Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bengals By Kitty Here In The Spooky House!

WHOA! That's not mine, I have NO idea where that came from, I would never!!! Besides, even if it was mine, it's a toy, what could possibly go terribly wrong...???

Ah-hem. Here in the Spooky House with Kitty (Person Kitty @neverwear who does in fact RUN Neverwear...)We have some Bengals, a fire, Jammies, a bit of chocolate and some Fritos. My kind of evening.

A tired one too after this past week, but all is well now. Hence the Jammies, fire, chocolate et al. Went birding, or more specifically Woodcocking (which is nowhere near as naughty as it sounds) with The Birdchick tonight too. No Woodcocks came out and did their thing, but much fun was had, and our faith in the Birdchick remains unshaken. Next time we will have, uh, Woodcock. No doubt.

More pictures from Kitty! Above, we have F1 (meaning the little guy is half Asian Leopard Cat) Magic. He isn't sure about most people, myself included, but has come so very far from the poor kitty who hid under his Ottoman, in his cave as it were, for months. Now he will at least talk to us. Yes, talks. All. The. Time. A cat of very many words Magic is. Mostly they seem to concern what he has eaten, and when he might likely to be eating again.

This is Mim. Mim say "I AM MIM AND I HAVE HUGE PAWS AND EYES LIKE JEWELS AND I WILL WATCH YOU!" Or something like that. Might just as easily be "You look tasty" for all I know...

And Freaky Venus. First Bengal. Best Bengal. My love my heart. That one sleeps with the moon and dreams of trees.

This makes me very happy! Lear and Kitty have sort of a THING going. They love each other. Kitty went with me a year and a half ago, to Chicago, to pick up Lear and his friend, Little Queen Mab. I think he remembers she was there, taking him out of the place he hated so badly, where he was sad for some time.

He's not now. Here is is eating from her hand.

And that's worth everything.


Love and ALL my Bengals,


At 23:31 Blogger spacedlaw said...


At 23:45 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Where is everybody gone?
To bed?
Good mornevening, fiends.

At 00:08 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hello Nat!
I'm here, doing things between 2 computers just for, um, fun.

These pictures make me ecstatically happy, seeing Magic and Lear like that.

At 00:22 Blogger Chantrelle said...


goodnight ticky box.

At 00:38 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hello. Good morning. Beautiful pictures of beautiful cats.

(ticky box)

At 02:53 Blogger Bridget said...


Lear's eyes.

So... full of things. Things he knows. Old eyes on such a young creature.

He's so serious. You can tell that he has *carefully contemplated* that She is Good, and We Like Her and Will Eat From Her Hand. This was not a light decision for him.


At 04:48 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Ooooh this is my favourite post in a looong time. (because it has most cats in it. I'm registering complaint on behalf of my client, Queen Mab, where was her photo?)

Boys have come along soo much. With you Bridget on that comment. I just want to give him a big old squishy like I do for my Tonks.
Q & Cat, any chance you can give Lear a big ole squishy for me? Maybe if you say I sent it? :)

Aww. what a treat for a (still nursing a cold) Friday morning.

At 06:04 Blogger Phiala said...

Lovely pretty happier kitties! I hope they are actually happy kitties someday, but you've done some wonders already. And Kitty takes the best photos of them.

At 06:42 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jess, some reason Mr Jess didn't WANT the graveyard. Seems odd to me. I never look a gift graveyard in the plot personally...

Up to take Kitty to the airport, alas. Wish she didn't have to go. Wish she didn't have to go so EARLY...

At 08:30 Anonymous Kate said...

I am thinking back to your decision to give the Royals their forever home.

They are so beautiful. And so much happier.

It's talk like Shakespeare Day so:
This has brought me joy and delighted me marvelous much.

At 08:35 Blogger ariandalen said...

::sigh:: Such pretty kitties. And so much happier, especially Magic and Lear. Have you found out why Venus hasn't been eating very much?

At 09:06 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Computer acting funny. Hope it's not belated McAfee hijinks. Tick for now.

At 09:25 Blogger Laura B said...

They have such beautiful eyes! The video was so sweet, too.

At 09:33 Blogger vampi said...

*shamble* *shamble* "oooh kitties!" *tick* *shamble* *shamble*

At 10:23 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Your cats are mighty beautiful.

At 13:58 Anonymous joypeg said...

Thank you for putting up pics of your beautiful talking Bengals. They seem to have very long legs and big feet. Can they leap to the top of a bookcase in a single bound?

At 13:59 Blogger Uisge said...

Love that Venus can be curled up into a tiny ball and still like like she could f you up if she decided to.

Happy times.

At 16:52 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Joypeg, not only leap it in a single bound, they can clear it, and take it DOWN if they are so inclined. Leapers, Bengals are.

Venus seems to be eating again. Not sure what the problem WAS...

I am going to the MN Horse Expo tomorrow with my horse people friends. We are taking in a rodeo in the evening. And seeing the Expo before hand.

I thought , the rodeo being in the evening this meant perhaps, leaving around 1:00pm or so.

NOT meeting at 5:30AM for breakfast and being there at 8:00am when the doors opened.


At 16:57 Blogger vampi said...

horse people--in my mind i envisioned you going to the expo with some centaurs.

i come from a family that shows dogs, i know all about strange shows starting at strange hours of the morning. ugh. but it's always fun once you are there and can forget about being up at unfodly'o'clock

At 16:58 Blogger Phiala said...

Horse people are like that. Also bird people, and various other sorts. Getting up for a 5:30 Saturday breakfast can be a crucial part of your hobby.

Have fun with the horse people, and at the rodeo!

I'm heading home shortly. I believe there are a dog and cat who will be happy to see me, and also a sulky boy. Unsure; not so eager to find out. But also not interested in staying at work any longer.

At 17:33 Blogger Jane said...

The cat posts are my favorite. I like all of the posts, but the reason I came here for the first time is the cats.

Thank you.

At 17:53 Blogger turtlesong said...

i <3 your blog. i <3 your bengals. thank you for sharing them with me.

At 17:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Just took Venus and Mim for a Leash Walk. Better done with two people, but we manage. They love it.

At 17:57 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well thank you Turtle! You are most welcome.

And glad you like the Cat ones, Jane, sometimes I worry all I talk about is Cats and Horses. Good thing I have a modicum of wit as well, I say, hee hee.

Yes, they do seem a bit early, but a girl needs something to do on a weekend, so early rodeo it is.

Fods. THIS morning was really early.

At 19:27 Blogger Dragonsally said...

When Pete's mum died we inherited 2 spots in the family grave. It makes us happy to know where we will live when we die (so as to speak) even if we are at the mercy of landlords while we are actually alive! Also it means we can say that we own land. Even better that its in a cemetery, yes?

At 19:41 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Graves are fine and quiet places but I've no wish to inhabit one for a while...

Hot tubs tho are good things.

At 19:48 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Quite right Quiche!

Mmmm, I could do with a hot tub right now.

At 19:50 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, you are my only Fiend tonight, it would seem. Everyone else must be out doing EXCITING things.

At 19:52 Blogger AletaMay said...

Hey Q you'll be very close to my home tomorrow. I'll wave at you when I am out and about. Sounds like a good time. Well not the 5:30 am part, but the rest of it sounds fun.

LOVE these photos and that video! Hard to believe that is Lear! I wonder if Ginger Snap could be convinced to go for leash walks. I may try that this summer.

At 19:54 Blogger Dragonsally said...

We have a harness for Tysie. Can't use it though because she does this incredible twist and presto, she's out of the harness.
Quiche, make sure you take photos at the rodeo for us to see....

At 20:37 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Grew up in a town where the big annual event was teh rodeo. Made me hate rodeos. Still love horses though!

Speaking of graves, we now have one in the backyard for ben's fish, Alligator. It was a sad morning. Ben cried. But then said, "I wonder how it feels to die?" Deep question from a 5yr old. One I have no answer to and hope not to for a long long time. We painted a rock, he's buried by the pear tree.

At 20:42 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Poor Ben. I'm glad he was able to give Alligator a proper send off.

At 20:49 Blogger Chantrelle said...

He bounced back quickly. He cried. Sat in my lap and hugged me for a while. Then jumped up and said, "Does anyone want to play Freeze Tag?" I wish I could recover from trauma as quickly as kids!!!

At 20:50 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I hope Ben is feeling okay, Chantrelle.

Quiche, exciting things? Poh ho ho. I'm sitting here entirely ill and possibly not entirely at ease with the world, since it's, you know, the world. Rambling is a sign I need to sleep. Good night, Fiendses, all of you ... except for those who are getting up to greet the MORNING; that's Sally, of course ... (and this is Emily, in case anyone has forgotten ...)

At 21:13 Blogger Precision Grace said...

guys, do any of you read ?

I've only just discovered it and spent whole day catching up and mind ...

At 21:17 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Have a nice sleep Em. Its afternoon (just) for me now.

At 21:19 Blogger Precision Grace said...

oh sorry, didn't see Emily is unwell.

Feel better soon!

At 21:44 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Forget Lihua's alternate identity? Never! Hope you feel better soon. Miss you.

Exciting night? Not so much. Just an evening with Mum, watching Serenity.

I've been to one rodeo, lo these many years ago, and enjoyed it very much. I'm sure it will make OMFo'clock worthwhile. Not to mention the great company.

For some reason my mom's parents bought four cemetery spaces a long time ago. Grandpa and Grandma were buried in two of them. It's been more-or-less stated that Mum and I can have the other two. Over ten years ago I got a phone call from someone selling cemetery spaces. It amused me to no end to tell them (especially knowing my phone voice sounds a lot younger than I am), no thank you, I already have a grave.

At 00:34 Blogger Fluffy said...

Never saw that cat-herding commercial - it is hilarious! Loved the yarn-rolling and scratch comparisons.

At 01:50 Blogger Marjorie said...

You get cold callers selling graves? That, I have not come across here!

Hope you enjoy the rodeo, Q.

I shall be setting off for London in a couple of hours - going to the EvelynEvelyn show this evening, and then the ninja gig tomorrow afternoon! Hope I can stay awake, I slept really badly last night, waking up every couple of hours *sigh* Maybe I can snooze on the train...

At 05:36 Blogger Phiala said...

Rodeos and EvelynEvelyn and all kinds of fun things. I'm kind of happy I don't have a whole lot planned for the weekend. I might go buy milk...

At 09:53 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Hey there, Fiends; thanks for the sleep wishes, and I did manage to sleep some until having to get up early JUST in case William needed me to accompany him to the opening-day baseball ceremonies, but his father somehow managed not to forget to pick up the only kid he ever sees ... and so I went back to bed and had a nice peaceful sort of slumber ... (Now I do believe you ALL know who I am ...)

At 11:17 Blogger louisa said...

no thank you, I already have a grave - so want to be able to use that line. Preferably in an appropriate situation.

Exciting things (Centurion) should have been more exciting, too much of running over hills. Still an enjoyable distraction though and, y'know, eye candy.

Thought this xkcd complimented the Fuck Fear post (love it when you find one you haven't seen before via the Random button)

Can't wait to see rodeo pics. Western bling? My mental image bank has nothing nada zip.

At 17:48 Blogger Marjorie said...

Just got back to hotel, from EvelynEvelyn gig. It was awesome! Met new, introduced by Twitter friends, saw Ms Holly Gaiman in a fantastic frock (and Evelyn & Evelyn in a dress which was also fantastic in it's own way.
I shall do a proper blog with pictures when I get home, this is just a quick Squeeeee :)

how is everyones weekend so far?

At 17:58 Blogger Phiala said...

Marjorie, sounds excellent. Looking forward to pictures. :)

At 19:08 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I've just been watching some videos from EvelynEvelyn's Cambridge show. Awesome. I hope they tour Australia, the show looks like a lot of fun.

At 22:50 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mightly long day this was. Home tho, and dead. Had a pretty fine time tho, and have a very different perspective on rodeos too.

I'll tell you about it tomorrow. After I've done some serious SLEEPING!!!

At 09:05 Blogger bengalgirl said...

I went to my first "real" rodeo out in SD when I was a teen. Vowed never to see another. I thought it cuel and horses were bleeding from spurs. I think it traumatized me a bit.

At 09:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I thought the same, Janet, but learned a lot yesterday. Don't think I will make it a HABIT, but it wasn't the horror show I was expecting.

At 10:36 Blogger vampi said...

i've never been to a rodeo. i have been to a horse show, i think they call it dressage, more like a dog show, where they were judging the horse on how it moved and how the rider controlled the horse. and i also saw the kind where they horses go over the jumps like in the olympics. neither of which looked cruel.

i suspect rodeos look cruel because we don't really need those skills quite like we did before. when rodeos started, it was a way for different ranchers to share expertise and skills. now it's mostly just sport, and i think that sets off some of our sensibilities.

At 13:21 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Every year in my hometown, they'd line the elementary school kids up along the main street and they'd stampede the cows and steers down the street to the rodeo at the fairgrounds. As a child, this was a normal, annual event. Looking back...WTF?!? Every year a steer would break loose from the pack and they'd have to round him up from the jr. high playground or somewhere. I'm surprised no kid ever got stomped! Craziness.

I had a dream last night that this guy i knew in high school was hitting on me (present day) and I told him "You know, that's exactly what I wanted you to do back in high school....but now I have self-esteem so, no." I'm witty in my dreams! ;-)

At 13:24 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Forgot to link the picture of the cattle drive. And yep, they still do it every year.

At 14:28 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I have New Orleans's big jazz and heritage festival playing outside my window. The sounds from the stages come directly into my apartment. When it's a big name like Simon and Garfunkel, I think they turn up the volume, and all I can hear is the big name. When it's a littler name, sometimes I have sounds from five stages coming into my apartment all at once, which can be strange when one stage has a rapper, one stage has a band playing the blues, one has Cajun accordion music, one has New Age music, and one is blasting punk.

At 14:29 Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

Late to this beautiful picture party, but am so glad to see it! Ms. Fablo, you do amazing, wonderful things with these gorgeous beings. A true inspiration to us all!!

At 16:02 Blogger Marjorie said...

Just got home from London after EvelynEvelyn last night, and ninja show this afternoon, and found tonight's show is webcasting, so I get to come down gradually. :-) And Tybalt is pleased to see us home.

Rodeo sounds interesting...

At 16:46 Blogger Siri said...


At 17:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, Cowboys, believe it or not, do still use those skills. Can't round up cattle with a truck..

I don't think I actually LIKE the bronc riding, even tho they explained to me the horses are bred for it, and built for it, and that's their job.

At 17:44 Blogger Cecily said...

LOVE! I am completely exhausted from my rock star photography weekend with Kyle, or I would come up with more to say, but no....t i r e d....

At 17:45 Blogger Cecily said...

Damn it, forgot to tick...did I mention tired?

At 17:47 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And a new post is UP! Perfect reading for a Sunday afternoon, if I do say so myself...

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