Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mostly Rocking...

Darned if I didn't rock tonight. I am sure I did. Mostly. Packed house. And I had a lot of fun doing it.

One SMALL faux pas, a bridal party. I asked who she was marrying and she had her arm around a younger girl, and a lot of times I don't exactly hear what people SAY and sort of wing it....

I said "WOW cool you are marrying her, that is so beyond cool, go MN for gay and lesbian rights!!!!!! (thinking maybe I had missed them joining the sane states)

The entire bar cheered, loudly and long. Total GLAAD moment.

Except as it turns out, this was her new step-daughter. Fortunately, they thought it was funny and after yelling NO SHE IS MARRYING JOHN, they all assured me they were all for gay marriage, and thought it was all fun.

That's my band.

Here's Kylie, a kitten (not so much anymore) I rescued a while back and who fell in love with Cat-who-runs Neverwear and is also Boss's assistant. And she with Kylie. Kylie is now living the good life in the Treehouse with Cat and Batman. I am feeling another LA adventure coming on. Very soon! Miss that town.

I know I promised you an Ireland blog, as I am going there in October for Octocon, but my brain is sadly very tired. And I found out Octocon comes from October, and not Octopus. Well, yes, I am dissapointed about this. I had thought there would be Octopi, and panels on all sorts of marine life, but this does not seem to be the case.

I am sort of curious as to what sort of panels I will end up on. The first Con I was a guest at put me on one called "How I survived writing my first novel" which was darn interesting seeing as how I had never written one.

Not sure if I should offer them suggestions or let it all come as a glorious surprise. How about "Airlines, and how to smite them" or "Yes, Americans can learn to make a great cup of tea" or "Princess of NO, she only wants to be loved"

I am pretty sure I am going to have a great time, whatever I end up doing. I realize they are going to expect a modicum of knowledge about at least basic scifi/fantasy, and I can do this. I am sure of it. (uh-huh) Ain't going to be dull, no matter where I end up, I can tell you that.

I am thinking whatever Fiends are there can sit in the back with pens and big signs, when I get STUCK, you can write the answers on the cards and hold them up. All Ireland will revel in how savvy I am. Yup. Good to have a Plan.

One thing I really want to do, if I am there then is THIS Sign me UP!!!!!!!

Love and Late Night After Gig Blogging,


At 01:59 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Yay rock! And, hey, there are worse things to be mistaken about - my MOM has been mistaken for my girlfriend before.

Cute picture of Miss Kylie!

I bet you're going to have a blast in Ireland :-)

At 02:20 Blogger Dragonsally said...

DG - that is hilarious. Did you disabuse them of the notion and were they amused or mortified?

And yah for rock. Wish I could get to one of these things.

At 03:52 Blogger Marjorie said...

I like your plan. Except, what if we don't know theanswers either?
Maybe they will have a panel on the care & feeding of cats & authors. You will rock that one !

At 05:08 Blogger louisa said...

FabLo's coming to Ireland!! FabLo's coming to Ireland!! FabLo's coming to Ireland!! FabLo's coming to Ireland!! FabLo's coming to Ireland!! FabLo's coming to Ireland!!

Why yes, this does make me happy :)

So the October 23rd full moon nearly-Halloween hike? In costume? I would love to be part of a ghouls 'n' goblins night walk through the mountains... oh already so many ideas of what to dress up as.....

At 05:40 Blogger Marjorie said...

So, Q, are you going to be able to stay in Ireland until 23rd?
And Louisa, really looking forward to seeing you again :-)

At 06:57 Blogger louisa said...

Majorie's coming to Ireland!! Majorie's coming to Ireland!! Majorie's coming to Ireland!! Majorie's coming to Ireland!! Majorie's coming to Ireland!! Majorie's coming to Ireland!!

Why yes, this does make me happy :)


At 07:12 Blogger EmilyLady said...

I agree with DG. You know, things can happen when you see someone you THINK might be doing something ... say, having a baby. But this was nothing to be ashamed of. And yes, you'll have a fantastic time in Ireland, even without the octopuses. (Yes, the word is octopuses (yes, it can be octopuses as well as octopi).

At 07:42 Blogger Phiala said...

No creepily intelligent giant molluscs? Oh well...

I don't think I can go to either Octocon or HOTR. Have too many other trips planned for this year already. *pout* I need to be independently wealthy...

The cat appreciates my return, and continues to follow me around and purr. The dog says he'd appreciate me even more if only I'd give him breakfast now.

At 09:05 Blogger Jane said...

Sounds like a seriously fun evening of rock.

OK, brain not quite on yet so tick and bye.

At 09:16 Blogger Laura B said...

That moon walk looks so cool! Wish I could go to Ireland or HOTR, but alas, I am poor right now.

At 11:07 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning! Sleepy. Not fair, I don't drink, why do I feel like I have been out all night partying????

AH well. Tea.

Louisa, is you shop in Dublin? That is SO on the list!!!!!!!! We should do a webcast from it!

I need to figure some things out. Like when IS this non Octopi con exactly, and when is HOTR. I hope I am there for the Moon Walk. I am getting people wanting me to come to London as well.

Marjorie and Lousia. two Fiends. Good. Of course you will know the answers, how could you NOT???

At 11:09 Anonymous Anonymous said... we want her to feel livelier soon.

At 11:09 Blogger Uisge said...


At 11:20 Blogger Siri said...

I wanna go to Ireland, so Louisa can get all happier.

I wanna go to HOTR, 'cause that's a real cool place.

But right now, I think I want to go to see Ted Lilly that's something that could happen.....

I know - y'all don't care about Ted Lilly, but it is really cool that he's here.

At 11:24 Blogger vampi said...

don't forget white rhinestone glove for moon walk :D

\o/ rock

At 12:24 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Siri, how can people not care about baseball??? I watched the game last night at the pub, i work them into the act, actually. That way the people watching get involved with ME , whether they like it or not.

Billy, You just love the Princess of NO because I have never had to say NO to you...Ain't so popular then, you know.

And congrads to your friend for winning in the Cabel Art Contest over at Neverwear! I loved his picture!

At 12:37 Blogger spacedlaw said...

No octopus is indeed disappointing. I do hope Cthulhu will make an appearance at least.

At 13:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I need to learn about this Cthulu...See how little I actually KNOW????

At 14:06 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I had a full day of wonderful stone monsters and Etruscan tombs. Nice food too. I am completely dead.

At 14:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dead can be cool...Especially if you are still up and about. As long as you aren't a Zombie. Monsters and Tombs sound so cool too...

Decided, after three cups of tea, that I needed hot tub.

Sadly a cold tub. NOT fair.

At 14:14 Blogger Phiala said...

I just spent 5 hours working on a statistics problem. NOT how I'd intended to spend the day. Bah!

Think I solved it, at least, but still need to doublecheck a whole bunch of code. Bah again!

At 14:15 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I had a nice dinner and good wine. I am stifling yawns, chatting with my parents and editing pictures.

At 14:16 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Monster pictures and I haven't yet finished the tomb pictures I took yesterday...

At 14:18 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Bah Mistress! Not the way to spend the day.

I am loving this day off except for gig day. Getting a lot done too. Mim is hanging out with Magic on his porch, Venus is prowling. May let the Royals out on the other porch, you can get to it from their area too.

Some exciting news is coming tomorrow! Just you wait....


Yeah, I am a tease. SO what?

At 14:19 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Can we SEE these monster pictures?

We need more monsters around you know. Except for werewolves in the corn.

At 14:22 Blogger Phiala said...

No. It wasn't fun and wasn't what I'd planned to do, but was needed. (Except for taking 5 hours!)

My wolf is a therewolf rather than a werewolf. I rarely have to wonder where he is, because he's always right there. Asleep on my feet usually. And if I can't find him, picking up a leash will make him magically apppear.

I took a whole bunch of photos at the Georgia Botanical Gardens, but haven't edited or sorted yet. No monsters, I'm afraid, unless something shows up that I didn't see when taking the picture.

At 14:27 Blogger spacedlaw said...

The monsters pictures still need working on and up loading but I have been in Bomarzo before (some years ago in autumn) and you can see those pictures there.

At 14:33 Blogger Phiala said...

Ah, I remember those monsters from before. Lovely.

At 16:12 Blogger Siri said...

I'm going to see Ted Lilly. And Ryne Sandberg. And Sam Fuld. And Micah Hoffpauir.

Of course, I have to be there at 8:30 to upgrade to the good seats from the grandstand, but then I can leave, and go have breakfast at a nice place, and then go back and park and read my book and then go and watch boys play.

At 16:34 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

i can imagine that scene, with everyone hooting n' hollerin' around you.
miss it!
as for Ireland, that is my birthday, as i think i have said sixhundred times... hmmm....
cool email today, Lynyrd Skynryd needs me.
I can't do the tour, but oh how i would have LOVED to be out with whatever is left of those classic Southern rockers...FREE BIRD!! my high school anthem...oy!!
and Kylie says hello, she has been bar none the very best little furry girl, and she is so affectionate with Batman, even when he doesn't have any interest, she goes up and head-butts him..
Can't wait for you to come see her!!
Louisa! you are a card!! Dublin bookygirl.
and wait...
what news has Q? must we still wait until tomorrow...??

At 17:03 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You must wait until tomorrow. There will be pictures.

At 17:36 Blogger Marjorie said...

Octopus-con is the weekend of 15-18 October. And you have people wanting you to come to Wiltshire, as well as Lindon, y'know. We've got Stonehenge & everything...

At 17:52 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am going to need a month over there! I see'd Stonehenge last time I was in the UK, it's pretty darn magic that place.

I like it that nothing can be built around it, and that even the parking and info/gift shop are all hidden and underground.

I'd see it again tho.

Chatter me nicely tonight, I love having lots of comments to read in my breaks, ok? I don't care WHAT you chatter about, just so I have lots to read.

(Hmm, I sound kind of "All about me" here don't I?)

At 17:58 Anonymous Nanci said...

Glendalough is lovely by any light. When we lived in Dublin that was a favorite destination for a Sunday drive.

When in Dublin you must check out Grafton St. For the best pub lunch ever go to O'Neill's on Suffolk St.

Did you know that SciFi writer Anne McCaffrey owns a livery stable in Wicklow?

At 18:11 Blogger Siri said...

Glendalough - I've been there - twice.

And Wicklow.

Ah. Ireland.

At 18:20 Blogger Marjorie said...

Already seen Stonehenge, huh? Weeell, we have Roman baths, and Glastonbury, too.

Hope tonight's gig is full of Rock. I've been out at t'theatre tonight, with visiting best friend. Alan Bennett' 'Enjoy', starring Alison Steadman & David Troughton. Very good.

Very tired now, tho. I seem to have developed a new chest infection which is a whole lot of no fun at all. I do feel there should be some kind of rationing system so one didn't have to have these things too often...

At 18:34 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Morning efurrybody.

You are all making me so envious talking about trips and sightseeing. I haven't been O.S. since 1980, and that was a lifetime ago.

At 20:50 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Siri--You're seeing Rino!?? What is the occasion? (okay, even Will Clark appreciated the SandMan--being a Giants player/fan does NOT mean you automatically hate all Cubs. Just the pitchers :))

Q--Re Octo Con and panel questions:
Useful Fiends will sit in back and TWEET difficult questions! Fiendish Army will be on hand ethereally to return responses, which on the spot Fiends can then quickly mark on large signs and hold up in the back.
Solved :)

Though I find it unlikely you will field any questions which you cannot handle. Truly.

ps.... I am listening to your gig in my head, while waiting for Burning Lan party to start over on campus. quite the craic tonight! :)

At 01:40 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Much rock happened. SRO all night, all three sets. My arm fell off. I think. EL showed up and rubbed it tho. I love that women.

Sleep now...

At 07:37 Blogger Precision Grace said...

I have a thought. In October, after your Octocon thingy, you should come down to Cambridge (lots of history and Architecture and stuff) and I'll give you Tea and whatever and then I can hide in your luggage when you head back to US and HOTR thing.

Genius, isn't it?

At 09:29 Blogger Na said...

I read this post right before going to bed. I didn't go to sleep right away - I soon had to get up and find pen and paper. It inspired this (maybe rough yet).

For the Fabulous Lorraine, the Princess of No.

The Princess of No
Is unfailingly kind.
You won't know a No's hit you;
You truly won't mind.
She'll dazzle and charm you,
A glamour she'll weave o'er you.
The Princess of No
Is unfailingly kind.

The Princess of No
Is insightful to such degree,
She'll spin a new No
From gossamer and filigree,
From the thought 'twixt your ears,
Bee's breath, ichor, or gears.
The Princess of No
Is insightful in high degree.

The Princess of No
Runs with leopards and equines.
Before breakfast or tea
She'll smite two or three airlines.
But she'd rather say Yes, love
So don't make her say No, love-
The Princess of No
Runs with leopards and equines.

The Princess of No
Runs with leopards and equines,
Is insightful in high degree,
Is unfailingly kind.

At 09:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Wonderful, Na!

At 09:40 Blogger spacedlaw said...

No monsters for me today, just a few angels and a pigeon zombie (almost a Skekses, really). Plus plenty of wisteria and decadent ice cream.

At 09:44 Blogger fairbetty said...

Fab Lor, you need to do THIS while you're over in Ireland

I have a friend who went and rode with them... she said it was the most amazing time.

At 09:48 Blogger Na said...

Thanks, Natalie!

Wisteria in bloom already?

At 10:24 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Wisteria has been blooming here for the past two weeks. Its looks great on blood red or deep ochre walls,

At 10:42 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It's a poem about ME that I wake to! What a fine way to start the day, Na! I love it. I shall print it out, and keep it in my office for THOSE days....

EL came down last night and gave me a post gig massage and offered to take me to Women's roller derby. I love that women.

I had something else to say, but it went away. Darn gig head.

At 11:01 Blogger Siri said...

Ryne Sandberg is the manager of the Iowa Cubs, the Chicago Cubs Triple A farm club. This is his first year. Ted Lilly was to start a rehab game Friday night. Scratched due to a sore back. He was to start a rehab game Sunday afternoon. He was scratched due to a sore back. Glad I only paid $7 for a general admission ticket. Sunday is Family Day at the ball park. I would want them all to sit down and be quite so I could watch the game. That isn't going to happen. Sigh.

Instead, I went to the gym, walked fast for 20+ minutes and took myself out for breakfast. French toast, eggs and bacon. Home, put the daffodil plants in the ground and cleaned the porch. Now I can listen to the Big Cubs on the computer, and don't have to worry about sunburn, allergy aggrivation and other people's children.

Na - LOVED the poem. Natlaw - someday I will see Italian wisteria. I want to live Enchanted April.

Good Sunday Morning, Fiendom.

At 11:04 Blogger vampi said...

na, that poem is perfect!


oooh dark crystal, i so want to see that again.

At 13:29 Blogger AletaMay said...

Sad it couldn't make it to Charlie's this weekend. Sounds like a blast!

At 13:32 Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh Na! How wonderful your poem is!

At 14:22 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Once upon a long time ago, in the Roman empire, a sculptor dreamt of syrens and other fantastical beasts, one of them a cheeky girl holding a strange musical instrument. When he woke up, he modeled the fantastic creature's head in marble.
Do you fiends see the same person in the old man's dream?

At 14:39 Blogger Ticia said...

Hello Fiends!

I will not be at either HotR or OctoCon. ::sigh::

I WILL be at World Fantasy Con in Ohio though. :)

Na, your poem is a thing of beauty.

Back to tea and revisions...

At 14:58 Blogger Marjorie said...

Ticia, hi! World Fantasy Con should be fun, tho? (although it would've been awesome to see you in Dublin)
I guess fiends going to these things will have to tweet & blog and chat here to keep everyone else in the loop.

Incidentally, is anyone here reading Mike Carey & Peter Gross's 'The Unwritten'? I bought the first volume @ easterconand am now feeling frustrated as the rest isn't written yet..

At 16:51 Blogger Fluffy said...

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At 16:51 Blogger Fluffy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16:51 Blogger Fluffy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16:54 Blogger Fluffy said...

Here's a JPEG of my version of Na's Na's-terpiece: The Princess of No

At 16:56 Blogger Fluffy said...

Sheesh. Some days Blogger really plays with my head.

At 17:05 Blogger Fluffy said...

Here's a picture of Cthulu so FabLo can see: Cthulu Embroidery Pattern

At 19:02 Blogger Jane said...

Was there going to be some news today? Something that couldn't be said yesterday? Did I miss it?

I could have missed it.

At 19:58 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ohhh, that pattern looks like a baby dragon Fluffy - I might have to order it I think.
na, your poem is a shiny piece of brilliance.

At 19:58 Blogger Na said...

Thanks, all y'all. Lorraine, so glad it you liked the poem -- it was rather insistent. (Which gives me an idea for something Jess has been pestering me about...) Fluffy - love the typeset!

No cons for me this calendar year, pretty sure. Maybe in summer I'll have a different idea.

For now it's work work work work work work work (with the occasional poem - yay! the well is not utterly dry)

At 20:13 Blogger Fluffy said...

Sally, Urban Threads has the coolest patterns. Lots of steampunk, etc.

Na, I made that into a pdf if you want the file.

At 21:00 Blogger Ticia said...

Marjorie, WFC should be awesome! Although I'd rather be where all the fiends are. :)

At 21:01 Blogger Na said...

Hey, now!

After commenting last, realized I'd greatly understated something: thank you all very, very much for your kind words. (I must've been channeling a stoic Norwegian for a moment.)

Fiends, too, are unfailingly kind.

Now, time to bathe monsters.

At 22:26 Blogger ariandalen said...

Rock was as Rock did! Glad El was there last night to alleviate some of your arm pain today. :)

Wonderful poem, Na!

At 22:41 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ben's back in school tomorrow. Spring break has been lovely mom-kid time, now it's time for school!!!! :)

I'm so behind on all y'all. I have so little time in front of the computer when ben's home.

Instead Q creeped into my dream last night so I guess I'm missing it here!

I'll catch up tomorrow.

At 23:10 Blogger Ms T said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 23:34 Blogger Dragonsally said...

*waves madly at Ms T*

You do indeed have a very very very big squid.

At 23:42 Anonymous Dennis Deery said...

Hey, very cool that you're going to Ireland. I lived there from 2006-2008, so if I can offer any recommendations or help please let me know.


At 00:56 Blogger Ms T said...

*wave back just as madly* :)

Sorry I've been AWOL. Things have been a just a little hectic around here.

At 11:15 Blogger louisa said...

I would love to do a webcast from the shop!! It's a little outside the city, here to be exact. (I had no idea a picture of the shop showed up on google maps and have no idea who took it but it was a while ago as I believe I spy a poster of The Graveyard Book in the window!)

The answers? Of course we know all the answers! In chronological order they are:

1. Magenta
2. Weasels
3. Never on Tuesdays
4. Always on Tuesdays
5. The third in the series
6. Yes
7. See 3 above
8. Generally north-north-east
9. Bacon
10. That would be an ecumenical matter

PS Not my fault if they don't get the questions right....

At 11:58 Blogger Chantrelle said...

You are awesome Louisa.

And I see from twitter Neil is saying NO to things....Lorraine? Are you OK? ;-)

At 15:45 Blogger dabbler said...

Fly by tick....tock....tooey

At 16:14 Blogger Chantrelle said...

My dad just called to tell me their dog died on the operating table. Thanks you for all the love on twitter. She went in for what the vet made out to be a routine surgery...i'm sure it was, but any surgery can have complications i guess. She was a pug and her trachea was collapsing so they needed to go in and do something about that so she could breathe. I guess pugs have to have this surgery a lot...poor pups. Anyway, her heart stopped on the table and that was that. My dad called crying. So I've been crying since.

It's going to be a hard thing to tell ben. He loved that smooshed face girl.

At 16:22 Blogger Ticia said...

I'm so sorry, Robyn. What horrible news. My heart is with you and your family. ((hugs))

At 16:30 Blogger Jane said...

Robyn, so sorry to read about the smooshed faced girl :-(

At 18:53 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Robyn, that is so so sad. Sending lots of love your family, and especially to young Ben.

Louisa. Great answers.
Now we should all make up alternative questions.

At 20:46 Blogger ariandalen said...

{{{Robyn}}} {{{{{Ben}}}}}
And hugs to your dad, too, Robyn.

At 21:07 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Perfect Jess.

Now I will go and think of my questions...

At 21:13 Blogger Dragonsally said...

If we all provide a list of questions to the answers, then the Fiends in the audience could just hold up a flash car to Quiche...with the relevant name on it.

At 21:31 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Here we go.
1. What is the true complimentary colour of green?

2. Who are Badgers' cousins?

3. When should the working week end?

4. When should the working week start?

5. I've been given a Shadow Kiss. When was that?

6. Does the Princess really say "No"?

7. When did Black Friday happen?

8. Which way should I walk?

9. What should never, ever be in ice-cream?

10. Is the Pope Catholic?

At 07:49 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Hallo, wassahp, Fiends? Okay, I actually had a question. Most of you like or have cats, right? Right. So can one of you tell me why, when a cat has a really good, nice, loving sort of home, she wanders over here, a few doors down (I don't know if the owners let her out or if they just have a cat flap that they never secure or something) and hangs around the door until we let her in, which we cannot do, and so she is really pathetic? I figure this has become her Second Home but is there another answer? She looks very well-fed and so I don't think she's being hurt. And the family strikes me as pretty nice. Has this just become her favorite place to visit? Why is she so desperate, intense on getting inside? (Note: I want this cat. Sooooooo badly. But my mother is very allergic and like I mentioned - she has a family. They just let her wander off, unfortunately.)

At 07:57 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I really hope all you Fiends are keeping TRACK of these questions and answers. I will never remember all the answers...

I would love to do a podcast from Louisas bookshop! That would be so fun!

What else? Ah, Emily, cats are pretty social, and they do what they will. Like women. Dogs and men should just get used to it. He's just visiting. Give him some love outside. I have cats that visit here too.

A storm is coming here. That's not a metaphor, it's going to RAIN! not a lot, but enough for me.

Did I tell you about our Guest Dog? TWO big white dogs! Until June! I'll try and get some pics today for you and do a lovely blog this evening, with all the details.

At 08:12 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Time share cats? Common as muck. For instance I am sure some people in our neighbourhood are convinced they have one white and orange Norwegian Forest cat as well as one normal grey cat. Both friendly and well fed too. No use wondering why they are not hungry in the evening (and they don't look particularly thin either)...

Back to work after 10 days. It feels great and peaceful (on the body) after a constant time serving as full pension host and tour guide (for no less that 3 successive groups). But hectic (for the mind) too.

At 08:16 Blogger dabbler said...

Good morning FabLo!

Hmm...Cabal has a roomie! Here's hoping Boss gets to stay home for awhile and play with his dogs, and write. And you get to breathe a bit,and ride, and plan some adventures of your own.

I'm so excited, I get to hang with my best friend this afternoon, which hasn't happened since before Christmas. She working full time+ and has taken on homeschooling her 13 yr old neice, so has no time. Today she's playing hooky. By the end of the afternoon we'll both feel far more sane!

At 08:30 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, when he is home it's a lot more hectic, we have so much to do and catch up on. I like it better tho. He leaves Thursday evening, sadly, until Sunday..

Cat is coming tho! As in my friend, not another feline. This is such a good thing.

At 08:40 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Thank you, Quiche: she is a VERY social sort of cat, and we enjoy her. If only Mom weren't so allergic ... anyway. Must complete more Don Juan and chemistry now. Thanks again!

At 08:43 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Bengals are often very good for people with allergies...Just saying...

At 09:02 Blogger Hellie said...

Good afternoon/morning! I bet Cabal will enjoy having a roomate to stay, and you'll have a great time with Cat!

Hopefully I'll be coming to Octocon too, I never need an excuse to visit Ireland (going in a fortnight in fact!)Would be lovely to meet some more fiends (& to see you again Marjorie!)although I don't think I'll be much good at providing answers either!

Doing a good zombie impression at work today. Weekend with niece and nephew = delightful but exhausting! Lots of games of Snakes & Ladders, & lots of laughter at my 5 month old nephews attempts to crawl!

At 09:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cabal is so far having a fine time, and a good side effect is he now EATS when the food is put down, in fear that Pearl will get it all. Both dogs need to put on some weight, so this is good.

I like having two, and two are no more work than one...

Hope you can come Hellie! The more the better. It will be some fun!

At 10:08 Blogger Hellie said...

I hope so too! Just have to do a bit of careful budgeting over the next few months while we go through this house buying lark.....

Thinking I should start up a part time business knitting tea cosies - my friend saw them being sold for £15! I'm going to make a black and white one with a Jack Skellington head on top for Halloween anyway :o)

At 10:39 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Saw the pic of Cabal and Pearl and, until boss explained, was thoroughly confused! My old cat used to visit all the neighbors. He was a scritches whore ;-)

Hellie - I'll buy a Jack tea cozy!!!

At 11:05 Blogger Hellie said...

Hee hee alright then, I'll get knitting ;o)

At 13:05 Blogger EmilyLady said...

Believe me, Lorraine, a Bengal, in my book, would be a welcome addition to the family; but my mom is kind of ... well ... not really an ANIMAL person in general ... indeed, she doesn't DO cat pee, let's just say ...

At 14:02 Blogger Phiala said...

Grendel is jealous. His internet buddy has a girlfriend to play with!

I had a dream the other night that Grendel and Cabal actually met, and had a grand time playing together. Q and Boss were in it too, but I only remember what the puppies were doing.

At 14:06 Blogger spacedlaw said...

They are so cute together!

At 15:24 Blogger Marjorie said...

I hope you can make it, Hellie - it'd be great to see you again, but with more time to chat .
I'm wondering if I can book some extra time off Work one side or the other of the con, to spend a little more time in or around Dublin - I need to ponder this some more...

And as well as answers, I think Q needs torime us with questions to ask in her panel, to wlicit the best answers ( that way, we all get to look smart)

At 18:06 Blogger Phiala said...

have a quiet evening in a hotel room... in which i have very nearly caught up on my email! which turns out to contain many things that probably should have been done last weekend.

i am about to take the new robin hobb book and visit one of the fine tourist-grade american restaurants that are near my hotel. bob evans and its ilk.

no energy for anything more ambitious, or more sociable. and... robin hobb book. :)

At 18:16 Blogger dabbler said... Hobb? Which series? Love most of her work, though the Shaman ones didn't quite do it for me. Mad Ships, now, or The Assassin/Fool ones.... lovely stuff.

Drat. Thought I was done with Amazon for a bit since I have, in pile waiting to be read, a)the new Jim Butcher, b)A new-to-me Nina Kiriki Hoffman, c)A new to me DeLint, and d)the newest Miller/Lee. Just gobbled the latest Patricia Briggs, and the latest Diana Wynne Jones. Recommend them both. I feel quite wealthy (in books, poor in pocket.)

At 18:20 Blogger Phiala said...

New Hobb: Dragon Keeper (2010, hardback) - volume one of the Rain Wilds Chronicles.

Which suggests that you can wait until there are more volumes. It's part of the Liveship Traders stuff, with the dragons. (I suppose that's obvious, isn't it.)

The Assassin trilogy is my favorite; not as fond of the Shaman stuff either.

And I haven't read much Megan Lindholm (same person), but liked that bit. (She wrote a book with Brust under that name.)

Have found my shoes, so must be time for dinner.

Right then.

At 19:17 Blogger Jane said...

Have the new Robin Hobb, too. Library book. Let me know what you think, I haven't started it yet.

Haven't read any of the Shaman. The Farseer trilogy and the trilogy following it are among my all time favorite books. Live Ships, yes, but not quite as much.

Dabbler, your book pile sounds so much like mine, I'm looking over my shoulder to see if you're here :-)

At 20:22 Blogger Siri said...

I believe we were promised a new blog tonight, full of white dogs. Being that I've been all doing unto others today, in a nice way, I'm waiting to be done unto.

Tap tap tap.

At 20:35 Blogger dabbler said...

Wasn't there supposed to be NEWS, recently, as well? Did I miss it?

At 20:36 Blogger Fluffy said...

Time share cats - good one! They are just attention whores. Our cats knew more neighbors than we did, I think, when we had kitties with outdoor privileges.

And I'm glad to have the answers AND the questions. "Pay attention. There will be a test, b*tches!"**

TEA COZY!! I still have Quiche's Spooky Tea Cozy that I was going to send for Christmas. What's the next major holiday? Tu b'Shevat? Aaargh.

**This is a quote from the first chapter of "Bite Me" which was edited by our fave editor at HarperCollins, Jennifer Brehl.

At 20:39 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm looking forward to the photos of Cabal and Pearl. Do you get confused about who is who Q? (HA -rhyme)
When my niece is here with her dalmatian we get confused between Shiraz and Loki when they are running around, even though Shiraz is liver spotted and Loki black spotted - they just look and act the same.

And yeah, I thought there was going to be some news too.

At 20:44 Blogger Ticia said...

just had to share this story.

I'm laughing so hard...

I bought my dog a treat today. I'm not going to tell you what it is, because it's disgusting...

The point is, my <11 pound dog, who loves me more than she loves the air that she breathes, GROWLED at me when I went to pet her! I know she'd never actually bite me, but OMG, she's never done that before!

I'm leaving her to her snack...


At 20:45 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Wasn't a pig's ear was it Tic?

At 20:48 Blogger Ticia said...


It's a cooked and dried trachea... She is in heaven!

At 20:56 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Haven't heard of them...from what animal? I'd bet my two would love them too.

At 21:00 Blogger Ticia said...

I think it's cow... maybe pig... bigger (I think) than a human's....

How would I know that?


At 21:21 Blogger Dragonsally said...

mwahahahahaha indeed.

At 21:26 Blogger Na said...

Disgusting indeed!

Robyn, condolences to your family. Worst when you don't expect it. :(

At 21:40 Blogger vampi said...

i'd buy a skellington head cosy, just saying... i do have a teapot, but it's one of those fancy pants bodum glass ones, and boy never uses it anymore.

*snugs* for the loved ones of smooshed face

At 22:35 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Just got back from the Barn. Too tired to think, read, write or do anything but go to bed. I tech'd for Melissa, got horses, ready, groomed, cleaned up, saddled, so she could work all the ones she needed to, THEN I rode Dim..

It was lovely. He's doing really well.

I have much to learn..


At 02:06 Blogger Marjorie said...

Boss has posted a new blog about dogs ( see, Q *said* there'd be a new post with digs. She never said where...)

At 04:29 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Yup, just like when Shiraz and Loki are together...really hard to tell who is who.

At 08:34 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I would have done a blog last night if I could have say, sat up and used the computer! TIRED! Man, I sleep now. Good.

I will do one NOW tho for you...

On my first cup of tea. See how I love thee's?

At 09:00 Blogger EmilyLady said...

The benefits to being home-schooled? If you must, and you know that sometimes you must, you can get up to make tea. It doesn't interrupt the day!

At 09:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New post is UP, with pictures and adventure!

At 16:21 Blogger Phiala said...

I see there's a new post, but I don't have time to catch up right now.

Just wanted to say that it was a lovely day to spend crawling around in a pasture (which is what I do when I'm not writing papers or doing statistics). Just lovely.

And now, shower. Very very important, that.

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