Skating: Day Four, with Photos and Vid By Kitty....
(Thank you, my love!)
Other than that tho, I love the place. The people who worked there got excited about our song requests, (And I believe the fact that there were people there) and have agreed to play us anything we want when we come to skate.
"We" today was Myself, Cat, Daisy, Daisy's Husband and a friend of theirs.
This is a short, and I do mean short, video of my Toe Stop. A little move I was practicing today. One turns around backwards and hops up on ones toes and, hopefully stops, and skates off quickly the other way.
Watching a lot of the video Cat took was really good for seeing what I am doing WRONG. I've been watching the National Derby Championships this weekend, and last weekend, of course, watched a whole lot of Derby practice live and in person.
I don't look like they do YET. But this is only, if you count House on the Rock, my 4th time out. And I am darn sure I couldn't do it if Joan of Dark had not left me a pair of her skates. These skates KNOW what they are doing. I rely on them for instruction.
The biggest thing I learned today, watching video, was that the Bee Rule of "No Flailing" applies to Derby as well. I Flailed around like a, er, FLAILER. Things got much better when everything stayed in close. I did a lot of FAST and going around corners tightly as well. I'd say I was good at dodging people too. Didn't hit anyone at any rate.
Another great thing about skating today was my confidence. It's all coming back. I grew up a figure skater, and somewhere, somehow, I remember this. I'm not afraid on quads any more than I ever was on ice skates.
FIT is hard. Starting a new sport at the complete BOTTOM from scratch is hard. Skating is hard. Derby, one surmises, more so. Pushing yourself until you can't move, skate, stand, ride, dance, whatever: Hard.
But you know what? It's the best feeling ever. And it's only going to get better. And it's very very worth it.
This makes me happy.
And beyond tired. Total noodle legs after an hour, tho the Screaming Shin thing seems to have given up and settled down. I love this, again short, vid mostly because of the soundtrack.
And we end with Bengals. King Lear the huge, in my bed. Which is where I will be soon.
Love, Bengals and Skating Again,
i had so much fun! my shin splints are a bit shrieking, however---
we are now foraging for healthy dinner.
am going to sling miss Q over shoulder and take her homeward...
Awww. Lear looks happy to be there. And the SKATING! So cool.
This makes me totally miss rollerskating! I don't want to do derby, i'm a wimpola, but i practically lived in my skates as a kid. I've taken ben skating a couple of times and I can still do it! Maybe I'll ask santa for a pair of skates for xmas :) I hate the rink's rentals, they suck.
Wish I could cook you guys dinner as a reward!
Love it! That first move was pretty darn impressive.
Skating is so fun. i never got the hang of roller blading but I still have a pair of white boot roller skates. Maybe time to dust them off!
Beautiful cats!
I have two words for you.
Dang it, Cecily beat me to saying it!!
No matter - NICE ASS!!
I do miss roller skating. I had my own skates, too, and went to every skating party we had in grade school. I'll have to see if my doc thinks it will be an okay activity once I'm healed up - it might be too risky if I fall on the bionic knee...
I was surprised no one else had gotten to it before me! I mean that's one fine ass there. So much so *I* think there should be some ass haiku/tanka to go with it, you know how much I *love* haiku/tanka. ;-)
Wait, we're doing Ass Tanka again?
*scribble scribble*
I love the vid! You know when to keep that great ass low to the ground for stability- one more for the butt!
Aww. Lear looks like he's ready for a cuddle and a nap. Makes me sleepy just to look at him.
I had a weekend off- weird. I cooked and did house-for-the-Winter stuff and planted next year's garlic and also tulips.
Think I could get used to this...
I don't mind how many of you say NICE ASS. Really. I don't.
I am working it OFF you see.
Whew. Caught up, I think. No skating for me, my head screams, "Imma gonna die..." at the thought. But, I've walked at least a mile and a half four times in the last week, so that's good... And I've found a Pilates studio close to me run by a woman a year older than I am (this is important...I don't want some skinny chickie telling me what to do...) that I am about ready to try out. So, we'll see. Mostly, I'm weary of getting weaker and weaker. BAH.
Come to Philly on you Rock and Rolling tour?
Okay then.
Nice Ass.
Impressive little videos and gorgeous Bengal photos - a post full of win.
We had one pair of skates between the 4 of us when we were young. I wonder what became of them.
oooh nice ass.
for some reason, i never quite got skating. i know i had a pair when i was young, they had a key and everything.
i love how easy going all the bengals look now. so peaceful at home
There's Queen Mab! Everybody looks happy. :)
Awesome toe stop, Ms. Fabulous! I went roller skating a few times in junior high and high school. I do anything to keep from falling. Granted, I'm pretty much that way off skates, too. Never did learn how to stop properly on skates. Yay for being FIT and fearless!
Keeping my fingers crossed your hip doesn't bother you tomorrow, Fluffy!
And Shanna, you can personalize your jacket any way you please! It doesn't need to stay white; however, they don't come in leather. I suppose, if you were so inclined, you could take your jacket apart and use it as a pattern for a leather one. ;)
About the only thing I remember from "The Cutting Edge" (which is about a male hockey player who's more or less forced to partner a spoiled female figure skater, if you haven't seen it) is Moira Kelley (as the figure skater) saying "toe pick" over and over again to D.B. Kelley (as the hockey player) when he trips over his toe picks, or runs into her because she stopped suddenly. I say this because on the bus a couple of days ago, I heard a guy in a jacket from a local ice skating rink telling a girl who'd asked him about it that he loves figure skating, but he kept getting hung up on his toe picks, until someone introduced him to hockey skates, which he loves (and apparently figure skates with, which would be worth seeing, I think).
haha i <3 cutting edge. the toe pick sequence was lol
I so love the 'toe pick' sequence!
I think that, given that I had money, I would fly to MN just to skate with you.
More Ass Tanka!
Today, when I was walking down Frenchman, and running in and out of music clubs, I saw two poets for hire, typing poems on old typewriters in the middle of the sidewalk.
Everyone should visit me in New Orleans. I meet the best kinds of people.
They let you choose the music at your rink?! I am SO jealous! It is nothing but Beiber and Kesha at the open skates I attend.
Great work skating and turning around! Suicide stops rock! What a great time to get into derby with all that great skating at Nationals to watch, so inspirational :)
Thanks for the blog
I remembered you had been skating earlier and thought you could totally do this, that you would catch up. And look at you! You are!
Thanks for the pictures and videos, Kitty!
found this via boing^2 but a seal was helped to heal from a major shark bite with honey. Gupta: Sweet As Can Bee!
from reading one of the very wordy linked articles, the honey shouldn't be heated, so i'm betting most off the shelf honey isn't good for wounds.
still very interesting use for honey i never knew.
Fantastic! I love that you are finding the Fit in so many fun ways! I'm sure your figure skating past is a bonus.
DG, I know when my grandmother had herknees done, her doctor told her the only things she couldn't do were bungee jumping and parachuting (she said those were the easiest-to-follow medical instructions Ever!!)
Looks like fun!
I did nothing terribly fun this weekend, nor terribly productive. Though I did buy dog AND cat food to prevent complaints and starvation.
And now I have a houseguest coming today for an indeterminate stay. Us introverts just can't get a break!
I hadn't heard them call suicide stops, pretty good. I know about suicide drills tho and started them yesterday. arggh.
They loved us there, the little girls who worked there, they said they would play anything and thought we were the coolest ever. I told them all about coming and practising for derby and they want to help.
No one ever comes, there were only three to her people there. It's way out in the country in a corn field.
They promised to play Don't Stop Believing every time for us. (I have a theory about that song and roller rinks)
GOt to skate to Video Kiled the Radio Star too. HAA!
I am SO IMPRESSED with the toe stop turnaround! It's fantastic, and I am in awe that you've picked it up so quick!
Joan of Dark! On my blog!!!
What exactly are BASEBALL SLIDES??? Oh well, never mind, I shall learn them next week.
Skating must be so much fun. That toe stop is cool; looks like a little dance.
omg I heart your sheets Q! but not in a creepy I wanna be in your bed way, I hasten to add. They are just way cool.
Love the pics of Royals, missed them!
Love your skating, jealous! Hope to find a way to skate somewhere local myself, maybe after the Saturday derby bout in London.
I have heard them called suicides, tomahawks, etc. Baseball slides are also called figure four falls and they are pretty much sliding like you would into home plate, they are lots of fun :)
Ha, "I love your sheets" ... best stalker line EVER (though I think all rights belong to Grace).
three complimentary copies of "Teen Voices" for me today! They got the title of my poem wrong but I guess "The Highway" works almost as well as "Shoulds". Think I may have to drop them a line, though ... in other news, math homework!
Glad ya'll like my sheets. Wish the bed had been say MADE pre photo opp...
Looong day this Monday. Turbo was very needed tonight. Hitting things rocks.
And I found out my teacher is my bandmates, sister's husband's sister! Whose Mother sold me my house and gave me a piano her grown up kids didn't use anymore, ie my teacher.
Pauls family is like that with me. Popping up all over the place.
Tomorrow starts early and goes long...See you then, my Fiends!
Isn't it weird how connections like that pop up all over?
Just got the munchkin to bed. Hubby's not home from work yet. Must see what horrible TV I have waiting for me.
Real music at a roller rink?! Wow! When I used to skate it was organ music...organ roller rink music! I mean, they would add popular tunes, but it was a organ muzak/ roller rink music version! (OK, we're talking 70's Pennsylvania...)
Quiche. Nice stop! oh! and Nice Ass!
(Probably 2 of the most important skating things ever...)
PS Enjoy all the Bengals...but have a special affection for King Lear.
Will Blogger let me tick this time?
what fun!
belated yet heartfelt Happy Firbday wishes to you Pi!
roller skating music - "My Shirona" and any manner of Bryan Adams songs come to mind. possibly also all things Xanadu. and "The Warriors." oh! in fact, last time i went skating was a special event in Austin, and Michael Beck attended. and there were ABBA videos!
my best skates ever survived a friend's house fire; no-one hurt, much destruction but all rebuilt, and my skates bided the time on the lucky side of the sofa, apparently.
I associate roller skating with "King Tut" and "YMCA". And it's been nearly that long since I've skated. Ever since I sprained my ankle very badly (entire side of foot was black) my freshman year of college, I've been pretty chicken about risking physical injury. That thing hurt for years.
But I am joining Lorraine's Noodle Legs Club. Training instructions are supposed to be provided soon for the Hancock half-climb, but for now I'm taking nearly every staircase I meet. *wobble*wobble*
Wendy, I will be in New Orleans next June 23–28 for the ALA conference. Shall we try to meet?
Up since 5:45, no grass growing under my feet today!!
Lots of day before Bosses B'day going on today.
Currently got me a Kitty, laptops wifi and lunch.
I hope that the busyness doesn't stop you enjoying youself very soon ;-)
Kitty, laptops & lunch sound like a good start!
Yeah, now I'm thinking of that commercial on TBS lately, the one with the accountant connection ... I would quote it but I only saw it for the first time while watching "Family Guy" last night.
Hallo. I am all behind and out of the loop and slow on the uptake and so on. Rocking the skates! Nice ass! Wooo! You are looking good, Q.
I have no other thoughts at this time. Not ones I'm going to type in the comment box, anyway.
I see that the cat is now out of the bag. Have fun in New Orleans, Q. I am slightly concerned that the city may implode under the volume of Awesome there, tho'. Good work, gal!
Well, it does seem to be out of the bag, yes, I am in New Orleans for Bosses B'day tomorrow. I was here last week working on Plans and such and got to meet and have coffee with our Fiend Wendy who did a fine job of keeping the secret.
Thanks Wendy!
Been up since before five and wrangeling things since Kitty and I got here at, uh, five again. LONG day.
Fun, but lots of work too. This party has been months in the works.
Got to see lots of people tonight, those of you on twitter will know a lot of it, and more tomorrow.
Don't tell me about the food here, haven't eaten since Atlanta. Sleep now!!!!! And work tomorrow.
Woot - so THAT'S what the plane ride last week was about.
Can we now see photos of you and Wendy?
Have a blast celebrating Boss's big birthday.
I suppose you have plenty of things to do and organise right now but I was wondering if you had Siobhan's email address.
The new submission theme at Qartsiluni is Translation and I was wondering isdf she (or her students) might be interested in submitting something.
Fiends are also invited to submit too OF COURSE.
Nathalie, if Q doesn't, it might be worth asking @ickle_tayto - Siobhan was on several panels so I woukld guess Finn would have her details.
*grin* Glad to see the cat has exited the bag and it sounds as if fun is being had by all.
Have a great time, hug Boss Happy Birthday for me. 50 will be the best yet with more to come.
Have coffee! With chicory! Also, beignets. mmmm
for reals?
Following the wonderful, amazing, exciting, super happiness on twitter.
Happy 50th for sure!
And an incredible gathering of overwhelming talent in NO. Not sure you could do that in any other city and survive it.
Is it time to gather up the goats and bees?
Saw this just now on FB: writer-statue-birthday-wedding picture by @herasings. happiest day, ever, hands down. #Neil50
It was a repost by Jill Thompson of Amanda Palmer's tweet. Mazel Tov!!!
Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa. What just happened? Stealth wedding is stealthy. :D
Heh. Sneaky devils.
Hah! that cat was layered in bags! Happy Happy Joy Joy....
I shall assume nothing unless Variety tells me otherwise.
Well, yeah...amanda said:
"for those, not legal. but real."
Which is what counts!!
Best wishes to Mr. Neil on his birthday...and kudos on the top hat!
Looks like a swell party in New Orleans.
Oh ho! Sneaky devils inside a riddle inside an ene-enIGma.
Mazel tov for whattheheckever is going on!!!
I have a picture of me with FabLo, although I'm hoping I will have many more on Friday. I will post my slightly fuzzy pic soon, but I just noticed I have some sort of horrible rash thing on my left shoulder, and I'm going to see if I can suss out what it is. I'm hoping it is just an allergic reaction to... Something.
Oh, ,and also, I forced Lorraine to drink coffee and eat beignets with me when she came down, because I am an unrelenting task mistress.
I haven't been posting much lately, because I have four or five short stories I'm working on, two novels, and a research paper, and I am still working two jobs and going to class.
What has happened to the Queen's ear? Ms.Mab appears to have a see-through right ear in her picture. Or is this her Halloween outfit? looked fabulous for the party last night!
boop boop be doop
Ms. Fabulous just posted on Twitter that she has no internet. she has not forgotten us, just can't post until she gets home.
Lorraine reports that she's having a terrible time in New Orleans, and that she hates life, and she wishes she hadn't gone. And she's been kidnapped by Goblins. And that means she may end up there longer than expected! And to top it all off, the Goblins that have her in captivity are depriving her of Internet!
Or I think that's what she said. Anyway, apparently New Orleans is horrible, there's nothing to eat, and no one every plays music, and it's boring there. She asked that someone post this information so that the Fiends who have not been following her terrible experience on Twitter would know.
She said to say that she still loves us!
Thanks Ariandalen and Craig, I was terribly worried that something awful must have happened in New Orleans. Really, I was. ;b
How are you all going, eh?
All right! There's still time to trash the place! \o/
*runs in with lots of toilet paper to throw around*
*spins and laughs like a maniac*
Quiche says calm down. Honestly, I don't see how that's possible.
Huh! But we just want to have a little fun, don't we Jess.
hang Gang, Quiche just said we've been a little dull while she's been away. What shall we do now to liven things up, huh?
Sorry? What? I was miles away.
well come back then, we need you.
where is everyone?
Twitter, probably. I know I am.
*runs amok*
If we rearrange the furniture, do you think she'll notice?
Ohhh, what a good idea. I'm a champion furniture re-arranger.
Puts thinking cap on.
this might be her evil plan to get us to rearrange her heavy furni. remember, she likes to change up her rooms fairly frequently...
Ha! We caught her out.
I wouldn't want to be trying to budge that organ.
She's demanding miracles. I can but try. Ahem:
I sing the bumcakes
electric: When those sweet cheeks
get low, you shift your
center of gravity. Roll
over, roller girl, whip it
round my rink; toe stop
won't stop those peachy buns. Tight
black leather wrapped moon
whirling round the rim like an
asteroid, like Uranus
(not mine, Medeadly):
it's poetry in motion,
orbital end-game,
a roundabout song about
gravitas, and your fine ass.
Right. That's all I've got for like the next three months at least. The burden of further Ass Tanka will have to fall to someone else. I sleep now.
She's gone all dominatrix on us?
Great piece of bumcakes poetry, Jess.
Jess. That was brilliant!
Hey! Who moved the coffe table?
New Orleans is boring? Who'da thought!
Jess, Lorraine says to tell you this:
"I loved her poem. Found it moving, poetic even, it touched me, in ways it never should"
So there.
Saturnian poetry for the win.
brava, Jess! BRAVA!!!!!
Jess, you are brilliant. Truly.
Good night fiends. I figured out the solution to a nagging problem I was having on WordPress and now I feel good about saying goodnight to the internest!
About time too. Sleep well.
Okay, Jess, no more of that particular poetic form from you. Unless, of course, you bring it up. ;)
Leathers and whip.
I want to know what the safe word is.
And leather & a whip is what she's admitted to. She has a cross bow too. There is photographic evidence.
So, if we trash the place, remember to blame the bengals, m'kay?
Jess, I am speechless in the, er, face of your pome.
Oh. She says the crossbow isn't hers.
I leave for one concert, and it goes crazy in here!
I got to tell Quiche she has a nice ass in passing. Other than that, I only got to gush at Jason Webley about how awesome he is and got a pic with him.
Jess, you are indeed the Goddess of Ass Tanka.
Um wendy..."only" a pic with Mr W?
How is everyone, this morning?
Hilight of my morning ws getting my flu jab. Although I may have accidentally bought some books, too. And maybe a coat.
I had planned to go to Lindon to see Bitter Ruin tonight but I just can't make it work, so I shall be staying home. :-(
Oh my.
Looks at this.
I seem to have internet this morning.
You've been very naughty Fiends while I have been away. The places is a MESS!
Tanka Ass poetry all over the place. Things strewn about, nothing picked up, the Bengals are hungry...
Now you must clean up your mess.
I am coming home and you wouldn't want me to be ANGRY would you????
Wendy, you were with me, and so are exempt THIS time. I didn't however see you last night and missed your NICE ASS! I shall teach you how to be more aggressive when approaching a working Personal Assistant at a sold out rock concert, I wanted some hugs!!!!!
(starts sweeping up shards of poetry, picks up chairs and sets than upright)
Trying to squeeze in as many words as I can possibly write before it is time to prepare dinner in earnest (I have guests).
Looking like we're on schedule so far...
Not to mention algae sexology all over Twitter...
This place is scary....
Naaah. Not scary. Just a little insane, that's all. Otherwise it would risk being boring. And we can't have that. If we have to spend so much time in one place, it should be fun! Impulsive! Zany! A surprise to even the likes of us.
yes, OUR QUICHE likes a tidy house/blog/hotel room.
she is striving mightily to post a new New Orleans update, so be patient you darling dolls.
i missed the boat on the ass tanka haikus, sadly, so i shall just sit in my corner of the hotel room and laugh quietly at DragonSally's image in my head of her cyber TPing the joint...
remind Q to tell you of late night Gremlin feeding...
bright light! bright light!
i go home tonight to a. NO SNOW and b. BATMAN & SELINA KYLE. said about a. but thrilled about b.
No doubt they too will be thrilled to have you again.
I wasn't here Mom. I didn't mess up the place! I was watching from twitter, I swear!
We went to a local coffee shop last night to see one of ben's teacher's celtic band play. They're so fun. No fiddle though!
Next time I will tackle you with hugs. I assumed you were just busy, because I said, "Nice ass," and your response was, "Hey babe," as you hurried to meet Amanda and Neil outside the club.
I believe this means that either you must come back or I must go to MN to skate with you.
hey everyone, i brought the huge bag of confet... oh! hi Lorraine, you're, um, back. hey!
*hides bag behind back*
good to see you! nice ass!
Also, Sally, what was I SUPPOSED to come away with? I got him to sign my Evelyn Evelyn CD. Is there something fiends receive that is more illicit and/or desirable than a photo op?!?!?!?!
I like the idea of sekrit fiendish extras. Maybe we need our own secret handshake?
(I assumed you meant photo only with Jason, not with the Dolls or Q)
Thanks, everyone. I believe "misapplication of talent" is the phrase we're really after, here. And I'm glad you know it when you see it.
What's going on? I bought a yoga mat today. Hatha yoga classes at the new coffee place on Tuesdays. Gonna drop in and get bendy again. Haven't done the bendy for a while.
They also do a combo yoga/pilates/kickboxing thing. I have secretly always wanted to learn to kickbox, but I'm not sure I can keep up just yet. Start with the regular yoga and move into it, I am thinking.
/Blah blah me me me etc.
Na, that was indeed what I meant.
Isn't our sekrit handshake now "Nice Ass"?
We'd know if someone wasn't a Fiend when they slapped our faces I guess *snerk*
Now, what have I been up to? I had a rather lovely sleep, and I've had the first cup of tea - almost ready to face the rest of the world.
Oh, its raining rose petals in here. The roses I picked the other day seem to be shedding...
*whispers* Na, I'll make a distraction and you throw the bag. Here take the glitter I brought. /*whisper*
*Yells* LOOK BOOBIES! ----> (o)(o)
helps with the distraction
OMG, would you look at THAT NICE ASS ( )( )
With Q stranded in sunny New Orleans we have extra time to, um, tidy up & make the place look nice. Because that was all we were ever doing, wasn't it?
...I wasn't making a mess. I was just sitting in the dark at home, all depressed, with nothing but burned-out lightbulbs for company...
It was the bengals. They made all the mess. And the Ass Tanka.
Shell believe that, won't she?
Ooh, Q says we are all naughty miscreants & the place better be clean when she gets home tomorrow!
We'd be hard pressed to make more mess than 5 Bengals left alone...and they are our Overlords after all. It was King Lear's idea to dress the skellie in toilet paper, I swear (crosses fingers behind back)
Ooooh, Q is stranded in Hotlanta, and is making the best of it by going to the Dresden Dolls Show. Poor Q...
Is toilet paper recyclable? Because Sally got it everywhere...
I mean LEAR got it everywhere.
I believe that is why Lear instructed me to use if Fluffy...
(as an aside. I have never toilet papered anything IRL. Not that I can remember anyway)
oooh, can't waste such excellent distractions (lol) --
CONFETTIIIIIII!!! whoo hoo! won't the colours and sparkly stuff just remind her of us all the time? i mean, you can find this stuff for years after you toss it around, if you do it right.
okay. and steak for the leopards. *toss, toss, toss*
who brought the bubbly? (champagne or mineral water would be lovely right now...)
(Sal, you still got that wand? i think the spell we're gonna want is "Evanesco".)
I may not be back but the dressing room here has internet, so I am pretty hooked up for the next few hours...
Right. What's the story? Place is in chaos, things are in shreds, stuff is flying around..Actually, I quite like what you've done while I've been gone.
Oh. In Atlanta. Plane got canceled to Minneapolis, and Dresden Dolls were playing here, and it all seemed like a fine plan, so here we are.
Need. Sleep. Badly.
Q!!!! So good to see you here.
Yes, I think the place looks pretty cool. It is truly amazing what can be done with a bit of thought (and a wand)
and you will note that skellie feels a little warmer now, in his paper suit.
mind if we use the hot tub? i've heard that hot-tubbing in snow is a treat.
happy show-going!
Still here. And still watching you.
Stay out of my hot tub.
Getting backstage massage from Kambriel. This does not suck.
No hot tub?! I think you just got a great big Fiend boo-boo lip. :-(
If I don't get to hot tub no one does.
So when you get home we can join you for naked snow hot tubbing? ;-)
Very quiet here. Did you forget I am here tonight? I think you want a new post greedy Fiends. Soon, children, soon...
Watched the LA Derby Dolls webcast AND the Dresden Dolls concert due to the magic of a perfectly located production office. One leaves the door open and one can manage both.
Dolls, Dresden, not Derby, still on stage stage, waiting for some Delilah here. Got me some Half Jack.
Or bed. Bed would work too. That's a verb tho, not a song. As in, need to bed soon.
I am here! Sort of. I am writing. Letters. And, I need to rewrite a creative nonfiction piece. My feedback from a few of my classmates: I suck. I am not creative. I should not even be in the class.
The reaction from other of my classmates: No, you guys suck. I kind of want to kick you in the face.
My reaction: Not allowed one, because it's the point of the class to get constructive criticism.
Not sure how constructive "This work is not creative, and I take exception to you turning this in, so I am not going to write a critique." is, though.
You guys MISSED it. I have been keeping secrets.
I am procrastinating writing for that class by writing Jason Webley a letter.
Hi Wendy! I truly don't remember tyhe Nice Ass or the Hi Babe, kid you not, I think if I had heard you, SAY that, wouldn't I have said something???
Very unlike me.
AH well, next time.
Show done. Boss sleeping. Hayley nearly. Me has a COKE. This may not end well.
You were obviously on a MISSION when I said "Nice Ass." It is okay. Someone owes someone a hug somewhere, and one day, their will be recompense!
Ode to Mirliton
Today I tried my first mirliton;
They are on sale in New Orleans
three for a dollar.
I added it to my spaghetti.
Now my mouth is happy.
I love mirliton.
I had to go & google that, Wendy. What does it taste like?
Cesare does kick-boxing and he says it's a killer. Mind if you want to drop pounds... But not the easy way. That is very hard work apparently.
Oh and one of the best thing about having a dinner party on Saturday night is left over leap-of-faith brownies and cinnamon whipped cream for breakfast on Sunday morning.
Chayotte! Haven't had that for AGES.
It is very bland, but it certainly took on the tomato taste and smoky sausage taste of my spaghetti sauce! I figured it would taste like yellow squash or zucchini, but it's so much better!
Leftovers will be grande today!
Y'see, Nathalie, I mainly want to do the kickboxing for purposes of feeling like a badass. However, I suspect it'll just make me feel like my ass is in bad shape. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, if we're committed to Truth, which we are.
Given the class is held in a very narrow coffee shop, though, and that they sell soy candles in glass jars in there, it seems likely I won't have to, you know, spar. I would dig the punching and kicking and blocking so long as there was no actual combat. I don't really want to do the combat part.
Wendy, this doesn't sound like a good class. In a graduate level workshop, "creative" or "not creative" shouldn't enter into it; that's a fairly careless and unsophisticated thing to be commenting on at this stage. Furthermore, writing critiques is what you do in a grad-level workshop. Does the instructor know there are students in there who are refusing to do the work? If not, you need to complain. If he or she does know, on the other hand, the instructor's lost control of the class. In which case you still need to complain, or find a different class.
Apparently blogger ate my comment...Any rate, Wendy, I agree with Jess, the point of peer reviews is to give constructive criticism. They should be putting in the effort of telling you how and why they think your writing needs improvement, if they are not doing this, it is not your fault, and try not to take their BS to heart. Talk to your teacher about it.
I. Am. Back.
Have you been good Fiends while I was away? And remember, I have been watching everything and you have no secrets...
Of course we have!
(after all, fiendish behaviour must make one a Good Fiend, mustn't it?)
Welcome back Q! Glad you made it back ok.
Have a nice sleep and do a new post soon (we are all dying to know what mischief you got up to in NO)
Hallo Q. Oh, I've got secrets so secret you don't even know I'm keeping them. So nyah.
Wondered whether you ever got to stop driving home in the snow. Glad you made it. Did you ever find out if the Santa Hat Grocery Ladies actually knew you? Maybe they were just happy to see someone supporting the local economy. Look! She's buying peas and bagels! YES!
New post is up! Didn't see that coming, did you??
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