Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dimil Seems to Be His Name. All Along.

I think, much like the Boss yesterday, I want to step away from Zoe just a little bit, not from her, but I can't do the blog I was intending to. It hits you harder than I would have thought, and I need a bit of Other for the moment.

I rode a new horse today, Maisie, a lovely bay Arab, in preparation for finally getting to ride my horse that I bought a month ago. He is doing well and getting lots of work, both with a really good rider, and on the ground. He's a handful tho, and I need to be good enough to ride him.

I think I am to the point where I am feel like mostly I know what I am doing, in regards to seat, legs, hands and how to tell the horse what to do, how to tell them where to carry their head, collect themselves, what leads to take, how wiggleing your fingers can change everything (yes, there is a LOT to proper riding) and I am to the point where I can spare some attention from myself and start handling a horse where the attention needs to be on THEM.

Hence Maisie. AnaMontana pretty much did what she was meant to and let me work thu my bits. (Patient horse Ana) Maisie is a little, well MORE. More like my horse will be, according to thems that knows.

I feel a lot more confident now. Not so worried about remembering every little thing. My body knows now. Not, mind you, that I know it all, or even a portion. One will never does when it comes to riding. But, still, progress.

It's being in charge. It's rolling with surprises. It's knowing what do (And staying ON) when they shy&skitter when faced with something scary. (Shy&skitter is a maneuver they will do where they go up about a foot, and sideways any where from five feet to across the ring) Today's Big Scary Thing was a window in the arena that was OPEN. It's about being ONE with the horse, and riding WELL. Vague, I know, but it is hard to explain.

Like trying to explain how it feels to play music, when it is RIGHT, and how you got there. Can't be done.

My horse has a name now, too. He is Dimil. Sounds like "Dim" as in Dimming of the Day, my favorite Richard Thompson song, and "Meel" which is much like the French word Miel, for honey.(Thank you MerryDragon on Twitter!)

His registered name is still "Illicit Affair" but one can't run around calling him THAT, and his barn name was "Spot" and I refuse to be in love with a horse named "Spot" He needed something Arabic, being a pure Arabian and all. And his barn name (kind of a nickname you call your horse from day to day) can be Dim, since he IS like a big puppy, the loverboy.

He seems to like it. Answers to it. Or maybe it is the treats. Hard to say.

Dimil, by the way, is Arabic. For "Spot".

Love and Horses,


At 17:01 Blogger Jane said...

I know what you mean about stepping away for a bit and I'm glad you have such a beautiful horse to step to.

And the riding- you have to use your whole self there, kind of like yoga.

At 17:03 Blogger LincolnBlog said...

Yay, he has a name! Go Dim!

At 17:04 Blogger Beez said...

There should be a song about A Horse Named Spot.

Stepping away- sometimes you just have yo.

At 17:04 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Congratulations on finding Dimil's name. And on feeling yourself growing as a rider.

Love to all of you this weekend.

At 17:05 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Love the name! Out of curiosity, what does it rhyme with? As in "Mr. Demille I'm ready for my close up?"

At 17:06 Blogger Marjorie said...

Yay for learning Dimil's name, and for riding, and finding time for non-grieving.

At 17:10 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lovely name - I keep saying it because it feels nice in my mouth. Is that odd?

I'm glad you had some time away. You really make me want to try riding again, its been more years than I care to admit.

At 17:11 Blogger gaypet said...


Stacy, I thought of Cecil B. as well.

At 17:12 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Yay for good riding and finding Dimil's name (and I love the picture of his eye)!

And, yeah, getting away for a bit and focusing on something else is good. Sending much love.

At 17:20 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shy and skitter is so Arabian. Love them. Dimil is a great name. He has a kind eye.
Horses are great to step away to.
Zoe knows she is loved.

Holly Abbie Brock

At 17:33 Blogger ariandalen said...

Glad you found the appropriate call name for your beautiful horsie!

Hi, Dee, Wyman, Arkascha, johann.mead, Kimberly, fdhbstephanie, and Jellicles! Glad to now call you Fiends! Grab a nice white, buckled jacket; we each have at least one. Over there you can find any supplies to personalize your jacket. :)

At 17:37 Blogger ariandalen said...

Hi, Holly Abbie Brock, you Fiend, you! Grab a jacket and personalize away!

At 17:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

YEs, I have been remiss in my manners here! Welcome all the new Fiends, and thank you for coming. CHat about whatever you like here, there IS no off topic, as long as you are kind and have a good heart. FIends are up for most anything.

Dim-EEL like that.I like it. Dim.

Now I have a Dim and a Mim. Me and my IM's.

Staying in tonight instead of the plans I had. It's CLEAN here thanks to Spooky Teen. Crab Island is set up, it's SLEETING, or (whatever now) and I am even COOKING here tonight.

I am making SAUCE.

Here is the recipe: Brown some meat. Then add every vegetable you can think of. Add a couple of jars of tomatoes you have thoughtfully canned the summer before, then add whatever spice seems good to you and you have on hand. COOK. In a POT. On the STOVE.

Top Chef, here I come...

At 17:51 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Stacy- I'm guessing that it's pronounced Dee-Meel. That's how it would be pronounced in Hebrew.

FabLo- I'm thinking Zoe would want all of her humans to be happy and taken care of. You guys need to do what you need to do to get through this.

I was kind of jealous of all your horseback riding and general horsiness. But, then I found out that the park across the street from my house has an equestrian center with horse riding lessons! I think I'm going to save up for a few lessons when I have a good job!

Also, I am slowly being engulfed in a pile of purring cat bodies. Kitty and Serious Black get along much more nicely in the new apartment.

At 18:37 Blogger vampi said...

oooh a name! he is such a looker, i can see how he got into your heart.

At 19:54 Blogger Phiala said...


After messing around doing nothing all day, I finally got going on some projects, and that's when Nick decided that we had to go grocery shopping. I asked what we needed, and was told that we only really needed half-and-half. Okay, so can we go to the close quick grocery store? Sure.

Put on my coat, pick up keys, ready to go. Only to be asked, "Are you sure you don't want to go to the big fancy farther away store?" But we only need half-and-half... oh, and apparently all this other stuff that he didn't mention.

So two hours later I'm back from the store, no longer motivated to do anything. Harrumph. Some days I'm confused about the bit where this is better than being single.

At 19:57 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I rode Maisie some months back a couple times. Wasn't ready for her, still had basic skills that needed working on, didn't feel the confidence.

One must be safe at these things.

Mistress, you make me laugh! I mean, it is not funny, but it made me laugh.

I am loving being home tonight, it is so clean, everything is in order, the Bengals are, well, currently Mim is destroying things, I think she is having a DAY, but it's all so cozy and nice at the Spooky House.

At 20:04 Blogger Phiala said...

Oh it is funny, Q, just not at the time. Everything is always so complicated around here!

You mean Mim isn't always destroying things???

So I have this story I need to finish this weekend, and I have a lovely setup, and an interesting character (just one, it's short), and no clue how it ends. I kind of need to figure that out...

At 20:09 Blogger vampi said...

mim the

At 20:12 Blogger Phiala said...

She's a lovely cat, and I wish I could take her. Maybe if I run away from home first...

At 20:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

BEYOND cute, it makes me feel so good that she got saved, poor dear...

Makes a difference.

At 20:19 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'd have her in a flash if I lived on the right continent, and didn't have doggies. she is really stealing my heart.

At 20:20 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I can spend a lot of time, generally trying to remember what I was THERE for, but 2 hours is a goodly amount.

At 20:20 Blogger Phiala said...

Jess, since I was explicitly told that all we needed was half-and-half, we obviously had to go to the pet store, AND Target, AND the grocery. Half-and-half. Ha.

At 20:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I would have taken her too. I wish I had room for MORE Bengals. Well, not exactly. Just to foster. FIve are PLENTY for all the time.

Trust me. If they were candy they would be Good n plenty's.

At 20:22 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Slipping into a cute coma here. Mama's face did me in before. Now her purrs and kitten's mews make me want to bring them home. A forever home can't be too far in the future. Meanwhile bless hobbinator.

At 20:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I can see that, Mistress. Like an outing. An adventure. Hunt and gather while you may, and all.

Did you get new pets?

My Crabs are liking Crab Island. They climb on their plant now and come out of the water. You have to kind of sneak up tho, or they skedaddle back down.

I might need to get out more.

At 20:27 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Have Mim and Venus discovered the crabs now abode yet Lorraine? They will provide hours of entertainment for them

At 20:27 Blogger Phiala said...

No new pets, though it was close. It was adopt-a-cat day... one cute little black girl... But Morgan is old and grouchy, and my first responsibility is to the ones I already have. So we left with just dogfood.

On the good side, I went to a book launch party last night (turns out the author lives 4 blocks from me), and was sent home with half a chocolate cake. So I have dessert tonight. But no cake until I invent an ending.

At 20:29 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

I just couldn't help but picturing a hesitant paw that get's grabbed by the crab claw. The result would be Fablo coming home to fiddler crabs dangling from the ceiling fans! kafwiiinggggg.....

At 20:33 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Include a warning before any crab pics though please. Giant bugs! Well they are a kind of arthropod, aren't they? Monsters. Shudder.

That is an excellent description of Target. Just add on the "how did that get into my basket?!" factor.

At 20:40 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

when we get to the check out it's always
Me: "Oh, I'M buying that?"
Ellen: "well...uh...ya..please?"

She says I have to be nice to her because she remembers where we parked the car.

At 20:45 Blogger Phiala said...

Or the "why on earth do you need that" followed by pouting and buying it anyway.

And no, I'm not shopping with a twelve-year-old. Technically.

At 20:47 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

or just because I'm buying something for myself... stands to reason I am REQUIRED to spend the equivalent on her... Like it has to be FAIR???

At 20:52 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Jess; LOL.

At 20:56 Blogger Fiend-in-law said...

I've got all the Civ III add-on packs.

It's Civ IV that I need.

At 20:58 Blogger Phiala said...


At 21:14 Blogger Dragonsally said...

you two are adorable!

Same thing operates here...if P is spending money on grog (which I can't drink) I feel no guilt spending the equal amount on books.

At 21:28 Anonymous kalli_licious said...

Computer restored! Now I have to go back and read all the night garden-y emails:)

Dimil is a very good name.:)
The shying and the skittering I remember them well. My mom's mare (7/8 Arab 1/8 Morgan) likes to do that when the snow blows into the arena and leaving a Very Scary Line in the center. And also at leaves (you never know when one might sprout teeth!)

At 21:35 Blogger Phiala said...

Story has an ending, time for cake!

At 21:42 Blogger Kimberly said...

I love the name Dimil!

Still needing good names for the mama and baby here. I just came out of their room (aka, the guestroom bathroom with the great heater vent for kitties) and I'm pleased to say that she has decided I'm okay to *take her baby out of the box and handle him, even if she's not busy eating!!!*

Seriously - that's a major deal with a mama who's only just met me. I'm glad I lived to tell the tale. She actually started purring while I was holding him when he stopped whining - I think she realized there might be some respite care in her future ;)

I'm about to upload some pics from today, including a few that will probably kill the internet because they have BABY PAWS O DOOM!

At 21:44 Blogger Phiala said...

Oh PAWS OF DOOOM are the best! *grin*

At 21:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am laughing at you lot tonight. Such witty Fiends. Makes me want to go shop somewhere. Like the internet.

DANGER!!!!!!Sill need that screen for the Royals potty.

I could go to asleep now. The bed is so close. Right there in the Romance room.

Kimberly, this is so very cool. I can't wait to see new pics. You will learn their names, but, uh, sometimes it takes a while, as I do know.

At 21:48 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

oh NOOOES; not more baby cuteness to melts all de interwebs!!

BRING IT! heehe

At 21:58 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

i like 'marbles' for the wee kitten

At 21:58 Blogger Phiala said...

Nah, Baby needs a name, so it can be Baby X with the Paws of Doom!

At 22:04 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Kimberly, have you had bengals before? If not be prepared to be charmed. And even if you are at your personal limit you will have problems saying good bye to these two. Just saying....

At 22:06 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Janet is right, look what happened to me...

At 22:06 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Yesterday I managed to escape the local three-story Target with what I went there for plus a $6 picture of a flower to put on the wall and a set of blue metal canisters for rice and sugar and such.

The yarn store was actually much more difficult to escape with my bank account intact.

I have rainbow yarn!

At 22:13 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

well he does have the trademark 'm' on his forehead... how bout Maurice & his Paws of Doom? or Merlin. or MUSTER LOLOLOL

At 22:41 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

oh dear... threadkill while u wait. sorry guys

At 02:15 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Pretty horse. And I bet the crab are over delighted to be able to get out of the water.
Off to have a look at bengal video.

At 08:19 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Dimil is a wonderful name. I am glad you're really getting the hang of riding. It feels good to feel like you're really understanding things, whether it's mathematics or sports.

I am sorry about Zoe.

At 09:17 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all.

Had tea in bed. Then tea on the couch. Then took some tea and Mim into Magics room. After that, I watched the Fiddler Crabs while making tea. Now I am working thru the morning mail, while having some tea.

I need to go and give Zoe some fluids. Maybe have a cup of tea with the Boss. Then , snowy as it is, go for a ride, and perhaps come back for a lovely cup of tea.

After that, I am thinking back to work, and home early, for some lovely tea with TV, and then, off to bed for some reading, with a soothing nighttime tea.

Yes. It is good to have a plan for the day.

I love Sundays.

At 09:21 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sounds like a well-filled day. I'm just concerned that you don't appear to have inclded any tea in your planning....

At 09:26 Blogger LincolnBlog said...

Here's a link to some famous violinists if you're looking for names for the fiddler crabs. I like Isaac and Yehudi.

At 09:29 Blogger LincolnBlog said...

Except I forgot to post the link...

At 09:38 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fods, plans change, just got a text saying Everyone is Riding now! Come to the farm!

Which is different than "Let's ride around 1:00pm"

Tho I suppose witht he weather the way it is, this is better, just going to keep snowing. THAT changed to from "Oh, not much, maybe an inch" to "Weather advisory! Storm total could be 6 inches"


At 10:32 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Sunday riding sounds great. Can I be with you in spirit?

Do you take Dimil with you? I mean, is there a way to do that? Do you, er, ride him?

At 11:37 Blogger Ani said...

Sneaking around work to be able to catch up on blogs & see pictures of cats & horses. Dimil is a great name. Hello all!

Ariendalen, how do I get these stains out of my nice white jacket with the buckles???

Ok, little Bengal-boy does have the squee-est paws I think I've ever seen. Thank you so much Kimberly for taking those sweeties on!

I quite liked "Maurice and His Paws of Doom," Stacey!

At 13:15 Blogger Siri said...

Whatever happened to Lazy Town?

At 13:50 Blogger vampi said...

siri, i've taken up a post of sherrif in lazy town. i'd arrest all the active people, but i cba.

At 14:04 Blogger Phiala said...

New-to-me singer Marian Call, complete with Firefly video. OSS, you should definitely give it a listen.

And now, back to skeining. Wheee.

At 15:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Great day at the barn! Rode Maisie, who I love more and more, then brought up Dim, and got him ready for groundwork, and the Really Good Rider to work him, he's looking better and better every time he works!

I may be riding him in a few weeks, we'll have to see.

Put his tail up too, it's so long now it drags on the ground, and I want it to be beautiful for show season.

Not sure if I am showing or not yet. Maybe.

At 15:25 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Phiala - Good call! (pun only intended as an afterthought) I really like her voice. Will look out for her works. Thanks!

Finally had the chance to rest post-conference. And did it with a vengeance, not waking up till 2:00 this afternoon. I'm taking tomorrow as my comp day for working yesterday, even though I do need to make up time. But no sleeping it away. Hear that, self? Got lots to do.

Good to her Dimil is coming along so nicely.

At 18:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New post is up. Bring tissues.

At 22:13 Blogger ariandalen said...

Ani, Stain Stick followed by a soak in OxyClean gets almost all stains out.

Or you could just draw around the stains and make art out of them.


At 10:01 Blogger fairbetty said...

fantastic name for your horse.

Thinking of you and the boss this week.

At 05:53 Blogger Unknown said...

Hey this is just awesome images from it. I like to see all and I am very big fan of horses. I like to see and search more pictures of horses. Last time I have ride over horse in summer at my Grand father's home... Thanks.
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