Thursday, January 21, 2010

SOS Bengal Rescue SF Area...

Ok People, I need your help. The news on Zoe is not good. In fact, we are going with Very Bad. We are still deciding some things, but we aren't going to be able to cure her, or save her.

We can save this Mother tho. She is a Bengal in a shelter in the SF area. She has just given birth to two kittens. Shelters do not like Bengals, and they do not have a lot of room and they will put her down.

My heart hurts as much for this Mother as it does for our Zoe.

Here is what the shelter has to say on her:

(Heart murmurs are not evil, we've had cats grow old with them. And I tell you right now, seeing the look in her eyes, she is timid because she has no one, and is having babies, and is very, very alone. She WILL trust again. I know this, it's there in her eyes.)

Hi Marilyn, thanks for speaking with me this morning and trying your best to get the resources for this Bengal we talked about. We are searching for a rescue for this 1 year old female Bengal because she is a bit fearful, has a mild to severe heart murmur and she is possibly pregnant. She also has a rear left leg injury where an old fracture has fused and she can no longer bend that leg. Her straight left leg is clearly visible in a couple of pictures I have attached. The injury does not seem to cause her any discomfort and she is able to move about freely. She is a bit fearful and will try to run and hide when stressed, however she has never hissed, swatted, or bit at staff.

Please contact me, fabulouslorraine at gmail dot com if you are near enough to Foster, adopt or drive this Bengal Mother.

Or bring her to me. I will care for her.

My heart is with her, and with Zoe, and I WILL do everything that can be done for both.

Love and Rescue,


At 12:50 Blogger vampi said...

oh she is beautiful. my heart breaks looking into her eyes.

I can't take her in, but if she journey's through la, i can assist with driving. i live in an animal unfriendly building.

and my thoughts are with zoe and her loved ones through this difficult time.

At 12:50 Blogger One Sock Short said...

She truly looks like she is asking for love. Have RT'd on twitter to help spread the word.

So very sorry to hear the news is not good for Zoe.

At 12:51 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Oh, the poor dear. And her leg looks painful, I'm glad it doesn't seem to bother her.

I've posted in a few places, to get the word out. I hope someone can help her and her kittens.

And *hugs* to all of you about Zoe. At least you know she's had a good life as long as you've known her. I looked at some of the photos Nathalie posted and she's such a sweetheart, it comes through so well in the pictures.

At 12:57 Blogger Chantrelle said...

So sorry to hear about zoe. I wish i knew someone who could help with the bengal...If I think of anyone i'll pass it on.

At 12:58 Blogger Wyman said...

I so miss my fabulous feline friends in California. I left them with my best two legged friend when I moved to Lithuania to work on creating the Vilnius Jewish Library. I hope that lovely cat will be in a loving home very soon.

At 13:04 Blogger spacedlaw said...

She is so beautiful! The poor thing.
And my heart bleeds for Zoe the sweet.
So much sadness today.

At 13:04 Blogger Marjorie said...

She looks like a lovely cat. I am way to far away to be able to help but will keep everthing crossed for her.
And for you & Boss, making the difficult decsions for Zoe.

At 13:04 Blogger Marjorie said...

Ticky box

At 13:11 Blogger anna j said...

I'm so sorry about Zoe :( She does look like such a sweetheart. I loved Kyle's description of her on his livejournal today/yesterday.

My mom's in SF, and I don't think she can have cats, but maybe she knows someone. I've posted this for her and anyone else I know who might know someone.

At 13:11 Blogger Adri said...

I have a friend who needs this cat, I think. I'm going to talk him into it.

In the mean time, I'm spreading the word! (I'll put her photo up outside of my office, too)

At 13:12 Blogger Siri said...

Not sure Ticia has been around the blog enough recently to see this, but if y'all tweeted, she'll probably see it. Try FB, too - I've seen her there.

At 13:19 Blogger DataGoddess said...

I have a friend in the bay area that rescues a lot of cats. Q, she's sent you email to see what she can do to help.

At 13:27 Anonymous Arkascha said...

Retweeted and posted on Facebook.

Wondering about the babies - would they go with her, will the shelter keep them?

Also, what means of transportation are there for possibly getting her to you if no home can be found around here?

At 13:30 Anonymous guerrilla girl said...

I am so sad about Zoe; hugs to her and all who love her.

RT'd the info on Bengal mom. She's a beauty and I wish I could take her.

At 13:34 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

(The babies would go with her. Looks like we are finding some options in SF, so I won't have to go out there.)

From Marilyn:

I'm still not sure how many kittens she has had. My shelter contact just called to tell me she is out of labor and resting comfortably. No one wants to disturb her at this point. Late afternoon I will drive up to the shelter and check them out.

We have transport, not sure of a place for them yet... I am still working on that, there are a few options that I'm pursuing. We do need them out of the shelter ASAP. Do contact me if you can either adopt or foster, just in case the other possibilities don't work out.

At 13:44 Blogger Unknown said...

I live in the east bay area (Concord) and work down by CCSF. Whilst it might not be ideal (I have three cats already, and she probably wouldn't enjoy that overmuch) I could take them in, at least temporarily (although the odds of my being an absolute sucker for those green eyes are pretty strong...)

So it's not very helpful, but I'm available as a last resort, I suppose!

(or if there is some other way I can help, let me know)

At 13:48 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thank you Johanna, Marilyn Krieger is the head of CA Bengal Rescue and is the one spearheading this rescue effort...

Drop her an e-mail , she is very grateful for all and any help here...

At 13:54 Blogger Cecily said...

If I was on the coast I would so help. But I have posted the call and a plea for my SF friends.

At 14:14 Blogger bengalgirl said...

There were 3 bengals that came in from a shelter last year and one had a leg like that. GLBR took 2 of the bengal and the one with the leg went to another rescue. We helped pay for sugery to remove the leg which made it much easier for the cat to get around. That might be an option for this cat too.

At 14:18 Blogger Mary said...

Johanna: Think Kimberly would be a reasonable option, in a pinch?

At 14:28 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Mary - I already flagged her down in Twitter. She's talked to Marilyn. Kimberly was the first person I thought of to help this poor momma and her babies.

*waves and hugs to Johanna*

At 14:35 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I'm quite sorry about Zoe but I hope good things happen for this mother.

At 14:43 Blogger AletaMay said...

trying to spread the word.

At 14:54 Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sad to hear the continuing not good on Zoe...but she's had a good life and the bestest of owners & friends. That's what we've got to remember.

The Bengal is gorgeous, but it's heartbreaking that she's so young and had it so hard already. She needs a good home tuit-suit! Will keep her in my thoughts also.

At 15:28 Blogger Jane said...

Poor Zoe...though she is lucky to have you making sure she doesn't suffer.

Wish I could help with the Bengal - Calvin doesn't need a roomie now and we're in NC anyway.

But the look on her face is enough to break my heart...

At 15:59 Blogger Phiala said...

Poor Zoe and friends of Zoe. But good on rescuing Mama Bengal, it looks like. The Internet strikes again!

Just got a few minutes to check in on things. Session got out early enough that I could take a walk. They have fresh air in Vermont - who knew?

And leave it to me to go to a work conference and buy three pounds of wool...

At 16:17 Anonymous kali_licious said...

No time to catch up, what with the continuing lack in the computer department.

Still, so sorry to see the news about Zoe, and fingers crossed that someone takes in the Bengal. She has such a sweet little face.

I got a new thing to try for the laptop, here's hoping it works 'cause I miss you Fiends.

At 16:19 Blogger Hellie said...

Oh she is a darling, I have everything crossed that she will find a loving forever home.

Our dog had a heart murmur, never troubled her, she lived to the ripe old age of 14.

Hugs and sympathy for you all about Zoe xx

At 16:31 Blogger Jill said...

I am crying for you and for Zoe, Lorraine. I Tweeted your boss and said that I hoped when Zoe traveled to her Life Beyond, she regained her sight.

Too much loss for you guys this past year or so. Too many kitties whisking away on feather-light feet, through the Veil. It makes me sad.

I do hope this new kitty finds a home. That would take a whisker of sting from the sadness with Zoe.

At 16:44 Blogger Laura B said...

Sorry things don't sound very good for Zoe.

Thinking hopeful thoughts for the momma kitty and her babies.


At 16:57 Blogger Ani said...

Damn. I'd retweet, but my tweets are protected & limited to Fiends, and y'all know what you need to know.

But definitely sending love her way!

At 17:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

So many kitties leaving, but, Magic came, and the Royals, and now they have loving homes. We saved the Jungle Loves, and 2 down in TN, a few in Chicago and don't forget the One Eyed Jacks, and Hope and all her babies.

And we RT'd for lot more who also found homes.

Like this mother and her babies.

It's very sad about Zoe, and my heart is sore, I will miss her, but life goes.

And life comes.

And nothing is ever forgotten.

At 17:15 Blogger Jill said...

I just read Neil's blog post about Zoe, and it set me to crying again.

Reminds me a lot of what happened with my beloved cat Tommy four years ago. He'd been having digestive problems, and we thought maybe it was a parasite so I was giving him medicine he hated and it didn't seem to help and he was refusing to eat, even yummy things like tuna.

The vet decided to do an x-ray, which she showed me as she gently explained that he had a tumor that was nearly filling his stomach. They could operate but he might not survive the surgery and even if he did, he'd have to be fed through a tube for the rest of his life.

Sitting there in the exam room, I felt the world fall out from under me. I made the decision to let him go a couple hours later and even now, it makes me feel as though I've been punched in the gut.

My heart is breaking for you. Blessings to Zoe as she moves from this world to the next.

At 17:16 Blogger Beez said...

The Zoe news is a heartache. I've never had an animal just reach out and grab my affection simply from pictures of her and a few postings. Seriously- never.

May she go gently and with love.

Mama cat looks so alone in the pictures. I'm glad there seems to be a plan falling into place- I've gotten in touch with the few people i know in the Bay area/ L.A. (other than fiends who are already looped in).

At 17:38 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

My heart goes out to you for Zoe! Love & purrs.

At 18:06 Blogger Kimberly said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Zoe - it's always so crushing *sighs*

It looks like I'll be picking up mama and baby (or babies - it's now looking like it's just one baby) either tomorrow or Saturday. Thanks to DataGoddess and other friends who alerted me by retweet :)

For those who know me, you know that if all go as planned you will soon be able to see plenty of follow up photos here: I'm, um, known for my prolific foster kitten photos. My fosters always leave with retinal damage, if I've done my job right ;) (Just kidding about the damage - but not about the pics!)

At 18:33 Blogger fdhbstephanie said...

So sorry to hear about Zoe. Thinking good thoughts. I sympathize completely - we have an almost 20 year old lynx point geriatricat (real name Rousseau) and he is in failing health.

At 18:56 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hooray for Kimberley.

The photos of the mama cat made me cry, she looks so very sweet and lovable.

And Zoe - words don't express how much I'm thinking of you all.

At 23:26 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Even though I never imagined I'd ever come into contact with Zoe but through pictures, I feel that there will be a Zoe sized hole for the rest of eternity because she was my favorite attic cat. But, there's so much love between the boss's house and the spooky house that I know you all will be okay.

At 23:35 Blogger Bridget said...

So much love to you and Boss, and all of Zoe's family.

We just lost our TigerGuy on Dec. 29. He'd been sick for a month or so, in and out of the vet, and eventually we had to make the call that he come home and be with us. And when he went, he was with us, which was good. And I still sometimes think I catch a glimpse of an orange tiger tail going around a corner, or I go out to the front room and, for the briefest of seconds, I'm surprised to not see him there, napping on his chair. You could pet him for hours and he would never tire of it, occasionally flopping over so his other side got some attention.

They never really leave.

At 00:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Crying all over my computer. Not a good moaning at all...

At 00:48 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jut home from taking the girls to a Jonas Brother show, not sure which one it was, and picking up Zoe, who is back in her attic and happy about it.

Thank you all for the wishes, and the stories of your own kitties. They never do really leave.

It seems to be iceing outside, I do want to ride in the morning, but may sleep instead, it's late, and if it is going to be an INTERESTING drive, I may call it.

At 01:00 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Do give a farewell hug to Zoe for me, please and don't drive if you don't have to.
If I can cry my eyes out about a small meeping cat. can you imagine how I'd feel if anything was to happen to you?

At 02:19 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Yay for Kimberly!

Zoe is home - yay! May her final hours be filled with epic love and free of pain.

Wishing you all strength of heart and life of balance and joy.

I cry, so you don't have to

At 05:33 Blogger martha said...

My daughter lives in Oakland. I have posted the link in her LJ blog. I hope it helps.

At 07:00 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Kimberly is a kitten goddess - she takes in feral kittens, sweetens them up, and sends them to fabulous forever homes. I've been slept on by two of her 'graduates'.

She even expanded to puppies in the last year or so, to help out the vet tech who sends cats and kittens needing help her way.

She's the person who originally made Broccoli Kitten famous. I'm severely bummed I don't get to meet him this weekend, foul weather in AZ stopped me in my tracks.

Q, I hope your knee isn't hurting after your spill while picking up Zoe.

I hope Zoe is still purring, happy to be with the people she loves and who love her.

At 08:01 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hmm, posted a comment to Nathile last night that didn't seem to post. It was really sweet too.

Can't remember it now. Alas.

Wasn't sure about getting up, but I woke at the proper time and sleeping downstairs once you stir, you are up. Venus and Mim have figured out they can leap ONTO me from the chaise, fishtank and windowsills.

Very effective waking technique.

So, I am up and will go and ride.

My knee is fine, I fall on my BUTT most days. I think my boots are not good ones for the ice. Spent my youth doing it in an ice skating rink tho, so it's not exactly new to me.

At 08:45 Blogger ariandalen said...

and a gentle passing to Zoe.

Glad the Bengal mom and kittens are safe.

At 08:51 Blogger Jellicles said... a last resort, you could contact petsunlimited in san francisco..they are a no kill shelter. as is sf spca. i would suggest that you try petsunlimited first tho'...

At 10:48 Blogger dabbler said...

Hugs to Zoe, this made me cry, and to Kimberly for rescuing beautiful mama cat.

Just back from trip to Ohio and Pittsburgh for college visists, and feeling pretty fried. Daughter aced the interviews. Mighty proud, I am. though she may not want to go where she visited...

Ugh. More when I can think. Missed you all a lot, with no real internets for journey.

At 11:01 Blogger Na said...

not that it helps one bitty bit but i'm crying fountains.

so, so sorry to hear about Zoe. glad she's cozy in her attic!

grateful to hear bengal mama will be on her way to a better life. hope her baby is okay, too!

february always seems to me the hardest month, but i feel like it started 30 days early this year.

At 11:12 Blogger Jane said...

Something about animals in pain or needing rescue makes me cry, too. And the only time I ever see Steve cry is about our cats. Well, about his mom, too. But she was like a pet at the end and I mean that in a good way.

At 11:25 Blogger Fluffy said...

Sad kitty news. I'm not going to think too much about it or I'll start, too. I'm enjoying having two adult but not old kitties while it lasts because we nursed the last three over about 10 years of infirmity.

I'm trying to warm up my feet as it's a bit chilly in the house - we didn't turn on the heat this week, and it's in the 50's at night. Sorry. You all can post all about your not-105F weather in July and August. Well, except for Ariandalen, and Wendy, and ?? Forgot, as usual.

Blimey, missus, it's 11:30. I had better decide what to do next. Hasta luego!

At 14:29 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Kimberly is awesome (have been snooping through her flicker). Made her apple cake too - looks nice enough but haven't tried it yet. Hopefully tastes as yummy as it looks for my guests tomorrow.
So glad that lovely Bengal lady is safe. (she IS safe now, right?)

Hope Boss and Zoe are having an epic cuddle.

Can't wait to move to CA (tho I should send the papers in first, methinx) no more clean floors being muddied by wet paws...

also, tickety tick

PS collapsed in giggles earlier, Louie sneaking up on his arch-nemesis, the vacuum attachment and giving it a paw bash. hilarycat.

At 15:42 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Kimberly just tweeted that mom is now chipped, and asked for name suggestions for her (and the kitten once we know it's sex).

I think it should be some take on Q's name, since she raised the 'cat symbol' (bad Batman reference FTW!)

At 15:48 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Lorraine, would you perhaps like this rescue to honor Zoe by being her namesake? Or maybe for the kitten if it's a girl. Since she turned up needing help at the same time Zoe became ill, it seems like a good way to honor her. But only, of course, if you and the family approve.

At 16:49 Blogger Kimberly said...

Hi Everyone,

Mana and kitten are out of the clutches of the shelter, and are in a warm and cozy box in my guest room bathroom. She let me (briefly) handle the baby. There is only one, and in the 5.7 seconds I had a look, I'm pretty sure it's a boy. The other kitten apparently died soon after birth :(

Mama is gorgeous, and baby is going to be stunning too. She is growly, but it's all show. I had her growling at me while purring while getting head scritches. They said she was a stray, but she's not feral. I think as soon as she relaxes she's going to be just fine.

Those who know me will be surprised that there are no pictures yet, but she really does need to relax for a few. I'm sure I'll get some within the next 24 hours.

The important thing is they're out of the shelter, and in no danger of being put down.

They'll be looking for forever homes in a couple of months - so keep your eyes and ears peeled!

Still looking for good names for them! Feel free to follow me on twitter (hobbinator) or watch my flickr stream for upcoming photos:

At 16:50 Blogger Kimberly said...

PrecisionGrace - I promise you that cake is going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo good! Seriously. Soooooooo good! I'm glad you made it and let me know - because, did I mention it's SOOOOOOO good? :)

At 17:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kimberly: Thank you. And bless you.

Caring is so important and saving this one, and her baby, means so much to me this week, while we are losing Zoe.

Please keep us posted. And heck, hang around, you sound like a Fiend to me, and fit right in with this bunch!

(Fiend is what they call themselves, so's you know)

At 17:35 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Going to a tattoo parlor tonight to hang with some friends while one gets a tattoo.

They SAY I am just coming for fun and I don't HAVE to talk to them about my tattoo, and of course they WILL give me one for my birthday, but oh no, just come for fun.

These are the same friends who talked me into just "Come to ride, you don't have BUY a horse or anything, oh no."

At 17:52 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Sounds like your next post might just be a tattoo picfest Lorraine. Cool.
Kimberley, you so belong here.

Tysie just mewed good morning to all, and a special morning to Zoe. Its true, she mewed just as I started to type.

At 17:58 Blogger vampi said...

oh that reminds me, i want to ask kitty about places in lala-land to get my brow pierced. i had it pierced a while ago, but t wasn't done right and worked it's way out. i'd like to have it redone, but no idea where to go.

when one door closes...another opens.

At 18:40 Blogger Kimberly said...

Mama and baby are settling in fine:

At 18:49 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Oh, they're adorable, and the kitten is so small! Mama is looking warily, but I'm sure she'll relax.

And at least you don't have to bottle-feed this one :-)

At 18:52 Blogger vampi said...

oh the itty bitty is so beautifully marked, and momma has very regal eyes.

At 18:52 Blogger Adri said...

Kimberly-- I'm dying of cute! And trying to get a friend to be this mama's forever friend.

Thank you so much for stepping up and taking care of this beautiful girl. You are truly a Fiend among Fiends!

At 18:53 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh, how I wish I could adopt mama and kitten. They are both so beautiful. *sigh* so long since I've had a newborn kitten in the house.

At 18:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am not getting a tattoo right away. I know what I want, but I also need to wait a bit. Kitty will help me.

This is my horsetrainer friend who is getting the tattoo tonight, NOT ME!

I want a full portrait of Venus, complete with her sea green eyes. And her sweet smile.

Ok,ok, yowling fangs.

At 18:59 Blogger vampi said...

but...then you are playing favorites, or are you starting with venues, and will soon be the bengal tatoo lady?

At 19:01 Blogger vampi said...

venues? wtf, work crept in there, venus, Venus, VENUS. there better. now next time i need to type venues, i will probably type venus.

At 19:21 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Some points

1. I am in love with that cat (is Mana her new name?)

2. The Cake seems quite nice although I have a feeling I overcooked it.

3. I'm very curious as to what interesting tattoos Q has.

4. Q, a message for Boss, if he finds that his allergy to Zoe comes back, a good trick is to take a face flannel, moisten it and rub over the cat - also, they love that as it feels like a cat tongue and the flannel picks up dander which causes allergic reaction (I know this on account of being allergic to my cats, pah)

5. Seriously, I am in love with that cat.

At 21:10 Blogger bengalgirl said...

This is such a sad and happy post all at the same time. I've had some sad tears for Zoe and her humans and some for mama, her baby and the lost baby and happy tears that Kimberly was able to help the little family. Wow, just too much emotion here today!

At 21:37 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Yay for tattoos and sweet baby bengals.

I think I have food poisoning from eating street vendor food in the French Quarter at 1 a.m. Thursday morning.


Tomorrow I'm planning on going to this yarn store:

And, it sounds like some people are outside howling like crazies.

At 23:30 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No Tattoos were gotten. By me.

Sleep now. Ride tomorrow.

At 00:30 Blogger Fluffy said...

Itty Bitty Bengal Baby. Oh! I hope we get to see lots of pictures of this one. The mama is just beautiful.

Question for you gourmets - I used dried porcini mushrooms in a recipe tonight and the musky smell just about knocked me over. And not in a good way. What more mild-flavored ones would you recommend? /food quiz

Well, it's definitely bedtime. If I want to sleep late, I'd better start now! heh.

At 04:41 Blogger Marjorie said...

Kimberly, those pics are lovely, and it is great to know they are both save & being cared for.

Q - Arabic for dream = Hulum
to dream = Halama
Couldn't find 'Spot' 'illicit' or 'affair', but Destiny gives Qadar as one translation, if you & he wished to be alliterative!

At 09:01 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Arabic for SPOT is Dimil, could call him DIm for short, which might be cool.

Saturday! I have big plans today! I think the first thing is some riding, maybe more than one horse today. I like spending time out there, and work seems good with me being gone till afternoon.

Spooky Teen comes today and will set up Crab Island. In the kitchen I think. Pretty much the only thing my kitchen was lacking, except for it being a good space to cook in and all.

At 09:28 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Wendy, have you already been to the Quarter Stitch in the French Quarter? They got a lot of... shall we say... economic recovery assistance from me when ALA was there the summer after Katrina. Great shop!

Dimil/Dim sounds like a fun name for IA!

Speaking of names, as I was thinking about the new kitten this morning, the name Simon popped into my head. No idea where it came from, but it clicked in my head at the time.

At 09:41 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Well, there are the cute Simon's cat videos on YouTube...

At 10:11 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

OSS: I have not. I only venture into the French Quarter when I have streetcar fare. And, when I have someone to go with. I am a magnet for people selling stuff I don't want.

Example: Yesterday at the mall, two sales ladies came up to me and invaded my space while I was wandering around. One lady came up from some sort of hair machine stall and told me I needed my hair straightened, and she had just the thing! She actually raised up her hand to her her fingers through my hair. I backed up and had to explain to her that it took me 23 years to get my hair to naturally wave, and I'm not going to mess it up now.

The other lady wanted to sell me some sort of hand cream and buffer stone. She actually grabbed my hand to tell me how much I needed help and try to demonstrate the buffer stone.

Even with my friends at the French Quarter, weirdos still try to come up. It's probably worse with my friend Moira, though, because weirdos are also very attracted to her.

Unrelated Serious Black News:
Last night, SB tried to groom Kitty. Except, he's not really good at it. He licked directly inside her ear then started chewing it. He alternated licking inside/ chewing while Kitty looked at me with a really pissed off expression. It was hysterical.

At 10:22 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Wendy - Well, assuming I don't give up on ALA, we'll be there again in June 2011. But do check it out in the meantime if you get the chance. My mom has the same sort of magnet, I think. I guess I just walk too fast for most people to try to buttonhole me. That or I give off stay away vibes.

At 12:06 Blogger AletaMay said...

Kimberly's photos are so wonderful. These are beautiful creatures and I am sure they will have a forever home soon.

I wanted to make sure all fiends and demi-fiends and fiend-in-laws are aware of this wonderful Haiti Relief effort that Crossed Genres has put into motion. Post (and I like to add "or Read") a Story for Haiti. Check it out!

At 13:30 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

OH, those pictures. And those posted elsewhere of Zoe. Sniffle. Hugs all around. You are all being so very strong, to do the right thing with Zoe. I'm so glad you love her enough to do that, so so sad you have to make those choices. Big special hugs for Olga, too...


Well,with so much feline emotional intensity around here.....I've held off raving about school.

But can do so no longer.

This is the COOLEST university EVER.

Freshman (i.e. 100 level) class, though taken by all year levels: Explosive Engineering, with a focus on ballistics...orbital mechanics...materials....reactions..

And the final? A proposal paper on how to *ensure* a possible "killer asteroid" the size of the Rose Bowl does not threaten impact 30 odd years from now.

Yup, that's right. We're out to address the issue of Apophis.

In the related lab class leading up to this, we learned to melt through steel plates with thermite.

Better than therapy.

At 13:34 Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 14:25 Blogger Beez said...

Beautiful Bengal mama and wee baby. Such beautiful markings (and w00t! that there are going to be lots of pictures).

Sweet Zoe. I'm so glad her people have a chance for good goodbyes. I've had that blessing with several of my pets over the years, and I hope for the same for myself someday.

Fluffy- did you reconstitute the dried 'shrooms before you used them? Soaked in hot water for about 20 minutes or so, it moderates the very powerful smell/flavor. Reserve the liquid, and if you want to oomph up the taste you can filter the liquid through a coffee filter and add some.

Otherwise any fresh mushrooms are milder, or dried portabellas (almost as mild as button mushrooms to me).

Lys- burning through plate metal with thermite? That's Secret Agent stuff!
Saving us from asteroid death will bump y'all up to Superhero.

At 15:36 Blogger Wendy Withers said...

OSS: I went to the Garden District shop, and I don't know how the French Quarter could possibly beat it. They have an entire shelf of books. Unfortunately, you can't buy them outright. You can leaf through them, and if you want them they order it for you from Amazon and have it shipped to your house via UPS for free. Although, if you're visiting here, I guess it's handy, because you won't have to pack a book in your luggage, you can just have it shipped.

They had a book by my favorite knitting designer. I didn't even know he had a book. It's a bunch of stuffed animals. So, I ordered it.

I bought some awesome cotton yarn for kippot (Jew hats) and possible cuddly animals. I also bought new bamboo double pointed needles.

One of the ladies there helped me wind my yarn, and a few ladies who were knitting at a table discussed my book selection for a few minutes.

My bill, including the book, came to $36. I have enough yarn for four or five projects. So, all-in-all I'm pretty happy.

/yarn rave

Lys: Try not to accidentally implode/ explode the earth while you're in school.

At 15:56 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Wendy:Thanks for leaving me that out! (as in, it's okay for me to do either when I'm *out* of school? Kind of a graduation present? *jk*) Have no fear, Wendy. There's no fun in that, because there would be no-one left around afterwards to say "wow, that was cool!"

At 23:34 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimberly will take wonderful care of the Bengal mama and her baby, and sweeten them up (though they probably don't need it.)

I, er, I have four Kimberly Kittens living at my house and they are the most wonderful, best socialized, most sweetified little sweeties ever. Except they all seem to leave Miss Kimberly's Finishing Academy For Wayward Kittens with a love of boobs and Cheetos. And sometimes broccoli. Fair warning. Hide the snacks.

I'm really sorry about Zoe. Thinking about everyone she loves and who loves her.

At 23:41 Blogger Kimberly said...

Awww... eightfoldrabbit I know who you are! :) My only FOUR TIME repeat customer ... and before Broccoli Kitten moved to Arizona, my longest distance customer!

I am afraid that it's true that my kitties tend to leave here knowing about ribs, and chicken, and, well, cheetos and broccoli sometimes.

But the do all love boobs, it's true! (hugs) to you, sweetie, and scritches to my babies, especially Aidon's beloved Bonnie!

At 03:22 Blogger Kimberly said...

An update for those who might enjoy it:
Mama is definitely feeling more at ease than she was at the pound :) Also, teensy tiny milky baby face

Also, another mama and baby video. She's really chilling out. Plus baby squeaking!


At 13:57 Blogger DataGoddess said...

*tacklehugs eightfoldrabbit*

Yes, she does have 4 Kimberly-sweetened kittens, 2 of which have slept on me.

Hey, R, you should hang around here. Lots of people I think you'll like are here (including me ;-)

At 21:20 Blogger Kimberly said...

Too sad to post this on the current blog entry - but I know there are some that want to see Mama Bengal and Baby. Just posted this to twitter:

if the belly dots don't kill you: the teensy tiny claws might Tiny handful! Enjoy!

At 01:20 Blogger Kimberly said...

If folks aren't too sick of getting follow-up comments on this blog post with Bengal rescue updates, I think I'd like to formally introduce everyone to the two Bengals listed here, who have been inhabiting my guest room bathroom for the last 5 days.

Both of their names honor Zoe, but especially Mama, now known as Zoraline (Zora for short), and her tiny baby Ziggy.

If you'd like to see them both in motion, including purrs, and baby-squeaks, and a little silly growling, please look here:

Ziggy is doing a LOT better than he was a couple of nights ago. He nearly scared me to death, I swear! I'm glad I had the tools to help him so quickly (sub-q, formula, etc.) and that he responded so well, phew!

At 01:30 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Kimberley, wonderful choices. *ducks off to look at latest photos and vids*

At 06:53 Blogger Phiala said...

Tired of cat pictures and updates???

Is that possible???

You've done an amazing job with them - mama looks so much more secure already. And baby is exceedingly cute!

At 13:26 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Kimberly, thanks for sending out these pictures and videos. Even though I do go into a cute coma each time I view them. If these cats were in Chicago, I'd be in trouble.

At 05:56 Blogger Unknown said...

It is so scary and I am new to the cat world for the wild specially. These are so many dogs at our streets, those all are pet but only dogs. Very less of them having pet cat...
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At 18:42 Blogger Kimberly said...

It's been a really REALLY long time since I was active here, although I still swing through all the time, but I thought I'd let folks know that I recently posted a wonderful Zoraline update on my (relatively) new blog:

Also, ZIGGY! :)

Enjoy :)

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