Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Little Garden: The Next Chapter...

First off tonight, we have only pics from my Blackberry. My camera seems to be elsewhere. Where might be anyone's guess, but it's not HERE and if I wait until I find it, we may not get to a post for some time. So we'll make do.

Every year about this time I get the urge to, you know, Garden. Buy plants, make the Spooky House Gardens a thing of beauty and wonder. (Generally I achieve the "wonder") I don't have a lot of time tho, and I think I lack vision, an idea of what it wants to look like. Or knowledge of what should go where and be planted how, to get whatever it is I am trying to achieve.

Things get planted everywhere, around a general idea of "Sure do like purple"

But every year I try. Which is the point.

In one sense, I got lucky this year. One of my Derby sisters has a greenhouse, a proper one where they sell, you know, plants. In another sense: not so lucky. In a regular sort of year, I would go to the store, buy the things and they would thrive or not, but I wouldn't be seeing the person who sold them to me four times a week, nor, I am sure, would they much care about my success or failure. Business transaction, pure and simple.

Not so much this year.

This women KNOWS her plants. I don't mean just what Sort of plant they are, or their names, both proper and common, or what they need in terms of care (tho she DOES, trust me) But, each single plant. Each pot and arrangement, because she made them. Grew them. From babies. And now I am responsible for them. They'll need the right light, they'll need to be, um, WATERED. Regularly, apparently.

It's like adopting a pet. Or buying someone's art. (tho with art, once you've had it framed, and if you can manage a hook and a hammer and hang it on the wall, you're generally pretty safe)

I want to do right by them.

I listened very carefully when she explained what I need to do, and in the lucky column, I can call her if things get BAD, and she'll come over and help me out. It's too cold for them to be outside right now (Listen to me, sounds just like I am now an expert, doesn't it?) so I brought them into the kitchen, which now smells wonderful. I watched the Bengals closely for a while, to see if anyone felt like doing some snacking. I asked everyone if they wanted a drink. (The plants, not the Bengals. Or me.)

I'll check on them before I go to bed. And in the morning, we'll have coffee. I can sing to them. I will buy a misting bottle and give them a light mist if their leaves curl. I will give them names, and get excited for them when they grow a new leaf, or make a flower. I may well takes pics and carry them in my wallet. I will certainly give you regular updates throughout the summer.

It might work out this year. It could happen.

Slammer, we've been home for an hour now, and everyone seems just fine. I'll call you in the morning and let you know how the night went.

Love and Gardens,


At 22:58 Blogger gaypet said...

Aw! Good luck with them.

At 23:04 Blogger Beez said...

Alrighty then! A greenhouse...hmmmm. *drools slightly*

So, you wants he'p or not?

At 23:12 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Uh, YEAH I want help. I can't do this by myself, you know. And you DO know. Hee hee.

At 23:14 Blogger Beez said...

Yes'm. And right now there is a little breathing space in my life- for how long is anyone's guess.

At 23:16 Blogger gaypet said...

Garden(ing) party?

At 23:23 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Your kitchen is pretty small..those plants don't appear to be small. How are you, the bengals and the plants all fitting in there?! ;-)

They do look beautiful though!

At 23:35 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I love that you're reporting how they are after an hour...if this keeps up you'll need your very own gardening blog!

At 00:48 Blogger Marjorie said...

I can so identify with this post. I am not markedly sucessfull with my gardening, either, but every year I try.
And sometimes, something survives!

I'm sure they will appreciate being talked/sung to.

At 01:07 Blogger spacedlaw said...

At least those should not go walk about in the streets... Or maybe they do.

At 01:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

OH NO...Lorraine bought home some baby away...

At 03:09 Blogger vampi said...

oh my, i hope this doesn't turn into plants vs zombie bengals ;)

At 07:58 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Gods, if it's not one thing it's another. BOTH coleus plants were REALLY dry. Had to water them.

Everyone SEEMS to be alive this morning. I wonder if they want to go OUT today on the porch, or if they should stay IN?

At 10:36 Blogger Phiala said...

Plants! Wonderful.

I spent a rainy weekend indoors, mostly, except for chopping the heads off of dandelions. Still need to purchase and plant things. Lots of tomatoes and peppers, mostly.

At 12:39 Blogger Marjorie said...

Is it practical to have them inside but with windows open, to acclimatise them gently?

At 14:15 Blogger DataGoddess said...

I have a black thumb, so I have no good advice. Good luck!!

At 15:07 Blogger ickle_tayto said...

at least you may have found a better gardener this time. I was pretty rubbish .. (sorry about that).

At 20:04 Anonymous Amy said...

My kids keep begging me to plant a garden and I just don't have it in me. I'm too lazy to weed. I can barely stir myself to attend to the bushes and beds we have as decorative landscaping. Right now the weeds are atrocious. At least my children love to pull those. Child labor! I just point them in the direction and they will rip and tear. Parentally sanctioned destruction, they love it.

At 20:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I forgot to MENTION there was a new one up, sorry. My bad. It's the stress of all these plants.

Finn, you rocked my garden last year!

Fods, I am DEAD. Sport training don't mess around. It's like close to 2 hours of KEEL YOU DEAD!

You do not EVER want to know what Shark Attacks are.

At 21:15 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

See? I scared you all away with the mere MENTION of Shark Attacks...

At 21:29 Blogger Dragonsally said...

No you didn't, you left me wondering what it is!

At 21:43 Blogger Chantrelle said...

No, just got here...I've heard of shark attacks but I don't know what they are...maybe I never did.

Had a field trip w Ben's class today...cold and rainy! Still trying to warm up!

At 22:41 Blogger Dragonsally said...

If the shark was still there that would make me skate very fast, even under water.

At 01:15 Blogger spacedlaw said...

But noooo, I was just sleeping.

By the way I saw a perfect answer to Christopher Lincoln's challenge. Mwhahahahaha...
Paris for the win!

At 08:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Aaaaand the stalker wife gets it. Yes, you can skate very fast when sharks are after you.

Took the plants out for some basking today. They SEEM happy, but it's hard to tell. No one is dried up and brown, or even wilting.

Decided after workout last night I am SOOO happy I am getting this hair chopped off. It just gets in the way, and is so soaked after and takes forever to dry, and I have to do that shower thing every day.

Short hair is SO going to be easier.

It will still be purple tho, I do believe.

At 08:42 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Short hair rules for practicality!

At 08:43 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I dreamt it was REALLY short...Never had short hair before...

At 09:23 Blogger Arwenn said...

I go back and forth...I like the ease of care for short, but the versatility of long - being able to put it up etc.

However, if I was heavily involved in TWO sports which require a helmet I think I'd keep it short!

At 09:32 Blogger Chantrelle said...

My hair was to my waist until a guy came up to me on the street and asked if he could cut it and I agreed...guess I needed a change. He cut it to just above my shoulders and I've kept it relatively short ever since. I'm due for a cut and re-dye....yup, purple again here too! (the alley-haircut story is here...from 1997).

Ben told me the other day, "Your hair looks's all brown, grey, yellow, purple, lighter's cool!!" I love that i've successfully taught my kid that weird is a compliment.

At 09:40 Blogger gaypet said...

Can't wait to see the hair!

Good for you, Robyn. M was drawing a picture of me at school and his teacher was trying to get him to make it look realistic (why I don't know) and said something like, "Now, M, is your Mom's hair isn't really blue." To which, of course, he answered, "Yes it is!"

At 10:08 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Nice! :)

At 10:42 Blogger Chantrelle said...

BTW...talking with my main ladies interested in not-derby-lite-since-it's-trademarked...One came up with my derby name. I loved all of yours but this is what I was looking for: Chantrelly Lace


At 12:04 Blogger Cecily said...

*just now getting to this post*

I wish you luck! I am not good with plants. I managed to kill bamboo...*hangs head* Though I was given a purple orchid for my birthday a few weeks ago and so far so good! *knock on wood*

At 12:36 Blogger Na said...

i am thinking about doing some Extreme Weeding today. but it's windy! again. to weed in the wind? or not to weed in the wind and suffer the dandelions and thistles of outrageous fortune?

At 12:43 Blogger Cecily said...

I read that TWICE as Extreme WEDDING, and was very confused...

At 16:39 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Huh. Good luck! I keep trying to remember to pick up some plants. I keep forgetting.

At 00:06 Blogger spacedlaw said...

So did I, Cecily!
I even thought "wow. Extreme wedding! Wonder what they'll do?"

Back home in Rome. Sleepy.

At 00:10 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And one of the poem I had written for the Night Garden (before it became a kitty saving project) is being published as part of a poetry chapbook and the editor has made a small video of her reading it!

At 07:32 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


My internet was out when I got up, just came back on and I have to go. Grrr. I feel like I've lost close to 2 hours on in a week where there is NO time for such nonsense.

Took the plants out. And watered them. SO far so good. Now I need POTS to put them in, they aren't In The Ground sort of plants, but POT plants.

I mean, not, you know POT plants, they are just plants that go in pots.

At 08:09 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

I went to Whole Foods for seeds.

Fods, they're EXPENSIVE.

At 09:28 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Heh. Little Evil. Heh. Dead.

At 09:33 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

You sound like one of my brothers, Jess. This I say partly because I have never seen Beevis and Butthead but I do know my brothers.

At 11:38 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Ooops. Sounds like we have a case of zombie Lorraine...

At 11:41 Blogger Na said...

we've been watching Big Love, and now "extreme wedding" sounds like something related to that story. ;)

i didn't weed. too much wind i decided. instead i did a kajillion things around the house and took loads of stuff to donate to charitable/thrift places. today i rearrange a couple rooms and cull Stuff. i thought of weeding today, but now the wind's died down and the mosquitoes are a problem. i'm losing the race against time regarding the dandelions. doh.

fun discovery of the week: The Addams Family (tv show) is on Netflix here!!! no Munsters, but maybe that'll come later.

At 11:41 Blogger Na said...

! evil dead Fablor! do we hide?

At 11:50 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hey, just because she's dead doesn't mean she's turned evil. (It takes longer than that for the flesh to spoil)

At 14:47 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Geez, I go away for one day and you're all talking about Pot and weed? Crazy kids.

Meanwhile, we were in San Francisco taking ben to his first Melvins show. Nothing like punk rock when you're 6. He missed school today. We're the awesomest bad parents ;-)

At 15:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I might not be ALL dead, you know.

At 15:26 Blogger Arwenn said...

Not dead yet!!! I feel happy....

At 17:57 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Home home home!!!! The open skate got de-railed and so, get THIS: I have an evening OFF. To DO things here.

Like, well, you know, things I need to do.

Which so far are, well, it involves a couch...

At 19:05 Blogger Stacy said...

Good luck with those things. The one time I bought a plant I managed to slowly kill it.

At 21:19 Blogger Siri said...


Just saw my 1st lightning bugs - fireflys - Photuris lucicrescens tonight.

Winter must be over!

At 08:07 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Working some miracles here this morning! Been at it a couple of hours now, and am feeling tricksy today.

Just realized tho, here, between us, that I am stark Nekkid. And I have already been on the phone with three countries.

If only they knew...

At 08:57 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Could it be an Amanda influence?

At 09:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Her and Derby, knocked the inhibitions right out of me, they have.

At 09:17 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good for you BUT ...
You are not going to start fiddlinf in your underwears (or absence thereof), I trust?

At 09:21 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

As soon as I look as good as Amanda, and why not, I ask you?

At 09:28 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Cold? It can get very cold in your area of the world...

At 09:55 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Not always cold! We were bleedin' roasting at the Fiendfest concert....I see corsets in your future :)

At 10:10 Blogger DataGoddess said...

I don't know, I might make the trip to Stillwater more often if Quiche is playing nekked!!!

Although Quiche in a corset would work, too ;-)

Perv, me?? NEVER!!!!

At 10:18 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I don't mind if y'all lust after me. Go for it.

At 10:20 Blogger Phiala said...

Well that's okay then.

Corset, you say...

At 10:50 Blogger Chantrelle said...

There was just an event here that was a fundraiser for the local derby team....a burlesque girls vs. roller girls show. One of the derby girls pole danced--with her skates on! I, alas, couldn't make the show. I got the lowdown from ben's teacher. She's a wild one, that 1st grade teacher!!!

At 19:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yeah, lust after me. I'm soaked, sweaty and smell like a ripe GOAT! I had my hair up in a bun and everyone asked if I got it but, and I took it down and it was the sea hag mess of the WORLD and I said "SEE? My point exactly!

One can't do lunges carrying logs, or flip 100 pound tires or play speedhopscotch on one foot (yeah, we do, all of them) with long hair. It's a pain.

And tomorrow, GONE.

Kind of nervous, sort of, have never had short hair.It's been long and pink and purple forever.

Ah well. We'll see, it will certainly be more comfortable.

At 20:19 Blogger Cecily said...

I can't wait to see your short new do! I hope you love it!

At 21:29 Blogger dabbler said...

Quiche anyone who can face bees barehanded, ride a horse the size of a, a, ...rhinoceros, and tame plants can face up to short hair. Bet you'll love it.

At 21:30 Blogger dabbler said...

And tick, because I've been missing you all.

At 23:54 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And if you don't you can always get a funky whig for while it grows back...

At 07:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I have a LOT of bandanas now I tend to wear going out post workouts, IF such happens. Not too worried, it will be comfortable and not a raving mess, all I care about right now.

Soooo ready for gigs this weekend. Saturday is going to ROCK, and there will be Derby there!

At 08:45 Blogger Cecily said...

I probably won't be on much this weekend, as we have a Kyle with us, and he will be teaching us how to take better pictures for the next two days, but I just wanted to say that I LOVELOVELOVE the new hair. And I hope it was awesome for rocking out last night!

At 09:23 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Rapture today. Need a new post.

Hang on. I'll do one.

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