And After. LONG After...
I decided to switch my Romance Room and my Dinning Room. Needed some change, and a place to hang my new painting. I thought I would create some space, see some new things. have some summer, and a really nice spot to hang this new painting.
To a large extent it worked. Very well. And to a huge extent it did not.
Yes, that is a Rhino Beetle with Venus. Cricket on the hearth and all, no home complete without one.
Biggest problem was colour. Purple BELONGS in the purple room. MerryHousekeeper, Woodsman Hans and the Intrepid Gayle were the BEST. Very patient, tho Merry and Hans liked it better when I didn't help. Spooky Teen was there too, and had some great ideas until she suggested a place where the Organ could MOVE.
The one thing I knew about this project was the Organ and the Piano were NOT moving. Bath Tub, yes, Organ and Piano No. I mentioned this LOTS during the project.
Some things were a good idea. Bookcases go great in the dinning room. I can get to them now, which is a bonus. There's two of them, on either side of the French Doors to the Sun Room.
Magic's new Scream Door might be good. Jury is still out. Venus says no, Mim thinks its weird, Magic hasn't shut up yet. He has opinions and is voicing them. Loudly.
The Bath Tub with the Skellie works just fine in the new spot. As does Halloween Town. We did move the carpet and fish tank into the Dinning room, which was way easier than one might think. Carpets SLIDE. A Grand Adventure for the fish. Especially since they got to slide BACK again a few hours later.
It just didn't feel right exactly. Things happen like that. It's a matter of figuring out how to make them work.
I sat in the new rooms for a while, silently brooding, (always wanted to say that) after Merry, Hans and Spooky left. My friend Gayle was Very Patient. Not right kept coming up, and sadly, the answers obvious. The idea came to me that what was needed was to go riding, then come back and switch things around. (Again) Very Patient Gayle was up for that.
Walk away. Do something else. Ideas will come.
So we did. And now it works. That carpet ONLY goes in the Romance Room. The Table belongs in the Dinning Room. Now I know. It succeeded in that both spaces are now more open, and light. Ready for Summer. Very peaceful, both rooms. Exciting and new.
Space is important. If you don't come into your nest and feel RIGHT, it doesn't matter what it looks like, it's not going to work. Like clothes, doesn't matter how good you look, if it's not YOU then it's not going to work. Or diets. If you can't live with one forever it is not going to work.
I feel good, I look up from the computer in the Sun Room and see NEW. I feel like I've learned something. (Get back to you on WHAT exactly) Had a great time with four great friends. I love my things again, and the nagging feeling I had before we started this Switch Project is now gone.
The only real problem is that my Bengal Painting is not here yet. Was meant to be done (And remember it IS what started this project) but it won't be here until next week, framing is important you know.
And hanging.
May need to switch some more.
Love and Spaace,
I love the bathtub & skellie in the romance room. Does the door into Magic's room still close, so he can sometimes have screen and sometimes not?
Oh my, Venus IS a cantankerous old so and so, isn't she? lol
I agree, it's important that the house FEELs right to whoever is living there. Can't wait to see the framed Bengal Tree painting.
I love the bathtub in the romance room too!
Off to pick up hubby at the airport. He's been gone 2 1/2 weeks (not something i really wanted to announce on the interwebs until he was home) and i am sooooooo ready for him to be back! I'm not liking this single mom thing. I don't know how those wonder women do it!!
Lorraine, have a lovely lovely oscars party. You can call me for any food tips you need if you'd like ;-)
Oooh, I should point out that my Venus comment was meant completely affectionately - she reminds me of my Louie who is forever finding cause for complaint and, apart from industrial level purring - all noises emitting from him can comfortably be classed as a protest of some sort. It just makes me laugh.
Busy Saturday tick
Yes, Magics door-door does close still. I only open it to the screen when I am there.
Venus tends to think a lot of things suck. Mostly everything but me, and often I don't make the cut. She was so irritated by the screen being open this morning she stalked it, growled and would not eat breakfast.
I keep hoping she will mellow. heh. Obviously, I love her best.
Sounds like a great deal of work.
My desired spring cleaning plan involves a giant yard sale at which I get rid of all Nick's crap. Seems unlikely, I'm afraid.
Did the grocery shopping (defiantly left the house without a coat, which wouldn't have worked if I'd had to go farther than parking lot to store), started a few things. Need to find the motivation to follow through...
Getting a much later start to the day than I planned. But now I'm up, all the windows are open (woohoo!), and coffee is brewing.
Whenever I move, I spend many weeks moving things around till they feel right. Fortunately, for that aspect of things, I don't really have much furniture. Right now, the living/dining room furniture feels right, location-wise. But nothing seems to belong together. I most emphatically need more bookcases. Many of my ideas are at an impasse till I get at least two more.
Oh and, wow Lorraine, that gown is gorgeous. I've seen bits of it before, on the sidelines of other pictures, but that's the fullest view I've seen. Just lovely.
Now to get to work on my own domicile.
Yes, that dress was the "fat" witch from the movie Stardust.
Can't be a size 12. I think a ten. Hollywood is strange.
Nice dress tho, when I got it, it hadn't been cleaned from the shoot, and obviously smelled like ferrets, and other animials not to me, but the dog sure got it. He was all OVER the thing.
Still had bis of grass from Skye in it. Still does.
Seems that things found the spots that fit them!
Strange indeed. I'd consider size 12 to be a major achievement in my pursuit of FIT. *Shrug*
Been thinking a lot about paint, but I don't know if I'll live here long enough to make it worth my time and money. Assuming the landlords allowed it in the first place.
ohi second the dress looks very cool that it's from the movie
boy bought some new sonic toothbrushes, no theme song or doctor appears when used, so i feel cheated.
i'm happy your home feel right again, even if it was a lot of moving.
Love that dress.
Hubby is home. i am happy. I do not like having him gone so long :(
He and ben are playing starcraft. Father-son computer-game bonding :P
After many trips to the alley, all the recycling is out of the house. It had accumulated (ahem) somewhat.
Now hanging things on the walls. Yes, I've been here a year without doing that for most things. Nothing was telling me where it wanted to hang. This being a converted attic, there is not one straight ceiling line in the whole place. I just have to trust the little picture level I have to make things even, no matter what the ceiling is telling me.
Phoebe is enjoying the large sheet of paper that had been wrapped around the wall quilt.
Recycling is on my list for the weekend too, but I have to pack it into the car and drive it somewhere.
Hasn't happened lately.
Alley pick-up is a new, and most welcome, thing here.
We get curbside pickup for glass & plastic, but paper has to be packaged up in such a weird and inconvenient way that it's easier to just take it to the recycling center myself. Plus, putting it out in the rain/snow is a problem.
I'm also going through a major reorganization. Finally painted the living room and suddenly a bunch of stuff fell into place. So now I'm moving things to get them into those spaces. Luckily, my cat men find this exciting and love the uncovering of things long hidden behind chairs. Even I forgot I had some of this stuff. Very pleasant pursuit.
It makes me feel really happy and shiny to see Tassie Devil in the photos...
Magic looks happy peering through the door. Oh Yah, I'm a part of things is what he's saying in my head.
And yeah, I don't want to admit how many times I have rearranged then put it all back.
Is that a watch on Mr Skellie's arm?
Heh, the only bummer I find in the post-rearrange put-back is when it involves the books and their shelves. So sometimes the rearrangement stays half-done for a day. Or two.
And I always seem to produce flotsam in the form of neat piles of stuff that needs re-homing, and sometimes those piles last for a month. Or two.
But what a lovely feeling when it all "clicks"!
Love the Stardust Dress as Art!!!
I think I've said this before (last time we talked about the size-12 dress?) - I was last a size 12 when I was still dancing and into mountain biking. My guy looking a pics of me from that era very seriously and with concern asked if I'd been anorexic. And back in that day I'd felt like a Huge Person tromping on stage with Dainty Wee Folks. So it's not just Hollywood that can be weirdsville with respect to body self-perception.
We spent the morning at the Edmonton Science Olympics. Our monster made the team for his school - I am a mama bursting with pride and joy! Hearing an auditorium full of kids and their families cheer "Science rules!" literally brought tears to my eyes.
The explosions were all very cool.
And one of the junior-high competitions was to have designed a hand-operated pump. One of the ones that looked most promising mis-fired during it's trial and sent water flying, soaking the judges and participants. Party!
So then we came home and I crashed for three hours. Dragged myself out of bed in time for supper. Vampi, do you reckon that's more how weekends should work?
that sounds like a delightful weekend. i woke up too early, wrestled laundry, the stupid dryers on this floor take 2 cycles to dry.
Ok, I am officialy tired. Lovely day tho. Nice riding.
Surreal dinner out with friends in a place I have never been to and still am not sure where it is.
I could be sleeping very soon. Might be now. Not sure.
I would give someone a million dollars to make me tea and make Magic be quiet.
I'll be right over.
Tea for Magic, make Quiche be quiet. Got it.
In other news, I have finished my taxes. Hooray!
Close enough Mistress!
I figure as long as everyone is happy it must the right thing. So tea, quiet, it's all good.
I have Explained [via CatEther] to Magic that Stuff Changes are nothing to worry about and that none of it means that he will be worse off in Any way.
He is not Sure about this. He asks me if this means he will have to endure That Venus now.
I Mentally Showed him how to close his door if he doesn't want to look through the scream door. He said "I'm a cat. When did you ever hear of a cat Closing a door?!" (punctuation was his)
Fair enough, was what I said, feeling somewhat foolish.
Meanwhile, Venus was sitting somewhere Up High, making a OhMahGawdIsSheGonnaIntrudeInMahSpaceToo face.
As it is 4.34 am Exactly in the World Where I Live, I'll be off to bed. Mr Tonks, what sits on the cushion upon the computer desk in front of the radiator observed: "We cats don't care for change that much."
Aye. Shame that I do.
Ooo, Na, congratulations to your Mad Scientist Monster! The team that soaked the judges should get a special medal.
PG...I love you.
Also Tysie wants to know when you are going to come and visit her.
I love the skellie being in the bay window there.
Not surprised that Venus is sure that the new door sucks..she reminds me a lot of the cat I had growing up.
Hope Magic shuts up soon, for your sake.
That was pretty cool Grace.
Oscar Day! The Parties await! What will I wear????
Well, horse stuff, I think, as I am riding directly before my party, and coming right from there, could bring a change, but I think "Black Tie" will be interpreted in the loosest sense.
Black tie to me always conjures up the image of a lace-up corsety thing. Something tied-on ;-)
Have a lovely ride and party!!
Stardust is on TV here tonight - just watched your dress get eaten by wolves....
Have a happy Oscars party.
Hooray for Oscar party! :) Have a great time.
All of your furniture rearranging is making me want to change mine. :)
I love the idea of a scream door for Magic. I just hope the meowing stops soon, for your sake.
Enjoy the Oscars tonight.
I hope your ride was fun.
Just realised it's just as well I wasn't planning to stay up til midnight to watch the oscars, as they are not actually being shown on any channel I have access to!
Have fun, all of you who do watch.
I'm watching here right now. Liked it when it was just cameras around. Now it's annoying hosts but keeping an eye out for boss anyway.
Oscar Party is Starting!
Danguy, Elyse and I ar all having parties that are meeting on Twitter tonight, so things could get REALLY fun.
(We're having MEAT, Chicken, Basmati/Wild rice, Lettuce Salad, Hors de Vors tho I don't know WHAT, and Desert, which is Blueberry Jelly Roll, frozen yogurt and MAYBE some melted Chocolate STUFF.)
Sounds like a great deal of fun.
I appear to be working, but that means I'll be around Twitter a lot.
i think magoc wanted to really live up to the scream door name wiht his mewing.
that sounds like quite a spread for the party.
Hmmm. And where have all of YOU been all night????
Just because I am off Oscaring doesn't mean you can abandon me! I must be getting dull again. Must liven things up for you...
i'm here! i did not watch any oscar stuffs at all. How was your party? i was curious abut the blueberry roll thing.
i did pull out the suit cases and start segregating stuff i think i might want on cruise. basically i put everything i think i may want, see how it fits in the suitcase and then cull. i am horrible at packing and always pack too much, and this is a 2 week vacation, eek!
Haaa... So THAT's were you were all hiding. And me wondering why you lot had gone so quiet...
Its your fault Quiche, I've just swapped things around between the lounge-room and Tysie's room, So that I'm back using the single bed as my daybed/couch the daybed as a couch and the old couch in Tysie's room as her bed (are you with me Fiends?)
Possibly I am the only one in the house pleased at the moment, because I'm now sitting comfortably and without a numb bum *grin*
I was watching Where the Wild things Are with Ben and hubby. Then got ben to bed and got hubby caught up on the 2 episodes of Lost that he missed while he was away.
Now bed.
Glad the party went well.
Will watch the awards on fast forward tomorrow ;-)
If you missed it, here's boss's hair eating penelope cruz's earring. They put up penelope's name right as i clicked the screen grab so you couldn't see his face anymore!
I have another sinus infection. Dammit. Going to bed and waking up well!!
Ugh, not good Chantrelle. Have a healing sleep.
I was sleeping. But I'm glad you had fun at your party and that the food was all appreciated.
My Oscar party house guests stayed until the bitter end as well. Thank Fod for good food and good friends. Like you, I was being bored out of my gourd by the Oscars themselves. :)
Good night/morning all! I must to bed before my pumpkin...well, does whatever it is pumpkins DO after midnight. :)
They grow fangs and go on a rampage.
Good night. Good morning. Good moaning too (it being Monday and all).
I understand something was going on last night??
We had a couple of friends over, ate pizza, and mentioned the Oscars once, briefly, for about a minute and a half.
I hope those of you who were watching did not smash your tv sets in boredom or rage at the announcers.
And I agree with Nat: Good moaning.
Morning all!
Very sleepy day, for all I got up so early. It would be the perfect day for staying in bed and curling up with books and kitties.
Alas. Work calls.
Up and at 'em.
Off to take ben to school.
For those of you who didn't watch the Oscars:
Coraline didn't win.
Thought you might like to know.
lol. well i can say that coraline is going with me on my cruise, and that other movie about some balloons is staying home. harumph.
I asked ben, if he were going to give an award to either Up or Coraline, which would he pick. He said, "What do you think mom?! Coraline!"
That's my boy.
We watched Where the Wild Things Are last night. Weird movie. Interesting. Loved the wild things. Not sure how Spike Jonze got that out of a 10 page book. Definitely an interesting hour and a half though. Sparked some conversations w/ ben about behavior and running away ,etc. Thought provoking at least.
And here's the picture I was trying to grab last night when my capture took too long to click. Boss walks quickly by...looks happy enough! It's at about the 2:10 mark of this video.
Don't miss out on Kim Vermillion's preview of her future album!
(And, yes, it's a pet project of mine. So what?)
Hm. I saw that part of the red carpet thingy and totally missed Mr. G. I'm not so eagle-eyed as I would like to think.
Anyone want some rain? We have plenty to spare. On the plus side, it comes with 60F temperatures (but also 20mph winds.)
I decided, after my fifth or sixth soaking, to cut short the errand-running today and came back to cook some chicken and dumplings. Got the broth done, but I'll let it simmer another half-hour.
You are all invited over!
oh fluffy, that is one of my favorite dinners. i will be right over :)
Good! I'll make sure R's guitar teacher leaves some for you!
I've just put back half of what I rearranged yesterday. the rest has to wait until P is up to help. If you hear a loud, anguished yell in a few years it will be him. Hehe. Gotta keep everyone on their toes, no?
I must confess to many disappointments: just as the Show was to start, stoopid Canadian broadcasters took over and delayed it all a half hour, starting over with red carpet stuff!!! Boooo.
Just don't get that the balloon movie was voted It.
And grossed out that they cut off so many people's acceptance speeches, then gave presenters all sorts of stage time to do their schtick, some of it not so entertaining. Boooo.
But I love love loved the Big Dance Number.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I really liked the opening number with Neil Patrick Harris, but the others not so much. And I agree about the shtick getting old fast. What was worst to me were the sainthood nominations by the various actors for each of the top nominees. I kept wondering which ones had some really nasty subtext.
On the other hand, Tina Fey and Robert Downey, Jr. were VERY funny in their dissenting opinions on what made a good script.
Totally off subject (I apologize)...
Quiche, how are you feeling? Is the Bronchitis better?
Where is everyone? I got on the computer this morning and for the first time I can recall no-one has been here overnight (my time).
Is everyone okay?
Blogger wouldn't let me post earlier today, Sal - I think that's what happened.
I tried to say
and couldn't.
Now I can, so all must be well...
Either that, or everyone has been swallowed by the fog monster that is eating the midwest.....
I've been checking in periodically but didn't want to end up talking to myself online.
This has been a great day. Weather has been perfect. I really appreciate those when I gets them.
Perfect weather eh?
Ours has been perfectly awful (read cold, wind and rain)
Sally, if it's any consolation your crap weather is expected over here from tomorrow. Although I could quite happily go without the nasty hailstorms you had!
(And I will be evil and mention that it's a perfectly gorgeous day today.)
So, if our weather is going over the ditch to you Ms T, will we get some heat back?
And yeah, you really don't want that hail.
Oh Fiends, if you haven't seen it already, this is what we found at the housing estate across the road. Really shows how bad the storm on Saturday was, and how lucky I feel.
Wow, Sally! That was bad. I'm glad I enjoyed today, since the forecast for tomorrow is more rain. We just got 2.5 inches yesterday. Oh, well.
Sally would that be *your* heat (i.e. stonkingly hot), or *our* heat (i.e. quite mild really). :)
Hmm, after seeing that photo of yours, I'm getting a little worried. That looks like a fierce storm even by Wellington's standards.
*sigh* found out my grandfather had a stroke. not sure his condition, but cruise is off now.
work is crazy busy and with new overlords, trying to figure out what they want and how it can be done.
my car has even more damage than originally thought and might not be done by friday now. there will be rental car shenanigans, i'm sure.
and i spilled my bpal all over me this morning, so i smell like a french whorehouse.
I'm sorry, Vampi. *hugs*
i should say it is good smell, i love the london flavor, it smells of roses, but too much is too much. also my hallway smells of it as that is where i spilled it.
oh and my doctor called me obese in my physical. apparently my bmi says i'm well obese. i've been the same weight for over 10 years, i'm fat, but i'm not unhealthy. using some arbitrary number such as bmi to slot people into "ideal weight" is such a crock of shit.
hi and tick.
Sorry today has been so shitty, Vampi. Hope your grandpa is on the mend soon.
BMI is not a perfect guide for health; however, it's a lot better than the old insurance tables. My family's doctor told me I was morbidly obese when I was in high school, well before the invention of BMI, and I weighed 75-80 pounds less than I do now. Currently, my BMI is just under the number considered the minimum for morbidly obese. Unfortunately, the test that is currently the most accurate for measuring body fat is not exactly cheap, nor widely available. BMI does not distinguish between muscle and fat, and muscle weighs more than fat.
What matters more than BMI is how well you get along with your doctor, and how much you trust xir.
Finally got a chance to read comments - Vampi, sorry about grandfather - cruise is off as it was family vacation? And wtf with your dr?
Fun to read about rearrangements of houses. Different is fun, esp if it is also right :-)
Did Magic ever stop talking?
Going to bed now...
Oh Vampi - that is not good. Hope your grandfather recovers quickly.
BMI - fffttt. Hate those things.
Talking of weight...I just got us digital scales for cooking. And I discovered that if you blow on them, breathe weighs something. Neat.
Glad to see you've all come back!
I am too tired to think of anything to SAY to you all now that you are here tho.
New hair tomorrow.
*tackle hug*
Hiya Quiche!
new hair sounds nice, have you decided on what you will do, or do you leave it up to a surprise when you go and chat with the stylist?
thanks for all the well wishes. i'm really not sure what's going on with him, i spoke to my grandma briefly, but she was a bit befuddled and unclear. totally understandable in the circumstances.
(((Vampi))) sorry to hear about your grandpa - hope you have clearer & better news soon, and that all the other issues with the car etc. get sorted soon.
Quiche! New hair - sounds exciting. Will there be shiny new colours??
Sorry about your grand father, Vampi. Hugs.
New colours? I missed that.
oh {{{vampi}}} good wishes regarding your grandfather's situation, and more good thoughts for you and for passing of the craziness that seems to be thoroughly invading your life, mayitbeonitswaysoon, preferably away from all human habitation.
Purple, I am thinking. I've missed that. Thought about green, but green hair is just, well, horrible. Hair was not meant to be green.
Rain here and lots. Dim's pasture is a sea. A very muddy sea. And he's wet because horses don't much have the sense of a newt hen it comes to coming in out of the brain.
I groomed Nuuk last night, Half Frisian half thoroughbred. I so want a half Frisian half arab. Frisian's are SO beautiful. Big too.
Vampi ((hugs)) and what Na said...
Quiche- What if you just added one of your cool temporary hair extensions in green for St. Patricks Day?
How long does it take to groom a big horse?
Oh, and
Good Morning!!
I'm ensconced in the coffee shop with notebook and laptop, trying to impose order onto chaos. I've gotten completely overwhelmed and behind and disorganized over the winter, and am trying to dig out and get things sorted.
I have several big projects with deadlines, and need a plan of attack. A fabulous assistant of my own would be useful as well, but that seems unlikely.
It looks like 3 weeks of April will be taken up with travel and meetings, making the organization that much more important.
I and my lists and mindmaps are getting a handle on it all. I think.
Q, definitely purple. But I do like the idea of green add-ins for St Pat's. I may need to get some of those myself.
Making progress: I am caught up on email (!!!) and wildly over-caffeinated.
I decided that I would spend a bit of my tax refund on a new graphics tablet to replace my very old one (the latter will now just live at work and the new one will stay at home). It's out for delivery! Hooray for new toys. (I'm such a geek!)
Adding my hugs for Vampi, hope you get some good news about your grandfather soon.
Sounds like you want to start collecting horses too Lorraine? Are Frisians as big as Shire Horses? Love those, they're very shaggy so I bet take a looonng time to groom.
I'm off to learn how to knit a tea cosy now, how have I lived this long without one?!
{{{Vampi}}} Just caught up here. So sorry to hear about your grandfather, and all the other things adding to your stress. I hope you hear better news soon.
Vampi - *hugs* :(
You're back! It was quiet here for a couple of days - TOO quiet.
Vampi, I hope things improve for your granddad and for you, and soonest would be best (if anyONE happens to be listening right now.)
I think my goal for today is to get myself wildly over-caffeinated.
And for those of you who don't follow AFP, here's a link via Jill Thompson: AFP Ninja-Gigging Brisbane
Vampi, huge hugs. Crappy luck all's my wishes for a quick sea change in that energy.
I am crazy busy. Everything that got canceled for all the snow appears to have been rescheduled IN THE NEXT WEEK. Well, really.
Spent yesterday at the hospital while mo-in-law had surgery (a hysterectomy, which she kept wanting to call a vasectomy!) Elective, welcome, and she's fine, but still, a day of hospital that somehow ended up being 9 hours long. I am longing for a day with nothing to do, and equally for a day to throw things out of my house.
Loe you all fiends, and miss keeping up.
And Lorraine, a half Frisien (Ack, ignore spelling) reminds me that I want the big blue Muppet guy to brush and cuddle. The really big one, was it Sweetums? Of course, he'd get covered in cat hair in no time in this house. At least your horses don't do that.
Gotta go to a meeting....
Hah. 100 and ticky
New post is up!!!!
Such a lovely house, Lorraine, and such lovely things. *I* felt relaxed and comfortable just looking at the photos - I imagine being there in person is extremely soothing. Would like to lounge on the chaise? fainting couch? Whatever it is, it looks like a wonderful spot to plant oneself.
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