Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Well here I am. Camped at the Boss's house for Xmas.

Before you start an uproar, no, I am not required by him to be here, I am fortunate to be here. I do need to take care of the Dog, tho had I gone traveling, we could have made arrangements, but with this Snow Event" on the way, it seemed sensible to be here for a couple of reasons.

First off, this Snow Event is starting with freezing rain. I have no garage, and don't want to attempt my up the hill on a cliff driveway in the ice. Boss, on the other hand, has a heated garage, with room for my car too. And speaking of cars, he also has a SNOW MONSTER SUV, which is what I will be driving.

Boss, is not here. He has wisely de-camped for warmer climes.

I've fixed the Bengals with enough dry food and water to get thru a couple days if I can't get out, tho I will no doubt be HEARING quite a bit about this form of abuse once I do get back. I will try, but who can say.

It seems to be raining right now and I am very glad to be safe indoors...

I will, no doubt, keep you all updated.

Merry Holiday to you all!

Love and snow, Lorraine


At 20:16 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Merry Holiday to you too Lorraine.

I'm sure the Bengals will tell you all about the abuse when you make it home...but if they are anything like our furries, they just sleep all day anyway.

Have fun driving Snow Monster!

At 20:18 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Just to prove how much we're really not into the whole thing...I'm waiting for the load of washing to finish so I can hang it on the line, and everyone else in the house is sleeping.
I am though enjoying all the birdsong outside, which I can hear because there are few cars, no buses or trucks and fewer than normal airplanes over head.
Its really peaceful.

At 20:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

A bus just went by.
Now I remember hearing that all public transport is free today. Maybe I should go for a bus ride.

At 20:25 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Merry merryday eve (or day to those in later time zones).

Bronchitis is kicking my ass but I got lemon verbena shortbread made and the chicken is roasting in the oven. Thank goodness for Safeway delivery, they brought me my fixings! And I had butternut squash soup left in the freezer so there's our dinner. Tomorrow i'l use the leftover chicken to make chicken barley soup.

Hope everyone is having a safe a yummy holiday.

At 21:26 Blogger Amy said...

Happy Festivus!

I kind of would like to borrow just a tiny bit of your snow. Just enough to pretend we were snowed in anyway. Alas, I will be lucky to get rain. :)

At 21:54 Blogger vampi said...

at some point i think you should set up a webcam or two and see what the bengals do when you are away. i have a feeling it's hysterical hijinx:)

happy warm garage and merry snowmageddeon.

At 21:56 Blogger Siri said...

Snowing here - but none of the freezing rain they predicted - thank Fod for that. Got to Christmas Eve dinner with my BFF and her tribe, and then to church to see my best actor friend play an old Jewish man. He moved to Memphis many years ago, and I don't get to see him act as much as I'd like. Well worth the clearing off the car twice to drive a total of 4 miles. Who would live in the snowy midwest.

And before all of you who are getting an unexpected white Christmas in warmer climes, remember yours will be gone in 3 days - ours will be gone in 3 months.

Merry Merry and a Ho Ho Ho.

At 22:27 Blogger Fluffy said...

It's supposed to get back up to 40 tomorrow, and it stopped snowing a while ago, so I predict a thaw very soon. I also predict three late sleepers in this house. Five, including Binky and Peaches, but they go without saying.

Hm. Heated garage. Interesting concept. Sounds good.

At 22:43 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I think a webcam of what the bengals do on their free time would be kind of scary. Like a babysitter cam. I don't want to know what my cats do all day when I'm not here.

Be careful in the big-ass storm!!!!!

I officially survived Major Gift Opening Holiday 1. Next up is Minor Gift Opening Holiday 2.

Also, one of the guys at my synagogue bought me a going away lunch then gave me $50 for my new start. It was so nice of him! I cried on my way to my mom's.

At 23:26 Blogger Fluffy said...

Go, Wendy! Hope #2 goes well.

I'm off to bed, while visions of matzoh balls dance in my keppeleh.

At 00:56 Blogger Na said...

Happy Merrydays, and love to you all.

Ride, Sally, ride! *g*

Here it's supposed to warm some tomorrow (that is, get all the way up to just freezing) and be sunny. In short, perfect sledding weather!

At 02:17 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Merry! Zany! Giddy! Happy! to all fiends.

At 02:18 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Aaargh. Ticky.
Festive mood makes me drowsy.
Tea calling.

At 02:25 Blogger spacedlaw said...

A wonderful snow woman seen in a British graveyard!

At 03:42 Blogger louisa said...

My, that's some snowwoman! Merry Christmas all, it's a beautiful clear, crisp day here. I'll watch The Snowman with coffee, then go down to The Forty Foot, a natural cove on the coast where at midday everyone jumps in, then jumps out and drinks hot whiskey! Over to family later for a mostly vegetarian Christmas dinner (there's usually a little fish for those inclined) and presents. If I'm awake enough I'll drive into the deserted city at midnight to see the Christmas lights. If not, I'll get an early night in preparation for my traditional St Stephen's Day hike tomorrow.

Hope you all find yourselves where you want to be and with those you want to be with. Carpe diem.

At 05:00 Blogger Marjorie said...

Happy Merry Holiday to all.

Big house sounds good (And particulalry well stocked with books 'n' stuff, should you get snowed in!)

We have had stockings, and breakfast of coffee & croissants and bucks-fizz, and now some of the party has gone off of ring bells for the christmas services, and the rest of us are going to go for a walk - it is a beautiful day - cold, but very bright and sunshiny, and many of us got nice new scarves in our christmas stockings so we shall be warm :-)

Tybalt has found which of my parent's chairs is in the sunniest spot, and it gives him a good view of the bird-feeder too, so he is happy.

I'm very happy being with my family today. Hope you all have a wonderful day too, wherever and with whoever you are x

At 06:55 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Merry Merry!

I can think of much worse places to be snowed in, Q.

We made it to my parents' place yesterday, and thankfully there is no snow here. There was freezing rain and snow mixed when we left home, and there's supposed to be snow on Saturday when we go home, but for now we're safe and warm with my family.

And I figured out how to get on their new wireless router, go me ;-)

I hope you all stay safe, everyone but Sally stays warm, Sally stays cool, and there are happy days all around!!

At 08:37 Blogger Laura B said...

FL, stay safe and warm!

Chantrelle, your food always sounds so yummy!

AmyR, is it time for the feats of strength yet?

I'm about to eat my mom's homemade crepes. Woot!

At 09:48 Blogger Siri said...

What is this thing called Sun of which the Fiends speak? We've been without it for I don't remember how many days. Is it pretty? Is it bright? Will I ever see it again?

Merry day to you all - off to brave the roads to spend a day with Pa. Or a few hours at least.

Hoping you all got just what you wanted.

At 09:56 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

In Tamper, it keeps sprinkling a few raindrops on the ground every few minutes. I guess that's a Florida blizzard.

Last night, my friend and I walked around my old neighborhood for about an hour after dinner. That's going to be my awesome holiday memory for this year.

At 09:58 Blogger One Sock Short said...

And a Merry Holiday to you too! And to Fiends one and all! Wishing all who are celebrating happy times. And wishing everyone peace.

You definitely can't run out of things to read in Boss's house. Cabal must be very grateful to you for staying with him. The Bengals...well, if you offer enough steak, I'm sure they'll forgive you for staying with a Dog.

Mom will be upstairs soon. Time to celebrate Christmas and her birthday. Wish me luck, I'm making my first lasagne.

At 10:04 Blogger EmilyLady said...

节日快乐! This morning was a Michael Jackson/Star Trek/Beatles themed Christmas. It wasn't deliberate. It just happened. I'll have a few fun pictures on Facebook.

Happy Holidays, Fiends. Thanks for being fantastic.

At 11:16 Blogger dabbler said...

OSS, Merry Birthday to your Mom, from a fellow sufferer...errr, birthday holder! Hated being born on Christmas as a kid, don't mind at all, now.

Here we had a lovely, bookfilled present opening. Hits were an entire box of Pogo, from our son, who rescued them from the free book pile at school. A multiple win! Stocking stuffers of tiny, leather covered copies of 'The Ballad of Reading Gaol' and 'The phantom Rickshaw' in DD and DS's stockings. An antique bee smoker for DH (who says he mat get a buzz....)
and a copy of Charles Vess's Collected works, for me.

Now to make cheesy potatoes, and figure out where I put Mo-in-law's present.....

At 11:22 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Hi dabbler! Happy Firbday! Mom says "ditto" to hating her Christmas b'day as a kid, and "thank you" for the good wishes.

At 11:40 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I always hated the idea of having a Christmas birthday! But Happy Birthday to your mother, OSS.

At 13:46 Blogger EmilyLady said...

And Dabbler, of course happy birthday to you!

At 14:44 Blogger Cecily said...

Merry Happy ChrismaKwanzmaHannakahYule stuffs to you and everyone else too!

At 17:48 Blogger AletaMay said...

I am still in WI. We did Christmas Eve stuff on Wed. night and Christmas morning stuff on Thursday morning and Today has just been a very lazy day of talking eating yummy brunchy foods, TV watching and game playing. The plan is to drive home tomorrow. Hope the roads are good because I am rather easily freaked out by winter driving conditions. Why to I still live here? Hope all fiends everywhere are finding something of their own to celebrate as the light returns and the world turns yet again.

At 18:14 Blogger Jane said...

We are having the most relaxing lazy Christmas Day :-) See no one and only talk to a few people. Couple of introverts here.

OSS, never made lasagna? Easy and forgiving IMO but let us know.

Q, I would definitely stay with the SUV and heated garage. Cats with be pissed but OK. And you'll be safe.

Absolute Death in my Christmas gifts!!! Yea!

LOTR was definitely my Christmas wrapping background this year.

Sounds like everyone is doing well - Robyn getting better?
Kale and white bean soup for dinner - yum!

Love you all...

At 18:32 Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

Merry Christmas, brave Fablo (I can't imagine driving in such conditions -- yikes!!), and all Fiends and loved ones! I hope the Bengals don't hate you too much but I know your charm and steaky wiles will lure them back to loving you. :-)

At 19:11 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Happy Happy Merry Merry to all of you where today is Happy Merry Day.

Toni, glad you got to your folks safely and your wishes for cool have worked. I even have a jumper on right now.
Dabbler - Happy Firbday and
OSS - Happy Firbday to your mom.
Did I miss anything?
Its Boxing Day for me, which means the start of the Boxing Day Cricket Test -a Very Big Thing here in Melbourne. And the sales. All the shopping addicts are out and the gerchink of cash registers is heard.

At 19:42 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Merry Christmas! I am exhausted.

At 19:45 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I SURVIVED! And, I'm taking about 8 lbs of chocolate home to the new apartment.

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday! And, I hope all the snowed in folks are doing peachy.

At 20:53 Blogger AletaMay said...

Yummm. Glögg.

At 21:00 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I hope everyone enjoyed their day. It was a bit of a long one here, but mostly good. My first lasagne was a great success. Don't know how it is I've never made one before. I found it time consuming but not at all difficult. Somehow I always imagined lasagne as a big task to take on. Maybe because we had it spo rarely growing up.

Anyhoo, I'm glad to have my quiet apartment back to myself again. I get to hibernate the next two days. I am so looking forward to that.

Goodnight dear fiends!

At 22:04 Blogger ariandalen said...

Hope everyFiend has had/is having a day of Wonder! And if you're not, tomorrow is a new, better day. :)

Happy Firbday, dabbler!
Happy Firbday, OSS' mom!

Came downstairs to Seren telling me, "We were good! We were good!"
Both girls happy that Santa brought them what they wantd most.

Now watching "August Rush."

At 22:04 Blogger ariandalen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 22:47 Blogger Na said...

Happy Firbday, dabbler! Happy Firbday, Sock's Mom!

Loooonng day. But well done, it seems. Peeps sent to bed happy at the end of it. Sledding was accomplished by monsters and my guy, with my dad as Documentarian. I spent many hours in the kitchen. It was rather meditative.

Among other lovely thoughtful gifts exhanged, I rec'd from my parents Comic Book Tattoo. Still looking for Kitty's bit. And OMF I had no idea what a tome it is.

Hope all are having a good weekend, in comfort and good health.

At 23:36 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Merry Catmas!!

We achieved fire in fireplace, cat in comfy chair, and much success with presents for Mom and felines. (I'm SO happy!!)
In a grand role reversal, Mummy opened her stocking to keep occupied whilst letting me sleep in. Then there were blintzes and Mimosas. Life is good.

Happy Natal Day (all to yourselves who is this famous guy born on the same day anyway) to Dabbler and OSS's mum (think I got that straight.)

Good health and safe travels to all Fiends, at home and abroad.

ps--since the time I typed the above, and the time I got power back to my computer IOT post it---Best Christmas Gift Evah! from the Universe. BBC America's Christmas Day programming included:
Are You Being Served
Blackadder's Christmas Carol
Dr. Who the Christmas Invasion
Catherine Tate's Christmas specials...the memory of herself (as the redheaded psycho ward nurse skeeze) dueting with George Michael (in psycho patient pjs) on Fairy Tale of New York is now permanently seared onto my brain! hypergrin!

At 01:43 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hey, Minnesota airport on our news!
And Kansas City, and Oklahoma City and Dallas! Cool.

At 04:14 Anonymous Lysandwr said... Q for two days?

I hope it is 'net outage, and not power outage....just can't help but worry a bit.

At 04:38 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I hope so too Lys, but considering the weather in Minnesota made our news, it wouldn't surprise.

Watching Dr Who The End Of Time part one.
New fave Dr Who line..."She's a cactus!"

At 05:37 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

None of that now, DS!! Still have, oh, fifteen hours until we get to see it here.

As for the weather up there--it stopped a lot of flights yesterday (er, day before...) but seems to have backed off a bit.

Thinking good thoughts, in any case.

At 07:35 Blogger LincolnBlog said...

Merry Holiday! You might be glad to see that the rain has turned back into snow. Yay more shoveling! Hadn't quite got my fill.

Hope you will be able to view your boss's entire collection of Dr. Who shows while you're there. Or at least the Dr. Who Christmas specials.

At 07:52 Blogger dabbler said...

Many Thanks for all the lovely Firbday wishes! It was a lovely day...books, food, happy people, a tad of chaos for leavening (the best sort) and then a very peaceful several hours of crossword puzzling, while watching DD play Persona 3. Looked again at puzzle tis morning, and got the stumpers right away! Says something for my level of wooly-headed relaxation last night.

Now I am puzzling over how to cut and paste on my new-to-me linux computer, having changed cat boxes, diagnosed the cause of wet basement floor, situated bucket, let cat out/in, etc. Everyone else is asleep...and I love the cozy quiet. And Rain. Our snow is vanishing

At 07:53 Blogger dabbler said...

And Happy St. Stephen's/Boxing Day to all!

At 07:55 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I hope every Fiend had a wonderful day yesterday. My brothers and I had a great Christmas ... even if Jack is now strutting around in his Captain Kirk outfit slurring, "Call me COMMANDER FUNK."

At 08:43 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Happy Boxing Day!

It is fitting that a good lot of my apartment will be finding its way into boxes today.

I am thinking in the background there will be festive episodes of Dr. Who and Torchwood playing.

At 08:44 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Don't worry, Lys. It's that time of the month again.

I am back at home finally, downloading some 162 pictures...

At 09:19 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Well, JESS, "good morning" just isn't good enough!

At 10:35 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Snow! So pretty after days of sleet and rain.

Today I am staying in with a warm cat, a quiet apartment, and lots of knitting. Ahhhh.

At 11:41 Blogger vampi said...

we really need to do something about this tick infestation...
162 pictures? crikey, can't wait to see some of them :)
happy belated birthday to those with holiday birthday conflicts.
i'm off to see Holmes or Parnassus, which ever one is not full.

At 11:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all!

I am back at the Spooky House tending to Bengals, who were not of course, amused by my absence, internet is wonky out at Boss's and of course, no one is around...

Hoping you all had as lovely a Holiday as I did....

At 12:14 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Welcome back, oh wondrous one. Cuddles to the Bengals, poor abandonned kitties.

I am making chestnut and rice soup for dinner. It's cold here (well... not really but we lost about 10 degrees when crossing over back to Rome).

At 12:17 Blogger dabbler said...

Good Morning, Lorraine, Happy Boxing Day!
Scritches to the Bengals, and to Dog, when you get back to Boss's house.

At 15:53 Blogger Shantra said...

Glad to hear everyone is having a good time and staying safe and warm. It is a good thing we did all our present stuff and fun with family and friends Christmas Eve afternoon because Christmas Eve night my Momma in law died. As Christmas Eve gave way to Christmas Day we had just said bye to the hospice nurse and the coroner taking her away and comforting each other as best we could.

After a night of nightmares where I kept seeing her face..Christmas Day itself was weird to say the least.

Thankfully my beautiful angel Sakura was waiting outside the bedroom door for me and with a racous little meow jumped into my arms and spent the day fussing and bathing me and curled up with me.. she never left my side. I am so blessed to have her.

At 16:01 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Shantra, so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and your family.

At 16:05 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Shantra, I am sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family peace and the comfort of happy memories. It is truly wonderful how the animals in our lives know when we really need them.

At 17:36 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I'm sorry for your loss, but at least your MiL got in one last family holiday!

At 21:17 Blogger ariandalen said...


At 21:18 Blogger vampi said...

*snugs* shantra

At 08:44 Blogger Marjorie said...

Shantra, so sorry for your loss - but glad that you were able to have a last holiday together.

HAppy belated birthday wishes to those who were firbdaying.

At 11:40 Blogger Jane said...

Shantra, so sorry about your MIL. It sounds like you and your family do find comfort in each other and that is wonderful.

It seems like many people hold on until the family gathers at the holidays. I know of one who waited for her grandson to come home from Greece and then she died peacefully, on Christmas Eve, in front of the fire in a rocking chair while all her remaining family was with her. Maybe seems gruesome but Nana chose her time and went.

At 13:55 Blogger Shantra said...

There were people at our house afternoon and early evening but Momma lived with my sister in law Ida, her husband and son. We knew she was dying but she had looked so well when we saw her a couple of days before I was sure they were wrong about the timing.

Ida took dinner to Momma about 7:00 and checked in at 7:30, she hadn't eaten much. After that she was making Christmas cookies with her son and went back to check at 9:00 and found her dead. She was hysterical thinking she should have checked in sooner when we got the call. James and I then drove the hour over there in pounding rain. I was totally in shock. James said to me he was praying for another 48 hours.. just that.. he is upset that every Christmas Eve for the rest of her life Ida will remember finding Momma dead. I just don't know how we make that one better.

At 14:16 Blogger Siri said...

Shantra, I know we can't say anything to easy Ida's feelings, but I know that Momma, Nana, Grandma and Ma went when they were ready, not when we were ready to let them go. I bet it wouldn't have mattered if Ida had checked every 5 minutes - Momma would have gone when her back was turned. The grand old ladies of that era did thing their way, on there time.

Peace and love to you and yours.

At 14:27 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And we were all there with my father in law when he died and we did not know. We could not be sure: it must have taken us a good twenty minutes to summon the guts to check.

At 15:04 Blogger Phiala said...

I haven't caught up on anything yet, but am home from the farm.

Best holiday moment: coherent conversation with my father-in-law, who has Alzheimer's. He'd told us all at lunch that we had to get out of his house or he'd shoot us, because that was his house. (All his guns have been at my house for quite some time!) But a bit later he had a long conversation with his son Nick, and I told him that I was Nick's wife (close enough, after 14 years but without legal sanction, especially for a conversation such as that), and he said that I was welcome to visit whenever I want.

That may not mean much if you haven't had the "Alzheimers experience", but it was truly special.

At 15:48 Blogger dabbler said...

Hugs to Shantra, and the experience to share that as time passes, the many positive memories of the day will gradually balance out the sadness.

And Phiala, that was such a gift, to have that conversation!

At 16:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Phiala, that must have been awesome for everyone, having him coherent for a while. I know what its like, dealing with alzheimers in loved ones.

Shantra, I hope the days are getting easier.

At 20:19 Blogger Siri said...

Please, may I humbly apologize for the horrific grammer mistake in my last post. I really do know better.

The snow got in my eyes. Yeah, that's it.


At 06:54 Blogger spacedlaw said...

We have a case of woeful cat at home: Ansia's paw was not getting any better so she now sports a transparent Elizabethan collar which she resents very strongly (as if being sick wasn't bad enough!).

At 08:04 Blogger Marjorie said...

Shantra, what a sad shock for Ida. The only thing I can sugget that may behelpful is to do something totally different next year - several years ago, my grandmother had a severe stroke a couple of days before Christmas - my sister was there alone with her, as she had been the first of the family to arrive for Christmas, so she had to deal with ambulances, and waiting at the hospital etc.

She was instrucmental in organising a Chrismas when we rented some holiday cottages and had a big family gathering away from my Grandmother's (or any other) family home, it was eough of a break from tradition to help overcome the memory.
It is probably a little too soon, but maybe in time Ida can also take comfort from the fact that her Mom had family around her, and was able to chose her own moment and go quietly.
Phiala, it sounds as though the world gave you all a wonderful gift in that conversation!

At 08:09 Blogger Jane said...

Steve's parents both had Alzheimer's and having a coherent sentence or two from them was truly a gift. It was as if they snapped back to themselves for a brief moment.

And they happened at the oddest of times - standing on the sidewalk outside the emergency room at midnight with MIL after we had been in the emergency room for over 12 hours, waiting for Steve to get the car...

I definitely agree about the grand old ladies. They had their own schedule.

Poor kitteh toe :-(

At 09:46 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all, Holiday is over and it was a good one, mostly, lots of lying around and relaxing with Dog or Bengals.

I am sorry for those that had losses, and send you warm thoughts.

And I'll post a new blog tonight...

At 10:28 Blogger vampi said...

:) i had a week off and now i'm struggling to remember how to shamble into work. i adapt way too easily to sloth life.

At 12:37 Blogger EmilyLady said...

So a friend took me to see "Avatar" yesterday. Have any of you seen that film yet? I thought it was just ... absolutely fascinating.

At 18:00 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

When is a good time for the only working furnace in the house to blow its motor?

Well, generally NOT on the Sunday after Christmas....and as the coldest cold front so far this year is moving in...

But YES to happening when we'd just brought home absolute PILES of firewood.

And here we though it was all so decorative and "fun with marshmallows"

We didn't actually sleep in the family (fireplace) room last night, but did stay in there until the wee hours doing everything quite close to the firebox. I got mad warmth making skillz now.

All better now, motor replaced. Still too bloody cold outside. If I wanted 15 degrees F, I'd move back to Minnesota!!!! :) Goddess knows there are plenty of other reasons.

(btw--cats plus both humans plus newly acquired leather couch plus fireplace....equals sublimely pleased cats.)

At 20:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It's WAY colder than that Lys here...Good luck with your wild burning skills.

Trying to do a new blog but nothing is coming to me. Where did my inspiration go? Been looking for another cat tree for Magic, so he can go on the shelves. His room is getting pretty cool.

I'll do some pics of it once it comes. And the bathroom once I get my pictures framed and up in there.

There. Inspiration, but not for tonight. Still in my cuddle down mode.

At 20:18 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Shantra I'm so sorry to hear of your loss..*hugs*

Mostly lying around sounds like a good way to spend the holidays. That's pretty much what I did too. Sadly, no LOTR marathon as somehow Fellowship got lost:(. I'll make do though.

Lys that is COLD for Nuevo Mexico. Good thing you had firewood!

And in the good news department, I finally got my grades (after finding out they had been posted in a different place than I'd been looking..DOH!) Four A's and an A+, Art School here I come:)

At 20:18 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Shantra I'm so sorry to hear of your loss..*hugs*

Mostly lying around sounds like a good way to spend the holidays. That's pretty much what I did too. Sadly, no LOTR marathon as somehow Fellowship got lost:(. I'll make do though.

Lys that is COLD for Nuevo Mexico. Good thing you had firewood!

And in the good news department, I finally got my grades (after finding out they had been posted in a different place than I'd been looking..DOH!) Four A's and an A+, Art School here I come:)

At 21:18 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Jack saw "Avatar" today and liked it, though I don't think he enjoyed it as much as yours truly. Maybe because he is twelve.

I hope you are keeping warmish, Lys, and Quiche too. And everyone in MN. RI is really not too bad. I even took a walk in the cold rain today and it felt good, which really goes to show you that, compared to some of the other Fiends' regions, it really was not that cold.

At 22:03 Blogger Fluffy said...

Only 37 here in N. Texas, but I feel quite warm. Maybe too warm... It couldn't have anything to do with the Sherlock Holmes film we just saw.

Oh. Heavens.

goes to lie down

At 22:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am too cold to get up and go to bed. Have blankets and a Bengal under them with me. (Mim, if you want to know.)

Looked for a Screen for The Royals litterbox, to make the room nicer. Found one on Ebay for $100,000. It was perfect. Sadly.

Now nothing else seems as cool.

At 22:19 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Oh, my bad, Q. It would have to be NEG 15 degrees F for y'all in MN to notice, right? :) But you *do* tend to have well insulated houses, at least.

As is this one, thank goodness. Very solidly built of brick and wood in the early '70s. I guess they were into thick walls then--no complaint here.

$100,000 screen for litter box? WTF?????????
Tell me that's a typo :) I guess anything else *would* seem a trifle..inadequte..after viewing such a thing.

K--High Fives on the seriously pointy headed grades collection from a fellow student who *knows* what an accomplishment you've achieved! Well done, m'dear.

Okay...after not leaving the house except for firewood yesterday in almost a week....maybe cabin fever *is* setting in.

Time for a Sonic Burger!

At 22:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not a typo. Used tho..

At 22:34 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Q I wouldn't wanna move either. Been laying around with blanket and cat myself. 'S nice and warm.
Did the screen have skulls on it? Sometimes it's hell having such good taste.;)

Fluffy, now I really wanna see the new Holmes. Was supposed to yesterday but it was sold out. (Parents don't have interwebs so couldn't buy tickets early.)

Thanks Lys, and hi-fives back atcha:)

At 22:45 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Holey Moley mother of Fod!!

It's beautiful of course (, yeah, most museum quality pieces *are* :)) I liked that it was being sold without warranty.

When the lottery is mine, dear heart...(I have a list.)

At 22:52 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Just checked the twitter..Mother of Fod indeed! Good Gods that's gorgeous. I love how it says "discounted $5k." Wow.

At 22:59 Blogger Dragonsally said...

You have exquisite taste Quiche...that is one stunning screen. I can see why nothing else will do now you've looked at the ultimate screen first.

At 23:09 Blogger Fluffy said...

Blimey, missus, I thought I had expensive taste! Carved bird panels, tho - nicely appropriate for the leopards.

And it DOES look sturdy. None of your rice-paper shojis here.

Well, real life resumes tomorrow for me. Guess I really had better get to bed. Good night, all.

At 01:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I'll find a Screen. Can't alas, have that one, and they probably would knock it over, breaking it horribly.

Yes, it is late. Just re-booking a little airlines for the Boss. Not exactly going well.

But it will.

At 06:00 Blogger Marjorie said...

Congratulations on the excellent pointy-headed grades, Kali!

And good air-line-y vibes for Q. It will indeed go well, how could it fail?

Hope everyone is staying warm and safe.

I shll be driving home this afternoon, unpacking and re-packing bags then heading off for New year inna Tower...

At 06:00 Blogger Marjorie said...

It *is* a very nice screen, but perhaps just a teeny bit on the expensive side....

At 08:55 Blogger dabbler said...

Gorgeous screen, Q. Wonder what it has to do with heat attacks, though!

(Obviously a troll....)

Congrats to all those pointy-headed grade earners. I'm proud of you!

At 08:58 Blogger dabbler said...

And, weirdly enough, there is an entire flock of robins in my yard, complaining loudly about the 25F and strong winds. Slow migraters, apparantly.

At 09:48 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Don't like their stuff (thank goodness) but Cartier has the cutest model for their new collection. And, for once, it looks well nourished (if under-aged).

At 09:55 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Still working on getting the Boss to Boston. Find out in a couple hours if I pulled it off. And if he can make the plane on time.

Lot of ifs. And not much sleep. Couple of naps. I will feel great tho if it works.


At 10:02 Blogger spacedlaw said...

You are the goddess of transport, so we trust in you (even if the weather demons are a tad skittish, wanting to keep the boss to themselves).

At 10:10 Blogger vampi said...

holy crikey snowed in? fingers crossed. and hoping the tsafail doesn't impact too greatly on boss's travel.

At 10:55 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

TSAfail ain't helping.

United told Boss's son $1900 change fee for missing his flight. I got it in one for $300. Good on me for that.

Mim was cuddling under the blanket (because it is freezing here) Venus POUNCED from above, like the bolt of Tash, only she didn't get caught halfway.

Some blood, but no one hurt too badly. Mim has gone elsewhere. Venus smuggly sleeping on top on the cupboard.

At 11:01 Blogger spacedlaw said...

But snowed in airport (or closed for any reason) should normally result in the tickets to be changeable...

At 11:17 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah, but there's a loophole. He wasn't ON a United flight from Inverness to London, so it sure wasn't THEIR fault...Noone but BA is friends with Flybe.

At 11:20 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Nice screen Jess. I may go with the $100,000 one tho. I mean , It's not all THAT much for a screen, and it would be JUST the thing.

I can afford it.

I have been up WAY too long and am now living, like the airlines, in a fantasy world.

Woodsman Hans is bringing me breakfast. I have no food here. Except rice. And Parmesan cheese. And chicken broth.

(yes, I could make something from that)

At 11:39 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Breakfast rissotto would be lovely, but can't do it on the phone and computer.

Needed food FAST in case my house of cards I have built during the night comes tumbling down.

At 11:47 Blogger vampi said...

i just love how team gaiman works like a well oiled machine. you truly are fabulous and amazing.

i don't know, the jade screen is beautiful, but is it spooky?

At 11:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, sometimes things can just be beautiful. The Forest Bedroom isn't spooky actually. More, foresty.

At 12:02 Blogger vampi said...

i was trying to "help" lol

sitting on my big pink yoga ball. man this really does work some mucsles, i am starting to feel sore. it is fun bouncing:)

At 12:07 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, good point. Thanks.

I am sitting on my BUTT waiting to hear if House of Cards worked. Time running out, but no news may be good.

Think it may be up to TSA...

At 12:37 Blogger AletaMay said...

Shantra, my thoughts are with you. My family has had its share of deaths around the holidays. It is hard. Hopefully at some point it will be a time to remember the person who is gone, in a special way.

FabLo, I hope that once this big flight fix is in motion you will be able to sleep! Did you sleep at all last night?? Yicks.

This evening will the annual Chicken Noodle Soup and Martinis at the Monte Carlo Gathering. My friend Daniel is back from almost a year in Africa and I am very much looking forward to seeing him!

At 12:41 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Took about a two hour nap last night, Aleta. Been at this for nearly 12 hours.

But am happy to report, Boss is on the plane, in business, and headed to Boston.

Just have to say:

Damm I am good.

Now for a bath, and then bed!

At 13:20 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Yay! Good job! Enjoy your sleep!

Today's my last day of drudgery!!!!!!

At 13:27 Blogger dabbler said...

All Hail, God(dess) of Airlines. You are made of win. Sleep well!

At 13:28 Blogger dabbler said...

And Wendy,

Hooray for last drudgery day. May it speed bye, leaving excitement and an easy move in its wake!

At 13:39 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Of course, you're good. we never doubted for a moment that you could beat the odds and nasty weather.

At 13:42 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Not to be confused with Odd and the Frost Giants.

At 13:55 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


My boss took everyone out to lunch, since I'm leaving. It was at a wing bar where are the waitresses are in their underwear, but I'm not going to split hairs. It got me out of the office for two hours.

At 16:05 Blogger dabbler said...

Your boss is obviously a real champ at doing things for others....hah!

At 18:02 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh definitely, all hail the Goddess of Travel wrangling.

yes Jess, have a lie down before you fall over with those nasty fumes.

Gonna be a hot day here..35C just shut the house down so I am sitting in a dark cave watching cricket on the tv and chatting to the Fiends on the lappie. Ahh, summer.

At 18:36 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Full story is up! New post....

All shall tremble before me!!!!!!!

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