Friday, June 25, 2010

Cabal Update...

A Cabal update for you, not very fun, but we are hoping for a good outcome.

He has a growth of some sort, not likely a tumor, pressing on his spine. This compression is causing neurological problems. He can't tell where his feet are exactly. They are hoping to remove it, and things will work properly.

It's risky, working on the spine, they tell me. He will have to be there some days after surgery, recovering. He goes in for the surgery on Tuesday.

The lesser operation is for his ACL tendon, the same he had on his other leg a year ago. It's fairly straight forward, and won't be any worse from waiting to see if the first surgery works. He'll have that when his Doctors deem he is ready for it.

I feel for him, poor guy. The neck and spine issues are likely from being chained to a barn on a choke chain for the first three years of his life. The tendon, no knowing, it wasn't sudden, so could also have happened anytime, on any run.

I feel so too, for people who this happens to who don't have Doggie Health Insurance, and can't afford what it would cost to care for him now. My Boss can, and will do whatever it takes.

Cabal is our first Dog. And he's taught us so much.

Love and Cabal,


At 14:09 Blogger Na said...

gentle {{{Cabal}}}, as well as {{{his peeps}}}. here's hoping all goes well and is simply, quickly resolved.

At 14:09 Blogger Jane said...

I hope it all goes well. If your house is like ours, if the pet is not well, no one is happy. Sending healing thoughts to you all.

At 14:10 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Spine surgery - yipes! I hope all goes well for him on Tuesday. Will Boss be home between now and then to spend time with him?

*scritches* for him and *hugs* for all who want or need them.

It's a surgery kind of day - I found a surgeon today who totally thinks I need a knee replacement, and that even with my weight and age, it's something I need soon. We'll probably put it off until December, so Dan's off school and can take care of me after surgery.

At 14:10 Blogger Marjorie said...

Poor Cabal. Lots of scritches for the darling boy. Hope all goes very smoothly, and that it turns out to be a benign growth.

At 14:13 Blogger spacedlaw said...

My poor little friend! Give him a hug for me and tell him I said "woof".
And a big hug for you too.

At 14:16 Blogger Cecily said...

My gods I hope everything turns out alright. (((LOVE and HUGS)))

At 14:16 Blogger Cecily said...


At 14:16 Blogger Ali Trotta said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 14:20 Anonymous Rhonda said...

Cabal is so lucky to have you guys, and you to know him. I will keep him, and you, in my thoughts.

At 14:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The Boss will be home, tonight actually.

And Pet First, thru Home Again pets is where we have our insurance, it doesn't cost much, and has turned out to be WAY worth is. This is going to top $5000.

We are going to do what is best for him, whatever that turns out to be.

At 14:24 Blogger tulihein said...

I hope Cabal's surgery goes well and that he recovers fully and quickly. *hugs*

At 14:26 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Poor guy, he will be in my thoughts.

At 14:27 Blogger Heidi said...

Bless his little doggy heart! I hope all goes well--he'll be in my thoughts (and prayers, for what it's worth). My sister fosters cats in San Francisco and my heart is often touched (and hurt, sometimes) by what she deals I'm good at thinking about/praying for strangers' pets. :)

At 14:40 Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for the update. Cabal's health and recovery are in my prayers.

At 14:48 Blogger Uisge said...

Hugs and kibble thoughts to Cabal and his caretakers.

At 14:49 Blogger Uisge said...


At 14:50 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wishing Cabal a super-speedy recovery after the op. He seems to be one of nature's great survivors, and an absolutely beautiful dog.

At 14:53 Blogger AletaMay said...

I love that dog. He just seems to be a sponge for love. I'll be sending good thoughts to all of you over the next days.

At 14:55 Blogger turtlesong said...

poor cabal. give him lots of scritches and hugs from me. and pat BOSS on the head as well.

At 14:56 Anonymous Kate said...

Hopeful healing woofs from the two wolves that I share my life with.

Arizona is our First Dog; a rescue dog as well, he too is a Shepard (mixed with husky and wolf), and he has reached the regal and righteously neurotic age of 17 (and 5 months). The doggies and I send to Cabal old age wishes - though not the neurotic old dog behavior - sheesh - and to you and Boss, a lean against your leg - that's the closest thing I've come to identifying as a dog hug.

At 15:27 Blogger Laura B said...

Aww, poor sweet boy! I hope everything goes well and he'll recover speedily.

At 15:28 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

We are all friends of Cabal. He's cool. And I'm sorry to hear he's suffering and in need of such serious surgery.

At 15:50 Blogger Clementina said...

Poor guy. Hopefully all will work out. MacGregor, Scruffy, Shawna, Kaydee and Redford send woofs.

I would say that Hecate and Willoughby send meows, but I'd be lying.

I wish I could insure my crew, but pet insurance companies are worse than people insurance companies when it comes to pre-existing conditions - so I keep a doggie and kitty savings account. :)

At 15:56 Blogger ariandalen said...

Poor Cabal! As if the torn ACL wasn't enough. :(

Tuesday seems like a long time, but you don't want to do surgery on the weekend unless you absolutely have to. You also have to wait until the vet has the time in hir schedule for the surgery. It's still hard waiting and watching.

I'm sure Cabal will come through with flying colors. My older brother had surgery on his neck while we were flying to Fiendom Come last year; about 10 hours worth front and back, and a month from his 59th birthday. He's walking with a cane, but that beats not walking which was the alternative to not having surgery. Cabal's in good health and in the prime of his life, both making for excellent chances of recovery. Still, every little bit counts, so I'll be thinking about him on Tuesday. :)

Has anybody heard more from Lys?

At 17:22 Blogger Fluffy said...

Best of luck to Cabal on his surgery, poor boy. Hope all goes smoothly and recovery is quick as possible.

And I'm worried about Lys's mom, too.

At 17:45 Blogger LincolnBlog said...

Cabal is lucky to have so many wonderful people pulling for him. I'm adding mine to the gentle stream of loving thoughts meandering his way.

At 18:39 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh no. Poor Cabal. Gentle nose licks from Shiraz and Mulder for him (and his people if they want licks) and Tysie even sends a gentle miaow.

And love and hugs to his humans. I'm glad Boss will be home and the care won't fall totally on your shoulders Q.

At 18:40 Blogger Dragonsally said...


At 18:53 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh poor Cabal... and poor those of you around him having to watch him go through this. He's worked his way into so many hearts, I can't help but hope all the love heading his way right now does some good.

At 19:05 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww! I am glad you will have help from the Boss on this. Poor puppy :( Sending all the healing vibes we an spare.

At 19:12 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I hope everything goes well! Cabal is a rockstar!

At 19:55 Blogger Kelly McCullough said...

Hoping for the best, and sending doggie scritches and healing wishes.

At 20:57 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Oh, sweet pup, he's such a sweetie :(

And big hugs to you and Boss too, this is hard on the whole family!

At 22:01 Anonymous Dee said...

Sending best thoughts that all goes well for Cabal and family.

At 22:36 Anonymous ScarlettSiren said...

Oh goodness! Poor baby. My thoughts are with Cabal and all of you guys, his people. He's a lucky doggie to have those who care about him and can care for him. And you're lucky to have him to care for. AND we're all lucky out here on the internet to hear about his exploits.
Best wishes!

At 23:47 Blogger Ticia said...

My heart and thoughts go out to you and yours. I hope all goes well.

At 06:10 Blogger Madeline Carol Matz said...

Pets and scritches for Cabal and {{{*hugs*}}} for all his humans! I wish him a speedy recovery from all his injuries! It's always so tough to see an active dog like him laid up. Emily and Daisy say *w00f*! and wish Cabal happy puppy dreams.

At 09:16 Blogger Sihaya said...

Poor guy! Doggy back surgery is no fun. I hope he has a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

At 10:46 Blogger gaypet said...

Pobrecito!! Good luck to him. And you.

At 13:01 Blogger gaypet said...

Sorry to bring the room down here folks but I was hoping for some advice. A friend of a friend has just suffered the loss of her son. She can't afford to transport his body back to where she lives (he was an adult- not military) or pay for a funeral. Any ideas? She is in Chicago (I think the body is down south but not sure). I have been scouring the interwebs for charities that may be able to help but have not had lots of luck.

If you know anything that could help please FB me or leave it here. I didn't know the woman. But I can't stop crying and hugging M. Ya know?

At 15:32 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

i am so sorry and wishing for our mighty Cabal's quick full recovery.
i mss you so much, Quiche.
will call when i get back on USA turf. love you.

At 16:49 Blogger Jill said...

Gaypet, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend/friend's son. I've been trying to think of helpful ideas but haven't been coming up with much.

Are any of the family members part of a religious or church community? If so, s/he should appeal to their house of worship to see if perhaps they can help. I would also contact funeral homes and cemeteries to see if they have any leads on getting financial help [I have a feeling they've gotten this question before].

Obviously, I don't know this family's beliefs regarding body disposition, but cremation might make things a bit less expensive - no coffin required, easier to transport an urn, etc. And if they're not religiously locked into having a funeral, they could have a nice gathering to remember the deceased, rather than a full-blown funeral. We cremated my father when he passed [that was about $1500] and then had a celebration of his life. There's still cost attached, of course, but it wouldn't be a hideous amount.

There's a small Social Security benefit [$225] but I think that can only be paid to certain family members, like a spouse or children. Not entirely sure about that but that may not be a likely source of funds.

Hope this assists a bit at least.

As for Cabal, hugs for the big white dog and for Team Gaiman.

At 17:57 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Keeping Cabal and family in my thoughts, poor puppy.

Also hoping all is well with Lys and her mom.

Gayle you might have your friend ask her county clerks office if they have any assistance programs. Other than that, what Jill said sounds like a good option to explore too.

At 19:10 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, poor doggie! How high up is the growth on his spine? In his neck region? Are all four legs affected?

Hope both surgeries go well!

At 21:19 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Gayle, I am with them on this, those were my ideas.

FYI, my pants just fell off. TMI????

I think not, they USED to fit.


At 21:52 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm impressed Lorraine. This fit stuff is really working for you.

At 22:05 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yessss....Slowly. Worth it.

At 22:11 Blogger Cecily said...

YAY for dropping your pants!

At 22:32 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Cabal will be okay. Is the vet thinking Degenerative myelopathy which I have heard is pretty common in GSD's ?
Kit Marlowe

At 22:41 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They simply don't know yet, we have to wait and see...

Ok, new blog on FIT, which I wait for the storms to come in is UP!

At 22:48 Blogger Kristine said...

Best wishes for Cabal. I've been following his story since it started.

At 22:49 Blogger Kristine said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 23:18 Blogger Beez said...

Love to Big Dog and his peeps. Mika sends woofs and wuffles.

Hurrah for dropping trou by accident!

At 08:15 Blogger Phiala said...

And, hooray for the fit. That's how I prefer to eat, but Nick and circumstance seem to interfere a lot.

And finally, a friend of Nick's posted this terribly cute pair of kittens. I bet they're holy terrors when they aren't sitting still!

At 08:16 Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, wrong post. Sheesh. Obviously need more coffee.

Scritches for Cabal, poor boy.

At 11:26 Blogger Jason said...

Oh no ... oh dear ... best wishes and a speedy recovery to Cabal! If I ever have the chance to meet him, I'll reward him with plenty of belly rubs, doggie treats slathered in peanut butter, and as much face licking time as he wants.

At 02:16 Blogger dougggie said...

check they've got loads of testimonials on the site & I've used them many times to help my dog. In surgery situations, Reiki helps to calm the animal & can also help the surgery be more effective.

At 16:19 Blogger ∞ Amy ∞ said...

Best wishes from Philadelphia. We're sending positive brain-waves to SuperDogCabal.

At 16:24 Blogger Scath said...

Good thoughts to Cabal and y'all. I hate it when something happens to one of our babies, so can imagine how you all feel.

At 16:31 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many hugs and best wishes to poor Cabal - and to his human people, too. I hope the surgery goes well, and he's soon back to the fullest of doggie health.

At 16:41 Blogger Elyse said...

Sending lots of good thoughts to Cabal - he is a strong dog and has a loving family so together you will all make it through xoxoxo

At 16:46 Blogger Unknown said...

Hope all goes well. Sending you all good vibes from one animal lover to another.

At 17:03 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the surgery goes well and he has a quick recovery.

Seems a little far-fetched to blame a benign tumor on being chained up years ago, though. Sometimes things like this just happen, either due to genetics or random chance, in either case elements which are utterly out of human control. Chronic ACL issues often have a genetic element, too. Cabal is a purebred GSD, and white to boot--it is very likely he just got dealt a bad hand full of recessive genes. But he's lucky he has such good people to make sure he's able to live a long, happy life, hopefully for many more years.

At 17:30 Blogger Blackpaw said...

{{{Lorraine, Neil & Cabal}}}

Hoping for a good outcome.

At 19:08 Blogger Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Sending thoughts of healthy spines for your sweet little dude.

At 19:10 Blogger Leila Lopes (from the heaven) said...

I´m deeply sorry for Cabal, and I´m hoping for happy updates about him =).
Dogs are sometimes better then a lot of humans, so is too easy love and care about them so much as we care about the few humans we love too!

(sorry about my bad english as well)

At 19:13 Blogger Annette said...

Treats! There must be treats! For all parties involved. ;)

Seriously, it's dreadful when a feline or canine family member is sick or injured. I know I find it incredibly stressful when one of my feline fur babies is sick. I think it would be slightly less so if we could only know exactly what they are thinking and feeling.

At 07:54 Blogger ZenGoalie said...

Poor Cabal! My shepherd Luke is now our guardian angel dog, so I'll have him send healing vibes Cabal's way. Here's hoping everything will turn out fine, and Cabal will be pampered and spoiled as he recovers.

At 08:46 Anonymous Lara Mellott said...

My Great Dane had spinal surgery for wobblers. It was a long recovery but his quality of life is so much better and he isn't falling down anymore! Best wishes to Cabal!

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