Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dinner Magic...

I've been battling,(albeit unsuccessfully at times, I keep getting outbid) for Kitty's Watercolours, tonight. Not sure who the Evil Foes are as of yet, keeping me from my art, but I do know this: I will prevail. When I love art. I love it.

Nine days left, Evil Foes. I will win. This is war. Look to your swords and choose your seconds well.

The other high point of the evening was the first dinner a trois. Magic, Venus and Mim, all eating together in the kitchen! I was a bit surprised when Magic hopped up for a bite, but the Leopard IS pretty into food, and he hadn't eaten for a couple hours.

Venus and Mim chase him around horribly (which, if one must speak plainly can only do the lad good) but they all seem to like it. Who knew? House of Leopards. Now if we can get The Royals involved.....

Here's a wee movie. Script could use work, and not sure the angles are right, action could be quicker, and it needs a more dramatic ending, but I really feel I have found my medium and film is really starting to express who I am as an Arteest.

Love and Art,


At 22:25 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I was off to bed, but who can resist a Magic movie? I sure can't.

A great stride forward in the mixing of the Bengals. I'm confident that you'll get the Royals involved, in their own time.

Then it will be One Big Bengal Alliance.


At 22:26 Blogger ariandalen said...

YAY! Half the Bengals eating together. Surely the Royals will join, in time. :)

At 22:29 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Wow, that is amazing - Magic eating with the girls, in the same small area.

This makes for a happy day.

At 22:31 Blogger AletaMay said...

great film and great job bringing the kids together for that all important family meal!

At 22:36 Blogger vampi said...

what a dinner party :)

At 22:45 Blogger Jane said...

Can't beat cat video - just ask Kimberly :-)

Start with Equal Rites for TP, IMO. The first 2 discworld books are where I started, but Equal Rites is where I fell in love.

And I agree with FIL that Tiffany Aching can't be beat(I read them aloud to Steve). A new one??? I didn't know that and it makes me happy.

At 22:56 Blogger Uisge said...

lick, lick, lick right back at you, little man.

At 23:10 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I love watching the glamorous "Life with Bengals" show. Or, "Desperate Housecats of Minnesota."

I am now also registered for all of my classes for the summer and fall. I should be graduating in May of 2012. Yay!

Also, I love substitute teaching in high school English classes. I've found my niche!

At 23:29 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I love watching the glamorous "Life with Bengals" show. Or, "Desperate Housecats of Minnesota."

I am now also registered for all of my classes for the summer and fall. I should be graduating in May of 2012. Yay!

Also, I love substitute teaching in high school English classes. I've found my niche!

At 23:40 Blogger Chantrelle said...

LOVE the video! And 3 leopards eating together!!! AWESOME!

Throat still sore. Still no voice. Off to bed early. Hopefully I will wake up and be able to talk everyone's ear off again.


At 00:16 Blogger spacedlaw said...

What's best that a cute kitty video to watch in the morning?
I see that Magic eats on the counter like the naughty Bengal he is...

At 00:41 Blogger Marjorie said...

Excellent! And Magic unfazed by the camera, too.
I love Kitty's watercolours, too, but I am not your Unknown Foe. It went out of my league a while back (and I woud not dare to fight you, even for a good cause- I would fear I might disappear with no trace, except perhaps a few Bengal-nibbled bones...)

At 01:07 Blogger Na said...

I'm floored to see all three Bengals chowing down in the same room! It's a wonder, isn't it? Thinking back a year or so, it's really amazing that these three can do this, is it not?

Enjoy Wyrd Sisters, Sock! That was my first Pratchett; I love it still. Agree wholeheartedly with Mr Jess on the Tiffany Aching stories.

Yesterday I read a book! For fun! And I mean I read it, all the way through, Holly Black's White Cat. Only planned to read a few chapters, but instead stayed up waaaay too late and finished it.

Good-health thoughts to those who are ailing, and congrats on the grades to Wendy, and I think also Lys.

Argh. I'm shambling much, rambling much. Cheers, all.

At 01:16 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Wyrd Sister was also my first Pratchett! And it was a case of "where have you been all my life, babe?".

At 01:29 Blogger vampi said...

i started with good omens, the momving pictures, which was a tough read.

my fav is small gods. soul music was pretty awesome, ans so was going postal.

At 06:07 Blogger Phiala said...

*waves* G'morning!

At 08:20 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Magic looked a little wary while eating, probably wondering if one of the girls was going to hop up and try to eat it.

At 09:02 Blogger Laura B said...

Very cool watercolours!

Great video!

I'm afraid I've never read any Terry Pratchett. I just started Creatures of the Pool by Ramsey Campbell. I figured I should read something of his since he's the guest of honor at a con I'll be at next month.

At 10:07 Blogger tulihein said...

Well, I'm a definite known foe, and I just admitted my defeat. Also, I think your cats could easily take on my cats. Though the one fondly known as the Lesser Questing Beast is pretty fierce. (: And I must add that Bengals are absolutely gorgeous, which is something that everyone reading your blog obviously knows. But I still had to say it. (:

And since everyone is talking about what Pratchett they read first, I thought I'd share my story too. (: I started with Mort, which is still one of my favourite books and I would recommend it as a good start for any potential Pratchett lovers (it's the first in Death-series, so it IS a beginning). But I absolutely love the Tiffany Aching, Night Watch and Witches series (in that order). And Good Omens is and quite possibly will remain my favourite book for ever. (: I read it when going to surgery, I carry it with me when I travel, I've bought about 10 copies of it to friends to stop them borrowing my book.

At 10:33 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good Omens is also my favourite. I insist that it should be reimbursed by social security since laughter is good for health. I've read it five times and it made me laugh every single time.

At 10:36 Blogger Jane said...

There is something about Pratchett that inspires me. His sideways view of the world is wonderful.

And what would Granny Weatherwax do? is a useful phrase in my life.

Wendy, yea for finding your niche!

At 10:38 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Little Zombied here this morning due to some 5:00am airline troubles. All sorted now, but never really got back to sleep.

There are SO many books I haven't read. I need to. I need to form a book club of just ME.

Seems like Wyrd Sisters is the one to start with? Or Mort? I have both of those to hard, so they would be easy.

(Yes, Boss does have all of them, but I don't want to be schlepping around his nice 1st edtions...)

Magics pretty sure he ought to be out all the time. Venus and Mim are pretty sure he should NOT. He was wary on the counter, but there was FOOD.

I called them all to dinner, and he came. Made me happy.

At 10:51 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Never thought I'd say this...I'm sick of honey! I don't usually put honey in my tea, I'm a tea-purist. But since I lost my voice it's been honey-honey-honey. Just plain tea now, i need a break!

Good Omens was my first Pratchett since I discovered him via Boss. Then I actually listened to the audio books when I used to commute. They're really well done. I honestly don't remember where I started, I loved them all so. Wyrd systers was a good one. I just fell in love w/ the discworld idea. I loved Amazing Maruice too. I didn't read them all, maybe about 10 of them. I had to take a break and then never really went back although they've beckoned.

I finished American Gods (for the 3rd or 4th time) on the plane last week. I have such an awful memory, every time I read it it's like a new book. I remember the general stuff but never know exactly what's going to happen next. Then my friend Mykle Hansen wrote a book called "Help! A Bear is Eating my Foot!!" Which is totally hilarious and dark and weird. Mykle actually worked briefly on the script for Coraline in Portland. He didn't want to change any of the story though so bowed out! Loved the book too much to change it for the screen.

So, can you tell I still can't talk? I'm quite chatty online to make up for it!!

At 11:07 Blogger Unknown said...

Get sniping software (I like bidnapper) so you can set it to drop your MAX bid in the last few seconds.

This can eliminate much of the back and forth of bidding by dropping a last minute bid bomb.

CAVEATS - you win if your max bid entered is the highest. You don't win if someone else's max is higher - sometimes that is a hard call to make.

At 12:08 Blogger ariandalen said...

Ms. Fabulous, I'm not sure the airlines stand a chance anymore. :)

Hi, tulihein! You are no longer a foe, you are now a Fiend! Besides, once she sets her mind to it, Ms. Fabulous gets what she's after. :)
All Fiends have a white, buckled jacket; here's yours. Feel free to personalize it any way you want! :)

At 12:23 Blogger Marjorie said...

I love 'Good Omens' too - I'd been reading Pratchett forever (my friend Rob lent me 'Colour of Magic' to read, in school, in about 1985) but Good Omens is a favorite, and (together with the dedication in DWJ's Hexwood) was what led me to check out Boss's work. I'm a net exporter of copies, tho. My luggage went missing once, when I was flying to Barcelona. When it finally turned up, my suitcase had been broken into, and the only thing missing was 'Good Omens'.
I think I'm on copy No 6, now, and have finally managed to get the same copy signed by *both* authors..

At 14:18 Blogger Jenn said...

So now I have to go off and find out of the Leopard Cat is communal, or if this trait is just carried by the housecat genes. Always interesting to stop by your place Lorraine!

At 19:04 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Found out today that the reason I haven't been able to get my yummy, awesome, organic, super orange-yolked eggs at the farmer's market is that someone stole 300 of their chickens!! That is so L-A-M-E!
They set up a paypal acct to rebuild that I tweeted. Let me know if you're interested in donating. $15 gets a chicken named after you :)

Family movie night tonight! Ponyo and Sushi!

At 19:33 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Go Quiche. And Magic is lovely.

At 20:31 Blogger Ticia said...

You are truly an arteest, Quiche. And I love seeing the bengals in motion.

At 20:33 Blogger ariandalen said...

Robyn..."Ponyo" and sushi?

That just seems so wrong.

So wonderfully, Fiendishly wrong. ;)

At 20:37 Blogger Ticia said...

I wasn't going to say anything... but you're right.

Robyn, that's deliciously evil.

At 21:00 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I do NOT have housekeeping skills. This is a FACT.

Merry and Spooky Teen came for an hour and a half and did the ENTIRE house except for the Sun Rom, which I dusted.

In that same hour and a half.

Of course, I didn't KNOW dust stuff wasn't for WINDOWS, I mean who knew THAT? Some sort of expert maybe, but not ordinary people.

I didn't ride because I was so tired I thought it wouldn't be safe, we housekeeping is NOT SAFE AT ANY SPEED EITHER PEOPLE!!!!!!!

At 21:18 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

poking achy brain/optical cells in room for a moment...waves
Oh Hai. Wow the Magic! What a huge change. That's just so grand.

Thanks, Na! Don't have all my grades yet--so not yet confirmed if I'm maintaining (or ALMOST maintaining) my Honor Roll status.

But happy enough about the pointy headed grade in Chem. Chemistry! Me! wheeee...

Congrats, Wendy! You haz a PLAN, and that is good. Perhaps I'll be in your shoes, er, niche in a year or two.

okay....back to recovery mode. Still have grad support (other people, not me) early tomorrow.

(oh, and GET BETTER Chantrelle! You get a little hectic when you can't talk, don't you! :) )

bye, all. Be well!

At 21:30 Blogger vampi said...

whee pointy headed grades are swell!

cleaning is dangerous.

At 00:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Uh, ok, why am I still working? Yes, I had an accidental nap before my insane dusting thing, but I am up and at it NOW??

At 00:22 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Oh Noes!
Go to sleep! Go to sleep NOW!

At 00:32 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Trying....Need sleep but kind of wound about flights and things...

At 00:48 Blogger Dragonsally said...

at least you're not chasing airlines about baggage...or are you?

At 01:49 Blogger Ticia said...

Tell me you've gone to bed... I mean... If you're still awake to read this, you haven't gone to bed.., So, tell me if you haven't gone to bed... Which doesn't sound right... Are you tired yet? I think I just exhausted myself.

At 11:18 Blogger vampi said...

i found the flower you need in your garden bat flower

At 12:32 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Ugh. So sleepy this morning. x.x Need to drag myself to the library to get get another book fix. Anyone have any more suggestions for my library list?

At 19:04 Blogger Dragonsally said...

where are you all?

Vampi -I have a serious need for that plant now. Truly beautiful it is

At 19:07 Blogger Na said...

I've decided dust must be derived from something related to a Hydra, like Hydra dandruff (ewww): remove a thousand dust particles and two thousand replace them. Instantly.

Nat - just so! I had that same feeling after reading Wyrd Sisters - "Where have you been all my life?" I might never get around to reading them all, but one can try. Don't think I've read Mort, but if it's a Death story, that shall certainly need to remedied...

Meanwhile, I seem to have officially acclimated to this climate, as 23 C (73 F) feels hot to me.

At 19:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm here. Just trying to figure out where i'm re-hanging pictures now that our walls are all beautifully painted. :)

Boss-shrine of prints is next: How to talk to girls at parties, Desert Wind, The day the Saucers came and 100 words. Things are getting rearranged now that we're starting w/ a blank slate.

At 19:10 Blogger Na said...

Hi Sally! I just popped in to read a bit. Have been running around with the monsters all day in this dreadful heat and feel wiped out. One hour to bathe them and feed them before DOCTOR WHO!!!! *squee* I think I have taken a turn towards something like real fandom, here, having started reading Dr Who Magazine.

At 19:11 Blogger Dragonsally said...

ohhhh, I love doing that Robyn - how's the throat today(my time)?

Na -I love Mort. great book. Death and Tiffany and Granny W are my favorite Pterry characters. And the Librarian, and....

For some insane reason I got out of bed at 6am this morning. Its just after 10am now and I'm wondering why I did that.

At 19:12 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hmmm, I may just watch the new Dr Who episode myself I think...then rewatch with Pete later.

At 19:18 Blogger Na said...

Oooh, fun, Robyn. Your house is a clean slate.

Okay, off to wrangle beasts, then find out what happens to the Army o' Weeping Angels.

At 19:37 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Buying a new No Soliciting sign for our front stoop. The old one stuck to the door but now we have a pretty door and I want something to stake in the ground. These guys look awesome.. Now what exactly it will say (you can customize the text) i'm not sure. Something about "No soliciting, No vacuums, No saving our souls, No kidding"

Not sure how to phrase it yet though.

At 20:11 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Talked to my Neighbor about building a Cat Cage. A REALLY BIG Cat CAge outside. Mim is going nuts indoors. SHe peed on my foot tonight again.

Took them on a leash walk down the block and now my Neighbor is Thinking and will build me a big chicken wire cage that she can have a tree in, a branch, and climb and be OUT.

CHeck these out, three PAGES of cat places...

Apparently cats in Australia have it GOOD.

At 20:33 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Tysie LOVES her enclosure outdoors. To the extent that it is a bit of a fight to get her inside, even if the weather turns yukky. Because we rent, we can't connect it to the house unfortunately. That's what most people who have them here do...

At 20:39 Blogger Dragonsally said...

These are the best ones Q...

At 21:00 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Plugged "the pogues" into and am listenign to a great mix of dubliners, flogging molly, etc. Loving it!

At 22:44 Blogger ariandalen said...

Those are really cool outdoor cat enclosures. :)

Robyn, do you think the "soul-savers" would understand "No Proselytizing"? Those are really nice looking signs. It's a shame that you can't just say, "GO AWAY!" Maybe that's what you need,
"NO Soliciting
NO Proselytizing

At 00:34 Blogger Na said...


At 09:08 Blogger Laura B said...

In all seriousness, if you want to keep religious types at bay, just put up a straight up "No Trespassing" sign. It makes it illegal to set foot on your property unless given your permission.

And who says you can't just say "Go Away"? Trust me, I've gotten much worse responses at people's doors in the past.

At 11:13 Blogger Laura B said...

Oops. I think I killed it.

At 11:15 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Naah. It smelled dead already. Sunday dead.

At 11:56 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I wanted to be funny at the same time as I was keeping them from knockin' ;-)
The jesus ones aren't nearly as pushy as the vacuum ones!

At 12:30 Blogger vampi said...

"protected by cthulhu"

At 12:46 Blogger Laura B said...

I can never get rid of the vacuum salesmen! One actually barged into my bedroom and pulled back my sheets to show me how the vacuum would suck the dead skin cells out of my mattress. Creepy much?

Vampi, if I saw a sign in someone's yard that had a Lovecraft reference I think I'd have to stop and take a picture.:)

At 12:49 Blogger vampi said...

oh Madeleine, that's creepy. i would have told them if they don't leave i'm calling the police.

i guess despite the children that do not seem to be parentally supervised in my apartment building, at least i don't have random people knocking on my door.

At 13:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I forgot how bad it was since i've had the No Soliciting sign on my door for a couple of years now. Now that it's gone it's crazy! 4 people in 3 days trying to get me to give them money for shit i don't want. I told the vacuum people, "I just got all wood floors so I don't need Kirby anymore". He looked at the TILE in my entryway and said, "Oh wow! That's wood?! How did they get it to look like that?"...and he wasn't being sarcastic.

At 13:14 Blogger vampi said...

maybe he had his brains all sucked out?

At 13:16 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Can't be in a bad mood listening to "Pogues Radio" on Very bouncy...well, 'til they play a slow sad one but mostly just want to dance!

At 15:09 Blogger Marjorie said...

That salesman sounds VERY pushy - definitely over lots of lines!
I've had a fun weekend - went over to see a friend, got to play with some gorgeous 4 week old puppies, (and to do a little bullock-shaving)...
Cute pics over on my blog

At 15:47 Blogger louisa said...

Not such an exciting weekend here - no puppies of cuteness or sellers of the unwanted - but I did have the first new season local strawberries from the farmer's market, somehow always the best even though they'll have more flavour in a couple of weeks.

Those cat enclosures are amazing, and look strong enough that they just might be Bengal-proof.

At 18:45 Blogger Dragonsally said...

We have one of those sorts of signs on our door, and still some annoying people knock. Especially people ttrying to sell power plans, and they get abusive if you tell them to go away.

More people turn around and leave when they see the sign though. Possibly aided by the sound of two barking dogs.

At 18:54 Blogger Phiala said...

Hi! *waves*

John Hiatt is awesome live.

I'm ridiculously busy and ridiculously tired. And today is Nick's birthday, and I leave for New Hampshire at 5:30 tomorrow morning.

At 18:54 Blogger Phiala said...

And the Mac and I are having a disagreement about whether the ticky box should actually do anything or not.

At 19:46 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We had a door to door INVESTMENT counselor the other day. Said he'd opened an office in town and was introducing himself to the "Neighborhood" I pointed out we were miles from anyone, and he said he had been by the week before and the Lady of the House had seemed very interested.

I pointed out I WAS the lady of the house, he kept on asking about my investments and how were they doing.

I released the dogs. Little dog hair goes a long way.

Fods I am tired, rode Maize on a trail ride, then Dim in the ring and outside.

Then we washed the horses.

At 19:55 Blogger Fluffy said...

Wow, did I miss a lot while I was outside! I think Romeo the cat should be named Looney Lovegood. Not really; it just made me laugh. He does have an adorable face.

I have been working like a... A Working Thing in the yard. I took a break today, just doing the personal trainer thing and then some plant watering. And reading the new Charlaine Harris.

Oh, Pratchett! My gateway drug to his work was "The Wee Free Men" because it had a great cover blurb: "They're blue, they're six inches tall and nobody messes with them." The audio version is read by Stephen Briggs, who has a wonderful delivery.

I love the audiobooks - I started listening to "Lords and Ladies" last night and ended up going to bed at 4:30. Sigh.

My spouse didn't read Pratchett until I trapped him on a long car trip with "Going Postal" on audio. It is also a great starter book.

Ahhh. I think this is an ADD day. Oh, look. Wrens!

At 19:58 Blogger Fluffy said...

Heh, heh. I just noticed we're all pretty coy about naming The Boss. Or is it He Who Must Not Be Named?

At 20:03 Blogger Jane said...

Hey Fluffy - I am our car audiobook reader and read Going Postal as well as Making Money and all the Tiffany Aching to Steve in the car. We drive a lot :-)

He wants to read the other Pratchetts to himself - too bad because they are so fun to read aloud.

Crappy eye tonight - something happened to cause flashing lights and a new floater - I know it is the vitreous coming away from the retina but what I don't know is if it took any retina with it. So far no loss of sight so eye dr on call told me to have a low-key evening and call first thing in the morning. Argh! Want a drink for stress but you know, if the worst happens and there is emergency surgery, don't want them to wait until the alcohol clears out!

Feeling a bit stressed, can you tell??

At 20:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I guess I don't name him much because I want this to be about ME. Not NEIL GAIMAN'S ASSISTANT....If you see what I mean.

It's sort of the place I relax after work, here, with my pals, and don't have to be you-know-what

I certainly don't mind Fiends talking about his work, as any other author, we're all big readers, and he is, well, the best.

At 20:06 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jane, that's pretty weird. Hope you're ok and all...

At 20:11 Blogger Jane said...

I'll be fine. I hope. This has happened before in the other eye and all was well. Evidently it doesn't matter if the vitreous pulls away from the retina if it leaves the retina intact.

I'm so nearsighted that this is not unusual but no one can say if any particular instance is a problem without looking into my eyeball.

I do have the Q's eyeball T-shirt; maybe should wear it when I get the eye dr to work me in tomorrow :-)

At 20:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, yes, I think you should.

(I have an eyeball tee shirt????)

At 20:19 Blogger Jane said...

Ummm, yes? I haz the T-shirt. A Halloweeny take on the picture of the back of your eye. Well, someone's eye, anyway :-)

At 20:51 Blogger ariandalen said...

Yes, Ms. Fabulous, from last year near Halloween. I believe it reads "The Eye of the Quiche" and is on Lys's spreadshirt page.

Sharon J., hope everything is okay with your eye. Sucks you can't have the alcohol. Maybe a nice warm bubble bath? Or/with a cup of chamomile tea?

At 21:06 Blogger Jane said...

Thanks Ari, tea may be coming :-)

Watching DVD of Coupling to distract myself and eating a grilled cheese sandwich for comfort food. No loss of vision yet but the flashes continue. Unnerving...

I'll know more tomorrow, they work people in fast at the eye dr.

At 21:42 Blogger Dragonsally said...

"Release the hounds"...Hah, so Quiche works for Monty Burns as well?

I love my Eyeball t'shirt. It is awesome, and Jane you should certainly wear it to the eye doc. I hope this is a storm in an, errr, eyecup.
I am feeling very virtuous. I have dinner cooking in the slow cooker AND I've done dishes. This means I can play on the computer with no guilt now.

At 22:14 Blogger Laura B said...

Sharon, hope you're appointment goes well. *hugs*

At 22:15 Blogger Laura B said...

That was supposed to be "your" not "you're". Silly, sleepy fingers.

At 06:38 Blogger Dragonsally said...

today's Savage Chicken cartoon is right on our latest hot topic

At 06:59 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I think Doug is a fiend.

At 07:01 Blogger Dragonsally said...

he certainly channels us often enough!

At 07:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Orkin just came to the door. Needless to say I am not exactly dressed or awake. Know they were coming, and said yes, I had got the message, ut not at 7AM!

They only do the outside anyway. Need to talk to them about this hour tho.

Once I wake up.

Kidnapping Conan crew is on the agenda for the day.


At 07:51 Blogger Jane said...

Eye dr at 10:45 - still flashing in the eye...on the up side, I fell asleep at 11:30 and didn't stir until 7:30am!

We spent the weekend at meditation training in Durham NC, on the same weekend as Duke graduation so the only hotel room we found was not exactly the best place - 2 nights of not sleeping well on a crappy bed and 2 long days of meditation and I was tired, so say the least!

Send healthy eyeball healing wishes my way.

At 08:21 Blogger ariandalen said...

On their way, Sharon J!

At 08:50 Blogger Ticia said...

Sharon (Jane)- Thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way!

I saw Ben Folds with Robyn (Vampandora) last night and HE WAS AWESOME! The opening act was great too (Kate Miller Heidke).

Quiche- I thought of you at dinner because we ate at Dosa (Indian food) and I had the most delicious mango and goat cheese salad. Yum!

Okay. EvelynEvelyn is next weekend, so incredible music will be had AGAIN.

I love my life.

I also agree that Savage Chicken must be a fiend.

At 09:25 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Today is D-Day, the day Diesel makes his trip from the Chicago area to the Detroit area thanks to all of you and our other wonderful volunteers. Everyone keep good calming thoughts so the transport is as quiet as possible with a bengal. Thank you again. I will post updates on his progress.

At 09:53 Blogger vampi said...

sending calm good thoughts to Sharon and Diesel.

and neato 3-d bee imaging technolog

At 10:26 Blogger Hellie said...

Calming thoughts for Diesel. Ticia, love Ben Folds! Did he get the whole crowd singing in harmony?

Had a lovely weekend with friends staying, we did lots of eating out, stayed up chatting til 3am, made giant cooked breakfast - mainly eating & talking it seems.

I want me some cleaners that can do my whole flat in less than 2 hours!! Usually takes me a day, although my back is so bad at the moment that I can't really do much. Boyfriend actually vacuumed the other day! I think we'll be getting a cleaner when we move to a house! Bit worried as there is an electricity substation next to the house we're buying, there isn't a lot of helpful advice around. Doesn't seem much evidence that they are a danger, but quite a lot of perceptions that they are harmful, which could affect us if we tried to sell it in the future :o/

At 11:22 Blogger Jane said...

Sending good calming thoughts to Diesel! Good journey, kitty, on to your new and safe life. Hope the vet can figure out the problem and solve it.

I am home from eye Dr with the news that yes the vitreous is tearing away (I knew that part) and no, it is not harming the retina in any way. This time. Yea!

Eye dr is so calming and reassuring - of course I have been seeing him for over 25 yrs so he knows what to say to me.

And you all, too, thanks for your good vibes!

Now to pack for Utah, leaving Thur for a week. Packing, my favorite :-(

At 11:24 Blogger Hellie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:25 Blogger Hellie said...

OW - but glad it is good news Jane.

Packing is always more fun than unpacking. Still have a half-full suitcase in the living room, got back from my trip a month ago. Oops.

At 11:57 Blogger Fluffy said...

Hooray for good news, Sharon. What a scary thing.

I love that cartoon, Sally!

I am avoiding going out to work in the yard.

Here's another alias for Boss: AFP called him "Mr. Fancypants" on her blog. I'm guessing it's somewhat inappropriate for any of us to do the same. :-)

At 12:01 Blogger spacedlaw said...

He's supposed to be "scary trousers" anyway.

At 12:15 Blogger Marjorie said...

Of course, in British English he would be wearing his fancypants under his scary trousers...

I rather like Birdchick's 'Mr Neil'..

Glad the eye is if not good, not toobad either,Sharon

At 12:29 Blogger Jane said...

Thanks - just a matter of recovering now I think.

I like Boss as a nickname, because he is. But this blog is not about him, except as we all talk about what's going on in our lives.

At least he is not as Phiala's boss, who appears to be Ogre.

At 12:32 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Love the savage chicken!

Had such a good time w/ ticia last night. Ben folds was excellent. Not sure why it took me so long to see him. He toured w/ Tori in '03 and I should have seen him then but that's when I spent the day w/ her chef, Duncan, backstage so I just heard a muffled, distorted ben folds set. He's been intertwined w/ so many of my fave artists and now I see why...he's INSANELY talented!

Sharon-glad you aren't going to go blind! That's freaky! I have a thing about eyes, I don't like messing w/ them.

I'm subbing in ben's class again today at 11 so I'm just hanging out in my car, checking email, reading the comments and watching the rtain...again. we should be all done w/ rain!!

At 13:52 Blogger Fluffy said...

I'm glad we're not getting rain after the deluge we had Friday. I just planted ten lavender plants, and they won't make it if it's soggy for too long.

My two mature lavender plants are going to be ready to start cutting this week, so I guess we'll have lots of lavender wands this year. I should make some with black ribbon.

Must go get act together. Lost focus this morning.

At 14:10 Blogger vampi said...

oooh lavender wands :) those are so neato.

glad eyeball news is good.

i kind of like Himself as nickname because he's not my boss, but boss also works. i like code names, it's all cloak and dagger.

At 14:13 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Well, I'd rather call him Neil myself, because it is unexpected and fairly uncommon (here at least). Like I call Lorraine, Lorraine. I am strange and weird in that way. Maybe it's a French thing. Maybe not.

At 14:19 Blogger vampi said...

But Nat, you know both outside of the blog.

At 14:23 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Yes, but I'd still be doing this even if I didn't. Told you guys I am weird. But you did know that already. DIDN'T YOU?

At 14:29 Blogger vampi said...

no i would suspect you are the normal one and i am the weird one. i have no problem referencing people as their online chosen name. But i also didn't have a lot of nicknames growing up, so maybe i like the nickname aspect of it. My name really only shortens to doni, which i hated as a kid because i felt it was a boy's name. i'm now not that bothered by it, i would blame maturity, but i don't consider myself mature :D

At 14:41 Blogger Ticia said...

Hellie- He did have the audience sing in harmony. I didn't do it because Robyn is under strict orders not to talk too much and we were SO bad. She says I should have sung twice as loud, and she's right, but I felt like it would be taunting her. :)

on a completely different note:

I hate insurance companies! I let a friend borrow my car at lunch. He accidentally backed into a car. He gave the other driver HIS insurance information. Which, we found out, is wrong. Insurance follows the car, not the driver. So, BOTH of us will end up having our rates increased. He didn't even much damage! My car is totally unscathed. Aarrgghh!

On a happier note... I hope Diesel's trip is going well and I'm super happy that Sharon is going to be okay... Sharon, what do they do for you for the problem?

At 15:03 Blogger Jane said...

Nothing to be done - my eyeball is so long (not round) due to nearsightedness that the vitreous is stretched already (think of jello) so it doesn't take much for it to detach itself from the retina.

Another one of those aging things as well. The problem is that I can not know if the retina is being damaged, I do know when the jello is detaching due to bright lights and flashes in the eye.

Anyway, OK for now.

Thanks for asking - I've been a total slug all day...happily so.

At 15:29 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Eye ball Posters? Did someone say.....

We can make that happen. Just say the word. :) grades in. Not shabby. Not shabby at all. I am. pleased. (actually, I danced around in my own fancypants for fifteen minutes. Gotta get motivation where one can!)

Robyn--hope your throat lets you sing in harmony (or melody, for that matter) again very soon.

At 15:31 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

pps Jane--I can only hope this is healable? Or at least, mitigatable (is that a word?)

Healthy hopes to you....

At 15:44 Blogger dabbler said...

Wow...much to catch up on!

Jane, been there, done that, both eyes about two years apart, freaky and annoying for sure, but seems to settle out after awhile.

Just got back from DS's almost graduation from college...he walked the ceremony, but won't get his diploma till December, because he has to bring up his GPA in his major (physics.) He's in a really good place in his life...and no fewer than FOUR professors, all in different departments, told Mark and I that he is one of the brightest students they've ever had.... Such a validation for him, and us, since we do a lot of watching him get in his own way....
Very proud, I am!

At 15:46 Blogger dabbler said...

And tick-tac-toe. Did you know the casino in Pittsburgh has a trained chicken that you can play tic-tac-to against for money. Not that we went to the was in the paper. really.

At 15:49 Blogger Marjorie said...

Congratulations on good grades, Lys!

At 16:07 Blogger louisa said...

Jello eyeballs, dancing in fancypants and chickens in casinos... am I awake or is this one one of those those dreams I'm about to wake up from shouting, "Not the third shelf"?

At 16:24 Blogger Jane said...

Yes, the conversations range, don't they.

Third shelf??? The mystical 3rd shelf?

Lys, congratulations!

At 17:56 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I don't know where to start....

Lys - congrats! Wonderful news. Ous studying Fiends seem to be going really well. \o/
Sharon, I'm glad the eye doc had reasonably good news for you, sending more healing eyeball thoughts.

I am going to be singing fancy pants all day - thanks Jess.

At 18:13 Blogger Jane said...

Fiends are all v smart so they do well in school :-)

At 18:31 Blogger Dragonsally said...

As they say, the proof is in the pudding!

At 19:33 Blogger Dragonsally said...

a happy making clip

At 19:51 Blogger Siri said...

Love it, Sal - thanks for sharing!

At 20:09 Blogger bengalgirl said...


From Dr. Karen;
Diesel is safe & sound in Michigan. I have already done some preliminary tests on him. His temp was 102.9 (not bad after the stress of travel); X-Rays showed no sign of pneumonia or fluid in his lungs; no deviated septum. Ultrasound showed no fluid in his abdomen. We also took some blood for analysis & should get the answers tomorrow.

I anticipate doing more tests - culture & oral exam & neuter in a couple days. I don't want to stress him out too much at once. He is a sweet & handsome cat. He sat on my lap all the way back.

So far all is well...

Dr. Karen

At 20:15 Blogger Jane said...

Good news about Diesel.

At 21:29 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


Also, tomorrow is a Jewish holiday where I get to eat lots of cheese!

At 00:50 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hey, it's tomorrow here, now! Happy Firbday, and happy Jewish cheese day, Wendy! Have fun :-)

At 01:05 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Thanks for good wishes--I *am* happy; this has been a hard semester.

Happy Firbday, Wendy---enjoy the cheese!

Sally--BEST MUSIC VIDEO EVER!!!!!!! Plus happiest and most socially responsible doggies ever. Majorly cool. Thank you for sharing.

Back to "other projects" now :)

third shelf?

At 01:16 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Happy tomorrow, Fiends!
Happy today, Wendy!

Happy kitties everywhere,
That is my wish.

At 01:48 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

Weird things to trip over in the middle of the night:

Moby has evidently bought the house where I was married (it was built by my groom's grandfather.)

Just had to share that. Life is odd, sometimes.

At 02:25 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Well huh. Blogger just did something really odd, said I wasn't signed in and lost my post.

Now, what did I say...

oh yeah -
Life is indeed odd Lys.

And, um, I was telling you all about mismeasuring our window, and buying courtains that were at least 30cm too long...which was fixed with a pair of scissors. Lost the pretty scalloping on the bottom and possibly all of $4 in price. Oh well.

At 02:42 Anonymous Lysandwr said...

DS--sorry you lost your scalloping! I'm so weird, I'd have cut them at the top and done all the resowing...which is silly, because then you could have just bought cloth and made them "from scratch" to start with.
Way too much work. Back to project.

At 02:49 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I thought about doing it properly Lys...and then I couldn't be bothered. Pure laziness really

At 03:03 Blogger Na said...

But Louisa, that's just Fiends as Usual! At least on a chatty day.

Yay for Diesel.

Happy Firbday to Wendy!
(since I am up into the wee hours, for No America, anyway...)

Working. Had a break for a couple weeks but getting loaded down again. May need to make a new rule of no working past midnight. I'm thinking it's not worth getting stuff done if I'm too frakking tired to enjoy anything (or think clearly) the next day. :P

At 03:06 Blogger Dragonsally said...


At 06:30 Blogger spacedlaw said...

More or less. Give or take the odd sand bag.

At 06:31 Blogger louisa said...

I though Moby was living in a scallop-infested cheese? Which puzzled me what with him being vegan...

ssshhhhh don't mention the third shelf, it might hear you.....

At 06:34 Blogger spacedlaw said...

What? the third sh....aaargh.

At 07:40 Blogger Ticia said...

Congrats to Lys!

Wendy- Happy Firbday!

Sally - The video was brilliant!

Am forgetting things, I know...

Na - Well... I can't very well comment on late nights, can I?

At 08:19 Blogger Na said...

Is a third shelf anything like a third eye?

Ticia - unless you've changed your ways...

At 08:31 Blogger Ticia said...

Na - Nope. No change of ways. I'm just not online as much.

At 08:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Really, that's all I got "ok..."

Fiends have clearly gone walkabout. With a third shelf, Moby and old cheeses.

Cool. I can see that.

Going to Conan myself today, which out to be fun.

LOTS of new pics from Adrienne with Bengals, she is a Cat Whisperer, they love her! Mab got nearly CUDDLY!!!!!

At 08:50 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I was checking out restaurants in Bergen (Norway), preparing from my visit to the Living Planet Symposium in July...
I have no knowledge of shelves, the ones in my office are not available for comments and whatever happened, we weren't there.

At 09:16 Blogger vampi said...

happy fircheese day wendy.

nobdy puts conan on the third shelf in moby's house

At 09:29 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Mmmmmm, cheese....

At 10:00 Blogger Hellie said...

Happy Birthday Wendy! And yay for more Bengal photos!

I think cheese is icky - well except for mozarella, but that's not really cheese, more like Goo. People tend to look at me like I am MAD for not liking cheese! Am I going to be cast out for admitting that, or worse, made to sit on the third shelf, ahhh?!

At 10:03 Blogger ariandalen said...

Happy Firbday, Wendy!

Yay, Lys!

Need sleep. Maybe 3rd...

At 10:15 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I think I found 28 year old cheese in my fridge the other day. Wasn't pretty...

At 10:24 Blogger Jane said...

Happy Firbday, Wendy!

Yea for cheese - what's not to like :-)

On my 3rd cup of coffee and no boing yet.

Eye much better, almost 12 hours since last flashing light - maybe it's finished doing whatever.

So, really, what about that 3rd shelf? It was a real thing, somewhere back in the comments :-)

At 10:32 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Someone else who doesn't like cheese? I love you Hellie! You are totally insane, just like me.
Don't you threaten me with cheese Jess ;-)

I'm really glad ben likes cheese, it's a really inconvenient thing not to like. This morning for breakfast he had yogurt, ham and chunks of parmigiano reggiano. I love my foodie kid!

I see Lorraine had coffee...eek!

At 10:50 Blogger Fluffy said...

Noone told me it was Jewish Cheese Day! Well, thank goodness I had already decided to make cheesy tuna casserole, because those ingredients won't keep.

Happy firbday, good grades day, and cheese all around day, unless not. And all Fiends are Above Average, just like in Lake Wobegon.

Diesel sounds awfully sweet for a boy with such a macho name. What a great break for him.

Well, I'm off to plant some purple penstemons. Another ADD day. And everyone can call me Fluffy. I think it's more dignified than Bobbee.

At 10:54 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Oh, forgot...Happy Birthday Wendy!

And I only call Boss "Boss" here. I tend to call Lorraine by every one of her nicknames here. They are Neil and Lorraine in person to me. I answer to Chantrelle, vampandora and Robyn. I think Q settled on calling me Chantrelle in person which works for me. Boss calls me Robyn. There isn't a nickname for Robyn so had to completely make ones up! I just try to confuse the hell out of people. I can't keep track of who's who between here, twitter and facebook so it's only fair.

At 11:24 Blogger Jane said...

I think of you as Fluffy.

Do you know I'll be at the HOTR weekend? Can't wait to meet you and Robyn (aka Vampandora and Chantrelle).

Are either of you thinking about costumes for the party? I'm thinking dead wife but need to reread to see if there is another one that would be fun.

At 11:28 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I just reread AG so was trying to fish out costumes. I don't know yet. Nothing screamed "ME" like some characters (Other mother) do! I know there are going to be some crazy-elaborate costumes there. Neil-fans are so creative.

STill trying to figure out if this will be a whole-family trip or just me. I booked for all 3 of us and have until sept 1st to decide for sure. I think ben might be bummed to not be home trick-or-treating for halloween. I've made the holiday so huge in our house!

At 11:41 Blogger Hellie said...

Hurray I have an ally! People who don't like cheese are few and far between!!

I'm plain old Helen on facebook, and pilgrimhelen on Twitter (not that I really have time to tweet!)

We've just asked the electricity company to measure our prospective house for substation evil!

At 11:45 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm vampandora and foodporncom on twitter. One for my mindless ramblings, one for my yummy food :)

At 14:02 Blogger Na said...

I like cheese, but it does not always return the affection, maybe because I never give it my undivided attention -- I really must always eat it With Something.

At 16:06 Blogger Fluffy said...

Well, I haven't done a darn thing today - I think I'm a tiny bit under the weather. Just kind of bleh.

Actually, this morning I did a lot of deadheading, so that's something. And I've been reading "Alex Van Helsing: Vampire Rising," which I think is a pretty cool book, especially for boys. Lots of action and James Bond-esque underground headquarters, etc. (as well as lots of references to Victorian literature - Shelley, Keats, the whole crowd.) I'm going to send a copy of it and "The Graveyard Book" to my nephew.

I think I'm up to cooking tuna casserole and that's about it. Oh, and check out Chris Moore's demented reporting of the fat kids fighting back in the War on Childhood Obesity: Obese Children Strike Back

At 16:24 Blogger Marjorie said...

I've been seeing those tweets, and couldn't work out what he was responding to, at first!

Now, to bed. And if I dream of shelves I'm blaming all of you, but Louisa in particular.

At 16:35 Blogger vampi said...

i think shelves are getting a bad reputation.

At 16:56 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Poor shelves...

morning all!

That's all I have. It must be time for breakfast.

At 17:26 Blogger Jane said...

Shelves ARE getting a bad rap.

And Jess, eeuww on the cheesy humor ;-)

Hey Sally!

Fluffy, how was the new Sookie? I don't have it yet.

At 17:36 Blogger dabbler said...

Mark and I will be at HOTR also. Haven't begun to think costumes, yet. Must reread AG first. Um. Must FIND one of the three copies I am sure are here somewhere, first. Perhaps on the third shelf of the third bookcase in the third room....

At 17:46 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Sharon - HI. Glad the eye is improving.

Yeah, how do you tell which is the third shelf? None of my bookcases disclose the sekret.

At 18:00 Blogger Fluffy said...

Sharon, the new Sookie is good. It's not harrowing like the last one, what with the fae wars and all the characters dying and all. We get to meet Eric's maker and his "new" protege, which, of course, is weird.

The new Jim Butcher is v. good. More high drama, etc., as it starts on Page 1 with Harry learning he has a daughter, who has been kidnapped. Of course.

And my friend Carla Damron's mysteries look to be more than just good. Read the first one, and loved it. The main character is a social worker/therapist who is a regular person - he gets his ass kicked in the action bits. It's a look into caring for the mentally ill and homeless, which Carla does in RL.

I haz my Special Shavuot Cheese Holiday Tuna Casserole in the oven right now and it's stating to smell tasty. If the family doesn't get home soon I'm starting without them!

At 18:06 Blogger vampi said...

I'll be right over to help you out fluffy :)

i think i'm going to make a donation to the society for the prevention of cruelty to shelves.

At 18:40 Blogger Dragonsally said...

ohhh, where can I get her books Fluffy? That's what I was doing before M.E. forced me out of work.

I am impatiently waiting for the postie to deliver my copy of the lastest Sookie book. It should be here by now.

Mmm, cheesy tuna. Two of my pereviously fave foods which I'm not allowed to eat anymore because of food intolerances.

At 18:43 Blogger Fluffy said...

Sally, I found them on Amazon US. The first one was only available from a bookseller in CA, but it was inexpensive.

Vampi, we saved you some!

At 19:52 Blogger Ms T said... would the third shelf be the one you locate with you third eye?

Yeah, sorry. That was a bit lame. It's been an interesting week.

This morning was the last minute panic tweaks prior to the flat inspection.

Yesterday I was home sick, but realised sleeping was futile when plumbers started digging up my lawn because the flats' drains all congregate at my place). Hey at least it wasn't my loo that was blocked!

And Monday I arrived at work (well, as far as the outside) to find that the most of the complex had been evacuated due to a bomb/suspcious package scare, which thankfully turned out to just be flies. No, not bees. Flies. WTF?


Happy firbday to Wendy!

Jane - so glad to hear your eye problem is not as scary as it could have been.

And waves to Sally. (We ANZACs have to stick together, eh?)

At 19:59 Blogger AletaMay said...

Happy Day of You Wendy!

Loving reading all fiendish news and laughs!

Not if there are 5 shelves Jess.

At 20:19 Blogger Dragonsally said...


Hi T. Flies eh? Were they fruit-ful flies? (that was bad)

Good luck with the inspection.

At 20:30 Blogger Siri said...

I'm home from seeing and listening to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet with BFF and her family (-1). AMAZING. No, I can't tell you what he talked about, but it is all very much a part of me now. The concentration you need to listen to him makes the experience all that more intense. And, a new Buddha is on my Buddha shelf, which may or may not be the third shelf.
Tomorrow is another MUD day, and then I'm done with those.

Wow. The Dalai Lama. It doesn't matter your political affiliation, your religious beliefs, your moral positions - that man is charismatic. And, there was no one in the demonstration zone. So there.

At 20:35 Blogger Chantrelle said...

The wedding I did today was a super-secret elopement. Big wedding in the fall but sekrit wedding today so they can move in together and feel good about it...isn't that sweet and old-fashioned?! They're only in their mid-20s...a rare thing these days! It was beautiful.

So sleepy now though. Glad I have chicken leftover from last night, just have to make a meal out of it!

At 20:37 Blogger Dragonsally said...

That is truly gorgeous Robyn.

I get that Siri, the Dalai Lama is just awesome. Wonderful man, in ever sense.

At 20:39 Blogger vampi said...

oh siri i saw him last year and i agree, he's so charismatic and the feeling of peace was amazing.

i like his books a lt, i've read the art of happiness at work several times. i learn something each tie. some deeper meaning i didn't get before

At 20:52 Blogger AletaMay said...

Robyn, did you have a voice! That is sweet.

Siri. That is seriously cool, a once in a lifetime experience to be sure.

At 21:23 Blogger One Sock Short said...

My, you all have been chatty. Just did a quick skim to catch up...

Eyes - continued healthy retina hopes for Jane

Shelves - on one but don't know if it's the 3rd

Cheese - yes!yes!yes!


My memory just broked.

Not much going on here. Hit a wall this weekend, after a couple of productive days, so I didn't get anything done to prepare for the house concert I'm hosting in less than two weeks (gulp). Right now I'm more worried about getting enough people to come to make it worth the musician's while. I've been casting the net net further today.

Still alternating between Wyrd Sisters and A Clash of Kings and enjoying both.

At 23:35 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Not enough cheese at the cheese and study party. :(

Thanks for all the birfday wishes! Friday I'm flying home to visit my fambly for the weekend. I'm pretty sure my mom wishes she'd bought me a one-way ticket back.

At 07:09 Blogger dabbler said...

Belated birthday wishes, Wendy. Here's hoping you have abundant cheese all year! As well as timely funding, delightful subbing assignments, attentive suitors at the perfect intensity and many other wonderful experiences.

Siri, I've never seen the Dalai Lama (yet). But such amazing energy comes through even in a photo or recording that I am in awe.

Another day of rain, here. The grass is again calf high... Ah Spring! Our poor bees are spending a lot of time decorating their hive, I guess, since it's cool and wet out.

At 10:14 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Wendy - knew I was forgetting something important. Belated Happy Birthday! Since Dabbler's wish is perfect, I'll just add my wishing power to hers.

At 10:20 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I've never seen the Dalai Lama either but ben's school is on property with a Buddhist retreat and so there's been talk of a convergence of school-center-dalai lama...that would be amazing. The high schoolers 3 or 4 yrs ago got to go to India and they met with him. They made a documentary about the whole trip. Last year's class went to S. Africa and met w/ Desmond Tutu!

At 17:43 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hello! Wake up! New post IS up!

How I kidnapped Conan O'Brians road crew!

At 17:44 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Desmond Tutu!

That's him...I wanted to comment yesterday that I'd had a similar sort of reaction to Siri's when I went to a talk That Desmond Tutu gave when he visited Australia and came to my university in, oh, the early 80's. It was nothing short of amazing and inspirational.
I just couldn't remember his name!

At 08:53 Blogger Phiala said...

I'm so lost... I'm going to give up and move on to the next post. Where I will also be so lost, I'm sure.

Maybe in a week or two I'll be back on top of things???

At 19:31 Blogger David Pierce-Feith said...

I truly thought you'd outbid me. Love the water colours, however.

At 05:51 Anonymous business sign sheffield said...

It was a commendable share!! Well done !! Keep it up!

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