There Are Bengals That Need You NOW...

Bengal time again. Great Lakes Bengal Rescue needs your help. We've had a few cats with medical problems in the last month or two and the vet bills are huge. We need every little bit. I am not too proud to Beg for Bengals. Hell, I will scream it to the world.
If they cross my path. I will save them.
The bottom line is: They will be cared for and they will find homes.
But we need help.

GLBR has a CAUSE up on Facebook, which you can read about HERE, and send onto your Friends.
You can also take advantage of my "Any Amount Any CD's" offer. Paypal some $$ to: and then email me your address at . I will pop a cd or two in the mail to you.
You can also simply donate. You don't need to be rich. I know how very not much extra money we all have right now. A fiver. These fivers add up. Every little bit helps these Bengals get the medical care that they need.

I live with five Bengals. Three of these were taken in by us at GLBR and now have a home with me. The Bengals in these pictures are currently in foster care, healthy and looking for good homes. Here's a full list....
We save them. Mostly now I help save Bengals I haven't even met, nor will I ever meet them. But I will do whatever it takes. They are going to find homes, and they are going to get the care they need. And when they are well, and when they find their forever homes....
It will be worth it.
Simply that. Because YOU cared enough to help.
And that made a difference.
Love and Bengals,
Thank you very much Lorraine. Adoptions are down a bit with summer but the need to take bengals in continues. Our expenses with Veterinary care have been very high but we have saved some bengals that would have otherwise been put down. You are a true friend to the breed Lorraine.
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I retweeted to boost the signal, and will do what I can.
These kitties are lucky they have you & Janet.
Poor kitties. They are so lucky to have you, Janet, and Lorraine.
Wish we could help, but right now we're saving up for my vet bills, um, doctor bills for my new knee. I will boost the signal, though...
tickle Bengal toes...will see what I can give as the money trickles in this week. Have been having high-handed insurance company woes for about a month, hopefully now back to normal.
I'm sad that Romeo still needs a home. :( I have a crush on him, but I don't think he wants to come live with me, Kitty, and Serious Black in my studio. :*(
i could not get the cause link to work, but i sent a bit through paypal like i have in the past. paypal is still good, right?
No one should EVER feel like that have to donate. I know how tight $$ are right now. If you can donate, Many Thanks! If you pass it on Many Thanks!
I know we all will be, have done or are involved in rescuing animals. On some level. And that makes a difference.
All the BBQ party has gone to see the bees, I stay with poor Frankendog.
Did you see this on Twitter? Lola finds the mud!
I love Romeo too! Such a lover boy!!!
Will check out this link...Seems to work for me, but pay pal does work just fine.
well i could get to the link, but when i clocked on the cause link and click to link, i get a facebook page not found. so i was too scare to try the actual donate functionality.
Janet has actually already responded thatit was recieved :)
hooray for raising kitty saving awareness and saving kities.
I couldn't get the link to work either so went to their website, easy enough.
Oh god, Romeo is so adorable. I wish I could have him.
Will pass the word around again.
I wish we had a bengal-friendly house. We are an outdoor/garage kitty house though. Man, those are cute cats!!!!
We spent the morning watching holland lose with our Dutch neighbor. Sad day. We got all dressed up in orange and everything. I've never really had anyone to really root for in the cup and then they lose. Bugger.
Now I have things to do, just need motivation to do them.
One of the Fiends NEEDS to adopt Romeo
Not a time for crossing fingers but for taking action ...
No worries, Lorraine, I don't feel pressured...just p*ssed off that I'm broke!
No worries, Lorraine, I don't feel pressured...just p*ssed off that I'm broke!
Full on double rainbow here at the BBQ. Kid you not. Everyone took pictures of it. I took pics of people taking pics.
Pretty funny, I only saw the Rainbow Man vid this morning...
Still laughing.
That's kind of hilarious seeing your photo of people taking photos, and then their photos of the rainbows.
Surely double rainbows mean something awesome is happening?
Romeo is going to be adopted by a school teacher in the Chicago area. She will be visiting him just to make sure and if for any reason she decides not to adopt him his foster mom is adopting. Romeo is a sweet boy and will make anyone love him. When he had his latest scan on 7/5 they asked if they needed to put him out to do the scan and I told them no, he is a gentleman. Thank you all for helping GLBR, it is so very appreciated. Whether donation, posting, retweeting, or just thinking good thoughts, it is all good.
If any of you on Twitter could go and tweet @birdchick saying you completely understand her feelings fo Justin Timberlake, I would GREATLY appreciate it.
She has been sneaking into my office and using my account to post as ME saying how much I love Justin Beiber.
Her computer is OFF. I am getting back at her.
For those of you who haven't seen Double Rainbow Man go here:
(You so have to)
Or search "Double Rainbow Man" on You Tube, the one with 3 million hots
In case you missed the link, Q. Double rainbow autotune.
I did see that too!
Fods I am getting tired. The Party has gone to look for Fireflies. Nice party. Very fun. But I want my little bed.
The Birdchick left her Iphone while she went to look at fireflies. Oh my. Paybacks are hell, eh?
I am so going to bed now.
Heading off way too early for New Hampshire and fieldwork, but first hints of very pleasing news in my inbox. *bounce*bounce*bounce*
Heading off way too early for New Hampshire and fieldwork, but first hints of very pleasing news in my inbox. *bounce*bounce*bounce*
Heading off way too early for New Hampshire and fieldwork, but first hints of very pleasing news in my inbox. *bounce*bounce*bounce*
Heading off way too early for New Hampshire and fieldwork, but first hints of very pleasing news in my inbox. *bounce*bounce*bounce*
Heading off way too early for New Hampshire and fieldwork, but first hints of very pleasing news in my inbox. *bounce*bounce*bounce*
Five time! That must be a very pleasing piece of news indeed.
I am afraid I cannot tell the Birdchick I understand feelings for Justin Timberlake. I don't.
Who is this guy anyway?
Uh, It was a joke guys. I think the cultural ref. looses something tho in the translation tho.
Pretty cool Mistress, what ever it is...
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Yay for Bouncy Phiala! (Nice to have some good (if currently mysterious & open to imaginative speculation) new son a Monday morning..
Justin Trousersnake, yeurch!!
Just sent a little bit of help the Bengals' way. This also reminded me to send some help to the dog shelter in Skiathos, they do amazing things too, rescuing abandoned pooches and they also look after the local feral cat populations and get them all spayed & neuteured. We visited a couple of years ago and I had my heart stolen by one of the residents that I took for a walk; a white german shepherd called Ricky. If I could've bought him back to England with me I would have :o)
Don't worry. We knew it was a joke. We just did not know (well, I , at least) how bad it was as a joke...
I gots to talk to her about this hijacking thing. It's wreaking havoc with our reputations, lol.
Blogger is kind of weird.
I'm sleepy this morning, kind of slept too late and now am rushing to get to the stable and ride before works need to happen.
The Justin Timberlake thing I can sort of see. It's your Justin Bieber fixation I'm worried about, Q. ;P
Mr. Jess says that a Justin Bieber must be the larval form of a Jonas Brother.
Lorraine, I don't know what to take seriously after my ex-third grade teacher told me she's googly eyed over Jacob Black. This is why you don't friend old teachers on Facebook.
More to catch up on, I see. A few days of meh will do that. See ya later...
Hey Fiends!
I have been out of it, taking care of a friend who is having a hard time with chemotherapy (only two more months of it, w000t!) and last week my little cat had a wierd and hideous accident and her pelvis got powdered. She had a great surgeon and is home now, getting much love and physical therapy, so the Bengals are getting some $$$ from Carrrrrmelita. Because once you spend 5k on a 12-year-old cat, what's a little more? :)
I have not been around for a while, been very busy with other things but Janet said to check out the blog. GREAT job Lorraine. I have 4 fosters right now including Riker who is one of the subjects of the HELP Bengals in Crisis cause. He is recovering well. I also have Sophie, Squeaker and Golden Boy from the site. Plus my own two.
Love all of the wonderful photos on your blog! Thank you so much for sharing this information!
best wishes to you!
Every time I read one of your posts about the Bengals, I miss my own kitty who I had to leave with my Dad, because my roommate is allergic. I am definitely Her Person and she will go nuts just hearing my voice over the phone. Maybe someday when I move out I will be able to adopt one of these kitties too, who sound so much like my kitty already - just lovelovelove all the time. I hope they find good homes!
Lunch! With delicious healthy leftovers and leafy greens. But first, some Fiend-time.
Going back a post or two, I will not, alas, get to see Dublin, Ireland this October. Or even Dublin, Ohio. But I will get to see lots and lots of Dublin Core! That's right, a three day conference on data! And the best part is ... it's in Pittsburgh! Jess and Mr. Jess and Phiala, I'm counting on seeing you. Just let me know if I should add a day or two before Oct. 20 or after Oct. 22.
I desperately wish I could afford HOTR too :-(
Oh dear. Missed a lot here!
Lovely Bengals!
Hope - sorry to hear about the horrid accident but pleased to know your friend is getting to the end of that treatment.
Sigh. So much has happened since last Friday that I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Long story short:
My certification/ master's program may be cut entirely. I'm looking into transferring to a focus on English instead of English education.
My ceiling crashed in in the bathroom. The tiles have been replaced and all of the water sucked out, but there is already new water dripping on one of the new tiles.
My computer crashed. I got it to work by creating a new admin account, but I cannot access all of my files. I know what caused the crash and may be able to fix it, but I have a big project due in two days, so it will be at least that long before I can access all of my short stories, my novel MS, and the nonfiction MS I was working on.
I still have no job. My rabbi offered to pay my rent for August, which will help. I have a friend who put in a good work where she works (would not pay my bills, but any money would be nice). Since I just moved here and quit my last job, I do not qualify for unemployment- I applied for it and was denied. Substitute teaching will not start again until August 17.
If my program is cut (which I think it will be) I might be able to finish it and get my master's, but that is the best case scenario. Also, the school districts around here are laying off workers, so the teaching job I was told would be cake to get probably won't appear, so there may be no point in getting that master's anyways. If I get my master's in English, I could actually teach in a community college next semester, but they are being cut, too, so I don't know how that would work.
I don't want to bother everybody with all of my problems, but they're really starting to weigh on me.
The upside is I still love New Orleans, and the people here are a lot more open about offering help, even if it is just putting in a good word with a boss or offering advice.
(((Wendy))) So sorry to hear everything is crashing in on you at once. It sounds as though you do have good friends who are helping in practical ways, which is always good.
I hope you get some positive news soon.
Oh Fods Wendy, that's too much for one little koala to bear (that's an Aussie saying may appropriate it)
Hope - sending soothing scritches to your poor cat. Sounds horrendous.
we have workmen digging up the nature strips on the other side of our street with very loud machinery. They started at 7am. Not amused one little bit. (ahhh, most of you would call a nature strip a verge or tree lawn Wikipedia tells me)
Wow Wendy, sucks that all that has to happen at one time. Fods.
I figured out how to force-copy files from my old account into the new one using Terminal commands, so I will either be able to save a lot of my old work or explode my computer. Either way...
I think I am about to be mostly MIA for a while. I'm just downloading the Hugo Packet, and I only have until the end of the month to do a lot of reading so I can vote in the Hugo awards. I take this responsibility very seriously.
That's cool, Sally. Give us a heads up if there is anything we should be reading.
Excellent idea - I'll do that.
Oh Wendy, that's awful!
Sally, I'm working my way thru the Hugo stuff myself. I'd read all the novels before the nominees were announced, but haven't read all the shorter works yet.
And... I can now tell you all because it's official: I got in to the Viable Paradise science fiction writing workshop, to be held on Martha's Vineyard in early October. Y'all may have heard of some of the instructors: Scalzi, Bear, Gould, Nielsen Hayden... etc.
Today was a 9-hour drive (I was not driving at least), a few more hours of field work, and dinner and a beer. I'm about ready to collapse, but had to tell you my news. (And, for anyone who is familiar with New Hampshire, we managed to go from hotel in Durham to dinner in Portsmouth... via Maine. Don't ask!)
WooT! for Phiala, and hugs for will get better.
congrats Phiala, that sounds truly awesome
Mistress! That is SO cool, well done! I've known Patrick adn Tersa (Not sure which neilsen-Haydon you are speaking of) for , gads, 20 years now. I know John too. You will love studying with them they are GOOD.
Wendy, no fun. Send me an email? I actually wanted to talk to you, but not publicly. (Sorry Fiends, nothing personal, something nice I can tell you about later...Just Wendy may be able to help)
DIm went like an angel this morning! Only tried his tricks once and I was SO ready! I really love that horse.
BOTH Nielsen-Haydens, actually. :) And so many other cool people. It will be awesome, and an incredible amount of work, and I expect to learn rather a lot.
And now I so desperately must go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be another long and early day.
YAY Phiala!! \o/ That's wonderful. You will flourish.
OSS, have already pencilled you in. :)
Something good did happen today. I got accepted by the writing group I applied for, and one of the people who reviewed my work for inclusion is a professor at one of the universities here. He said the writing sample I turned in was very engaging and good and that he didn't have any major changes he would make. That made me feel better. Also, my friend said she is bugging her manager about hiring me.
Congratulations to Phiala! That must be very exciting and awesome! Like a super-vacation, but better!
Congratulations, Phiala!!!
Commiserations and congratulations, Wendy!!!
Congratulations, Phiala! And Wendy, too
All RIGHT, Phiala!
Good luck, Sally. THAT sounds like a plan. Fight off the cold!
Fell back asleep, after the Garbage Olympics at 5 this morning. Hmmph. Now I am all sleepy and must be up.
The day will include riding tho! And much Dog. Dog school in fact.
And work. Lots of work.
Phiala - congratulations! Elizabeth Bear? OMG is all I can say.
Just caught up - Wendy, hope everything works out - sounds like you've been having a tough time.
Hope - sorry to hear about your cat and glad she is getting good care.
Off to the vet for the kittens first checkup...
Congratulations, Phiala!
Thank you so much for the good wishes! Carmelita is the best little girl in THE WORLD, and is tolerating the physical therapy and herbal extracts and Western meds with grace and aplomb.
Wendy, so sorry about the Mountain O' Troubles, hugs!
Phiala, I squee at your news!!!
Ms. Fabulous, so glad Dim was a sweet goer for you. My sister's recycled racehorse is learning to pace,and wow is that an uphill battle.
Happy happy morning, Fiends!
Hurray for such an excellent-sounding session with Dim!
{{{Wendy!}}} It sounds like your new home city is hazing you. That means it really loves you back, right? Or something?
Hope, healing wishes to your friend as well as your kitty.
Huzzah Phiala! You're really tearing it up these days. Joy to you!
Hugs to Sock, just 'cause - sounds like you're overwhelmed, too.
Reading for Hugos sounds like an excellent thing to do.
My reading has been Neverwhere for two days, all through Colorado and New Mexico (we've been on a long car trip). I was inspired by Marjorie's recent misadventure on the Underground to read it finally. Oh my! Now I understand how funny it is that that particular book went in the gap. Spooky, too.
In other reading, I seem to have been manipulated into copy-editing a friend's self-published book for free. I wouldn't have minded if she'd asked directly, but she didn't. This makes me grumpy, at myself and her. What amuses me is that much of the book is dedicated to discussing ethical, compassionate, and responsible behaviour. :P /rant (sorry/thanks)
Happily, I am visiting the beautiful Southwest for a bit. Feels like coming home.
Morning/evening, all!
I think it is hazing me. :( Trial by fire. Once I survive this, I will never look back or think about moving.
I'm working on a proposal for a cool person's guide to Judaism, specifically for converts and people who are rediscovering Judaism because they did not think their parents religion was cool until now. I hope one day I will make hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars from it! I'm going to be submitting it to a writing contest and eventually some agents.
The upside to being unemployed is I am writing a lot!
Blogger does not want me saying anything to any of you this morning. This is attempt number three. A reasonable person would have given up by now.
Na, I'm gonna have ot ask the obvious question, here: if there's no contract, if no one's paying you, and you never actually consented to give this friend a favor in the first place, where's the obligation? Not sure you actually have one. Speaking on strictly ethical, responsible, and compassionate grounds, of course. ;)
Jess, so glad you aren't reasonable! The same question had occurred to me about Na's situation.
Oh Wendy! What a time you're having! *hugs*
Phiala - That is so awesome! Congrats!
Not sure why I'm on the computer. I have a ton of crap to do.
Hi everyone!
Jess - I haven't forgotten your emails. I'm hoping to get to stuff on the site today. I'm lame!
No worries, Chantrelle. We have time. :)
Tired. Very hot. I like the heat but I think I'm melting a little bit.
Morning everyone.
My head is empty, or tired.
I'm typing with nothing to say.
Finding it hard to sit and read books on the computer. I'd much rather have them in my hands. I will persevere though, just so I can say I read and voted.
I've read some great short stories.
OMG did you see this and that adorable little face I WANT ONE
Ooh, love the hair accessory! :)
I might be a bit quiet over the next couple of weeks - it's the Film Festival. Also known as "how many movies can I cram into the times I'm not at work and still stay sane". Heh. I'm hoping to get to the Stephin Merritt doco tomorrow.
Film Festival. Tired Eyes. Addled brain. What's not to enjoy Ms T?
Even though I'm probably using the most basic Terminal commands in the world to get my laptop back in shape, I feel like a super-hacker!
Wendy, it's fun to read how you face the chaos with humour.
Good ethical question, Jess, dabbler. ;) Obligation -> because she's an old friend isn't good enough, is it? Truth is, I did consent at some point during an email exchange. So honestly I have only myself to blame if I'm regretful, and lesson learned. And perhaps I'm wrong in my perception of being manipulated, but the exchange went something like this:
"I need this done, what are your rates? [insert compliments]."
*a day or so passes*
"Thanks! Here are my rates."
*a day or so passes*
"Oh, actually [partner's name] has been out of work for a couple months and [insert financial sob story] now I feel bad for having asked, etc."
*a day or so passes*
"Well, maybe I could do it for f..."
*seconds pass*
"Thanks! Great! Here it is! I want to publish in August."
Did something new today. My mom made an appointment for her, me, and my monstress to get manicures. I've never had one. Not my thing, but not unfun. Monstress's wasn't actually the manicure, but nails painted like ladybugs. But the best bit was going outside while my mom's nails were being done and visiting with the assortment of rescue animals this woman's family has: a horse, a pony named Tony, dogs, cats, turkeys, and chickens. Also met their neighbor's goat and horses. OMF horses are so BIG! I forgot. And lovely. And I think it's funny they have whiskers (are they called whiskers?) about their faces, at least the ones I talked to did, two ladies who apparently were rescued from rodeo work of some kind and are not for riding.
I have two options. Let everything overwhelm me and break down or keep on trucking and find the humor in everything. I've decided to find the humor. My trucking is going a little slow, but that's better than me being stalled at the side of the road.
I'm going to watch the 2nd disc of True Blood Season 2. Or, as I like to call it, Vampires of Walmart.
Oh dear. A kind and generous nature will get you every time, Na. Been there. It's the main reason I've turned mean. If you give it away, people will take it. Took me a long time to learn that.
One of my former workshoppers, long ago, asked if I'd "edit" her novel when it was finished. She, erm, wasn't someone I wanted to work with ever again. So I gave her a giant, fuck-off quote and told her that the only thing my assistance would guarantee was that she'd have paid me a lot of money to do something she ought to be doing herself. See? Mean.
On the other hand: one of my good friends is currently working on a first novel, and her stuff's a joy to read. In her case, I have no objection to working for nothing just because it's such a pleasure to watch her process firsthand. It's a judgement call, I guess. There are times when it's worth it.
I have two responses when someone asks me to read their work, family, friend, friend of a friend. I either say: OK, but you WILL NOT like what I have to tell you.
Or: No.
If they are a real writer type, who is good and on thier way up, I tell them I will tell them the parts I like, but there are far better people than me to read and critic..
My experience with Amateurs tho, is that it will be bad, not publishable, and it's not going to be good when I tell them that.
The last time I agreed to read for a friend, they gave me their manuscript. I read two pages, gave it back and said "275,000 words is not your first novel. If it was readable, it might be your first three, with 100,000 cut out. And every noun does not need an adjective."
Puts a damper on a friendship.
Heh. I'll read for friends, but only after explaining to them that I do critiques exactly like I do scientific peer review, and they might not like it. If they're still willing and I have time, I'll do it. I also try to avoid reading for people who just want to be told how wonderful they are, because they aren't. If you aren't interested in improving, why ask for a critique in the first place?
I learn a lot about writing from critiquing others, and based on the past few weeks some of it even seems to be sticking!
And now, I am so very tired and must go to sleep. Tomorrow will be another long day, with hot and humid to work in, and as a special bonus, RAIN. (Have more field work to finish before I can go home.)
It's not fair. I am a joy to critique for as I will never take umbrage and will in fact be slavishly grateful to anyone that has taken the time and trouble to read and comment on the stuff I wrote. Even if I don't like it. Even if I don't agree with it. (and I thank certain Brian at least once a week (in my head) for all his help on my story that is still not finished. I've also thanked him in emails. many many times)
Anyway, point being, hardly anyone ever wants to critique my stuff or they say random things that are not very useful (i.e. specific). Although any comment is welcome, frankly.
Anyway, rant over. But it isn't my fault, you all started it. ;p
[btw Thank you again Emily/Lihua for your comments, I'll keep trying to make my writing tighter ;)]
Also, Wendy, keep your chin up you are doing so well! Look how much you've managed to accomplish (you should praise yourself for the stuff you've done, and not lament bad stuff that you have no control over)
Also, Phiala - congratulations! You ought to keep a diary and blog about your experience.
Also, hope you feel better Sally!
Also, I should be asleep but have overexcited my stomach and brain with too many muffins too late at night.
I once made the mistake of helping another author who asked people online to help her out. I found a couple really simple errors, and she wrote me back with a scathing reply about how she couldn't be expected to find errors like that. When I pointed out that she asked for help, she wrote back with another scathing reply, and I gave up.
I like my critiquing group I just joined. It's mostly made up of professors and teachers, and you have to apply to get in. When people are critiquing your work, you aren't allowed to say anything until everyone is finished. I've heard them come up with a lot of good points of other people's writing, so I'm pretty excited. But, after taking some writing classes that involved critiques and working with people online in both reading and writing, I'm wary of letting people read my or or reading other people's work. A big reason is I've discovered that people don't really want help in getting published, they want an instant fix scenario where everything drops into their lap and everyone sees how smart and special they are. I've had friends write "articles" where they don't interview any experts or even people off the street and come up with wild claims about everything from insurance fraud to substandard contractors with no evidence to back it up. They usually don't like it when I explain the journalistic process and what editors are looking for.
Grace: I try to be really optimistic about what I've accomplished, but I'm starting to get worried about the fact that I don't have a job or savings, but I still have to pay rent. And, I'm running out of time to transfer into another department and register for classes, so that's kind of stressful. I try not to worry, though, and hope that everything will work out. I'm trying to keep up my writing, too, but stress makes it harder to get down to it.
Wendy: I understand that perfectly. It's incredibly hard to stay positive when times are hard and you are doing incredibly well. I'm struggling through similar situation and have had to cave in and start looking for jobs in admin (which I loathe more than I can describe) because money is non existent. Are you able to take a job that is perhaps not ideal but which could temporarily provide a source of income? Have you thought about individual tutoring? Don't know if that's popular in the States, but here some people earn additional income by tutoring high school students or college students or whatever.
My friend earned money that way when she was studying for her Masters.
I hope things improve for you!
Grace: I started looking for less-than-awesome jobs a couple months ago. I was really hoping I would get a receptionist position at a Jewish organization, but I found out yesterday they hired someone else. My friend in NOLA is trying to get me a job at a retail office supply store. I would make around $8 an hour and would have to change my focus, definitely, because my classes are all at night now, but that might be a good thing, because I could get a Master's in Professional Writing and possibly teach at the local community college in the fall. It's just a lot different than the "Come to New Orleans and start teaching at $30,000 a year because teaching jobs are very easy to get and they are always hiring" speech that got me to move here in the first place. Although, since I wanted to move here for 10 years before I did, I've come to see this whole experience as the way I finally made one of my dreams come true. Now I just have to find a way to make all of my dreams come true and stay here. I've decided that I have to take my writing more seriously and trust myself more, because trusting other people's recommendations on what I should do has never worked.
Wendy - you are obviously doing all the right things and especially trusting yourself and following your inner light (excuse the new age phraseology). I wish I knew what I wanted to do. Every time in the past I knew what I wanted I managed to make it come true but for a while I haven't *really* wanted anything other than what I have right now. (except more money, obviously, heh)
The only thing I want to do is write. And, I keep letting myself stray away from it. In Florida I made half my income from writing without really trying, but I convinced myself I needed to be trapped in a job I hated to make due. Now, I'm working on a bunch of projects, and I'm hoping that even if I have to work to make ends meet, eventually I can make an okay living from mostly writing, or a combination of writing and teaching. I hope things work out for you!
Wendy, I also want to write but I'm not that focused on being published or earning money from it though so I just write when I feel like it and that's fine.
Could you not still earn money writing? I mean, does it matter where you are based, couldn't you do the same/similar stuff you did in Florida?
Our strange thoughts can be such a stumbling block. For example, you seem to be convinced you have to pay some sort of dues (to society?) by taking on a job you don't like in order to pay the bills.
I, on the other hand, cannot seem to convince myself that it is acceptable to earn money doing something I enjoy. It's like it would taint the purity of it or something. I also think it's outrageous that I should have to earn a living at all, though for the life of me I couldn't tell you where I got that idea from.
Ye gads, I must try some sleep!
Sorry peeps for the soap box activity today. *hangs head in shame*
Someone has to keep the blog going! We are the night guard!
I've been trying to find writing jobs here. I've had little to no success. Either things fizzle out and I can't get the people who told me to contact them to call/ email me back, or I go on an interview and don't get the job. It was easier in FL, because I had connections. Although, I found out I left at the right time. About two months after I got here, my big writing gig got phased out of the newspaper it was for. I'm keeping my eyes and ears open, though.
I also don't think I should have to work, but I recognize I will have to if I want to keep my apartment. I will probably be moving someplace cheaper at the end of the year when my lease is up.
Eventually I plan on living off my writing. But, first I have to get my balls to juggle in the air instead of falling down. That's the first step.
mean? i could be mean. or at the very least, better mind the LITTLE RED FLAGS (and be wise enough to say no) when they pop up.
i am very happy to read or edit for friends/colleagues (family? erm... don't think so), so long as i have time, and the parameters are clear and honestly stated from the outset, not the meandering thing this other agreement seems to have been.
i like this idea of warning an author that they must be ready to hear things they won't like. i know even the most constructive, positively phrased, professional comments an editor/reader can offer are frequently unpalatable.
hey Wendy - I flaked out on you, sorry! Needed sleep ;)
Na - I don't know how you can say that "even the most constructive, positively phrased, professional comments an editor/reader can offer are frequently unpalatable." If that is the case than the fault is most definitely with the writer who obviously has such an inflated sense of self importance that they are completely impermeable to any and all advice let alone criticism.
Actually it has always puzzled me why I don't get upset whit critiques of my writing when otherwise I hate any criticism. It's really weird, ya? I'm totally not faking it or anything. I guess writing in English, as it's not my first language, I feel that anything I can get away with is a total bonus. heh cheeky, huh
Grace, many authors I've worked with are writing full-length books for the first (or nearly first) time. it's not always a matter of inflated self-importance (although i've seen that, too). many people don't yet know that no work is ever perfect right off the bat, and are surprised to learn they haven't been quite as clear as they thought in places, or that they've confused then with than for five chapters, etc. and that's the works that are in reeeally good shape.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Na - that's very interesting although I still don't understand how anyone expects their first works to be perfectly well executed or, worse, reacts negatively when helpful people point out the errors they made.
I belonged to a SFF forum for a while where you can put up your work for critique, but I've learned the most, I think, from reading critiques of other people's work and their responses to it. I guess not many writers think to learn about the writing process before they start writing? (workshops are so helpful for that, I wish I could afford one)
I totally missed this post. Wish I could donate, but groceries have to take priority.
*YAY* Phiala
OK now back to my roller coaster...
Never felt a day more like TORNADOES. Weather Channel says 80% chance for tornadoes in MN/WI today. I say they are hedging their bets. I think it is higher and this afternoon is going to be REAL interesting.
I really do.
Had a GREAT lesson this morning tho. I could spend the rest of my life learning to balance my horse while riding in a circle.
Such a mental picture this evoked for me. There's Lorraine, riding in a circle on her spangley bicycle, while balancing her huge horse over her head with one hand!
Purple spangles, of course!
While a tornado howls around them...
Hmmph. SO far the current COOL storm missed us by about 12 miles. Wreaking havoc as it moves away.
Nothing yet. Fell asleep. Have to go back to work now.
It seems you may get some interesting weather, like, now. Be safe. :)
Now is a good word for it! Got some heavy rotation, wall clouds, tornado warnings, and sirens, power in and out.
Weather Girl is now happy.
I'm glad that you are happy. I am also glad to be living in a house with a basement! Wimp. That's me.
I'd never really thought of tornadoes as being something to look forward to, but whatever makes you happy! Enjoy:-)
No tornadoes. Thing weakened. Strong winds, thunder, lots of rain, power in and out. No worries.
Now, the appeal of big rainy storms *without* added tornadoes I can understand:-) we had no storm, but did have rain, so my yard smells of wet earth, and I won't need to water the tomatoes tonight.
I just spent 3 hours in what turned out to be a really crappy meeting. And I've found I can't have the week off I wanted. I'm thinking of turning to drink.
I must say, the idea of being excited while a tornado comes straight for me is, ahhh, scary.Being excited by the power and beauty of a storm though, I get that.
And also - be safe, Fiends in tornado land.
the fabulous quiche and the bengal storm chasers, coming soon to a storm near you!
discovery needs to snap this show idea up. sounds more exciting than ice road truckers.
There was a flash flood in East Smithfield today (about a forty minutes from the lab where I work - that was the commute) ... but my own town was pretty clear. Except for later, when it, you know, wasn't.
Ah, bilingual babysitting done for the night. Kay then. I come home and am like, "WASSAP didi, ni hao, even though wo hen you two freaks."
Quiet Fiends. Hello there?
Quiet Fiends. Hello there?
Oops, double post.
Hi Emily,
I worked 13+11+14=38 hours in the first three days of the week, and that doesn't leave a lot of online time. I'm back from NH, if exhausted, and have a couple days in the office before leaving for New Mexico on Sunday.
I am working.
Working here too...About to take some time out for a lesson on Dim tho, lovely day for it. One more cup of tea first I am thinking...
I'm making ben's bday CD. He finished the song list last night. It is awesome:
Iron Man
First Train Home - Imogen Heap
Mice Circus from Coraline
Fidelity by Regina Spektor
Chicken Monkey Duck by Mike Phirman
Upside Down Frown - Women and Men - Whistling in the Dark all by TMBG
Here It Goes Again by OK Go
Fresh by Devo
Elephant Elephant by Evelyn Evelyn
Rockaway Beach by the Ramones
Yellow Submarine & Octopus’s Garden by The Beatles
Long Live the King - P.D.Q. Bach
Finale - from his school’s Ramayana
Queen by the Melvins
Devil Be Good & Last Song by Jason Webley
He wanted Jason's Drinking Song but we opted not to put that on a 6 yr old's CD. We love it but not all parents rock like us ;-) You should see ben spin 12 times while looking up at his finger in the air, he can actually do it!
I am sort of working.
I just applied to another job.
I went to see my rabbi and ask him for money, which was very hard, but I didn't want to wait for too much time to go by.
Now I'm doing research on places I can write for and the English department so I can contact someone about a possible transfer. My rabbi said he thinks it will be better for me to be in the English department, because I would enjoy it more.
Also, he gave me the fringes on his prayer shawl to retie. I'm always surprised when people trust me to do important things. I think I need more confidence.
Sounds like a fun CD.
Melting here in Chicago, with no break in sight. I really hate summer.
My assistant position is becoming vacant again. The current person decided to take a full-ride scholarship for grad school. Completely unreasonable of her, right? ;-) So I'll be drowning in resumes again soon. Oy.
Lihua that made me laugh! That bilingual slippage happens to me a lot, specially when I talk to my mum. Hilar.
So, it's windy here. Cats and I are all indoors.
I went for an interview for a part-time job where, on reflection, I spent most of the time telling the nice Professor lady why she shouldn't give me the job. She was so nice. And tiny.
I think I'm starting to get over my brief I Write Like obsession, I've blogged about it now twice (link via my profile if interested). I'd really really like to know how it works though and as I know lots of you are language specialists, maybe someone can Explain it to me. I suspect they've loaded the entire books of some authors but not sure how the software tells which famous author the sample writing resembles.
SO anyway. There is nothing to eat in the house.
Find something to eat pronto!
Huh. What languages do you speak, Grace?
I read a blog post about it yesterday, where Vonnegut was labeled as Edgar Allen Poe when someone tested the software.
My friend's boss called me today to come in for an interview on Monday. So, that is good.
Wendy, good to hear you have another interview. Hope it goes well.
May I ask, What is the significance of tiring the fringe? I'm guessing it has to be done in a specific way, but not clear why. (none of the people I've known who were Jewish were observant - I don't know much beyond the basics)
I had the first ripe tomatoes from my garden today, and now it's raining, and much cooler.
Oh, Marjorie, I am so jealous! My tomato plants have a lot of fruit on them but they are very green. What kind of tomatoes did you plant?
Q, how was your ride?
It was a fine ride. LOTS of work. She kicked my butt. And Dim's, but so very much worth it.
Learning how to Flex. Very tricky. It will make for a soft head tho.
Yes. I do know that made no sense. I told you the things she tells me wouldn't.
I had a whole blog in my head about patience, and learning. I'll have to see when I get home if I can remember it. I was very wise, driving back from my lesson.
And we do need a new post.
The number of knots and winds on the fringes represent a reminder to keep the 613 commandments, and they are also a reminder to say the sh'ma, which is a major Jewish prayer. You're supposed to wear them out so people can see you are Jewish, but not many people who aren't Orthodox do that. The prayer shawl was a way for Jews to wear the fringes when they couldn't in their daily lives, because the fringes specifically are placed on a four cornered garment, and there are a number of rules on to how to make the garment. Some observant Jews wear a smaller four cornered garment under their clothes specifically to be able to wear the fringes.
My rabbi said his fingers are not dextrous enough to tie the fringes on his own prayer shawl. I guess all the knitting and sewing I've done throughout the years have come in handy for something.
Wendy, Revelle and I made the tzitzit for her bat mitzvah prayer shawl, and I embroidered (by machine) the blessing on the neckband. She had picked out one of those gorgeous Indian sari fabrics in purples and gold and it is truly unique.
And Phi - you DEFINITELY need to post some diary entries on that workshop.
Wendy, I think that sounds like just the thing you not only need right now and is quite an honor.
Fluffy, I will try. I'm not sure I will have the energy, or if much will be explainable. But I expect it to be amazing, and so very educational.
Cool chatting, but you must move it onto the next post..
Because it is up now.
A little brain dead here, very tired, but I tried to say some things.
Thanks Wendy. I like coming here, and getting to learn interesting new stuff ;-)
Ow quit it.
/Bart Simpson
We had the visit from owners rep with the Real Estate agent this afternoon - morning was spent making the place clean at least.
It went well, and we now have a brand new smoke alarm.
Now its all over I am relieved and exhausted.
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