Magic PURRED Tonight....
Tonight, no dogs. (Tho Cabal is doing as well as can be expected, healing, still slow and hurting, but progress is good. We walk him outside to do what he needs to, and he seems happiest just being with Boss. And Lola had a really good night in Dog School, she is paying more attention to us, and learning the things she needs to, to be a good, well behaved dog.)
Tonight, no horses. (Tho I worked Dim this afternoon, it was nearly 90, and we both suffered for it. Didn't end up riding, worked on the lunge line, and with the side reins. He acted up a bit, and by the time things were going well, I called it, rather than do more. I have a lesson in the morning)
Tonight, just this:
Magic PURRED when I came home.
He's been getting closer to me, and has started doing the "You are Home You are Home" dance with Venus and Mim, circling closer, coming nearer, letting me pet him as he slid by, but tonight, he joined in full well, asking, and getting his share of the pets, circling, mewing, and PURRING. Very Loudly.
I had people over this afternoon, and he came out, even playing piano for them. (Which he does quite well, thank you) He ate steak, followed us to the porch, where Mim ran on her wheel. He wants to be with me. With us. He wants to be a CAT.
He wants all the love that has been here for him.
For nearly two years now.
The F1, half Leopard Bengal, that no one wanted.
It took almost two years.
But Magic PURRED tonight.
And that's so much more than everything.
Love and True Magic,
I'm *teary*! 'Magic' is right, you worked a lot of magic with him!
I teared up when I read that. That makes me so happy.
This makes me so happy!!
awesome - you have done such amazing work with Magic.
Oh my goodness. I'm teary too. This has totally made my heart sing and my day a brilliant one. Magic!
And if I feel this, who have gone on this journey with you vicariously I can only imagine the singing in your heart Lorraine. Wow.
We all melt.
I did not doubt you could work miracles.
Oh Lorraine, you have me in tears. I am so happy for you.
Congratulations and love to you, for helping him this much. Because even miracle workers need to be congratulated sometimes. Or perhaps I should say, especially miracle workers need to be congratulated sometimes.
And to Venus and Mim, for being the little angels of socialization that they are, and helping him.
And, most of all, to Magic, for learning to love.
Tick now and read later.
OK - went back and read and OMG I know you never thought this day would come.
And yes tears - hearing that someone has FOUND their home is a happy tear moment.
Gosh, how wonderful. Am thrilled for you, and for Magic.
omg awesone
Fantastic! congratulations, Lorraine :)
Some moist eyes here in Virginia, too. You are truly fabulous, Lorraine, as is Magic.
I teared up too, how wonderful, especially for Magic, he knows he is loved and accepted, everyone should feel that.
A bit of bad news, we have a rescue boy in the emergency clinic fighting for his life. He came from a Chicago shelter and has been going downhill in the last week. He is on i/v's, will be neubulized, and given supportive care. Please think good thoughts for Riker.
Put me in the teared up column! Oh my, that is a wonderful gift for you both. Hearts melted, hearts mended.
How utterly wonderful, in every sense of that word.
Hope being sent for Riker.
Ditto to it all. So very happy for you.
Ahhh. LOVE.
best. post. ever. i'm so happy for you and magic and everyone at spooky house that i cried. you have truly worked a miracle. <3 <3 <3
Awww. That makes me so happy for you both! That's a great post to read first thing in the morning.
Wonderful wonderful ! This news makes *me* purr !
Wonderful! I just woke up, and this is such perfect news to start the day to. So much love & patience has gone into this - you should be proud of yourself.
Awwwwwwwww. I join the ranks of the teary and melted. He actually purred!
Fantastic. So glad to hear this and see happy little Leopard.
It took 3 and a bit years for me to be able to hold my rescue cat Louie for more than 10 seconds and without him screaming like a banshee, but now he will sometimes let me cuddle him properly and even lean into me. Can't tell you how heavenly that feels.
I'm still in house arrest with Tonks who'd injured two paws in as many days but while he occasionally drives me mad trying to get out, we've had some top quality cuddles. He can be so soppy and if I take him into my lap he will sometimes just melt into me - it's like hugging a cloud made of babies (much nicer than it sounds)
Pretty teary stuff, eh? I nearly cried when it happened. His PURR is like Lears, LOUD, no mistaking it.
Lesson this morning, glad it is an early one, it's going to be another hot one. SOrry east coast, I know it's worse out there, but we are near 90 with way more humid, so it ain't ptreyy here either...
My Irish friend is coming tomorrow with two of her friends. I've never met her, but she is the one who invited me to the Irish COn.
They weren't exactly EXCITED about gardening, but, it needs to be done. Before the Garden Tour on Saturday..
I should know better than to read a post about Magic without having tissues nearby. *sniffle*
It makes my heart glad to know Magic is able to feel the love and affection he's deserved for so long. What a wonderful gift!
Thoughts going out for little Riker.
Huzzah!! Both for Magic AND for the human who worked with him so patiently and never demanded anything from him. What a journey from "last chance" to part of the household!!
Next, a big nose-kissy!
What an extraordinary day. You are awesome FL. And obviously Magic thinks so too. Many thanks for sharing your Bengal stories.
It sounds like you have one big happy family there. xoxo
Magic PURRED again tonight. Ho hum, rather ordinary really. Ah yes....
Such happy news!
I suspect it might take a bit longer than that for Lear's purring to become ho-hum. :D
No PURRING is ho hum, it all makes me so happy.
Venus Mim and I just leash walked around my block, visiting everyone with an amazing garden. They are all giving me plants for tomorrow!
These poor new friends of mine know not what they are getting into. I hope they enjoy it...
We'll bring Lola.
will magic ever get leash walks?
Well, I never thought he would integrate with the house, or purr and let me pet him.
He might well end up leash walking. he goes from window to window watching us and mewing, he WANTS to come out with us...
That's great. NEARLY ninety ... we had 102 yesterday ... and this is NEW ENGLAND, near the water. Kay, we're not SUPPOSED to have that kind of weather. But Magic? That's just awesome.
doesn't look like any damage, but it was a pretty big one. i don't hear any sirens, so that's a good sign
my office is on rollers, so it feels like a rollercoaster and goes on a bit longer than the actual shaking.
What the heck is going on???
The rain came here, but it is STILL humid and hot.
Had a great lesson this morning. It's , well, hard to describe. I am really learning to ride now. I've learned so much. I know so little.
Earthquake yikes!
The heat here in Indiana isn't much better..the humidity and pollen counts have been ridiculous. Which is why I'm in the library.
Lorraine do you get to bathe your horse after lessons? My mom's mare learns to love the hose (and the bug sprayer) when the weather is like this.
it's actually not too hot here, but the earthquake was a 5.4. they are kind of surreal. i'm lucky in that i haven't been in one of the "big ones" with structural damage, i have a feeling my opinion of earthquakes will change after that.
ugh. the earth isn't meant to move like that Vampi.
Vampi glad it wasn't a nasty one!
All I know is that I get nervous when the weather's very hot and still. And I'm not fond of the earthquakes you can hear coming, although that tends to happen at home more than at work.
(from the other side of the Pacific Ring of Fire)
Sometimes he gets a bath, depends on my time and how hot he is...
New Top CHef!!!
Have fun in the garden tomorrow. Do it early- supposed to be hot again.
So (I know it may be futile to ask) what plants are they giving you?
Silly Beez! Like I would know?
I did buy a Jasmine Plant Bush thing for half price today tho. I love the way it smells.
Pretty sure tho it is not hardy for Wisconsin. Don't see a lot in the wild you know.
(tho for all I know it could be all over the Midwest these days)
It's not. Bring it inside for the winter, it'll make a nice houseplant.
Er, you DO realize they may not give you all purple?
I think they know better.
I did buy a pink petunia thing tho today. For that pot thing in front of the house.
I just made Phoebe very happy, and myself nearly gag.
She hasn't been eating much with all this heat, so I wanted to tempt her with something special. I got some of those chicken-in-juices pouches for her. It looks and smells absolutely disgusting to vegetarian me. As if I'd boiled a chicken carcass. Now that's all I can smell. It is so foul.
At least she appreciated the sacrifice. She ate it up like there's no tomorrow.
I think I'll go light a scented candle now.
Earthquake?! Yikes! Buildings should not feel like roller coasters. Glad all is well.
Pink petunia thing? Floodgates will open, the slippery slope has arrived!
Magic just wantd to be absolutely certain you wanted him there. :)
Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't this the longest he's been with anyone and in the same place?
The trick with walking Magic on a leash may be just in juggling three Bengals at the same time.
"I've learned so much, I know so little" is very Zen. And very true.
OSS, you're veggie? Coolness! Me too. And handling a chicken carcass makes me uncomfortable. Jack looooves meat. So he'll frequently ask for a roast beef sandwich. @_@
This IS the longest Magic has been with anyone. No one else kept him very long because he is a HALF LEOPARD and they are not pets that can be placed with people who do not know what they are getting and doing.
Sorry, off the soapbox.
Three Bengals would not be possible on leash, two are tricky, I've only just started doing it.
Today is the GARDEN and it is going to be lovely! And not a chaos of weeds! But first, riding and some work.
That sounds like a most excellent plan. I'd be happy to work for a bit then putter in the yard. Except, you know, 95F.
Instead, I am going to see the Arrogant Worms tonight.
And I think you all might enjoy this Twilight thingie.
I'm at work, drinking coffee and eating the last chocolate beet muffin for breakfast.
Phiala: Heh.
Woo hoo! So happy for a happy-purring Magic kitty.
(Not so happy about Riker, tho.)
So lovely about Magic becoming purry, I must confess to joining the teary club too! I’ve had a lovely couple of days with one of my bestest friends, who lives in Australia. We went to Haworth to the Bronte house. Was a bit teary to say goodbye to her again last night, but so good to realise that even though we hadn’t seen each for 3 years we are just as close and as in tune with each other as ever :o)
My Sister-out-law is a veg-a-ma-tar-ian, And she cooks some of the BEST tasting meat in world. We have no idea how she does it. She doesn't eat meat simply because she doesn't like the taste of it, but can make it taste better then most!
I was sure I had commented here yesterday! So wonderful to hear about Magic! So wonderful to see the love.
My comment from yesteday didn't post...blargh. Thought my email was quiet!
The purring is AMAZING! That boy got the right name, that's for sure.
Earthquakes,'s foggy and cold here. Confused planet.
We had a dozen people over yesterday to watch the boring Spain-Germany world cup game. First one i've watched. I guess we'll have people over on Sunday for the final. My neighbor is Dutch so there will be much orange.
oops...ticky tick tick
This made me cry, Q.
I know I say it every time, and I'm glad he's saying it now, too, but, thank you. Thank you for taking a chance and for dedicating your time and love and parts of your home. I know it's not easy, even when it's rewarding.
brilliant! all choked up, too, so i am. so wonderful to hear of a critter getting to enjoy being loved and give love back to his person and fellow kittehs. *applause*
last night i saw a sky full o' stars, more stars than i've seen in years.
this morning i was woken by a boisterous dawn chorus.
all good.
cat twilight sage is the best ever.
An entire new blog on gardens and new friends and bits of happy is now UP!!
Yep, I cried a little too when I read this. I hope he keeps it up!
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