Sunday, July 10, 2011

You Can Rest Easy Now. We Found Your Cat.

Don't worry. We found your Cat!

We live out in the country, and have lots of fields and woods, and we'd seen her a couple of times this past week, so we already knew she was around. Unfortunately, last night our dogs found her and there was a bit of a fight, she did good tho, not HER fault she's not up to taking on two white German Shepards, and anyway, OUR bad for letting the dogs out in the yard, sorry about that!

(and no, no problem, sure I had a group of friends over, we were just hanging out, watching some Derby, that's what pause buttons are for, I was happy to leave them, rescue Kitty, tend her, bring her in, show her around, didn't interrupt more than an hour or so)

She's ok tho, one bite, and we'll get that checked out. The Dogs are ok too except for a few scratches, we'll take care of them too, and take them to the vet if they get infected, which hardly ever happens with cat scratches..

In fact, if Kitty's bite isn't infected and in need of serious attention, there's nothing much more she needs except shots, feline leukemia tests, flea and tick meds, maybe a spay, shouldn't run into much more than a couple hundred all together, we can take care of that, don't worry.

And if she is already pregnant, we can let her have the kittens and find them homes for you.

She was a little shaken when we took her in, but SO friendly, she purred, and was so very glad to be indoors. I'm sure you kept her in and didn't let her roam free, and don't WORRY, she's only been out a few weeks and seems to be adjusting to life in the house again just fine. And she sure does like people! You must have cuddled her and loved her and care for her, why, her entire life up to this point, which has been a while, since she's no longer a kitten.

And, gollee, I sure laughed, you trained her well, when I opened the can of catfood, she sure did know that sound and came running to eat. She ate three cans, one right after another! Guess she was tired of hunting and killing her own food, which is plentiful in the country, as you know, and cats, even ones that have eaten out of tins their entire lives, are just natural born hunters, I'm sure she's been eating just fine. She's a little thin, but hey, good for 'em, I say.

And I totally applaud your Plan of dropping her off out here in the country. The country is full of people like us, who can easily take in as many cats as find their way to us. I would never drop off a cat at the Shelter, I mean, how EMBARRASSING! Having to tell them you could no longer afford her, or were moving, or ho hum, were simply tired of Kitty. Cats do fine outdoors, way easier just to dump them.

I can see from her fur that she wore a collar, good on you for taking that off, so she didn't get caught on something. The care you obviously had for her is touching. And don't worry, I checked with the Shelter to see if she had simply wandered off and found herself 10 miles out in the country with no other houses nearer than a mile or so. I know how the little darlings can wander.

The Shelter, by the way, offered to take her, they've only got the 162 right now and need more. They were glad tho you had dumped her, as it is FAR more responsible than taking her somewhere she'd have to live in a cage until someone picked her. Sure, sometimes it's dangerous for Kitties that have lived indoors all their lives to suddenly find themselves in the wild, but hey, they adapt, and some kindly person will take them in.

I saw on the ASPCA website that it's estimated there are around 70 million stray, dumped unwanted and feral cats living in the US alone right now! That's just silly, I am sure there aren't THAT many, and anyway, most of them probably find homes, with people like us, who really, are just waiting to take in any Kitty that shows up at our door.

It's good to know YOUR plan, dumping Kitty, was a good one and that it worked.

So don't WORRY, we found your cat.

You can sleep well at night now, in your bed, rest easy, my friend.


Love and New Kitty,


At 15:53 Blogger Jane said...

Just a quick skim of blog and already I'm angry...

At 15:57 Anonymous Anonymous said...

someone should drop them off somewhere to fend for themselves...grr...

for all that the best dog we ever had found us by way of getting dropped off, and my parents wouldn't have been looking for one right then probably otherwise, I just do not get what goes through people's minds when they do things like this... Sure sometimes there are happy endings - our dog, our dog's brother (that got taken in by family friends), that's a happy ending - but 30 years later we still wonder what happened to the third puppy someone saw at one point - hope he got a happy ending too... no thanks to you horrid people who dropped them off...

grr... anyway - am almost crying now because I'm a bit emotional today and this ticks me off...

At 15:58 Blogger Phiala said...

Yeah, except the people who need to read it won't.

At 16:01 Blogger Ticia said...

You rock.

At 16:02 Blogger Marjorie said...


At 16:05 Blogger LA Smith said...

As if I needed yet another reason to adore you.

Thanks so much for writing this and posting it. I'll be passing this link along with only a small amount of hope that morons like the ones who dumped kitty in your neck of the woods will read it, recognize themselves for the irresponsible gits they are, and feel just a brief flash of shame.

At 16:07 Blogger Beez said...

Sad and all too common. Glad you found her though- she's lovely.

At 16:07 Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

At first I thought it was a new ad campaign for rescue until I read the 'couple hundred'comment. *but I see your keen mind; don't want to scare 'em off! LOL. Quite the sense of humor you have. Brilliantly written; it should be internet viral! That would be a good thing.

*sigh* right now; I'm back to nursing a cat under one year old; and her SEVEN kittens. But ya; I'm sure we'll find homes... (you know; like for the four I all ready have?)


At 16:07 Blogger Jane said...

Is it possible that she got lost and couldn't get home? A cat wandered into our garage and fell asleep in the car. We were leaving for the day and took her back outside. Home many hours later to hear her crying in the woods. -- hugely shorten story here -- Her owner had lost her a month before and we found him - you should have seen his face when he came to get her - OMG -

At 16:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I went to the shelter and went thru their book for the past YEAR of lost kitties, and no way she's been alone that long.

If they lost her she wandered a hell of a long way out into the country, and they sure didn't check with the shelter.

She looks just like Zoe, who died last year...

At 16:19 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found a cat that had been running around my MIL's neighborhood for a month. She was chipped, so I was able to reach the owner through the APA who said "I don't have a cat."
She must have forgotten that they chipped her cat when she turned her out.

At 16:21 Blogger Jane said...

She does look like the photos of Zoe.

She probably was tossed out and not just lost. Was wishing there was that kind of happy end to the story. In any case, you do rock and she was lucky enough to cross your path...

At 16:23 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Maybe she strayed from a shooting of Kitty Survivor. Or she was training for a reality show like that. You never know.

At 16:23 Blogger Isis said...

She is a beautiful kitty. I am glad she has a nice safe place to be alive.
Thank you.

At 16:24 Blogger Kelly McCullough said...

Linked a couple of places. She's a complete sweetheart, instant purrs when she saw us. Anyone who would abandon her or any other pet that way is simply despicable.

At 16:42 Blogger Reg Langford said...

I've adopted my share of abandoned cats, although some of them have simply chosen to move in (and just as many have chosen to move out!). All we can do is love them, which comes easy, and not hate their abusers (which comes hard...).

At 16:54 Anonymous AmyK said...

My husband and I adopted a cat from a shelter last August. She was picked up outdoors in January. January in OHIO. And she was pregnant with kittens. It was pretty obvious that she had to have been owned at some point. She wasn't scared of people. She's very affectionate, etc. The shelter was able to adopt out her kittens, but poor Emma languished. :( She's a beautiful diluted tortoiseshell, and we love her.

At 17:03 Blogger vampi said...

glad she wandered in a direction where she can and will be loved.

At 17:09 Blogger Precision Grace said...

What a lovely pussycat!!

At 17:16 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Btw. My cat Mario, who was Very Well cared for and looked after, and chose to stay near home most of the time, suddenly vanished one day. I searched Everywhere, called all the societies, vets etc, there are posters still up around the village, 3 years on, but nothing. He was a rescue, so I always like to think that he wondered off to look for his first human. I know that people dump pets in the wilderness sometimes, but I really want to think that this particular little Zoe lookalike just got lost. And that someone, somewhere will be beside themselves with joy when they find her again. You know that cats can travel miles under the bonnet of a car. Some even take regular journeys on buses and trains (as do pigeons, but that's another story)
Anyway, thank goodness you were there to take her in and look after her, being attacked by two big dogs must have been very scary.

At 17:17 Blogger Rosemary said...

This blog made me cry.
One word: karma.

At 17:17 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This text is so wonderfully sarcastic and well written I couldn't resist sharing it on Twitter, I hope you don't mind?

At 17:21 Blogger Bridget said...

Love to you, as always. She's beautiful, and yes, she does look like Zoe.

Which reminds me, I don't think I ever did get that 'Fiver for Hope' envelope in the mail a while back when I being all spaztacular. I will find it, or do another, and will get it into the mail properly this time.

Because if they cross your path, you save them.

Just lost our 16 y.o. diabetic kittyboy last week. It was his time. Still not ready for another one yet. Soon. And we will save someone. I kept all the cat treats, in case of visitors.

At 17:41 Blogger vampi said...

i looked all over for you Lorraine, but i guess you didn't come to madison, or you are ninja. seeing your boss and terry talk was great, but seeing you would have been super awesome fantastic :) I would have had you sign my "passport"

this con thing is pretty neato, i might check another out now that i know it's not all scary weirdos.

At 18:12 Blogger Vinity said...

Most of our kitties have been dumped. People really suck quite a lot of time. Glad she found you.

John very nearly came home with a kitten last week. Someone dumped her in the bushes at the very busy multi doc clinic :( His nurse took her. What are people thinking?

At 18:29 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Some people should be treated the way they treat animals.

Poor thing!!

At 18:33 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, man. Honestly, I've lived in farm area all my life. I can't even tell you how many cats I have taken in over the years. All of my cats have been "dumps" or rescues. It is appalling that people DO that kind of shit. To me, animals are family members. They're a commitment. Not an inconvenience.

Consequently, that is also how I got my first ponies when I was younger. Someone didn't want his anyone and let them loose. *shakes head* I still cannot fathom doing that.

That cat y'all rescued is lucky to have been found by such loving people.

Well-written post, Lorraine. ~Ali

At 18:41 Blogger Lexocat said...

Gorgeous baby. Luckier than she could ever realize, too.

At 18:47 Blogger lomara said...

Oh Lorraine, you are a true friend to all living things. Shame on those thoughtless people who dumped the kitty. Shame on them.

At 19:09 Blogger Dragonsally said...

One thing is for certain, if this beautiful cat ends up staying at The Big House it will be better treated than it was. How could someone dump such a darling?

At 19:17 Blogger fdhbstephanie said...

Good thing you found her. Kid and I volunteer at local shelter and I am dumbfounded by the amount of "stray" cats that people find who are absolutely lovely, friendly animals who *want* us to pet and play with them. Breaks my heart that we have over 100 there and more show up every day.

At 19:35 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Dude ... wow.

At 21:57 Anonymous Porche Lovely said...

Awesome post! I can't believe people. :(

At 22:14 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks people, I am glad you like it and am loving reading all the love!!

I need my hot tub and some food. Badly. Actually, just the hot tub. And bed. I love everything about Derby, but you know, it can get kind of brutal some nights. Especially at over 90 out.

See you early!

At 22:22 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Did you Derby ladies manage to stay ... within legality when it came to clothes and keeping cool?

At 23:23 Blogger Julie said...

My dog was dumped in the country north of the city. Chocolate lab possibly with something mixed in. She was around 5 months old. They were nuts. She is good with little dogs, cats, kids and people. I taught her to be gentle [sit and look nicely] with squirrels and birds in about a week. She has the sweetest temperament and no weird phobias. Fireworks, whatever. Lightning? Yawn, glad I'm inside. She is in training to be a Reading with Rover dog. Stupid people. You lost, I won.

At 00:10 Blogger spacedlaw said...

You do sound just a trifle upset dear...
And rightly so too. Poor kitty!
She does look a little like Zoe in those pictures. Maybe Zoe sent her?
Good thing the downstair's library need cats.

At 00:11 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Any idea how old she is?

At 00:36 Blogger Jen said...

Poor kitty! All of your points were worded particularly well.

I'm glad she found the right house with the two White German Shepherds, not that other place.

At 00:37 Anonymous Kris said...

My kitty was dumped too -at a suburban train station, approx 8 weeks old, unable to walk due to her fractured pelvis.

I wasn't looking for a pet at the time and had never intended to be a cat owner (slave?) but now I don't know what I'd do without her. One of the most loyal, loving friends I've ever had.

At 00:38 Blogger Eridan said...

I understand your frustration all too well. I have a kitten right now who will be four weeks old tomorrow. Someone dropped him in the mail slot of the vet at the end of my street. I have six other cats floating around the farm here, all spayed/neutered, all 'dropped off' in various places.

At 00:38 Blogger Scath said...

One of my most loved dogs was a Rottie mix.

He was a year old when someone pushed him out of a moving vehicle, leaving him to wander around injured for almost a week before animal control picked him up.

I saw him the afternoon they brought him in, and had to wait a week to make certain no one would claim him.

How ridiculous was that?

Then I had to wait another 5 days for him to be tested for heartworms and get neutered. Good things, yes, but boy, it was heart breaking to go see him daily, and have to keep leaving him there.

Finally, I was able to adopt and bring him home.

He was awesome. Totally, completely awesome, regardless of whatever he went through before being pushed out of that car.

At 00:49 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to have a pet of my own, but I fully accept that I can neither devote the time or the money to house, feed and nurture a dog or cat. It sickens me that people just abandon animals in this way.
Thank you, Lorraine for giving Kitty a chance with a new, loving home...

Vicki x
Manchester, UK

At 00:50 Anonymous CityofAngelle said...

YOU are a gem. SHE is a doll. And THEY ... well, they know what they are.

My abandoned cat story: The Songwriter was at band practice one night when they heard crying from the house across the street where the ppl had been evicted. When they investigated, the found that the tenants had left a 7-wk old kitten locked inside the abandoned house.

The guitar player slipped inside through a broken window and got the kitty out. The Songwriter brought him home, and we've been his family for 14 years now. Here's to furry happy endings!

At 00:51 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I've meant to ask you this: How is Lola social skills training going?

At 00:55 Anonymous janice said...

She looks a lot like my kitty that passed away around Christmas. I'm so glad that the kitty you found has a safe home with you.

At 00:55 Anonymous Katie said...

This makes me so sad. I wish I lived close by, I'd take her home in an instant!

At 01:01 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Fabulous Lorraine. Oh, how I hate bloody people.

Good luck, kitty!

At 01:18 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sweetie.

A few years ago we found an abandoned kitty just a few days after Christmas, if you can believe that. He was healthy, but cold and hungry. Happily a friend was planning to get a cat at the time, and they have been best pals ever since.

At 01:22 Blogger Shado said...

Thank you for being so kind. Lucky kitty is very lucky to have found you.

That the people (and I use the term loosely) who just throw away pets dare to consider themselves humans is outrageous.

At 01:25 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to live in a college neighborhood. After school let out in the Summer, we'd always end up with a bunch of abandoned cats added to the colony we were feeding and vetting.

At 01:49 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Here in Rome I have difficulties finding holiday camps for my cats. They exist for dog but it seems that most people do not care so much about their cats. If they do not have somebody that comes in to take care of the pets, they just let them out and see if the cat returns at the end of their holidays.

I had found a good place not too far from the house but the owner retired so we had to take them with us to the sea two weeks ago. This is not optimal as they suffer in the car.

At 01:58 Anonymous Donna M said...

There should be a special place in hell for people who abandon animals. Or they get blown up like the guy in Torchwood and are unable to die. Grrr, I am not a vindictive or violent person, it just makes me mad when people behave so selfishly to creatures who have trusted them. Glad she found the right house.

At 01:58 Anonymous Amy Sasso said...

Girl kitties don't wander far. I lost a cat once, and she was gone for almost four months before showing up under the porch next door. I always worry about losing one again. One's a purebred, so even chipped someone might not give her back. I can't comprehend someone who would willingly lose a cat.

At 01:59 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for being better than... they were. Going to go give my rescue boy a scrtich now.

At 02:08 Blogger Tony said...

Way to judge without knowing the facts. Good you took her in, great that she's got a safe home, but instantly assuming the previous owners just dumped her is wrong, sorry. Somewhere there could be a young kid who's cat is missing, her best friend, and she doesn't know why, and she's lying awake at night hoping she comes back.

At 02:18 Anonymous Anonymous said...

People can be so horrible to cats and think it's fine. My cat was terrified of men when I adopted her. It took a year and a half of TLC to get her to the point where she didn't growl and hide from every man that came in the house. Worse was my brother's cat. She had a growth on her nose since he got her as a kitten. When other growths appeared he took her to the vet, fearing the worst. When the vet lanced one of the growths it hit his table with a clang. Birdshot! Some m*&?%$#@^king redneck shot a rifle at this tiny little kitten and she had been pushing the shot out through her skin for two years!

Anyway, my point was I think you're awesome for looking after this sweetheart...and that people who do this sort of harm should have done to them whatever harm they did. Whether it's being shot full of birdshot, or left out in the country to fend for themselves.

At 02:22 Blogger KathM said...


We used to do animal rescue (had to take a break, too hard sometimes as I'm sure you know) and once we had a kitten turned in to us by Forest Rangers. Seems that someone had dumped Mom and her four babies (maybe more, it's all they found) out into the forest to see how that worked out for them. Fortunately it worked out pretty well, as they were found within a few weeks (people had been reporting seeing a bunch of scared cats) and loved and raised and given to good homes.

The Rangers paid for the tests, shots, fixing, etc., all themselves. It wasn't a problem because you know how wealthy Forest Rangers are. When they couldn't find a home for the last kitten and their boss said they absolutely couldn't keep him any longer, they gave him to our no-kill rescue group. We had too many cats (we always do), but I agreed to make room to foster him. Until I saw him, that is, at which point I fell head over heels in love and kept him for our own.

I'm glad the jerks who abandoned their cat by some miracle happened to do it in a place where it would be found and loved by good people. And Karma WILL get them, I know that in my heart.

At 03:10 Blogger sith_lady said...

A few years ago cats started disappearing from my neighborhood. My own sweetie went missing, too. Turned out a new neighbor who hated cats was trapping them, cutting off their collars so they couldn't be identified, then dumping them in the country miles away from their homes. It isn't always the owners who are being idiots (though, yeah, irresponsible pet owners probably outnumber crazy creep neighbors ten to one.) I spent weeks searching for my cat all day every day and every night and nearly ruined my health doing it - it didn't help that this same neighbor kept tearing down all my "missing pet" posters. I and one other frantic cat owner eventually got our cats back, but I don't know what happened to the rest. I plead the Fifth on what happened to the neighbor once we found HIM.

Maybe Kitty's parents are looking for her, too. Keep your hopes up (but - beautifully scathing diatribe for those who would do such a thing. I'm tweeting the link, too!)

At 04:00 Blogger Sylvia said...

My cat adopted me in exactly these circumstances: one year old, dumped, no idea where to get food or what to do. No shots, not fixed. Overgrown claws because he had no idea you could use trees to blunt them. The only food he recognised came out of a tin.

Poor thing. He wouldn't let me out of his sight for a week.

Now he's confident and pleasant and runs the house.

(I'll trade you a photo of mine for more pictures of yours:

Stray Cat)

At 04:13 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did it maybe occur to you that the cat ran away from home and the owner was frantic with worry? Clearly that possibility never crossed your mind even though you said the cat was clearly an indoor cat who had been well-loved and looked after. As a person who has had 2 well-loved indoor cats suddenly bolt and never return, and as a person who has taken in her share of strays, I sincerely hope you will check around your area for "lost cat" posters before you decide she's just yours.

At 04:47 Blogger Silvia said...

@Anonymous: Reading the comments is a plus: Lorraine wrote the following in an comment here: "I went to the shelter and went thru their book for the past YEAR of lost kitties, and no way she's been alone that long.

If they lost her she wandered a hell of a long way out into the country, and they sure didn't check with the shelter."

At 05:46 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Highjacking the blog a second to ask if one of the fiends is in San José?
My parents'neighobour's son is going there to study but needs a place to stay (all the rooms at the U have been taken up already).

At 05:55 Blogger Joan of Dark said...

Poor kitty! Glad you guys found her! I want to snorgle the holy hell out of her ASAP!

At 06:47 Blogger Sharon Creech said...

Brilliant post.

At 07:10 Blogger Jaime said...

I lost a cat once. My grandmother took a brood of three 8mo old kittens to the vet to be neutered - this vet being way out in rural North Carolina mountains. One of the three escaped. I came back looking for him a couple of times, and the vet set out traps, but he never turned up.

It's been my hope these last 13 years that he found his way home to somebody as nice as Neil who took him in and loved him.

At 07:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Tony and Anon, thank you for that side of the issue, and believe me, my FIRST thoughts were finding the owner if Kitty was lost. I know the pain of losing a beloved pet.

I have called the Shelter, the police/animal control, all three of our local vets, the County Newspaper ads and checked for flyers.

If they lost her, they are not trying very hard to find her.

If she was stolen from a home another county and dumped (WHY??) I am sorry for her people, but I have been rescuing Kitties for many years and have seen this same story too many times. ALL the cats we have had over the last 15 years are rescues like this.

At 08:04 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah, I see Boss linked to my Post. That explains it. Once you know me better, you will KNOW. Stick around, please.

And on the Bengals, this Kitty is Boss's, and at his house. The Bengals are at max for my household. They will not be getting new friends.

They are getting a Leopard Lounge this week tho, so they can be outside safely!

At 08:23 Anonymous Anonymous said...

@joan -- 'snorgle' is now my new favorite word.


At 08:38 Blogger Olivia said...

I love you, FabulousLorraine. Indeed, you are fabulous. I love that you have taken in the kitty and I love that you can write about the heartless soul who abandoned her with passion.

At 08:49 Anonymous Anonymous said...

When i was a kid my Dad rescued two kittens that someone had dumped in the woods near where he was working. He brought them home "until we can find homes for them". Six months later they were named Hell and No after a neighbor asked if we were really keeping them. They lived with my parents for over 15 years, and I know it bothered my Dad that he was never able to catch the *third* kitten he also saw out there.

I really hope people like that don't reproduce. I mean, if they'll dump an animal, what are they going to teach their kids?

At 09:08 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

I really hate people who abandon animals. It just makes me absolutely crazy. At least my dog's previous owners had the clever idea to drop him over the side of a chain link fence to land on the concrete below so that the shelter could find him in the morning before he died. If they had abandoned him in the woods... well... he'd be gone forever.

I really don't get why it's so difficult to just drive the animal to the shelter, suck up the embarrassment, and hand the animal over to a human being who can care for it.

At 09:19 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had an ex who did that. I went out to look for the cat and never found the poor thing. My cat, I might mention because my ex never could be bothered to stir himself to take care of the animal.

I get so angry when I read about this stuff, knowing how hard I tried to find that cat. One of several that ex decided could handle being out of doors on their own.

Some people should be prohibited from ever owning an animal. The animals don't even treat their own in such a fashion.

Great 'post'.

The Nerd Connection

At 09:20 Blogger Ellen Booraem said...

SAme thing happened to us here in rural Maine years ago--except it was late December, freezing cold--apparently someone didnt' like their chrismas present. The cat was six weeks old and apparently had been let out of the car near a few houses that looked friendly. My man had to climb a small spruce tree beside the road, where she sat and yowled.

We had her sixteen years, and her original owners missed out on a wonderful cat. Sometimes people are a real head-scratcher.

At 09:24 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same day, we found a stray cat (neutered male, so has obviously been a pet), friendly, hungry, not chipped, no collar, a bit scruffy in our urban garden. We are well up to capacity on cats, so he went to Rescue (a kind adopter collected a day early so they had room). There have been no posters up, and the local vet had not had any cat of that description repoted missing. In our area its hard to believe he could have strayed far by himself - too many busy roads - so may well have been dumped. He calmed right down as soon as he was with competant cat-people; even went in the carrier with no fuss. Hope he does well too.
Lena, Lancaster UK.

At 09:30 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a kitten a few months ago from a lovely, caring lady in town who lives near a large field. She found the poor little guy starved and so dehydrated he drank 3 whole bowls of water. She had to find him a home as she already had taken in 3 cats and 3 dogs, ALL found in the same field. The city limits us to 3 of each animal. I love my little Jin-Jin, he is the best cat and I am so happy to have him, but he never should have been out there. This was, by the way, January in Winnipeg where it is regularly -40C or colder, with nasty winds and loads of snow. My other lovely was from a friend whose cat had kittens, and the two of them get along happily now.
Moar kitteh

At 09:45 Anonymous Allie Gator said...

Very sweet, snuggly and snorglie kitty - you'll have fun Joan!

At 09:57 Anonymous ColdForged said...

Too bad the mouth-breathing dolts responsible are probably illiterate. Or if not completely illiterate they're dense enough to miss the sarcasm, thinking "well good, I _did_ do the right thing."

She looks like a sweetie, glad she found a kind soul.

At 10:46 Anonymous Jennifer in Denver said...

People suck. Luckily there are wonderful people like you in the world! Too bad anyone cruel and stupid enough to dump a cat isn't capable of recognizing the sarcasm in your deliciously pointed post. :D

At 10:49 Blogger Kerrie said...

I have friends who live out in the country, and they say people boot cats out to live on their own several times a month in the summer, and even occasionally in the winter. My neighbors on one side took in a dog that had been pushed out of a moving vehicle right outside of our apartment complex (wish I could have gotten that license plate number!), and my neighbors on the other side took in a cat that had been dumped at another apartment complex. I have 2 cats I adopted 9 years ago from the shelter. It's a horrible truth that people will just dump animals, and it's a wonderful truth that there are people who will take them in and get loving furry family members. I just wish more people would be responsible and would spay and neuter their furry family members, and I definitely wish people would make more of an effort to find loving homes for their furry family members if their circumstances change. I know several vets who would be happy to help find new homes for pets, and they won't look down on the people needing to find a home for their pets, and they won't ask for a fee or a donation. All they ask is that people don't abandon their pets.

At 11:00 Anonymous The Octopus Gallery said...

I recently acquired a kitty guest in much the same manner. He's about 4 pounds underweight, but gaining fast with regular food. His gorgeous black coat is no longer full of dander and grossness. I'm hoping to be able to slowly introduce him to my rescue dog (she's a bit prey-drivey so it'll be a process) since I have a feeling he'll be sticking around. It's hard to adopt out a six year old black cat even if he's the sweetest thing in the world, especially in an area where the shelters are adopting out adult cats for free just to free up space. But hey, at least he got found.

At 11:03 Blogger Ellen Booraem said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:13 Blogger Tracy Lynn said...

I am grateful she found a home with your Boss. I have never understood people who give up their pets, much less those who abandon them to the wild.
My cats are both rescued, and I can't imagine a life without them. Well done, you.

At 11:20 Blogger D said...

I'm so happy you found this poor little soul...some kitties just know where they can find a helping hand! My mom currently is taking care of 10 cats because they all seem to find her when they need her most. We need more people like you on this Earth!

Also...people suck.

At 11:27 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And then, some people just want kittens and abandon their live toy when it ceases to please (I had a ex like that. Good thing he is an ex. He left and I inherited the cat that had had the misfortune to grow up.)

At 12:10 Blogger Rubius said...

Just poked my head in here for a quick moment. Excellent rant Lorraine. Well said.

Lamie, my little city-found stray is doing fine. I took her on a trip to the island to visit my parents last long weekend and she did just fine. She is always spooked at being outside in the daylight but happy to go outside at night. One night she lead me on a trip round the perimeter of the yard, pausing to come back to me when I growled that the bridge to the back forest was off limits, chasing bugs in the wood-shed and staying near me as we walked in the dark or coming back after a few calls of her name. She stopped just shy of going on a perfect perimeter, just before we heard large animals crashing through the forest on the other side of the house. After coming back inside to get a flashlight (it was pitch black out) I let her out a second time and she was much happier, running instead of slinking, and she went straight to the bridge and right into the back forest (think big forest, little city cat). I followed with my flashlight and she just kept going, like she knew her way. She went to the grave of my previous cat, Shadow, and hung out a bit before deciding to go further. At one point I started thinking 'Cougars, there are cougars in this neighbourhood' and she soon stopped. I picked her up and turned off the flashlight to show her how far we had gone into the jet black forest, no lights to be seen. Just as I had hold of her something large moved in the bushes just off the trail. I decided she had won the bet and had gone further than I had ever expected my little city kitty to go and that it was time to turn around and take her in before she became a tasty mouthful. She is one brave cat and I love her to bits.

I am pretty sure it was just the deer we heard crashing through the undergrowth those two times, but I was very grateful my cat was close to me when we heard them.

At 13:14 Anonymous maqart said...

Oh, this made me weep...But just when I was ready to sign off on the human race for abusing its animals so badly, I thought again about you. Just you, saving cats, loving them, making up for all the foulth that ignorant cruel people create. Thank you thank you thank you. And my rescued semi-leopard Sylvie, who looks a little like this kitty girl, thanks you too.

At 13:25 Anonymous Riaknits said...

THANK you!!! It's so disgusting to me how so many people use the economy as an excuse to forget their commitment to their pets. Not to mention the callous ways people 'dispose' of them. I live in NYC where people throw kittens away in their trash. It's an affront to people to call theses monsters people.

At 13:34 Blogger hope said...

I strongly recommend the Richard Brautigan story, "The Good Work of Chickens." You will be soothed.
I am sitting in my kitchen, with eight critters in the house. All dumped, all rescued.
The folks who feel that our FabLo has rushed to judgement might possibly not have lived in a place where irresponsible wastes-of-resources regularly shuck their inconvenient pets. The ratio of dumped/lost in my area is about 200 to one.

At 14:22 Blogger Diane said...

(waving at you from Ireland) This is exactly how we acquired the much-missed Mr. Squeak, who left us this spring at the age of eighteen or so.

Someone dumped him near us, miles out in the country, apparently because he didn't come up to the breed standard (he was a Norwegian forest cat). He turned up on our doorstep one morning and recited his CV (I'd never been yodeled at by a cat before...). There was nothing we could do but make him welcome... and wonder what the HECK was wrong with the people who'd chucked him out of their car.

Anyway, remote thanks for taking in this obviously deserving puss. Best! -- Diane

At 14:24 Blogger spacedlaw said...

One of my Norwegian Forest Cats yodels too.

At 14:34 Blogger KathM said...

I would like to recommend Derby as Kitty's name.

At 21:58 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is especially craptastic because i just found a dog in the park on friday. Underweight, matted hair, filthy and all sweetness and love. this is the same park where i have found cats and kittens (in one instance watched as they were dumped).

I'm hoping she's just lost (not likely). My apartment is getting full and people continue to be stupid. Best part is that i'm allergic to all my new friends.

At 22:31 Anonymous Anonymous said...

After spending a harrowing 4 days/5 nights with my own rescue kitty Maxie Cat AWOL, I just cried when I read this. I just about went out of my mind and turned out he was only 4 houses away. All the houses look the same from the back and he couldn't figure out which one was his, even with me calling him. I think he was too afraid to come out during the day when all of the other "outdoor" kitties were around. It wasn't until I went out after midnight and called that he started to answer, and even then he had gotten so "wild" again he wouldn't come to me. It took 5 hours of calling to finally get him in the house. I'm really thankful for the neighbor who let me know where Maxie was!

At 22:34 Blogger Roara said...

My beloved cat of some 15 + years was dumped on our ranch when I was a kid. Poor thing was flea ridden and sitting in the rain. Shw jumped into dewberry bushes and caught in the brambles long enough for us to collect her. It was december. She was a berman with dark points but a whit splash across her nose in the profile of a unicorn. She spent the first night curled op on the back of my neck. She used to play with my gold loop earings and she was such a personality. When she got older she was very queenly. She makes me hope rainbow bridge is a real place.

At 08:43 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a dog that was dumped last year at 5 mo. old. Put posters up, called shelter, vet offices and posted on Petfinder and no one claimed him. We also live in the country. We already had 3 adopted dogs. What if we could not have afforded him? Do these idiots think that people in the country have unlimited funds. What are we going to do when they dump off the next one because they won't spend a few bucks to get their animals spayed?

At 08:43 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a dog that was dumped last year at 5 mo. old. Put posters up, called shelter, vet offices and posted on Petfinder and no one claimed him. We also live in the country. We already had 3 adopted dogs. What if we could not have afforded him? Do these idiots think that people in the country have unlimited funds. What are we going to do when they dump off the next one because they won't spend a few bucks to get their animals spayed?

At 16:27 Anonymous Melanie said...

My precious kitties are all strays. My last one, now named Pie, was found in the bushes and trees next to my house where she had been thrown out of a car into the brush. She was covered in fleas and her own urine and scared to death. There are some very cruel people in this world.
She is now spoiled rotten along with my other animals and is very happy. Although, she is still a big scardey cat! Who could blame her!

At 00:21 Blogger Chantrelle said...

On a non-kitty-related note..i *am* skating tomorrow dammit. I have one friend who says she's going, hope she doesn't bail on me, I want to SKATE!

At 00:22 Blogger Chantrelle said...

i don't have this post tick-boxed? No wonder my inbox is quiet.

Checked now.

At 00:44 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I just noticed the oddest hint at the top of my that Fiends will appreciate.

"You can make a lovely hat out of previously-used aluminum foil."

Really, it should have had a rider, that said hat shouldn't be worn in thunderstorms, don't you think?

At 07:17 Blogger Sharon Creech said...

Okay, so now the aluminum hat has me laffing. . .

At 20:41 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Not skating *again* tonight. The one friend who could go can't make it now.


At 14:52 Blogger Cecily said...

One day we will name a cat either General Tso or Kung Pow, my husband is very keen on this.

At 06:52 Blogger vampi said...

hahaha cecily, that made me giggle.

when i am in a place to have animals, they will be rescues.

At 09:42 Blogger Na said...

blessings and hugs to you, Bridget.

Sally - that's an inspired ad!

sure can't disagree with much here. the post got me all riled up while reading. i confess there was a moment in the middle somewhere when i had a thought similar to Tony and Anon's as well, but then i remembered, yes, this kind of thing happens a lot, tho' it's painful to believe people behave so; i've heard the tale before from people i know who work in rescue, and from you, Fablor, and now from other comments here.

love and scritches to the happy bedraggled kitteh.

At 16:34 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Hallo everyone, just stopping by for three seconds. :)

At 22:10 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Hallo again! Okay, time to sleep. I'm overtired, I think. Soooooooooo much library. WORKING, not just hanging out.

At 22:02 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hello, Darlings. I really need to do a new post, don't I?? Was hoping the Leopard Lounge would get done last week, but it got rained all out... Soon, I will write something.

Just got back from a Derby Weekend and went straight to practice. Got new bearings that are VERY FREAKY FAST and spent tonight re-learning to skate. A painful process, but I am going to be SO FAST.

Once I learn.

Ow. Bed. Ow.

At 15:20 Blogger Cecily said...


At 15:52 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New Post is UP! With video of the Leopard Lounge!

At 15:34 Anonymous Nadia said...

Excellent, this should be posted everywhere. Or better yet made into a commercial. The carelessness of some people is infuriating.

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