Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Does This MEAN??????

Came home tonight and found this in the Butlers Pantry. I got nothing here. I don't know what it means, I don't know what they are trying to tell me. I can kind of understand the Skeleton, I mean, they are kind of fun to chase around. But spoons live in drawers.

And not in the Butlers Pantry.

Leopards are strange.

This weekend, thanks to our Miss Kitty, Maddy and I are off to see Lady Gaga in Chicago! TO say we are excited about this does not begin to cover it. Very, very happy we are. We'll drive down on Saturday, and back again Sunday. Yes, we will take pics, and lots of them. We are already getting our playlists ready for the drive. I am loving Show Me Your Teeth, Bad Romance and Telephone from the new bit of the cd.

We also got our copy of the Deluxe Fame Monster Book,, which includes, believe it or not, a piece from one of Lady Gaga's Wigs. Not sure what I am going to DO with it, my own extensions are a but loose right now and falling off like fleas off a dog, hair is everywhere around here, but surely there is something. Blonde it is, so I won't mix it up.

One thing I thought of today, we haven't heard back from HOTY about how the Xmas Present of the Smashed Then Replaced Print turned out. HOTY, if you are out there, tell us the end of this story! We like stories.

And finally, Kelli Bickman, who is one of the coolest artists to come along ever, is doing me a painting of all five Bengals, together in a tree. I sent her pictures, and stories of each of them, and she is going to weave them together, in their tree.

This makes me happy too.

Love and Very Happy New Year So Far,


At 22:12 Blogger vampi said...

bengal weaving :) have a fun ad safe road trip

At 22:14 Blogger ariandalen said...

You know, I can't help but think of the movies "Cat People" when you talk about Kelli Bickman's upcoming portrait of your Bengals in a tree. More the remake than the original, but I still get an image from the movie.

I got nothin' on the spoon, either.

At 22:15 Blogger DataGoddess said...

They want you to mix more skeletons for them? They want them in a bowl?

Skelly cookies?

At 22:15 Blogger One Sock Short said...

So close and yet so far away. Have a wonderful time, both of you!

Strange day, and all of a confusion over missing last thread. So no insight on skeleton spoon adventures.

At 22:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I missed the thread too. Jess will re-cap for us. She is good like that.


At 22:35 Blogger AletaMay said...

I believe they are trying to tell you than when you are away the skeleton in the tub either cooks for them or chases them with the spoon, perhaps trying to make soup with them rather than for them. I hope for the former but fear it may be the later.

You and Maddy are going to have so much fun!!! Can't wait to see the photos and read the stories!

At 22:37 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I bet it means "This is what all creatures on earth will look like once you've fed us all the steaks!"

At least, that's what my sleepy mind's come up with.

Also, Bad Romance is my favorite Lady Gaga song. I think one of my Tampa friends has disowned me because I like Lady Gaga but didn't know any Beyonce songs.

At 22:39 Blogger Siri said...

Last post - let me explain - no, that will take to much time; let me sum up:
Night Garden Lives.

Lorraine my lovely, watch the weather - we are getting 5 - 7" of snow Wed. night into Thurs, and Chicago often gets our weather a day or two after us. I'll try to suck all the snow out of the air so you won't have to deal with it. Snow in the Midwest in January. What are the odds?

Night, Fiendom.

At 22:50 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Toni beat me to it...I was going to say they've been stirring the skellie. Or maybe its a warning about what will happen to anyone who stirs them.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you and Maddy are on your roadtrip. You gals are going to have SO much fun.

At 23:58 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Maybe they were mixing you a skeleton salad but then they got distracted?

I just wonder how they got that spoon.

At 01:02 Blogger Marjorie said...

I'm not sure I want to speculate about what the leopards have been up to. Perhaps MrBillyBones can throw some light - maybe it was the skeleton, not the cats, who moved the spoon?
I have woken up to quite a lot of snow, so will not be going to work today - guilt free extra time in bed!

At 01:14 Blogger Dragonsally said...

ohhh, I was just wondering how you were Marjorie, after hearing about all the snow on the news.
Enjoy your snowed in day!

At 01:48 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Are you rehearsing all the songs, yet?

Great pictures, Louisa.
Oh and Jess, I might play with your set, seeing I still have a few days of holidays before I return to work (and be immediately sent to Holland for some sort of training).

At 04:23 Blogger Marjorie said...

Nat (or anyone) you are very welcome to play with my NightGarden pics, too, if you wish.

I am now going toput on my Big Boots and venture out into the snow to look for milk and chocolate. I may be some time.

At 04:40 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Niiice! Thanks Marjorie. Oh and happy Befana to everybody. Don't eat too much candy, eh?

At 04:46 Blogger Dragonsally said...

And to you Nat. Did you get some goodies? Give any to the cats?

At 04:57 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Nope. Although I had some nice slices of "Pain d'Epices" this morning (which would be gingerbread for you guys - or thereabout). Witches (which is what the Befana is) love their gingerbread.

At 06:48 Blogger Bridget said...

This art installation brought to you by the Leopards and the Letter S.

At 07:19 Blogger Dan Guy said...

Have fun seeing Lady Gaga!

At 08:00 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Sounds absolutely fantastic. The ah, the skeleton, I don't know what to tell you about that.

At 08:43 Blogger Phiala said...

Sounds like fun.

In other news, never going to get caught up on anything. And it's snowing. And where's my coffee??

At 09:07 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

It does look like the skeleton is dancing on the spoon. Maybe he took it out for a night on the town.

At 09:24 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

More Night Garden? How cool is that? I love it!It is good to tend it every so often....

I am in favor too of any Holiday involving Gingerbread.

Had a night of wake up and panic about things, not that anything is wrong, just intense this week, and it doesn't stop. Will be really nice to have a weekend of Maddy and Gaga.

At 09:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

There is a tantalizing whiff of chocolate cookies in the whole house right now. Niiice.

At 10:24 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Ms. Withers. The infamous skeleton spoon jig was the first thing I saw.

At 10:55 Blogger Arwenn said...

So instead of "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" the bengals want to know about skeletons dancing on spoons.....makes sense somehow.

At 11:06 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Forgot I didn't comment on the new post. My email was awfully quiet! Can't wait to see what the bengal picture becomes!!! Exciting! Spoon...hmm..yep, I got nuthin'.

I've been wasting the last 30 minutes looking at this awful site that Miss Heather linked to on FB. It is painful...these people!!!!!

I'm sure I have a lot to do today....must get away from the computer to do it though.

At 12:16 Blogger Rick W said...

Hey there Lorraine, et all! I'm so sorry I hadn't kept you up to date, holiday madness and all that nonsense. I did bug Cat a couple more times and let her know how the print went over but I began to feel like I was wearing out my welcome and didn't want to keep bothering you kind folk. But, you asked for it, and like a demon invited across the threshold, I enter.

The print did indeed arrive in time for Christmas and it was in perfect condition. Better than perfect, spec-freaking-tacular. If I'm not mistaken the shipping tube was embued with a subtle but very power magick.

I printed out the review and gave it to my wife with the print itself. We laughed, we cried, sent some "thank you" mojo to Cat and crew.

Cat even inspired me to write some more, which I hadn't done since utterly failing NaNoWriMo (I think I actually wrote negative 17 words somehow).

So, a glorious Christmas time for all! How are all of you?

My wife is a giant Gaga fan as well, and I have to admit it's very catchy. I really like the kind of old-school, sweaty jazz bar sound of Show Me Your Teeth.

ps - oh oh, did you get my email Lorraine? I guess I sent it right before Christmas.

Rick W.

At 12:43 Blogger Rick W said...

Hmm, my interest is piqued. *wanders off to find this mysterious thread.

At 12:48 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

HOTY!!!!!! Glad you came back. And Jess is right, you should do something for the Night Garden, she can explain all, and everyone, do send to her..

HOTY, watch your mailbox, the Boss is back.

Wild ride this week. Wild ride indeed. Gots me lots of work.

At 12:54 Blogger Cecily said...

So I first saw the skeleton as a ghost, then a ghostly skeleton. So IMO they are telling you that a spook has been cooking while you are out of the Spooky House.

Nice to get a happy ending update from HOTY.

Now I am off to go look at this writing thing in the previous post...

At 13:12 Blogger Na said...

Jess, you are the bee's knees!

At 13:15 Blogger Rick W said...

SQUEE, I'm ever so giddy!

At 13:31 Blogger Cecily said...

Jess, I sent you an email, but I forgot to mention my email is on the fritz. I don't seem to be receiving anything, but hopefully should in the next few hours.

At 13:45 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Yup. The bee's knees. All 6 of them.

At 13:46 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Jess, I have google wave too. I haven't done anything with it, i don't understand the point of it, but i have an account!

Checked my email before putting away groceries...bad idea....bbs!

At 14:02 Blogger spacedlaw said...

After all that hanging about in the Night Garden, my sore throat has not improved. Am applying liberate gargles of Glen Ord to recover (all for the sake of art. And wanting to go out gallivanting downtown tomorrow and get a hair cut).

At 14:05 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I pinged you on wave Jess. I don't really know what that does or means either but there ya go.

At 14:45 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Jess--funny you should mention that....about benefiting Bengal Rescue, that is.

I know folks have shared artwork here which is quite rightfully copyrighted to them.

Presumably Night Garden works remain property of their creators, as well.

Having said that...if there is an interest....
Any specific pieces that folks wanted to release rights SOLELY for one-time projects for GLBR, we could definitely do something with.

Obviously, I can very quickly set up t-shirts. These can have text and art, within some limitations. The advantage here is that there is already a GLBR t shirt shop.

But we could also go Cafe Press.

With this route, we could even put together a calendar for next year (or an 18 month calendar.)

Mousepads. Coffee cups. et cetera. There are certain limitations Cafe Press puts on free shops as well (an image can only be used on a single item type) But I don't think it would be difficult to work within that framework.

Anywhoo....just some thoughts if there is interest and willingness. And *presuming* Janet and Lorraine are for it as well, of course.

and tell me, of this Google wave you speak.....doesn't one need an invite? PM me on FB, okay?

At 14:47 Blogger louisa said...

The Infamous Scottish Skellie Spoon Dance!! That's a caught-mid-gig pose if ever I saw one.

Thanks for your kind words on my pics Nat and Ariandalen and Sally and Jess. It was fun to take bright, sunny, colourful photos and crepuscularize them. If anyone wants to use/abuse them, please feel free to do so (how did you do all that layering, Nat? Love the nickels in the sky).

The world should have more bees with tap shoes and top hats.

Oh and pretty new frames vampi!

Like Chantrelle, I have google wave but have yet to see its significance. I'm off to investigate...

At 14:47 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Perhaps you can tell, Jess, that I'd already been thinking along those lines :)

BTW....Chantrelle--that link is just awful (the one you reposted from FB) Now even my mother has been sucked in.


At 14:48 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Mostly I potter about in the dark, Louisa. good thing that I have a good night vision.

At 15:05 Blogger louisa said...

Creative Commons is an excellent idea and should work if Things are produced that only benefit a charity.

When should a Fiend calendar begin? Halloween?

At 15:25 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Some publications will accept reprints depending on what rights you have assigned to the first publisher. In that case the first publisher would be the fiends, so we can decide it's a one of, strictly for charity purposes thingy.
(can you tell by the specific wording used above that I am a copyright lawyer? I think it shows...)

At 15:36 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Nat--I'm with you; had to do some copyright research while in Iraq (don't ask :)) so I have a smattering of knowledge. Do think that the path you describe is the best direction.
Although each creator could do a single release "for the purpose of" which would retain their personal copyrights.... Night Garden *is* collaborative. Or seems to be. I'm sure we can work something out which protects creators' rights.
Also, I'd want to make certain that no outside entity takes liberties with the Garden!

At 15:36 Blogger Cecily said...

Fiend year most certainly starts on Halloween.

At 15:53 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Sure...although reconstruction/combination/digital art such as Nat's...well...it's pretty amazing.

The text/image combo is pretty inspiring as well.

Okay, I'm not ignoring y'all now--my cat has informed me that he has been waiting patiently for his walk outside (plus I have feeders to refill and watering holes to check) so I'll be signing off now for a while.

And yes, FiendYear should definitely start at Hallowe'en.

At 16:24 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm really excited about this. Collaboration is so much fun!

I'm taking my camera outside tonight to see if anything is picture-worthy.

At 18:13 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Chantrelle - That site really is eeeeevil isn't it?;) Like a trainwreck, you just can't look away.

What is this google wave thingie of which you speak?

At 20:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Look at you Fiends. You go! Can't wait to see what you make, Or do next. One of the things I love so about you.

Home. Magics new cat tree is up, now he can climb on shelves too. Much laundry is done. New sheets on bed. Spooky House, if not CLEAN, is in order again.

Bathed too.

I even have hot chocolate.

Life is sweet.

At 21:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We ARE going to get pics of Magics room. And the bathroom.

Might wait till next week for Magic, so we can get his fish tank in there too. I get it tomorrow, but not sure I will get it all set up and such, if I do, I will post Entire Room pics.

At 21:19 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Jess--I FB'd you a rather long missive. Take your time with it!

And if anyone (Richard/HOTY, hint hint) has a Google Wave invite they'd like to throw my way.....I wouldn't kick it out of bed for eating crackers. :) kthnxbai :)

At 21:26 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Fish Tank, Fish Tank
Magic's gettin Fish Tank
Fish Tank Fish Tank
Eat them up YUM!

In the morning,
Laughing happy Fish Tank,
In the evening,
Magic's in the soup.

Magic took a Fish Tank,
Out to see a movie,
Didn't have to pay
To get it in

Though it begs the question--did Magic have to pay? And with what? Fish?? *g*

Definitely looking forward to pics!

At 21:31 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

ps...re last post....all due respect, honor, and appreciation to Dr. Demento (who, btw, is a Minneapolis native son.) In case anyone missed that....

At 22:10 Blogger Jane said...

tick tick, will never catch up...

At 22:50 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lys, I'll email you an invite in a moment

At 22:52 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Lys - LOL!!
Does this mean Magic was never seen drinking cappuccino in Italian restaurants with Oriental women?

I'm really liking NBB's caption of Boss with the chainsaw as well.

At 23:15 Blogger vampi said...

any fiends still needing goog wave invites, hit me up i have 2 email wave accounts sitting on a ton of invites. no reason you shouldn't have one. vampiress at google dot com or facebook, im tweet, whatevs' i'm an internet addict and i'm stuck in the tubes.

<3 the fish tank song. i totally got it and giggles. i'm super excited to see what mr magic thinks of his new feesh fiends, or would that be #fienfish? muahahaha.

ok i need sleep. i have totally fubar'd my sleep pattern over the holiday and paying dearly for it.

and for night garden, i think im going to quill some flowers.

At 23:52 Anonymous Lysandwr said...


DS and Vampi--thanks to both of you. One question--do you need a gmail address to send it to me?

I vaguely recall setting up gmail....not sure what I did after that.

See, I've had my hotmail address for gah....14 years? 15? And there is habit there. Plus my mil address has been a requirement for nearly ten years.

Now I have school, too.

So you can see why acquiring more hasn't exactly been a priority.

Oh, but I DO have a Google Groups sign in already (for some school stuff) if that matters.

Yeah, okay, I'm not as hooked in as Vampi.....but my horse and buggy gets there in the end :)

At 23:59 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

What the heck! It is telling me "Lysandwr" is NOT available!! Did I sign up for Google Wave once before and forget about it?


What the hey.

I *am* the only Lysandwr. There can be only one.

At 00:04 Blogger Dragonsally said...

make it Lysandwr1 then...

At 00:12 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Nah...I'm going w/the Lemur. At least then no numbers in the user name. And I've been the Grey Lemur for a very long time.....

Thanks, though. Now....how do I get y'all into my contacts? (or maybe I should FB you these questions, and not clutter up the Magic/Skelly/Fish Tank/ Wooden Spoon thread :))

At 01:45 Blogger vampi said...

hmmm i started working on some flowers for my night garden, but i'm not real happy with them. i was trying to make some lillies. i think i need to make them on a slightly smaller scale and less pastel.

At 01:53 Blogger Na said...


Love the collaboration suggestion for Night Garden, and I totally get your explanation there, Jess. ('Minds me of Mr Kyle's collaborative art/writing things project, what worked very well.) (Also works very well as a choreography exercise. /random thought)

I too have a google wave invite awaiting my attention (thanks Jess!) but apparently must first get the newer version of one or another Web browser, and that just has to wait (I nearly borked up my computer last time I tried to download new Firefox).

fun to toddle over again and see t' wee dancing skelly. and so nice to bathe in the Shiny that is Q and Fiends for a mo'.

safe travels to you and Maddy, Q! and have a blast!

At 04:08 Blogger louisa said...

Oh the pretty flowers vampi, but I have no sense of scale - are they humungous? Would they fit on the head of a pin?

At 08:34 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Seems to have snowed. The forcast said up to an inch, which translates into about 4 on my car. How does this work??????

Weird dreams. Need tea.

At 09:38 Blogger Siri said...

Lys - got to love a woman who can put a Fishheads earwig in my head. Thanks for that!

Snowed in again. Cold and blowing. Schools closed. Roads closed. Black ice. Good thing I have lots of leave time. This is, however, the last big storm of the season. So it is spoken, let it be so.

Good Morning, Fiendom.

At 09:51 Blogger vampi said...

Louisa, they are as tall as my blackberry, so about 5 inches tall and 2 inches across. i can make them much smaller, but because i wasn't working from a pattern, i just kind of eye balled it from a picture online. if i start with smaller lengths of paper i can make the flowers smaller. in this picture, the 2 flowers on top are about an inch across.

At 09:55 Blogger louisa said...

An inch??? Well hello Miss Dexterity 2010!! Most impressive :) and I'm guessing fun to do?

At 09:58 Blogger louisa said...

And morning Quiche and Siri ::raises tea cup:: hope you MNers are staying warm.

At 10:04 Blogger vampi said...

It is fun, and really not all that hard to do. my first quilling tool was an embroidery needle i poked into a mechanical pencil eraser. i snipped off the top of the thread loop to make a slot for the paper to go into. if you get real good you don't need a slotted tool and can just use a pointed needle tool or even just your fingers. i'm not quite that good again yet. quilling is a really old art form, i have a book form the 70's with some history in it, and there are pictures of old religious art made from paper quills. it's pretty neat.

At 12:57 Blogger Rick W said...

I actually got a fragment of a short story in my head on the way home last night, so I reckon I'll give it a go. Might end up being pretty lame, but we'll see.

Anyone who still needs wave invites, I have 8 left. Just ping me at: rickwoolford (at) gmail (dot) com

...now I gotta figure out how to be displayed as "Rick" instead of "Richard"...

At 13:15 Blogger Laura B said...

Oh my, by the time I got to end of the comments(and to the end of hopping back and forth looking at linked posts) I'd almost forgotten what the original post was about. Ah yes, spoon and skeleton! To me the spoon seems to be pointing accusingly at the skeleton, but I have no idea what that means.

At 13:17 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

-I- never remember what the origional post is about, not to worry...

And what the heck is Google Wave and why do people only have a few waves????

At 13:22 Blogger Siri said...

I fear this "wave" thing, Q....my California-living sister always says never turn your back on the ocean waves....what if it is the same thing????

At 13:27 Blogger vampi said...

google wave is the newest google toy. it's a mashup of instant message and email, and you can share photos and documents. all the editing is real time, so you can see when people are typing, and go back to a specific point and add in your comment. right now it's in beta, so it's a bit slow and sometimes buggy. it's a toy right now, but i can see how this functionality can be used for good. with great power comes great responsibility.

At 13:33 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Spent a lot of time in Hawaii, they say the same thing there to children, first thing they learn.

Ah, I get it. Not sure I need MORE at this point. Just remembered last night, in bed, when I got tired of typing, that blackberry was ALSO a phone...

At 13:33 Blogger AletaMay said...

For those of you not hearing about it elsewhere... The story I had published in Crossed Genres was a Featured Story at LitDrift. Kinda exciting! Check it outhere!

I have Google Wave. I should use it I guess!

At 13:35 Blogger Siri said...

Huzzah Aleta May!!!

At 15:33 Blogger ariandalen said...

Well, Jess, it wasn't me. :)

It's cold here. Sun is shining. Temperature is around freezing with wind blowing at ~25 mph with gusts and all from the north. At least we don't have ice. Glad we got the heater's blower motor and wheel replaced Monday. :)

At 15:34 Blogger ariandalen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 15:36 Blogger ariandalen said...

::SIGH:: I've really got to learn some patience after clicking "Publish Your Comment."


At 15:40 Blogger Marjorie said...

Have the Bengals created any further sculptures?
I hope they are on you e-mail list, Jess.

At 16:00 Blogger Ms T said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16:06 Blogger Ms T said...

Gah. Really must proofread things before I hit publish. I think I'm still in holiday mode!

Let's try that again:

I love that even the skelly is confused (it looks like it is scratching its head/skull).

Just popping in to say "Nga mihi nui, nga mihi aroha mo te tau hou. Happy New Year!" to all the fiends.

At 17:07 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Anyone up for a heat exchange? We're about to have 5 days of heatwave...so I could do with some of that snow, and a lot of you could do with some of our heat.

Shame we can't exchange that on googlewave.

At 17:09 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I love the story Aleta....\o/

At 18:24 Blogger Ms T said...

Yep, I'll take some of your heatwave Dragonsally in exchange for the some of the rain we're expecting over the next few days... :) (Not that you'd think it's supposed to rain, judging by today's weather.)

At least the wind's died down. Apparently it was gusting at over 100km/hr for a while there - and it felt like it! All of which bodes well for my dash across town to see an exhibition in my lunch hour *cough* and a half.

At 18:36 Blogger Dragonsally said...

*sally does an overexcited happy dance*


Just got tickets to see AFP in February!

(in case you're wondering...I really am sitting here doing a victory dance)

If a venue says standing room only, and I can't stand for that long, do I seek assistance of the venue or special sekret contacts?

At 18:55 Blogger vampi said...

Sally, contact the bo office of the venue and find out how they deal with special needs. most venues have a guest services department and have special areas set aside for wheelchairs, physical mobilities, etc. if it's a smaller club, they might not have a special area, but can give you an idea of when to be there for least amount of stand time.

At 18:56 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cold snow ook. Much work, which is going mostly well today.

Got Magics fish tank from my craigslist dude. I will have Spooky Teen set it up while I am gone this weekend, unless I end up staying home tonight, then I might well go for it.

Sally, drop me an e-mail with the details and I will see who is tour managing that tour, and pass it on for you.

At 18:58 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Vampi and Quiche - I loves you both.

email will be done shortly.

At 19:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Definitely contact the venue, Sally and see what they say first, it would be much easier if they have something in place...

At 23:31 Blogger Na said...

Sally, I second contacting the venue. My guy and I had tickets to see Bad Religion once when I was fairly pregnant w/ L. Venue gave me a VIP pass so's I could stand on a balcony, out of the main (thrashing punk) crowd. Happened to be a great view of the stage. Score! My impression is that 'most any venue has similar accommodations.

At 23:33 Blogger Na said...

I mean accommodations for people with physical needs, not necessarily a balcony, of course. :p

At 23:40 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I've emailed them. Waiting to hear back. I'm sure they can do something, think they are obligated by to akshully. I may start a countdown to the event I think.

At 23:57 Blogger Dragonsally said...

y sparkling new countdown timer tells me it is 1 month, 18 days and 3 hours until we see AFP! Me keen?

At 01:38 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sally - hurrah for seeing AFP! you'll love her (do you get to see Jason Webley too?)

At 01:51 Blogger Dragonsally said...

no, I don't think JW is with her for this tour. That would have been unbelievably good.

At 09:27 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning. It wold be such a lovely day to stay in bed, alas, for that not being an option.

My inbox looks like a war zone. I can beat it, but will take some doing.

Will try and post a new blog this evening so you have something new, off early tomorrow for some Gaga.

What tho would be the question. Didn't get Magic's fishtank up.

AH well, brain will work soon...

At 09:44 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

It amuses me that it is warmer today in New Orleans than it is in Tampa. I have my window open for some cool air, while my friends are all complaining about driving on ice and staying home because of the scary cold. They definitely need a heatwave.

In exciting news, my classes start Tuesday night!

At 09:44 Blogger Phiala said...

If it's an email morning, can't you just take a laptop and some tea back to bed? Sounds ideal to me...

At 09:45 Blogger Marjorie said...

Good Morning Q! (Hands Q virtual cup of tea)

At 09:46 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sadly, no. It is also an interview morning. Stacked up like air traffic control. Must wake the Boss and get him speakable.

Out to the cold go I...

At 09:53 Blogger Phiala said...

Ah well, it was a nice thought. Good luck with the boss-mission!

At 09:57 Blogger Marjorie said...

(Hands Boss and even bigger cup of virtual tea)

At 10:00 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Speakable and presentable too I suppose (if pictures or filming are involved).
Drinking tea on your behalf as well as mine. I am attempting to stack Words of the Day for next week, taking prompts from just about everywhere.

I have also entered a wee contest (just because the prompt spoke to me) and I thought you fiends might like the entry.

At 11:48 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Ooooh. Hats. I like hats. *covets*

At 11:51 Blogger vampi said...

hats!!! i am loving the hats. so beautiful.

At 12:03 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Oh yes indeedy. SB makes wonderful hats! It will be very exciting to see a Night Garden inspiration from her hands.

I've been coughing so much and so hard, my whole midsection hurts. I hope being sick now means I'll be well when I go to Boston next week.

At 12:12 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Just burnt some oil in a pot and the house is all smoky. The cats aren't loving it at all...

At 12:12 Blogger spacedlaw said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16:45 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh lordie those hats are glorious, and I love hats. *covets*

I hope you have the smoky smell out of the house by now Nat.

OSS - virtual honey and lemon for you.

Was I the only one envisaging Quiche handing Boss a cup of tea and telling him to get up, then takin his place in a nice cosy bed for a while?

At 18:27 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Weather Share
37C(98.6F) at 11.25am summertime.
What's it like at your place? And can I have your snow?

At 19:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, I do slay myself!

New post is UP!!!!!!!!

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