Thursday, February 11, 2010

And Finally! The New Bathroom!

I woke up really early this morning (about an hour after my Boss went to bed, apparently, if Twitter is to be believed) and got all the morning chores done (amazing what you can do waiting for water to boil in a POT on your stove because you have no fast boiling electric Tea Kettle) and thought I might continue with this energy and take the pictures of the new bathroom that I have been promising you.

King Lear the Huge, and Little Queen Mab were all for this. They live up there and are always interested in such things. Or steak bits, hard to say.

I wish I still had a picture of the OLD bathroom. It was dreadful. Kind of pink, with flowers, bad faux Tiffany, a horrible tacky shower and a really cool, tho useless for bathing, Claw Foot bathtub.

That's Lear in his water dish. Bengals LOVE water and it doubles as a small pool for him.

I am not the BEST one at picking colours for things, but I am liking the way this turned out. Mary Housekeeper did the painting of the bathroom, as I am really not the best at such things.

You can see on the shelf of the stand there is a Blow Dryer, that Miss Kitty bought for my house a year ago, so she would have one when she comes to visit and I would be able to use it the other times. Next time she is here, I will get her to teach me how it works. Not sure I GET it, as the two times I tried, other than DRY, it did not improve the appearance of my HAIR in any way, like it does her.

My bathroom, unlike any other room in the house, has TWO heating vent things, neither of which will close. But they look good. Functional or ornamental. Either works for me. It is the warmest room in the Spooky House.

My bathroom has one cupboard. The Victorians were not much on closets, or cupboards. They had Wardrobes for things. Or maybe they didn't have many things. I looked in my cupboard this morning. It seems to have paint in it. Not being that sort of artist, this seems wrong to me. My toiletries are in the Butlers Pantry. Need to work on this one.

The bathtub was the BEST, thing ever to come into this house, and I include myself and the Bengals in that. I can't have candles, simply not safe with all these Leopards, but I do have Bubbles. Best end of the day in the winter I ever came up with.

I still need more art. Can't have original art in a bathroom, so I have to sort of find it. That's a lovely Tasmanian Devil print. Nothing screams bathroom like a Tasmanian Devil.

The old cool, but useless for bathing Claw Foot Tub? Of course one does not dump a tub that cool! The choice seemed clear to me.

Dinning room. With a Skeleton.

Love and Bathrooms,


At 09:46 Blogger Laura B said...

I think your new bathroom is lovely. I really like the sink. My sink is attached to the wall and ugly, I much prefer the pedestal. Thanks for sharing so many nice pictures!

At 09:51 Blogger DataGoddess said...

The new bath looks nice!

At 09:59 Blogger vampi said...

i loved the commentary to go with the tub pictures. I love how lear has blossomed. pictures of your bengals always makes me smile knowing they had a touch life and now have a fabulous life.

i am up and showered an hour before i normally am. *sigh* sleep is not kind, i would like more time in dream, but you can't force such things.

At 09:59 Blogger Precision Grace said...

That's very nice and comfy, though I'm befuddled with the scales of things. IS that bathtub a TARDIS bathtub? Seem a smidgen small to have a proper, bubble type bath in, but you seem to have them all the time. How does this work?

Loving the Bengals as usual. They are so lucky with all that indoor water and toys at their disposal. My cats (who are free to go outside whenever they want) have a serous training wheel and water feature envy.

At 10:00 Blogger gaypet said...

That is a great bathroom!

At 10:06 Blogger Craig Steffen said...

So THAT'S where the bathtub-in-living-room-with-skeleton came from! I saw it a few months ago in some other photos, and was very amused, but puzzled. I hadn't put it together with the bathroom-rennovation process that was going on; and of course the first thing you'd do is pull out the old tub.

Nice work, and congratulations on the home-remodeling success! Glad the bengals like it.

At 10:10 Blogger Lioness said...

Ah, I envy you your space. I knock elbows in my bathroom everywhere I turn.
And the wood paneling everywhere contributes such a warm look. Nice to finally see the bathroom. Hooray for early rising.

At 10:15 Blogger Jane said...

Love the bathroom. And the fountain/cat bowl.

Hair dryer not so hard to master :-) Proper motivation may be lacking, though!

Haven't dragged myself into the shower yet...

At 10:16 Blogger Jane said...

Agree about the sink, Jess. Love the look of pedestal sinks but can't quite manage them.

At 10:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The sink was already there, I just changed the fixtures on it.

There were lots of suggestions on the old tub, mostly to put it in the yard with flowers, but that's so been DONE. It may not always be in the dinning room, but it works for now.

I think sometimes about switching the dinning room and the Romance Room. Might make a nice change for the summer...

I did get new lights, sconces, not perfect, but I like them, forgot to take pics, they are kind of silver modern.

At 10:30 Anonymous Andi said...

Love the new bathroom decor! Very tastefully done. And the huge water fountain/cat water bowl & wading pool is brilliant! If we get a place with a big enough bathroom, we'll have to do the same for our own furballs. Right now they just sit in the bathtub looking all mournful & expectant. :-)

I don't know if you have a microwave, but if so you might try heating water for tea in that. Water will boil in three minutes in a microwave, or heat to just nicely hot in two. I use a two-cup glass measuring cup to heat mine, which makes it easy to pour the water into my ginormous oversized tea cup.

At 10:49 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Lovely bathroom. I'm all for the green and the wood and the fountain. It looks so relaxing.

Another interview down, one more to go tomorrow. Then I hope we can at least fill the position I supervise. Should be able to. I've already got the person I want picked out. But there's still all those French Pamphlet positions to fill too.

And then the training frenzy will begin...

At 10:52 Blogger Phiala said...




At 10:56 Blogger Marjorie said...

Looks nice (and also manages to make your bathroom look bigger than it was before!)
I still miss the bathroom I had in my previous house - the bath was both long & deep, which made for luxurious bathing, and the room was big enough that (whenI was sharing the house with my best friend) we would have girly nights - one prson in the bath, the other in the wicker arm chair painting their nails or such like, and a nice chilled bottle of white wine to share - pure indulgence.

(We gave up on the candles after that one time when Tybalt scorched his whiskers and then fell in the bath when he realised. That wasn't fun for him or me. Sharing a bath with a cat is NOT a good idea!)

At 10:57 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Who doesn't have a skeleton living in a tub in the dining room? If I had a dining room, I would have to have a tub skeleton as well. Have to keep up with the Lorraineses.

I woke up too early. Only got 5.5 hours of sleep. :( Thinking about taking a nap momentarily.

I woke up because work called on a non-work day (days I specifically tell them not to call) to inform me that they changed my schedule tomorrow from the morning to the afternoon. (I specifically picked a morning shift because of Shabbati Gras religious services and carpooling reasons.) They cancelled the shift and I added the morning shift back, because it thrown back into the shift pool after they changed my schedule. Then, they called to let me know that they'd changed my morning shift to an all day shift, and I had to tell them, once again, that I was going to be busy tomorrow afternoon. So, they cancelled my morning shift and my all day shift and I have no shifts tomorrow.

Silly Mardi Gras. :P Messing up my work. :P

At 11:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The more I think on it, the more I like the idea of switching the Romance Room and the Dinning room, for the summer anyway.

I never USE the Romance Room, and it is so lovely, I'd like to look up from the Sunroom and see it.

If the Dinning Room was in the Romance Room, I might use it more.

Oh, fuck. Excuse me. Piano. Organ. NO ONE is going to help me move them.

Or the bathtub.

At 11:17 Blogger Bridget said...

I hear sometimes about these things called hair dryers. I went and bought one a couple years ago, for when we have company (really, for when Mom visits and forgets hers). It is still in the box, receipt tucked into the lid. I also hear it helps if you do other things like brush and use more "product" while you are blow-drying. It's all very mysterious to me.

At 11:18 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I must say it does look MUCH better.
(All that pink really wasn't you).
And great that you have a bath tub in which you can also shower.
And a water fountain/amusement park for the Royals.

At 11:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Don't get me started on PRODUCT.

Perhaps the Piano and Organ could STAY in the soon to be dinning room?

It works, if one buys a carpet for the Now Dinning Room. BIG carpet.

I want one now. Rats. Ain't cheap.

What to do with the bath tub tho.

And WHO wants to be in on this project. Perhaps one hires muscle.

First the carpet tho. And I talk to Merry Housekeeper, who loves this sort of thing.

At 11:26 Blogger One Sock Short said...

The one and only advantage of thin hair - it dries very quickly all on its own.

Got no muscle, but wish I were local so I could "consult" one the room swap.

At 11:45 Blogger Arwenn said...

I think that Jess's system of winches, tracks, and pulleys could be powered by the poo wheel thereby harnessing the awesome power of the Bengals! I'm sure they'd want to help.

At 13:13 Blogger Marjorie said...

We used to have a piano in our dining room, so if there is space for the table too, I'd leave the piano & organ where they are. (And the Bath tub)

How about some smaller rugs, rather than carpet, for the (current) Dining room? Cheaper than carpet, it's a nice floor, in the now-dining room, be a shame to cover it up :-)

At 13:25 Blogger Megan said...

I don't mean to be rude, but why do you take your pictures all wonky sideways? The bathroom looked nice, but honestly, I can't really tell because...well, it's sideways. The wainscoting is nice, and the fact that it's always warm makes me very jealous indeed.

At 13:42 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Some people have photography skills. Some do not. -I- am a bit sideways and wonky. It's how I see things, I guess...

At 13:52 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Jess--rolling in Darjeeling? -snort-- :)

Q's view askew? I tend to think of the camera work on HGTV as askew. Sometimes I have to look away,as elsewise I will get queasy. These pictures all fit together well enough....if you follow it around, you realize you've essentially seen the entire room. Didn't actually notice wonkyness, myself......

At 14:41 Blogger AletaMay said...

Lovely New Bathroom!

Ticky Box.

At 15:31 Blogger Hellie said...

Indeed a lovely new bathroom! As an alternative to candles, what about one of these Pretty indoor stars!

We've just started house hunting, first place we viewed had an enormous bath - I'm sold!!

At 15:47 Blogger Zoe Sotet Art Studio said...

I have original art in my bathroom that I painted with enamels. I could drop them in a bathtub full of water and they would still be fine.
(I assume the moisture is why you don't want original art in there, otherwise I am confused)

At 15:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Stars for the bathroom! Cool!

Running into problems. Have the new first floor pretty much figured out except, now I am ditching my Sunroom Couches, so I can put a couch-bed-futon something in there. I need a first floor bed, and want it to be easy and nice.

And if it goes in the Sunroom, well, that's what I tried to do last year, perfect place for it, and it doesn't mess with the new Romance Room OR the new dinning room.

All this happened, you know, because I know where I want to hang my new painting.

At 15:57 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That would be moisture...And art.

At 16:11 Blogger Fluffy said...

I just caught up on comments and Ziggy. !!!! I hadn't been here since he first got fostered, I think. I think Cute Overload would like him and Zoraline, too. Especially the quacky, whappy videos.

Hm. Nine. Maybe nine teapots with cozies? Including the one I made for Q for Christmas but didn't mail 'cause I don't have the address...

It's snowing like the devil here in north Texas. It's wet, it's purdy and it's supposed to keep up all day. I wore myself out shaking the snow from all the easily-breakable plants that aren't used to snow. Like the crape myrtles. I'm afraid to look out to see if they are bending again. I'm really tired!

I'm also glad to see that Mr. Jess has his tea. Maybe he needs to buy in bulk in case of SNOMGing.

Great bathroom! Wonderful news about the FIT. And pay attention to how your clothes fit - more muscle usually means less fat, so you may be getting smaller than the pounds lost would indicate. Woot!

At 16:50 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

(Sorry ... no time to sign into Emily account.)

You know a bathroom should really be cool. So congratulations.

Am I imagining it, or has Fluffy been missing lately?

At 16:52 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I know I've been missing Fluffy lately ;-) And you too, dear Emily!

At 17:49 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I love the photos being askew -cos normally I put my head on the side trying to get perspective and with yours I don't have to. Hmmm, I AM weird.

Very envious of your new bathroom Q, it is so clean and shiny and spacious.

I have just survived the attack of the ants. Went to grab tea from the cupboard and discovered trillions of the little beggars trailing over and through things including the microwave and toaster (which was cooking my toast).
Starting the day with ant slaughter and clean up is tiresome.

Right, now to really start my Friday.

At 18:01 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Thanks, OSS.

At 18:21 Blogger Precision Grace said...

ticky box

At 18:25 Blogger Ms T said...

Oooh...I am experiencing extreme bathroom envy. :)

The bathroom in my flat is tiny and bloody freezing in winter. Plus bugs (e.g. wetas and stick insects) find it easy to infiltrate.

At 18:56 Blogger Jenn said...

So glad you kept the cool tub!

At 19:05 Blogger Fluffy said...

Mmmmm, toasted ants for breakfast.

Yes, I've been hiding. Stuff keeps finding me, though.

Sent Dennis out to shake the trees - he has no Gore-tex jacket, though, so he may get a tiny bit of snow down the neck. Just a smidge.

They cancelled school tomorrow but they're making it up Monday. So, a three-day weekend in either case. I predict there will be more fort-building, etc., on R's part.

At 19:20 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Sometimes we all gotta hide!

Hey Dabbler - all that snow you sent has FINALLY worked. I'm feeling chilly. I shouldn't be feeling cold, its still 22C inside -but hallelujah the humidity has gone!
:end weather report:

At 19:26 Blogger Siri said...

Back to the last post - Now, that Siri place says this:
There's a new way to get things done -Just ask Siri
No more endless clicking on links and pages to get things done on the Internet. Delegate the work to Siri and relax while Siri takes care of it for you.

Need a table for 2 at your favorite restaurant next Thursday?
Just ask Siri.

Need a taxi right now?
Just ask Siri and with a single request the cab's on its way.

Type or speak... it’s up to you. Siri acts on your behalf utilizing the best services on the web. Simply put: it’s the new way to get things done.

Ok, I am amazing, but really, I never signed on for the whole assistant gig - I'm not doing these things for people - how can I sue someone for name infringement?

I have more than enough to do, thank you.


At 19:40 Blogger vampi said...

lol siri. sounds like you are going to be very busy, hahahahaha

At 19:44 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Whew, if Facebook weren't around I would have been slightly concerned Fluffy had perished.

At 19:49 Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Oh Quiche, I love the colors! LOL.
Can't wait to do the rest. Will be very fun:)

At 19:53 Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Hubby Has a dolly we can use:)
I am more muscle than lots of men! @woodsmanhans will help.

At 20:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I need to stop working..My brain is melting. I am doing things in 7 times zones with too many people.

Yes, Merry, we are going to SHAKE UP this Hpooky House!

The piano and organ stay where they are. Bathtub may have to move.

Many people do not have that problem when re-doing a dinning room, do they?

At 20:23 Blogger Lioness said...

Not since the days when people both ate and bathed in the kitchen.

At 20:24 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Can't sleep.

The world scares me. Sometimes I wish I lived in the old times and was a daughter of rich people who'd happily pay to have me living in a nice house with my cats, painting or something, and keeping the world away from me.
/end of scary-weird message

At 21:32 Blogger dabbler said...

Love the bathroom, and the tilty whopsus pics. Looks like the world as I see it!

Best options for cheap rugs I've found are Ollie's or Tuesday morning...don't if either of them have MN stores...

At 22:08 Blogger ariandalen said...

Yay! for the loss of 8 pounds and moving steadily along the road of FIT! :)

The bathroom looks really nice. More importantly, it looks like "you." It wasn't bad before, as can be seen in pictures on this blog shortly after you moved into Spooky House, but it didn't really suit you.

Yerseester, a 16 year old cat is not a young cat, especially for one who has lived hir life outside. Since the cat is your neighbor's cat, and you can't bring hir into your home, I don't think there is much you can do other than consider the possibility of reporting your neighbor for animal cruelty. Since the cat is apparently not grooming hirself, it may be too late for treatment. I'm sorry I can't see a better solution.

At 22:16 Blogger ariandalen said...

Hi, rebecca, Skye, Trisha Wooldridge, Andi Newton, and Zoe! Now that you have revealed yourself as fellow Fiends, I look forward to seeing more comments from each of you. As Fiends, here are your own white, buckled jackets; wear them proudly! Over there you will find a table with all sorts of supplies to personalize your jacket. :)

At 23:55 Blogger Dallas D said...

I have a clipping from who-knows-how-long-ago: "You will spend 7 years of your life in the bathroom. You will need a good book."
But when I was getting my bathroom remodeled, I changed the end to "a good look!"
It's so wonderful to start and end your waking day in a nice space.
Whenever one gets around to "doing" a room, whether big or small.
You'll enjoy it so much - so will the cats. My cats love the bathroom - for the water - and since mine has a very small floor space, I got radiant heat put under the tile floor. 88 degrees - we all love it.
As for art, I saw some lovely glass birds, kind of flat as for hanging, at our Aviary's gift shop, and I mean to get back there for another look/maybe get one. I think a glass piece would be okay with the moisture.

At 03:14 Blogger Kimberly said...

(Whoops - accidentally posted this on the old entry! I might be tired.)

Bathroom is awesome! I want that fountain, and so do my cats! And the tub. And the skeleton ;)

A very brief Ziggy and Zoraline update on his three-week-old birthday!

This: turns into this: and also this:
Two tons of pics on my flickr account, of course.

And if you didn't see Little Mr. McWhappy Paws in motion from my twitter update earlier, you really can't know the true meaning of adorable. There are several videos up, of course, and more to come, I'm sure.

And of course Zoraline is gorgeous, as ever.

At 08:53 Blogger dabbler said...

Hey, Q, not that you have time right now, but I just got an email from Tuesday Morning with a sale on area rugs online... some decent ones (even wool!) for 299.00. Here's a link... that blackand white one looks like it could go in Spooky House...

Or maybe note, with all the cat hair....

I've also gotten rugs on

At 08:54 Blogger dabbler said...

Whappy paws of doom have done me in for the day. Must regenerate....Aaahhhhh

At 09:05 Blogger Fluffy said...

Now if you had to use a crane to rearrange the dining room that would be a bit difficult -- but I think you'd probably figure out a way to get it done.

Mr. Ziggy McWhappypaws is the cutest thing ever. I love how he constantly tries to groom himself - he's going to be one shiny clean boy when he grows up.

Arms hurt. 12" of snow on ground. Lost one small tree and a few limbs, but I was NOT willing to go out in the middle of the night to knock more snow off. It's a good workout, though.

At 09:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Merry Housekeeper pointed out that if I went WITHOUT a rug in the Romance Room (Soon to be dining room) one could see the beautiful floor we put in, which one can't now, as it is covered by a rug and furniture...

Which saves a LOT of $$. I am going for it.

Now I need the just exactly perfect futon frame for the sunroom. Not to expensive, easy to change from bed to couch, something that goes with blonde-ish wood.

Can't look like a college dorm. Must be classy. I like futons tho, and most pull out couches are horrid to sleep on.

Different is good, but keep in mind the Spooky House...Ought to GO with it. (no idea what that means.)

Oh, and I dont' want to spend more than $500. I have the mattress...

First one to find it gets..Well, no idea. A Bengal? Possibly not. If you ever visit tho, you will have to sleep on it, so make it cool.

At 09:46 Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for all the fostering work you are doing for the Zigster and Mama, Kimberly (and thank ALL fosterers and rescuers and anyone who loves the beasties).

Lil' Zig looks like a tiny cat now, instead of a sort of fetal squirrel, and he's so darn cute!!!

At 09:47 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

PS. I have seen the coffins. No.

At 09:49 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ziggy is pretty darn cute. Can't imagine it will be hard to find HIM a home...

At 10:27 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I take it you are all out looking for my futon frame? Look, I have to WORK here, I can't be doing it.....

At 10:35 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Why, nooo. Just goofing about the internet, sipping tea in bed (I love a day out).

At 10:38 Blogger Fluffy said...

I'll get right on it, Q. I've been catching up on the interwebs and found Ziggy and mum on Cute Overload. Both yawning!

At 10:45 Blogger Laura B said...

I am looking...

At 10:55 Blogger vampi said...

i have a whacky thought, what about a loft bed. then you can still have something under, the bengals will like the playing up in the high loft bed, and you can have a comfy couch along with a bed. i remember seeing some awesome loft beds when i was looking last time.

don't know anything about this site, but they have some neato looking day beds.

At 11:07 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Genius. Especially since a desk in there would rock my world.

Loft bed, couch, and desk...

At 11:10 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Will look up the brand of futon I have for my futon chair when I get home. It's very comfy and looks less dorm-like than most. Though the loft idea sounds good.

At 11:11 Blogger Laura B said...

Oh, those loft beds are neat! Does that mean I should stop looking for cool futons?

At 11:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No, we need ALL ideas here...

At 11:14 Blogger Fluffy said...

Here's one that's a little more traditionally styled.
Cherry Futon Frame

At 11:16 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Just had to let you know that I am now getting links to Zoraline and Ziggy pictures from fellow rescuers. The story makes a full circle.

At 11:19 Blogger Kimberly said...

oh Bengalgirl - really? That's awesome! Are they aware of their story, or just loving the pics? :)

(The stuff you sent me is GREAT, thanks SO much! Any chance you have the final draft of your 501c3's bylaws instead of just the draft, btw?)

At 11:21 Blogger Fluffy said...

This one is more graceful-looking:
More Eastern Style

At 11:25 Blogger Fluffy said...

Jess - Family. What can I say?

I have it on good authority you are not allowed to hit them with a shovel. Go figure.

Apparently it, like putting up one's siblings as collateral for a bank loan, is strictly against federal law.

At 11:28 Blogger Laura B said...

OK. Well, I think this one is pretty classy looking, and you don't have to pull it out from the wall to get it to recline. And it's available in black if the cherry wouldn't go with the other wood in the room.

This one has hidden cup holders in the arms.

I like the iron accents on this one.

I like the lines of this one, and it has the option of drawers.

This one is kind of basic, but it can be stained, or, left natural according to your needs.

I'm kind of bored, so, I'll keep looking...

At 12:33 Blogger Laura B said...

This place seems to have reasonable prices on custom-built loft beds, if you decide to go that way.

Now I must go eat something. If more searching needs to be done later I can jump in again.

At 12:35 Blogger Hellie said...

Ooh I found one called Twilight

At 12:40 Blogger Hellie said...

this one is quite nice too and looks like it comes in a lighter finish too.

Much more fancy than my little worn out futon, though I just got some fabric to give it a makeover.

At 12:41 Blogger Hellie said...

Hey, I was in the middle cooking my dinner and I got sidetracked by beds...!

At 12:49 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Abandoning loft idea, nice, but not going to work...

At 13:02 Blogger Hellie said...

I had a loft style bed when I was growing up, because my room was tiny. It was cool at first but did get annoying after a while (lots of banged heads). Cat did love it though.

At 13:09 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Free at last! Well not really, but we have selected the person for the cataloger position I supervise. I still need to be involved in the continued searches for the French pamphlet project. But I should be able to get my person in place sometime next week. Yay!

At 13:34 Blogger Jill said...

I think many of these are full futons [i.e. mattress included] and I don't know if any of these would fit the decor.

At 13:43 Blogger vampi said...

I think ikea lets you buy just a frame. it goes to their whole mix and match not put together theme.

my aunt died. she was 105, and until her recent stroke, was fiercely independent and lived alone.

At 13:48 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Wow. We should all age so well. Did you know her well, Vampi?

At 13:53 Blogger Hellie said...

{Hugs} Vampi, it sounds like she was amazing, bed she had a full life and lots of stories, but it's always hard no matter how long our loved ones have been with us. My nanna slipped away peacefully at the beginning of this week, she was 101.

At 13:56 Blogger vampi said...

not as well as i would have liked. i'm upset with myself for not keeping up better communication. She had a very neat row house not too far from some of the el trains. coming from ohio as a small girl, i found that really amazing. she lived in the same house for over 30 years. I have no idea what's going to happen to her stuff or to her home. She sent us a hand written card for holidays and birthdays. I last saw her at my grandmother's funeral.

At 14:00 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Sounds like some good memories, even so. Hugs to you and Hellie.

At 14:00 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Sounds like some good memories, even so. Hugs to you and Hellie.

At 14:27 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

The Futon Shop has a futon frame carousel.

Happy Shabbati Gras! (I'm a dork! :D)

At 15:29 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The man who types up my stories has a futon like this in his basement. He likes it quite a bit.

At 15:46 Blogger Laura B said...

Hugs to vampi and Hellie.

At 17:31 Blogger Jane said...

Donielle, she sounds like she was an incredible woman.

Hellie, slipping away peacefully, that's a beautiful way to go.

So sorry for both your losses.

At 18:41 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hugs to Vampi and Hellie.

This bed shopping is fun. Just as well I'm on another continent or I'd be very tempted by some of them.

At 21:47 Anonymous Lysandwr said...


Evidently the creator, producer and head writer of Desperate Housewives is a Torchwood fan.

John Barrowman just announced on Wossy's show that he will be on Desperate Housewives this season (he is filming it in March, don't know when it will be broadcast.)

When asked if that is that for Captain Jack, he answered "I JUST don't know." sigh.... he also said he suspects that with DT's Dr. Who done and gone, Captain Jack is probably done and gone as well.

double sigh.

The good and the bad all at once!

If you are thinking about turning on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross (BBCAmerica), you evidently still have time to do so and see him kiss a Bollywood superstar. /spoilers

ps I vote for loft bed w/desk

At 01:20 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Home! Gig, a mightly fine one, thank you Olympics! Did commentary all night and all concerned had a great time...

Think I have found a futon/couch/bed thing. Having problems with what I want to spend vs what there is. Loft will not work, would need something custom and it would cost too much, sadly...

Way, way tired. Tomorrows show is going to be a really good one. This I know.

At 01:34 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Birthday hugs!

At 07:46 Blogger Phiala said...

Hooray for Lorraine's birthday! I'm drinking tea in celebration.

At 08:37 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Actually not yet, not yet. I shouldn't comment when not awake. Lorraine's birthday is on the 15th.

At 08:59 Blogger Phiala said...

And we trusted you.... *sigh*

Actually, that's even better, since the 15th is a bank holiday.

At 09:17 Blogger vampi said...

happy firbay eve eve. glad to hear gold medal rock happened.

thank you everyone for the thoughts, it helped. *hugs hellie*

At 09:53 Blogger bengalgirl said...

I've had some emails asking how Bubba is doing? Does Woodsman Hans have a progress report?

Happy Bday, the 15th, and hope tonight's rock is even rockier.

At 09:56 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Lorraine's commentary on the Olympics ceremonies would totally have made me want to watch. As it is, the only other motivation I might have had was using the torch lighting as the signal to cast on for the Knitting Olympics. But I wisely backed away from that temptation (thanks, Ani!). Free time is rather less than copious.

Instead I went to bed before 8:00 again. Life here is just swingin'

At 10:25 Blogger spacedlaw said...

They made Lorraine's birthday into a bank holiday? Coooool...

Hugs all around for those who need them (and gratuitous ones for the rest of the fiends).

At 11:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hans has been twittering Bubba (now Buddy) stories, Janet. He's settling in nicely with Molly, Hans' cat, a few dominance wars, but not much.

He keeps trying to pee by the front door, but Hans is dealing, and makes him go to his room when he tries, he does it in front of him, so we suspect Buddy is trying to be top cat, Molly and Hans are telling him otherwise.

I think Hans is liking this close contact with a Bengal, I love his stories.

Watching the Opening Ceremonies this morning with SOUND. I was right, my commentary was FAR better.

I'm not much into the summer Olympics, but the Winter ones rock my world.

At 12:00 Blogger AletaMay said...

I confess. I enjoyed the opening ceremonies pretty much completely. I really liked that a simple physical space could be transformed so completely by light. Some bits were more compelling than others to be sure. I think I liked the whales best of all.

At 13:21 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

In between John Barrowman smooches, I did see a smidge of the Olympic opening ceremonies. Actually, every time I turned on the tv (hours apart) they seemed to still be on :)

Did love the whales, as well....wonder if all those people taking flash photographs realized that what they were watching was created purely by light? Boy are THEY going to be disappointed.

But, IF one is only going to happen to see 20 minutes of the Olympic opening ceremonies ....step/tap dancing punk fiddlers w/kilts, Docs, leather jackets, corsets and the odd pair o' fishnet stockings rather did it for me :) Go Canada!!

And much pre-birthday rock good wishes for yourself, Q!

At 14:51 Blogger Hellie said...

Thank you everyone for all the hugs.

Hooray for Almost-Birthday Rock! Hope you have some wonderful plans for celebrating on Monday Lorraine :o)

Going to have to check out the opening ceremony on i-player later - punk fiddlers sound fab!!! Watching the speed skating at the moment, weeeeee. Can't wait for the bobsleighing & ice hockey to begin! Oh I'd love to have a go at bobsleighing.

At 17:24 Blogger Dragonsally said...

the fiddlers were my favorite bit. You should have heard our commentary...BOOORRRRIIIING.

I'm with you Q, I loves the winter olympics. Unfortunately I cna only see highlights on free tv here. Pouty Mcpout Pants.

Happy sell lots of flowers and choccies day to all.

At 18:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dressed. More or less. Off to rock my Birthday Gig! Watch Twitter for updates...

At 19:14 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.

At 20:28 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Have a good time! I am arockin' with y'all in spirit.

At 23:25 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Happy early birthday!

Also, I'm popping on to let you know there are sparse Shabbati Gras pics on my LJ.

Also, I might be sick. It's hard to say. But, I had a TMI health moment earlier and I've cancelled my night of painting the town red. Instead I'm going to stay in and play it safe.

At 23:27 Blogger ariandalen said...

Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony rocked! The tap/step dancing fiddlers were great, but the boy on the wire to Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now" was awesome! It really was an amazing light show.

Glad Friday night show rocked, and it seems that tonight's show is rocking, too!

Congratulations, Dr. Paul and Nicole!

At 23:57 Blogger vampi said...

happy dance for paul and nicole. that made my night to read.

At 00:34 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Congrats on Paul and Nicole's newly affianced state!!

Well done, Paul :) And way to ensure you won't forget the date!

At 03:01 Blogger Marjorie said...

Just woke up, read Twitter & saw the news about Paul & Nicole! Congratulations to them - and hope the whole gig was equally awesome!

At 07:09 Blogger EmilyLady said...

So what's up with Dr. Paul? I don't use Twitter anymore ...

At 07:09 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Also, happy Valentine's Day.

At 07:18 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Paul proposed to Nicole during the show last night (and she said yes).

At 09:36 Blogger Fluffy said...

Awwwww! That is so cool. I wish them the best.

I muchly liked the opening ceremonies, too. Normally I don't watch them, but we got invited to some friends' house down the block to watch it on the big screen and we went. Our families have been friends since Revelle was about five and I had never seen anything on this screen. It is 120" and theater-quality video. The dad is a computer systems person who loves him some electronics.

Usually, to me, the big screen TVs don't have very clear pictures. Not this one. It was very beautiful to watch all those light effects in such detail.

I loved the whales and the cool dancers best, too. And Revelle got to watch videos with two of her friends (at the other end of the house,) then got to sleep over, so everyone was happy.

At 12:28 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New blog is UP!!!!!!

Changing things around!

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