Laughing Cat Mihos, Tired Mr Drew, A Riding Crop and Tired Me....

Miss Kitty (Cat Mihos, Boss's other Assistant and my personal dear friend) sent me this tonight, of Mr Drew, one sleepy Roadie just back from a long tour with the Lady Gaga, with Selena Kyle, who is apparently, one sleepy cat.
Quite a sentence that, eh? She also spent about 10 minutes laughing her head off at me tonight, as I was getting things together to go riding, (while on a conference call with her about the ins and outs of an upcoming Boss trip), saying "BLOG THIS!!!!!!!!"
I didn't think it was THAT funny, I was just gathering Things to leave, and getting frustrated because I couldn't find my phone.
Yeah. I was ON the phone.
Been that sort of week.
Did get to ride, at any rate. My trainer lent me an Indoor Horse as it is down below zero again, and one can't bring Outdoor horses in to the arena, and ride, then take them back out again, too cold. (and the idea of chasing around the pasture trying to catch the minx I am currently riding in the dark-below-zero-ness was not an attractive one.)
My Indoor horse was a bit of a brat, and so, my kind trainer taught me a New Skill. I can now manage a Feisty Horse while carrying a Riding Crop, suitable for Smacking, if need be.
I suggest to the laughing Cat Mihos that she remember I will be coming to visit her in a little more than a month, and that I am not adverse to UTILIZING this new skill, just to keep in practice, you understand. (I slay myself!)
Sending love to Laughing Cat, Mr Drew, Selena Kyle (and her friend Batman)
I'm here, kind of. reeling for a bit of unexpected news from work, but it will work out, somehow, right?
Yeah, Q, I totally agree it's been that kind of week.
Yes, proper use of a riding crop is a handy skill.
I did that thing with the phone just the other day. Part of the problem of having a phone that is also many other things.
Laughing is good.
Jess, I think there are a lot of fiends who could use riding lessons or some similar activity to help with the sleeping well. I know I could do with something. I lose my focus late at night but not my tired-awake-zombie state.
DataGoddess - hang in there. It will work out somehow (the somehow might not be apparent just at the moment, but it is there).
And the trick with the phone? Well, I do that with my glasses. Better still I sometimes try to push my glasses further up my nose so as to see better...when I'm not wearing them. D'oh!
I am less here than I usually am. I have to get up at 5:45 tomorrow morning to be in at a school by 7 a.m. :P
hugs for DG....running away to finish Bio homework due in less than 12 hours...
Venus has been taking your phone out of the bag while you weren't looking. I hear she has a twitter account.
Oh yes, i' ve had that kind of day. It's mostly my glasses I can't find. Glad you got a good ride, and that feisty horse didn't put you off.
Speaking of very sleepy kitties...
First, sleepy Ziggy boy!
Second - good news! He's responding really well so far. I thought, given the fact that I had a mama with a baby, that I didn't have a bottle baby. I totally have a bottle baby. Now that I recognize this, he's doing much MUCH better. His face filled out today like it should, and he's gained weight and for the first time since Sunday I don't think he's horribly dehydrated!
We got a couple neat pics today because my husband came into the bathroom with me, and got a few. In addition, he got to hold the little bub. It turns out that Ziggy was aware that Aidon was neither mama nor me - and he HISSED at him! Sadly, he completely FAILED at being scary kitten, and I promptly took a pic of this absurdly cute sight.
Also if you didn't see it in the other post (I think I posed this...) here he is with his milky face. Zoraline loves to mop him up after this:
He'll suck down one or two 3cc syringes full of magic formula at most feedings:
Mama continues to do well, although she's a little bored. I'm not willing to give her more space (in the guest room) until Ziggy is more solid, because I need to have ready access to him, and I'm not convinced she wouldn't leave him somewhere, or hide him somewhere. But today she played with me a bit, and when she whapped me (we were playing whappies) she did it with no claws, and all in fun. She also has a funny way of talking to me which includes growls, purrs, and head-butts - all at the same time. It's probably alarming if you can't read cat body-language, but I think it's kinda cute. She's at ease 99% of the time now, even with Aidon or David in the room:
Been one of those days here too. Haven't been on the computer much at all today, trying to let my back heal a bit because typing hurts so I'm behind on everything but it sounds like you need a hug DG, so consider yourself hugged.
rest and hugs to those in need.
strange week here, too. one author wanted a 2009 copyright date on their book that won't come out for two more months, and another doesn't know how to cut and paste a url into an email. other odd demands and failures and wracked schedules, all in one week, when it's not usually so. and thus i'm behind on another assignment, but for a wonderful editor (and friend) who is rolling with it. *whew*
don't think i mentioned before - we won a free vacuum from one of those game card thingies you get at the grocery store! it's a cobalt-blue canister thingamajig. just used it today. very nice.
full moon soon!
/random thoughts sorry g'night
She is Something Else.
Such an absolutely adorable little Ziggy guy. Tiny and full of milk.
Must go wrestle with Fafsa forms. Argh.
Also, hugs DG, hope the working out happens sooner rather than later!
Morning all!
Riding is so the way to go for sleeping well. My head just gets so full in the day, I have to be thinking on four or five levels every minute, and not missing anything, if I don't do something to get tired physically, it goes ON all night, and won't shut off.
No more waking in the night and worrying, and panicking!
Kimberly, have I told you lately how cool you are??? Or what it meant to me last week, saving this Bengal and baby, on the day we found out about Zoe?
I'd just got the news, and it was so bad, and Marilyn sent me an e-mail, desperate, and all I could think was NOT ON MY WATCH! And you came.
Bengals make NOISE, lol. Head butting is part of it. When she is really happy, she may make a noise almost like a trill, or a bird.
And they do growl and mew at the same time.
Venus does a cry like "All my life is one long sorrow of tragedy, I am lost, lost and alone..." Breaks your HEART.
Mostly if I take too long to open the food.
Good morning. I'd say both Mim and Venus are VERY vocal if they think breakfast (or any meal, really) is taking too long.
They start in around 6, and Magic too, which is fine as I fall asleep before 11, but they do act like poor wasted starving things.
They HAVE dry food all the time.
They are now lobbying for 2nd breakfast.
I am still freezing to DEATH!!!!!!! I put on my boots because my toes are so cold.
Ought to put on pants too. Maybe a shirt, instead of jammies.
Maybe a sweater even (let's go wild!)?
Morgan makes the most awful pitiful cat noise, what you'd expect to hear from a cat who is completely miserable and sick and injured and neglected and abandoned.
He only makes it while he's carrying around his favorite glitterball. It's very disturbing to people who've never heard it.
"What's wrong with your cat???"
"Nobody's playing with him, so he's talking to his glitterball."
And yes, it has been a week. And yet I would like more days before Friday, as it seems highly unlikely that I will make this deadline.
Funny. My daughter does that all the time with hats, or, crayons, looks everywhere and they're on her head, or, right beside her. I'm not much better, though myself.
This week keeps getting worse. Daughter is all out sick now. Son broke my glasses this morning. It will pass, though..right?
Hugs to DataGoddess and anyone else who needs it.
This day needs a Pause button. I could catch up, and continue on.
Need more TIME!
I'm really enjoying the tiny adorableness that is Ziggy, and mama looks so happy and chill now. What would the world be like without loving pet people?
Ansia has a special way of crying when she has caught a prey, as if she was in pain (and not the poor creature in her maws). Worried me a lot the first few times. Now I know it's a sign for me to get out and try to rescue the victim...
I'm so relieved that Ziggy (who I will stubbornly continue to refer to as Hercules in the privacy of my head) is doing so much better. And his mummy is really only a baby herself probably just wants to play and not have to do all that boring mummy stuff.
My cats are Very vocal but it always makes sense i.e. the noise is appropriate for the information they are conveying. Tonks likes to chirrup like a bird a lot. Or makes this pitifully tiny mewl sounds that really don't go with his big, wild cat looks. Sometimes I worry he's got a cold or something but then he'll produce a decent, full lung sound, so I relax.
Louie is the funniest though. He likes to growl (when anything happening is annoying him) but nothing puts him off his food. Since Ex moved out Louie has hardly growled at all and now gets on fine with Mainie who he used to bat around at sight. They even sleep together now. Go figure.
Um. Sorry. Got carried away with cat stuff. Be on me way now...
Lorraine I'm so glad that things worked out the way they did. Marilyn and I were talking yesterday and we both agree that there's no way Ziggy would have made it through the weekend with any of her other fosters. The only other person she knows who would have been equipped both knowledge and supply-wise lives in San Diego, and she was never going to be shuttled down there. Call it fate, or whatever, but I'm glad however it worked out!
I don't think this can be stressed enough: Ziggy is SO DAMNED CUTE!!! Seriously, he is a little buggyboogoochiemoomoogoogie-boy! lol, I'm just sayin' ... I'm about to go downstairs for the morning and see them. I fully expect the little glitters in the corners of his eyes to be a tiny bit bigger today. I *love* their eyes opening up and all of a sudden you can see their little kitty-cat souls in there!
Zoraline is really funny with the growl-talk, and yeah, she totally does it when I don't get the gushy food down fast enough for her liking!
Anyway, I'm glad that you are enjoying the updates, and appreciate you (and others) letting me know - I'm not always sure how much they're noticed deep in a comment thread (not used to your fiend community yet - but I'll get there ;) )
Okay - off to feed the Zigster, and see if he gained, lost, or maintained weight overnight! (Any would be okay, really, but if he gained, it may mean Zoraline is producing more as he gets bigger, which would be AWESOME!)
Quite sorry to all of you having such a horrid week!
Awwww, dear wee Ziggy and mama Zoraline. First pictures of him (less than a week ago!) all I could "see" was his little kitten skull barely covered in fur, with a kitten proto-body attached. Well, that and the Cute Paws of Death. He's looking good, and his wee ears starting to pop out. Go, Kimberly, go!
Nothing boring about mummy stuff. But it is exhausting. :) I wonder, since another kitten didn't make it, perhaps there was something difficult with the birth on Zoraline's part? Sometimes human mamas have trouble producing milk after a difficult birth because their own bodies need more-than-usual healing.
loving kitten of doom pics, so cute.
Week is almost over; I certainly hope there is respite over the weekend to those of you having the sucky days...
Perhaps Q can take new riding crop skills to misbehaving week?
Kimberly--you are up in my Cat Goddess pantheon now for sure. Well done w/the Zig and the Zoraline! And you are the Dr. Frankenveg we have to thank for famous Broccoli kitten as well. coooool. (Angus eats asparagus, among *many* other things, but draws the line at broccoli.)
Here it is a snow day. YAY. Maybe two inches or so of snow....but this is not a place that can handle that. Don't think there is a snow plow for fifty miles.
SO morning classes canceled... didn't have to stay up late doing Bio homework after all :)
What cracks me up is that Q or Siri or any of you REAL wintering over types would slap our admins silly for cancelling classes in this weather! It is beautiful, though.
Jess, yes, that's Kimberly. She just sweetened Broccoli Kitten, he now lives with another one of my friends (who the weather gods kept me from visiting last weekend).
She is a kitten-raising Goddess!
AH, the internet is so thing you know, keyboard cat will start posting here too :D
I would think that proper use of a riding crop is an absolutely necessary skill for an assistant. Especially on those "Princess of No" days. ;)
riding crop, indiana jones style bull whip...either one.
I love a good laugh. I mean the type of laugh that you just can't stop. Those are good laughs.
And the visual of you whipping Cat with a riding really shouldn't do that to a CeciTart like me. *evil grins*
I've done that with keys. Yep, the keys in my hand.
Blerg kind of day, so, tick.
do i have to surrender my internet cred card because i hate rathergood?
@vampi no.
I just wrote @ in a comment...too much time on twitter.
In other news and totally off subject, I just put up my pics from the Peter and the Wolf show on the 16th. If you are interested.
Warning:Lots of cute pictures of Amanda dancing with my youngest daughter, Trinity.
between ziggy and the dancing daughter the cute here today is wonderfully overwhelming!
jess, i specifically hate the moon characters and hte commercial they did for quiznos, i still won't eat at quiznos because of it.
the afp dancing with daughter is totally full of cute!
need as much cute as possible, doing employee reviews, fod i hate reviews.
I rode a mule down into the Grand Canyon and there was some serious riding crop work, because they keep trying to snack on bushes on the way down and up. We, the riders, are not supposed to let them and the crop is the tool. I realized about halfway down that it appeared to be somewhat of a game with the mules. Didn't seem to mind the whacks but it did make them behave.
We've had a last straw kind of day here. Calvin was diagnosed with pancreatitis on Tue. Recovery is going very slowly, if indeed at all. The only treatments are for symptoms, subq fluid (Kimberly, we are experts at that!), anti-nausea inj, appetite stims, pain meds, antacids, steroids.
Somehow today it all got a bit much. Not that our actions changed - just how we were feeling about everything. And he had been doing so well!
About an hour ago I got the news that his liver enzymes are much improved (the chemo is working) and kidney values are good, too.
Sorry to ramble on, but you're such a sympathetic and supportive audience...
Kimberly, no slacking up on the news and photos. While I have an ailing cat here I love looking at a rescued cat and her baby.
thanks for listening and bye!
indeed i do not like the moon
i do like many other questionable internet memes, but the spongemonkeys creep me out like clowns.
Cecily, those photos are great! I'm so envious ofyou for having been there, and love the cute AFP/Trinity pics (BTW, I'm Coraline73 over on Flickr)
((((JANE)))) Happy the chemo seems to be working!
I am not a huge fan of the spongmonkey things either, and agree with the creepy level of them. If I am going to watch stupid videos on the internet I'd rather watch Strongbad.
Thanks for the cute compliments. I'm still tickled that it all happened the way it did.
Jane - Sorry the news is so mixed fro Calvin. Wishing all of you the best.
*scritches* for calvin and *snugs* for his people
Poland was going to go to Romania, but then it turned into Prague, but went back to Romania, only then it became Italy. Now it seems to be Russia. For the moment. It will end in the UK. It begins in New Zealand.
This is my world.
I live here mostly.
Except for sometimes I run off and ride, which is where I will be going. Soon. It was going to be an hour ago, but it turned into coffee, then it became my house while I wait for my trainer, who will come for me. I was with her for a bit, but she became meet someone else for coffee.
This is my world.
Even I do not pretend to understand it.
But it ain't DULL...
my head is spinning just thinking of that
not dull is good. enjoy your ride, after rearranging the geography of Europe.
Cecily, those photos are just plain adorable.
Jane, the hugest of hugs for you all.
Q, my heid would be spinning!
Thanks for the sympathy! We needs it.
My trainer better get back here before my SKIM MILK COFFEE LATTE wears off. Now, I can do anything. In an hour, it's going to be bleak...
*snert* Give her a latte she can rule the world, give her an hour after that the world will not exist.
Its an ample embrace Jess. Sheesh, didn't you know that?
LOL, Jess. full of awesome.
my sympathy to you, Jane, and to Calvin and your guy.
DG, hope things have turned around for you.
It's hard to say what the real critics say about this website of yours, Jess. Serious Black rolled around on my feet during The Internet is Made of Cats and Kitty started eating, which she is still doing. During the Sponge Monkey Creature Song, Kitty ran up to my computer and sniffed it. Then, she ran away. then, she ran back to my computer and sniffed it. Then she ran away. Rinse and repeat.
Ain't bleak yet. It's AWAKE! Great ride, lot of work with this Indoor Horse. Watched vids with Mel my Trainer. Got a whole lot of house things done.
How long before I get to sleep?
I am SO not doing this on a regular basis.
Missing dinner and doing LATTE may not have been my brightest idea of today.
(Sure was fun for a while tho)
Italy? Someone mentioned Italy?
Oh, Jane. Hugs and snugs for Calvin *and* his people. Hearing of all you are doing for him.....and that it *is* resulting in improvement...
Well, let's just say I have mad love and respect for you and yours.
Best wishes for Calvin's health --get better, kitty!...
You might be high with caffeine but part of your brain is complaining that it is WAY past your bed time.
Mine is complaining that we shouldn't have got up at all this morning (I can't really blame it) so I shall make tea in a moment, to see if it appeases it.
I still don't see this shoulder business. Is your shower very tiny by any chance?
Jess--moist heat for at least 20 but no more than 40 minutes. Just sayin. Also, if you *do* take anything over the counter, may I recommend ibuprofen? I'm esp fond of Advil Liqui-Gels, recently, as they are handling jaw pain w/out stomach upset ..../end of commercial insert :)
Shoulders. They can certainly be tricksy. You might have actually hurt it long before the Risky Shower manoeuver ( did this to spell that word again?)but that was the last straw for an already inflamed body part.
Hope you feel better soon!
Sometimes you don't have to. You can get a sore back from a bad sleeping position (I have managed that feat earlier this week). Hopefully, it will disappear after a day. Ask FiL for a massage.
But isn't that the correct spelling anyway? (well, in English, the r probably comes before the e, but that's just a detail)
this seemed fiendish
OMG I'm going to just KEEEEEEL you all with cute. I'm warning you now. Seriously - call your next of kin and get them ready...
Yes, that's right, it's time for BENGAL UPDATE!!!
This morning started beautifully with no need to sub-q little Ziggy, AND his little eyes started peeking out!
He's feisty, and tries to CHOMP me! I pretend he's fierce, and he pretends he has teeth.
When I'm done feeding him, he goes for dessert on mama Zoraline. She's still giving him something (verified by weight differences) but definitely not enough. She's very good with him, though :)
Then this afternoon, I brought a cat dancer in with me, and Zoraline LOVED it! She really is kind of bored with the whole motherhood thing, even though she bears it well.
Every time I go in there, he's cuter. As my husband said, that's how it's going to be for the next few weeks - he's only going to get cuter each day. Please do sit down before clicking on this one. This was tonight - and his left eye is already pretty much all open, and the right one is nearly there! He's looking at all of you!
Chomp attack again!
And, he can make JAZZ HANDS!
Finally, he is no longer askeered of Aidon - he readily fell asleep in his hands tonight - no hissing!
I am dead.
Cute overload! OMG - those jazz hands are soooooo cute.
Here's a more comprehensive update, with inline pics (so you don't have to click on each one):
He's doing just GREAT and he is seriously SO cute, and she is a love and is totally starting to trust again, just like Lorraine said in the original SOS call :)
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Awwwwwwww! So cute! Mama looks so settled and trusting. Heart warming stuff.
So glad it's Friday. Jess, hope your shoulder is on the mend - I too managed a back-hurty manoeuver last weekend (mine was while scrubbing my teeth!) Lower back for me- hasn't been much fun sitting in front of a computer. My friend has just recommended reflexology, the pain in her shoulders disappeared in half a minute, might be worth a try?
I am going to save the pictures for when I really need them today. If you hear a loud "awwww" from the direction of Chicago, that will be me, just before I die from the cute.
I can't even remember when that little caffeine had such a big effect. Too hard-core now.
Jess, hope the shoulder feels better soon.
I am sore too, but I am suspecting this INDOOR horse is the problem. He is a BRAT and hard to ride, one works every second, which is good for my riding, but MAN, sore this mroning, in a good way.
Nathilie, Italy turned into Russia, keep UP. Russia may turn into something else today, too tho, it moves FAST.
Today I wrassle LA to the ground. Kitty is helping me with this, as LA is, well, LA.
AH. I see. I wake up, you lot head for the hills. I will no doubt watch all day as your chatter piles up, unable to respond, until I get home tonight, by which point you will be long in your beds....
Tis a lonely life...Being the Leader of Fiends.
(Minions. Minions would be here. That's what they DO. Attend the Evil Genius)
Forgive us, O Great Leader of Fiends!
I'm huddled around my coffee press, wondering if *drinking* it might help. And wondering if it's worth bundling back up to run across the street to buy milk to put in it. My hair just thawed out, you know. (For those of you who live in warmer climes, yes, you can freeze your hair.)
Morning Q!
Yes, hair does freeze. We wash it anyway once or twice ever winter anyway.
Kitty gave me a blow dryer once, but it takes FOREVER to dry all this HAIR.
Nice to see TWO loyal Fiends, you will be protected when I unleash my power upon the world.
Oh hi, I'm here.
Freeze your hair, Phiala? Hope it was in a becoming style when frozen :-)
Going to look at cute baby Bengal pix!
I'm here! I'm here!
Staying hunkered down in the house, since it's 14F out. Trying to figure out ways to save my job (current position is moving into a non-telecommute thing, and I'm not moving to Iowa)
Stay warm!!
Good to know. Loyal Fiends.
Not to get all Holier than Thou, but 14 is 25 degrees WARMER than it is here this morning. Not good.
Jane, there's no such thing as a becoming frozen hairstyle! And it was only the few strands that escaped from my toasty-warm down hood - I do know how to dress for the cold, really I do. :)
DG, you can work for my nonexistent internet startup. Lots of numbercrunching and db work.
Q, we know your weather is going to be colder. But even if my 7F is pitiful by comparison it's plenty cold out.
Been trying to work and not chat! Too hard on a Friday. Going home to put my hair in the freezer and see what happens.....well maybe not but I am fascinated by the idea of a frozen hairstyle!!
I'm here...I think. Just nauseous from drinking full caffeine coffee and not eating anything yet. Visions of frozen hair and baby kitty jazz hands will help me get through the day.
Oh, I'm sure my frozen hair was a vision...
LA\o/ i will be there:) so excited. might go see the annie awards as well, have to see about that.
cat knee replacement! holy wow, technology is amazing.
I wasn't in the hills, I was at the gym walking about with my eyes glazed over by boredom.
So Italy has been up scaled by Russia? what is this? Mafia wars? Sheesh...
And Neil just sank Cecily's blog...
I Have NeilWebFail! Is there something wrong with me that I am excited by this? This morning has been tremendously awesome. Even the fact that the burlesque show was changed on us tonight for the bachelorette party that I planned for my best friend doesn't even bother me.
Hair frezzes? Wow. I can see that I shall get no sympathy for the fact it has just started snowing here... even though we have, ooh, 5 or 6mm already!
Um, O Great Q, Without Whom we are but Leaderless Fiends, does being at work to earn money to actually see you person in Ireland in October cut any ice at all the 'reasons I wasn't here to speak to you' stakes?
Or Not.
(Speaking of which, would any fiend planning to go to Dublin have any interest in a room share in the Con hotel? They have twin rooms at 99 Euros a night...)
I would have been here, but I was busy subbing a special needs class.
Things went very well the first half of the day.
The second half involved two students fighting and one having an hysterical fit which resulted in books, papers, and vomit being deposited on the floor.
Ooh Wendy, yuck.
Oh,ewww. Not a good afternoon wendy.
I'm glad I made it to your blog before it had Neilfail Cecily.
And yes of Leader, I was asleep - it being the middle of my night and all.
If the world was flat, would we all be in the same time zone? It is Saturday here, I can ponder such questions.
oh dear, that would be "oh yes OUR Leader"...
just popping by to say it's not that I don't want to chat, now or later, it's just that I need to sleep.
See you tomorrow, and stay warm.
Hm. I was going to say I've been cold all day. But my hair hasn't frozen, and we're only at about 20F. Though the wind is icy.
Been running around buying gorgeous brocades for this year's musical (Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikado.) Last year I'm doing this. No, really. No kids left in the school and they've talked me into being on the Board of Trustees...enough work already!
Sorry about your shoulder, jess. nasty tricksy things. Might try ice alternated with your warm heat, if you can stand the thought. And tiger balm is great.
All I want to do is hibernate.
Chat away, I am off to the airport shortly. Have a new post in mind, will do tonight or tomorrow morning...
Saved a Bengal Boy today. Feels REALLY good.
Chat? I'm still at work - haven't summoned up the motivation to go home. It will happen soon, because the heat goes to nighttime levels at 6 and it gets cold in here! It's after 6:30, so it's time.
I solved a problem for my postdoc and made her very, very happy so that was good - nice accomplishment for a Friday.
This weekend I have plans to catch up on my email. No really. I can do this!
And some other stuff: this is to be an organizational / catching up weekend. It's been a crappy week, and I doubt I'm up for much beyond puttering around and sorting things.
Awww - I wanna hear about the saved Bengal Boy! Safe journeys!
Well, since I HAVE 20 minutes before we go and I am SO BLOODY GOOD that I am sitting here all completely done and ready (as of 2 minutes ago, BEAST of a schedule these next ten days...) to go..
Basically, and I will do a better story on the Blog, a silver Bengal Boy, several homes, idiot people, Bengal Boy seems to spray, very young yet, no options, no home, foster doesn't want him...
Options were BAD..
He can be helped, and cured of this, very easily actually. I did it with Magic and Mim, but can't take anymore cats.
I will help Hans tho, who has agreed to foster the little guy. THANKS BE!!!!!!!!!!!
No one dies on my Watch. They cross my path, I will save them.
That's awesome about the Bengal rescue - yay! Poor baby, with several homes like that - that's so hard on them!
Yay for rescue!
Ooooo can't wait to hear how to stop cats from spraying (my tabbies do it religiously and Louie never does) . The only thing I do that works is steam clean the places they mark which makes them petulant and upset for a few days, then they continue as before.
Ziggy Stardust is beyond cute. He looks JUST like Mainie when she was a baby (I held her in my palm when she was a 8-10 days old - soo ickle)
Great news about another rescue.
Oh I'm so behind, you chatty lot.
Ben didn't have school today so I didn't get much computer time. It also, thankfully, didn't rain today--yay! We got to go to the park. I seem to be having another bout w/ bronchitis so I'm now completely exhausted...from doing not much of anything. Blah.
But we did stop at the music store on the way home and pick up a set of hi-hat cymbals for ben's drum kit. I want to get him using the other foot...should be interesting! :)
I will tell you how to stop the problem...
Q you are a woman of your word. Good for Hans fostering.
lol dragging hans into this. pretty soon everyone in the twin city metro will be a bengal foster, quiche will wear them all down one by one
Want to do a new blog but it's after 10 and this was a pretty long day, and I want it to be a good one.The blog. The day was a good one. Kicked some butt.
I am so tired I am thinking, (or not thinking as it were) about bath and bed. Boss is on a plane, Bengals fed, things can stop.
Sometimes that's the best feeling, that things can stop.
Tomorrow is lots of riding, if it gets up above zero.
If it doesn't, well, there are always options...
Things can stop is an EXCELLENT feeling.
The moment between one breath in and the next out. Peace. Rest. Ahhh!
Sleep well, dear Quiche.
Watched Harry Potter #2 w/ Ben. Had pizza. Had popcorn. Had wine. Nice night.
crappy day, but i did file my taxes, so i feel accomplished. fingers crossed for outside riding tomorrow.
Fostering bengals, and writing blogs are both important, but sometimes you just have to sleep. Hope the Bath, Bed plan worked out.
And good for Hans taking on this troubled boy!
New blog is UP!
Saving Bengal Boy and solving your litter box problems...
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