Saturday, September 4, 2010

Knitting. And Finding Support in All the Right Places.

Here's something new for this Blog, special tonight, that I found on Amazon, while searching for a nice little book on Roller Derby:


Uh-huh. Who knew?

I know a lot of you knit things. You exchange patterns, send photos, sit in pubs while I play making things. Some of you SEND me things. (Like that bit) You make yarn. Weave it, knit it and Make Really Cool Things.

So maybe you need This Little Book. Knitting. All about Knitting. By someone who knows, well, how to knit. And has cool ideas. And a bonus, Roller Derby. What's not to love?

I can't knit. Wish I could. But I really want this book.

I love this women. In fact, she may be my Doppelganger. We're not ENTIRELY sure we aren't the same person. It's weird, to speak truth. Among other things she's really good at, she skates Roller Derby. And Knits. (Those may be the only things we don't have in common, me neither knitting or doing Roller Derby currently.) I think you'd like her too. She's @joanofdarkknits on twitter. Follow her.

She sends me things she's knitted (OctoKitties, strange, but true, and I did tell you she had cool ideas). She's threatened (more like a promise really) to kidnap me and take me skating with Roller Girls this fall. She's one of the FITest women I know, and a huge part of my own FIT support system.

Which brings me to another point I wanted to make tonight.

I saw a segment this morning on the Worlds Biggest Loser people holding auditions at the State Fair. I tweeted about it. Someone was handing out cookies to the people in line. WRONG. In so too many ways. I then said "Put down the cookies and get into the gym, it's not Rocket Science people"

True, but someone pointed out to me that not all overweight people were junk food eating slobs in front of the tv, it wasn't that simple sometimes. And that no one told alcoholics to put down the bottle and get to AA, and expected everything to be hunky dory.

Very true.

They pointed out too that what was needed was a strong support system, or it wasn't going to work.

Beyond true.

It isn't as simple as deciding to get FIT. You can't do it alone. People gain weight for all sorts of reasons, and losing it and getting your FIT on is hard. And scary. And a whole lot of work. You're completely changing your life, the way you think, and letting go of a whole lot more weight than extra pounds. Very like learning to live without drinking.

It made me think a lot.

I'm not doing it alone. I've got you. All of you. I'm writing about it, you're reading about it, and you're with me. I'm leaning on you to keep going with it, I'm taking in every bit of help you can give me. I can't let it be October 1st and do my next months progress report and say "Well, I kind of failed this month, didn't really FEEL like working at it."

I'm fortunate to live in a place I can afford a gym. I've got a trainer now, who measures my progress with more than a tape. Every time I take a class with her. I've got She Who Owns It All teaching me dressage, and believing in me, knowing I am working as hard as I can at being FIT enough to DO this. I've got Joan of Dark listening to me every night whine about how sore I am, telling me to get off my BUTT and keep going, and to never, never, never give up. And to ramp it up. Every day.

It's like having the three Weird Sisters for trainers, in fire lightning and in rain, meeting again and again and all that. I don't mess with them.

Or you.

I thought it was time I told you how much you meant, with your love and support.

I can't do this alone. It's too hard.

But I will do it as long as you are with me. Because if you are, I can't fail.

And I'm so not alone.

Love and Support,


At 19:38 Blogger Phiala said...

You've built a fabulous community around yourself.

And when I come teach you how to spin from your alpaca, I'll teach you how to knit the yarn you've spun. You just need to get the alpaca.

At 19:38 Blogger vampi said...


At 19:46 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 19:47 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

We love being here! You're amazing!

At 19:49 Blogger Vinity said...

I really wish I could knit.

You really do inspire me.

Very tired and I really get the feeling this one won't post.

At 19:54 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It did, Vin, you posted!

An Alpaca. I knew a lot depended on me getting the Alpaca. Knew there was a REASON I needed one.

At 19:54 Anonymous Anonymous said...

For as much as you feel you're being supported by that net of powerful women/friends/mentors around you, I am confident in saying you are part of the weave that supports those around you as well.

much love,
~ Kambriel

At 19:56 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You inspire me. I'm thrilled to be there for you in my own small way.

At 19:56 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Just what Phiala said, except for the weaving bit because I don't know anything about weaving except for what I've learnt from her blog.

I'm trying to learn to crochet again. Its a challenge because I have tension issues (with the stitches).

I might just order Joan's book!

At 19:58 Blogger Dragonsally said...

and I did...there aren't that many in stock at amazon

At 20:01 Blogger ChiaLynn said...

I'm finding my fit, too, and your blog is one of the places I come to look for pieces of it. Thanks for being part of my community, Lorraine. Someday, I'd like to meet you.

At 20:19 Blogger Jane said...

OMG tears and it wasn't even about a cat...

This is a marvelous community. We provide support for so many things.

And I knit! ::runs off to look at the book::

At 20:21 Blogger DataGoddess said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 20:22 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Dang it, that only works when I remember to preview so it logs me in and I can ticky. Dang it, I really am tired, Dan and I road tripped to here - Jungle Jim's

At 20:24 Blogger Phiala said...

Speaking of support, I have a 10,000-word fiction goal for the weekend, and twitter has been very supportive. Today: 2900 words, not quite a third, but I'm stopping there. I haven't been writing, and it took a while to get into it. Tomorrow will be better, and Monday will be awesome!

And I received a very nice compliment today. It would take too long to explain the setup to share here, but it made me very happy.

At 20:26 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Yeah, I mean, this really is a place of honesty and open-mindedness, not a kind of place you'd find easily. I don't know exactly how we all came to be such good friends in this one place, but hey. And it's nice to be welcomed as a teenager, instead of ... you know, the opposite!

At 20:27 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Cool, Phiala.

At 20:31 Blogger Jean said...

I will look for that book on tomorrow's bookstore run. It is a must have that I shall owe to you. Oh, the bookstore run comes after Sunday morning at the gym doing three-plus hours of martial arts. I, too, am working on the whole FIT thing and wish you well with your own FITquest.

At 20:58 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I kind of want to hit Jess. You know, in the best way. *WHAKK*

At 20:59 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 21:04 Blogger Fluffy said...

Noone hits Jess!!!

Well, unless she says it's okay.

I don't now about you other "strong women," but this one is a bit wobbly. I had the fit thing going and got sidelined by something as silly-sounding as bursitis. I need to get back to the doctor and see what can be done.

Love you guys.

At 21:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jess just said "Nice Ass" to me.


Joan of Dark is coming to HOTR, if any of you are. Havent' actually met her in person yet. This ought to be interesting.

Actually, I think there's a lot of you coming I haven't met yet.


Good on you Chia and Jean, FIT ain't easy. In fact, I am going with FREAKY HARD. Would love to meet you too.

At 21:12 Blogger Phiala said...

I'm not going to HotR, but I've met you. :) Would love to see you again, but too much going on this fall already.

At 21:15 Blogger vampi said...

my plans for hotr are seeming to fall through, unless some mirailous opening occurs, all the cool stuff is sold out.

also this is fails because it does not have shamble as an option. otherwise a perfectly fiendish thing it is.

thanks for the hugs. they help. trying not to think about it. i fly tomorrow, hopefully. going standby, so hopefully i make all of my connections.

At 21:15 Blogger dabbler said...

Me! Me! I'll be there, all flabby 5'2" of me. And my one-foot-taller hubby, as well. Haven't figured out the costume yet, though.

Did buy a bike yesterday... young friend who came to work at the Folk Fest BIKED from Boston to our house. If she can do that, I can certainly bike locally. So the Universe provided a lovely bicycle at Goodwill for 20.00. Needs a bit of work, but means I can now see if i actually will use it, and I haven't spent a fortune. It has hot pink brake lines!

At 21:16 Blogger dabbler said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 21:19 Blogger dabbler said...

Apparently I'm so excited that I am repeating myself. :-)

At 21:36 Blogger Ethne said...

I started doing zumba around the time you did, so believe me when I say I understand how hard it is to let go old habits and focus on your FIT.
You are quite inspiring :)
Keep it up! We all know you're gonna keep on rocking your FIT.

At 21:55 Blogger Fluffy said...

Jess, not wanting to tell you your business, but...

maybe a roundhouse?

At 22:07 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Must look for this book.

You, Lorraine, and this community of Fiends have meant more to me these past couple of years than I can ever say. Your pursuit of FIT and overcoming fears drew me in from the start.

At 22:26 Blogger AletaMay said...

I think people need strong support systems, you know, whatever it is they are doing or not doing in their lives. I also think fat people can eat a cookie if they want to without having to feel ashamed. I think shame is one of the most destructive forces in the world. I also think Biggest Loser is kinda scary and that someone handing out cookies in the line is most likely hoping for the cameras to be on.

Most importantly I think that this blog is a Good Place and I am inspired by Lorraine Doing the things that she Aspires To and by fiends of all shapes, sizes and aspirations. So many people here are doing Interesting and Powerful things in their lives and I love that and need that. It feeds me. Yummier than anything they could hand out in any line. ;-)

Nomnomnom on the fiend energy!

At 22:53 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I feel so blessed by everyone I've met (either in person or just on the blog) here. Lorraine, you are an inspiration and a truly wonderful woman. A testament to that is the group of inspiring, wonderful people who have flocked and stayed here to form an amazing support group. Fiendom Come was amazing. I was worried about the clash of personalities once they were in person and not just online but everyone was great.

I can't wait for HotR. Flight is booked, car is reserved. Friends in Mpls are aware of our arrival. Inlaws will be waiting for us after the weekend. I have no idea what I'm going to be yet. Thought of packing Other Mother just because it's boss-related and easy to pack but I hate reusing costumes.

At 23:12 Blogger Beez said...

Q, I asked this on Twitter- can KNIT a Roller Derby Gal? Is there a pattern for one in uniform that speaks French?

Better get a-knitting Medeadly.

Dabbler, I'm getting a bike too- Salvation Army style. I work so much on my feet (all 3 jobs) that the idea of exercising besides makes me a Growly and Scowly Thing. But it's Fall! For me Fall + Bike = Bliss.

No HoTR for me. For one, brief shining moment it looked like maybe (friend is on one of the panels and offered to have me stay with her- gratis), but pretty much everything is sold out and I will gird my...uh..."loins" and be a Responsible Adult Who Does NOT Spend The Money.
Drat :P

At 23:23 Blogger AletaMay said...

Beez! We'll get together for coffee and toast the fiends at hotr while they are there!

At 23:34 Blogger Beez said...


At 00:04 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Sweet. Of course it's more difficult to do it alone. That's why we are here!

At 01:30 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Watched Twilight. My god was that bad.

Going kayaking tomorrow. FIT!!! Wish me luck. I have zero arm strength and will be solo in the kayak. Hubby and ralph will be in the other. Eek!

At 03:41 Blogger Marjorie said...

I think one of the things I love best about this place is how supportive and welcoming it is, and how whenever someone says they are trying something new, or restarting something, the response is so positive, and encouraging.

And that's pretty rare, and pretty amazing. So thank you for having made this place:-)

also, I only have a very hazy idea of what Roller Derby *is*, but I've read bits of Joan of Dark's blog and I love the Octokitties...

HoTR sounds more fun every time it's mentioned. I will be raising a virtual glass to you all while you're there, and waiting for blogs and tweets and pictures.

At 05:15 Blogger sharmylae said...

You seem to have the most fabulous support system. I realize you knew what I meant from the beginning, and that your meaning was just lost in the character limit of twitter. You know exactly what it's like.

It's wonderful as well to have a role model. It's wonderful to have someone that you can complain to that will be helpful as well.

i wish you luck on your journey!

and as for knitting--it's pretty easy when you start out! i learned from a book--i bet you could. and if not, you have people around you who could probably help.


At 06:47 Blogger Ali Trotta said...

Lorraine, you are a wonderful and truly inspiring person. Your blogs are fun and full of neat things -- like mangoes, bengals, and skeletons as decor.

You've been there for me, when I needed advice. That goes both ways. (The helping bit that is.)

Also, I can't knit -- but I can crochet. I find that easier.

And these lines were priceless, "It's like having the three Weird Sisters for trainers, in fire lightning and in rain, meeting again and again and all that. I don't mess with them."

And now, I will have that scene stuck in my head all day.

Keep up the excellent work, Lorraine. You CAN do this. You are inspiring other people too, and I love that.


At 07:30 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

No more hitting Jess. (solemn nod of acknowledgement)

I won't be at HOTR but we'll have other times ... never did finish that book, sadly. I guess I should. I do hate to start something and then ditch it - and I was reading it like two years ago, and never turned back to it. I should, I will ... maybe I'll be there in spirit with you Fiends while I read it as you are at HOTR ...

At 08:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning Fiends! Wake up! Tine to take on the world! Who's with me?????

Good on the bikes! Perfect time of year for it. I should get mine out too.

Thanks Captain, I did have the right intentions, but it's good to remember how things come out when you only have 140 ch to work with, and your words to me were spot on.

Not had enough tea to really speak much yet. Beez, I will get to YOU later.

At 08:12 Blogger Phiala said...

Up. Have accomplished yoga, oatmeal, and coffee.

Plus catching up on the Hugos - very pleased with the outcome (Boss didn't win tho). But I have been published in the 2010 Hugo-winning semiprozine. *grin*

Now time to take on a large pile of words. I intend to be on the Hugo slate in 2012 when it's in Chicago, which means I better get writing.

It's good to aim high, right?

At 08:16 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Keep going, Phiala!

At 08:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

BEST aim high. Shoot low and you'll hit yourself in the foot. Aim high, it's anyones game.

Mistress, I want to read you Zomibie Love story, how can I get that? I missed all the bits where you mentioned how, but I would like to read it. I have no doubt you WILL be getting a Hugo. I want to say "I knew her when"

At 08:30 Blogger Phiala said...

The zombie story will be published in a Real Book! It will be out later this month.

Here's the deal with Real Book. I got paid for the story, but not very much. But I get a discount on as many copies as I want, and can resell them. So if any of y'all want an autographed copy (or a pristine copy for that matter), if you let me know I will send you one for list price plus shipping.

Or you can buy it on Amazon. I swear I won't be offended.

There's going to be a reading at World Fantasy Con too. :)

When I win a Hugo I will make sure to thank the Fabulous Lorraine and all the Fiends for the encouragement!

At 08:55 Blogger Marjorie said...

Phiala, I would love an autographed copy (And I too will boast about it when you win that Hugo!)

At 10:44 Blogger Clementina said...

The analogy between quitting drinking and losing weight fails when you really consider one crucial point.

You don't ever HAVE to drink.

I sobered up 18 years ago. I am also a compulsive overeater. Although quitting drinking was very difficult, and quitting smoking was also tough, dealing with my eating issues has been a non-stop battle I have yet to win in any meaningful way.

Now I am concentrating more on moving than on eating. I grew up in a family where a huge amount of emphasis was put on what you were eating and how fat you were. The theory my therapist and I share is that perhaps putting emphasis on eating, regardless of which direction, is going to be detrimental. At any rate, it's worth a try. :)

I'm following your adventures with interest, Lorraine.

At 10:47 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, Phiala!

At 11:06 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Yes, I TOTALLY want an autographed copy!

Going to the one place in RI I truly love today: Providence.

At 13:02 Blogger Fluffy said...

"Now I am concentrating more on moving than on eating." Carol Ann, that's the ticket. It's how I went from a size 22 to a 12. Just walking.

Phiala, I am squee-ing! Want, definitely!!

At 14:27 Blogger Siri said...

Mistress of Skulls, Phiala, ma'am. Please, me too - then it almost is like you are a "real" author with sales and every thing.*

*No flames please - I know that anyone who puts pen to paper is a real author regardless of sales. I get it. It was a joke.

At 14:32 Blogger Linda said...

Ever Fabulous Lorraine -

I read every day your simple steps. One in front of the next. You are changing your habits & routines. Something that will continue to support your FIT. In that, you are making your dreams - reality. Wonderful gifts to yourself!

You are brave.

Support in it's many forms does help.. And is often a reflection of the love and kindness you send out.

It's a grand circle.

I am very proud of your FIT progress. It is glorious to watch you bloom.

At 15:27 Blogger Phiala said...

I'm a real author, no argument there. I write, and people read it.

But that's my first real book, as in printed work of fiction available on Amazon.

I'm in at least one printed work of nonfiction available on Amazon, but trust me you don't want to read it. :) And you are unlikely to find it anyway, as the book doesn't list chapter authors.

I will let you all know when the zombie book is out. (Just try and stop me!)

At 16:49 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ohhh Mistress, put me down for one too.

Last day of Aussiecon today. I wish it wasn't, it has been so much fun.

At 17:58 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Glad Aussiecon was so marvelous! Phiala, you must be pleased with having that piece of your brain out in the world.

At 18:14 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Phiala - add me to that list! You will be added to my signed book shelf :)

Kayaking was awesome. Saw so many things (sea lions, sea otters, harbor seals, sea stars, hermit crabs). Pelicans and cormorants were all over. The harbor seals were so playful and cruising right by the cute!! I saw a big moon jelly fish float right by my kayak. We will definitely do that again.

At 18:15 Blogger Chantrelle said...

A couple of pics:

Hubby and Ben in their kayak.

The slough was so calm. It made for an easy paddle.

At 18:46 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Those are beautiful pictures, Chantrelle. Such mellow waters and the kayaking looks like fun.

I scored an almost-jackpot today at this little bookshop in Providence ... found a copy of Boss's Mr. Punch and was like, "I am so lucky!" but didn't have enough cash for it. Oh woe dude. And then I was pleased to find someone had dropped off a British edition of Coraline. Cool cover.

At 18:47 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Although I didn't take that home ... having already my own copy ... I am armed with Doctor Who (I loooooove those old old DW books), Star Trek, Musketeers, Gulliver, and a Dutch dictionary because my sloppy Berlitz one is ... crap.

At 19:53 Blogger Maura Janelle said...

You and Miss Joan are both so inspiring to me right now! Keep it up Lorraine!

At 20:59 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Carol Ann, keep going and keep moving, you're on the right path. You will get there. And keep talking to us.

Thanks Linda and Maure! Need to hear such things.

Not to mention the rest of you Fiends. Well, ok TO mention the rest of you: You rock.

Except maybe Beez, I have a note here to go after her, tho I forget why. Does anyone remember what she did to me?

And where is Jess? Last heard from she was about to drink wine and was telling me I had a Nice Ass...Wanted to see how that developed...

At 22:08 Blogger Beez said...

Okay, it could be one of several things:

Garden-related ie: Fall planting and hedge o' catnip for your house.

Bee and garden related- the plant that Birdchick and you want for the bees. Shopping.

CAGE MATCH!!! Zumba Ass vs. Food Service Legs! RAWWWWR!!!

Let me know :P

At 22:37 Blogger Beez said...

Ooh Phiala! Want to read!

At 01:39 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I cannot go to hotr because of my poorness.

I have been doing silly exercises while standing around at work, like squats and standing on my tippietoes.


Oh, and I'm about to start the High Holy Days exercise regimen. I have off at the charity I work for for a few of the days, and I plan on going to a lot of services, where you get a workout because it's stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, then stand up up up up up for a long time, then sit down.

At 08:58 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

NO, Beez, I don't think those were it. I'll remember at some point, then cage match!

Uh, Jess? Halloween is WAY more important than Christmas, you do know that don't you?

Actually, I'm not sure where I will be ON Halloween, this event is done Sunday morning.I know there will be houseguests, so probably home, but there is always the POSSIBILITY these ROller Girls will not let me go.

One can dream.

At 10:21 Blogger Phiala said...

I must go cut the grass before it swallows the house. Or the neighbors complain.

I'd rather pull weeds, Jess - want to trade?

At 12:09 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

I love my old old Doctor Who adventure books! One book for each class as a reward for hard work in the next couple of weeks, I would say ...

At 14:08 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Dress-up tea party today. Thought some of the fiends would find this interesting.

At 14:15 Blogger Marjorie said...

Sounds interesting, Wendy.
Dress up as in Posh Frocks or as in Fanct Dress?
Either way, have fun.

At 14:47 Blogger Beez said...

Huh. Can't imagine.

I've been at work or asleep...unless I'm astrally projecting in my sleep and causing trouble.

THAT seems entirely possible.

Cage Match is still ON! (Don't put it off until you are all 100% FIT and...well, FIT. You'll have to spot me a lot of points if that happens).

At 14:59 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

Hi everyone! It's fabulously cool here on the left coast...I think it's the first cool Labor Day I've ever experienced!

Lorraine, you are a great motivator and I am glad your blog is here because both you and the other Fiends inspire me. Some days it's a rougher row to hoe than others and it is so good to know that one isn't working in a vacuum...that others are there and struggling with things just the same as you. But everyone here seems to keep up the effort and their good spirits. Thanks all!

At 18:28 Blogger Ms T said...

Ooh...knitting and roller derby. This has to be good. :)

Love that Hera has been knitting her way through at least some of the aftershocks.

Sally, have you dried out over there yet?

At 19:13 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Not yet Ms T - so much wonderful rain and the dams are filling nicely after years of drought.
Have things stopped shaking on your side of the ditch yet?
/end antipodean chat

At 19:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No motivation tonight, I will tell you that. I am jammied and in front of the fire, with some Bengals, drinking tea.

Actually, pretty darn cozy and a fine evening.

Trying to decide if there is yet a thread of get up and DO something, or if I am going to be lulled into staying right where I am.

At 19:57 Blogger Beez said...

Are you getting the rain yet? It's making it even cozier!

At 19:58 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We had a little, I think it missed tho...

At 20:43 Blogger Beez said...

Winged you an email. I have a Gurney's (plants) coupon that needs to be used by tomorrow.

Heads up!

At 22:42 Blogger ariandalen said...

So glad that your journey for FIT is progressing very well, Ms. Fabulous! And I know you'll have fun this coming weekend in your first dressage show/test!

I was at JoAnn Fabrics a couple of days ago and found a 3D skull cake pan. Wilson makes it, and, if I was reading the shelf correctly, costs $34.99. Just in case other Fiends want to know. :)

Speaking of Fiends...Hiya Captain Sharmie! You are now a Fiend. Here is your lovely white, buckled jacket. Over there are supplies which you are welcome to use to personalize your jacket. :)

At 00:30 Blogger ariandalen said...

I will not be at HotR. I hope to attend vicariously through other Fiends, though. ;)

I've been playing a "word of the day" game on Twitter since late March. Imagine my surprise on the first when I saw this. :) Not the same as being published in a Hugo winning semi-prozine, or in an anthology, but I'll take it.

At 00:40 Blogger Dragonsally said...


At 07:06 Blogger Phiala said...

Ariandalen, that's cool! Congrats. :) I like seeing your interesting word-tweets - you always come up with applications I never would have thought of.

At 07:17 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Wet. COld. Going to ride soon. Ugh.

SHow is this saturday and Romy and I are SO not ready for it. We are in fact, a mess.

We'll just have to work on that...

At 14:37 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ben started 1st grade today...hooray!!

I didn't even have to drive the carpool today so I shipped him off and have had a day to accomplish---well, stuff!

I started by treadmilling for 30 minutes. YAY FIT!

I put a chicken into brine for dinner. Folded laundry. Listening to NPR (can't do that when ben's home anymore). Have to get myself and the house back in order after a summer of chaos.

Happy Tuesday All!

At 15:33 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

Oooookay, here's yours truly thinking the new College Algebra teacher is the best, just really smart and solid. And then she goes and tells the class, "WRONG TEXTBOOK ... THIS is the right textbook" and holds up this big-ass expensive thing. Well, I figure, I'll find a way. Nope, not in the bookstore. But I return my own. Oh, no, oops, she emails us, THIS is the right textbook. And of course ... it's the one we all just shoved back on the shelf.

At 15:45 Blogger Arwenn said...

Lihua - That sucks! Teachers can be very absent-minded about that sort of thing. Once I bought the textbook with accompanying software package (which could not be returned) only to learn that the teacher had no intention of using it!

For future reference, try to get the ISBN number of the textbok and do an internet search. I've had good luck with Amazon zsellers, Alibris and Abe's.

Also, if your class is using a brand new edition of something (which means you won't find it used) it won't hurt to ask the teacher if it's okay if you use the earlier edition. It depends on the subject, and on the teacher, but sometimes the 5th edition isn't much different from the 4th and it can end up saving you a lot of money.

At 15:54 Blogger LihuaEmilyP said...

There were different Math 1200 texts, and everyone picked up the wrong one. We weren't told beforehand what to buy. But turns out we picked up the right one after all ... sigh, all that wasted receipt paper ....

At 17:15 Blogger Ms T said...

Congrats on the new PM, Sally! Bet it's a relief to have that sorted at last. :)

At 17:58 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Just found out ben's 1st grade teacher's daughter skates roller derby!

I knew she was a cool teacher.

At 18:50 Blogger Noelle said...

Sometimes, Lorraine, you bring a tear to my eye. This was one of those times.

At 20:01 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Li-Em, that sucks big time. Text books are so ludicrously expensive too.

Why yes MsT, it is nice to have the politicking over.
The papers were still full of it today *groan*

Chantrelle - enjoy your Ben free time!

At 20:06 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Of all the BRILLIANT ideas I have had in my life I am not SURE "Hire the toughest zumba teacher in the gym as my personal trainer and to sessions back to back" was exactly one of them.

She's so SWEET. And evil. She smiles, and is HAPPY. While torturing me.

On a better note, my new shoes are the BEST. You may now call me Twinkle Toes, if you like.

But send some kind words to my triceps. They are dying a slow painful death right now.

At 20:19 Blogger Chantrelle said...

My sympathy to your triceps which will soon return from the dead and be burly...hmm, zombie triceps?

I treadmilled and wii-fitted today. Keep telling me about your workouts, they make me feel lazy and get me to do stuff!!

At 21:16 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am a Zombie.

Got serious plans involving my bed. Sweet Dreams, my Fiends, where ever you are.

At 00:13 Blogger Ms T said...


I appear to have misplaced mine. Does anyone have any to spare?

At 01:57 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

I just got another Fiend Pal letter and sent one out.

I humbly suggest every fiend find a Fiend Pal. They are the best.

Also, did I mention I dreamed about LOVE? In the post-apocalypse? I keep dreaming about love and other such pursuits, but the dreams are set on elevators or after the apocalypse. What are these dreams trying to tell me?

At 07:14 Blogger vampi said...


watching my grandfather in hospice is the hardest thing i have ever done. thank you so much for the fiend chatter, it helps keep my mind off of everything else.

At 07:46 Blogger Fluffy said...

Kati!! Are you-all swimming down there?

At 07:56 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

We love you vampi!


At 08:01 Blogger Phiala said...

*hugs* Vampi.

We just did that for Nick's father. It's just about impossible, but you do it anyway.

At 08:06 Blogger Fluffy said...

Donielle, I hope you're doing okay. I understand hospice people are wonderful.

At 11:27 Blogger ariandalen said...

We're okay, Bobbee. It's bad in Killeen, Salado, and Georgetown. There has been one fatality. Don got the girls to school just fine this morning, and made it to work. The news was saying that parts of I-35 were shut down in Georgetown and Austin. Several Bell County schools started late.

We've had some dead trees fall over, but none where it would cause a problem. We've got a small above ground pool that we had a tarp tied over it as a cover. The wind managed to blow it off, which is impressive as there had been enough rain fall that the tarp was touching the water inside the pool, almost the entire interior surface.

Guess I'll see how bad parts of McLennan County got hit when I take the girls to dance later. The studio is over between Woodway and McGregor on US 84. We've gotten a break from the rain for the moment.

At 11:44 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

Our thoughts are with you Vampi!

At 16:13 Blogger Dragonsally said...


It sounds like Texas and Victoria are having very similar weather at the moment.

Wild weather is fine while you're inside.

And hi to everyone else too

At 16:16 Blogger Hellie said...

I want to knit that hat!! Just finished some sewing which will be part of a friend's art exhibition in Manchester so now I can get back to knitting!

Now have to go pack for the festival in Salisbury we're off to tomorrow morning. Camping, amazing bands, a library in the woods, reflexology & yoga - what could be nicer (apart from the weather forecast)?

Thinking of you Vampi, it must be such a difficult thing to go through (sending hugs)

At 16:46 Blogger Marjorie said...

((((Vampi)))) such a tough time. Nothing very useful to say, except that I've been thinking of you and your grandfather.

At 16:53 Blogger *Amber* aka Suzy SINsation said...

Just searched for 10 minutes trying to figure out what HOTR was. Finally got it - House On The Rock. Sheesh.

Anyway, keep up the great work!! You are an inspiration, and I want to add myself to your support system (or maybe I want to add you to mine!).

At 20:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And the new post is up!!!!

TOOK SOME TIME MIND YOU oops, was about to say , doing it on this wee laptop which does odd things often, but it is UP.

At 21:20 Blogger Na said...

{{{vampi}}} we all have in us the strength to face anything we need to, to do what we must and can for those we love. will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

At 17:42 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm more of a knotter than a knitter.....Crocheting, however, is the most addictive craft of them all. I developed myself a little crocheting fixation circa 1995. My house is now laden with multicoloured crochet cushion covers and miscellaneous crocheted items :) Sometimes I miss my multicoloured wool.

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