Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rode My Horse Today....

I had a riding lesson this morning, for the second day in a row, oddly enough, but that was how things worked out. On the way home, thinking about it, about the things I'd learned, I thought of an entire Blog's worth of things I wanted to tell you about. Profound. Inspiring. Dare I say it, Meaningful?

Can't remember a word of it. Too darned tired at this end of the day.


And no Horse Pictures either. But you can amuse yourselves looking at the Bengals, taken tonight, while I try and recall all of this mornings inspiration.

Riding is work. And the kind of riding I am doing on Dim now, with She Who Owns It All is a LOT of work. But it's work on many different levels which is trickling down into the rest of my life. And the other way around.

When I got to the stable today I had already worked (At Assistanting work) a couple hours, woke at work in fact where I was staying with Cabal, the Frankendog (who is doing GREAT by the way) I was stressy, in the way you get when you have a lot of work going on, and not much time.

Took about ten minutes to forget about it.

It's like what I imagine doing Yoga correctly is like. And here's a sentence I never thought I would write, in fact, I may have scoffed at such things: It's being really present in the moment.

There's nothing else.

It's the kind of work that's really hard for me, and would be frustrating if I didn't talk to myself sternly. You see, I kid you not, I AM NOT MAGICALLY NATURALLY GOOD AT THIS. There's a true statement. It's having to work for every small little bit of progress. It's looking at yourself straight, knowing nothing and learning everything. It's working my ass off, and saying, yeah, things been kind of easy lately, maybe you need some BUTT KICKING.

I love it.

It's starting at the beginning, mastering one small thing that feels HUGE, and then learning another. And another. Like yoga, music, writing, work, FIT all of it. I could spend forever learning. It's being so tired at the end of the day that sleep comes not in minutes, but instantly. It's winning, succeeding, learning and doing way more than I thought I could.

And that's what's cool about learning to ride.

There you have it. No doubt much more inspiring when I thought it all out this morning, but I spent the rest of the day in kind of a "Bring it on I am so ready for whatever" frenzy, and it may have lost something in the interim.

Rode my Horse today.

It rocked.

Love and Horses,


At 20:41 Blogger vampi said...

box of ticks. been up since 4:30am.
i will make better comment kater after sleep

At 20:44 Anonymous Joypeg said...

Huge smile on my face. Thank you for sharing your 'bring it on' moment. Bengal pics are spotacular.

At 20:45 Blogger Fluffy said...

That's really inspiring, Q. The concept of working so hard at something that doesn't come easily to you, and having it relieve stress - well, that's (insert superlative here - they all seem a bit short of the mark.) Maybe one of the writer peeps can come up with a better way to express it.

At 20:49 Blogger Phiala said...

Excellent. And wonderful. And stuff.

Too tired for anything involving actual, you know, words and stuff.

At 21:00 Blogger Jane said...

I'm inspired.

And tired. Late last night at the emergency vet with Susan the kitten who got her leg seriously crunched under a door. Nothing broken amazingly and we have NSAIDs for her, she's still limping just a bit. All 3lb 9oz of her. A bit scary all around...

At 21:26 Anonymous Kambriel said...

The present moment really is what it all comes down to.

While it may not be possible to get ~everything~ done in a single day, to conquer every goal, to summit every mountain; knowing you filled the time doing, learning, being all you could is really all one can ask for, and that instant sleep that comes afterwards is sometimes part of the reward.

At 21:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My post was almost "Rode horse. And stuff. You know." That tired here too.

Hi Kambriel! You got that dead right.The sleep that comes after doing all you could is the best sleep ever.

At 21:52 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Sometimes I just don't want to die, because there are books to read. And learning is soooooooooo awesome. Go Quiche go.

At 22:32 Blogger AletaMay said...

Thanks for the inspiration. Seriously.

At 22:34 Blogger Beez said...

Learning is how you remember that you are truly alive IMO.

Otherwise, what's the point?

Excellent post. Good reminder.

Thank you.

At 22:59 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm not good at making myself stick with things that don't come naturally. I'm trying to do more of that to set an example for ben.

Kudos Miss Awesome!

At 23:01 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Exhausted in several ways, so box of ticks.

At 00:08 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Rocking horse! Except not in that way...

Being present in the moment is very difficult but there are some physical activities that demand it on pain of failure (and sometimes failure can be a very grisly death too).

In the meantime kitty pictures always make me smile and I am happy to get news from Cabal.
When is he going to have the operation on his leg?

At 00:38 Blogger Dragonsally said...

You really are inspirational Q.

What is it with cats and shoes? Are they rubbing our scent on them, or their scent on us?

At 00:46 Blogger Marjorie said...

Box of ticks.
Wonderful inspiring post.

At 06:11 Blogger dabbler said...

Been awhile since I've had that experience. I miss it. Sort of been taking the lazy, stuck, can"t get started route lately. And, surprise, feeling lazy, stuck and gloomy. Kick butt time!

At 06:46 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Learning rocks. For me learning to drive was such a challenge and I hated it and it wasn't until I came across the right type of instructor (who didn't let me flake out and kept consistent pressure on me and convinced me that I CAN do it) that I passed my driver's test. At the age of 34. :)

Magic looks like he ought to make more effort on the poop wheel. ;) Or race up and down the stairs, or something (he is doing so well isn't he!? so relaxed and happy!)

At 06:46 Blogger Precision Grace said...


At 07:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning! I am glad it was inspiring, I was pretty tired, and when I thought it all out, it was MUCH more eloquent.

Have to ride then blog right away, or learn how to use voice notes on my phone.

At 07:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cabal has his next OP in early August which ought to be interesting with Boss gone.

Mim has a THING about shoes Sally, she is nuts for them.

Magic is a Pudding, he didn't get to move much before he came out of his room. I am not too worried, now he is running playing and happy, he will sleek up again.

It is odd that something so physically and mentally demanding can actually LESSEN stress. It does tho. I am better able to make the rest of my life run smoothly, attack it harder and keep it CALM, all because of the riding.

Gig tonight!!! And tomorrow. Outside for the first set even.

At 07:17 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Only for the first set? You guys are going to have to move back in once more?

At 07:32 Blogger dabbler said...

Perhaps moving back in is better than eating bugs, drawn to the lights so the performers may be seen as well as heard?

At 07:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes. We move in again. I am every bit excited about this as I was the first time. But they are providing people to help move the PA, so that's good.

Going to be REALLY hot tho, outside. Thinking of clothes to sweat in.

Ah well, I get paid. And will have fun.

At 07:54 Blogger Precision Grace said...

for some reason spacedlaw's message didn't come through in the email, so Q's message sounded as if she and bengals are moving into the big house. Freaky.

At 08:51 Blogger vampi said...

box of ticks not working. wtf.

<3 bengal pics
<3 horse stories
glad dog is recovering

At 11:13 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I think for me Judaism is like horse back riding, especially now. I have to learn a bunch of prayers in a language I'm just learning and fit them with a bunch of songs I don't know that sometimes change from week to week, all the while keeping up with everyone else in the book.

I need to be more active and FIT, though. I'm also turning into pudding.

At 11:52 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

oh Q, i miss you.
am in St Louis, catching up on your blogs.
have to work in a bit, but had a small window of time to look at your "pants falling down" post, your riding post and your MAGIC PURRED post!
i wish i was there.
Gaga is a truly challenging tour, but i love the crew
and have been having a great time. see you SOON!

At 13:53 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Time to tutor ...

At 13:58 Blogger Uisge said...

I can recognize Mim by the shoe on her face.

At 14:10 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I think you fiends might appreciate this new album by J.S. Tucker.

At 14:23 Blogger Cecily said...

I was going to recommend a pocket recorder for all those inspirational things that come to you and you don't want to forget them, but I carry one with me and NEVER remember I have it. Doh!

My Westley Cat has a thing for shoes too. Always has.

Personally I feel like I am about to crumble under the stress of money stuff and health stuff. Thank the Fods for Fiends that help me the days better.

At 14:29 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Got done and escaped a bit early today. Am going to NAP so I can ROCK tonight!

At 14:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

(I miss my Kitty too! You must leave Gaga soon and come back to us. We need you more than she does. She does, admittedly, pay more tho...)

At 15:56 Blogger ariandalen said...

The reason riding, in this case, relieves stress is because there is no room for worries while you are learning something that you have to work at to achieve. While you are riding (dancing, playing an instrument...) you will make serious mistakes if you are worrying/stressing about anything else. You put the worry/stress aside for the lesson, which makes it easier to pick back up and deal with afterward without the worry/stress being a stew.

At 17:26 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Morning all.

Jess, all the furries in this house think street cleaners are the scariest monsters EVER. Even Tysie, who is a remarkably placid cat in regards to bug scary things.

At 17:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am going off t ROCK now. Chatter nicely so I have something to read during my breaks, such as they will be tonight, but I like having comments to read.

At 17:38 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Rock it baby! Just plugged your show on FoodPorn. I found pics from eating at Domacin Wine bar last year. Decided to post them even if I didn't remember what I ate!

At 17:49 Blogger Marjorie said...

I hope you have lots of fun.

I want to sleep, but my neighbours have decided that this is the ideal time to start having very loud discussions in the street. They've been saying goodbye for 20 mins now.

Tomorrow I shall need all your supportive thoughts, as I shall be girding up my loins to go mattress shopping, which sadly will mean braving the Giant Shopping Mall of Doom. Did I ever mention I hate shopping? But I can't think of a reliable way to try out mattresses on the internet, so Giant Mall o'Doom it is.

At 18:03 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Make sure you jump on those mattresses Marjorie, while singing a bit of a Glee melody. And ask for a nice pillow. And don't forget to take of your stilettos if you're trying out a waterbed...
Enjoy the rock Lorraine. I hope there aren't too many friendly mosquitoes in the audience

At 19:16 Blogger vampi said...

ah i wish i had a trasporter so i could nip over from some rock. i need to get out more. i pretty much slept all day and was super slothy. my wierd work hours the past few weeks is killing me and my sleep patterns.

i vote unicorn song!!!!!!

At 19:19 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Chatter chatter chatter. The Fiends are there in spirit. And the youngest is getting you a beautiful cup of plain ol' water with a plain ol' straw. Yes.

At 19:22 Blogger Precision Grace said...

I can't haz sleep. Again.
Um. wot else

can't wait to go see Inception in the cinema. been really good, averaging about £35 per week on groceries so even though I have to pay £14 on Monday to see Shakeseapere play outside (probably in rain), I reckon I can still spend £6-7 on a cinema ticket. (ok, feeling a little bit guilty about that)

At 19:47 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear that Cabal is doing good. Did the vet ever say what was causing the growth or it is just one of those things that just happened ?

At 20:10 Blogger Jane said...

Have fun rocking! It would be so much fun to be there...

We just got home from seeing Inception - I try not to know anything about some movies before I see them and was successful with this one. 2 thumbs up from me and Steve.

Susan is still limping around the house - we have one more dose of NSAID to give her but really, we need to stop her from playing so hard and long - maybe give the foot time to heal. Who knows if that would help?

I think yoga is definitely one of those activities that takes me out of my monkey brain and brings me to right now. There isn't room for mental chatter during a class. Or even when I do it at home.

At 20:13 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Has anyone seen the Runaways movie, and what did you think? They were a part of my teens, and I wonder whether I would like the movie...

At 23:03 Blogger ariandalen said...

I saw "Inception" today, too. I thought it was elegant, and well acted. I was listening to NPR after seeing the movie and heard Dave Edelstein's opinion: he thought it was clunky and drab. I wonder if he even watched all the way to the end.

One more critic whose opinion I can ignore.

At 23:18 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Q, yoga is indeed much like that. It shuts my monkey mind right up in such a good way. Hope there's plenty of ROCK tonight, whether inside or out.:)

Jane: So scary to hear about poor Susan, glad she's ok.

Marjorie, you have my sympathies about the Maul. I don't like 'em either.

And Nathalie: SJ Tucker <3

Kitty, I thought of you last night when one of my classmates left metalsmithing class at a trot, off to see La GaGa.

At 01:10 Blogger ariandalen said...

To all the new commenters on the last few posts, welcome! You are now a Fiend! Here is your very own white, buckled jacket. You may personalize it in any way you wish, it does not need to remain white if you don't it to be white. :)

And, because it's been more than a year... I smell your spicy brains

At 01:23 Anonymous kali_licious said...

Mmmm spicy brains:)

At 01:48 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah home now and have dealt with emails, which sadly included blast from the past which I thought was over..Ah well..

Ok gig. The moving is not good. And the heat...

At 07:12 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Blast from the past ... that sucks ...

I've never even heard of "Inception", unless you count the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" movie.

At 07:13 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Jess, I seem to be allergic to nights.

At 07:50 Blogger louisa said...

Happy Firbday to the gentleman scribe who recounts the many adventures of our trusty hero, Billy Bones!

At 08:31 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sorry gig was OK rather than Amazing:

I survived the maul. Bought me a mattress. Felt very expensive but I think you get what you pay for, and if it helps me sleep better it'll be worth every penny. It gets delivered next Saturday. Potentially at 7a.m.!

I also seem to have bought an iPhone. Not quite sure how that happened... Now waiting to charge it up, activate it etc so I can start playing:-)

um. And some shoes. In my defence, the shoes were really cheap.

At 08:34 Blogger dabbler said...

Well, Marjorie, well-rested, on the iphone and barefoot wouldn't look right, now would it?

Part of my trouble with Mauls is if I have to be there, I may as well get a reward!

At 08:38 Blogger dabbler said...

On a less pleasant front, fiends, anyone have any experience dealing with threatening emails? Friend of ours hs been been stalked and harassed for months, online and in the world. Last night the anonymous thug sent me an email clearly both obscene and threatening. I'm planning to take it to our local gentleman/lady of the law today, but wonder if there are more effective ideas, since said friend has had little luck there. Ans I can't recall whether have asked this before, here, so apologies if I have.

Feels really slimy.

At 08:38 Blogger Precision Grace said...

good quality mattress is totally worth the money. Mine was £500 - worth every penny

At 08:39 Blogger Precision Grace said...

dabbler that is terrible! if you don't know who it is, it's more difficult but it would be worth talking to the police anyway

At 08:42 Blogger Jane said...

Ariandelen - I did notice you haven't sniffed anyone's brains for a while - i miss that. My brains were sniffed when I joined :-) And thanks for the brain sniffing kitteh! I'm still laughing.

While Inception wasn't the BEST movie I've ever seen, definitely was not clunky and drab and I even want to see it again.

Blast from the past AND too hot - doesn't sound like the most fun evening in the world :-(

At 08:46 Blogger Jane said...

Sorry about the thug - I don't have much advice except to report it to someone - does your email/Internet provider have any kind of place to report this?

Yay for mattress and iPhone - I want one, too, waiting for the right moment for a reward.

At 08:47 Blogger dabbler said...

PG, not knowing who is part of the sliminess, as 1) this person has hacked my friend's FB and is sending the messagfes as my friend (and FB has not responded to many, many reports of this) and 2) said person appears to know a fair amount about my family....

Unpleasant, annoying, and disturbing that there appears to be no way to pin it down. We'll see what response I get.

At 09:01 Blogger vampi said...

dabbler, police seems a wise choice. also you should forward the email to the internet service provider and explain the threatening nature of it and how you are reporting it to the authorities. they will usually suspend that account because of TOS breakage.

At 09:39 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Dabbler, that sounds scary. I hope the steps you take help soon.

I need to take this idea of challenging myself in order to relieve stress to heart. I've been wound pretty tight lately, and it's shutting me down physically and mentally. I love that my job requires constant learning, but lately I have not felt up to the challenge. My lack of concentration and retention is just making the whole stress monster grow in leaps and bounds. I've been avoiding new things, thinking that having to learn One More Thing would make things worse. But maybe that's exactly what I need.

What to do though? I suppose it should be some physical activity, what with me needing to focus on the FIT too. But it would have to be cheap, right now.

At 09:49 Blogger Precision Grace said...

one Sock short - I suggest you look into Zumba class - I don;t think they are expensive and they are super fun and totally brilliant for getting fit

At 09:56 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Argh. Headache. Feel like I've been hit by a truck. No doubt a lot of people who were at my gig feel like this BUT I DON'T DRINK. Drank PINTS AND PINTS of water.

Seems kind of unfair if you ask me.

Dabbler, you probably have thought of this, but don't respond. And yes, go to the police.

Possible severe storms tonight. Ought to make the outdoor part of the gig really interesting.

At 10:40 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Spicy brains! Yeah
Although mind feels stewed rather than spicy (a combination of too much heat and repeated zombie naps today).
And my iced tea tastes like washing liquid for some reason.

No suggestion on the account abuse, brains or no brains.

At 10:43 Blogger Marjorie said...

Dabbler, what a horrible situation to be in.
I think Vampi hit the nail on the head with her advice. Re:Facebook - can she change the passwords & then deactivate the account, and start fresh?
I know it wouldn't fix all the problems but might make a start.

At 10:54 Blogger Hellie said...

Great post, really made me stop and think. I wonder if the constant learning and 'moving goalposts' of my job has made me stop challenging myself personally as much. Love what you say about the riding trickling down to the rest of your life. Very inspiring even if you think it wasn't quite as it sounded in your head earlier ;o)

I agree Jane about yoga shutting out the mental chatter - I seem to have converted to Pilates though but get the same experience. It's amazing to just feel completely consumed by what you're doing right now.

Hope your head is feeling better - might be linked to oncoming storms?

At 11:31 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

It's Billy Bones' birthday? Well. Awesome! Happy birthday!

At 11:37 Blogger dabbler said...

Thanks, all. Good suggestions and advice. Police report made, haven't and won't respond. the changing passwords thing is problematic, as hacker has changed her password and she can no longer access her account. Perhaps someday FB will respond usefully.

Mostly, I feel bullied, which never sits well,

I now return you all to your regularly scheduled blog, with thanks for the support!

And, on the FIT front, just read a report that heart attack risk is correlated with amount of time spent sitting. Apparently, even light activity (housework, walking around level) reduces risk!! Guess I really do have to clean!

At 11:39 Blogger Jane said...

OSS - check the meditation center in Chicago - I think there are free meditation sittings and they should have instructors for new people.

Our local yoga studio has free classes once a month - I'll bet there are some places in Chicago that have them, too. And after you've been in a few classes, (or even before) doing it from a DVD is easy - and guess what? I have a TON of yoga DVDs (left to me by my meditation instructor when he moved). I haven't looked at them lately but I'm guessing there are some that are NOT advanced students only.

Say the word and they will be in the mail to you - and yes, I try to fix things for people I like - why do you ask?

At 12:48 Blogger Jane said...

I killed it, didn't I?

At 13:40 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Maybe the post is having a siesta.

I think I should look into yoga. It sounds like it would meet many of my needs. I'll keep my eyes open for some cheap intro classes. i like the idea of at least starting at a place where I can get feedback.

At 13:45 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


Hopefully the person only knows info from successful FB stalking and is just a poopy head. I had a stalker once via Myspace. He showed up at my door one night, knocking, when I was cuddling with my girlfriend. I guess he saw me on my roomies' Myspaces and decided he wanted to date me. I explained to him that I wasn't interested and he was never to show up at the dorm to see me again, and then he just bothered me online until I told him I didn't think Natalie Portman was that great of an actress, at which point I deeply offended him and he never spoke to me again. I was lucky in that he listened to me and my roomies, who were friends of his, when we told him he was doing it wrong.

I have a sinus headache from hell and no more allergy medicines... I'm trying to flush out allergens using the neti pot technique. The problem is that a magical sinus part in my body closes up from the allergens, which is why I get so many sinus infections and problems from allergies, and it blocks the neti pot water. Need nasal steroids to blast it open. :P I think I may have to ask my mom for money so I can refill my prescription.

At 13:49 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Farmers market with Lola is really fun, one makes a lot of new friends.

Speaking of crazy letters, I got one last night from my ex best friend, who I haven't talked to in over two years.

She told me she was "being divorced in the worst way" and thanked me for "Seeing it long ago , that she wasn't being treated right"

Hello? Man is a saint who stuck it out with her longer than I did. Barking mad letter it was. NO idea where that came from. Sure never did say anything like. Really glad to be out of that one.

At 13:55 Blogger Precision Grace said...

I have an ex best friend too. Breaking up with a best friend is so much harder than breaking up with a gf or a bf (though gfs are harder so maybe it's all to do with them being women..)

Anyhow.. weird

At 13:57 Blogger Jane said...

::Looks up from rummaging in yoga DVD box:: So I shouldn't run to the PO with package just yet??

Wendy, so sorry to hear about your sinuses :-( Mine are bad, too, and I use a Neti pot every morning but also take Allegra every morning, too. The combination seems to work.

Toss that letter in the virtual trash, Q, is my take on it.

At 14:00 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


Hopefully the person only knows info from successful FB stalking and is just a poopy head. I had a stalker once via Myspace. He showed up at my door one night, knocking, when I was cuddling with my girlfriend. I guess he saw me on my roomies' Myspaces and decided he wanted to date me. I explained to him that I wasn't interested and he was never to show up at the dorm to see me again, and then he just bothered me online until I told him I didn't think Natalie Portman was that great of an actress, at which point I deeply offended him and he never spoke to me again. I was lucky in that he listened to me and my roomies, who were friends of his, when we told him he was doing it wrong.

I have a sinus headache from hell and no more allergy medicines... I'm trying to flush out allergens using the neti pot technique. The problem is that a magical sinus part in my body closes up from the allergens, which is why I get so many sinus infections and problems from allergies, and it blocks the neti pot water. Need nasal steroids to blast it open. :P I think I may have to ask my mom for money so I can refill my prescription.

At 14:08 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Argh. Sorry about the crazy double post. My internet is being a dorkface.

I have a few ex-best friends. One of them actually broke up with me, though. It was because she got sucked into an unhealthy polygamous relationship and her new boyfriend didn't want her having friends, except for him and his girlfriend. So, she gave me a speech about how if she saw me on the street she would be polite but never wanted to hang out with me again. :P

At 14:27 Blogger Cecily said...

I can not use the neti pot. I tired it once and had vertigo and balance problems for days. Apparently my sinus ways are too open and the water got in my ears and stuff.

I enjoy the little bits of yoga I have done and find the wiifit to be a good place to learn stuff.

I had a friend of a friend who decided he was in love with me and started drunk dialing me in the middle of the night...luckily he was not crazy and got the message that it wasn't going to happen.

At 14:41 Blogger Phiala said...

Hello my dear Fiends, I do not have time to read everything but wanted to check in. Got home last night after work to find that Nick had received the dreaded "won't live through the night" call and we rushed out, arriving at the nursing home at midnight.

Stayed all night. The prediction turned out to be untrue, but probably sometime in the next day.

I have a 6am flight tomorrow morning from State College so I'll be driving back tonight, doing laundry, crashing for a couple hours, heading out way too early.

Seems likely I will miss the funeral, but I was here for some goodbyes and family support, along with Nick's brother and sister.

At 14:53 Blogger dabbler said...

Hugs, Phiala....and safe and restful journey to you and to Nick's loved one.

At 15:01 Blogger Jane said...

Echoes what Dabbler said.

We had a couple of calls like that for Steve's dad before the final one. All so sad...

At 15:12 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Phiala - Wishing you and Nick and the family peace and comfort as this long and difficult goodbye draws near the end.

At 15:14 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Oh, Phiala, *hugs*

At 16:11 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...


At 17:11 Blogger ariandalen said...


dabbler, the only thing I can add is that you definitely need to talk to the police. Even if they don't do anything, you'll be on record with a complaint. Now the stalking and harassment via the Internet, that may be a federal offense; I would inquire about my worries with the closest chapter of the FBI. Thy may blow you off, too, but you might find out something useful.

Mittens and Snowdrop are where I got the whole spicy brains bit. It's silly, but even silly can be taken too far. :)

At 17:17 Blogger vampi said...

oh phiala, i'm so sorry to hear that much thoughts and comfort to you and your loved ones.

At 17:40 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

HA! Pulled it off. Get enough tornado warning around a state and the gig gets moved inside.


Now I feel rock.

Mistress, not a fun few days for you, sending hugs and all.

At 18:01 Blogger dabbler said...

Well done, Ms Fabulous!

At 18:12 Blogger Dragonsally said...

(((((Phiala & Nick)))))))

Dabbler, I echo what everyone has said about stalker. Facebook really annoys me the way that they don't respond quickly enough to matters like this. There have been some really nasty incidences here in Aus, and it seems like they do nothing until the media get involved.
Enjoy your indoor gig Lorraine. Hope the tornado warning is superfluous in the end.

At 22:56 Blogger Beez said...

*hugs* Phiala and Nick

I'm sorry- never gets easier even when expected.

Dabbler- police, document, document document. The more they have reported from you -and- friend the better. They won't be able to do much unless they have a case.
Do you have any lawyer friends who can send a letter to Facebook? Sometimes just the fact that it's from a legal beagle gets 'em moving.

On a happy note (I hope) Fella and I came home from getting food and found a cat laying in my parking spot. Fella went out to shoo it, but the poor thing was so weak it just stayed where he set it.
We brought out water and food, and my god- I have NEVER seen a cat drink so much water.
S(he) is comfortably settled on the porch away from the other pets- we'll see what develops.


At 23:29 Blogger AletaMay said...

hugs for phiala and nick

At 23:32 Blogger Cecily said...


At 01:18 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

There was ROCK. And tornadoes. All in all, very fun evening.

Saw the wall cloud, watched it move over the river. Really cool!

At 02:17 Blogger Marjorie said...

Phiala, all my hugs & sympathy for you & Nick.

At 02:18 Blogger Na said...


At 06:46 Blogger Phiala said...

Got the call from Nick about 4:30 this morning, just as I was loading my bag into the car. I think I'm in Detroit now.

Thanks for the support, everyone. I'm going to miss the funeral, but at least I got to see him again, and be there for a while.

In completely unrelated news, why did I not get a MiFi until now????

At 09:09 Blogger Jane said...

Phiala - Glad you got to say goodbye and be there with him.

Sending wishes to you for some peace - your life has sounded somewhat hectic (tinged with sad) for too many days.

At 16:14 Blogger Hellie said...

Jess, that's gorgeous!

I'm so sorry Phiala, much hugs & sympathy to you all.

This weekend we mainly signed important documents and started organising for The Big Move.

Talk of tornadoes reminds me of one of my favourite songs
We could do with a good storm. It's so stuffy here.

At 18:29 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Slept in the aquarium last night. It was awesome. Under the round of sardines.

I am so was cool but not a good night's rest!

Now we're getting ready to go to Oakland and see the New Pornographers. zzzzzz

At 19:44 Blogger Dragonsally said...

So sorry to hear the news Phiala, hugs and more to you and Nick.
I saw that on Stacy's blog Jess. Our Stacy is one incredibly talented lady. This place is full of talented people, so awesome.
Chantrelle, I has envy -I'd love to sleep overnight like that.

Our friend Stu has just left -we babysat his car while he went to Darwin for a holiday. He's experiencing weather shock -from 32C to 4.9C when he flew in this morning. I have no sympathy whatsoever. He should have taken me on that tropical holiday!

At 07:30 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all.

This is really sleepy. My brain isn't working. Might have coffee. Lack of sleep is kind of kicking me here.

Heart was wonderful last night. Nancy Wilson is every bit still my hero as she ever was. They haven't lost anything. I'm glad I went. Managed a plane ticket coup and kidnapped my friend too for a day off in the country...

And met new Roller Girls.

A Good Night I say.

Lesson this morning tho.

Yeah, coffee.

At 07:46 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sounds like time very well spent! Glad you had fun.

At 08:03 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Hey Quiche, glad to hear your time was great.

If anyone is sort of interested, I love my tutoring job. I think I could be a teacher - it doesn't feel like a chore. My other jobs do.

At 08:59 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Always interested in your life, Emily. I'm glad you're enjoying tutoring. I enjoy doing one-on-one training, but not so much the classroom experience. What subjects are you teaching?

No news here. I'm about to go insane with the heat, is all.

At 11:08 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

It's funny, OSS, I always imagine you as wearing wooly winter stuff.

What subjects? Chinese! :D

At 18:08 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Pure Fiendliness, Stacy!

At 20:47 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lorraine, I know how much you love tasmanian devils

Hi everyone. Popping in to laugh maniacally, because I feel like it...

At 21:40 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I am interested in your tutoring job! If that's what you love to do, that is what you SHOULD do!

In other news, I got the job at the office supply store! I might start Monday or even earlier! ^.^

Also, I am working with the head of the English department to get me into the graduate program this coming up semester.

At 21:53 Blogger Beez said...

The Starveling Cat now living on my porch may have acquired the name of Rorschach.

*whistles innocently*

I really was kind of kidding, but it's stuck. Oh, and after the test, not the Watchmen character.

At 22:20 Blogger Beez said...

*Good FREE TURN Fairy arrives with her REALLY BIG WAND*

*aims for Jess's head*

*klonk* *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* *klonk*



There. Happy?

At 22:41 Blogger Dragonsally said...

oh no, we're not all addicted to Echo Bazaar, no indeedy...

At 22:44 Blogger Beez said...

I have noooo idea what you're talking about Sally.

At 23:12 Blogger ariandalen said...

Is anybody else having problems with Twitter? I can't see any tweets on my home page; all I see is my background. This also means I can't tweet.

But I can play Echo Bazaar. ;)

At 23:17 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Huh, I can't get into Echo Bazaar but Twitter seems to be okay.
Wow, it has just started Hailing here...and the temp has dropped. It was already cold and wet. Now its icy. Brrrr.

At 07:50 Blogger Phiala said...

*waves at the Fiends*

My weaving conference is going well, but I'm still not done with my 2-hour class for tomorrow morning. Yikes!

I have traded a great deal of money (more than the original cost of the round-trip ticket) for the ability to be home for the funeral.

At 08:04 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

@Beez: Huh. Rory for short?

At 10:27 Blogger One Sock Short said...

It is funny, Emily, I imagine me as wearing wooly winter stuff too. So much more comfortable to bundle up when it's cold than to try to cool off when it's like this.

Good news, Wendy! I hope these new opportunities turn into wonderful things for you.

I'm on the other side of the hiring table. Again. We need to stop hiring bright people with Futures for the assistant position ;-) The keep on moving on to bigger and better things.

I hate this part, reading resumes, having to make judgments for or against people with just that to go on. But we can't interview everyone, much less hire everyone. It makes it harder to say "no" when the job market is so tight too.

Hi Phiala! I hope the class you're teaching is coming together for you. Sorry to hear the airline change was so costly, but glad you were able to get back to be with Nick and family for the funeral. Looking forward to hearing all about the conference once you feel up to it. (((Hugs))) till then.

Rorschach huh? Best of recovery wishes to her. (I call all cats female till I know otherwise, and all dogs male. No idea why,)

At 10:34 Blogger Cecily said...

Yeah, I say it's easier to put more on than it is to take more off. Once your naked and still hot your pretty much SOL.

At 12:45 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I love love love the heat. Bring it ON. And I love love love the cold. Bring it ON. Bring on the snow and the thick soupy fog and thunderstorms! O.O Yes.

At 15:16 Blogger Beez said...

Emily...yes, I figured Rory for short.

(S)he is walking more like a cat than wobbling like a drunk, so that's progress there.

At 16:43 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Rory. Oliver. Some of those great guys' names work awesomely for cats.

At 21:02 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I just finished putting together my admission materials to the English department. GAH!

Looks like I'll be working towards living my dream life, whether I'm ready for it or not!

At 22:06 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

At some point my brain will come back. I am sure of it. Just need to sleep, perchance to dream....

I am so going to see SALT on Friday.

If it is at the drive in, I am taking the dogs. Hopefully they can get in for half price.

At 23:51 Blogger vampi said...


At 06:12 Blogger dabbler said...

I took a fish head out to see a movie,
Didn't have to pay to get it in....

Surely Dog(s) are free!

At 08:03 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Ha! Jess, you sound like my husband...
Who is at the beach this week, while I toil, feed and clean the kids (the cats) and water the garden.

At 08:36 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dogs can go to the drive in but not the inside theater. SALT may not be playing at the drive in.

And they really wanted some Angelina Jolie!

Lola ate my Blackberry this morning. SHE is not going ANYWHERE. EVER AGAIN!

At 08:48 Blogger spacedlaw said...

No more Angelina or pet duck for her!

At 09:36 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Maybe she thought it would taste like pie. Or maybe she though Lorraine spent too much time on the blackberry and not enough time fussing over her...

At 10:14 Blogger spacedlaw said...

That's a point: she could have injured herself by swallowing sharp bits!

At 11:37 Blogger ariandalen said...

It'll all...

No. I won't finish that sentence. ;)

At 12:45 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

I know I have been away too long when the posts are full of new puppies, jobs, classes, etc.... and little animals who have no idea that Blackberries are actually bits of fruit.

sigh.... The next time I fall off the edge of the world, I need to keep a tether to the Quiche Blog. :-)

At 12:46 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Ugh.. I hate typos!

.... and little animals who have no idea that Blackberries are NOT actually bits of fruit [to be eaten].

At 12:50 Blogger Phiala said...

*waves at Fiends*

Class was done before I had to give it. Got confused in the middle and rushed to make the end time, but actually still had 15 minutes (2-hour class). Otherwise just fine. It has not, you may guess, been the best week for brain power.

Tomorrow was intended to be a free day with my good friend Laura, but she has now acquired another commitment and I will be on my own. Not sure I have the energy/focus to arrange things by myself, but should not spend day in hotel room either. I was relying on her as a motivating force, and suddenly lost that prop. Harrumph.

At 13:25 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Foggy, cold, dreary summer day here. It's a catchup day. I have to get things lined up for ben's bday party on the 31st. We're at MotoGP all this weekend so no prep time then.

Phiala, hope you find something to keep your brain occupied!

At 14:09 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I think I have a Doctor Who fanfiction problem. O.O

At 16:44 Blogger Dragonsally said...

*waves* hi Fiends

ERIN! *fly by hug*

did you all know that daily Squee is doing a run on Bengal kitties at the moment?
like this

At 20:50 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Did it! New Blog is UP!

No, no applause, it was nothing, really....

(GO JESS! get 'em!)

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