Saturday, January 2, 2010

Paul & Lorraine Live at Charlies!


At 07:50 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Oh goodness, I just realized I am somehow magically in my Chinese-name account again. Okay, this is Emily. It was fun watching for the few minutes I could. I mean, the lack of sound was the teensiest bit frustrating but I still love the webcasts. Always always worth it. Thank you so much, Dr. Wicked!

At 07:50 Blogger EmilyLady said...

That's better, no?

At 10:22 Blogger vampi said...

thanks for streaming the show, it was a fun evening.

At 10:28 Blogger Marjorie said...

Happy New Year Everyone! I was sorry to miss the show (no internet access) but hope eveyone had a good time.

Are you still in Stillwater, Q, or has the Prius recovered?

At 12:50 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I so need to block Anonymous comments. This spam is getting wearying....

Home finally. -22 was too much for Prius and it would not start. Then it thought I was trying to steal it and locked me out. Tow truck guy knew this tho, and reset its little computer.

A little something they do not tell you in the manual.

Had a lovely room at the hotel tho with a fireplace and hot tub, so it wasn't a total loss...

At 15:10 Blogger Siri said...

Sorry to have bailed so early, but I was weary. It was so nice to hear Paul's voice - I hear Lorraine's voice every time she writes here, but Paul, not so much.

Looking forward to the birthday webcast.....

At 15:33 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I'm watching Dr. Wicked's videos from June on UStream ... and I hope that wasn't the last time we do that.

At 16:41 Blogger Siri said...

I don't think it will be Emily - I don't think it will be an annual event, but, we shall meet again.


At 17:34 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Someday, I hope. It can't be just once!

At 19:51 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Glad I got to catch at least a brief bit of last night's set. Sorry you got locked out of the prius! I've never been in anything that cold so I wouldn't know those details about the car! At least the rooms there are very lovely.

We just got home. Spent 6 hours at the car dealership. Came home w/ a new BMW X5 Diesel. I have to say, it's pretty damn awesome. I'm a cheapskate so I'd never go for this car on my own but hubby convinced me to test drive it and I fell in love. And we have a bio-diesel station just blocks from our house :)

Drove home listening to Billy Nayer Show. I love christening the car stereo with something awesome.

Now to figure out dinner. Ben starts back at school tomorrow....YAY!!!

At 00:17 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I finally got to see your show! It was a three minute show before my internet puttered out, but what I saw was fabulous.

I may have to give up my life of crime and actually pay for internet...

At 01:52 Blogger spacedlaw said...

AH! So that's where you guys all disappeared...

At 20:44 Blogger Siri said...

Where'd everybody go? New year, no commenting? That seems an odd resolution.


At 21:08 Blogger ariandalen said...

I think it has more to do with today (Monday) being the first day back to work after a long weekend, Siri. It's back to the regular grind.

On a brighter note, I've got the second pan of banana nut muffins in the oven.

At 21:12 Blogger Dragonsally said...

You know that cat who got wrapped up in the vid I posted last week? His name is Flippy, and he has his own website Facebook page and twitter. He has the loudest meow I have ever heard!

At 21:13 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

On a very bright note, I've got about 6 pounds of chocolate in my fridge!

At 22:56 Blogger ariandalen said...

It's a good thing all that chocolate is in your fridge, Wendy. I'm not at all tempted by it. ;)

At 23:03 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Huh....comments disappearing here, and on the Ustream up front (Hi, Jess!!)

Now the numbers are going up again, so ....maybe....just maybe.

Elsewise, as Siri put it, there's always Facebook!!

(perhaps it's the banally evil Anonymous posts what are doing int this column...).

At 08:12 Blogger Phiala said...

Survived the first work-day of the year but am beginning the second in the coffeeshop. I've made great progress on figuring out the structure for a short but interesting research paper. Please note: by "interesting", I mean interesting to me and probably eight other people worldwide. But I'd be happy to tell you all about it... *grin*

At 12:02 Blogger Hellie said...

Horrible going back to work isn't it? Buses ground to a halt today because of 4 whole inches of getting to the office for me today.

Wish I'd not missed the webcast, I was ill at New Year but still got dragged out to be sociable. Been mainly at home having a quiet time with family in Bristol, my dear grandmother passed away last week, she had been ill a long time so although we're sad we're also glad she is peaceful now & not in pain anymore.

Anyway, just wanted to look in to say Happy New Year to all, & wishing everyone all manner of wonderful & fiendish things for 2010

At 12:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Not finish, perhaps, but continue?

At 13:03 Blogger Marjorie said...

Jess, yes. Add to, develop, continue.... would love to see the visual stuff.

Hellie - sorry for your loss, amnd lad that your grandmother is not in pain any more.

At 13:36 Blogger Phiala said...

Jess, yes. I still have plans. Alas, combined plans and obligations fill available time plus some, and probably will do so for the foreseeable future.

However, I have a show in July... if I change the parameters of the Night Garden piece it could do double duty... Must ponder.

At the very least, we should make sure that all the existing pieces are posted.

At 13:39 Blogger vampi said...

ya'll always have to be so chtty when i'm busy at work and dying to post. i'm game for some more night garden stuffs.

At 14:48 Blogger Marjorie said...

Jess, you're right, I just had a dig around and found it here

At 14:58 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Jess--I'm in, oh yes.

And would this be a bad time to luxuriate in the fact that school doesn't begin again until the 19th?

Then again, I have pages and pages of Chem and Bio stuff it is "recommended" that we know (i.e. memorize) before stepping foot into the labs.

At 15:04 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ahh, day 2 of ben back in school. Lovely quiet, productive day.

Been busy going into debt here. We bought a new car. A BMW X5 diesel. It rocks and i can't wait to put biodiesel in it! There's a station just blocks away from our house :)

Night garden..yes! Even if i don't add anything more I love seeing everyone else's creations!

At 15:36 Blogger Na said...

Jess, I'm for it! But my head is really, really muddled this week. Yes, getting back to work is very hard this year. I'm hoping my brain will be back on line sometime in the coming week or so...

At 15:38 Blogger Na said...

DOH! Hit return when I meant to keep typing ---

Here's wishing everyone a very Prosperous New Year!

Meanwhile, I'm here wishing I could hibernate for a month or so.

At 15:42 Blogger dabbler said...

So...I came into fiendom after the Night Garden was already planted, and appreciate the intro to the concept. Aand yes, I'd like to do something. And, yes, I'll need you, Jess, to remind me that I committed to this. So thanks! And I'll have to contemplate what it will be....

At 15:44 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Will do a new post tonight! Or soon. Or something. Kind of busy today with the Boss just back.

Miss you Fiends...

At 15:56 Blogger ariandalen said...

Make me #6, Jess! I've started another Night Garden story, but need to get back to it and finish. Plus, I still need to go through photos that Don took for the Night Garden Project and pick out the best/my favorites. They are not posted anywhere.

An email list might be a good way to go. I'm already a member of several Yahoo!groups, if that helps.

At 16:24 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh, hallo, Quiche.

At 16:52 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Count me in Jess! The Night Garden will be a good way to get my creative butt moving again.

Hey, the comments are still not showing up on the blog, I'm noting as I type this. I guess we should be alerting Dr Wicked to this?

Hellie - I'm really sorry about your grandmother, thinking of you and your family.

and Hi Quiche.

At 17:17 Blogger Marjorie said...

Jess, those pics were taken with my old camera, an Olympus mju - the one I had in MN was bought new for that trip.

I have just llooked out of my window. It appears that the BBC may have been exagerating when it said we'd have 20cm of snow & should all lock ourselves indoors and start
Planning which family members to eat first. So far we appear to have had 20 or 30 FLAKES of snow...

At 17:25 Blogger louisa said...

'k. So if I think about things much they tend not to get done so... here's something for The Night Garden.

And now for my bed.

PS Go Jess!

At 17:39 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to post with all the blog weirdness (can't find comments sometimes - Weird!)

Count me in on the Night Garden stuff, I need to do more. And it'll get me using my camera again.

Sad I missed the show the other night but life just had to interfere.

Lys I'm jealous that you have until the 19th..I start on the 11th. Still haven't bought books yet. Wheee! The silliest thing about art school is that they generally don't tell you what kind of supplies to get until your first class. I find myself longing for those nice lists that grade schools used to give you (on MIMEOGRAPHED paper;) when you registered for school. I wanna buy my toys NOW. LOL.

At 17:45 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Louisa -wow!
Kali, I'm so glad I'm not the only one with that problem. Thank god for emailed comments.

At 18:03 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ben should be home from school soon. House is cleaner than when he left. Got some pictures hung on the walls. A lady is coming by to hopefully buy our old recliner chair.
I go on these sprees...hanging, cleaning, selling.

At 18:04 Blogger DataGoddess said...

box of ticks. more when migraine goes away.

At 18:06 Blogger Dragonsally said...


At 19:09 Blogger Na said...

Re: comments posting, I thought so too at first, but in my case it was just this darn spam post at the beginning, which has a really long blank section to it, ya's gotta scroll down!

Amazing bit of luck - it seems we've won a vacuum cleaner! From one of those games where they hand you a little card each time at the grocery checkout. I had to fill out a triplicate form and solve a math problem. I laughed when I got to the answer. Here's the problem:
Multiply 40 by 4.
Subtract 80.
Divide by 4.
Add 22.

Woo hoo!

At 19:10 Blogger Chantrelle said...

It's THE answer!!!

At 19:16 Blogger Na said...

Hugs to Hellie and DG, too.

Hi Q! *waves*

Snowing here, too, but not snOMG a the moment. That's apparently decided to hit Calgary for a change. *snerk*

At 19:57 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Na -you're doubly a star! I see the comments now. I wouldn't not have thought to look lower. Sheesh. Damn the spam.

At 20:19 Blogger Na said...

Hee hee - yes, THE answer! S'pose I needn't have bothered with the math.

At 20:21 Blogger Na said...

Hi Sally! I think I scrolled down by accident after staring at the screen once, thinking, It says there's 12 comments, I only see one ... ?!?

At 21:04 Blogger dabbler said...

Ugh. Too many late nights. So tired. Must sleep. 'Night, garden. 'Night, fiends

At 21:28 Blogger vampi said...

i have new glasses, and i am so freaking stoked about it. i was really hating my other frames. these ones are much lighter and fit my face. they are not crooked, are cute and funky.

love the answer! cool free vacuum.
i don't remember which photo i submitted for night garden, but i'll be keeping it in mind for future pics

At 22:07 Blogger ariandalen said...

There is this little underlined phrase below and to the right of
"65 Comments - Show Original Post" that says "Collapse comments." Click it and all you see is each poster's name; click to the right of the poster's name and their comment is uncollapsed, click again and it's collapsed. Makes it so much quicker to go through lots of comments. :)

Hellie, sorry you lost your grandmother, but glad she's not in any more pain. {{{Hellie}}}

Hope your migraine goes away, Toni.

At 22:07 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Oh, how did I miss new thread? Blame on Anon, maybe. Weird day ended with falling asleep this evening. All muzzy now. Tick. Will look at comments when more functional. Especially Night Garden.

At 22:08 Blogger ariandalen said...

Gorgeous pictures, Louisa!

At 22:08 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Where did the comments GO????

Well, new post is up, let us leave this weirdness and continue on...

At 13:04 Blogger Rick W said...

Is the answer to the riddle "Sod Off" or do I just have a rude imagination?

I'm doubtful I'm capable of writing anything worthy of such a project, but I'm going to consider it though and I'll shoot you an email!

by the by, I have google wave and a handful of invites.

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