said...

Hot tub sounds good to me, Ms. Fabulous. Enjoy! Hope you had a good ride this morning. :)

At 21:05 Blogger ariandalen said...

::snort:: Good one, Phiala!

Emily, break a leg!

At 21:20 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It was a good ride this morning. We'll do another horse blog soon, I think I am going for a serious trail ride on Saturday, the kind where you drive your horse to the trail, like a state park and go ride all day. Cool.

Did bath rather than hot tub, so I could spend time with the Royals, I am really into this sleeping in the Romance Room thing.

At 22:02 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Hubby just got rear-ended on his motorcycle leaving work. First wreck ever in 21 yrs of riding. He seems to be fine but I bet he'll hurt tomorrow. He's going to go to the dr. tomorrow just in case. The repair bill will be huge for the bike since he'd decked it out w/ carbon fiber accessories...The guy's insurance won't like that.

I'm so glad he's ok!! I accept he rides and that it's risky, I don't accept the people hitting him part!

Our wonderful neighbor is picking him up so Ben doesn't have to stay up late. They were over for dinner anyway so at least I'd fed them for the favor ;-)

At 22:07 Blogger Shantra said...

Just dropping by to say hi so that you can all see the new fosters Laila and Lucy.

At 22:09 Blogger Shantra said...

Just dropping by to say hi. Here are the new fosters Laila and Lucy.

At 22:28 Blogger ariandalen said...

Chantrelle, glad your hubby is okay! I try to give motorcycle riders the proper amount of room when I'm driving, and not crowd them. Being rear ended in a car is bad enough. I think you're handling it better than I would. {{{{Chantrelle}}}}

Lucy and Laila are beautiful, Shantra.

At 23:29 Blogger vampi said...

shantra, were those 2 of the fosters saved by the blog? they are cute and snuggly

OMG Chantrelle! *snugs* accidents are never fun, but being in an open vehicle makes it scarier. i'm glad he is ok and going to the doctor.

At 00:22 Blogger Na said...

Yikes! Chantrelle, so glad your guy is okay.

And thanks Vampi - the job is temporary, and I've (obviously) been of two minds about it all the while, but decided I'm going to apply and see what happens. Maybe it works out, maybe it doesn't, and workwise I can be content either way.

Ha! The TV is on, and there's a bit about some cars on, and the fellow just said, "If you remember Doctor Who, this car is like the Tardis -- it has more room inside than you'd expect looking at it from the outside."

At 00:25 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Hubby is home and seemingly fine...Ben said "Dumb drivers...if I see someone like that, I'll go the opposite way"

At 00:36 Blogger Na said...

vampi -- i found that vampire pizza commercial I mentioned eons ago!

At 01:18 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Robyn, glad your hubby is okay. And you have a very wise son. Na,if Dan gets that transporter going NOW can I come and stay with you? I am so over the record breaking heatwave we're having here. (Which is why I haven't commented much. Heat =brain dead Sal)
Ohhhh Em, I hope your performance went well.

At 01:31 Blogger vampi said...

na, that's hilarious! funny to hear the digirno commercials say delissio. the minor differences between canada and usa.

i want a tardis car!

At 01:37 Blogger Na said...

Well yes, Sally, anytime, of course! If you're sure: I realized today that the casual November temp here is about the coldest it ever gets in Austin. Doh.

I know, vampi - they use the same tagline and everything. w-e-i-r-d.

why am i awake?

At 01:46 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh good. Expect me as soon as Dan gets the machine working.

At 01:47 Blogger Marjorie said...

Robyn, what a nasty shock for you (and even more, for Ralph) So glad to hear he wasn't badly hurt, and hope that he isn't too stiff and sore today.

Emily Olive, I hope it goes (went?) very well

At 01:51 Blogger Dragonsally said...

hi Majorie

At 02:09 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hi Sally. (Waves wildly!)
'Bye Sally (should have left for work 10 mins. ago)...

At 06:31 Blogger dabbler said...

Chantrelle, Mark rides as well, and I still have moments of fear when he is on the bike, mostly because of those dumb drivers! Glad he's okay, and I figure he's now had his dumb car driver experience, which decreases the odds of future accidents.. that is how statistics work, right????

Sally, you'd be welcome here in PA when that transported spins up. We've been having very pleasant weather... cool nights, warmish days.

At 07:09 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Hasn't happened yet, 'tis happening tonight.

Thank you, Fiends.

At 08:32 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

LOOK! 8:30 and I am ready to ride! Literally. I am off to the stable for a ride before work, tho I think my Boss is already UP.

I am wondering how responsible I am for the most irresponsible tweeting last night. THOUGHT they were all working when I went to bed. Hmmph.

Still no smoking, feels great. Thought it would be harder, weird.

At 09:54 Blogger Shantra said...

No, these are not two of the ones saved by the blog. These are two MORE cats that came out of Chicago last week. They were handed in to the shelter, their paperwork says, not wanted and could not find a home for them. They are litter trained, super affectionate, Laila you can actually pick up and hold and cuddle and she will purr her head off and 'tread' on you. They will make wonderful cats for some lucky someone.

At 10:06 Blogger Jane said...

For the first time, one of the chemo drugs worked on Calvin! So he'll get another dose today. But he has an ulcer on his right eye :-( Which should clear up with the drops we'll get. The vet's office has an ophthalmologist on staff and he looked at it and thinks it will heal nicely. Oh our poor cat....

Now if he would just gain some weight!

Emily - break a leg!

Robyn - glad your husband wasn't injured in the accident!

Rainy and cool here, looks like November.

At 10:19 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Thanks for all the well-wishes. He's fine today. A little stiff on one side and will go to the dr. just in case but he should be fine.

Ben's off to school w/ his carpool. I have a full day to accomplish things today. These days are still weird to me.

At 12:06 Blogger EmilyLady said...

A-HAH, "go forth" is perfect, Jess.

At 12:14 Blogger Marjorie said...

Jane, so glad to hear the good news about Calvin. I hope he continues to improve.

Hope the giving-up-smoking continues to go well, Q, and that the birthday assistanting includes some fun ;-)

At 12:23 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh yes, of course: happy birthday to Boss. 声日很快了!

At 14:21 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Whew, a lot has happened since last I checked in. I doubt I'll be able to catch up on twitter.

Chantrelle, I'm so glad Ralph wasn't hurt badly. Smart of him to see the doctor, just in case.

Emily, now that the perfect phrase has been found, "Go forth!"

Lorraine, I'm glad the exorcism is going well. Best to you.

Wishing all my fiends well...

At 16:53 Blogger ariandalen said...


I'm glad that it hasn't been too hard quitting smoking. If you can conquer your fear of bees, you can continue without smoking cigarettes. :)

At 18:43 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Another audition on Saturday morning. They want me.

At 18:46 Blogger Beez said...

Go forth all of you! 'specially the Better, Brighter and Healthier Empress Of Us All.

You can do it Quichie. Forge on ahead, it's what you do.

Robyn- I'm so glad he wasn't hurt, but getting checked out.

Emily- break a leg [/traditionalist mode]

*hugs* all Fiends.

I have been so busy with moving (yay! Finally!), Spawn b'day and now sweetie's birthday today. It's the first time we've been in the same part of the world on his day, so it's extra-special here in our own house.

Happy birthday to Boss also. He's the reason the fella and I met, so I owe him one. *grin*

At 19:12 Blogger Siri said...

Emily Olive - you go girl! Congratulations!

At 19:15 Blogger vampi said...

sir, i read that as "Emily, you go grill." and i was wondering what Emily was cooking. guess who's hungry for dinner?

Go forth Emily! I'm so excited for you :)

At 19:16 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Well, thank you, Fiends! And as for cooking with a grill ... well, I can't even make pancakes or an omelet.

At 19:17 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Yah Emily.

Yah Quiche!

At 19:58 Blogger Jane said...

Emily - Good for you!!

At 20:00 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Go Emily!!!

At 20:39 Blogger Beez said...


Re: cooking. So what? you are an artiste!

At 20:40 Blogger dabbler said...

Bravo Q on the no smoking. Think of something really spectacular to do with he money you will save!

And, Emily Olive, having gone forth thus far, go forth again and conquer tomorrow's audition. Ta Da!

Boring day here. Need those, I guess.

OOps, Happy birthday to boss!

At 20:40 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Quiche, I never even knew that you smoked! But definitely cheers for quitting.

Emily - Break a leg!

Robyn - Glad he's ok, getting hit on a bike is really scary!

And of course, all the best to Boss on his birthday.

Good to read lots of good news here, I can use the cheering. A good friend passed very suddenly the other day, and I'm still having fits of weepiness.

At 20:42 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Kali - soothing hugs to you.

I'd love to know how many birthday wishes Boss got on twitter...I know a lot of us sent them. Did he get 1.2 million wishes?

At 20:43 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Huh. I just saw on Twitter that someone else is trying to find this out too!

At 21:18 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering how many birthday cakes Boss received today.

At 21:26 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Thanks Sally.

Didn't Boss say how many, or was that just the average per day?
"Maths = 181,440/day"

At 21:28 Blogger Dragonsally said...

thank goodness Lorraine doesn't have to drop a thank you note to them all!

At 22:18 Blogger AletaMay said...

Congrats Em! So exciting.

At 07:53 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Robyn, I forgot to give you well wishes. I'm glad he's okay and things turn out perfectly all right.

The next audition is not till Saturday, so I have time to prepare. And Fiends, thank you for all the ... all the Fiendliness. It's really great.

At 08:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Got home finally at 8:30 last night and finished up work. Bed by 9:20, sleep at 9:21 kid you not.

Loving these early morning rides, but not thinking I will be seeing too many late nights.

Lovely B'day with Boss yesterday, but I have NO idea how many wishes he got...

At 08:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, will TRY for new post tonight...

At 10:28 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'll be awaiting my thank you note for the bday wishes I sent via twitter of course ;-)

No school today! We're going to go roller least that's the plan. I think I'll skate and ben will be really frustrated and upset.

At 13:11 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Memorizing this for my audition: Not a great song, but also not especially difficult, I take it.

At 14:08 Blogger Adri said...

Congrats Emily! Break a leg on Sunday :)

Do any Fiends want a Google Wave invite? Wave is a group authoring/collaboration tool that integrates with the web & other Google products. It's still pretty alpha/buggy, but it's an interesting concept! If you want to check it out, send me an email persephone 451 at gmail dot com

At 17:03 Blogger Marjorie said...

Good evening all!

It's been a mixed kind of night for me. Just got back from a 1st date (think it went well- I'm taking him to see JoCo on Sunday...) but then found an e-mail from my aunt to say my uncle has just been diagnosed with heart problems and is going to have a double (possibly triple) heart bypass on Friday. Totally unexpected. Good thoughts for him, please?

At 17:15 Blogger Phiala said...


On the first part, good choice. If he doesn't like JoCo you probably don't want him anyway. :)

On the second part: yikes! I hope the surgery goes smoothly, recovery is swift, and it fixes the problems.

At 17:17 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New post is UP! Woheee-hoo for me!

At 21:56 Blogger Cecily said...

That is so Fab-u-lous! It just sounds so wonderful to have found that special thing for him and you.

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