Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Good and Bad of the Day...

Kind of a mixed night here, Fiends. One one hand, I have a new Keyboard, the Bengals took out mine, here at home. Thought I would have to go to a Mac store, or order one, but Hans said (in a voice like someone talking to a well meaning child) "Go to walmart"

Who knew? $13! It's not, mind you, a SNAZZY keyboard, but I am typing again, here at the Spooky House. And if I am ever stupid enough to leave tea on the coffee table that turns into a desk again, well, I can get another. (should buy them in bulk..) Right tea on the floor (carpet can be cleaned) CAPPED water on the desk.

The not so fun thing is that I brought home a Veggie Sandwich for dinner.

Good for me, but for The Bengals, who consider it part of the deal that we share MY dinner after they have had theirs? You might think animal control ought to be called and myself reported for abuse. They are MAD! Disgusted really. Won't talk to me.

We'll switch again: Good Thing today: 78 freaking degrees! In March??? Tomorrow is meant to be warmer yet. And my Boss comes home tomorrow. Having left mid-winter, he is going to be surprised!

Not so fun again: Can anyone tell me WHY the rubbish people come at 5:00am? And why every bit of glass must be broken, practicing for the recycling Olympics? These guys have a Bee-beep thing going on too, whenever they stop. What is it about rubbish that it must go out EARLY??? There are noise ordinances, you can't mow your lawn before 9:00am. If I had a loud party at 5:00am, I'd get a heck of a ticket (hey, it HAS happened, the party, not the ticket)

I just need to know the why of so early.

Hmm..Need another good thing now. Not much left of today. Work is going to be pretty intense the next few weeks, with the Boss just back. I do READ everything, and will try and fly by and say something like "I'm insane, I'm insane, but I love you" more often than I have been. I love the chatter tho, and sometimes, checking on Blackberry, it makes me laugh just exactly when I need it most, even if I can't comment right then, and fall asleep as soon as I get home....

Love and Love,

PS The Bengals are talking to me again, as if they understand the Veggie Thing was a bad joke and I no doubt will be pulling out a steak at any moment...


At 20:43 Blogger DataGoddess said...

It's never made sense to me that trash is picked up so early. Maybe it has something to do with not wanting the garbage trucks out when the school buses are?

And those poor, starving bengals. You're so mean to them!! ;-)

At 20:52 Blogger Fluffy said...

Warm here, too. Over 80 today and hotter tomorrow. Our trash is usually picked up late in the afternoon - halleluia.

Had a seder tonight with the congregation. Now sleepy from brisket. The bengals would have liked it. I think it's time for an early bed.

At 20:53 Blogger Jane said...

Early doesn't work for me for anything, much less trash pickup that wakes me up!

On the other hand, your new blog was so funny I read it aloud to Steve, who laughed in all the right places.

We're almost ready for new kittens and have been looking. And touching and petting and drooling over them.

At 20:55 Blogger Phiala said...

Crazy busy? Must be spring!

Sort of, anyway: threatening snow for tonight but it's supposed to be 70 tomorrow.

At 21:11 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, spring...Where I look at my garden and sort of sigh....

Glad I made you laugh, today is the sort of day when one needs too, not that anything is wrong, just was a lot of weird work that came in all at once just when I thought I had caught up..

At 21:24 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh, those poor neglected Bengals, the shame of it.

I'm excited because we have sunshine too. I love autumn, crisp mornings and warm in the middle of the day.

And Jane, the exciting stage. are you getting a Bengal or not?

At 21:33 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I don't understand the trash thing either, drives me bazonkers.

We had a lovely weekend of near-70 degree weather. Today rainy, windy and chilly. Durn spring is crazy!

Finally finished cleaning from hubby's 40th bday party. 6 loads of dishes! Praise be to the inventor of the dishwasher!!! And praise be to my housekeeper who came today and did the real deep-down cleanin', vaccuumin' and moppin'.

Hubby ordered and air hockey table for his have-to-have-a-silly-present-for-getting-old gift. Should be here Friday. I'm stoked! I love air hockey!

At 21:56 Blogger Jane said...

Air hockey table? I am so jealous!

We're looking for Abyssinian kittens. Our last 3 cats have all been Abys and they have the most wonderful in your face all the time personality.

At 22:07 Blogger Cecily said...

So I could be incorrect but I believe the trash thing is a health thing for the workers. During the summer if they were to be working later in the day when it gets HOT they would be at risk of heat stroke. Being a trash collector is very hard physical labor. So instead of switching the hours for winter and summer they have early hours. But I could be wrong.

At 22:08 Blogger Cecily said...

Also, you are a cruel and unreasonable woman for not having meat to share. ;-)

At 22:12 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Do you still have trash can collection in some parts rather than wheelie bins? Nowadays all our collectors just drive big trucks that pick up the bins...I can totally get the OH&S thing if they are running around throwing the contents of bins into trucks.

Around here the collections happen anytime between about 6am and mid afternoon.

Hey - the things we learn here!

Jane - I love Abysies, such beautiful cats.

At 22:17 Blogger ariandalen said...

Garbage may get picked up so early so that it doesn't have a chance to "ripen" in the sun. ::shrug:: Our service wants our garbage in bags in trash cans next to the street by 6:00 or 6:30 AM, though they are seldom here before 9:00 AM, and only on Tuesdays. They also changed their billing from quarterly to monthly this year.

Can this month be over yet? ::sigh::

At 22:21 Blogger ariandalen said...

Sally, where I am, we have the option of the wheelie bins. They drive the trucks that can pick them up; however, I've seen them open the wheeled bins and pick up the bags of garbage then carry them to the truck. Then they leave the bins in the road on their sides for you to drive around. :P We've also had to chase our lids down because they don't bother to put them back on the cans and the wind blows them all over.

At 22:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

You get a choice - I'm impressed. I kind of miss the old trash cans. Being smaller, they encouraged you to recycle more, and could be used for other things.

At 22:26 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The heat thing makes some sense, I must admit.

Venus, talented kitty can now open the door to the Royals stairs. I am sure of it now, it's happened a few times, at first I thought it was me, but I check every time now...


At 22:28 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Our town doesn't have a standard trash service, if you want one, you hire it, and if not take it to the dump yourself.

At 22:28 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hopeful invasive kitties. How could you play such a dirty trick on them?

At 22:35 Blogger Cecily said...

Our service is still all by hand,and we have no choice. We have an HOA and have to do it they way they say to.

At 23:00 Blogger ariandalen said...

We don't live within any city limits. We have to hire our own, though most of the area uses the same service; not everybody, but most.

Life just got a little better. Lavender (dog) just came home. She and Charlie (newer dog) have been missing since Friday night. Now Charlie just needs to come home and stay.

At 23:01 Blogger vampi said...

oh hai, forgot to post earlier. dur.

bengals are funny. this post made me giggle, and i needed that. it's busy season at work, eesh.

At 23:08 Blogger Laura B said...

Our trash pick up doesn't come too early here. Although the Schwann man is an entirely different story. He once banged on the door while I was still in bed, so, I stumbled to the door in my pajamas and I think I must have looked a fright because that Schwann man never returned to my home. I really did like those Silver Mint bars, though.

It's supposed to get close to 80 degrees here this weekend! I'm so excited! Going to a concert Saturday night, so, it should be fun.:)

At 23:27 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Isn't anyone impressed with my keyboard replacing skills? I mean, I bought it, hooked it up and everything...

At 00:16 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

More impressed (like the Bengals) if you made a steak appear out of nowhere WHILE you were hooking it up. Like, your internet sent you a steak!


Srsly---well done. Nice not to lose you to technology.

At 00:32 Blogger Marjorie said...

But FabLo, we know that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!

Re: trash - I wonder if it is also so early to avoid having big, slow moving trucks blocking / obstructing the roads in the day when there is more traffic?

At 01:33 Blogger Na said...

78 degrees?! 80 degrees?!


Here I was happy with the prospect of 55. Gah.

ariandalen, yes! this month is practically over! \o/ i can haz june now?

At 01:39 Blogger Dragonsally said...

nooooo. don't want June. Its cold here then, plus my dad will be 80 and I hate to admit he's getting old.

At 04:15 Blogger Morrica said...

Li'l Bengal here says, regarding the veggie sandwich: Oh oh oh! never never do that to me, I would DIE, I would STARVE! Huge Abessinian says: If ever you do that you will be punished.

Thruth be told, Li'l Bengal loves avocado and probably wouldn't mind at all. Huge Abessinian would, however, punish. He does that.

Thank you for sharing your life with us, and good luck with your new keyboard.

At 04:33 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Holey Moley, my sister-in-law just reminded me that she and my brother were married 31 years ago today. This makes me feel strangely ancient. I'm guessing it makes my parents feel even older. where have the years gone?

At 04:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

But then again Ziggy loves asparagus, and pancakes! (okay, so he loves also chicken. and a hair thing. so you might never know)

At 06:16 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Quiche. You're getting seventy eight degrees and we're getting school cancellations for floods in fifty degrees? Well, I suppose we'll have our day. But MN warmer than RI? This is such an unpredictable area.

At 06:45 Blogger Marjorie said...

We had sleet this morning. And lots of Scotland got snow. MN warmer than the UK is very weird

At 08:39 Blogger dabbler said...

Big sploshy slushy bits from the sky yesterday...not snow, just very messy rain. Today we get 60s tomorrow 70s. Ahh the wonders of temperate climates. Never boring

At 08:50 Blogger Phiala said...

G'morning all. Or whatever.

It is a lovely sunny day. I saved all my errands for today so that I could go out in the sunshine this afternoon instead of out in the cold rain earlier in the week.

At 08:56 Blogger Na said...

Right, DS, sorry! I forget I'm upside down from you.

In Edmonton, in winter, they collect trash every other week, partly because it's harder for the trucks to get through and harder on the people collecting, but also because they can, since the trash is all frozen, no health problem.

I know in central Tejas the early trash pick-up hours have a lot to do with "ripeness". In Austin we last lived in a house and had the wheelie trashcans, but just a few houses down was an apartment complex, and the trash truck for the big dumpster? they'd come empty it at like 4 or 5 am. That'll wake you up.

At 08:59 Blogger One Sock Short said...


At 09:01 Blogger Cecily said...

Ari I hope the other dog comes home very soon.

Quiche, I am more amazed about the going to Wal-mart than the keyboard...I avoid those stores like the plague. I hates them. I don't know what they are like around there, but around here they are filled with this evil all consuming energy that makes me angry and uncomfortable the second I walk into one.

At 11:02 Blogger Siri said...

Oh sure - right after I gave up.

Ticky without reading - stoopid work.

At 11:39 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Warm!!!!! Capris today!!!!!

Had the trying to get to the airport to get Boss nightmare last night, the one where I keep getting weirdly thwarted.

This was after trying to get to sleep until 2:30.

Woke from the nightmare at 5:30, nearly got back to sleep and Boss CALLS trying to get to the airport and he has problems!

Solved them of course, but it was WEIRD. Did fall asleep for another couple hours. Had a bizarre dream abotu ELLEN and getting my boots fixed.

Glad to be working again.

Cecily, I don't CHOOSE walmart over a plethora of other options. Other options are over an hour away, and I need to be able to work at home. Needed a keyboard. Had no time. One goes there if one has to as that is my job, to get things done, however I need to.

At 11:44 Blogger Marjorie said...

Jess, if you, um, cause the body to become a body while it is in the yard, you could argue it's yard waste.... You just need to work out how to lure them there for, um, tranformance.

I had to do a home visit this afternoon. It was like sitting in an ashtray. Reminds me of before they banned smoking in pubs. Happily I was able to come straight home to wash my clothes and hair, but still have a scratchy throat& mild wheeze. NOT fun.

At 11:58 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Body? Did I miss something? If Jess is involved it will no doubt be VERY interesting...

At 12:19 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Bodies are nutricious (for the soil that is).

At 13:09 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Busy Quiche.. Oh how I hate those work related nightmares.

Impressed with Venus opening doors - clearly the cats want to all hang out hehe

You may have to ban me for a while as I have a feeling I'll be coming here to complain about my job (until it lasts - although they all love me so much I have that sinking feeling it's going to be impossible to extract myself - this Always happens to me. I'm not even that good, I'm just not crap...weird)

At 13:11 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Oh - did I miss the photo of framed Bengals on the wall?

At 13:30 Blogger Phiala said...


A really hot compost pile is the solution to so many problems.

I have run all my errands, and thus had to return to my office, where it is sunny but not outdoors, so not nearly as nice. Plus, there is work.

I feel extra-special virtuous, though: one of the errands was going to the notary so that I could finish donating my old car to public radio.

At 17:49 Blogger AletaMay said...




At 17:58 Blogger vampi said...

I hate to say it, but some of the best keyboards i have used have been the cheap ones. because i started back on a typewriter, so i like some key click action.

that being said, i do drool over the nice froot bluetooth keyboard, but drool isn't really healthy for keyboards.

At 18:03 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Do you know, when I was in Hawaii recently, these black ants kept getting into my Macbook keyboard - it was such a hassle to get them out. No idea what was drawing them to it as I've cleaned it from jam and honey before I travelled.

At 18:20 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Well D'Oh Grace, they were looking for the apple! *grin*

In other news, a big tree munching machine has just started noisily eating all the branches cut from a neighbour across the roads trees.

At 20:08 Blogger Fluffy said...

Hahahaha! Phi said just what I was thinking: "A really hot compost pile is the solution to so many problems."

I think Abys are the most gorgeous cats, right up there with Bengals. Too bad they are both such intensely active breeds - I like low-maintenance kitties, myself (being quite lazy and all.)

Hm. Strangely silent in daughter's room, where 1. cleaning, and 2. guitar practice should be happening. GTG

At 20:09 Blogger Fluffy said...

Sally! The Apple! Ha!

At 21:18 Blogger ariandalen said...

Life is very much better now. Charlie was waiting at the house this evening when I got home. He was so happy to be back he came up to me and rolled over on his back for a tummy rub. EVERYBODY very happy now.


At 21:20 Blogger Siri said...

My brother was a garbage man - hand throwing the garbage; none of those fancy machines for him.

Someone has to be 1st. Someone has to be last. Someone is in the middle.

Think how lucky we all are to hear then from our beds, and not from the back of the truck in all weather, so our garbage doesn't pile up.

My brother was a garbage man.

At 21:33 Blogger Fluffy said...

Ari - wonderful. What a relief.

Siri - I have often wondered how they do it. Heat, cold, hard labor, fods knows what germs, THE SMELL. I know they don't get paid enough.

At 22:04 Blogger Dragonsally said...

What a relief Ariandalen. Hs he told you where they went?

oh look - the sun has finally come out from behind the clouds. Nope, spoke to soon...

At 22:07 Blogger Cecily said...

So happy Ari!

At 22:38 Blogger Jane said...

Echoing your sigh of relief, Ari.

Intensely active cats are what we like. Though every now and then we've had to remind ourselves that Yes, that is what we like and yes they are all over the place and demanding of everything one has to give. But they give back in spades, in entertainment and love.

Can you tell I'm missing Calvin?

At 22:43 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Home, and Boss is asleep. I believe I will have NO trouble sleeping tonight, in fact, I am sure of it. Day starts early tho...

Saw Big Bang Theory with Boss and Mads, what a wonderful show! I had no idea! I laughed SO hard!

I haven't done the Bengal painting photo yet, I have to have the right time of day, tho I may take it back and get non reflective glass, I am not the preservation shiny glass, reflect too much.

Got a REALLY cool print from a Turkish artist today too, She is AMAZING, I need to get a link, if Boss doesn't do it first.

At 23:14 Blogger Ticia said...

I actually read everything, laughed, nodded, and learned. Too tired to add anything meaningful.

At 06:32 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Now, all I've heard about Big Bang Theory came from a friend who didn't know what a Spock was. "Oh, Leonard Nimoy? They like that dude on Big Bang Theory."

At 07:01 Blogger Cecily said...

Emily I think you jut broke my brain.

Big Bang Theory is one of the best shows on currently.

At 07:13 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Well, my friend Nikki was all excited about taking pictures in NYC and I mentioned I like certain photographers: Thomas Marent was great, Leonard Nimoy, my, he was a talented one ... Leonard Nimoy was a GREAT photographer ... "Do you know who Leonard Nimoy is?" asked I, innocently.

"Um. Uh. I know the name. Sort of."

(I do Vulcan salute) "Star Trek?" I prompt when she says nothing.


"Spock! He played Spock."

And then my world comes to a halt as Nikki replies, "What's that?" and goes back to taking pictures out of the hotel window.

At 07:19 Blogger Cecily said...

Yeah I used to work with someone who didn't know who Yoda was, except that she saw him in some rap video but had no context as to who he was. I don't care if you like scifi or fantasy, but i don't understand how you can exist without even knowing who these characters are.

And yes, from what I have seen Nimoy's photography I really enjoy it. I think the thing that I like most about it is the fact that he uses what is currently termed, "real women".

At 07:38 Blogger Cecily said...

Because I am sharing this around today...No trying to 'get ya' this is a Rick Roll. It is my favorite, The Muppets!


At 07:47 Blogger Jill said...

Lorraine, you MUST go back and watch "Big Bang Theory" from the beginning. You will love it even more when you learn what makes these characters tick [especially Sheldon, who's my favorite]. Glad you "found" the show - it's, to borrow a term, fabulous!

Sheldon: I'm polymerized tree sap and you're an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns to its original trajectory and adheres to you.

At 08:11 Blogger Jill said...

Cecily, thanks for sharing that! I put it on my husband's Facebook wall so he'll be Rick-rolled when he clicks on it. Sweet.

At 08:50 Blogger Phiala said...

Big Bang Theory? Never seen it, but from the discussion here maybe I should try.


At 09:28 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Look, I know you all have, uh, work, and lives and things, but does anyone have time to do some legwork for me?

I need links to all the Best Bengal posts, they don't have to go back ALL they way, but the more the better...

Had a wee request for a chat from Animal Planet today, and it wasn't for my Boss.....FODS this could do so much for the breed....All anyone hears is the negative...

Many thanks if anyone has time..

At 09:29 Blogger Phiala said...

Lorraine, that's awesome! And exciting! And fabulous, of course.

I can't help.

At 09:42 Blogger Ticia said...

That is wondetful news!

I wish I had the computer brain and time to offer my services.

I know a fiend will rise to the occasion!

At 09:47 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Awkward as there is no search button for your blog...

At 09:52 Blogger Phiala said...

Okay, I started helping. But somebody else needs to pick out the good ones.

Hey, Q: Bengals are mentioned 895 times on your blog. How many posts do you want???

At 09:55 Blogger Marjorie said...

Q, how quickly do you need this? Happy to help but I'm away for the weekend - could spend some time on it on Tuesday if that's any good to you?

At 09:56 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Good Lord!

Uh, just the coolest ones?

Most recent?

(Can't talk about work, but at some point you will laugh at what I am doing just now, on three levals for work today, like this, only more complicated...)

At 10:02 Blogger Jane said...

All curious now.

Leaving to pick up Mom for the day...

At 10:05 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Why, that's fantastic!

At 14:23 Blogger Hellie said...

Spring? Warm? Where? Caught in a hail storm on my way to work this morning, would've been quite fun crunching along the pavements except my new umbrella got trashed by one small gust of wind!

Happy Easter everyone, may you all be blessed with much chocolate :o)

We may have found the house we want to buy this evening. Trying to hold in excitement, scared that we'll lose this one like the last one we loved!

At 18:18 Blogger LincolnBlog said...

My favorite Bengal posts were when you decided to keep them forever. Hope that helps a bit.

At 19:18 Blogger Precision Grace said...

I would love to help but first must recover from work week.

check this though http://googletranslate.blogspot.com/

At 22:24 Blogger Ticia said...

May morning find you sated with sleep and energetic for the day. May your dreams bring you inspiration and resolution. May your waking day bring you joy and wonder, your problems solved instantly. May sun shine on you, either externally or internally, and may you bring happiness to the life of one, especially if that one is you.

Nighty-night fiends.

At 22:40 Blogger Uisge said...

Tick and love

At 22:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Interesting horse time today.

Horses ain't smart. Going up to the stable Dim FREAKED. If horses knew they were stronger than we are we'd be in trouble.

I thought he must have seen something really scary as his whole self was RUN RUN DANGER DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah. I spent the next 45 minutes making understand I would not let the round bale someone left by the barn hurt him.

(Round bale is HAY, a huge bale. Told Dim, MAN are you going to feel stupid when you figure out it is your FOOD)

Nice arm workout, tho, hanging onto him.

Spent the next 45 grooming Mr Shedder.

Came home. Took bath.

The end.

At 23:00 Blogger Ticia said...

THy is quite the adventure!

Does soothing talk help horses? Or do they react more to the tension in your arms and body?

At 23:18 Blogger Dragonsally said...

They pick up how you're feeling from all of that Ticia, but as with our dogs and cats, calm low talking and letting them know you're in control works.

I am having a really quiet Good Friday. Its a public holiday for everything here, no buses or trucks or even cars on the road. I've almost felt like I'm in the bush its been so silent.

I've been burning episodes of Castle in to disc for my niece and thoroughly enjoying watching the episodes again.

At 23:30 Blogger Fluffy said...

Attack Of The Killer Hay, starring Woody Harrelson and Craig Ferguson. And some sheep. Coming soon to a theater near you.

At 23:31 Blogger Fluffy said...

NINJA sheep. And velociraptors.

At 23:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You would have thought so from the way he acted. His neck got WAY long and arched. My arm feels like it is going to fall off.

Idiot horse.

Not sure what he thought the hay was going to DO to him, I mean, it didn't get aggressive or anything, it just SAT there.

Got smacked a couple times tonight too, not for that, he was afraid, that's different. But he's getting nippy, and got me pretty good once.

No more treats for Dim.

At 06:07 Blogger Phiala said...

Temple Grandin writes fascinating books on animal behavior, and she talks about stuff like that. (She works in agriculture, so a lot of it is oriented towards handling beef steers, but the principles are very much the same.)

It's really interesting stuff.

And g'morning. The cat is convinced that I do not need to have breakfast or do yoga, and that I definitely do not need to go to work. And I am jealous of my friends with the day off... but crunched at work so need to go in.

There appears to be some hope of meeting my other non-work big deadline too, after which I will fall over. Boom.

At 08:43 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I liked your leetle story, Quiche. So you've got an interesting variety: really intelligent Bengals and then the horsie who freaks out about his meal. So, ahm ...

At 08:47 Blogger dabbler said...

Argh. I just figured out that if I hit reply in gmail, to someone's post, it must go just to them...what a dope I am.

Not retyping...but wishing you all joy, celebration of the coming season, and peaceful days. I'll be away till Sunday....

Q, I love your Dim...and today, he has the right name!

At 08:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, the leetle story was going to be an entire post but I got caught up in things and was tired.

WILD Bengals last night. What's with them? I thought they would be sweet little cuddly kitties?

(No, no tea yet, I think I am still asleep)

At 09:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

AH!!!! It is some sort of holiday isn't it? And most people have it off? My inbox was not empty, but lighter than I've seen it in yonks, and I kept trying to figure otu WHAT the heck was going on!

Tea works so well.

At 09:09 Blogger Phiala said...

It's not a holiday here. I'd be happy to send you some email if you're feeling lonely.

Let's see, I'm just going through a list of outgoing agreements and adding log numbers... I could pass that right along.

G'morning, by the way, and happy tea!

At 09:14 Blogger EmilyLady said...

'Tis Good Friday, y'all!

At 09:15 Blogger EmilyLady said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 09:15 Blogger Na said...

It's a holiday here, too, but I'm still working.

Sunny, and supposed to be for the whole weekend. *squeeee*

Yesterday took the monsters to see The Princess Bride on a big(gish) screen (in an auditorium at a museum). Such great, inspired silliness.

At 09:24 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


"new" pair of capri jeans go on and zip EASILY!

Apparently, ah-hem, losing 18 pounds now has made a, forgive the pun, huge difference in my BUTT!

At 09:25 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, I'm still working myself. And thankyou no, Mistress, I don't NEED any e-mail, it's not like I have answered what I have or anything...

At 09:27 Blogger Phiala said...

Just trying to be helpful, Q.


At 09:27 Blogger Phiala said...

Just trying to be helpful, Q.


At 09:44 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Congratulations on defeating the butt!

At 09:50 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Good riddance butt! Woo!

At 10:48 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Kewl, Quiche. You must feel fantastic, no?

At 11:15 Blogger Cecily said...

18 pounds! Rock on chica! \m/

At 12:26 Blogger Na said...

*high five* Lorraine!

and finally, finally *tick*

At 14:51 Blogger vampi said...

we always called the big hale bales snausages, you know like the dog treat. because the commercials were so hilarious.

we used to go on long car trips through Ohio and Indiana past a lot of fields with snausages.

At 14:52 Blogger vampi said...

hay+bale does not equal hale, doh!

At 14:59 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I didn't know Boss was on Time's Most Influential People's list (number fifty four)! http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1972075_1976159_1976160,00.html

At 14:59 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh! Oh! And J.J. Abrams too. But I mean, Boss, well, that's just great.

At 15:11 Blogger Chantrelle said...

A friend of my sister's boss had an interesting bobcat experience! Crazy story!

At 15:20 Blogger Chantrelle said...

IT's raining and cold today but we had a sunny break yesterday and I got to snap pics of our apple tree and pear tree starting to bloom.

At 16:49 Blogger vampi said...

omg, that cat fishing story is amazing.

so glad it seemed to work out for all.

At 16:57 Blogger Dragonsally said...

That bobcat story is wonderful. Imagine the disbelief if there hadn't been a camera to show the story was true.

At 23:40 Blogger Fluffy said...

I love the bobcat story. The poor little guy. Wonder how he got out so far?

And I have to reprint the funniest thing on Facebook today, courtesy of Li Hua:

Jack: "Ben ... Ben ... BEN! I need you to come here!" Ben: (sighs and stands up from our Star Trek time) "This shouldn't take too long. If necessary I'll snap his neck." (walks away)

I'm so proud of the next generation!

At 23:52 Blogger Dragonsally said...

What happens when you throw yourself on a bed, forgetting about the metal foot of the bed?
Why you get a very nasty lump and bruise on your head. And shaken brain box and other assorted things.

The joy of being a total klutz.

At 00:08 Blogger Dragonsally said...

If you're not on Facebook or Twitter and want to admire my bump (and who wouldn't, it took such talent) http://twitpic.com/1csorr

At 00:16 Blogger vampi said...

crikey sally, that's a heck of a nasty bump. are you going to go get that looked at?

At 00:27 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Pete is keeping an eye on me. He used to be a football trainer, so he knows the signs. Checked me for concussion straight away.

At 07:04 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Sally, that sounds so unpleasant.

I'm p[leased to hear you are proud, Fluffy.

At 10:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mim is PEEING everywhere this morning. I don't mean, a little, I mean she hops up by me, and lets a stream FLY, in a huge ark out her BUTT.

Clearly a statement of some kind.

I think Fancy Feast changed their cans, they now say "Grilled" and for the past month, Venus, Mim and Mab have hated it. Lear and Magic don't care. It's food.

I need to find them a food they like. Venus ius getting REALLY skinny and Mim is peeing everywhere.

Not a fine start to the day, tho I did get stage one of closet cleaning done.

At 10:54 Blogger Jane said...

Oh jeez, what a start to the day! I know it *could* go down from here, but hope not!

Sally! Take care of yourself!

At 13:21 Blogger One Sock Short said...

It's been a long time since I've done more than tick and run. Not that you've missed much. Mostly me being tired and cranky.

Except for last weekend. My impromtu visit with Andrea was lovely. As my few and mostly blurry pictures showed, the prom was a lot of fun. No, I didn't dance. I'm a wallflower, born and bred. But I enjoyed watching. The best part was seeing Andrea not be recognized by most of her colleagues. Many jaws dropped.

Plus I got to meet her Kid, who is quite nice and very very smart, if rather energetic for someone unused to being around kids ;-) I also learned more than I ever knew I needed to know about Spongebob Squarepants. While the cat ran away whenever I appeared, the dog was very friendly. Maggie and I hit it off rather well, in fact. Fortunately for her, I've been well trained to scratch ears on demand. Andrea and I did scare her a bit after we dressed up. Very much a case of "who are you and what did you do with my mommy?"

The next day Andrea and I had lunch with my nearest&dearest friend, Isak, who lives in Champaign. Isak would be a great Fiend, so I thought these two awesome women should meet.

My only other excitement is my new personal essay seminar. Getting to take a free seminar per season is one of the employee perks at the Newberry. The first class was last Thursday. The instructor usually teaches memoir writing, so I was a bit afraid that this class would lean too much that way. But it looks like it's going to be a great experience. I jotted down several ideas for a particular essay during class, so I volunteered to be one of the students to bring in a draft next Thursday.

I've been writing and thinking this morning and have a bit more than 300 words down. It's interesting to see this essay going in a slightly different direction than I thought it would. I wonder where it will go next.

I hope peeing cats, bumpy heads, and all other woes are short-lived. And wishing everyone a beautiful spring/fall day.

At 16:04 Blogger Cecily said...

So Fancy Feast has had a 'grilled' option for years, I used to feed to the my cats as they would not eat the other stuff. Maybe your store stopped stocking the regular stuff, but I am fairly certain it is still out there. :-)

At 16:20 Blogger Siri said...


Good to read you.

At 17:00 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Fancy Feast did change their labels but the food is the same. I use to buy Gourmet Chicen Feast and now it is Classic Chicken Feast, which is the pate' style. Not sure what is up with Mim. Dragonsally not a good looking bump, hope you are feeling better. Glad dogs returned. Loved the Bob cat story. I know I am missing other comments, sorry.

At 17:54 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Blimey Quiche, that is not a nice thing to be dealing with. Hope you figure out the cause quickly.
Fancy Feast better not change their labels here. Two of their canned food varieties are some of the very few things that diabetic Tysie can have, and that will be really confusing if I have to make sure I'm getting the right stuff.

head is still attached to neck. Bump is still ouchy.
Pete stayed awake all night to keep checking on me as I slept. IS that totally awesome or what?

At 17:57 Blogger Phiala said...

Sally, that's remarkably sweet. But I wish it weren't necessary!

I was going to sit in the courtyard with the dog-cat-beer-laptop combo (and am wearing the appropriate shirt!), but Nick took the dog for a walk so I'm down by one.

At 18:00 Blogger Dragonsally said...

laptop beer sounds like a good combo too - just don't offer the keyboard a drink!

At 18:28 Blogger Chantrelle said...

With the help of awesome boy-neighbors and friends, got the air hockey table flipped upright and ready to play! Off to the store to get stuff for Waffles for Jesus in the morning so I can stay home the rest of the night, drink beer and play air hockey :D

Sally - glad you are ok!! owie!

Q - hope the peeing is under control. They sure can be little shits when they want to huh?!

At 18:30 Blogger Phiala said...

I so need to get a new wafflemaker!

At 18:33 Blogger vampi said...

oooh thanks for reminding me to get out and get some food for tomorrow as nothing will be open. i'm so oblivious to the holidays.

At 19:15 Blogger AletaMay said...

Quiche, yicks. Pee issues suck.

Sally, ouch! So lovely to have a sweet sweetie to look after you at times like that.

I've been playing with Hipstamatic on my iPhone and loving it. Posted this photo taken using hipstamatic to twitter today. Excited to do more of this.

OSS I love that you are inspired to write! Any inspiration is... inspirational!

At 19:32 Blogger Chantrelle said...

OK, one game on the air hockey table and my right shoulder is already worn out and sore. I'm going to be hurtin' tomorrow! Fun though!!! Fiend party at my house! ;-)

At 19:37 Blogger Jane said...

I'll be there! I love air hockey!

Saw How To Train Your Dragon today. Some serious dragon cuteness there.

At 19:38 Blogger Phiala said...


And look, I write fiction when I'm not frantically trying to make nonfic deadlines. I also wash the dishes and do laundry. I finished editing a story that's now ready to resubmit, and wrote the first bit of a new story. Now feeling virtuous, and tired.

Speaking of virtuous, I donated my old car to public radio. If you are ever in a position to do such a thing, it is very easy and entirely painless. I think it took 20 minutes of my time, tops, and less than a week from start to car going away. I filled out a form online and mailed in my title, and someone came and got it. They'll tell me how much it sold for, and I'll get a tax donation. They will even take cars that won't run (didn't know that), which definitely beats having to pay someone to tow it away.

At 20:00 Blogger vampi said...

air hockey party!!!

that photo is awesome aleta, makes me wish i had the iphone.

food for "everything is closed" day tomorrow has been acquired. choice of meatless tacos or turkey lasagna.

so glad you liked how to train your dragon, i thought it was one of dreamworks best work yet. boy is quite proud of it.

fun story oss, and hooray for writing.

that's cool phiala, i keep hearing them advertise the car donations on npr, but you are the first person i have know how has done that.

At 20:07 Blogger Jane said...

I think I saw his name in the credits - I was looking for Jon...

At 20:08 Blogger Phiala said...

The donated car was a 20-year-old Geo Prizm. It still runs fine and is in decent shape for its age, but isn't worth a whole lot and I hadn't managed to sell it yet. I got tired of fussing with it. (Virtuous really just means lazy in this case!)

At 20:13 Blogger vampi said...

:) his last name is leibowitz, if you are looking, they are towards the end in the technology section.

At 23:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New post is UP!

Rode a horse up a hill today...

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