The One Eyed Jacks Need a Ride Home....
Edited to add: The One Eyed Jacks have found a ride home in time for Christmas! I think I will let this stand tho, as it is a wonderful Holiday sort of Story...
I've been calling them the One Eyed Jacks, and wishing I could figure out a way to take them.
We never thought that we would find them their home, but I knew their someone was out there, and they are. We found them. The Someone in Minneapolis wants them very, very much.
But they need a ride home for Christmas.

These two are fostered near Detroit, MI, in Clinton Township, MI. They have a sad tale to tell......
A very nice gentleman adopted them when they were about 6 months old, each having one terrible eye. He paid for the surgery to fix their eyes and they were wonderful pets and friends. He then became very ill, however, and had to go to CA to live with relatives, who could take care of him. He couldn't, sadly, take the Kitties to his relatives, so he put them on Craigslist. One of our previous foster homes turned adopter found the listing and contacted the man and told him to call Great Lakes Bengal Rescue. He did and our previous foster agreed to foster the cats.

As I said, we found them their new home. That's what we do.
They just need a ride from Michigan. Can you help? Can you drive part way? Can you help with gas? ( Are you traveling for the holidays at any point along this route?
I am not adverse to pulling out all the stops on this one...
Can you help these One Eyed Jacks and their new family be together for Christmas....
Or shortly after?
Contact me and/or Janet (Director of Great Lakes Bengal Rescue) at
Love and New Homes,
I've been calling them the One Eyed Jacks, and wishing I could figure out a way to take them.
We never thought that we would find them their home, but I knew their someone was out there, and they are. We found them. The Someone in Minneapolis wants them very, very much.
But they need a ride home for Christmas.

These two are fostered near Detroit, MI, in Clinton Township, MI. They have a sad tale to tell......
A very nice gentleman adopted them when they were about 6 months old, each having one terrible eye. He paid for the surgery to fix their eyes and they were wonderful pets and friends. He then became very ill, however, and had to go to CA to live with relatives, who could take care of him. He couldn't, sadly, take the Kitties to his relatives, so he put them on Craigslist. One of our previous foster homes turned adopter found the listing and contacted the man and told him to call Great Lakes Bengal Rescue. He did and our previous foster agreed to foster the cats.

As I said, we found them their new home. That's what we do.
They just need a ride from Michigan. Can you help? Can you drive part way? Can you help with gas? ( Are you traveling for the holidays at any point along this route?
I am not adverse to pulling out all the stops on this one...
Can you help these One Eyed Jacks and their new family be together for Christmas....
Or shortly after?
Contact me and/or Janet (Director of Great Lakes Bengal Rescue) at
Love and New Homes,
If we were a little further north we could...
I hope those guys find a ride. They look sweet!
This makes me so so happy.
Good luck finding someone; I do believe you will. Someone will help.
Email away. I guess there was a reason for not getting a winter break job.
Beez, you are a star!
They are gorgeous looking fellows.
Beez!! What a Solstice Blessing you will be for those furries. Well done.
The One Eyed Jacks have found a ride home! Someone was coming from MI to MN for the Holidays and are bringing them HOME!!!!!!!
Perfect! nice work and Merry Yule to whoever- and all of us too.
heartwarming story:)
this morning came early, i am going to take a nap. boss was very happy with my presentation and let me go start my time off early :)
Yay for finding a ride and a home!!
What gorgeous boys...they don't look particularly wild.....
i really want to go and get my cup of tea, but there is a cat purring on my lap....
Hurray! It's an All Winter Holidays miracle!
Three cheers for being a positive force in the world!
That's wonderful, Quiche. Christmas cheer indeed.
this temperature site seemed fiendish :)
Hurrah! That was quick. Good good!
Vampi: it says it's like Hoth hee, but I know it won't begin to look that way till at least midnight! Guess I'll go salt the sidewalk while I still can. And set the wampa traps.
What a great story. And I know it is not the end of their story, so don't want to say happy ending, but life is looking up for them.
Tried to watch Dollhouse but local station kept breaking in with weather news (it's snowing what else do we need to know?) so had a little trouble following the story line...
Vampi - that site is awesome!
Back playing with cities across the world
Yay for bengals with homes!
Happy holidays to everyone!
Yay for Yule happiness for Bengal brothers!
Vampi, that site needs a little tweaking; Waco, TX @ 6 C is like Hoth, but Dallas, TX @ 7 C is like Endor. Waco is 100 miles south of Dallas.
Santa Cruz: IT'S LIKE NABOO OUT THERE.Temperate, dry, and fairly pleasant
Yes,that is why i live here.
Hooray for the Jacks! Blessings on the conveyors and adopters.
I'm on Hoth. Shocker! hee hee - wampa traps. What to use for bait - think they'd go for mynocks, if I got my hands on some?
Aaaaah, weekend. Today is like a mental hot tub.
So nice they found a Santa helper to take them to their new home!
We are on Naboo here. Can't imagine that it's the same temp as Santa Cruz... 47F?
Anyhow, had a quart or two of hot chocolate for dinner. Was making hot cocoa mix and had to keep tasting it as I tweaked it. It was all good, but I had to get it great. I bought the (expensive) organic powdered milk, which seems way better than the usual kind, which I haven't had since I was a kid. For the same reason I haven't had liver since then.
Well, it's getting close to stupid o'clock and I need to go sleep off this chocolate. I think I got a whole week's worth of calcium, tho...
Yup, it's 49 here. Gets chilly at night. It was 65 here in the daytime though.
And all you "real winter" place people are laughing at the "chilly 49" i'm sure ;-)
Good night!
Morning. Happy for kitties, and for humans able to make kitties happy. Though sorry for the original owner having let them go, must have been hard on top of ill health, I hope he hears that they've found a new loving home.
Yay for finding a home and transport for the One Eyed Jacks!
ticky box
Yay for whole week's worth of calcium, Fluffy! And Chantrelle, I'm sorry, but I'm going, "47, ho ho ho."
Not that I'm one to complain. The morning temperature here in Rhode Island just rose from 17.4 to 17.6. We have real winter, but not MN winter. Plus one never knows what to expect here, whether it's going to be fifteen or sixty degrees F ...
Morning all!
Not much to tell today. Went to bed after I got home last night about 15 minutes after I got here. Was asleep about , kid you not, 45 seconds after I went to bed.
There may be something to all this working out.
I'll blog the Really Weird Present later today, after riding, and Boss-ing, and helping Spooky Teen and Woodsman Hans with things.
Clean House Day! Always a good one.
Good morning! The One Eyed Jacks are precious. I'm so happy someone can help them out. It's actually snowy here today. Can't wait to see the weird present later on. Now I'm off to pollute my system with caffeine and sugar.
Hoth. But I knew that, since I'm snuggled on the couch with the cat, next to the picture window, watching the snow fall from under a pile of blankets.
And I had coffee and chocolate cake for breakfast.
500 pages into Under the Dome, might do some writing of my own shortly. No other plans for the day. Hooray.
muahaha just re-read boss' account of christmas trees and hanukkah. my mother converted before i was born, so half my family is presbyterian and the other half jewish. neither half particularly religious. we did have hanukkah, my mother made an attempt at protesting to school officials when hanukkah wasn't represented. but i never had a tree. fast forward 20 years, when i started working at the record store, they were scandalized that i'd never had a tee or decorated. I was given free reign to gaudy up the store, buy anything i wanted from walmart with tinsel. i was in heaven.
i now have 2 small table sized trees, neither proper christmas trees, one does the fiberoptic lights in trippy rainbow colors, and the other is white with red ornaments. my hanukkah bushes :)
Katy, make yourself known here so everyone can thank you in "person" for adopting the kitties.
You know ... working at the library and also being a patron is a bit odd ... some of these librarians don't seem to like me hanging around the building when I'm not working.
Last year, my synagogue was scandalized by my rabbi's son lobbying for a Christmas tree.
Well, really, only one or two people were scandalized. Everyone else thought it was horribly cute.
We found out because Ben, who is 6 or 7, was asked what he wanted for Hannukah. At which point he told his entire class and teacher that he wanted a Christmas tree and for Santa to come.
Christmas trees started losing meaning for me when my mom got her animatronic Mickey Mouse tree topper and an artificial tree with a bear hugging it.*F%3F&GUID=05fe3a7f11f0a0e204e5b2a5ffcdcbf0&itemid=220305055990&ff4=263602_263622
Just to let you know...there's a cat that is listed as "vet says probably part Bengal" at a PetSmart in Springfield, PA (Philly suburbs). I don't know if there is a rescue organization near here for Bengals, but.... Unfortunately I can't take him, but maybe a Bengal fan will see this on your site and check it out.
Kendra, do you mean the Delaware county Springfield or the Montgomery County Springfield. Got a phone number? I'm not a Bengal rescue, but I am in Phoenixville PA.
And ticky
Christmas never had a religious significance in our family. It was a tree full of crazy mismatched ornaments, Santa, presents and getting family together for good food (the food theme is pretty strong in my whole life as you might guess!)
Now we celebrate with a tree full of star wars, comic book heros, voodoo dolls, sesame street characters and a monkey with fez as our topper. It's still about tradition, just ours and not anyone else's!
I will make cookies with ben on monday for solstice. He is excited to celebrate winter (which is a bit odd around here with no snow or real weather to speak of!).
We don't really do Christmas (except that we do get thrown into family celebrations) but I write a warped Christmas story for my LJ readers each year.
New post is up. And that is all I am going to say about it.
Dabbler--Delaware Co. It's in a shopping center off of Route 1 at Sproul Road with a Joanne's and the Giant Book Warehouse.
Thanks, I'll try calling them and see what the story is. Will post on the next entry when I have some information.
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