Paul and Lorraine This Weekend!

Let's start with my favorite picture of King Lear, taken by Neverwear's Cat Mihos. I love this shot, and posts should have pictures. Keep reading and see just how cool this shot IS.
It's -17 out right now. Warmed up some since last night. Heh. It doesn't stop us here tho, in fact, people go to great lengths to prove how hardy they are here. Some people are happy as they can now go Ice Fishing.
This is an activity where one hauls a little house onto a lake, complete with a heater, and cuts a hole in the ice and fishes. Not oddly, I believe alcohol also plays a large part in this activity. I don't do it myself, but judging from the number of little houses now on the lake, it is a popular pastime here.
Many people here, the really cool ones, go out and hear music in lovely warm pubs. Which brings me to a point.
My band, Paul and Lorraine, is back at Charlie's Pub, in Stillwater MN this weekend, Friday and Saturday, 7:30 to 11:30! We've had some time off this fall, and I am VERY ready to rock! It's warm, it's cozy, the food is great, the beer flows freely (well, not FREE) and most importantly, I will be there!
If you haven't been to a Paul and Lorraine show, come down. It's more like being in your living room with your coolest friends and a bartender, than anything else. You will make new friends. You will have a great time. We play Irish music, but not the stupid kind. If I tell you the history of a song, it will not be true, and will be entertaining. If there's something you want to hear, we'll give it a shot. (Especially if you buy Paul one)
We will also be there on New Years Eve! More importantly, the place is also a really wonderful historic old hotel, you don't have to leave at the end of the night! And as a bonus, we will also be playing the night of New Years Day, Friday and Saturday BOTH. You can spend one night of wild rumpas, and then the next day nursing your hangover in your private hot tub, then come back to the pub and laugh at everyone from the night before. How perfect!

Speaking of cool things, this came for me the other day! I will shoot it properly once I have it all framed, but here's a quick look. A Bengal painting by Rachael Rossman! I love her work and was so happy when she told me she wanted to paint my Bengals. I'd seen her work when she did Amanda, with horsie Glorious, and then again when she painted Cabal. The girl is GOOD! And I have wonderful art. Thank you Rachael!!
I think I will end now, as it is time for me to go OUT (And at -17 one COULD end if one is not careful) with another shot by Cat Mihos, this one of Mim, whose eyes seem to be saying it all:
"You are an idiot. I am staying IN by the fire"
Love and Gigs and Art and Cold,
Such beautiful art it is too.
Do be careful this weekend. Vibration fromt eh music and noise in the pub might paly ahvoc with your head. Also driving an hour in snow and ice could ba a tad dangerous (although I am well aware that you are used to some of that).
So do take care.
And I love Lear's picture.
Here in Estonia, it's been so cold so early they are opening the ice roads. Usually this doesn't happen until January.
An ice road happens when the sea between the mainland and my island, Saaremaa, about 3 miles, freezes so thick, cars can drive on it. I'm thinking of buying skies.
What a stunning picture of King Lear!
If my house sells in the next week then I'll come see you on other words...have fun without me!
ohi do worry about your noggin, but maybe this rock will help speed your recovery :)
that picture and painting are gorgeous.
Yay, rock!! Sounds like NYE is going to be fun.
Lear is just so majestic!
That picture is so sweet. Lear seems to be saying "I just want somebody to love." So glad he and Mab and all the others have found that someone.
I do so wish I could be there for the show.
Cold and blowy here, though not nearly as cold. And no gigs to play or to go to.
Argh! 2 posts behind!
That is some snow, geebus.
Addressing xmas cards today. I'm not organized enough for this not to suck.
Snowqueen, ice roads! That is so cool. We can drive around our lakes here too, they plow roads to all the little houses.
I am off for work. I think the car is nearly warm, not driving off in a cold car!
(No worries on the car, it will run fine, I'm just a wuss.)
Quick tick.
read you later
What a gorgeous painting of a handsome boy :o)
- 17, that's cold with a capital BRRRRRR. And I thought -9 last week (when our pipes froze and heating broke!)was bad enough.
Happy gigging! I have a wintertide treat this evening, going to see Thea Gilmore playing in Chester - I'm glad to say it seems to be becoming an annual Christmassy tradition.
I'll be there in spirit. The one who doesn't get drunk but is the only one dancing.
Jealous of the Thea show!! Have fun!
Any recordings of your music that we can listen to?
I am many, many posts behind. Love the pictures. Have been missing all the fun here, so I thought I'm come tick the box.
No wuss would go out at all at -17, so stop that!
Beautiful cat and beautiful Quiche, as well.
If someone would kindly get the Universe to let loose of at least some of the insurance payments owed me for weeks I would be ever so grateful Really. Anyone have any magic words? Mine appear to be lacking in potency. Perhaps it's the R rating?
Tickle a box!
Was on the bus and realized I fucked up my parabola. Big time. Was dying to go back and fix it but noooooooo too late. Sob sob
There's almost always something like that in an exam, isn't there? You walk out & think "oh crap"
How long do you have to wait for the results?
My brother is waiting for the final results of his OU Degree (due at the end of this week)
I have no idea, I was not told how long to wait! Hissssss. There was stuff on the test that was NOT supposed to be there and stuff I studied hard for that was NOT on the test. That's life, I guess ...
Yup LiEm, that is the life of exam sitters...
Saare-sq, that is seriously cool being able to drive on ice roads! You've just added another place on my list of where and what I must see.
Beautiful art, and beautiful photographs.
I do hope you have made it safely to The Big House Quiche.
Also - are we going to be lucky enough to have a live vodcast of any of the upoming gigs?
How do 3 people produce so frickin' much laundry?
Awww....working this weekend. Bah.
Crazy-ass cold. Not supposed to be like this until January. I agree wholeheartedly with you Quichie, let the car warm up and warm up (gawd I miss the heated seats the Volvo had.)
It's been frickin' gridlock in Mpls during rush hour- 1.5 hours to get home last night, which is normally a 15-minute drive.
Tomorrow and Thursday will be warmer, so then More Snows!! Woo!
....that is the best picture of Lear. He's so adorable and i think it's the first time I've seen where he doesn't look worried.
Oh god, Lorraine can you tell Boss that he just made me cry with his description of Princess because she and Tysie are identical in their behaviors, fiesty old girls.
I think Tys would love it if we had a sauna.
Seriously - that cold and you expect me to drive there to see you? My mama only raised one fool.
If Dan had that teleportation device done, but no......
Have a marvelous time without me.
-17 out again. It went up near zero , but now it's right back down again.
Still at work. Very tired. Long day.
Home home home!! And done. Long day it was. But a good one.
-22 when I left work a few minutes ago. That is very very cold!
Bone freezing cold. Now I have starving Bengals and a nice fire. And my bed, which is going to be by the nice fire tonight.
First day after finals and I want to go to school already. I am such a loser.
Read a book! Make something. Learn something new that's not in your coursework. :)
Phial says, "Read a book! Make something. Learn something new that's not in your coursework. :)"
I think...(NSFW)
I'm sorry.
Haha, of course I've been reading! reading plenty. And writing even more than reading. Ah Cecily, no need to be sorry. Any motivation that might not otherwise have been there is in me now.
Hi and tick
Thanks to finals and being burnt out, I am behind on my correspondences. But, fear not, Fiend Pals! I will send out holiday letters/ cards soon!
Right after a nap when I get off of work.
tick, wave
*happy dance*
I've just booked and printed my tickets to see AFP in February. Yah, Yah, a thousand times YAH
Exciting, Sally!
See ya soon. Fly safe.
PS we are about to be snowed on again...
Not sure if this is new to you but it was to me. Good night!
OMG, I love the way Sparky was doing the front paws walk...that was too cute by far.
Safe flight Jess.
I have pizza coming to my apartment!
Christmas is big in New Orleans this year. Right now it's 76 degrees here.
I <3 the FIENDs!
I am knitting an octopus.
Yay Sally!
Is it bad to tell someone you have a crush on them right before they move? My friend says it is self-destructive.
Why would it be self destructive Wendy? You can have long distance crushes...
Today has totally escaped me, and I have Things.To.Do.
I have knitted an octopus. Now, off to bed!
And, I do not know. But, my ways are not the ways of an average person.
I love that the statement "I've knitted an octopus" raises no eyebrows whatsoever :-)
Can you post a picture?
I am here today in my capacisty of Very Proud Big Sister - just heard from my "little" brother that he has got his results back for his Open University Degree - He is now Bachelor of Science in Computing and Mathematical Sciences (First-class Honours).
Bearing in mind that he did the course in 4 years while holding down a full time job, I think that's pretty damn impressive!
(Of course, it does now mean he has more degrees than I do, even if the first one was less impressive, so now I am feelign a little under-qualified, but that's my problem!)
I shall have to give him a bottle of champgne to celelrate, when I see him at Chrsitmas, I think :-)
Why? should it?
Isn't everybody knitting octopusses?
Everybody that knits, that is.
In other news: It's snowing. For the second time this year (last time was on the 12th February and it paralysed Rome). My cats are goign to have SO much fun with that.
Oh and for those of you not on Twitter, I posted a picture of Rome street Chistmas decorations.
Good Morning All. Today I'm off to pick up my daughter, who will be home for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!! Maybe she will knit me an octopus. And her brother will arrive soon, at least once he figures out when he's coming....
Exciting times around here.
Wendy, I love "My ways are not the ways of an average person" of course not.
And congrats to Marjorie's brother...stellar results.
I have never knitted an octopus. I have crocheted Carrothulhu, but now feel that my fiber arts adventures are sorely lacking.
Good Morning!!!
Sorry about yesterday, didn't feel well, think I ate something bad, all better now tho, no worries.
Gig tonight!!! Haven't had one of those since September, with Pauls things, and me going to Ireland, then New Orleans, we had no free weekends, but this weekend and New Years weekend!
i have needle felted an octopus.
crochet baffles me, and i haven't progressed beyond large rectangles in knitting:)
last night was work holiday party, and i was out past the time i turn into a pumpkin. i am soooooo tired today. i so totally thin i'm going to half day it today.
I have Octokitties, which are very LIKE Octopi's. I think.
I will be wearing Xmas sock tonight too. Just so you know.
I have never knitted or crocheted an Octopus, although I love & covet the Octokitties.
I did once knit a cardigan for my baby cousin (Who, YIKES! turns 18 next week)
It took me almost as long to knit as it took him to gestate, and it would have fitted him better had he turned out to have one arm rather longer & wider than the other, but a great deal of love and care went into it.
Thinking about it, I knit a very long scarf for my teddy bear, too. Someone else started it, and it turned out very long as although I managed the knitting little lines part, I had no idea how to stop...
Glad you are feeling better, Q.
I'm out tonight - it is our office Christmas Party. I suspect your gig will be a lot more fun.
I don'tthink I have any Christmas Socks. i have some christmassy earrings - I shall wear them instead.
Ah, snow parking again...
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