The Further Adventures of The Tardis....

I've, as you know, started watching Dr Who these days, thanks to the Boss and Mads. Loving it! And I mentioned what I really needed to make the Spooky House perfect, was a Tiny Little Tardis, that would go spinning around, much like it does on the show, having Adventures, Saving the World.
Boss surprised me with one today, in thanks for staying up all night the other week, and dealing with airlines, pulling off the impossible and getting him home.

Adventures Begin!
Tardis, having been freed from the confines of the Box, lands first on Tomato Planet, which is great for dinner, thinks the Doctor, but not really enough Danger for a really Exciting Romp. He spins off into Space....(No video, visualize this)
Lands on Planet Leopard!!!!! The Leopards are not unaware of Things that happen on their Planet, and here, Cyborg Leopard Mim escorts Tardis to the Sacred Temple.
Where Tarids is hailed as a savior. High Priestess Leopard Venus prays to Tardis, in hopes that it will bring Peace, and a New Era will Dawn, one where Steak and Fish are served. Hourly.
The move is generally hailed by the populace. More or less. Hard to tell. The Doctor stays inside, having, perhaps, slightly miscalculated his dimensions. "Magic" he mutters, "it's all about Magic, time travel is" Clearly a job for the Sonic Screwdriver. (Which is a good tool for opening Cans of Offering)
Perched high above the Shinning Lake, on the Rocky Cliffs, near the Royal Palace, Tardis, observes the King fishing. The lake is newly stocked with Huge Fish. The King is pleased with the coming of The Tardis.
So The Tardis is given Rooms, near the ancient artifacts, from the ancient race, of the Humans, who once walked the Leopard Planet, long ago, before the coming of the Leopards. From the region once called China, now the capitol city of Planet Leopard, called Bengal, in these times, by the Leopard Overlords.
"Should have seen this one coming" thought the Doctor.
And in a Flash Of Light, the Tardis...
Is gone.
Love and Tardis,
Planet Leopard looks much more exciting than Planet Tomato.
Excellent!!! And what a wonderful tardis!!
swoom swoom swoom oooh weee ooh oooh oohh dom dom dom dom de dom...needed some sound effects and theme song. :D
Definitely, Sally!
Planet Tomato is far too easily squished. Planet Leopard opens far more doors to Advnture. :)
And our temperature is 24 F with a wind chill temp of 17 F, at 7:49 PM. No snow or ice.
loved it! Russell T Davies must be jealous ;)
it's a great gift for a great professional!
real fish?
oh the joyous cats!
and the oh-so-poor fishies.
so on twitter i see that you shall be a regular Missus Claus with those roadies! you shall be greeted with glee and joy and much leaping in the air.
please darlin be safe on your drive, take the Tardis for emergencies, and watch the horizon for weather.
why amen't i going, i so sorry, but i am home. Day 8!!
Love it! I hope there will be more episodes!
Ooooooweeeeooooo, oooweeeooooooo. Ooh wee oooh, oooooweeeoooo. Weeooo etc.
Now, hang on. Is this strictly canon? I thought the Cheetah Planet was destroyed.
I want a little TARDIS. Mr. Jess clearly doesn't love me, or I'd already have one. And a David Tennant action figure to go with. Eeee, David Tennant!
I love Planet Bengal:)
Also I love SB's hats. If I wasn't a poor student I'd have that lovely burgundy number.
I want a little TARDIS. Jess clearly doesn't love me, or I'd already have one.
(I do have a sonic screwdriver, however.)
I fear High Priestess Venus may be praying in vain if she believes the Tardis will bring peace. Mayhem and destruction seem to be a bit more common when it shows up.
Clearly he doesn't love me, otherwise he'd acknowledge that it's MY sonic screwdriver.
Why haven't I watched this show? she asks as she gets back from watching third-season Star Trek ... and I wonder if, as a woman on the road to med school, I should be watching Dr Who ...
Hmmm - the Fisher King
Quite the appropriate gift for a miracle worker in the area of travel.
Wishing you a safe journey and a wonderful time tomorrow! Please to take a brief moment to face roughly southeast and wave!
yess! the extra 's' is for spam!
emily at least one of the doctor's companion was a med student...
Thank you! Yes, must get a Doctor and Rose action figure and do more episodes...
(Mr Jess, uh, you might want to order some too, and maybe a tiny tardis, just saying, when they talk like that, they means it, just saying...)
(and uh, where did you get the sonic screwdriver???)
Kitty, there aren't REALLY Huge Fish in the Shinning Lake! It's just Lear and his water dish. I made it up, all fiction...
SO wish you were going to be there too! I think we will be welcomed! We know what road crews need most on the road, lots of love and things to read!
We will wave at all down that way. Heck, at all of you! Lots of pics coming!
My mummy and daddy got me it three years ago for Christmas!
Alternately, you could get it here. There are probably better places to get one as well - I had a look at Amazon UK and there are a few different ones but the shipping will be more.
We've actually got a really tiny one on a keychain that used to make the noise. Sadly it's gone silent even though I replaced the batteries.
Agh! Bad link! Try again...
A friend of mine does fanfic/slashfic with photos of her The Master and The Doctor (DT) figures. They are full of awesomeness.
One left in hurry, Q.
Eeeny Weeny Keychain TARDIS was clearly an inferior model manufacured by Yugo or something. And it had a plastic chassis.
Love = die cast construction. Just saying.
I'm after the 4-way USB hub.
This is NOT fanfic! It is literature!!!!!! Adventures!!!!
Bengalfic if anything.
I am so not allowing Anon comments anymore, this is dreary.
Oh oh oh I forgot you were leaving tomorrow Quiche - happy journey to you and Maddy!
A great story and absolutely adorable pictures!! Thank you!
Reminds me of the episode "Planet of Giants" from 1964, where the TARDIS materialized only a few inches tall and the crew were menaced by a "giant" cat amongst other hazards.
- Steve Manfred
I remember that episode!
oh. my. god.
one of the best entries ever!!!!!!! and i must have a tardis. now if you'll excuse me, i must post this entry everywhere.
Happy and safe and hopefully not snowy travels tomorrow. After you face roughly south east and wave at OSS face east and wave this way.
My sister is driving across the flat wide part of South Minnesota tomorrow (I-90 should they get it open again) so I hope that you all get to your destinations safely.
And although planet tomato looks delicious, planet leopard does seem to hold more adventure.
This day needs an OFF button.
I am so ready for some Gaga.
So, it looks like Emily and I should get together for a Who-fest. Meet in Whoville? I've seen bits but never a whole episode.
Have a BLAST with the Lady. And be super duper careful in your crazy midwestern weather!
We head down to take advantage of my free hotel-points night by staying at a crazy-expensive hotel in Carmel to celebrate my bday this weekend. I'd never pay to stay there but it's FABULOUS when it's free!!!
I want to move to the planet of the tomatoes, where I would never go hungry. Although, I am 22.4 percent suspicious that I may be allergic to tomatoes...
Current downside of New Orleans: chapped, red hands. Although, since it is currently 20 something degrees in Tampa, I have a feeling I would have chapped, itchy hands anyways.
I would have expected the leopards to pounce on the Tardis and demand the juicy insides as dinner.
But no. Apparently not.
I woke up to find a stranger sleeping on one of the chairs on the terrace. He's still snoozing away as i write this. This will change as soon as I unbolt the door and let the Furry Fieries out. Poor kitty. He looks so comfy...
Stranger kitty has woken up but she's still on the chair blinking her eyes at me. She's been spayed (one of her ear has been clipped) and looks like one of the semi feral kitties at work (10 minutes by car away, so I think she is not one of them really). The other cats are ignoring her.
WooT! Planet Leopard does look *very* exciting.Probably the Doctor would have to exercise his running skills...
I do not have a TARDIS or a sonic screwdriver; on the other hand, I do have lots of DVDs.. It's awefully cold and icy out - perhpas I should plug in the DVD player and start over at the beginning with Christopher Eccleston .. (Or could watch Davd Tennant as Hamlet, and see how the DVD compares with the live theatre production)
Travel safe, Q, and enjoy La Gaga!
Getting ready for some Gaga!!
Way too much e-mail for a Saturday, but Mads and I are off soon! We'll keep you posted on this Adventure!
Finally read the post OMG that is so funny!
safe travels and fun times:)
Don't forget your winter survival kit, says the woman who doesn't have one in her car. At least take Road Trip Snacks.
What fun! And great comments too.
Here it is very sunny, glinting off the snow, but I suspect it is also very cold. Haven't ventured out to test this assumption. The dog, cat and I are all sprawled in the streaming sunbeams instead.
I do need to find some motivation to do something other than faff about on the computer though. Like write.
Thank you for that episode. Most entertaining! And while it may not be so exciting as Planet Bengal, that is a beautiful tomato.
Happy travels and concert-going!
It's still planet Hoth here, but it's to get above freezing today, and in fact does feel warm out to me. *shakes head at this weirdness*
Mads and I are here in CHicago in our lovely hotel, a mere 150 yards from the venue. Life is good.
The funny thing on the way down was stopping for a rest stop and both of us going on about how much warmer it was, and how we didn't need coats and this was great...
15 degrees.
Which, I suppose, was 25 degrees warmer than when we left....
2 and a half hours till Gaga Launch!
so awesome to find a hotel right next to venue. i watched "design my line" today in honor of you, it was design inspired by lady gaga.
15!!?!??! jeebus you midwesterners are hearty folk.
Have fun with lady gaga! What a blast you gals will have.
We're off to our free night in Carmel. I love hotel points. I wouldn't pay the $450 a night it costs to stay at this place but it's wonderful for free!! :)
Glad you got there safely, and are staying so close to the venue! Have lots of fun tonight!
this is maddy and i would just like to say WE ARE SO EXCITED TO SEE GAGA
woot woot
Wonderful stuff here!
Have fun at the show!
Looking forward to hearing all about Gaga!
Phiala--the email (I went through your string page) from Greylemur is actually ME!! Okay? kthnxbai. :)
(idly wonders how Q and MdyG are getting along, all googoo for GaGa!)
PLEASE tell me i'm not the only one who gets radio gaga stuck in their head when thinking about lady gaga. Please.
just saw tweets about it being "freaking amazing"
Really really amazing show. Never seen anything like it before. Feel like I can see a lot more now. Very impressive.
Want more.
Vampi, that's where she got her name from...
She makes me happy. And scares me. Kind of the same thing.
Yeah. I am a little monster now.
That makes sense Quiche.
I love that Queen song. For that matter, I don't know of a Queen song that I dislike. Did you take photos during the concert?
i had heard that, but it's always so hard to know whether it's crap reporting or truth.
glad it was awesome:)
It sound as though you & Miss Maddy had a wonderful time, Q - I shall look forward to reading all about it (guest post from Maddy, perhaps?)
Are all of our Californian friends okay? 6.5 is a BIG one.
There was an earthquake? Yikes. I hadn't seen the news yet. Hope everybody's good.
So Doni generated this word cloud on Wordle using all the noight garden poems currently up on the site. The question is: is there some way we can use this, or something like it, to navigate around the poetry section? Like maybe you hover your mouse ove certain words, and a related poem pops up. Or something. Anyone know Flash? Or have thoughts about how impossible something like that is?
Morning! Just waking and singing and being called a dork by Maddy...
Thinking food and then waking up various road crew who I believe went out drinking last night (we declined, mads and I) and so, they are not breakfasting..I do have a chai request tho.
ME I AM HAVING COFFEE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning, Q and Jess, and Nat,
Apparently no damage done by the quake. In fact, i had to google it to find out there had been one. and I had already looked at the NYTimes online this morning. Strange.
Glad no harm was done. I am amused by the fact that the epicenter was in Eureka...if anyone has seen the show, who knows what kind of nonsense those scientists have started!
Love the adventure, and GaGa
Tickle box
Easy on the caffeine, girls, and no one has to be hurt...
Good moaning.
And damn. The really bad thing about a long holiday is that you do get used (and rather attached) to them.
Tomorrow morning mine ends.
And I have the sniffles and have to travel of icy Holland. Blah. Happy new year, harr-dee-harr.
I need to repair my old faithful coat and keep on procrastinating (Hey, I even sorted out the comics, that's how much procrastination I am capable of!)
< /whining>
i don't have coffee, but I do have chocolate!!!!! About four pounds left!!!!!! From the holidays!!!! And, I'm eating it!!!!!!!! AAaahhhgghhhh.
After a week of go-go-go, I'm staying in for the day, with November's issue of Bust Magazine and some TV. If I position myself right next to the door, I can pirate enough wifi to make hulu work well enough to watch some shows. Not that I would EVER do something like that...
Some time today I will probably have a new update on my LJ. Maybe with pictures!
Good moaning. Oh, Nat, I am totally stealing that from now on.
Lorraine, so glad you and Maddy had a wonderful time! Makes you happy and scares you a little? Makes complete sense to me. And today you can have all my coffee too. Oddly enough, it tastes funny to me when I'm sick, so I switch to tea then. Do you two drive back later today? Safe travels?
I must go look at that word cloud. I love your ideas about it, Jess, but don't know how to make them happen either.
Wishing all the Fiends health and happiness today. And non-shakey ground beneath their feet.
Ahem. That was meant to be Safe travels! not Safe travels?
Ahem. That was meant to be Safe travels! not Safe travels?
Didn't feel the quake down here either. It was about 8 hrs north of us. CA is a big state! Sitting in our hotel looking out at the big waves crashing on the coast listening to AFP. Lovely morning.
Glad the show was stellar!
Ah, home again home again. Back to life as parents. Neighbor boy is over and he and ben are playing Lego Star Wars Wii.
This was what we were watching at sunset last night. Ahhh.
Did I read that correctly? Coffee?
I hadn't heard about the quake either - hope all are safe. Heck, I hope all Fiends are appropriately safe/warm/cool. Mother Earth does appear to be battering us again.
Chantrelle, that is one gorgeous sunset. *sigh*
OSS - the very same thing happens with me and coffee. Tastes like mud to me at the time.
They have upped our expected high today to 43C/109.4F. Holy Toledo.
Holy Toledo is right, Sally! I said earlier today that I don't mind the cold - it's the precipitation in cold weather I don't like. Heat - now that I mind a lot. Stay Cool, Dragon!!!!
I'll try my best Siri. The house is shut up as tight and dark as possible. If we had a cellar, I'd be down there!
Loving the adventures of the Tardis and the renditions of the theme tune, except now I've got the blimmin' Justified Ancients of Mu Mu/Timelords version (Doctorin' the Tardis? Is that the name?) stuck in my head. And does anyone else think that Muse's Knights of Cydonia might have been influenced by it ever so slightly?
Anyways...I hope all the chilly fiends are keeping warm, and the sweltering fiends are staying cool.
Ooh, forgot to add that every time I hear/read "good moaning" I am reminded of 'Allo 'allo's gendarme - and the rather unfortunate phrase that usually followed. :)
There's a brass band playing music outside next to the swimming pool! I did I settle for living not-here for so long?!!?
Oh Sally I so wish we could split the difference!
so do I Aleta.
Yes, I am working on the new blog with pictures NOW, why do you ask????
Impatient. I can tell. Fiends. Love them more than Monsters.
i fear i may fit in the monster category...
And the Gaga post is UP! With pictures!
Oh - I want one! I just started watching too - during the marathon around new year's. Now I've started back at Season 1 (well - you know - the Season that started in 2005).
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