Me and Little Evil Party at the Gym....
Getting FIT again, after having got fat is NOT EASY. That may seem obvious, but it needs to be stated. And it takes a long time. There is no miracle. Weight loss is a slow process. And muscle takes time to build. It takes sweat, pain and will. Like iron in your body and soul.
It's not enough to want it really badly. You have to be willing to kill for it, because that is what is going to need to happen.
Going to the gym is not ever going to get easier. There will never be a point where you leave a workout thinking "well, that was easy, got it now" Or there should never be. If you aren't dying, shaking and crying afterwords, why bother?
At least for me, I want the weight loss but more I want muscle, strength and speed.
Posting these pictures isn't easy either. I can't see the progress, at all. All I can see is how far there is to go. I can't imagine that 6 months ago I weighed 35 pounds MORE than this.
That is the biggest thing I want to try and work on is saying to myself "Hey, Girl, you're doing good" Not easy. I don't know that I will ever think I'm good enough. I want more.
Having someone believe in you is important. I'm lucky. I've got her, and Poetry, and Joan of Dark, all my Derby Friends, and I have you. Not something you can do alone.
I don't know when that GOOD ENOUGH feeling starts yet.
That's a freaking 50 pound bar you're holding ever your head while doing lunges across the room.
And that ain't easy.
Love and FIT,
You are wonderful, strong, beautiful, and inspiring, Lorraine.
I don't know you well, but the more I get to know you, the more I admire you and the more I want to know you.
Congratulations. Keep up the good work, and please know that there are many of us out here who are quiet in the comments but watch and read and cheer you on from afar.
Big hugs,
Kick ass.
Dude. Can I just repeat that one line? That's a freaking 50 pound bar you're holding ever your head while doing lunges across the room.
You're my freaking hero right now. If you look at yourself and only see how much further you have to go, think of this: If you put pictures of the two of us right next to each other, people would *probably* assume I'm more FIT. But you know what? I do my lunges holding a 10-lb medicine ball, and when I'm finally allowed to stop, I want to cry. You're doing it with a 50-POUND BAR. ABOVE YOUR HEAD.
GO. YOU. (I'll get there!)
i agree with Keith.
you are my hero, FabLo.
can't wait to come see you n' that nasty little EVIL>
and LEARY!
You can do it, I know you can.
I really like the one with Little Evil because the "WTFWHOA" face is all yours. That's just Quiche Medeadly times a billion right there. Like you KIND OF understand the world around you more than anyone else, and you're KIND OF having too much fun with it, but it KIND OF never fails to weird you out, too.
I can see the progress, even if you can't, and I know I'm not the only who can.
I can't always see the progress I'm making either, but I'm really starting to feel it. I have to slow myself down sometimes. (Just because I want to spend another hour on the elliptical doesn't mean I should.)
And girl - 50 pounds? Go, you!
OMG you are marvelous. Thank you for taking us with you on this journey.
And, no way could I do the 50lb and lunge...
35 lbs is amazing, even if you can't see it, others can.
You are awesome, and I love that you don't pretend that the workout somehow becomes the thing you love to do more than anything in the world. It's not, it never will be, and if it is, you're either (a) doing it wrong or (b) a closet masochist.
You inspire me, and I can use the inspiration. I've lost 12 pounds with 48 more to go, but both my blood sugar and my cholesterol numbers are now withing "normal" range, and it does feel good to have accomplished that much.
Please keep blogging about getting FIT. I like cheering for you.
You have a goal. You have people who can objectively give you feedback, encourage and assist you toward your goal. You are making progress toward your goal, and I'm convinced that you will get there. That is VERY impressive. Rock on!
Whaaaaaaaaaaa???? Look at you lunging with that bar o'weight over your head. You are amazing. Love.
I'm looking at that last picture thinking "holy crap, that's a big weight you're lifting there Quiche" and then I read..50 pounds! Man.
We really are going on this journey with you, and yelling support. "Go, Quiche!"
And might I say m'dear, your calves are absolutely gorgeous!
Fiends - would you just look at those as!
You rock, Lorraine!!! I am in awe of lunges across the room while holding 50 pounds over your head. n You inspire me! You will have that muscle! You will be FIT! Because if you try to give up, I will personally come find you and prod you with swords until you get back at it.
Lorraine, You are so inspiring too me. Your honesty is what keeps me coming back to your tweets and your blog. Your boss said it best when he said you were becoming "terrifyingly FIT". Bravo Lorraine.
Pat from Ohio
You got the POWER babe, you know you do!
(Jeebus, lunges with 50#? Never question the FIT again.)
It's easy to question yourself, but you always seem to get your eye on the prize PDQ.
And as someone who hasn't seen you in an "every day looking in the mirror" kind of way, I gotta say you look great. BIG changes.
New pants and tucked in!
...also grit and determination, but those are a given with you.
Keep rockin' it you. You with the So Fine Ass!
Dude, my knees hurt just watching that. But speaking as a derby coach (koff) I gotta say with a combination of fit and ass you're going to live up to the Quiche Medeadly name! Blocking FTW!
You are looking great, Lorraine. Trust me on this. I could already see the difference in Dublin.
Getting fit isn't easy and it takes time (and muscles are more heavy than fat, which is a reason why you should trust your clothes NOT scales).
I do believe that it is also a lifetime commitment of some sort. So no use in overdoing it for 6 months and then back to the life you were leading before.
You should chose some sustainable level of excercising (that can evolve) and change eating habits for good. And keep to it (which is why the efforts need to be sustainable - no use getting frustrated because the gym is taking all your spare time, that's counter productive).
50 pounds? That's a super hero work out, girl.
You have the right attitude. Two and a half years ago my doctor told me "If your blood test results don't improve you're going to have to go on dialysis, and the best way to do that is to lose weight." Diets have never worked for me and we couldn't afford a gym, so I decided to walk for forty -five minutes a day as fast as I could at least once a day during my lunch and if possible once more when I got home every freaking day no matter what and to avoid extra starchy things in my meals.
My wife could tell you stories about the crazy man getting home at night after going out for a movie or dinner and putting on an iPod, coat, and hat and going out in the snow and rain after 11:00 p.m. to walk. There was no fun in doing it, just hard work and nothing different I could see at the end of the day, but in a year I had lost fifty pounds and kept it off while friends using diet alone had kept losing and adding the same ten pounds over and over again and my test results were half what they'd been.
You've got the plan, you've got the will, you've got folks like Little Evil to help and assist, and you understand that it may not be that much fun doing it but it's going to be great having done it. You've done an outstanding job so far and I'm absolutely certain you'll be able to take yourself the rest of the way to where you want to be. Good work!
50LB BAR ???!!! I am in awe!
Also - what Nathalie said. Even in Dublin I could see the difference, and looking at the photos now, and since then, it is REALLY obvious ( and impressive!)
I think it's always hard to see in ourselves, whether it is finding the fit, or any other kind of achievement or success, but trust us, it IS there, and very clear to see!
It's hard to see progress when you see yourself every day but we can all see it though! Amazeballs!
I've also lost a few pounds (yay me) mostly because I can't afford food so yay for being poor lol Though now none of the trousers fit me any more and I can't afford new ones so that's kinda awkward but no matter, Mummy is coming for a visit and bringing gifts of jeans! Yay.
Amma gonna go to work now. :/
oh tick
Good Morning!
Just sort of waking and drinking coffee here, I know I have a lot of things to say, and THANKYOU most of all, hearing you and your support and stories help me more than you can KNOW, but frst..
Can we get back to the bit where Ani is a Derby Coach? Did I read this right? As in MINE here or a team in Chicago?
Rock it Fab Lor! I couldn't do lunges with a 50lb bar above my head. Not sure I could get the bar above my head, much less move with it. You're awesome, inspirational!!
Love the post - it really is inspiring being able to watch your journey.
This might be a good time to share something I read was getting tossed around on a forum so I have no idea who said it:
Losing weight is hard.
Being fat is hard.
Choose your hard.
Bedii, rock ON! Loved hearing that.
One thing I should mention, is that I DO love going to the gym. Kid you not. It's this great hour or two where it's all ME. No calls, no Blackberry, no room to think about anything but getting fit.
I would hate going alone and trying to do things, but I have it worked out where I get to see Little Evil 5-6 days a week. I'm not there without her.
All I have to do is SHOW UP. She takes it from there.
I'm very lucky.
Loved that, Arwen.
A friend of mind said this morning "No matter how you get to Fat Town, you still have to walk home."
I seem to have an extra hour this morning. How did THAT happen??? Hadn't planned for this. I have too much to do, and hadn't planned for EXTRA time.
I believe Ani is coaching in Chicago - mostly been commenting about it on teh twitter.
We need more info, Ani ;-)
You are inspiring, Lorraine. You are making progress. You are sticking with it, even when it's not easy. That's strength. That's courage. That's something I admire.
That barbell picture is AWESOME. Not everyone can do that. Remember that. You're doing something that others can. Basically, you kick ass.
You've got good people surrounding you. You found a good bunch. And then we're all here, cheering you on. Learning, even. You're teaching everyone who reads you -- about sticking with something, about having courage, about getting FIT. Be proud of that, 'cause I'm sure as hell proud of you. ~Ali
You look amazing Q!! That last pic is could lift ben over your head--i can't do that...i know, i've tried to put him up on my shoulders and got him about to my waist! ;-)
Nice Ass!!
Bravissima! I am fighting the same beast my own self, but I've only been at it less than 2 months. I can't afford my own Little Evil, so I'm on my own more, but you inspire! So I keep going, and making myself hurt so that, eventually, I can make myself hurt in whole new ways.
Keep it, FabLor (which is totally how I refer to you in my head).
wowsa! you've been blogging progress and activities all along, but the pic of you with the 50-POUND BAR OVER YOUR HEAD seems sudden for some reason: major progress!
yes, Ani is coaching derby and last i read her twitter was still in need of Derby Name . . .
My favorite is the last picture. You look like a strong, fit, rocking' woman.
Ah..She killed me. Ran 6.0 on the treadmill for the first time today tho. Not for LONG mind you, but did it. We're upping cardio. Ugh.
I can left more than 50 pounds, easily, but I can't hold it over my HEAD for long times and do lunges carrying it across the room, if you see what I mean.
And the 50 up and doing lunges is HARD.
Best get going while I still feel that post workout high, going to crash in a couple of hours, to be sure.
SO Ani coaches Derby. Secret little minx. I want all her secrets and wisdom!!!!!
Quiche! You look great! The weight and the lunges? Wow! I am in awe...
and kinda bummed because I used to be able to do things like that and now just getting my knee to bend all the way can make me cry...
I have my own "Little Evil" physical therapist since my knee surgery...and some days it is so exasperating to have to relearn things you used to do before with no problem.
I'm getting there though. It takes work. You are a major inspiration to me. Thank you!
Motivation is a huge factor in doing what you need to do (be it exercise, errands, writing, cleaning the cat box, etc) and it sounds like Lil Evil is a wonderful motivator.
You are doing something wonderful not just to train your body, but your mind (as you talked about in your blog) and these lessons will serve you the rest of your life!
You have given me extra motivation to keep moving on when I'm in pain or when I'm so sick that I just want to give up. You've inspired me :)
Your pictures are so popular because your confidence and strength just SHINE through them. That, and not so much your weight (whatever it be), is what attracts people. You are a sexy, fabulous Goddess!
Keep it up and remember we are all behind you 100% !
P.S. Now that I know how much you can lift I want a piggyback ride ;)
You rock.
Becca has just given me a Bengal Rescue Fund-raising idea...piggy backs from Quiche MeDeadly, or being lifted above the head.
what do you think oh Leader?
thank you.
Karin, you're welcome!
Sally: NO!
Mistress: I do indeed!
GREAT Derby practice. Learned so much. Got hit too, by the skaters who are just learning to hit. LOved the whole night.
It's going to be SO much cooler tho when I can skate too.
That is so inspiring! And that last photo - absolutely AWESOME! :)
They were on skates, and I did hipcheck one of them! Of the others, one wasn't good enough, I thought, and the other no contact, she's pregnant, skating only.
Good Morning!
AFter riding, and before Little Evil today is NEW HAIR DAY! Love new hair day!
May get ALL the colours!!!
Good morning, Fiendish Fiends!
Q, you should totally go for all the colors.
Doing some hair research myself right now. I need a change...thinking about doing a bright red...
SO what? No one is excited about my new hair?????
WAKE UP!!!!!!!
I want to see some excitement when I get back from my ride!
We want to SEE your new hair. So far, it's only words.
It's true...this is hypothetical hair at this point and, well, a little early to get excited about something that doesn't exist :)
New hair day is the best though - and we can't wait to see it!!
I'm so awake I commented on the wrong blog post. Let's try that one again:
New hair..wooo!
Sorry, that's as excited as i get before tea.
OK sorry I'm late to the game, lots o' work yesterday.
Quiche, you rock. You rock so hard you rock my socks, and those are half way across the country!
Keep up the kick ass work.
Also, look at how many Fiends your rocking brought out of the woodwork!!!
I think there should be a blog with pictures of the process of getting your new hair. Yeah. That's what I think.
Totes excited to SEE the hair soon!
Woot! Hooray for New Hair! Can't wait to see pics!
Lorraine, one thing to remember is fat is not the opposite of fit, you can be fat and fit. It's all about how you feel, how well you can move, and how strong you are.
Forget about weight loss. That's just a number. Being fit is more important and makes a much larger difference in your life than how much you weigh.
And you look fabulous. You and your nice ass and nice tits!
That being said, I just got home from my first workout at my old rehab gym. Knee hurts, but more importantly arms are noodles :-)
Oh, and new hair - WHOOOOO!!
I can't decide what to do with mine, I don't like how my last stylist cut it, but I'm not doing anything to find a new stylist. It's just becoming a pony tail most of the time :-D
I have spent the past 8 hours in a very not fun meeting with no Internet access. Otherwise I'd've been properly excited.
Now I'm too tired to be excited.
At least til there are pictures.
Well. There is. ONE.
Hair is so much fun to share.
Fiends can't wait to see!
I am always excited about your hair. If I had the money, who knows what my hair would look like. It would probably be green and purple. However, I thought your nice ass was more important to mention, since what I took from the above post is that you're getting fit and have a nice ass. And, you can lift fiends above your head with your super strength.
You know what I love about this post? It has more to do with life than just exercise.
"I don't mind the work, but it's the mental game that can beat you. The temptation to say, over and over "I'm sucking, I'm sucking...""
You could be talking about taking care of yourself emotionally, spiritually, or physically. You could also be talking about writing or doing anything creative.
Growth is growth, no matter where you do it.
A great reminder.
Thank you.
Why am I not getting comment emails?!
Oh btw, I am now in round two of Charlie Sheen's intern search. This really amuses the hell out of me.
Thanks, Ticia, you got it.
New hair SO rocks, so many shades of pink and purple, and it's WAY longer. And there's a LOT of it.
I put a phone pic up on FB and twitter. There will be two photographers in the van that's coming with Joan of Dark tomorrow for her book shoot, so I imagine I will get shot at some point for a proper photo.
Oh gods, st pats tomorrow. I forgot about that.
Tonight Little Evil said "Overall, I think you're going to enjoy this"
Then she killed me.
Just searched out the look stunning! Wow! Makes me want to get fake hair too ;-)
Me too Chantrelle!!! I so want fake hair now! It looks awesome Quiche!
new blog:
a good one for St. Patrick's Day I think. Happy 12th Liverversary to ME! ;)
Looks like something every fiend needs. ;-)
Good morning all. Happy St. Patty's day! I forgot that was today and sent ben off to school with no green. Bugger. Hopefully the first graders aren't yet into the pinching thing.
Happy St. Paddys my fiendish friends.
Thinking of you all and planning to drop in more often.
Hey Rubius!! Good to see you :-)
Happy St Patrick's to you too.
Rubius! Heeelllloooooo. Miss seeing you here.
Happy Liveversary Becca
Happy Day I Will Eat Ice Cream and Thaw Out My Corned Beef.
Hi Rubious, nice to see you again!
Everyone is slooooly waking from much needed naps. The dawn photo shoot went great tho, very fun...
Off to the gig shortly. Sigh.
Welcome back, Rubius! I've been missing you.
Hi everyone,
I have missed you all dearly. I thought all yesterday about the St Paddys day broadcast from a couple years ago.
I'm hoping to put up a facebook page in the near future to show you what I've been up to.
Hello to the new fiends as well. I look forward to getting to know you.
Since you're not saying it enough, I'll remind you - "Hey, Girl, you're doing good" Actually, I would like to amend your statement and make it "Hey, Girl, you're doing GREAT!! Fabulous even!!"
ps...please to post pix of New Hair Day...
Lorraine, I'm pretty sure you know that half the battle is 'showing up'.
Your health is important to you - and clearly,to many others! I am probably the least disciplined person on the planet, but where I love, I go to town. You love your cats - you'd throw anyone under a bus for them (er, hypothetically...) You love your job and you bust @$$ to do it right.
You love yourself, you WILL keep showing up. I think your road is hard. But I think 'not showing up' will make your road harder.
Sounds to me that you have got this in your teeth, and I don't think your the kind to let it go...
's why we have faith in you :-)You are really inspirational, so keep it coming. We're really happy about you :-)
I know exactly what you mean. You have a lot more patience than I do. I started Bikram yoga a month ago, 4-5 times per week. A month later and I'm still within the margin of error in terms of my weight. Most nights I'm practically crawling out of the studio, I'm so exhausted.
But I have a TON of more energy than I did before I started, so I'm hoping to keep going. Just hope this freelance gig works out so I can keep paying for it.
I just got finished jogging at the park, and I came to a realization. I was talking to a lady in the elevator, and I told her I'm trying to get more FIT. From now on, I'm going to tell people I'm working on getting more FIT. There is no "try!"
Instead of going to the gym this morning, I shopped. I bought new books to read, and new composition books in which to write, a new writing jacket, and new bras.
We all get fit in many ways!
Great Derby practice this morning, still off skates tho. Every time I go I like them better. Skating with this team is going to ROCK!
More photo shoot today, and hopefully they will take some new hair shots for the blog as well.
Loving having this crew around. Don't not never want them to go.
Wow. That was rather a lot of negatives. Let me do the maths...
Susan (the cat) stung by a wasp. On her foot, so we know she was trying to grab it... Off to the emergency vet, as our regular vet closed for the day 5 min after it happened.
Shot of benadryl and careful exam of the foot to make sure the stinger did not break off in it.
Howling all the way home...
How long are the derby girls sticking around?
Hmmm, Blogger ate my words.
I hope Susan is okay Sharon - wasp bites = OUCH.
Looking forward to these pictures Quiche.
Sally - I think she's fine. Woke up from her benadryl haze and playing. How is your cat, btw?
oh, we are cross posting everywhere.
Tysie is going well. Finally found a stress free way to get her meds in to her and she is her annoying cat self again.
vintage derby:
Very tired, great weekend tho, and GREAT shoots. Finished up late late late last night. Going back to bed for a wee nap now...
Sally, yay for stress-free meds.
We got to stress-free subq fluids (mostly) but the only meds we could deliver stress-free were the ones we injected and the vet was good about giving (well, selling) those to us for as many meds as they could.
Want to see photoshoot pics!
killed it...
Holy Cow! Q! Don't you drop that barbell thingie. My heart is racing just from looking at that picture. Whoa!
I have my first "Go to the gym date with a friend" scheduled for Saturday." I can't seem to get fit on my own. I want to lift a barbell thingie. I really do!
Btw, I saw Jess over on Twitter and felt homesick. Then I realized that I have been gone from here for like a week! How did that happen?
Q, I am so proud of you. You are doing an amazing job and YOU are inspiring me!
It's taking me sooooo long to get back to the gym, but I have been able to cut back on how much I'm eating. In other words, I no longer go get a second plate of food. That's a big step!
Now.... the gym. I'm coming for you bar bell thingie! You will be mine!
I've returned to an empty room......
Hello... Hellooo..... Helllooooo.....
Okay, since I'm all by myself, I'm going to keep talking just so that I don't feel so alone. LOL.
Come vote for my MOSAIC TARDIS in the Doctor Who contest. We wanna win!
Not quite empty...
I shall go and vote for your mosaic thingie Erin.
Nothing much happening here -its till dark after all.
No I am here, contemplating retiring to my bed with a book, while sending pictures across the world for a secret project.
*waves* at Marjorie!
Good to see you! :-)
I'm here but at work so I'm just being quiet.
It's so hard to remember you are all "NOT" in Boston with me.
It's funny to hear one of you talk about waking up and the other going to bed. I love it!
Thanks for the vote. :-)
Everyone seems to have secret projects...I want to participate in a secret project!
I'm watching you Erin, you beat that barbell to the ground!
Ben's starting to inspire FIT in our house. He's going for the 1st grade Presidential Fitness Award. The one I know about is 33 sit-ups in one minute! I'm just hoping I can do his walk-a-thon with him with out getting winded ;-) (yes, the walkathon i've been begging for donations for on FB!). It's 3 weeks out...i should probably get on the treadmill!
I need a yoga teacher! In the past two or three weeks, I've had major cricks in my neck that probably wouldn't be there if I was doing yoga again. :(
I know I so need to do a new post, I can't THINK of anything to talk about tho arggh!
What would everyone like a post on??? Help me out here...
How about why there isn't another UNDERWORLD movie yet... Sigh...
Why isn't there another Underworld movie indeed! Nary a whisper on the front.
And then there is the Jason Webley inspiration activity and fund raiser going on at The Night Garden Project until end of April.
Ack! Right. Meant to blog that one..
Woot! A secret projects blog post!
Oh, can we get a picture of Lear in the fountain? LOL!
Work now. Looooong day ahead. Tomorrow I shall post exciting things. Promise.
Jess, I'm trying to type deathly boring meeting minutes and your constant stabbing of the blog is very distracting. There is blood everywhere!
...and I can't make out some of these words now...they're blurring together. Sigh...
Who came up with the brilliant idea to type meeting minutes anyway?
I did Jess - but was away at the hospital with mum all afternoon. I shall put my thinking cap on right now. I was reminded last night, because the song played when I was trying to sleep. Subliminal much?
Jess is stabbing things. And I am working very late tonight...
or maybe thanks. i worked late last night too, and up early this morning. tired tired tired, in mind and soul. i am still overbooked for work. burning the candle at both ends and in the middle. boooo.
only got on the 'puter to send a client an email, and there in my in box is all this stabbing!
Again with the stabbing? Now, there is blog blood all over my tax papers!
Oh, wait. No. Sorry. That's MY blood! Oh, I hate taxes.
Oooh, niiice!
Thanks Nathalie.
I could do with some wake me up stabbing (ie gentle thanks Jess).
Its only the second day of going in to the hospital to see mum and I'm already beyond exhausted. Of course that would have NOTHING to do with the fact that for the last week the cat insists of getting me up before 6am.
Sally - I missed it - your mom is back in the hospital? What happened? And yes, cats do wake one up...
Taxes OMG! We really need to get started....:-(
Sharon - remember in December she was meant to have the spinal fusion and laminectomy and the surgeon who was booked to do the op on the day refused to operate?
Well, it finally was done yesterday by a different surgeon.
Its only taken almost 2 years of frakking around to happen!
Right, Sally, I had forgotten. Hope this gives her some relief when she recovers from the surgery.
Fly by commenting:
I haven't been online that much recently because I've been sick with allergies and stress. However, I have decided to rock on purpose. I am now working towards the goal of studying in Israel for a month next summer! I have an awesome goals workbook I'm working on, and thanks to doing the math, I realized it's not impossible.
Great stories!
I enjoyed both stories. I always know when I like what I am reading, I'm disappointed when I come to the end. I think I would have like each to be a bit longer, maybe a book, lol, now that is ambitious.
Late to the party but, WOW did I need this today. Feeling defeated. Gonna get on the exercise bike now. Thanks!! XXO (you look great!)
i spy {{{{gayle}}}}!
Hi, Na! :)
Good to see you , Gayle!
Hi, Marjorie! I am clearly NOT yet on the bike. Here I go. Yep. Right now.
I'm beat. It's been a long, hectic week. It hasn't stopped raining, i'm pretty sure it never will. I think we'll build an ark out of the cubic yard of wine corks we have ;-)
Ben had his school play yesterday. He was Henry David Thoreau (one of 4 so everyone could have speaking parts!). He was insanely cute, projected his lines beautifully...proud performing arts mom here :D
Sorry I've been absent, had two kids sick earlier this week. The elder got better but the youngest has been bouncing a fever around for almost a week now. Both Mr.Ceci and I are also sick. It has not been a good week.
Love both stories...and Sal, your poem makes me want a tunnel of my own....
Hugs to Cecily's family and wishes for quick recovery to Sally's mum as well. We've had the joy of both offspring at home this week...much fun, including a trip to NYC and a wonderful, wonderful performance of "La Cage Aux Folles." Harvey Fierstein is amazing. And ooh la la, those dancers.
Thanks Dabbler. I'd kind of like a tunnel at the moment too. Mum isn't doing so well at the moment - please hold her tight in your thoughts Fiends.
We so need a new post.
Oh, right. That would be my job, wouldn't it?
Some weeks have no ROOM.
I rocked most nicely tonight tho. Really a good one. Packed and they wanted US. Started out by telling the story of why I hate pigs. Kind of weeds out the faint of heart...
Nice to know good rock was had, despite pigs and all that.
I hate pigs.
Have I missed this story? Why do you hate pigs?
Were there pigs at the gig? Rock n Roll pigs? Irish pigs?
Male chauvinist pigs?
pot belly pigs?
guinea pigs?
Pigs in a blanket?
Three little pigs?
Of which one goes to the market, while another one stays home...
and the third goes to a rock show
May have to blog this one...Really don't like pigs.
Yes!!! Blog pigs, please. :)
(((Sally's Mum)))
I have a fictional pig story that makes me giggle. When my girls were much younger, (like 6-7 years ago) we would tell them knock knock jokes. And they loved knock knock jokes, as most kids do. And being our kids they wanted to tell knock knock jokes, but for some reason the three of them told them differently...
Knock knock
who's there?
Piggie in a bathtub
Then hysterical laughter would break out. We to this day have not figured out why this was so funny, but EVERY time one of them told it the other two would crack up laughing so much it was hard not to laugh with them.
Now a days, when one of the girls randomly says to us, "You know what was funny?" Mr.Ceci and I reply "Piggie in a bathtub?" Then we both crack up hysterically and the girls look at us like we're crazy.
And, while I've been putting good vibes into the universe for Sally and her mum, I haven't written it down. So, I am doing it here and now because there is power in the written word.
May the universe bring you peace and healing, comfort and freedom from pain, may your suffering be fleeting and your recovery swift. May the worries that plague your thoughts and your dreams be enveloped with love and release their hold and power over you. May there be joy in every day.
(((Sally's Mum)))
Sally, what's going on with your mom? And sending good vibes your way.
Ticia, that was lovely! May I adopt it sometimes? Yes, I'm lazy tonight...
Peace and healing thoughts to Becca as well, since I saw on FB she's at the ER.
I spent the day driving DD back to school after her week of Spring Break at home ..Much fun was had...I may need to eat beans for a couple of weeks, since we did so many fun things....
One of them was this:
An truly incredible exhibition of clothes/sculptures by Roberto Capucci, an Italian designer who now does only sculptural one-of-a -kind pieces.
And I listened to lots and lots of Flash Girls while driving..lovely stuff.
My vote for posts: Bees robbing, with pics of the new big strainers, etc.
Staggers off....
Dabbler, use away! :)
Yes, Ms. Fabulous, we know you hate pigs. You've said that many times; however, you've never told us "why." According to Welsh mythology, pigs came from the Otherworld, a gift from Annwn to Pwyll, Prince of Dyved. Gwydion started a war using trickery to steal those pigs. Somehow, I don't think that has anything to do with your reason. ;)
Hi, Keith, Maggi, JaNell, LA Smith, Jean, Pat, bedii, Beca, Karin, Martina, and Shari! You are now officially Fiends! Each of you can pick up your white, buckled jacket over there, and supplies to personalize your jacket are on the next table. :)
RUBIUS!!!! It's been a long time! I was getting worried about you. Don't stay away so long!
Hi, Gayle! Good to hear from you, too!
Can I comment now? Somehow Blogger reset to Moderate Comments. I am SO not moderating you lot!
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