Friday, September 23, 2011

First Bout, and the Next....

I haven't been blogging like I should, very naughty of me indeed, but things are moving kind of fast just now, and I do keep meaning to, so now that I have a night with NOTHING to do (except pack, and get ready for a Bout tomorrow) we'll give it a go!

I skated in my first Bout last Saturday, which you may have heard about on FB and Twitter. What I didn't, couldn't, say there is how much that changes EVERYTHING. You learn more in one Bout than you do in any number of practices, tho I will say, you couldn't skate IN a Bout with out what you learn in practice.

My first few jams were pretty un-impressive, with my brain on a loop of "What the heck am I meant to be DOING out here?" Felt pretty stupid. But them, something changed. The dragons woke up, the beast came out. Big time. A bit of advice came back to me that I'd gotten from my teammates, which was: Just go out there and HIT. If they're watching ME, and trying to stop ME, their minds aren't on the jammer.......

I could go on about the strategy of the game, but this isn't that sort of blog, it's going in another direction.

Which is this: I've got another Bout tomorrow, an away one. A road trip with my Derby Sisters. I'm going to do it again. And I'm going to do it BETTER this time. Because I am full on into this League and my team and I love it more than anything I've ever done.

No limits, people.

A year ago I was 260 pounds, couldn't make it up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. I'm 48 years old, which is pretty much high end for this sport. But I'm doing it, I passed my skills test. I GOT THIS. I'm doing this.

My asset to this team may not be as a Star Skater, or it may be, I don't really know how good I can get. We have some amazing girls on the team and coming up but I know I am taking this as far as I can take it, and I am really, really proud to be a part of a team that puts THAT as what is important.

Because that IS what's important.

As far as you can.

Doesn't matter how old you are, doesn't matter how not FIT you are, doesn't matter what it is you want to do, what matters is simply this:

No limits. Go do it. DO IT NOW!

I love my Derby Sisters more than I've loved almost anything in my entire life. I would do anything for any of them, at any time, in part, because, every one of them believes in me, that I can do this. (the other part would be that they are the coolest damm women going) It's like the best band you've ever been in times ten. Like family without the irritating parts.

And I believe in you.

YOU are the coolest thing going. Kid you not. You can do this.

No limits. Do this now. Whatever it is.

Love and that's my wisdom for tonight,

(all photos by the AMAZING Kyle Cassidy!!!)

Edit to add:

This just came out, an hour after I posted this. Do you believe me now? Yes, you too can be a Zombie on a Derby Poster!!


At 20:18 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are truly fabulous. Thank you for sharing it!


At 20:33 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Working on it, slowly...

In a week it will be one year since I got a new knee. I spent most of this week in LA, with friends, and while I still have mobility limitations I got around a lot better than I have for quite some time.

And I got to see Vampi!! She drove me all over to show me the place!

At 20:35 Blogger Chantrelle said...

All I can say is *hugs* all around. So hugely proud of you and completely in awe.


At 20:51 Blogger Fluffy said...


At 20:55 Blogger Jean said...

You are an inspiration to this 55-year-old aspiring martial artist who sometimes thinks she should be acting her age. Wait! She is!

At 21:15 Blogger Dragonsally said...

I have been waiting for this post...because I've my disabilities I am skating vicariously through you and loving every minute of the journey.

So proud of you and everyone else on their journeys. DG - Happy Insertion day to your knee.

I really don't need to say "Have a blast on your road trip" because you will.

Rock On Quiche Medeadly.

At 21:35 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh my oh my!! Edited the post and added a photo!!!

At 21:47 Blogger Mary Gaughan said...

Thank you for the inspiration! You are a hero.

At 21:47 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Jeez, when I saw you in NOLA, I would have sworn that you were a lot younger and fitter, maybe in your thirties. You are even more well preserved than a mummy.

Although, I am now date-esquing a 22-year-old girl I thought was a lot older, so I might just be going crazy.

Maybe you are just some sort of inspiring amazon.

At 21:58 Blogger Dragonsally said...

You make a wonderful zombie to QuicheMedeadly!

At 22:02 Blogger Beez said...

Zombie Derby Queen!

At 22:13 Anonymous Werefrog said...

Yay yay yay yay!!!

*happy dance*

I love that you are doing this and sharing it with us.

At 22:28 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 22:28 Blogger vampi said...

i LOVE derby posts! the joy in your writing is infectious.

correction, i got lost several time but Vincent the gps saved us. i'm out of practice on my la star tours. more of you need to visit, hint hint!

At 22:57 Blogger Jane said...

Just goes to show - you can do anything!

At 22:57 Blogger Jane said...

and tick

At 23:44 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Whoohoo! Zombie derby!
Fabulous fantastic you.

At 03:35 Blogger Marjorie said...

I love how much you love this.
And remain in awe at how much you have achieved

At 06:39 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Fabulous post (but of course)!

You and the Fiends have been such an inspiration to me these last couple of years. Even though I haven't been letting myself feel inspired much lately, you all keep me going in one way or another.

I don't know what my "no limits" thing is yet. Partly because the very thought of "no limits" is still foreign to me, I suppose.

Meanwhile, I've been so attracted to the community that you and others skaters describe. That acceptance and support and atmosphere of growth. I couldn't see myself trying to get into roller derby myself though. Then Maura told me about Derby Lite (Skating for Fun and Fitness for Women Old Enough to Know Better) (btw, I thought you were just a year or two in either direction of my own 42 :) I tried it last spring and loved it. I ended up not skating at all this summer, but fall classes just started last week. I'm doing the beginner's class again, as I'm very, very far from confident (or remotely steady) on skates. But I did so much better at the first class than I expected this time. I'm looking forward to going to the second class in just a couple of hours.

Happy Knee Day, DG!


One Sock Short

At 06:55 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I love you guys! And HARRIET PAIN! Yeah!!!! (Skate Beatch!!!)(That's Derby talk, she knows what I mean;))

It'S Bout Day!!!! And I am SO READY!!!!!!! Two days of DERBY!!!! Three Bouts!!! I am skating in the first one, and I think NSO'ing in the others, not sure about that.

(Non SKating Official, GREAT way to be involved in Derby if you don't want to skate)

Ok, give me LOTS of comments to read on the road, ok? It's some LONG drives and I'll need something to do. (ok, so I won't be bored, but I'd still like some comments!)


At 06:57 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Oh, the perfect song for the day...

Written with zombie cheerleaders in mind, but also excellent for zombie skaters. (Note: this song is very much NOT Marian's Call's style. Which makes it that much funnier.)

At 07:51 Blogger Connie said...

Be sure and keep next June 23rd free so you can do the Zombie run in Indiana with Joan Dark! Of course, that's running FROM zombies, but looks amazing, anyway.

At 08:58 Blogger Laura B said...

You rock! You're such an inspiration to me.(and yes, it has been all eternity since I last commented here...and yes, I used to go by a different name)

At 09:06 Blogger Phiala said...

That is so very cool. It's wonderful when you can find a thing and make it yours.

At 10:07 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

Lorraine, You are such an inspiration to me! Love reading your posts and seeing you skate derby just brings the biggest smile to my face. Picked up a card for Boxing Fitness yesterday and have posted it by my computer. It's nothing I can do yet, but it's certainly something I can work toward when the future seems really unfocused. Thanks for all you do!
Have an awesome bout Quiche Me Deadly!

At 13:28 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Ha. You're ageless. Trust me.

At 13:29 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

And here's an extra comment, because you need more to read. Have fun! Major fun!

At 13:31 Blogger spacedlaw said...

So where is this new bout actually taking place?

At 14:09 Blogger ariandalen said...

Have extra fun today!
Happy Firbday, Emily Li His!

At 14:13 Blogger ariandalen said...

DYAC! That should be "Emily Li Hua"!


At 18:25 Blogger One Sock Short said...

I did the weaving pacelines today!!!

(Skaters in a queue. Last one speeds up to weave between all the others till she becomes first, then slows down to continue setting the pace.)

I sat those out last spring, because I was afraid I'd cause an accident. Unlike Derby Regular (as we Lite-ers call it), my goal has been to not make other skaters fall ;)

At 18:37 Blogger dabbler said...

Obviously the bruises are well worth it! Wonderful to follow this saga.

The inspiration hasn't quite worked to actually get my buns in motion yet...but I haven't given up. At the moment I'm gimping around on a sore knee. Finally got around to making an appt to see what the story is, since my self-treatment attempts haven't had much success.

At 01:41 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And for those of you who are still or already awake, check out the art of Tessa Farmer (tip by John Coulthart)

At 01:43 Blogger spacedlaw said...

And I must say: well done HARRIET!

At 15:53 Blogger Cecily said...

THIS. <3.

At 15:55 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Ariandalen, thank you!

At 10:46 Blogger D said...

Congrats on your first bouts! What an amazing feeling :)

Have you been watching any of the WFTDA regionals? I was watching the west all weekend long, and it was amazing, and totally inspiring!

At 16:58 Anonymous Emily Carding said...

You rock :)

At 08:23 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Chinese lessons for William this morning - my favorite part of his school day.

At 12:44 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Oh ... it seems he's taken a sudden interest in Arabic ... I'll have to consider this carefully ... where to start ... geez ...

At 16:54 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Both languages I'd love to learn LiEm!

At 17:16 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Chinese is entirely familiar to me but I know about three words in Arabic!

At 17:56 Blogger vampi said...

wow knowing either or both will make him extremely desirable for employers. both are huge exploding markets.

At 08:25 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Hi Emily! You might want to look at LiveMocha. It's free, online, and brings together people from all over the world to help each other learn languages.

At 19:05 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

OSS! THERE you are! I've been wondering where you've gone! Well, hello - and thanks. The RI library website has an amazing language-learning resource, but it only offers Levantine Arabic, which is not what my brother wants. LiveMocha looks very cool. Thank you!

At 07:28 Blogger dabbler said...

LiEm, can you explain what Levantine Arabic is and what other branches of Arabic there are? I just realized I was completely ignorant of more than one sort. (Which, of course, is a symptom of Westerner disease...I know there are differences between Englishes, and Spanishes, and French.) Thanks for any light you can shed...

At 07:47 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

I know only a little about Arabic, but Levantine Arabic is a particular dialect of Arabic; there are several others. My experience with Arabic, before I started teaching my brother, was not Levantine-based.

At 14:58 Blogger Clarica said...

Darn, your site is great! Loved the article about therapy, have not had enough but could go on and on about how difficult it is to explain to SOME people that you think, maybe, you need help. ahem.

At 09:53 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And there is, wonder of wonders, gasp!!! A New Post Up!!!

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