Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cabal is Home!

Good Morning!

Here's a happier Cabal, with his puppy friend Lola. And their play date friend Pearl. Much nicer than the Frankendog right now.

He's had his operation, where thye de-compressed his spine, a little lower down than they did before. He's much more wobbly this time, and still in a great deal of pain.

Good news this morning: We made it outside to pee. Big news, as he wasn't able to walk last night, or yesterday, and Woodsman Hans had to come and carry him down, but we weren't able to, uh, have anything happen .( I cannot apparently carry 85 pounds of dead-weight, something I'll be talking to my trainer about)

We spent last night on the floor together at Boss's house. With Lola nearby. She worries about him, but doesn't roughhouse with him at all, it wasn't the most comfortable thing ever, but what do you do?

He's my friend.

The Plan is much rest, pain meds, and quiet. I am more optimistic today than I was yesterday, as he can walk again. Which is great. He's also eating, which was the main thing they wanted him at home for, as he wasn't eating at the U of MN. (Who were, as always, wonderful, with me and with Cabal) Boss checks in with on Skype frequently, and so wishes he could here. It's hard that he can't, but I will take care of Cabal.

Thank you all SO much for the love, prayers, care, doggie gift bags, offers of help..They mean so much and truly help at such times. I think he knows you are out there.

We'll see. He's a dog with great heart. I think he'll make it.

Love and Cabal,


At 07:29 Blogger Jane said...

Amazing and wonderful what they can do! And seeing your healing pet eat? There is nothing like it. You are an amazing nurse.

At 07:39 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Yay for walking!! I hope he continues to progress, and hopefully with little pain. I bet he's totally appreciating you hanging out with him on the floor.

I remember at Fiendom Come how he looked around for you occasionally, wanting to be sure his secondary pack leader was nearby (the primary, of course, being Boss). He was happy as long as you were in view :-)

And yay for Lola being gentle and nearby. I hope the three of you have a nice quiet weekend.

At 07:49 Blogger Phiala said...

Cabal is a strong pooch and he has the most wonderful support team ever. He'll be fine soon.

Being home with the pack (or most of it anyway) will make him (and the pack) feel so much better.

At 08:00 Blogger LincolnBlog said...

Thank you for the update, and am so glad Cabal is making progress! Has he figured out where Mr. G's Skype voice is coming from yet?

At 08:13 Anonymous condi1013 said...

Sending all my best thoughts and lots of strength to poor Cabal.

I know a dog who once was very, very ill. In fact he was on the verge of dying and the vets thought he wouldn't make it. But because of his many friends (and admirers) who took care of him, he managed to survive and now he's a healthy and happy dog again. So I think Cabal's chances for recovery are pretty good. :)

At 08:14 Blogger bengalgirl said...

Take care of YOU so you can take care of sweet Cabal.

At 08:20 Anonymous Kambriel said...

Love can be one of the best healers there is, and that is something Cabal has in spades. It's so heartwarming to hear that he managed some steps (albeit wobbly) ~ a good harbinger of things to come!

At 08:22 Blogger dabbler said...

So happy that he's home, eating, and progress is occurring. Don't get discouraged....takes time for inflammation and swelling to subside, and good things to happen.

And, carrying 85 lbs of DOG? Lots more working out...and maybe a few more inches of height would help. Got a rack? (Hmm, medieval torture sort...know you have the other.) :-)

At 08:27 Blogger Lioness said...

Thank you for the updates. From so far away there is nothing so many of us can do except worry. Glad for both of you (and Boss) that there is visible progress.

At 08:35 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks all! Doing well here, everyone but me is sleeping. Lots of healing going on here.

You are all doing your part send love MY way, so I have lots to send him.

And Dabbler, yes 85 pounds of dog, Hans can do it. (And yes, I do indeed have a great rack. Trust me.)

At 08:42 Blogger DataGoddess said...

*nods* Q, you have a fabulous rack and a nice ass!!!

At 08:46 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

MIGHTY fine ASS!!!!

Even if I can't carry Cabal down stairs. I will!

At 09:03 Blogger Phiala said...

If you could carry Cabal downstairs by the power of your ass, you'd be all set. But I think it requires a few other muscle groups.

At 09:06 Blogger Holly said...

Glad to hear he is walking again and eating.
I know Cabal appreciates the company, as you also know this.
As for the Bengals....
Take care,

At 09:34 Blogger One Sock Short said...

So good to hear that Cabal's making progress. It's so sweet that Lola is being careful with him. I was afraid that, being a puppy, she might not understand.

I hope you are able to get some rest soon. But I'm sure your being so near is really helping Cabal through all this.

Continued love and good wishes for Cabal and you and all the Support and Recovery Team.

At 10:10 Blogger vampi said...

sending love your way

glad to hear cabal is healing and you are able to spend the time with him.

also sending love to the bengals, because i am sure they just don't understand why you are spending so much time with the dog.

At 10:25 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The Bengals are not at all happy with me. I think as Cabal heals tho I will get to spend more time there, and it's just this first week that willl hard.

Cabal got his food more all over than you could possibly expect.

At 11:06 Blogger Angelle Haney Gullett said...

Hooray, walking! Hooray, pee!

Lord and lady, I sound like one of those annoying parents in teh internets.

But you are a Quiche of stout heart. Sending love from way out West!

At 11:08 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Roller girl flavor???

Oh, you and Phiala have email from me.

At 11:16 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, Joan of Dark send me Roller Girl Blend coffee from her shop. I have non now tho.

Considering a STOP on my way back, Hans is with Cabal while I Bengal. NOT HAPPY BENGALS here....

A local stop. Not a Joan of Dark stop.

At 11:18 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Mmm, I'm imagining roller girl coffee would be extra dark with a hint of spice.

At 11:51 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Fighter. Hopefully he won't have to do much more fighting. Glad you're such a strong friend to him.

At 12:04 Blogger ChiaLynn said...

I thought it looked like he'd lost some weight - I'm glad he's eating now!

Tell Lola I'm proud of her for being gentle with her Cabal-friend.

At 12:56 Blogger Na said...

sounds like wonderful news, chock full of hope. \o/ love to the poor Bengals, too.

At 14:22 Blogger AletaMay said...

So glad there is a team of you to work together. Yay for wooble walking!

At 14:45 Blogger Poindextra said...

Sending love from Britain. <3

I hope Cabal starts feeling MUCH better, so that he can enjoy himself immensely when Boss gets back.

And I hope that you, Ms. Fabulous Lorraine, get plenty of rest and have tonnes of fun no matter what.

Maybe when I'm back home I'll send you some mangoes. <3

At 15:28 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cabal is walking now! He can get in and out, more or less, and he is smiling, and has his ears up!

Friends came over and I think it really cheered him Lola got in woods walks and a couple more swims. All is happy here.

Never saw a dog recover so quickly...

At 16:08 Blogger Phiala said...

That's wonderful, Q.

At 16:24 Blogger Marjorie said...

Delighted to know he is home & walking.
If good wishes or love count for anything he will be fine.

At 16:40 Blogger Fluffy said...

Hurrah! Glad to hear some good news. Hope you get some sleep tonight - maybe even on a cushion or something...

At 16:45 Blogger Jill said...

Hooray and huzzah!

Hopefully Cabal won't overdo and set his recovery back. I'm glad to hear that he's smiling and causing his humans to smile.

Lorraine, if you need to spend more time on the floor with him, you might want to consider getting an airbed to sleep upon [if you aren't already using one AND if Cabal doesn't require being pressed right up against you]. Be a little more comfortable for you, anyway. [I'm mother hen-ning, I know. *cluck cluck*]

At 16:46 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

Yay! Cabal's home and walking. So glad he's progressing and that you all are there for him. Being at home with his friends is probably the best medicine. Don't forget to take care of yourselves as well!

At 17:18 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I will be sleeping in a BED. We have one set up down here, and I don't think he needs me tonight more than in the same room.

He did last night tho.

At 17:54 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad he is doing better! I have been very worried about him. I may say the cat I had that had a similar problem (Ghengesse Khan) recovered completely and lived to be over 20. So I'm keeping positive about Cabal.

Also, I read some of your items under writing and, may I say you are, indeed Fabulous.

C.T. Adams/Cie
who for some reason can't seem to log in correctly. ARGH!

At 18:04 Blogger Poindextra said...

It's wonderful that he's walking! Such a speedy recovery for a pooch.

I'm sure the company and companionship is helping so much.

At 18:14 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh, I am so glad he is recovering and perking up. I've been so concerned for you all.

Sending all the love I can spare, and some energy for you MeDeadly.

At 19:31 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Math with cool music stuck in my head.

At 19:43 Blogger Beez said...

Quichie of Great Heart (and DAMN Fine Ass).

Cabal of Great Heart and Speedy Healing.

Woodsman Hans- Strong Like Bull!

Lola- Lovable Doofus, knows when "Gentle" is primo.


So glad rapid progress is happening, and a BED is to be slept in.

Love the bunch,

At 20:18 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Beez!

We are doing Lack of Pooping here tonight. I have covered the floors in rugs from the kitchen in hopes that if it comes in the night, I can simply toss the rugs out.

Hey, how's everyone elses Sat night? It's very possible I need some SLEEP...

At 21:06 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never commented on here before, but once I saw that you had to sleep on the floor with Cabel I knew I had to say something. PILLOWS! I have greyhounds and one of the boys will NOT lay down when he's in pain (to the point of passing out from exhaustion while standing). So one night I finally had to pick him up and flip him on his side to lay down (95 lbs is too much to do anything else with). I had to spoon him all night and hold him down so that he could sleep. So, I have felt your pain (probably back and neck pain). Hang in there!!! Although I see he's walking much better and you'll have a bed, so Yea!!!

At 21:13 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Nice to have a Sat. night after four hours of babysitting ...

At 21:20 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I will have a bed, until he cries for me. Hoping to get him to lie near me. He's just scared and hurting.

At 22:28 Blogger Bridget said...

So. Much. Love.

At 23:11 Blogger Beez said...


Yeah, I had to spoon on the floor with my Lab post-surgery too. She was hurting and disoriented.

It's really kind of sweet how much they trust us. Big sigh, and *fwump*...asleep.

I did have to brace her between my legs so she could poop without falling over. It could work for Cabal.

At 00:35 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I hope you get some sleep Q! The last thing anyone needs is for you to get sick from exhaustion.

So glad our boy is recovering!


At 01:20 Blogger spacedlaw said...

YAY! Dog smiling!
Poor Cabal, still. I hope he will get better each day.
And now, on to placate bengals...
You life just doesn't stop to rest a moment, does it.

At 08:26 Blogger Hellie said...

Wonderful news, so happy to hear Cabal is going well and starting to smile again. Hope you got some sleep last night Lorraine! I'm sure the Bengals will forgive you, gifts of steak may help.

I'm back home in Bristol with Mum & Dad, visited my grandfather in Devon til late last night, he's a lonely soul, wish I lived nearer.

Hope all fiends are having good weekends :o)

At 08:39 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Good Morning!

Pretty good night, Cabal woke a few times, crying, and we cuddled, but mostly we got to sleep in a bed. I mean I got too. Kind of sleepy here.

He was Mr GRUMPY at Lola this morning but the meds are kicking in.

Still no Poop. He wouldn't even TRY. He is eating tho, not a lot but he seems hungry, tho both dogs looked at me like I fed them stuff from a CAN when I gave them chicken-rice this morning.

I have a daytime wedding to play at this morning. Kind of cold and cloudy for it, but there you have it. I will be getting coffee.

At 16:05 Blogger AletaMay said...

If doggy pain meds work like people pain meds that could be part of the pooping problem.

So glad to hear that he is better and hope the wedding gig is lovely and fun.

At 16:21 Blogger ariandalen said...

So glad Cabal is doing better. I'm sure being home is part of the equation. :)

Glad the wedding gig went well, and that you were able to find appropriate clothing. How soon do you need to buy new clothes? You've said your clothes are loose, are you waiting for them to fall off? ;)

At 17:21 Blogger Beez said...

Hurrah for Betsy Stemple!

You don't find many firends with both the skills and the willingness to "express" them.

At 17:35 Blogger Beez said...

Ah...."friends" that is.

Or Fiends

At 18:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Home now. From the welcome I got from BOTH dogs I would say that equals about 100 million years.

Still going on. I think they luuuuuuvvv me. Hans says he didn't abuse them horribly, but maybe he watched the wrong sort of tv.

I told him they like Animal Planet best....

Wedding was great, exactly what a wedding should be and one of the nicest I've ever been to. The bride and groom were so in love and intent on making sure their guests , including Paul and I , were having a really great time.

I quite liked them. They loved our music. We got paid nicely and tipped bigger.

ALl good. Except I had to abandon the dogs for SO LONG....

At 18:36 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Playing at a wedding must be quite different from playing in a pub! Fun, though.

At 18:55 Blogger Cecily said...

Very happy to hear the news. Just doing a quick tick, life will be so busy for the next while. So much to do, so little time.

At 19:02 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I can imagine the welcome you received from Lola and Cabal Lorraine. We only have to leave Shiraz and Mulder alone for a few minutes and you'd think they'd been abandoned for decades for the welcome we get. It is rather heartwarming (understatement of the year) Tysie, being a cat of independent mind will just look at you...unless you clearly have groceries with you in which case you and the bags are worthy of attention and tripping attempts.

At 19:08 Blogger Cecily said...

Damn it...tick the damn box as you drive thru tick Cecily...

At 19:14 Blogger Beez said...

Whenever you are gone, you have been gone forever.

....and they say dogs have no sense of time.

At 21:05 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I'm happy to hear the pups are doing good, considering.

At 06:23 Blogger Marjorie said...

May I hijack the comments for a moment to ask a favour of a US based Fiend?

My brother wants one of these.

The US based store don't deliver them overseas, but their european distributor seems to have fallen into a black hole and is ignoring all his attempts to give them money so if any of you would be willing to order it and then post it to me or direct to him we'd both be very grateful. (I'm not sure if Richard has a PayPal account but I am quite happy to paypal the price + postage myself and sort it out with him, if he doesn't. He probably has his own, though, becaue he is a nerd.)

/comment hijack

At 06:25 Blogger Marjorie said...

Hmm,. seems my abilities to type coherantly and to punctuate are failing me this morning,but you can tell what I'm trying to ay, can't you?

At 07:11 Blogger Phiala said...

Marjorie, check your email! :)

Today we are having a Meeting. I get to find out what's going to be happening at work. Major reorganization, I believe... Nobody is being fired, but someone important has decided to leave, and the rest of us are kind of waiting to see which way things shake down before we decide whether to jump ship ourselves.

Could be moderately okay, could be entirely horrid. The best-case scenario has already been ruled out. All scenarios at this point involve me having roughly twice as much work as I already do.

At 09:03 Blogger vampi said...

i'm assuming phiala offered to help, but i could as well.

At 09:56 Blogger Marjorie said...

Thank you both (Phiala, have mailed you back :-) )

Meeting sounds lik a whole lot of no fun at all. I hope it ends with, if not the best case scenario, at least the least-worst one.

At 10:20 Blogger vampi said...

fingers crossed phiala.

i have also applied for a different position in my company. i think i am pretty sure they aren't promoting me, and the person they will promote i don't want to work with.

At 10:20 Blogger vampi said...

fingers crossed phiala.

i have also applied for a different position in my company. i think i am pretty sure they aren't promoting me, and the person they will promote i don't want to work with.

At 11:23 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I have not been keeping up here! Hi all!!!

At 12:56 Blogger vampi said...

heeeeeey Chantrelle :)

At 13:23 Blogger Phiala said...

Today's meeting exceeded my wildest expectations.

And not in a good way.

Really can't talk about it, but so very not happy.

At 13:25 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

WHOA, Chantrelle, you just got called a mushroom ... this must be big in some way ... from Jess I dunno how you ought to take that.

Awfully sorry, Phiala.

At 13:26 Blogger One Sock Short said...

So sorry to hear that, Phiala. I hope a way out, around, or otherwise appears soon.

At 13:43 Blogger vampi said...

shall we have a red wine long distance commiserating party tonight then?

i need help picking out wine. the last bottle boy said tasted like "earwax" (this is why we don't go to wine tastings :D) but he drank it all.

At 13:45 Blogger Phiala said...

Depends on whether I get the equations finished. If the equation paper is not done there will be no drinking, but much commiseration.

Hm. *works harder*

At 13:45 Blogger vampi said...

not to exclude hte non-drinkers, red wine/grape juice long distance commiserating party

At 13:47 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

And here I was thinking I had a lot of numbers to do ... I mean, class is one thing, but ... you, dear Phiala ...

At 14:03 Blogger Phiala said...

Ah, but LihuaEm, I get paid for it. Makes a difference, you see. I really am nearly done. It currently stands at 25 pages, 19 sets of equations, and an entire software package with documentation.

I will need some wine when I'm done!

At 14:38 Blogger One Sock Short said...

It's a kind of oxymoron, I think.

At 14:42 Blogger Phiala said...

That's the kind that doesn't make a dreadful mess when the dog knocks the glass over with his tail.

We're fond of drinking things from nice heavy-bottomed coffee mugs in my house. Inelegant, but much more practical.

At 15:06 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I didn't like white wine for years. Then I discovered white burgundy. Turns out the french don't ruin chardonnay grapes like us californians do. I still prefer a good pinot, zin or petite sirah though.

You know of foodporn....hubby has ... seriously. ;-)

At 15:06 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Wine tends to come in heavy-bottomed juice glasses in my home. Mugs have also been called into service.

At 15:08 Blogger Fluffy said...

We like the Barefoot brand wines - very nice and cheap. Target has them on sale regularly for about $5/bottle.

At 15:35 Blogger Cecily said...

I used to be a red connoisseur, but discovered that the tannins were making my fibro flare up,so I had to stop drinking it. Which then meant finding whites that were pallet-able. I hate chardonnay with a passion, and anyone who tries to sell me unoaked chardonnay and tells me that it doesn't have that taste instantly goes on my 'you don't know what you're talking about' list. I went through a reisling and muscato d'asti phase, which are both very excellent slightly sweet slightly bubbly wines. But since a barely drink anything anymore it's all kinda moot.

At 15:49 Blogger Jane said...

Susan and Indy got spayed and neutered yesterday. All fine except Susan has to wear a little collar so she won't rip out her sutures. Not happy...and the collar we came home with she pulled off 3 times (and went straight for the sutures) so I called the vet and got another. Couldn't get them to stop running and jumping...kittens...

We drink a LOT of wine. We both like red and white, but I drink more white and Steve drinks more red.

I do love oaky full-bodied CA chardonnays, but I also love Chablis, which is what the French do to the chardonnay grape.

Been drinking one named Samantha Starr lately. And had a nice Marquis Philips shiraz last night. And their Sarah's Blend is another favorite. I could go on.

So glad to hear of Cabal's continued improvement :-)

And Phiala, crappy work news :-(

At 15:55 Blogger Marjorie said...

White Burgundy. Mmmmmmmm. But sadly you seem to get what you pay for, (or else I have expensive tastes) Meursault was a particularly good example, as I recall.

Although in the red, Cote de Beaune has never let me down.

As I have a cold & can't taste much I went for red grape juice & paracetamol for the evenings commisseration party, tho.

At 16:01 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Cecily - that's why i like white burgundy and not california chard. I realllly hate the oak thing. Sad since I live in the middle of some amazing wine country, I can only enjoy 1/2 of it.

I don't know what the shipping deal is like but my favorite local vineyard here is Ridge Winery. Their zins are incredible. We're in their wine club...nice little perk for us winos.

Marjorie -yes, good white burgundy is something I don't ask the price of. Hubby buys it and pours it, i enjoy it and keep my mouth shut ;-)
He took an amazing bottle to the French Laundry when we went with Ticia. Life changing wine that was.

You people should know not to get me started talking about food or wine!!!

At 16:07 Blogger Jane said...

We drink Ridge wines, too. I also never ask the price - just enjoy!

Have you had the Four Vines Naked Chardonnay? Not oaked. We like it.

At 16:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

On a different note....I can't figure out what i'm going to be for halloween!!! ARGH!

That is all.

At 16:13 Blogger Jane said...

I've been thinking about a costume for HOTR and so far kind of blank. Is everyone else wearing a costume?

At 16:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Fiends,

Big news today: POOP! Yes, Cabal has pooped! Other than that, he rests, or rather I try and keep him quiet, he thinks he is feeling better, but it's still pretty gruesome. Kind of swollen, red, icky, you know.

Ok, right, just stopping by, back to your wine talk, love you lots....

At 16:21 Blogger One Sock Short said...

It took months for me to figure out why I couldn't find wine in the grocery store when I moved to New York. Glad to be back an a sane (in that regard) state.

At 16:23 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Yay Poop!!! A topic that, as a parent, comes up far too often and I'm way to comfortable talking about.

I have never missed dressing up for a single halloween in my entire life. But the pressure of HoTR is HUGE! I have no idea!

At 16:30 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Ah, yes, reisling. I did learn to like a dry reisling while living in NY. Most other whites taste 'thin' to me, if that makes any sense.

Poop! Yay! Parents and pet owners never really know when to lay that topic aside ;-)

At 16:48 Blogger Cecily said...

Chantrelle, are you in the Napa/Sonoma Valley area? I couldn't tell where that vineyard is. If so I highly recommend going to Gundlach Bundschu for their tasting and picking up some of their delicious wine. We can't get wine mailed to us here in MD so we haven't had any in a while, but we will in VA! My favorite is the Rose Tempranillo....*drools*

And Yay Poop!

What and odd conversation...

At 16:53 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Actually, there is a branch of Ridge in the napa area but we're nearer the Santa Cruz mountains winery.

At 17:41 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Keep talking wine so I can enjoy it vicariously please. Lordie, how I miss it.


Phiala, you did my head in even thinking about what you're working on.

At 18:30 Blogger vampi said...

yeah wine list to take to bevmo, you are all awesome. i wil check the website out at home, not sure how work feels about a site wiht ass hole inthe name.

tomorrow i have a phone interview for the position i want to transfer into. i'm pretty sure at this point they weren't going promote me, so i told them i was looking into this other position. *sigh* please give me strength not to say something i will regret before i find another job.

and i think i can out class ya'll, i was drinking my wine from a plastic makers mark cup i got at a sporting event. CLASSY.

At 18:56 Blogger dabbler said...

Oh my! I am so glad to hear Chantrelle and others talking about being stumped for costumes for HOTR. I love costumes, and I love masks, and I love most of Boss's books, but I am completely stumped about a costume from American Gods. Too few females, for starters, not that I'm averse to gender bending... but also just nobody who sings to me as a costume. Sigh. May have to go with a goddess without an role in the book...or something totally different.

Phiala, Jess and I all have the same wine difficulty. We live in the state that is the largest purchaser of alcohol in the country, because it has a monopoly on liquor and wine sales!

And hooray for Poop!

At 19:00 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Just figured out my costume. Not from AG but Neverwhere...I'm going to be Lamia. I love Tamsin Greig so I'm going to go for her look. :)

But first I will make chocolate chip cookies and pizza w/ my kid. I'm an awesome mom aren't i?

At 19:00 Blogger dabbler said...

Ooops. Forgot the condolences and good wishes... Phiala, sorry to hear the meeting was beyond expectation awful. And Vampi, best of luck with the phone interview.


At 20:05 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I am soooooo looking forward to pictures from HOTR, gotta say.

At 21:39 Blogger ariandalen said...

Good to hear that Cabal continues improving. Hopefully, in spite of storms, everyone is getting more sleep.

It's been a very long time, but I do like Sp&aumltlese. It is a Riesling, better during odd years. I almost bought a bottle earlier today. :)

At 21:41 Blogger ariandalen said...

Okay, that should be "Spatlese" with an umlaut over the "a." ::sigh::

At 23:35 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I don't like that wine stuff. I drink it to be polite. Today I picked up some Abita Amber at the bar to-go (New Orleans!) and forgot about it until now. I think I will drink it and then go to sleep. Excitement here!

Also, for those of you who missed it, I might be teaching college level classes starting in january, depending on how things go.

At 08:34 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

And we are mighty pleased, Wendy. That should be great. I'm at my own college right now, my little Community College, and though there are snobs out there who think CC is crap ... come on now. (Not you guys. I speak PARTICULARLY of Benjamin ... "Some kids," I told him, "have trouble with the math we are ALL supposed to know, if they've been placed at this level." "Oh," says Mr. Snob. "I guess that's why they're in a COMMUNITY college." Jerk.)

At 10:45 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I like listening to you talk to air! Besides, I think, depending on the level, mathematics is mathematics, whether it's at a four-year or a Community. I love my math class! Got my first test back today. A, baby!

At 11:26 Blogger Na said...

yay for poopin' Cabal! hope the swelling goes down soon. :(

luck to Phiala and vampi for better work situations.

dabbler - methinks you could justifiably do any goddess/god -- just because they're not named in that story, doesn't mean they weren't around... ;)

wines! i buy half-bottles when i find them, 'cause i'm usually the only one here who'll drink any, and i can never use up a whole bottle while it's still good. so my choices are whatever comes in the half bottles. Wolf Blass Shiraz is my favourite so far. last week i picked up an Italian red of some sort, it's Folonari (vineyard) valpolicella, which the person in the shop and i guessed is a blend. shall be sampled this evening, and we'll light candles on the table - my observation of the equinox.

At 11:49 Blogger dabbler said...

Wendy, I did miss it! Thanks for repeating yourself. I'm excited to hear things are heading in a good direction.

I'm thinking I have some definite ideas for costume. We'll see.

At 12:49 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

Hey Em...Community College is great! I got my Associates there and then went to University for my BA...but looking back? Community College was some of the best times ever! Made most of my nearest and dearest friends there too...we are all over the US and still keep in touch. So enjoy!

Yay for poopin' Cabal and glad to hear he's feeling better.

Lorraine, hope you are taking care of yourself as well!

Fiends, I'm not a wine drinker, tho I like a good vodka martini on occasion...but never until after 5 pm local time!

At 18:41 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I think CC is an amazing option, I really do. And I'm lucky to have such a good one!

At 18:53 Blogger Jane said...

Today is our (me and Steve) 26th anniversary! We usually celebrate hugely but this year both of us were in such a low -key mode.... We went to our favorite art gallery (which alas is closing) and bought "original art" (the 26th anniversary present) and jewelry for me :-) And today the anniversary we went to our yoga class and then home - a quiet evening is what we have planned.

Wolf Blass wine! Like that one, too.

As for HoTR costumes - I really want to be the dead wife, but 1 - am not young enough and 2 - have gotten rid of all my navy suits. So am still thinking.

I have the most fabulous red and black leather corset and want to wear that - regardless of if I can work it into a costume. We'll see.

Wendy! That is great news about teaching!

And Lihua - one can learn anywhere! CC are great, IMO.

Math was fantastic all thorugh trig, geometry etc and then I hit such a wall at calculus...I've always thought I could learn anything..not that. I should go back and see what the big mystery was. I remember making a good grade in the course (mainly because I test well) but I NEVER understood it.

OMG I'm rambling on. Must be the G&T and all the headache meds I've taken...

At 18:54 Blogger Beez said...

Not stumped about my costume, I know what/who and HOW.

But...POOP. Not the good "Cabal Pooped Hurrah!!" kind, the "Poop! I won't be needing this costume idea" kind. :P

Rains moving in. I am going out into the storm beginnings to install window well covers. Should have done it earlier this summer, but eh.

Wendy, I hope the teaching gig works out well, it sounds great.

At 19:01 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sorry for silence my Fiends, BURIED in Dog and BUSY. I have a new blog in my head, and will try and write it tomorrow, very exciting weekend coming up!!!

Me. Cabal. Road Trip. Roller Girls.

We're bringing one home too!!!!

At 19:01 Blogger Jane said...

Beez - can I steal your idea? I am so not creative re costumes...

At 19:03 Blogger Chantrelle said...

You're bringing home a roller girl? vavavoom!

I usually have my costume down and figured out early. We usually do a family costume. But we did Coraline already and I dont' like to reuse costumes. Ben's costume is figured out and partially put together. Mine's figured out and partially ordered. Hubby has no clue what he'll be yet.

At 19:24 Blogger DataGoddess said...

If you're road tripping to Indy, we're on the way if you need a place to stretch your legs...

At 19:26 Blogger Phiala said...

I have a new desk chair. Very comfy, and vastly superior to the kitchen chair I was using.

Though right now the desk chair is in the living room and I'm sitting in it with the laptop. :)

At 19:31 Blogger Beez said...

Sure, we can dish the costume idea. It's not glamorous but...effective.

Q, does this roller girl have a uniform and speak French?

At 19:38 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Sounds like fun ... wild and busy fun ...

At 21:25 Blogger Jane said...

Beez - I'll send you a message.

We're flying to HOTR because the flight was so cheap! The airline screwed my plans for a road trip :-(

At 21:31 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Well shoot, Jane. I was hoping you two would need to pass through Chicago. But one has to save where one can.

At 21:38 Blogger Jane said...

I know - I had the most fun trip planned! How often do the airlines screw you by being cheap? Not that often....

At 21:41 Blogger dabbler said...

Jane, where are you coming from? And are you flying into Minn/St Paul, or Chicago, or Madison? We're trying to figure out the best thing to do...we're lying from Philly, and I can't work or whether to fly to Chicago and rent a car, or to Minn/St Paul and rent a car, or what the best way to do this is. I should alrady have booked airline tickets, but I'm dithering....

At 21:42 Blogger dabbler said...

And lying=flying. Sigh.

At 21:48 Blogger Jane said...

Katie, we are flying from NC to Madison via Detroit. And will rent a car but haven't yet.

At 21:51 Blogger dabbler said...

Hmm. Thanks. i hadn't thought about flying direct to Madison until I typed the query. I shall explore.

At 21:53 Blogger Jane said...

It seemed like the easiest place. And I've never been there, so that is a plus, too.

At 23:47 Blogger Chantrelle said...

We're flying into Mpls and renting a car. It's about an hour further from Mpls that Chicago. We have friends we're visiting in Mpls though and then after the HOTR event we're driving to chicago to see the inlaws.

I think dealing w/ the Mpls airport is easier but there tend to be more direct flights to Chicago. Either really works.

Don't I sound like such the authority having been there once ;-)

At 23:49 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Here's ben and I at HOTR in '07. This is just minutes after we ran into Boss in teh cafe and I had one of the most surreal experiences of my life.

At 00:29 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

If you ever come to NOLA, I accept roller girls.

This may or may not be making sense. I was swimming in a pool full of womens.

At 01:00 Blogger Na said...

coincidentally we're going to see roller derby, too. we always meant to go in Austin; saw those gals at other events 'round town but never the derby. then one of my guy's coworkers mentioned it last week, and so we're fixin' to go to the E-Ville Roller Derby - "If you can't play nice, play E-Ville".

new neighbor's have already got hallowe'en decorations going. i haven't met them yet, but surely that means they're cool.

and i seem to have a very confused calendar, which says it's a new moon tomorrow, when i can clearly see a nearly full one out there now.

At 01:30 Blogger Ms T said...

Happy equinox fiends!

(That'll be me briefly poking my head above the parapet.)

Congrats to Wendy on your work news, and commiserations to Phiala and Vampi on theirs.

And,as always, get well wishes to Cabal.

At 09:22 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cabal and Gaiman are both very lucky to have you! I'm glad you're taking such good care of the pup, as well as blogging about it to put all our minds at ease. You're a gem!

At 12:03 Blogger Marjorie said...

I'm going to see a Mitch Benn gig tonight. (in about 2 hours, actually)
If he takes requests I shall ask for "Macbeth", with you in mind, Q.
Anyone else up to stuff tonight?

At 13:45 Blogger Marjorie said...

Well, if you will insist on living on the wrong continent, Jess.

Maybe next time we have a North American Fiendfest we get get him & MsClara to come too.

So, tell about this ladder (now I know it's not a sex aid)

At 14:07 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Memorizing math formulae. And reading "The Graveyard Book" to Sir William.

At 19:40 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New post new post new post!!!!!

Ireland! Roller Girls! Cabal!!!

It's all there!!!

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