Friday, August 27, 2010

These Are the Days of Miricle and Wonder...

As I said the other day, the pictures of me on Odette didn't turn out. So after my lesson yesterday, on Romy, my Trainer (She Who Owns It All) had the idea (She has LOTS of ideas, this women, as you will see) to shoot some shots of me on Odette that I could post them. Next time I am going for this idea PRE-lesson, when I am always a combed out non sweating thing of beauty, but even so, they make me happy.

Every day riding now is new. Every day I learn something more. Every day I am a little bit fitter. And ok, every day I learn just how not YET fit I am. But every day I can do a little bit more. Everything is new, and it's such a wonderful place to be.

Today wasn't a lesson, as in a riding lesson. It was the lesson of You Never Do Know What Will Happen If You Get Off Your BUTT. I had a bad case of NON-motivation this morning and didn't really FEEL like riding. Too tired. Worn out. Neh. Really just wanted more tea and some nice breakfast TV. Time got to it and I told myself, Strongly, either I was going riding or I was taking my BUTT to step class.

I hate step class.

So I rode out. (As the best songs all start)

I was glad I did. Romy and I had a fine ride together. And finished up in time for work. Really glad I rode, thinks I, fine start to the day. Teach me, methinks as I unsaddle my horse.

Then I hear my Nice Trainer Lady (Who wears tall leather boots and carries a whip) call me, tell me to grab my helmet, and come into the ring, by the mounting block.

I mentioned that I couldn't help noticing SHE was on the only horse in the ring, and she hadn't asked me to bring MINE.

Ah, says she, you noticed that, dismounting her horse, Big Al, as he is known. (Quite rightly.)

Get up, she remarked, a remark I kind of knew was coming. Ah, quailed I, just a moment please my legs are shaking. No, just do, speaks her, like a Zen Master to a Grasshopper.

I did. Wasn't going to say NO, now was I? Got up. LONG way up. (Note to self: You couldn't have done that a month ago. Remember this)

Big Al didn't just get off the boat. (Actually, I believe he was flown here, from Germany) he knows what to do. And his rider, my Trainer also knows what to do. They told me. I listened and sort of... floated.


(Once again, Wiki-land helps us out: Piaffe.)

The Barn Manager, bless her sweet soul, noticed what was going on, and got some pictures, and a video.

I give you my first Piaffe.

No, I haven't stopped smiling.

And I will never ever again even think about being too tired to ride.

You see, I want to do that again.

Love and Piaffe,


At 20:10 Blogger Phiala said...

Lovely. You, and horse, and both together.

At 20:14 Blogger DeeBaughman said...

Beautiful!!! :) And glad to hear Magic's stomach led him home!!

At 20:14 Blogger Ticia said...

I love you.

At 20:17 Anonymous JennT/Werefrog said...

That is a lovely video!!
A great inspiration for those days that I tend to talk myself out of doing the new stuff that will satisfy my soul!

Yay about Magic!

At 20:42 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Way cool!!

At 21:05 Blogger anna j said...

That brought tears to my eyes. It's amazing what can happen when you get off your butt even if you think "maybe not today".

At 21:08 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Please keep on smiling. 'Cause you OWN. Or I believe now the term of PWN. Yeah, I heard a new phrase today, which tells me I'm like, getting old or something, that I come home and have to ask, "Girls on the bus were like, 'That was soooooooo sick, I loved it, it was like sooooooo sick;' is this a Thing?"

At 21:46 Blogger Vinity said...

Bad day with sick kitty, that vid gave me prolly my first smile and laugh of the day. THAT IS AWESOME!! What a great team teachers!! That horse is HUGE!! He's bigger than Lance it looks like!

Isn't that the BEST feeling?? I LOVE the feel when a horse sit down behind and you have all that power. You feel like you could bounce them to the sky. Wait for Passage! It's even more fun.

Vin has great passage but her piaffe is only so-so. Some times I have great steps other days, not so much. Her real gift is her lateral work. She goes sideways good. Same with Dulcy, Lance....not so much LOL Vin has to DIE FOR canter pirouettes.

This is so cool you're getting to feel this stuff. You look like you are sitting it really well!!

OK I was planning to head to bed with an audio book skipping both riding, {which I've missed} and exercise but now I'm inspired to do my PT!!

At 21:49 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

Lorraine, you are a Rock n Roller Girl!

it's the days we don't want to that we have to and then the most amazing things always happen.


At 22:03 Blogger Jane said...

Cool or what?

Vinity - so sorry about sick kitty :-(

At 22:52 Blogger vampi said...

that was awesome!
i am with out words. coooooool

At 23:49 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hurra for piaffe and for Magic coming home (silly leopard!)

At 01:48 Blogger Marjorie said...

That's wonderful, and you @ Big Al are both beautiful.

Relief that the Magic Pudding is home & safe.

At 02:52 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Man, that is AWESOME! And now I know what the term for that prancing on the spot is called!
Big Al is BIG, and gorgeous. So is Romy..what a day.

I am going to look at the photos and videos in this post a lot.

At 04:09 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh my god, horse lovers or those who just want to know more about horses keep your eye out for Martin Clunes presents Horsepower
I'm in the middle of the first episode right now and it is quite simply AMAZING

At 07:08 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Good Morning!

I feel really READY for today. Or What ever.

My body tried to wake at 4:30 OH NO THANK YOU . I made it behave and sleep till 6:30. Teach IT.

Going to my Sat Morning classes, then the Farmers Market. I am to buy Pies, cherry ones, for Maddy. Cool.

And Kitty Comes Today!!!!!! We flew her home so no evil 21 hour tour bus ride! She is here by 3!!!!!!!

At 07:20 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Just in time for the birthday party, I suppose.Please give her (and Maddy) a hug for me. And have a couple for yourself, while you're a it.

At 09:34 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I'm reading Lord Byron today. I think I may either drink chocolate soy milk or cafe au lait. Then, work.

That was a beautiful video. Very elegant and exciting.

I have been feeling very sexy lately, due in part to always being active and feeling more fit.

At 10:49 Blogger Na said...

happy firbday to Maaaaddieeeee! (belated)

piaffe looks fascinating - i'm amazed at how many different things horses and peoples can do together. a whole world in itself, and thanks for the peeks into it.

so Ms Kitty is on her way from here to there!

and the Gaga spectacular was truly amazing, surprising, entertaining. tho' i have a feeling she's just getting started as an artist. and OMF the woman can SING!

today for me is some work, playing monopoly with my monsters, goofing, and staying in from the cool, cool weather - predicted high of 12 C today. *brrrr* although maybe a walk out in the wind is required; i have to remind myself that this is not cold.

At 11:03 Blogger Phiala said...

I have failed in my ambition to not leave the house today, having now done all the grocery shopping, taken the cardboard to the recycling, visited three stores a dn a yard sale.

Time to start over on my ambition. And have lunch.

At 12:08 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

Good Morning all!

Now to tackle the stack of dishes that have mysteriously accumulated in the kitchen sink.

Hope everyone's morning is more interesting!

At 12:49 Blogger AletaMay said...

So beautiful.


At 13:57 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah, Na, I know where you live now! Glad the show rocked, I am going Tuesday.

Nathilie, I think Mads is doing the Friends thing for the Proper Party. She is having a wonderful day tho (You and I need to talk some IRELAND. I need a PLAN) (SOON!)

Pies were got. I got smart and sent people EARLY to snag them, as by noon they are GONE. Worked like a charm and the child has her Birthday Pie.

Now for some KITTY!!!!!!!!!!

At 14:02 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Soon indeed. This thing is in one and a half months.

At 14:29 Blogger Marjorie said...

Oh my. It is, isn't it?
We need to know how long we get to keep you in Europe!

At 15:21 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Is Maddy's birthday today or yesterday? Whoops. Happy birthday to Maddy!!

Wendy - Lord Byron is cool.

At 15:25 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Today, Emily.

At 15:39 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

And a Happy Birthday to Maddy!

(All boys in my young ladies to turn Sweet 16!)

Enjoy the pie!

At 19:34 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Yes Jess, you are a winner.

Happy happy birthday to Miss Madeleine.

At 20:18 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Laundry must be catching. I am doing a load of towels right now (or should I say the machine of washes is busily agitating the towels)
Happy Birthday to Maddy from another person she doesn't know!

At 20:47 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

oh my Q came and got me at airport and explained the marvels of "piafffing"--a kitty like me didn't ever know this.
then we went bee-ing and she fed me from the garden, now i am so tired, i falling asleep out here while she works to ready the Boss for another journey.
want to see the Lear and the Mab and actually see the Magic out of his area...we are hopeful to do this, but time, it is a ticking...

At 20:56 Blogger vampi said...

*squee* kitty and quiche together. have a lot of fun:) i watched the video of horse riding again when i was less tired and it's still knocks me socks off. you just glow with happiness. how awesome.

going to see a movie tomorrow HisFans

it's a documentary about Michael Jackson fans and they used some of my pictures in the movie. I met one of the creators, and she saw the same crazy car I did and found my pictures on flickr. those pictures inspired her and her other film maker friends to make the movie. i' sure my pictures are an extremely tiny part of the movies, but she said they were the inspiration. i think it's neato some picture i took inspired someone else to be creative.

If anyone in La wants to go, i have an extra ticket to the premiere, boy has to work.

At 21:31 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Vampi, that is jaw droppingly fantastic! Have fun.

At 22:23 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

oh i wish i could go with you Vampi--
Miss REd was working on the film M. Jackson THIS IS IT & i helped her out for the premiere of that,
pretty exciting stuff and to be an inspiration,
you go, lady.
xoxo from the Mansion.

At 07:36 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning Fiends!

Loving having our Kitty home if only for a day. Doesn't look like there will be time to get her to the Spooky House (yes, THAT busy) but I am going to get her in moments.

I have to run to WALMART for a watchband and she wants to come too. People on tour get strange..

Of course it IS next to my coffee shop, and there is no coffee closer...

At 07:37 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

William is nine today!

At 07:41 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

And hey Quiche, when someone's been away from the world of mundane shopping, one sometimes likes to get back into the swing of things. You know, when I was in the hospital, I distinctly remember craving the song of a Wal-Mart scanner beep.

At 07:46 Blogger Marjorie said...

Good Morning, Quichie & Kitty. I can understand Kitty wanting to go with you, I mean, she's there to spend time with you, no?
Have a good, even if it is busy.

Li Hua Emily, Happy Day to William.

I have a philosophical question:
if I don't have my croissant until 1p.m., but it's the first thing I've eaten, does it still count as braekfast, or must I call it brunch? This troubled me the whole time I was eating it...

At 07:50 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I'm thinkin' that's LUNCH. Of a sort.

At 07:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I think you get to do whatever you want on Sundays. Lot of wiggle room here, Marjorie...

At 07:52 Blogger Phiala said...

Marjorie it is Sunday, and as I recall a 3-day weekend. Thus, you may call it anything you'd like.

I have chocolate beet muffins, and will shortly have coffee, and a new story by Q's Boss. And cat, of course.

The skyr got too hard - I've made skyr curds! Skyr is a very soft cheese, a lot like yoghurt. It's properly sour, but the texture is odd. Too much rennet? Too hot? Who knows. I will eat it and try again next weekend.

At 08:01 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

We're having a little staycation today. Just going to a local hotel, like, I don't know, ten miles away?, since William just loves the feel of a hotel, not necessarily a far-flung one. This was fun when I was nine. But now? I don't really fancy being stuck in a hotel room with brothers and mom ... you know how it is.

At 08:01 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Not to sound petty or pessimistic. But STILL.

At 09:15 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Good morning fiends!

I am eating cookie dough. Parasites be damned!

Also, Serious Black is cuddling me. He is holding my foot in his paw.

At 10:58 Blogger Jenn said...


You look really GOOD on the long-legged dressage beasties.

At 16:36 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Super quiet!

At 17:25 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Happy Birthday to William Li-Em, but ew, locked in a room like that?

I am expecting to hear that you and Kitty purchased some lovely strange things apart from a watch band Lorraine...

and Marjorie, 1 pm? Isn't that more like afternoon tea?

At 17:45 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

William says to tell you, Sally, "I'm having the best birthday so far ... and tell her I said thank you." We're having a pretty good time. It's not so bad. Hey, I could have worse brothers ...

At 18:15 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Long day here, but much fun. Boss if off on planes (not so fun) and Kitty is back on GAGA tour. (Ok, that's not so fun either. But OTHER than that was fun.

I got some Zen Crabs for my desk at work. They have a little hut and little palm tree.

They are very calming friends.

At 18:39 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Damn this tea is good. Zen Crabs, huh? Never heard of those before.

At 19:08 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They are very peaceful. They hide a lot. Almost hermits.

At 19:28 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They DO need names.

Get to it my Fiends. Names for my Zen Crabs.

They haven't come to me yet but you are a witty lot.

At 19:33 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Nice opening. Thank you Jess, but not something from my Boss movie please, these are ZEN stress relief Crabs...Movie work is NOT stress free for assistants.

At 19:34 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, they are girls. We checked.

At 19:43 Blogger anna j said...

Rose and The Doctor?
Piaffe and Pirouette?
Violet and Lilac?

At 19:47 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Pam and Sookie?

How do you sex a crab?

At 19:47 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Beowulf has a Hrothgar.

Paiffe and Pirouette are lovely.

More please!!!

We had a cat named Bob, I can't call my crab Bob, Jess.

These are Very Special Crabs!!! My Boss told me a year ago he had seen this stand at the Maul and that I needed them, and I should get myself some. I am following a Path here...

At 19:48 Blogger Dragonsally said...

You could call them Yes and No, and use them to make decisions...

At 19:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Do not ask how you sex a crab. The kiosk guy did it, it starts with spraying them with water...Apparently he KNOWS...

At 20:02 Blogger anna j said...

Found a site of zen names with meanings.

Bunan - No Difficulties
Donen - Way of Love

At 20:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They aren't THAT zen. The big one keeps trying to stomp on the little one.

At least it WAS. I am home now. The Zen Crabs are for work.

At 20:13 Blogger Phiala said...

But wouldn't the Bengals like some Zen?

As a snack, most likely.

At 20:13 Blogger Fluffy said...

I think you should name them Fluffy and Spooky.

At 20:13 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Zen Crabs ... names ... Sully and Farber.

At 20:14 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Are they gonna give you their names like horsies and Bengals?

At 21:26 Blogger Poindextra said...

Hello friends!

At least, I hope I may call you that.

Lor, your riding is wonderful. I'm quite jealous. I'm glad to know you're doing well, definitely!

At 21:58 Blogger Beez said...

How about "Samādhi" (composing the mind) and "Prajña" (wisdom).

Those might be kind of loaded names for little hermit crabs to carry around.

"Lotus" and "Blossom"?

At 22:06 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

How about Serious White and The Other One?

Serious Black gives those names his seal of approval.

At 22:24 Blogger Dragonsally said...

or This One and That One!

hey, we're on a roll here.

Only one more day of winter left for me, and outside smells like spring. And the sun is shining on and off.

A load of washing only needed a finish in the dryer. YAH.

This makes me very happy.

At 00:17 Blogger Na said...

zen? mayhap one of 'em should be One Hand Clapping.

i am working working working. and listening to The Guild's "Do You Want to Date My Avatar" and "Game On" over and over on iTunes.

At 00:18 Blogger vampi said...

salt and pepper
butter and peanut
polly and molly

and my fav
clamp and vise

At 01:36 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

It looks like Serious Black has his own socks!

At 08:18 Blogger Cecily said...

Finally getting around to ticking in.

At 08:19 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Congratulations! You both look wonderful and happy.

At 10:52 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

William is now nine. Very nine. Nine since yesterday afternoon. Shwoo! Can you believe it? And Jack is thirteen and already about sixteen if you know what I mean. But no matter what our ages ... we are all going to see Toy Story today.

At 11:21 Blogger AletaMay said...

Sally and Maggie

Freida and Hallie

Waiting and Watching

At 11:24 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I dunno, Aleta, the idea of crabs Waiting and Watching creeps me out a bit. Though I guess that would be suitably Spooky.

At 11:29 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am going to bring the Zen Crabs to my riding lesson tomorrow. My teacher has 2 little daughters who named their chicken "Dice" and who also, apparently, love hermit crabs.

I think we'll see what they come up with.

Not to say y'all weren't BRILLIANT, mind you!

At 11:48 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not a bad point at ALL....

At 11:59 Blogger vampi said...

:) i like that. m&w

At 12:24 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

We can always count on you, Jess!

At 12:24 Blogger Beez said...



At 12:36 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

All RIGHT! Done with review for crapola novel.

At 13:26 Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh yeah, M&W ftw.

At 14:11 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hello people!
A friend of mine is goingbto the launch of PTerry's new Tiffany Aching book, "I shall wear midnight" On Wednesday - anyone got a burning PTerry question they've always wanted to put to him?

At 15:03 Blogger Hellie said...

Always learn something new here! Lovely Piaffe-ing (now that I know what that is)

Ireland! I booked my flights and hotel the other day, hooray!

I like M&W for names too...I am lacking imagination and can only think of Choppy & Snappy! Decidedly un-zenlike.

Had a lovely well-fed weekend with family who all came up together to see our new house and help with a spot of gardening & decorating. They've left us with a whole cherry pie & an apple one too; hope someone fancies a slice - we can't eat it all ourselves!!

At 15:08 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hurrah for pie, & tickets to Ireland! What dates will you be there for? Just the weekend, or longer?

At 16:05 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Lorraine, we are in suspense over the names. Or I am.

At 16:11 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, we have to wait till tomorrow, and see if my teachers daughters come up with them.

BIG day tomorrow!

Riding Lesson and Zen Crab naming, GAGA concert, and my weighing and measuring! (Can't believe it's been a month already!)

At 16:17 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...


At 06:28 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

IT's pouring. Not sure if I will go get the Zen Crabs or not...

Sleepy here. Need tea.

Or coofffffeeee....

At 07:09 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good thing you are only going to the fair tomorrow!

At 09:17 Blogger vampi said...

zazzle has a free shipping coupon zazshipsfree for us addresses only:(

just thought i would share incase anyone was thinking about ordering from night garden zazzle shop

At 10:47 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Home from the staycation. I think it is so not worth going to a local hotel for a break ... I like to travel ... but of course for a nine year old a hotel is a hotel. It's not anything like home.

At 12:38 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hey there,
anyone who is considering buying anything fromthe NightGarden zazzle shop, apparantly if you order something from Zazzle before 11.59 (PT) tomorrow you can get free shipping to US addresses with the code - ZAZSHIPSFREE..

At 12:40 Blogger Marjorie said...

Wierd, Vampi's comment wasn't showing up before I posted mine, yet has clearly been there for hours...

At 13:30 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New post with the one month FIT totals is UP!!!!!!

And we are happy!

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