I'd Call It "Chilly" Today....
My website still seems to be down, and I know from some of you the Blog is in a really freaky format. Dr Wicked is working on it, and it ought to be up again soon. I can't get to even this blog, so hopefully, it will post.
-20 this morning when I got up. You wouldn't believe it, but it really doesn't FEEL that cold. If you are out in it for long, it gets cold, but if you aren't out for long, it's kind of magic. The air freezes, and little clouds hang round, about the height of your car. All the trees wear crystals, and it's beautiful. Deadly, but beautiful. My personal favorite.
The temps are meant to climb to 12 above zero today, which is 32 degrees warmer than it is now. If you were in my town, you would see people ditching coats, and breaking out the bikes again. When it hits 30 for the first time, along about April, we break out the grills and have parties.
You might be laughing now.
But it is true.

I found this picture of Freaky Venus, from when she was just wee! You can see how she got her name. When I brought her home, and was thinking about a name for her, Boss took one look and said "You should call her Venus, because that is where she looks like she is from"
Kitty (Cat Mihos, not Venus) is currently doing some fundraising for GLBR and has created a Jewel for you, in the spirit of Leopards. Take a look at all of her Jewels (and T's and Prints!) over at Neverwear.net. She's made Jewals for Tori Amos, and Madonna, among others, and has some truly lovely pieces.
Of course, the Leopard Jewel is my favorite.
She has this to say:
"There are legends that tell of Leopards and stories behind this spotted chalcedony....
They say to carry this stone is to walk with the perception and awareness of the Leopard. They say if the spirit of the Leopard walks with you, you will travel safely.
I don't know who they are. I only know they tell these tales. When you need to see clearly, keep the Leopard close to your skin.
This gemstone looks like a tiny bit of Leopard. Strung on super-strong tigertail cord with gold-fill beads, Japanese seed beads and the finest cut Swarovski crystals, I guarantee them for life...
50% of the profits from this design will go to Great Lakes Bengal Rescue."
Stay warm, where ever you are, and keep a Leopard close to your heart.
Love and Warm,
-20 this morning when I got up. You wouldn't believe it, but it really doesn't FEEL that cold. If you are out in it for long, it gets cold, but if you aren't out for long, it's kind of magic. The air freezes, and little clouds hang round, about the height of your car. All the trees wear crystals, and it's beautiful. Deadly, but beautiful. My personal favorite.
The temps are meant to climb to 12 above zero today, which is 32 degrees warmer than it is now. If you were in my town, you would see people ditching coats, and breaking out the bikes again. When it hits 30 for the first time, along about April, we break out the grills and have parties.
You might be laughing now.
But it is true.
I found this picture of Freaky Venus, from when she was just wee! You can see how she got her name. When I brought her home, and was thinking about a name for her, Boss took one look and said "You should call her Venus, because that is where she looks like she is from"
Kitty (Cat Mihos, not Venus) is currently doing some fundraising for GLBR and has created a Jewel for you, in the spirit of Leopards. Take a look at all of her Jewels (and T's and Prints!) over at Neverwear.net. She's made Jewals for Tori Amos, and Madonna, among others, and has some truly lovely pieces.
Of course, the Leopard Jewel is my favorite.
She has this to say:
"There are legends that tell of Leopards and stories behind this spotted chalcedony....
They say to carry this stone is to walk with the perception and awareness of the Leopard. They say if the spirit of the Leopard walks with you, you will travel safely.
I don't know who they are. I only know they tell these tales. When you need to see clearly, keep the Leopard close to your skin.
This gemstone looks like a tiny bit of Leopard. Strung on super-strong tigertail cord with gold-fill beads, Japanese seed beads and the finest cut Swarovski crystals, I guarantee them for life...
50% of the profits from this design will go to Great Lakes Bengal Rescue."
Stay warm, where ever you are, and keep a Leopard close to your heart.
Love and Warm,
It's funny looking, but is a blog. And Venus was certainly funny looking too, but she grew into it well. :)
Cold here too: 15F and windy, but nothing to compare with your temps. Is the power back on yet?
What Phiala said.
Also, I feel cold just reading about those temparatures.
I felt so pleased with myself this morning, becaue I remembered to put an old sheet over the windscreen last night, so didn't have to scrape ice off it this morning. I think it was round about freezing, which probably counts as balmy and spring-like for you :-)
box of ticks
It does look all wonky. Well, the comment page looks decent at least.
I remember Venus as a kitten. Poor little thing. Mim has always been such a much happier kitty (although Venus was all playful when I was there last time and I was happy to see her play so much and being so cuddly).
Kitty does some great jewelery.
Good morning.
I have never been in such cold weather. It does sound like it would be fun to experience. Once.
What a beautiful baby Venus (I like the story about how she got her name).
The attendees at the tree party Wed just wanted to sit around and drink and eat, so there are many ornaments that did not get onto the tree, but it does look decorated. Can't complain. And a good time was had by all. I think.
whee it's friday! and i have to go show the apartment people that, "yes i dd pay my rent" and you have the card i sent it in on your shelf.
Hurray! I'm just happy I finally found this blog post. I had to be sneaky, but I'm here at last. Aw, Venus was cute! And now I go to try to accomplish something today...
Jess, I'm just sad that the unseasonable weather dissipated before it got here. *pout*
Today I have activated the illicit space heater. (How illicit is something if it is against the rules but your boss specifically told you to buy it?)
My old job has been after me for a while to come back. Things are falling apart with me. Eventually the size of the wheelbarrows of money that they were wheeling up to my doorstep broke down my resolve. I put in my notice today.
I love my manager, who I followed here, and I hate to do this to him but it's a lot more money, work I enjoy more, and I'm hoping that, as the customer continues to pare down the contract, they will opt to convert me to GS. This puts me in a better position for that.
One of the reasons that I left was that the customer didn't seem to appreciate me. In my absence, they've seen the error of that. Hopefully they'll be more appreciative now, given how long and how hard they fought to woo me back.
Awww, Venus was a weirdly-cute kitten!
Good luck with the job switch, Dan Guy. It's always good when a customer realizes exactly how important you are to them.
A most interesting snapshot of wee Freaky Venus. Happy winter.
Awww, Venus!! She's so yoda-like cute there! Ben still talks about the bengals. He had so much fun with them.
Today is a catch-up on a week of visitors so everything fell behind kind of day. Ben sent his letter to santa so now i need to go shopping ;-)
It's 50 and rainy here today. This is a normal Santa Cruz winter day. I'm sure at some point this winter we will again have the 120 degree temp difference we had last year when you crazy midwesterners dipped to 50 below. You are far heartier than I.
Blog looks just like it did yesterday, but it's still here. Comments page looks the same as always.
See, everybody needs to move to Central Texas; high today 45 F, tomorrow 55 F, and Sunday 71 F. Then we go back to the 50s for the rest of the week. Now, don't you want to live here? ;)
hahaha, i am LOVING the weather discussions. everyone at work is complaining because it's 50 and raining here. I'm wearing a sweater and I'm fine. some of my coworkers are dressed like Eskimos, and I'm laughing at them. one of our coworkers from Canada visited, and he was wearing a t-shirt.
Its cold here (not Mid-West cold, but cold-for-southern England) Happily I have discovered that my heater only blew a fuse, not a heating element, so I've fixed that and am toasty warm again.
I meant to say, Dan, good luck with the new / old job. Hopefully it all goes well - and I'm sure the wheelbarrow of cash will come in handy, too ;-)
Have been busy. Mom in law does not have long to live, maybe not Christmas. Busy with Bengals and today my sixth foster arrives. That will bring my total Bengals to five. Emergency post went out from bengalgirl this week, this is one unhappy Bengal who won't have anyone near him.. so they would have put him down without us. I meet him in 3 hours.. Simba.. might be a real leopard.. might not.
And I still like Cairo.. or maybe Sharif.. or Cairo. LOL
omg happy happy for dan\o/
i love that Freaky Venus, she really turned out to have a sweetheart of a personality.
it rains and rains here outside the treehouse, while I roll prints and go to the postoffice every two hours.
DantH! i hope your new employer sees what a gem you are...
and thanks to all who have ordered jewelry, and to Quiche who wrote me that beautiful Leopard post.
Shantra - thinking of you and your family, and especially MIL.
Venus was on very cute kitty!
Vampi -good luck with real estate wrangling.
And Dan -congrats. with your expanding family, money must be very important.
*waves to all other fiends*
I wrangled my apartment already. apparently the regular apartment super went on vacation, and everyone else is a nonce. there was a clerical error which i resolved by showing them my canceled check from my online banking and the date it was deposited. They were apparently able to reconcile, because i got a very apologetic call back. i am a model resident, always paying on time and they only hear from me when the water is out. I Knew they had my payment, because the card i put it in is on display in the manager's office. lol.
YES, Ariandalen, I want to live there.
Ben and Jack's Christmas concert happened tonight. Tomorrow AIDS awareness Dance a Thon is happening in Providence. Why don't we have more Providence Fiends, huh? Oh right ... because RI isn't the greatest place to live ... and I'm hoping I'll be able to get there, which might possibly not happen because our car could break down in the middle of the highway. And it's at night, soooo ...
At last - finally can comment. I too am forbidden from the blog, but that's OK, as long as I'm fobidden with Quiche.
Have to go look at these leopard things.....
Dan - good luck. Shantra - same to you. May your lives be filled with the things you need now.
Ahh, so here's where the blog and everyone is! Had to google.
Dan, best wishes to the job move. Does this mean you're back to commuting a shorter distance?
I think we're having the same temps as you Midwesterners: predicted high of -29 C for tomorrow and a couple/few days after. *peeks at conversion chart* ... = -20 F. I'm also "on deck," as a friend calls temp single-parenting, for five days. Have stocked up on groceries and art supplies for t'monsters and planning to just stay in as much as possible.
It's really very, very pretty outside, though. And each sunrise I saw this week came complete with a sundog.
Happy weekending, all.
Sooo sleepy....hope everyone has had a lovely friday. Off to bed I go.
Hope your site stops being so forbidding Lorraine!!
DG - a belated Happy Firbday to you!
Yay, I can see the mothership... er, I mean the blog, again! Style sheets seem to still be out though.
Venus! So so cute! I wish I had seen Phoebe as a kitten. She must have been adorable too.
Dance-a-Thon in Providence tonight. Whoot. And then I have to sleep over at my grandmother's, which is way not fun, but she can't help being weird. And it is awfully kind of her to drive me from Providence.
Hope you enjoy the dance-a-thon, and even the wierd relations, Em.
I like your blog, fabulous Lorraine! I discovered it through the excellent Neil Gaiman whose writings I like very much. I have highly enjoyed reading about your adventures with Bengals, among other... and have just placed an order for one of those bracelets. Partly cause it's beautiful and partly to support the cause. Thanks for letting me (us) know about it!
Hi, sonicgeometry! Surely you know that now you are a Fiend! Grab a white jacket, don't mind the buckles, everyone has at least one. Grab whatever you need to personalize it from the table over there and have fun. :)
Just seeing if I can post here, following link from email while my bookmark won't let me in. Odd.
hi everyone!
Hi Sally!
Yep, it's a very strangely behaved blog just now. I cn get in via email link in previous comments. And I can get in via my feed reader, even though this post doesn't show up there. No doubt there are people who understand these mysteries. I always blame sun spots myself.
Or maybe its the extreme cold in Minnesota? The website has literally been frozen?
Harumph for weird blogger activity.
I had a wedding today. Lovely and small in a living room. It was supposed to be a sunset-beach wedding but it was pooouuurrring down rain so living room it was. They had a backup plan since it's december and all.
Now waiting for roast chicken to finish cooking while hubby and ben are playing w/ the guitar. Lovely rainy day.
Try this link - it seems to work, although still wonky.
And, no, it's not a link - it's just the address that works.
I "Save and Quit" in Firefox, and the comments page comes right up.
Granted that only works when I have at least two tabs open before quitting.
Good luck with your new/old job, Dan!
I can't wait to put in my notice! Yay Tuesday!
I've been thinking a lot about my friend who passed away last week. When I was in middle school, I asked him out to a dance, but he was in trouble and couldn't go. Then, I developed a huge crush on one of my friends, and have gone through a lot of ups and downs but never had the guts to really just ask him out on a simple date. So, I did just that after my other friend's memorial today. Life has been crazy. (There's a longer post about much crush on my LJ.)
19 days 'til moving day!!!!!
Good day !.
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Maybe it's all the spambots what wreaked havoc with the site? I noticed Dr. Wicked's site is also forbidden.
Cute to have Venus greet me each time I go looking for this page. :)
Jess, here too. Our freakily different weather seems to have dissipated, leaving the usual identical patterns.
So we get an unexpected reprieve from our usual Sunday plans. All three boys were asleep on the couch last I checked. I'm puttering on the computer not accomplishing a whole lot. It seems to be one of those lovely days that involves not ever getting dressed!
I did not get dressed! Went about all day in my jammies and dressing gown. The best Sundays are made of this. Finished the two books I was reading too.
Jess, very glasd the truck did no Go for You. Even at 4 p.m.h it would probably have been ouchy.
Had a lovely evening with my friends Emma & Steve, Which was a very nice, and unexpected end to the weekend.
Yiukes, glad you're ok Jess.
I used to do that skiing, scoot on my butt if I got frightened by the ice. I HATE skiing on ice. I like being in control of my legs.
now the spam bots are getting silly. on the old blog a spammer spammed link to the old blog. wtf
much as I hate the things, the amount of spam makes me think Captchas might be good.
Good thing the driver of the truck had the sense to be going slowly. Keep safe, all ye iced-in fiends!
Pretty good day here. Spent the afternoon at the Museum of Science and Industry. Hadn't been there before. Now enjoying hot chocolate and being a lap.
Hm, hot chocolate. And the fruits of my organizational baking... Mmmm.
What's organizational baking, you ask? Well, my unexpectedly-free afternoon was spent futzing around organizing things - files, links, things from the freezer. The latter included a tub of strawberry-rhubarb filling from the spring, now part of a nice-looking cobbler that is yet to be tasted.
I think it's time to adjourn for the evening and go sample these various tasty foods.
Oh, Jess, I meant to be being silly. I don't know a great deal about this here Internet, but I didn't truly interpret a link between the load of recent spam and the site being down. Doh.
Had a lovely surprise this afternoon - parents of one of L's classmates invited us over to their home for a few hours, knowing I was on deck with the monsters for a while and likely in need of some normal adult conversation, which I find I rather was. They're the two folks I've met thus far in this place, to whom I feel most like-minded, so it was a real treat in several ways. We had a fun visit and the monsters all played very well together. Bonus: big pot of chai and some homemade bread.
Good day !.
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"feel the smell"
generally i do not prefer to "feel" any smells. smells should not be touchable.
So I am able to get to the comments now, but the blog still looks weird. But it is there!
Spacedlaw- all the best days are pantsless, or at least in pj's.
I hope everyone's stars align up with job stuff and apartments and all the other crazy things that build our lives.
We rescued a kitten this weekend. That is one nice thing for us when we really need it. I still can't find a job and my Etsy store isn't selling yet *shrug* We need to find her name still. She is quite the purrer. That's actually what made me fall in love with her. The second the lady put her in my arms she started purring up a storm. I have never met a cat that is so happy to be love and held and kept company. She definitely was exactly what I needed. Anyway, you can see pics of her here.
The beautiful little girl is my middle daughter, Jacquelyn. And right off the bat, Smokey and Shadow, right out.
Look at me making bread...oops, smack my own nose for smelling it.
Talk about torturing the poor doggies...
So, no name yet Cecily?
What a gorgeous squitten, Cecily!
Na, do you have any pics of your hot water experiments?
Sally, not yet. We are contemplating Harley Quinn, 'cause she purrs like a Harley and you know we're geeks.
Thanks Marjorie!
You have a lovely daughter, too!
I like that Cecily. It suits her pretty face too.
I give to you the breathing song
Quick email to say - awww...cute little Venusian kitty! Harley Quinn (if that be the name) looks pretty adorable too. Sigh. Must remind myself that my lease only allows for one cat...
Also, I was kind of relieved to find out I wasn't the only one getting odd messages from an old link, and having to resort to Google to find all the fiends. I thought I'd angered the omniscient work 'net access fods. Very relieved that's not the case!
Ticky and good night and I sure miss the blog being itself.
OK,changing the subject, does anyone know what the best way to get blood out of carpets is?
Salt if fresh. Or a stain remover if dried.
A blogging pal of mine by the name of John Coulthart has designed a cover for the new book by Martin Millar.
It looks good. VERY good.
(normal: John is a great artist)
I saw the tweet! It is lovely, and happy to hear that MArtin's book will be out next year, too. Something to look forward to.
Resolve usually works very well for blood stains, and if it doesn't work OxyClean gets almost everything out.
The book cover is very nice, she looks wolfen.
That's a great book cover. Good Fairies of new York is in my 'To Read' pile after book buying spree at The Strand bookstore in New York.
Cecily, you have an etsy shop? What's it called? (I LOVE etsy!)
Last few bits of Christmas shopping to do this evening then I can start to relax and look forward to the festive break!
It's called Cecily's Creations
It's not very large yet, but I am enjoying building it up. I now have a bin full of my mom's handmade purses, I am going to make a shop for her, and put them up. I have a feeling they will sell well.
Lovely, the blog is back to normal. That was a nice surprise.
Must get back to resume for college courses and also this amazingly stunningly mind blowingly horrible novel I'm reviewing for VOYA. Gack.
Guess what? Calvin's vet has determined that he is in partial remission (partial?). But it's great news!
Yay! Partial is better then none!
Yes and none is what we were beginning to think we were going to get...
Love your new kitty...
Yay for kitty!
And i just got word that my friend sarah who we did that fundraiser for earlier this year just got a clear PET scan...no more cancer!!! Happy Happy Happy Dance!!! Thank you all for your support and prayers!
That's all great news all around (expect for the odd stubbed toes here and there. Sorry fiends).
And Coraline being nominated for a Golden Globe.
Excellent news, Chantrelle - I hope Sarah and her family are able to relax and relaly enjoythe hokidays, now.
And yay for Calvin, too.
*fingers crossed* for none!
Robyn! Great news!
Finally got my-lazy-self to the post office. Sorry, Sally, this means you. But the way I figure it, the twelve days starts on the 25th. That, or I can pretend to be Old Calendar.
Yay for friends and kitties doing better!
That is wonderful about Calvin.
Oh my, this book is horrid. It picked up a bit around the end but it's a book that would have thrived on dialogue, as opposed to the lumps of crappy narration that is making me give it two out of five for VOYA.
I mean, that ARE making me give it two out of five.
*twirls happily at all the good news*
Morning Fiends.
I am tired and stabby and a bit under the weather. So of course I have a holiday party to go to tonight. Bah.
Excuse me, but Marjorie asked how to get blood out of the carpet, and no one asked who died?
Sheesh, but you fiends are blase.
oh siri i did, but i couldn't get the comment to post. i was wondering if that made is accessories.
I wouldn't mind being a bracelet.
Well, we figured Marjorie must have had a good reason, so focused on the practicalities.
Good one, vampi ;-)
This has the potential for a whole new mystery plot. "Blog M for Murder", perhaps?
HA. Being on Twitter, I knew what she murdered...but you've got me going now.
The scene begins with the plucky heroine killing a suspicious character. It was self-defense, but she can't prove it! Only Tybalt can vouch for her innocence, but cats aren't allowed as witnesses in a court of law. What is she to do?!
She turns to her many online friends for help by writing a blog post, asking how to hide the body, get rid of the evidence, create her alibi, etc. Only her closest friends, including a mysterious sub-culture calling themselves the "Fiends", know she's in earnest. They give her all the advice they can.
But then, the blog post becomes and online sensation, the meme of the month! Thousands of people flock to the post, drawn by others tweeting about it, digging it, and otherwise broadcasting it via the wonders of Web 2.0. The advice and offers of help pour in. Our heroine succeeds in hiding the suspicious character's death, and for many months, no one traces the disappearance to her.
But a determined detective, well paid under the table by the suspicious character's relatives, eventually digs up enough circumstantial evidence to point to murder. As our heroine was once unfortunate enough to earn the ill will of the suspicious character's relatives, they try to get her tried for murder!
After a few dramatic days in court, the case is thrown out. Although the judge thinks there might be a case against our heroine, she concludes that there is no way to bring in 148,249 people for being accessories after the fact.
And the Judge has taken to mind the point that angering all those Fiends, not to mention the Bengal-Bee Alliance may lead to a situation worse than The Cold War, with swarming bees, rampaging Leopards and clanking bones.
Further, there was the threat that the sympathetic millions of followers of @neilhimself and @amandapalmer, capable of bringing down websites with a single tweet could trash the interwebs permanently.
Heh. They probably could, at that.
We may need to bring in Cory Doctrow as a technical consultant for that part. I'm sure Lorraine has his number handy.
Heehee. I *heart* you guys. I didn't ask in the first place because I figured the less we knew the better. ;-)
Even after all that, I don't know who died.
Liddite, remember - I don't tweet.....
It's best we don't know, Siri. Plausible deniability, ya know.
Ah HA! Needed to change bookmark to blogger site instead of fablo.com.
Aw Venus...look at those big ears! So cute!
Ariandalen Thank You for the faerie card!:)
Thanks to all the Fiends who've sent me cards - they've really cheered me up during the end of the semester craziness.
I'm very very glad I don't live in Minnesota. It's only 18 here (10F with windchill) and going outside makes my joints hurt.
Congrats Dan! It's always nice to be appreciated (especially with a raise!)
Good news on the Calvin front!:)
Illicit Affair is filling out very nicely. I'll throw out some arabic names for you: Suleiman (arabic for solomon), Jamal (beautiful), Khaleel (beautiful, good friend), Majid (glorious), Samir (entertaining companion).
Hope that helps
THIS is so cute, I want!!!!!!
Vampi that IS so cute. (Now I want one!)
And Lorraine, I think your chilly equates with our "oh, it's just a bit breezy", i.e. howling gale. :)
'night all.
Just to make all of you in chilly climes feel a bit warmer, I'll share some heat with you...currently(6pm) 30C/86F inside where I'm sitting, with the evaporative cooler not doing much...and 36.5C/97.7F outside with a yukky hot wind.
Cool change at about 10pm thank goodness.
OSS I like your version so much better than the reality!
Siri, I was the victim, not the murderer... (well, technically I was both - attacked by a combination of furniture and my own clumsiness) Thats the alibi I'll be using, anyway. Y'all remember I was here all at all relevent moments, yes?
stubbers must keep together. I'll give you a tight alibi.
Very sick this morning. I think it's creepy that people get through illnesses without tea. Shiver.
Yesterday, before I started feeling ill, I began reading "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." Barnes and Noble is not an okay place to read this; people will walk by and stare at you as you spaz with laughter. I had no idea it would be so FUNNY.
Get well soon, Emily! Snuggle up to a tea pot: they help a lot.
Yikes, didn't realize how much I would miss reading this blog. Tried many times and finally was able to see it. I missed you all. I don't post much but read everything.
Welcome Back -
Fell on my ass today...literally. Stepped in the front door to help ben get his boots on for school (i was wearing aptly named slippers!), my foot slipped, i did a dramatic pratfall, landed on my ass which seems to be fine but also caught myself w/ my left hand which seems to not be as fine. It's sore all the way up to my neck. I've been working in phys. therapy to fix my wrists after 3 years of tendinitis pain and it's been helping....hope i didn't just undo the work on the left side! Apparently it looked HI-larious because ben cracked up until he saw i was hurt...then he said "well, it looked like it was fun, too bad it hurt"
Your new kitty looks like a "Sekhmet" to me.
But "Harley" is nice too--and fits that sweet little fuzzy face.
Oh Chantrelle, like ouch. Feel better.
Poor Robyn. I do hope that you feel better soon.
Hey! Just got here through the web site! Yay!
I hope everyone feels better soon. :(
Chantrelle- One of the ladies at my synagogue did a very similar thing. She tripped on some mulch and jarred her elbow. She had some bruising, but she was ultimately fine after some ice and pain killers. I hope your fate is similar.
15 days until moving day! And, my stepfather just gave me a wii for Hanukkah! It's living at my mom's house, because now that I have something nice, I don't want it to be alone in my apartment when my landlady shows it. I have a feeling my friend who lives in the building I'm moving into will be knocking on my door at all hours.
Oh, and my apartment number is going to be 733 (my cantor said it sounds like a penthouse) which I think is probably good from a numerology standpoint.
Yay! Site is back up :-)
Glad you're back. :)
Woohoo we're back!! Just in time.... for me to go to bed. Lots of catching up to do in the morning. Nighty-night xx
Oh goodness Robyn! No more slipper wearing for you! Hope you recover and didn't do further damage.
My site is back up and so is a new blog post!!!!!!
Heading to ben's first school christmas concert! It will be beyond adorable i'm sure. Back later to read!
Congrats to Dan and hope Robyn is okay!
Thanks for everyone's concern about my arm. It seems to be ok. I'll know for sure tomorrow if i wake up sore (i'm always worst the next day if something's hurt).
Anyway, just got home from ben's holiday concert....cutest thing EVER!!! He did such a great job, all the kids did!
Read this headline on my cnn news feed and my first thought was *not* football: "Bengals receiver Henry seriously hurt during 'domestic situation'"
SO glad to be able to get here again. I've missed you all. Will catch up later...
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